View Full Version : A wishing Rock?

Mystic Muse
2009-08-18, 07:36 PM
I'm mainly posing this question because of a preview I saw for a really stupid looking movie. If you had one what would you do with it? If you want you can also make it a moneky's paw or a Genie's lamp.

I'd personally Wish for something small first to make sure the wish didn't come back to bite me and then I'd base my other Wishes off of the result.

2009-08-18, 07:40 PM
Oh, that movie did look terrible. That depends entirely on how many wishes we get.

Mystic Muse
2009-08-18, 07:44 PM
That commercial just reinforces my belief that when and if I have kids I shouldn't have a TV in my house.

we'll go with the classic limit of three wishes. You are allowed any assumptions about the item but those assumptions are not allowed to be confirmed as true except through trial and error. a few more limits.
you can't make somebody fall in love with you.
you can't kill anybody. (you'd be surprised what you can live through though.)
you can't bring anybody back from the dead.
you can't wish for something that would indirectly kill somebody.

Mauve Shirt
2009-08-18, 07:46 PM
I'd wish for none of my wishes to bite me in the ass, then I'd wish for enough money to pay my parents back for college tuition, then I'd wish for the ability to teleport.

Mystic Muse
2009-08-18, 07:52 PM
I'd wish for none of my wishes to bite me in the ass, then I'd wish for enough money to pay my parents back for college tuition, then I'd wish for the ability to teleport.

sweet. Here I go.

first wish would be the same as yours. Second would be having all the abilities of a creature I made up with none of the limits/ (I count the power going to my head as coming back to bite me) and last but not least.......... I don't know. I'd also wish to become one of the best DMs ever.

I didn't involve mass amounts of people in this (I.E. world peace) because it can still come back to bite somebody without coming back to bite me.

2009-08-18, 07:55 PM
As above, wish for infallable wishes or make a small wish to make sure it didn't bite me in the ass.

Then, I'd use specific wording to say "I wish for the following super-powers; pyro-and-cryokineses, teleportation, superhuman reflexes and agility."

Then I'd wish for an unlimited resource that has no negative effect on the environment that's as easy and effective to use and collect as fossil fuels to be discovered.

Mystic Muse
2009-08-18, 07:57 PM
Then I'd wish for an unlimited resource that has no negative effect on the environment that's as easy and effective to use and collect as fossil fuels to be discovered.

dang. wish I'd've thought of this one. hey I just did.:smallbiggrin: wait that was my third wish?:smallfrown:

2009-08-18, 08:00 PM
I think Mauve has the right idea. Although I would go with being admitted to my college and having the money, rather than being able to pay it back.
And perhaps teleportation is thinking too small.

2009-08-18, 08:05 PM
I have a wish which I only need one of written up. I carry a copy of it around with me. Basically, I control time.
I wish to have the ability to control time for this or any other entire universe, as well as any subset or subsets I so desire and share any chosen effects of this time manipulation with any other objects or individuals I so desire, whether this sharing will allow them to act within frozen time, experience time as moving at a different relative rate, or any other effect I can cause through this ability, while neither I nor they suffer any of the negative consequences coupled with such time manipulation in regular physics, with this ability accessed and controlled through my own simple use of imagination and non-strenuous mental effort, and the manipulations of time possible through this ability including but not limited to the following: first, the alteration of my subjective experience of time's flow to be either slower or faster, while I remain moving at my own usual speed from my relative perceptions, with the exact rate of time being exactly as I desire; second, the stopping of all activity by all objects and beings besides myself, except in those cases in which I am sharing the time-stop effect with others, while I and those I share with are still capable of normal action as we would be were time not stopped; third, objective reversal of events while keeping my thoughts and knowledge intact, with the speed and extent of reversal being exactly as I desire; fourth, instantaneous travel to any point in time I choose, whether that travel is objective - that is, bodily travel through time while remaining in the same point in space as relative to the planet I am on, or subjective - that is, mental travel through time to temporarily displace the mind of my self of that time with the mind of my self that initiated the travel, with all my thoughts and knowledge intact and current with when the travel was initiated, as well as gaining all memories gained by the other self in the mean time in cases of subjective travel to the future, and the displaced mind is to be replaced upon my subjective time travel departure; all these time control abilities are to remain available to me even should manipulation in the time stream causes this wish to never be made, or if I travel to a point in time before this wish was made, and I am to be given memories and knowledge of these abilities immediately should any event occur to cause said memories and or knowledge to be lost.

