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2009-08-20, 02:34 AM
It’s been two months since the event. Two months since the chaos, since the death, since the change. When you look up into the bright summer sky, at the bright blue specked with puffy white clouds, you can almost imagine that everything is the way it used to be, almost. The noise is wrong, the growls of cars, the music of stereos, the constant electronic background buzz is gone. Replaced with something else, the grunts of laboring men and women the clangs of hammer blows the soft shunk or shovels biting into the soft dirt, all the sounds of the long painful birth of the Wall.

The wall means allot of things to a lot of people. Pain and loss too those who have to wall off their former homes. Tyranny and oppression to those who chafe at the Moff’s food redistribution and rations for work policy. Most importantly it means safety. Safety from the raiders, safety from the starvation the raiders will bring, safety from the dark things that prowl outside at the edges of town at night, away from the light of civilization.

Almost 7,000 backs bend at the wall adding their own sweat and pain to the birth of Tenson’s promised safety. Thousands labor and worry. Worry that they won’t be finished in time for the Harvest. The Harvest conjures mixed emotions. It means more hard labor, and what’s worse hard labor outside of the Wall and the Fence, but it also means a cessation of labor and an end to the tyrannical food redistribution.

For most of the people working the Wall, it’s just another day, much like yesterday and probably the same as tomorrow. For a handful it marks the start of something new…

Martin Riley
Things have been easy on Martin. While most of the poor schlubs are out working the Wall he can stay in town working on his routine and honing his new skills. Without the distracting light of televisions sets or movie theatres a magician finds it easier to fill seats. Normally he’d be raking in money, but what good is money when most of the things that you need can’t be gotten for any price? Instead his viewers pay for their seats in extra ration coupons earned working on the wall.

Martin’s in the middle of enjoying a breakfast at Century Dinner, the only greasy spoon operating this side of the wall when a small kid walks through the door. He scans the near empty room before walking up to Martin. “I say your show last night, you we’re great. I tried saying my sister in half last night but my parents stopped me.” He reaches in a pants pocket and produces a note, which he ands to Martin. “It’s from the Lizard.” A tough of awe enters the boy’s voice. He waits, expecting a gratuity.

The note reads: “Lunch is on me, I’ve got a proposal for you. I need something found and you strike me as the kind of guy that’s good at sort of thing. Noonish at Casa Feista, if you please.” Signed Dave Como

Brandon Anderson
Brandon walks towards the edge of Fredsboro, a pack full of dried venison on his back. Game is getting more scare around here with all the hunting, but with all the grain lying around after the harvest, things should bounce back pretty well. He gets up to the point where he normally hoped the fence to into Fredsboro, he lets out a groan. The work on the Wall has already passed it, and the thirty foot bulwark isn’t going to be so easy to scale. He’ll have to find another way to sneak in or go through the main gates. The gates are going to be crawling with the Bully Boys, and the food they confiscate has a tendency or never making it to redistribution.

Omar Karim
Omar wakes with the sound of sizzling in his ears and the fragrance of cooking meet in his nostrils. Still bleary from sleep he rushes down stairs fearing some sort of fire. Rather than a raging inferno he is greeted by the sight of Karim standing on a stool cooking bacon over a propane burner. Seeing Omar awake he turns, “Don’t look so shocked, it’s turkey. Sleep well?”

Luke Bernoulli
Another day on the Wall. The heat seems to get to most people, but not Luke, not since the change even in his hoody the summer sun doesn’t even make him sweat. At least the company is good. Ryan and Andrew work the wall next to him, both fellow rockers they spend most of their time not digging or hauling bricks talking shop. They’re both pretty cool, both of them room with the Wiz and “professional package handlers” at FedEx before the change.

Luke’s not made for this heavy lifting stuff, but Ryan and Andrew usually pick up his slack. Getting people to listen to his music has been easy, actually getting them to pay has been harder. Most of his fellow metal heads don’t have much, so Luke works the Wall in order to get some of the Moff’s damned ration coupons.

While taking a short breather Ryan pauses, “That reminds me, Dave wanted me to give this to you. He said you should show it to the shift manager.” He reaches in his pocket and produces a note, written in what Luke assumes to be the Lizard’s handwriting. It reads: “Hey Ryan and Andrew told me they work the wall with you. I saw you play the other night and thought you might like some work with better pay. Meet me for lunch at Casa Fiesta. If the shift manager gives you any **** tell him I okayed it with the Moff, and he can take it up with him.”

Veronica Marcel & Craigue LeCapre
Reverend Smith has asked both of you to help her deliver food to some of her housebound congregation. It’s weird because usually she has a runner do it, and it’s a task that doesn’t need two people let alone three. She smiles as you arrive but it becomes clear that she has something on her mind as you go from house to house. She finally decides that the time is right, “Do either of you have plans for tonight? Something has come up that I think I need your help with. Do either of you know anything about Indian Hills?” (DC 5 Knowledge (local) or DC 15 int check to see if you can remember anything.)

Sophie Black & John Christenson
It’s early but John is already at the forge, trying to get work done before the summer sum makes the heat unbearable. Dave Como saunters in, not bothering to knock. His eyes look tired, and despite not having any hair he manages to look like he has bed head. His shirt of the day reads “F@*k Censorship”. “Hey John. I know you’re busy but I’ve for a couple of questions for you. First off is how long would it take you to make 200 spears and is there any way you could get them made discreet like? Before you ask, it’s for the project. Also is Sophie around?”

Rahn Irfan
Rahn’s working in the greenhouse early in the morning, it’s still fairly dark but there is more than enough room for him to see. Many of the plants are just opening up and a light covering of dew makes everything glisten. It’s these quiet peaceful moments that make the gardening so fulfilling. But such things never last; the troubles of the day always encroach. Today is no different, Rahn can hear the intrusion walking up the gravel path before it arrives and puts down his watering can with a sigh. A nock comes at the door, rattling the window panes, Rhan turns to see a figure in the distinctive leather of the Bully Boys. The figure knocks again before clearing some condensation off the window and leaning closer, squinting in vain to see.

Erik Embers
Today is the day. The day he confronts the Moff. After days of “The mayor is a busy man…” and “He’s currently in a meeting…” Erik finally has his shot. He walked past the water fountain turned horse trough and into the Village Hall fully expecting to be kept waiting in for at least a few hours before seeing the Moff. Instead he was there less than a minute before a burly male secretary ushered him in with a “Mayor Tenson will see you now.”

Mayor Tenson is a slightly built man with a pinched tiered looking face. He sits behind Spartan desk in an even more Spartan office, reading some official looking paper. “Have a seat.” The Moff points to an uncomfortable looking chair, sets down the paper, rubs his eyes and lets out a sigh. “Erik, my secretary tells me that you’ve been very persistent. What’s all this about then?”


Martin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=28515)- Hereticnox

Brandon Anderson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146053)-Expirement10k14

Omar Karim (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146107)-Connington

Luke Bernoulli (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146212)-Mangles

Veronica Marcel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146241)-tonberryking

Amber Torres (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146521)-Kazaran (Returning on the 30th)

John Christenson (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=28948)-Banki

Rahn Irfan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=147163)-Zephyros

Craigue LeCapre (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7002)-Walkabout

Sophie Black-Lonna (Still needs charcter sheet.)

Erik Embers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=148043)- questionmark

2009-08-20, 03:09 AM
"I've slept better. Dreamed of the old days. And yes brother, I know it's turkey. My nose stills works ya' know."

He sat down and enjoyed the meal, drinking some tepid water with it. Ah for the days when you could grab a cold drink out of the fridge! Still, it wasn't a bad breakfast. and he discussed the day's plans with his brother. "The Chief's got me patrolling around the town, watching for anything that would threaten the builders. I suppose he's hoping I'll just magically stumble into them in time to be of a difference. What about yYou?"

"Going to help Anna Wilders fix the leaks on her roof, then put in some time at the nursery." said Hakim. Omar brought in enough ration tickets, and being an imam would probably cover the gaps with some donations, but he insisted on being useful, filling in on odd jobs.

"Sounds great. Just make sure they don't mistake you for one of the kids." Omar said, taking a cheap crack at Hakim's noticeable lack of height. He donned his leather armor, slipped on the blue teeshirt, and grabbed a bag with lunch in it. He jogged out to the Wall, giving a short wave, and settled into a patrol of the area, intending to circle around the city.

2009-08-20, 07:26 AM
"Thanks Ryan, but I could have used this an hour ago to get out of work today. Wonder if I can still convince them to pay me anyway. Probably not, either way I'm hitting up the Lizard for a meal."

Luke heads off looking for the shift manager. The guys a cheap prick and everyone knows it. Probably why he got the job. "Hey, I have to head off early from my shift. The Moff sent word for me, some special project for the wizard. Says I need to collect my wage for today and head off. Here's the note."

Luke holds up the note, only handing it over when asked for it specifically. With the eventual permission of his shift manager and without any extra ration coupons he heads over to the Casa Feista grabbing his bass on the way. As he is a little early he waits outside taking off his hat carefully to make sure his hood is drawn, puts it on the ground in front of him and starts to play a tune.

2009-08-20, 09:42 AM
"Hey Dave, 200 spears huh? It could take a while depending on a few things, and if you want them discreet it would probably take even longer." John says, straightening up from the forge and wiping sweat off his brow. "I'd say give me a week to two weeks, since I'll have to put in my normal time at The Works. If it's imperative you need them sooner I might be able to get them done in a week, but that'll rise the price up. Even I need some sleep." John gets a faraway look in his eyes as he is calculating the price, "I'd say it'd cost you 18 Ration Coupons for normal delivery, 38 for within the week. Or you could put in an honest days work and power up my genny for me, stead of hangin about your little library all day." John says the last with a smile, obviously teasing him in a good-natured way.

"And yea, check the stables out back, I think Sophies there"

2009-08-20, 12:25 PM
Veronica stirs, trying to read the reverend's desire. The tiger lady (as she's come to be known nearly exclusively as) flits an ear about, seeming indifferent to the chore she's helped with or even the question.

"No ma'am, I don't have anything planned. Schedule's open like an old Friday night.
Int check

"What's the job? More to the point, why's it a job that needs either of our involvement?"

She stands alert, or walks slowly depending if they still have a place to go, the instinct of a solider superseding her otherwise informal relationship with the Methodist.

2009-08-20, 02:20 PM
Erik was completely ablaze with excitement, even more so than usual. A vagabond, lopsided smile was plastered across his face, and his vivid nature (combined with his hair) wreaked havok on the gravity of the office. He paced over to the Moff's offered chair and lounged in it, his riculously lazy posture again totaly contrasting with the room's atmosphere.

"What's this all about? Maybe you can explain."

As he said this, he reached into a pocket of his jacket and whipped out an old polaroid photo, taken only a week before the Change, of a slight, pale girl with short black hair. With a deft flick of his hand he slammed the photo onto the desk, facing the moff so he could more easily see the figure in the photo.

"This's Sara Blaze, a friend a' mine who dissapeared...two weeks ago now. Since then I've been searchin' like a madman, following rumors, scouring information records when I can find them. Funny thing is," here he perused the Moff's face, looking for a reaction.
"Everything I learned led to the Bully Boys. And, from that, to you. So," he tapped the photo, "What can you tell me about her?"

Then he relaxed even more, and obviosly became much less serious. "Or if this's all been a wild goose chase, could I at least get ya to put some pictures on milk cartons or something?"

2009-08-20, 02:24 PM
The trip to the Wall is uneventful. The rest of the day promises to be unexciting. Few creatures an even fewer people are willing to attack large groups of people in broad day light, but what the Moff wants done gets done. ((Make a spot check as to whether Omar notices anything unusual. ))

The music pours out of Luke's fingers but his hat remains unfilled. It's still early and foot traffic is light. A few people stop but their mostly kids running messages back and forth across town. ((You're a little ahead of everyone else, so it'll be a bit. You can make a preform check to see if you can fill your hat.))

John & Sohpie
Dave makes a hurt look. "'an honest day's work'? John you wound me, I thought you knew me better than that. I've never done an honest day's work in my life. There's no point starting now." Dave beams back, his smile full of pointed teeth. "18 and 38? Sounds about right. I'm not placing an order yet, Dan asked me to ask so he can give the House a proposal. So the order could come in sometime between tomorrow and never." He takes a seat, apparently willing to watch John work. "I don't want to wake her, and I'm in no hurry I don't have anywhere to be until noon. So, how's the tobacco crop coming?" The words seem to trigger something and he reaches in his pocket, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and offers John one before lighting his own.

Veronica & Craigue
((A natural twenty? Cheater. :smallbiggrin: Indian Hills is/was the wealthy part of town, prior to the change. It was one of the sections that didn't make the cut and was left outside the wall. This section of Illinois is exceptionally flat, but the richer types built their own hills to live on. At least one of those man made hills is a lot older than Fredsboro. Rumor has it that Indian Hills was at one point actually a series of Indian burial mounds. More recently there have been scattered reports of strangeness in the area.))

Reverend Smith walks slowly towards the church, a large brick building that looks to be equal parts fortress, hospital and church. "As you may or may not know, there have been a couple disappearances in the area. I think it might have something to do with the old burial grounds, the spirits there have been upset by the desecration and, with the change I think they might be able to do something about it. The rest of the Counsel thinks the same way I do, but they want to consecrate the entire area and cast out whatever spirits are there, digging up graves if they have to. I want to be able to appease the spirits and leave the hole place alone, but I can't even say as much to the Counsel without seeming 'Unchristian'." She sighs, stopping walking completely. "I think I can stop the Counsel from taking any concrete action for a while, but unless the disappearances stop the whole place is going to be ransacked. I don't want to ask this from you because it might be dangerous but do you two think you could investigate?"

The Moff visibly sneers at Erik's attitude but composes himself. He picks up the picture. "I have seen this girl before. So you're the one that was brawling with the Lizard's would be apprentice? I'm sorry but I can't help you." He pauses, hoping the words will shake Erik out of his lackadaisical attitude. "As you know, the effort of stopping you two was quite a strain. A couple of men from the expanded police force took her over to the Methodist church for treatment. A girl of her talents could prove useful, as soon as I heard about the altercation I sent a couple of men over too recruit her. Some one else got there first. I assumed one of you had picked her up, but I guess I was wrong." He pauses again before continuing. "I could plaster her face on the proverbial milk carton, pull in the boys who dropped her off, send out the word we've got a missing person the whole nine yards. But why should I? That's and expenditure or a great deal of resources, and a lot of man hours that could be spent doing something more productive."

2009-08-20, 02:34 PM
A singular patron sits at a table inside the Century Dinner. The few other patrons scattered around the quiet establishment, could most likely hear the grumbling from the man's stomach. His brown hair was getting a little long, and his eyes were focused on the empty space in front of him. Why can't I make descent food appear in front of me. I'm starving...I wonder...what blue monkey taste like. Looking up at the sound of approaching feet, his thoughts are soon dispelled as the waitress appeared with a plate of food. Setting the plate down, she asks,"You need anything else Martin?"

Looking up, a frown almost forming on his face. His impatience at not eating was obvious, "No I'm fine."

Lowering his fork the waitress suddenly exclaims, "Hey! you know the drill rations first."

"Yeah yeah, man can't even enjoy a breakfast anymore." Digging in his pockets, Martin produces the voucher, and hands it over to the awaiting waitress. "Now do me a favor and disappear."

Her scowl caused Martin to smile a bit, then as he was raising the first savory morsel to his mouth a small voice intrudes

“I say your show last night, you we’re great. I tried saying my sister in half last night but my parents stopped me.” A small boy stands beside the table. Martin has an incredulous look sprawled across his features. As the boy rummages in his pocket, producing a note. He reluctantly accepts it. Though his interest is sparked when the boy proclaims, “It’s from the Lizard.”

Looking over, he says "Thanks. You like the show? you probably shouldn't be cutting your sister in half just yet. Start with something a little smaller, like this."

Placing the note on the table, Martin fishes around in his pockets for a moment. Producing a large silver coin, which he shows to the boy. Exposing both his palms to show nothing to be concealed, he makes the coin vanish before the child's eyes. "What's that behind your ear."

The boy loudly interjects, "That's easy, my dad can do that." Reaching over, one would expect Martin to produce the large silver coin. Instead a packet of tightly folded meal tickets appear in his hand. "I put ten in their, go get a little dinner on me."

The boys face is flabbergasted, "Really? Wow thanks!, our tickets ran out a couple days ago..." The boy eyes stray to the loaded plate situated on the table.

Turning to his plate, Martin's face looks crestfallen. Sighing he loads some of the eggs,bacon and grits onto a piece of toast. Bending it over he forms a small sandwich, which he eagerly takes a bite out of. Standing up, "It's payed for, why don't you finish it for me."

As he walked out the of the diner, he makes sure to tell one of the staff, "I payed for that, ask Becky. Kids going to finish it instead of me. Just thought I let you know, don't want him to be accused of stealing food..." Quickly to himself he adds, Especially now a days.

Walking down the quiet weather beaten road, Martin finishes his breakfast hurriedly .Though his breakfast, is soon gone. His pace was leisurely. He had some time to get there anyway. So he simply strolls along, stopping to chat to any fans that come up along the way. Though he will ensure a timely arrival at his destination.

2009-08-20, 05:00 PM
Craigue LeCapre

The dark-skinned man smiles broadly, flashing nearly luminescent white teeth. "Absolument, Reverend! It would be an honor," Craigue adds with a dramatic bow and sweep of his lacquered cane, causing his dreadlocks to drop down into his face until he stood back upright. "'Twould be a shame to upset the spirits in any way these days, non?" His French ancestry shows itself on occasion, though with his theatrical, some would say over the top expressions at times, none would consider it any odder than any other thing the young man from New Orleans said or did. "How soon do you want us to go?"