2009-08-18, 08:07 PM
I have a wish which I only need one of written up. I carry a copy of it around with me. Basically, I control time.
I wish to have the ability to control time for this or any other entire universe, as well as any subset or subsets I so desire and share any chosen effects of this time manipulation with any other objects or individuals I so desire, whether this sharing will allow them to act within frozen time, experience time as moving at a different relative rate, or any other effect I can cause through this ability, while neither I nor they suffer any of the negative consequences coupled with such time manipulation in regular physics, with this ability accessed and controlled through my own simple use of imagination and non-strenuous mental effort, and the manipulations of time possible through this ability including but not limited to the following: first, the alteration of my subjective experience of time's flow to be either slower or faster, while I remain moving at my own usual speed from my relative perceptions, with the exact rate of time being exactly as I desire; second, the stopping of all activity by all objects and beings besides myself, except in those cases in which I am sharing the time-stop effect with others, while I and those I share with are still capable of normal action as we would be were time not stopped; third, objective reversal of events while keeping my thoughts and knowledge intact, with the speed and extent of reversal being exactly as I desire; fourth, instantaneous travel to any point in time I choose, whether that travel is objective - that is, bodily travel through time while remaining in the same point in space as relative to the planet I am on, or subjective - that is, mental travel through time to temporarily displace the mind of my self of that time with the mind of my self that initiated the travel, with all my thoughts and knowledge intact and current with when the travel was initiated, as well as gaining all memories gained by the other self in the mean time in cases of subjective travel to the future, and the displaced mind is to be replaced upon my subjective time travel departure; all these time control abilities are to remain available to me even should manipulation in the time stream causes this wish to never be made, or if I travel to a point in time before this wish was made, and I am to be given memories and knowledge of these abilities immediately should any event occur to cause said memories and or knowledge to be lost.

Are you a lawyer, by any chance?

2009-08-18, 08:07 PM
My plan has always been to write up a race of beings with a laundry list of powers and wish to become one.

Simple, easy, and leaves me with two more wishes.

Mystic Muse
2009-08-18, 08:09 PM
I have a wish which I only need one of written up. I carry a copy of it around with me. Basically, I control time.
I wish to have the ability to control time for this or any other entire universe, as well as any subset or subsets I so desire and share any chosen effects of this time manipulation with any other objects or individuals I so desire, whether this sharing will allow them to act within frozen time, experience time as moving at a different relative rate, or any other effect I can cause through this ability, while neither I nor they suffer any of the negative consequences coupled with such time manipulation in regular physics, with this ability accessed and controlled through my own simple use of imagination and non-strenuous mental effort, and the manipulations of time possible through this ability including but not limited to the following: first, the alteration of my subjective experience of time's flow to be either slower or faster, while I remain moving at my own usual speed from my relative perceptions, with the exact rate of time being exactly as I desire; second, the stopping of all activity by all objects and beings besides myself, except in those cases in which I am sharing the time-stop effect with others, while I and those I share with are still capable of normal action as we would be were time not stopped; third, objective reversal of events while keeping my thoughts and knowledge intact, with the speed and extent of reversal being exactly as I desire; fourth, instantaneous travel to any point in time I choose, whether that travel is objective - that is, bodily travel through time while remaining in the same point in space as relative to the planet I am on, or subjective - that is, mental travel through time to temporarily displace the mind of my self of that time with the mind of my self that initiated the travel, with all my thoughts and knowledge intact and current with when the travel was initiated, as well as gaining all memories gained by the other self in the mean time in cases of subjective travel to the future, and the displaced mind is to be replaced upon my subjective time travel departure; all these time control abilities are to remain available to me even should manipulation in the time stream causes this wish to never be made, or if I travel to a point in time before this wish was made, and I am to be given memories and knowledge of these abilities immediately should any event occur to cause said memories and or knowledge to be lost.

pretty awesome wish and you still have 2 more.

let's hope Jalor's dream isn't to be an evil overlord,:smalleek: an ability like this and he could pull it off.

Innis Cabal
2009-08-18, 08:11 PM
First Wish: No one elses wishs work but mine.

Second Wish: Every time I die, I get reborn in another world based on fantasy. Forever.