I truly had planned on putting a couple (2) of ranks into Knowledge (local) -- speaking of which, do you do it as specific or broad? I've been in games where I had to take Local for each town/area -- but can I just make an Int check for now, since I'm still a little behind and I do have my stats on the sheet? [roll0] EDIT: Doubt that'll do anything. Oh, well... Craigue's relatively new to the town anyway.

2009-08-20, 05:25 PM
"Not to sound offensive, ma'am, but is there not more value to using the hills for the community than for the spirits?" Veronica tries to put her tone as gentle as possible, to make ti clear she needs to see the other side of this argument "We don't need any more potential threats looming, but if it would save more time, more lives just placating them, then I'm still listening.".

It's not the first time she's argued the reverend's point, but this is probably the biggest undertaking she's questioned.

2009-08-20, 05:32 PM
John laughs at Dave's comment and accepts a cigarette. "I' don't know what I'm doing wrong, I just can't seem to get the consistency right. It's smokable, it just doesn't taste right. I think I might have to end up giving up on it, I have about enough left to try two more crops. How's it going over on your end? How's the family doing?"

2009-08-20, 06:25 PM
Luke seems to go into a trance, focusing only on playing Celeste. He allows himself to become part of the song, getting sucked into his music, feeling its power growing at his finger tips. Sensing the magic starting to grow, he leaves it there, right on the edge of breaking loose.

Apparently my roll didnt work so once again [roll]1d20+12

He stops and comes out of his trance, picking up his hat he looks to see if anyone has left him anything.

2009-08-20, 06:27 PM
sorry for the double post [roll0]

2009-08-20, 06:27 PM
Martin's leisurely stroll is uninterrupted. The streets are quiet, most of the town is either working the Wall, tending their own gardens or taking part of some other business essential to their continued well being. Long before Martin reaches Casa Fiesta he can hear deep melodic tones of a bass guitar.

It'll be a bit before Dave Como and the others show up. Both IC and in real life. Feel free to interact with Luke while you wait.

Veronica & Craigue

The pastor smiles back "There is a Counsel meeting tonight, so I won't be able to go right away. I just want you to see what you can find out for now, we can try to put a better plan together when we know more." Reverend Smith turns to Veronica. "That's just the thing, the whole area is outside the Wall and isn't being used by anyone. The counsel will destroy the whole burial ground just because it's to close for comfort. This goes beyond the safety of the community, desecration is wrong no matter what's the reason. We also have to try because those who disappeared might still be alive. Unless I miss my guess the dead just want to be left alone."

All Craigue knows about the area is what he can guess from the name, but Veronica rolled a 20 so I'm sure she could fill him in. As far as area knowledge goes you'd have to buy each Local area separately. You could buy a more broad area like Midwest or America but then you would have substantial penalties to know any specific information about a smaller area. If you want something specific from a smaller community you could use a gather information check.

John & Sophie
Dave inhale deeply and exhales through his nose, doing a fair approximation of a dragon. "Well the tobacco companies have had decades to get it right. I'd stick with it. Once the food shortage is over I'm thinking cigarettes are going to be a hot commodity. Not that you'll need the extra loot considering all the work you'll get." A weird expression clouds his face for a sec. "Does Sophie sleep standing up like a horse? I've never been centaur tipping. I imagine it's like cow tipping if the cows had swords and could cuss you out."

Just kind of waiting for Sophie to saunter in/Lonna to post

(Natural 1 :smalleek:)
Luke begins to play, the music pouring out of him. The trance deepens as he closes his eye feeling the indescribably ecstasy that is rock. Suddenly a string breaks with an inharmonious twang. Snapping him out of is music induced delirium and back to the harsh reality, and an empty hat.

2009-08-20, 07:03 PM
John laughs at dave's comment, "You know, I don't rightly know. But I wouldn't attempt to Centaur-Tip her. I don't think it would end all that well. Hey Dave, I have a favor to ask of you, next time you're out on one of your..."trips" could you do me a favor and see if you could pick up some scotch? I'd make it worth your while."

2009-08-20, 07:54 PM
OOC:Sorry it took me so long to post - spent the morning working on Sophie's character sheet and then had an 8 hour shift at work. Enter Sophie (at last).
Sophie had always been a morning person, and since her stable was so near the forge, she often listened to the soothing rhythm of John's morning work as she prepared for her daily hunt. She usually set out mid-morning, stayed out until worst heat of the day had passed, then returned to help John in the forge during the afternoon and evening. On this particular morning however, the regular clang of metal on metal suddenly stopped, and did not resume after the normal short pause. Concerned, Sophie finished putting on her gear and headed out to investigate, bow in hand. Recognizing the voice of the man conversing with John, she relaxed and entered the forge.

"Centaur tipping? Dave, believe me when I tell you that would be seriously bad for your health." Sophie grinned, taking the sting out of her words. "Besides, I don't sleep standing up, though I'm pretty sure I could if I had to. I've got a mattress propped up against a wall, and I lie down next to it and lean my human bits against the mattress. You ordering something, or is this just a social call?"

2009-08-20, 07:56 PM
Luke sighs, puts his hat on and head and holds both ends of the broken string together in one hand. With the other hand he reaches out and plucks one of the other stings. The note seems to help focus him. He mutters a small series of nonsense, sounding more like the tune of a song than words and releases the string. It now is repaired as good as before. Luke goes about tuning the instrument once more. Before beginning to play again. He will keep his hat on his head this time.

I cast mending on the broken string

2009-08-20, 08:04 PM
Strolling along, Martin soon finds himself humming along to a tune pervading the air. Inexorably he is drawn to the sound. The unsightly twang of a broken guitar string, snaps Martin back to reality. He sees the musician bending over his guitar. A small disturbance around the string catches Martin's attention. Walking up to the artist, he stands awkwardly ticket in hand. His gaze lingers a second longer on the now fixed guitar string, he remarks to himself, Interesting, definitely magic.

"Do you to take request? I wanted to hear some Sublime. Unfortunately the only thing my ipod is good for now is a paperweight. "

Spellcraft to spot the mending, messed up the rolling tags see OOC (rolled a 26)

2009-08-20, 09:29 PM
Erik's posturing faded, but did not dissapear, for a fraction of a second, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. The Moff was a dull, bureaucratic windbag, but he seemed to have done the right thing under the circumstances here.
Except for one detail.
"A waste of resources? I thought you just said you'd sent Boys over ta recruit her. I'd think that you'd be at least a teensy fraction as invested in finding her as yours truly."
He shrugged, however, and endeavered (largely unsucessfully) to adopt a more businesslike manner, leaning forward on the desk
"Really though; I don't know how much emotional subjects matter to you, but finding her is what I live for now, and I assure you that I wont be leaving this office until I've worked out some form of service exchange: I 'magine Im not as strong as some of your Bully Boys, but anyone who saw that fight you referred to can tell you I am by no means weak, and I assume you have something you may need a brawler for."

He leaned back and cracked the joints in his right hand, fingering his pendant nervously with the other.

2009-08-20, 10:40 PM
Omar pads through the fields around town in a winding path that takes him sometimes closer, sometimes farther from the Wall. He might have belittled the efficacy of these patrols earlier, but in truth he didn't mind them so much. Better than most of the police work he did in the city proper.

Making the obligatory spot roll. [roll0]

2009-08-20, 11:36 PM
Sophie and John
"A little of column A a little of column B." He takes a last pull on his cigarette puts it out and continues. "Dan's keeping me busy with the project. Y'know for a guy that's not paying me anything he's pretty good about getting me to do stuff for him. I'm to busy with work here to head into town and there's some stuff I need. I'm getting a group of people together to go get it. I figure more people have to see what Winsville is like, they don't know how good they got it. I'm getting a bunch of people together and taking them to Casa Fiesta were I'll go over the details. You should come, lunch is on me."

He turns to John. "You should come to, it'll be good to get out of the forge. You work to much, it ain't healthy. Good luck getting the scotch, Winsville's a college town, I figure by this point anything remotely drinkable has been drunk. Won't be to long before they start looking our way to scratch an itch, but that's what the walls for right? 'Sides I always was a vodka man myself."

Mayor Tenson smiles. It's not a particularly pleasant smile, like one smiles at a fish on a line.

"I think that we can come to an agreement. There are no shortage of tasks that a man of your... abilities. As long as your willing to provide services to the people of Fredsboro, I thin I can manage to scrounge up the extra resources to conduct a full investigation. My secretary, Brutus, will be able to provide you will details. As soon as you finish report back here and we will be able to fill you in with our findings. Just as fair warning, these things take time."

2009-08-21, 12:49 AM
"Fair warning. Why do I feel like I just chained myself to a ticking bomb? But I'll do what I can for the people of Fredsboro!"

He stood up at this last sentence, clapping hand to heart and belting it out in total patriotic sarcasm. He then added with a less hidden smile, "But I wont be nearly as clinical about it as you lot, trust me."

He knew full well the Mayor wouldnt appreciate his little act, but cared little about that; He had always been anti-authority, and if he had to help the Bully Boys to get any help, he would make the fact damn obvious. Then he started slightly as something occured to him.
"Actually, I'll make the deal easier for you. I'll do your little errands, and all I ask from you is the names and addresses of the four Boys you sent to the church. I think I'll take the brunt of the search myself; you know, save you the resources and the man hours."
As he said this, he regained his vagabond smile, his expression making it clear that he didn't trust Tenson at all.

2009-08-21, 06:08 AM
"Heh, not exactly my usual music, give me a sec, my brother was a big fan lets see how I do."
Luke thinks a bit and strums a chord or two with a half smirk before playing 'Wrong Way'. "Not as good without the rest of the instruments, but where are you going to find a trumpeter. Hope you liked it."
Luke stares at the mans face for a moment "Wait I know you, your the magician aren't you." He shakes his head. "If only I could get as many people to give up rations for my performances." Luke's stomach starts to growl. He shrugs. "What can I say, I can't wait for lunch."

2009-08-21, 08:00 AM
"You have a nice sound though. Let me say, you have no idea how hard it is to find decent musicians now a days. Everyone was dependent on their synthesizers, and now they don't work. We always are looking for new talent. Be warned though, a bad performance and your out. Same applies to me as well. Would you be interested?"

Offering his hand, " I should introduce myself at least.Martin Riley, the somewhat competent magician. What might your name be? Looking around briefly As for now, I have to be at a meeting in awhile. Lunch in fact, care to join me? We can discuss the offer on the way.

Martin smiles calmly, though his mind was otherwise. A quick thought passes over Martin's mind,Now if something goes south, I got someone with me. He can use some magic. Which is interesting in itself, and the act gets better.

2009-08-21, 08:43 AM
"Your lunch may be the same reason I'm here, although if that's the case than this 'meeting' could be more than what you or I expected. I'll come to the diner with you, Martin wasn't it. I'm Luke."
Luke stands up, slings his guitar onto his back gets up and walks the rest of the way to the dinner with Martin. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"As for your deal I think we can come to an eventual arrangement. Playing music is my passion and my life, I don't do sound effects for card tricks. But I understand a good stage performance and I could use some extra rations, working the wall is not my ideal job. Perhaps there is a way we could both show off our arts." COLOR]

2009-08-21, 09:10 AM
John seems suprised at the idea of not working and heading out, I don't know Dave, there's a lot of orders coming up...but you're right, I do need to get out for a bit. Alright, I'll do it. John smiles, Besides, I can't wait to try out my new Halberd!

2009-08-21, 09:16 AM
Veronica and Craigue

"Fair enough, we'll have a look-see and scrounge up some info, hm?" the houngan says as he turns to his assigned companion, grin still present. "I just have to run home and take care of something real quick and we can head out for an initial recon?"

Also, I'd forgotten that I have Bardic Knowledge. Can I give that a shot? [roll0] along with Knowledge: Religion to appease spirits? [roll1]
One more thing: I do NOT have a loa bound at the moment. That's why I want to head home before heading out! :smallbiggrin:

2009-08-21, 09:19 AM
"Just to let you know, we actually offer a lot of different acts. You earn your stage time. Yes you might have to have to play some musical background for my act. You might also have to play it for 5 other acts. We all help each other out. Though if you performance is subpar, that includes broken guitar strings. You will soon find yourself without a job."

Martin's hand suddenly removes a table cloth from his backpack. With a flourish he peers around, ensuring the street is empty. Luckily for him, work on the wall and other chores kept most the people off the streets.

Holding the sheet like a wall, in front of the Luke's path. Gently he waves the sheet, causing a ripple like effect to spread throughout the cloth.

"I assure you, I'm not some hack doing card tricks at a kid's birthday party. I have been practicing my magic, for a good 15 years. My skills are pretty well known, so don't go belittling what I do. You just have to play for people. My job is to trick people, who are expecting to be tricked."

With that the sheet drops, and behind it stands a monkey. "The resemblance is uncanny don't you think. Just a little joke."
Quickly throwing a sheet over the animal, Martin snaps his fingers and the sheet falls to the ground empty of its occupant.


Sleight of Hand check, to conceal spell casting. Don't bother I suppose, You can't hit 21, even with a natural twenty.
Oppose with a spot check, otherwise you don't catch the spell.

Using Summon Monster 1 to summon a monkey,
Also the material components are hidden behind the sheet, as I drop i use the sheet to cover up the materials.

2009-08-21, 09:56 AM
Brandon Anderson

Brandon decides to just risk going in through the gate. He will bring the food right to the redistribution center if the bully boys decide to take it. He makes sure to clean all of the blood off his weapons before continuing: there is no reason to make a scene. After walking a bit more he makes another decision. He uses a rag to quickly wipe his face and hands. No reason to look so unpleasant. Slowly he works his way around and back into Fredsborom, silently hoping that he can get the venison back to his shop.

2009-08-21, 12:51 PM
Veronica nods, though she's chilly inspite of her assigned partner's charismatic demeanor.

"I need to go get a crossbow, myself..." she offers, her other weapon on ...or rather comprising her belt. slung low like a gunbelt is a chain connected to a kama that's tucked into the links on her back. The blade is sheathed in a makeshift case of leather, but it looks easy to remove should she need it. And she often does.

"Don't bring too much gear if we're reconning," she advises, looking away, "And don't get in my way. I can't watch you and figure out what these spirits are up to..."

2009-08-21, 01:50 PM
Sophie Black

Sophie's hindquarters shifted uneasily at the invitation to lunch. Between members of the Bully Boys and HIM trying to recruit her and the snubs and open staring of less tolerant (or simply impolite) townsfolk, Sophie was even less comfortable wandering Fredsboro than she had been when she was human. At John's easy acceptance, however, she nodded. Besides, when was the last time someone had offered her a free meal?

"Let's hope you don't have to use that halberd, John," she answered seriously. When she had first changed, she had run into some trouble with a couple of drunk thugs saying they would "tame" her. Nothing like that had ever happened again, but the longsword John had made for her promised trouble to anyone who considered it.

"I'll help you catch up in the forge during the next few days," she added in a lighter tone. "We have enough game stored away that I don't need to go hunting for a while anyway."

2009-08-21, 02:00 PM
"No worries! I can take care of myself and I usually travel lightly, anyway. Most of what I need is up here," Craigue says with a tap to his temple. "Crossbow's a good idea," he adds absently before continuing, "So where do you want to meet up? I shouldn't be more than ten minutes."

2009-08-21, 07:38 PM
Luke claps Martin on the back. "Thats a nice trick you have there. Seriously. Ok I can respect that. Your not some hack. Hell I could have sworn that monkey was real. " He shrugs. "Guess I'm just used to con artisit playing find the queen. I'm in as long as I get a fair cut for my skills. " Luke holds out his hand to seal the deal. "Come on lets get some lunch."

2009-08-22, 04:24 AM

"I'm not sure of the names and locations off the top of my head. Tell Brutus to give you the name of the officers who were patrolling the area when you and you're friend had your altercation, they were the ones that took her to the Counsel's clinic. Getting the names and locations of the other two is going to me more difficult. They we're just the nearest officers when I heard the news. I'll get to work on getting those names, but" Tenson shrugs resigned to pace of bureaucracy. "these things take time. If you leave the photo we can run off copies to circulate."

John and Sophie

"Ten bucks says that if you bring the halberd in to the restaurant, that the waiter gets the order right on the first try." He stands up, getting ready to leave. "See you cats later. Be there by noon. You'll know it's noon because the big burning thing will be up there." He points a clawed finger directly above his head with a smile.

Veronica and Craigue

Reverend Smith smiles warmly. "I can't thank you two enough. The counsel is meeting here tonight. I'll be here for a while, if you find anything out that can't wait until morning I should be here. If you don't mind?" Reverend Smith says a short pray asking God to see the mission to fruition. The clouds don't part, and there is no celestial music but both Veronica and Craigue feel better somehow.


The patrol is uneventful, but then again most are. It's always better to have a dozen boring patrols than miss the one time when a patrol could make the difference. Before long it's time for Omar to check back in at one of the gates.


There are a half dozen guards on duty at the gate another couple of hunters like Brandon are being processed. One of them spots Brandon while he's still aways off and does a double take. He says something to the other guards (make a listen check) and they all become more alert.

2009-08-22, 10:08 AM
Erik picked up the photo looking as apologetic as he could while still looking distrustful.
"Actually, If it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep the photo. Not just because it means a lot to me, bu tthe thought occured that if posters and such end up being posted, if someone is holding her against her will he'll be given a convenient warning to pack his bags. I assume you're cool with that. Anyway, wheres this Brutus fellow? He the guy who brought me here?"

2009-08-22, 10:27 AM
John grins at Dave and laughs, "It's a bet, although it's not like money means anything." John will continue his work at the forge until it gets close to noon, then he'll grab a shower, gear up, and head to meet Dave

2009-08-22, 11:43 AM
Brandon keeps his cool as he approaches the gate, straining to hear what the guards are saying, and somewhat dismayed at their apparent surprise at his arrival. He hasn't done anything wrong yet, so he does not have much of an idea of why there would be so many. His hand wavers towards his axe, though he thinks better of a possible act of violence in the eyes of the guards, he never got along well with them.