Third Wish: Every time I die, that world goes down with me.

2009-08-18, 08:12 PM
Are you a lawyer, by any chance?

No, that's from the Open Source Wish subforum of Home on The Strange


Wouldn't it be simpler to work up one for omnipotence?

EDIT: Dang Innis, that's really evil.

But, the 2nd part has some good ideas.

1st: I wish that no wishes can ever be used to harm people or to undo this wish.
2nd: I wish to have the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, usable with just a thought and completely under control.
3rd: Innis's second wish, with the addition that I would know I had past lives, and having the ability to remember of forget them.

2009-08-18, 10:24 PM
I'm mainly posing this question because of a preview I saw for a really stupid looking movie. If you had one what would you do with it? If you want you can also make it a moneky's paw or a Genie's lamp.

I'd personally Wish for something small first to make sure the wish didn't come back to bite me and then I'd base my other Wishes off of the result.

Wish for ultimate arcane power, of permanent duration, with no ill effects or side effects or wish twisting whatsoever.


Brian P.

2009-08-18, 10:28 PM
1st wish: that all wishes are for weal, not woe.
2nd wish: actual wish.
3rd wish: wish-granter will not bring trouble to me, my world, my people, my descendants, or my friends ever again.

That's the rough framework.

I'm still working on the legalese, actually.

I'm having a bit of a toss-up between having a save state feature with a cache of super powers or land, the only thing that lasts.

2009-08-18, 10:36 PM
Can't say.

I mean, I know what I would wish for, but I can't say.

2009-08-18, 10:39 PM
First wish and second wish: The first and second wishes established by Mauve Shirt
Third wish: the ability to travel through time using mental time travel.

wish that the rock/lamp/monkey's paw was destroyed without anyone being harmed in the process.

2009-08-19, 12:05 AM
1. A set of clothing that will re size/clean/repair/change it self for me.
2. A mug of any liquid (No it does not make gold)
3. To be able to speak any language that ever was is or will be.

Mystic Muse
2009-08-19, 12:17 AM
oh and after the first thirty posts let make a list of all the ways these wishes could go horribly horribly wrong. Unless that's not fun for you guys like it is for me.

Innis Cabal
2009-08-19, 12:23 AM
Dang Innis, that's really evil.

But, the 2nd part has some good ideas.

1st: I wish that no wishes can ever be used to harm people or to undo this wish.
2nd: I wish to have the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, usable with just a thought and completely under control.
3rd: Innis's second wish, with the addition that I would know I had past lives, and having the ability to remember of forget them.

Hey. Counter Wish's are bad news. So long as I got mine off before most other peoples...well i'm made in the shade.

2009-08-19, 12:24 AM
1. A mecha, a super robot complete with all the unrealistic size and abilities

2. Science not biting me in the ass for said mecha

3. A soda, because fighting the inevitable aliens would make me thirsty.

2009-08-19, 01:19 AM
Time Control, as stated above.


The unlimited energy resource sounds cool too. Then I can travel fifty years ahead in time and be a hero.

Innis Cabal
2009-08-19, 01:21 AM
The unlimited energy resource sounds cool too. Then I can travel fifty years ahead in time and be a hero.

50 :smallconfused: Travel 5 and be rich beyond your wildest dreams. And a hero

Mystic Muse
2009-08-19, 02:01 AM
Time Control, as stated above.


The unlimited energy resource sounds cool too. Then I can travel fifty years ahead in time and be a hero.

you may also want eternal youth. Immortality doesn't do you much good when you're just a fleshy pile of goo.

2009-08-19, 04:31 AM
1. I wish for absolute and total immortality. The universe may collapse but will survive it. Sitting in a sun? Nothing problematic...
2. I wish that I can't feel pain.
3. My mind and body should be fully under my control, like a harddrive.

Ashen Lilies
2009-08-19, 04:49 AM
1. Wish for infallible wishing.
2. Wish for omnipotence, including knowledge of how to utilize said omnipotence.
3. I now fulfill my all my own wishes. However, if I must make a third wish, I would wish for the genie or whatever to not grant anyone else wishes. Either that, or an ice-cream sundae.

2009-08-19, 10:15 AM
My first wish would be for the most helpful wish possible for my well being/power become apparent to me. My second would be to wish for the answer to my first, and my third wish would be for cheese.....lots and lots of cheese