2009-08-23, 02:15 PM
((Sorry about the bit of a break there. Yesterday was a busy day.))

Brandon & Omar
Brandon isn't a hundred percent sure but it sounded like the guard said "Heads up, we've got a freak." The guards processing the other hunter quickly finish and send him through the gate. While no one has pulled a crossbow or leveled a weapon, they all seem to be on edge.

One of them grabs a clip board and puts himself in front of Brandon's path. "If I could get you name and address, please. You can hand your pack off to Ted here," gesturing to another of the guards. "to be processed."

About this time Omar returns from his patrol to check in with the gate guards.

"That's your decision to make of course. You're correct, Brutus is the man who let you in."

Luke, Martin, John and Sophie

Luke and Martin enter the restaurant, a small but prosperous family run establishment which always manages to look smokey despite a prohibition on cigarettes. In addition to complementary nachos, still fresh from the fryer, they are given the options of room temperature water soda or milk. About two hours passes before Dave shows up. Luke has seen the Lizard before and after his change at local metal concerts, but this is the first time for Martin. He stands at seven feet tall, taller still with his frill, fine green scales cover his skin and his face ends in a reptilian snout. He has a couple words with the waiter, he smiles revealing a mouth full of unpleasantly sharp teeth. The waiter points in their direction, and a confused look passes over his reptilian features. "You're early. If you haven guessed I'm Dave, you must be Luke and Martin." He points a clawed finger at each man in turn. He takes a seat, dropping his backpack gently to the floor. "Have you guys ordered yet?"

At about the same time John and Sophie arrive.

2009-08-23, 02:21 PM
"I don't know what I have done wrong," Brandon says, I have lived here in Fredsboro for quite a long time and I have just returned from hunting. I didn't know leaving was a crime. If you want my meat I'll be happy to run it over to the redistribution center for you."

2009-08-23, 03:09 PM
Brandon and Omar

The guard sighs, and launches into a rehearsed speech. "It's part of the new procedures. We're supposed to process any incoming supplies, and people. We need your name and address in case any discrepancies show up between our statistics and the ones at the distribution center. We're also supposed to check your bag for any 'contraband' and "threats to the general well being of Fredsboro". I have a copy of my standing orders if you'd like to view them. If you feel that you've been treated unfairly you can turn in a formal complaint at the village hall."

2009-08-23, 03:12 PM
John enters the establishment with his halberd in his left hand, his right hand resting on his Forge Hammer in his belt. He saunters in with an air of confidence. Once he spots Dave he plops down in a seat at the table, "Hey Dave, where's that free lunch you promised?" He seems to realize the others sitting at the table, "Oh, hello. I'm John Christensen, who are you?"

2009-08-23, 05:20 PM
Luke turns to the new comer, "I'm Luke, John right? Please join us. Dave was just about to order us all lunch." Luke turns to Dave, "Seeing as how I don't have any rations because I'm here instead of working. Not that I don't mind a day off from that stinking wall, but unfortunately my stomach does. However you suggested that all this might change soon. That you have something more profitable in mind for us all?" Luke looks around at his soon to be stage partner and the heavily armed new guy and turns back to Dave "And by the looks of it you've only recruited men with certain skills. I see none of Moff's bully boy uniforms. So I'm guessing no one has a strong alliance with him. Are we doing something you want kept quite Dave, or do we just happen to be the right people for the job."

2009-08-23, 07:41 PM
John grins at Luke's question."Knowing Dave, a little of both I'd have to say."

2009-08-23, 08:09 PM

Well then. I am Brandon Anderson from 131 Main Street. I am currently carrying a bow, an axe, venison and a pack full of survival gear. He hands over his things to the guard.

2009-08-23, 08:52 PM
"Fantastic. So, without further ado, let's kick this transaction into gear, shall we?"
Eric lounged in the chair again, looking at the mayor with unconcealed excitement.

2009-08-23, 09:17 PM
Sophie Black

Sophie joined the table a minute after John, maneuvering so that her hindquarters were in a corner, as far out of the way as possible. Once she was positioned comfortably, she looked down at the seated party. After a moment's hesitation, she knelt down, putting her head at more or less the same height as the seated men.

"Sorry I'm late; place wasn't meant for centaurs. Sophie Black."

2009-08-24, 10:27 AM
John smiles warmly at Sophie "Glad you could make it, and this town is a little behind on the new Equestrian Act. You know, like the Handicapped Laws, how everything has to be accessible." John laughs at his horrible joke.

2009-08-24, 02:20 PM
Nothing to see here.:smallbiggrin:


2009-08-24, 02:26 PM
Luke, Martin, John and Sophie

Dave looks John in the eye. "Quit horsing around, it doesn't be-hoove you. Nay, my friend let's get back to business." Dave tries to keep a straight face but fails. "The short of it is I need something from the University library in Winsville. Normally I'd get it myself but I'm working on something for Dan and the House and can't get away for long. Do you mind if it waits until after we eat? For food I recommend the carne assada and the enchiladas." He turns in his seat to look at the waiter, "Richardo, how's the flan?" Ricardo makes an unpleasant face. "Uh, I'd skip desert. I'll have three orders of the carne asada and a diet coke."

Brandon and Omar

As Omar approaches the guards, one of them waves. "Hey, Omar, the Moff want's to see you. He said to head straight to his office when you get back."

The guard with the clip board nods and takes down Brandon's information. The guards run a quick check on Brandon's bag and return it. They weigh out the venison and return it as well. "Please report to the Redistribution Center. They'll compensate you there." (Make a spot check, both of you)

2009-08-24, 02:39 PM
"Sure thing, Reverend!" Craigue says with a nod and another theatrical bow. Straighteing up, he turns to his companion. "So, I'll meet you back here in ten minutes, Ronny?" he asks with a broad smile.

2009-08-24, 02:49 PM
Craigue and Veronica

After going their separate ways and gathering supplies, the meet back at the Methodist church.

(Indian Hills is outside the wall and outside the burned area used to create a killing field, on the edge of town. It's about a ten minute walk. @Walkabout What vestige/loa are you binding?)

2009-08-24, 02:59 PM
"I'll take 2 orders of the Carne Asada and uh...Gimme a Mountain Dew." John says, Well Dave, I'd prefer to know about it earlier then later, I still have work to do."

2009-08-24, 03:34 PM

Brandon puts his bag back on and lifts the venison onto his shoulder. I'll be off to the redistribution center then. Have a nice day all of you. He then thinks and adds, Am I going to have to go through this every time I come back from hunting?


2009-08-24, 03:43 PM
Veronica doesn't respond to the nickname, sadly, but she does nod and slips off somewhere... wherever it is that tiger ladies reside these days...

Eight minutes later she's back, the only difference is she's loading a crossbow with a bolt, a slim quiver of quarrels over one shoulder. The tigress slings the crossbow over the other shoulder preternaturally close to the actual ten minute mark...

...And she waits. If asked back in the spring if she thought she'd be dealing with spooks (REALL spooks, not the agent kind) with a crossbow and a shop class project, she'd wonder what kind of booze was being passed around. But now... If it wasn't for her own changes, she'd still be having troubles believing it.

...Which direction's the Hills? We probably should have asked that sooner...

2009-08-24, 04:04 PM
Luke, Martin, John and Sophie

Dave looks a little confused. "I thought you we're just here for the meal. I figured you'd be to busy, what with being the successful entrepreneur and all."


"Probably. If you're a regular we'll probably let you through, but we still have to weigh any incoming food. At least until harvest."

(Brandon notices nothing out of the ordinary.)


(It's to the north west. The town's north gate is about a block away from the Church, the western gate is closer to Indian Hills but it's about ten minutes either way. You could jump the fence in some places if you want to avoid the gates and the gate guards. )

2009-08-24, 04:49 PM
(Yes I do wish to avoid gate guards so it's fence hopping for me. I'll edit this post in a few hours but I have to dash for work immediately. Just didn't want to slow things down again)

2009-08-24, 05:03 PM
A sheepish grin on his face, Craigue nods to Veronica as he approaches. "So, how do you want to do this? I'm used to city movement and being able to lose myself in a crowd. This...country...stealth is a bit outside of my expertise."

OOC - thatguyoverther:Would it be okay to have already summoned a raven and have it flying high overhead ready for me to direct it wherever I need?

2009-08-24, 05:14 PM
"Well Dave, that's how I felt at first, but you made a good point, I do need to get out more. I spend all my time in the forge, I could use some excitement." John replies with a sheepish grin. "Plus, I could use some time away from Dominique, she's been getting a little clingy lately."

2009-08-24, 05:24 PM
"I'll take one of each and a coke." Luke turns back to Dave. "So what is it you need from the university, a book?, a lecture? In any case if you can make sure I don't need to go back to the wall then I will help you."

2009-08-24, 07:30 PM
Sophie Black

Sophie made a face at the bad puns, but she was smiling slightly as everyone began to order. "Enchiladas and a Sprite. Salad too, if you have it." Wild greens were easy enough to find, but lately she had been craving lettuce, however brown and wilted.

At John's assertion that he wanted to come along, Sophie glanced at him in surprise. "Who will watch the forge?" Normally, on the rare occassions John left for more than a day or so, Sophie stayed home to take orders and make basic items (nails, chains, and so on) that didn't require his far superiors skills.

2009-08-24, 09:00 PM
"Well, some of the work I can pass off to the Works, they owe me a few favors, and with your help, if you're willing, we can catch up on most of it today and tonight, and up until we leave. The rest can wait a bit, like Mr. Franks, he doesn't need that fencing anytime soon. And the Moff can wait on his fancy door handles, I don't think those are a necessity." John replies, getting more and more excited as he's talking. "Besides, it isn't like I'm beholden to them, especially now. Before the Change they all looked down on me, they can bide their time until I'm well and ready to finish...Although, I am going to finish Mrs. Donlies window bars and door latch. After that break-in last week she needs it." John states the last as if to himself and realizes he has spoken out loud. "Oh, don't mention that to her, it's going to be a suprise."

2009-08-24, 09:13 PM
Sophie Black

Sophie grinned and nodded. She had suspected John was planning something of the sort for their kind neighbor and was pleased to have her guess confirmed. "Of course I'll help," she answered. Turning to Dave she added, "So we're both in."

2009-08-24, 09:30 PM
"Looks like you have hired yourself your own specialist team, now what are we looking for Dave."

2009-08-24, 09:49 PM
(Sorry I lost your post.)

Tenson raises his voice. "Brutus bring me the list if you would." He waits patiently as his plus sized secretary to bring the "list". It turns out to be a pretty thick folder full of documents. "There's all sorts of work to be done. Just stop me when one sounds interesting." He leafs through the material and gives short highlights of each. "Let's see... Pig Driving, Graveyard Weirdness, Diplomatic Message Deliverey, Giant Recruitment, Dragon Rumor Investigation, Indian Burial Ground Disappearances, Raider Recon..."

Veronica and Craigue

((That's fine.))

Luke, Martin, John ans Sophie
The waiter takes the orders, waiting only for Martin to order before leaving.

"A book, or books actually, files too if you can find them." He turns to John, "Ha, I get that. I'm glad she found some one who can stand her for any length of time."

He grabs a nacho from the table and munches before continuing. "I guess we can start now while we're waiting for our food." He grabs another chip. "A while back I hit the magical jackpot. Ancient Sumerian texts detailing all sorts of coolness. Old enough to make the Pyramids look new." More munching "Problem is their in ancient Sumerian, and I don't speak it. Basically what i need is 'ancient Sumerian for Dummies'. I figure that there should be something in the U of I library or in the Universities anthropology department."

2009-08-24, 10:06 PM
Sophie looked at Dave and raised her eyebrows. "There's always a catch," she stated calmly, not bothering to add the obvious question.

2009-08-25, 08:49 AM
"I'll have the enchiladas, and a coke if you have it. " Handing his menu to the waiter, Martin sits with his hands folded listening to the conversation unfold.

"Sumerian texts? I suppose I could take some time off from the stage, maybe I could find something to interest me on the way. Though I'm not so sure how my talents will be useful, still of course I want to go. Seeing the same faces and places gets old quick."

As the waiter returns with the drinks, Martin says his thanks. Sipping from the drink, Martin's face scrunches a bit at the thick taste from the room temperature soda. Looking at his drink, Martin smiles a bit and takes another sip.

Prestidigitation, to chill my drink :smallbiggrin:
Make a spot check for concealed spellcasting

2009-08-25, 10:22 AM
"Hmm, Let me guess Dave, some sort of mutant problem? Like that game that came out a little while ago, Fallout or something? Are there now Ogres or some such guarding the library?" John responds to Dave

2009-08-25, 02:04 PM
Luke, Martin, Sophie and John

"There aren't any ogres there, at least the last time I was there, the library had been picked clean of most of the useful stuff. That's not to say there isn't a catch. It's about thirty, forty miles away and most of that is through some pretty inhospitable turf. It used to be a college town and when the change happened allot of the students started parting like there was no tomorrow rather than planning ahead. So there's at least a good ten thousand plus raider types stealing what they can and burning the rest." He smiles for a second. "They also throw the greatest parties I've ever been to. There's also some of the more violent changed you have to look out for."

"There is one more catch." He pauses as if unsure how to break the news. "It'll be tough, and it might even kill some of you, but you you deserve to know." He pauses again steeling himself for his next words. "The library..." another lengthy pause. "uses the Library of congress method instead of Dewey Decimal."

2009-08-25, 03:20 PM
"Just follow behind me and mind your steps. Not just out of caution, but keep it quiet. Keep an eye out for anything wide and tall enough to hide behind, and stay low" Veronica motions for Craigue to follow, giving that raven a cautious eye when it's summoned. She seems to soften a little, finding this to be a worthy idea. "Nice lookout. Have the bird give a warning call if it sees anything but whatever you do, command it to not fly back to us. Don't let it do that; it'll give away our position if someone spots it.

And then V goes right back to being Ms. hard-ass, hopping over a nearby fence and cutting through the dilapidated lands, around and away from the gate guards. She doesn't pause or break stride unless she bounds behind some cover. Thankfully she waits for Craigue behind such cover each time he lags behind.

[roll0] [roll1] Spot and listen along the way. Lemme know if I need hide checks to avoid some of the BBs or guards getting wise to this.

2009-08-25, 04:38 PM
Craigue nods once more. "Sure thing. Lead on, Valiant One," he says with a sweeping wave for Veronica to take the lead; then shakes his head as the gesture is missed while the cat-woman takes off. He does his best to keep up with her, and takes an opportunity now and then to look through the raven's eyes to see if anything is ahead or behind. His natural agility helps him though he's obviously not trained for stealth.

I use the raven's mods for Listen & Spot (and Bluff and Search and other results of its actions and observations), but my own to derive info from it's observations (ie, Knowledges, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, etc).
[roll0] - Ugh.
[roll1] Not bad.
Should I need Hide checks, I can use Invisibility for 2 rounds per go, 5 rounds apart. Hopefully that would suffice.
One more thing I forgot to mention: Pact Augmentation is +1 insight bonus to Saves.

2009-08-25, 04:52 PM
John shudders at Dave's mention of the Library of Congress method, "Any chance you could whip up some kind of locator spell beacon thingy? Like a rod that glows red when we get near the damn things? Otherwise we'll be there for decades Dave!"

2009-08-25, 05:45 PM
"Those bastards, using Dewey decimal. Ok, so does anyone here know how libraries work, I haven't had a library card since 8th grade." Luke looks more seriously at Dave "So how are we getting there Dave, we can't all ride Sophie over there and I doubt she would let any of us try."

2009-08-25, 09:20 PM
Sophie snorted at Dave's final "hazard" and started doing quick calculations in her head. Thirty to forty miles, under ideal conditions and assuming an average human walking speed, was about a half-day trek. So unless they had some form of transportation, this was going to be a three day round-trip, minimum.

"Locator would be good," she seconded John's request. To Luke's question about transport she added, "Walking most likely. Assuming bikes could handle the terrain, they'd hinder your combat abilities and make us more attractive to raiders. On foot and heavily armed we're slower, but less likely to attract trouble.

"You're right about riding me though. Aside from emergency situations there is a very short list of people I'll let on my back, and only one person at this table is on it." Realizing that she had just more or less made a speech in front of virtual strangers, Sophie shut up, a dull flush coming to her cheeks.

2009-08-25, 10:12 PM
Erik raised an eyebrow, but looked a little less out of ease; some of the chores listed there sounded downright interesting. Of course, names werent everything, but hell.

"You know, for a bunch a politicians you sure can give some snazzy titles. Ever considered making posters for movies?

He scratched his head for a second, but then laughed out loud, motioning for the Moff to stop. "Okay. Out of sheer curiosity as to why the hell "Pig driving" is in there with "Giant recruitment" and "Raider recon", I'll say I'm interested in that."

2009-08-26, 12:28 AM
Veronica and Craigue

After a short walk Veronica and Craigue come to an incomplete section of the Wall and hop the fence into the burnt out kill zone. Charred houses and trees stand like tombstones, and a thin layer or ash still covers the ground. Even after a month and a half the area still smells of fire. The burn crews did a good job and there is almost no usable cover. The pair are in luck and no patrols pass through the area. A few nervous minutes and they are into the sections of town spared the torch. A few of the more stubborn hermit types live in the area but almost everyone now lives behind the safety of the fence and Wall. If any of the inhabitants do espy the duo they keep out of sight.

A few minutes after that and they are at the outskirts of the neighborhood know as Indian Hills. The tall houses of the wealthy are mostly undamaged, a few window's shattered in the sporadic looting. The once perfectly manicured lawns have grown long and shaggy, soon they will be completely consumed by prairie grass. A soft wind stirs the grass and birds chirp softly. Nothing seems out of place.
(Make another set of spot and listen checks. Also give me a Knowledge: Religion roll or Bardic Knowledge roll to see if you can remember anything that might help.)

Luke, Martin, John and Sophie

At Sophie's confession Dave smiles and touches her hand, doing his best to crank up the humiliation. "Uh, Sophie! I had no idea you felt that way about me." He gives her another knowing smile and continues.

"I could try cobbling something together to work as locator but those sort of things work better if you're aiming for something specific item or have an example of what your looking for. My guess is that they'll have a card catalog, but allot of libraries have converted to all digital records." He scratches his chin, producing a sound like sandpaper on wood. "I can see if I can put something together tonight since you probably wont head out till tomorrow."

"For transportation you can probably hoof it, er . . . walk. I can probably pull some strings at the works and get you one of the pedal cars. My dad's working on a prototype that can use sails, like a land boat. The problem with the car option is that I'll be harder to sneak around with, and might get envious type looks. Allot of Winsville's residents aren't the sharing type"

Dave goes to reach into his pack when the food arrives, and he changes his mind. "Looks like Ricardo got it right." He looks to John. "I think someone owes me ten bucks."


Tenson flips back a few pages. "You've heard of a cattle drive right? We'll this is the same thing but of the swine variety. We've recently convinced a pig farmer and his extended family to relocate, along with their herd of pigs, to Fredsboro. They need extra hands, to protect the herd and it ensures that it makes it here intact. It sounds less glamorous, but it those pigs are going to attract allot of attention from raiders."

2009-08-26, 01:56 AM
"I'm not the sneaking kind anyway, but I would prefer if we didn't have to beat off raiders like no tomorrow." Luke looks around at the others for thoughts. "Perhaps we could take the car out as far as we think is safe and hide it before making the rest of the trip. Sure would beat walking for a full day."

Luke stops talking, grabs his plates and greedily digs in swapping from one meal to the other until both plates are empty, the entire feat takes only a few minutes and is followed by him sculling his coke. Once he is done he looks up, and shrugs his shoulders and mumbles an excuse. "I haven't been eating so well recently."

2009-08-26, 08:46 AM
"Guess this used to be a nice place, huh?" Craigue asks his companion quietly. A slight sheen of sweat beads on his forehead, though he doesn't seem to have any other issues with their approach.


2009-08-26, 09:16 AM
Erik continued chortling through the explanation, clasping his sides as if he would fall apart.

"PIG farmers? Did the change have some effect on cows that I wasnt aware of, or is the other white meat just more efficient in this economy? Well, I'm your pighand, if for nothing else but the satisfaction of seeing the little fellas running around Fredsborough. Where would I find these farmers?"

2009-08-26, 09:34 AM
Sophie flushed darker at Dave's words, but refused to rise to his baiting. It didn't matter if he or anyone else got the wrong idea.

On the subject of the pedal car, Sophie frowned, but kept silent. She had already made her objections clear. Since she would be walking regardless, really she didn't have much to add.

When Luke made his comment about not eating well, however, her expression softened. She pushed her plate of half-eaten enchiladas towards him, silently offering to share.

2009-08-26, 09:52 AM
John grinned at Dave's good-natured teasing of Sophie, "Well, I for one would be more comfortable, "hoofing it" so to speak. It'd be best to be as under the radar as possible I'd think. Could you also scrounge up a map of the area for us Dave? My suggestion would be to stay away from major highways and such, it'd be faster, but also a lot more dangerous." John watches as the food arrives and realizes he has lost the bet, "Well Dave, here's the 10 bucks," John pulls out an old, torn, dirty 10 dollar bill out of his pocket, "Don't know what good it'll do ya though."

2009-08-26, 10:20 AM
Spot and listen: [roll0][roll1]
Knowledge Religion: [roll2]

Veronica just stays quiet, her left hand inching over the chain of her weapon slowly, intent on having it readied in a split second.

2009-08-26, 01:23 PM
Brandon nods at the guards and walks off to the redistribution center to hand over his venison, and is a bit angry about having to do this. I guess it's better than being barred from entering the town.

2009-08-26, 05:36 PM
Luke, Martin, Sophie and John

When Dave get's his plate he starts shoveling it in with near reckless abandon. He takes John's ten with a shrug and slides it into his pocket. At the question of a map Dave reaches into his backpack and produces a map, covered in his illegible script. "Ta da!" The words produce projectile flecks of food.


Veronica and Craigue

Craigue and Veronica notice that something is off. All animal life seems to be on edge and overly aggressive. Insect life seems to be carrying out a tiny war at their feet, and angry birds squawk aggressively where ever the raven passes.

Craigue can remember quite a bit about Native American folklore, and the spirits tend to manifest only during night or during one of many intense spiritual ceremonies.


"Cow country is farther north towards the Wisconsin border. The few that were around here have already been snatched up by raiders. The farm is west of Fisher, which put's them uncomfortably close to Winsville. You won't be alone on this one. A joint police/HIM force will be going as well to make sure the pigs arrive. With the food shortage, those pigs are going to make sure we make it to the harvest without difficulties." He reads further down the list, "The force is leaving tomorrow at dawn from the east gate."


The trip to the redistribution center is uninteresting. At the center a fat greasy looking man checks in Brandon's venison and writes out a receipt for the meat "Refundable after Harvest" along with a weeks worth of meal coupons.

Brandon exits the center without any sense of accomplishment. A work crew passes carrying bricks and concrete blocks destined for the wall. Many of the men are striped to the waist, ribs and bones stand out from weeks of hard labor and a subsistence level diet.

A man with a graying beard wearing full plate armor, despite the heat, passes and follows Brandon's eyes. "It tears you up inside doesn't it?"

2009-08-26, 08:54 PM
"I guess the vote is we walk." Luke shovels in a moutfull of Sophies meal between sentences. "That has to be the worst map ever. Who are these good types? Do you rekon they would give us any help? or shelter? In any case if they atleast won't knife us in the dark that would be a good starting place, and move on from there to the library after we are refreshed. If we decide to do that the easiest road would be route 57, but walking the train tracks may provide us more cover." Luke shovels in a few more moutfulls before looking around. "Whats everyone else think."

2009-08-26, 10:21 PM
Yeah, but I'm going to do something about it.

He turns to the work crew, HEY! You guys want these meal coupons, I think you would be better off with them than me. I don't need them, and you do more work than I do, it's only fair. He offers the coupons to the men.

2009-08-26, 10:32 PM
Erik thought started slightly, appearing to ponder ever so slightly.

"Hmmm...Winville was my hometown, ya know. I take it the place didn't take the Change well from how you're talking about it. Ah well...Maybe I'll meet some old friends."
While saying this, he cracked his knuckles in the other hand lazily.
"Well, unless theres something else youd like to discuss, I suppose I should clear out of here. So..."
He turned to go, then looked sheepishly over his shoulder;
"Err, Which way would the Methodist Churck be, if it's not too much trouble?"

2009-08-27, 12:53 AM
Sophie, Luke, Martin and John

Dave swallows a mouth full of food. "Hey, if you don't like it you can get your own ****ing map. I was going to explain everything when we we're done eating." He continues eating while producing garbled explanations of the map.

The three vague blobs labeled "Raiders" are full of raiders. While no truly cohesive groups have yet formed Dave, thinks that soon the whole area is going to be divided into those three sub groups, and full scale gang wars will ensue. For now most of the raiders get along but they are beginning to run low on booze and other drugs that for the most part keep them amicable.

The section labeled "Good Types" is an area that the city counsel and the police force have managed to restore to some semblance of order. The whole area is patrolled by "The Brute Squad" a group of particularly large unpleasant changed. The area is safer than most but the city counsel is stretched to the limit just trying to keep order, and they fail at that about as often as they succeed.

The "Church" is just that, a church. A group of particularly devote parishioners have transformed a Gothic style cathedral and a near by mall into a monetary/nunnery. The raiders leave for the most part leave them alone, a life of asceticism doesn't leave a whole lot to steal and the monks defend what they have with a fanatical devotion. They've been tearing up the ground nearby and are creating elevated farm of sorts on top of the mall.

The "Mudd Waters" icon is supposed to represent the Muddy Water's correctional facility a minimum security prison that has been taken over by a charismatic figure called "The Priest". Dave doesn't know a whole lot about the area because all of The Priests followers are radically xenophobic and have always attacked him on sight.


The provides a terse set of directions and returns to whatever paperwork he was doing earlier, trusting Erik to find his own way out.


Brandon's shout stops the crew. The men shuffle their feet for a few seconds. On each face pride wars with necessity. All of a sudden pride looses out and the group swarms Brandon. Before he know it all of the food coupons are gone and the crew's foreman is yelling at his crew to get back to work.

The gray bearded man practically beams at Brandon. "You're a good sort." He pounds him on the back with a mailed hand with a strength that seems at odds with his age. "As soon as the Harvest comes in we won't have to worry about this whole rationing nonsense." He pauses sizing Brandon up. "Why don't you come with me for a cup of coffee? I've got a proposal for you."

2009-08-27, 02:56 PM
"Rough crowd. With angry spirits they shouldn't be so antagonized until nightfall. Unless..." He pauses. "Unless there's a serious ceremony of some sort ongoing. I don't think we can wait for nightfall. Native American spirits usually get more active at night and things are buzzing now." Craigue looks at Veronica questioningly.

2009-08-27, 03:37 PM
Sophie studied the map critically as Dave explained his annotations.

"Train tracks seem most direct. From there we could maybe stay at the church, or try to convince the Brute Squad to let us in. Probably shouldn't try to get to the library immediately after traveling all day."

2009-08-27, 03:55 PM
"Lets not go into the church. The rest of the plan sounds good, but no church." Luke realizes he is probably being a bit pushy about the subject and backs off. "I really don't get along with the people from the church."

2009-08-27, 04:30 PM
Veronica points to the sky and twirls her finger once. ...After a moment of realizing you probably don't know what it means, she whispers, "Have your bird go 'round one more time; a ceremony probably needs an open space or a particular building size to work. I guess, if it were me. Failing that we head for the highest ground and recon from there..." she wishes for the umpteenth time she had a pair of binoculars, like the good ones her uncle gave her that one Christmas.

2009-08-27, 05:37 PM
"Train tracks sound good. And Sophie, I also think we should try to avoid the church, although we could possibly save that as a meet up place though if we need it." John thinks for a moment, "The reason I suggest staying away from the church is that they are "particularly devote parishioners", now, it seems to me that those types of people generally aren't very understanding."

2009-08-27, 06:22 PM
Sophie nodded, her expression troubled as she thought of her own devout grandmother. The last time the world was at this level of technology, churches were a place of sanctuary, but that's not the case now. I need to stop thinking as if this were a variation on 12th century England. Aloud, all she said was, "Point. No church then."

2009-08-27, 08:21 PM
Veronica and Craigue

Make another spot check for the raven, to see if he can pick up anything he missed last time.

Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave continues munching quietly on his food, content to listen to the plans form. He looks at Luke, "Ere's alway smore" pointing to the waiter.

2009-08-27, 08:35 PM
"If your offering." Luke turns to the waiter "I'll take a large plate of nachos please and another coke." turning back to Dave "So what do you think Dave, can we get the job done for you."

2009-08-27, 09:12 PM
"Ai''ight, guess, I'll be seeing your Boy's tomorrow. For the piggies!"
Thus saying, he turned about, pumping his fist dramatically as he made for the exit.

Once outside, he relaxed with a bit of a sigh. He had the remainder of a day to blow before he got to play cowboy, or pigboy at least. He could finally relax; maybe find someplace interesting in the town. Maybe he could finally figure out if coca cola was still in production after all this time, make some friends...
Then, he gave a long, resigned sigh, gazing at the photo of Sara his hand had unconsiously produced from his pocket. Bringing himself about, he slowly began picking his way to the methodist church, slipping the photo back into his pocket. He had been dogging her trail for a week now, eating and sleeping only when absolutely necessarily; and he would not stop until he had finally found her. Then he could focus on himself.

2009-08-28, 12:02 AM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave chews a bit before swallowing his food. "Of course you can. I wouldn't send you out if I didn't think you'd make it back with the goods. I picked you two," He points to Luke and Martin. "because both of you are going to be too entertaining for any raider to kill. And you" He points to Sophie. "cause I figure it can't hurt to have a one of us on the team to smooth thing overs with the changed." He gives her a toothy smile. "Besides you're pretty enough that your only real problem is making sure none of the raiders get too friendly."


It's a short walk from the village offices to the Methodist church. It's a large brick building studded with occasional stain glass windows overlooking Fredsboro's northern most gate. Before the change it looked a lot like a fortress, now it is one. The bell tower now sports a crow's nest, the roof now has additional access points and bulwarks for archers, and the old "pavilion" has been turned into a barracks and armory for the Knights.

But it's a different conversion that brings Erik to the building. The southern wing of the building, the old nurseries Sunday school rooms and preschool, have been turned into a make shift hospital. More importantly the hospital where Sara was dropped off by the Moff's men.

2009-08-28, 12:05 AM
Squaring his shoulders, Erik walks towards the nursery, Checking out the crow's nest with an impressed whistle.

Well, If theres anything to know here, these fellows should know it. Doesnt look like they miss much.

2009-08-28, 07:11 AM
Finishing the meal, Martin puts down his utensils and leans back in his chair. Fishing out a cigarette from his pack, Martin lights the tobacco inhaling the smoke deeply.

Slowly he lets it out, blowing smoke rings up into the air. Grinning toward Dave's comment, Martin takes another drag before continuing "I like that plan, so when is this show getting on the road?"

2009-08-28, 08:43 AM
The young man nods as the raven begins circling Indian Hills once more even before Craigue finishes bobbing his head.

[roll0] --> Let's have a good result, here!

2009-08-28, 09:07 AM
Dave gives her a toothy smile. "Besides you're pretty enough that your only real problem is making sure none of the raiders get too friendly."

Sophie gave a very horse-like snort. Pretty I may be, from the waist up, but I doubt any raider will want to get "too friendly" with someone who's a horse below the waist.

At Martin's comment about departure, Sophie nodded and looked at John. "How long will it take to get the urgent orders out of the way?"

2009-08-28, 09:21 AM
"And I'm just along for the ride, this should be fun, and who knows, while in the library maybe I can find some more books on ancient forms of smithing or some such, plus, I'd kill for some scotch." John pauses for a moment and thinks about what he just said; "And there was no pun intended, but I will probably have to..."

2009-08-29, 01:18 AM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave finishes his meal with a burp that's half belch and half roar, earning him unnerved looks from other customers. "Excuse me. There's one important detail that you've all over looked." He reaches into his pack again, and produces five beers. "A toast to your success." He says a few words in what sounds like pig latin and gestures at the beers, instantly they begin to frost over and perspire as if the we're fresh out of the fridge.


After a few questions Erik is pointed towards the church office. The office couldn't be more at odds with the Moff's. It's cluttered, filled with papers and personal effects. A short Native American woman sits behind a desk the name plaque reads "Reverend Smith".

She takes off a set of reading glasses and beams at Erik, "Come in, come in! Sorry about the mess. Have a seat." She gestures to a chair that's covered in papers. "Um. You can just set those anywhere. I don't mean to rush you but is it alright if we make this fast? I've got a counsel meeting I have to prepare for."

Craigue and Veronica

The Raven fails to spot anything it didn't pick up before. Craigue suspects that any of almost two dozen of these houses would be large enough to hold even the most elaborate ritual. Even more if you include fenced in backyards.

2009-08-29, 07:42 AM
"Now that's impressive, you will have to show me how to do it some time." Luke grabs his beer and holds it up, "A toast to a new adventure. Lets hope its profitable." Luke takes a large swig, before diving into his nachos.

2009-08-29, 08:20 AM
John looks at Dave in suprise, "Dave, I'm hurt, you've been holding out on me! But here's to success," Raises his bottle and quickly drains it.

2009-08-29, 08:52 AM
Sophie took a cold beer, eyeing it curiously as she toasted their success before taking a small sip. Her father had never cared for beer, and her grandmother had called all alcoholic beverages "the Devil's brew" (the irony of the Communion wine was somehow lost on her) so Sophie had never had the opportunity to try one. Taking another sip now, she decided she didn't much care for it either, though she certainly didn't dislike it enough to say so here. Instead she continued to drink small mouthfuls at a time, saving her soda to wash the taste out afterward.

2009-08-29, 09:03 AM
Martin's eyes light up as Dave produces several refreshing brews. At the flowing words, his eye brows slightly raise. Reaching across the table, Martin takes one of the beers thanking Dave.

"Haven't had one of these in a while, but a toast to our success, safe travels and all that jazz." Tipping the beer back, Martin greedily gulps a large sip down. "Ahh delectable."

Spellcraft, no real reason I just want to see if Martin can recognize the spell

2009-08-29, 09:23 AM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave smiles, "Don't look at me, Dan taught it to me. It's a variation of what he's using to keep his insulin cold. I suspect these are the last of a dieing breed. With the harvest I'm sure there will be plenty of distillers, but I have a feeling it's never going to be the same." He sighs. "To a new adventure, to success, and to 'all that jazz'." He drains his beer and lets out another belch. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out about two dozen ration coupons and puts them on the table. "These are for supplies for the trip. I don't suspect that they'll be good for much longer."

It looks like a variation on the spell Martin used to cool his own drink. At a guess it's more robust, meant to cool more and keep it cool longer. ((Prestidigitation + Metamagic))

2009-08-29, 09:40 AM
Sipping his beer, Martin can't help but smile. " I have had some good home brewed stuff before the change, hopefully people will keep up the practice. Though you are right, nothing will ever be the same."

To himself he quickly adds, I seemed to have been very fortunate with the change. Though I wouldn't have mind a pair of wings or something.

Martin suddenly finishes his beer, following Dave's example a belch escapes from his mouth. "Oh excuse me"

He sits back puffing his cigarette, letting the smoke slowly escape from his nose. His eyes flicking toward tickets placed on the table.

"Who wants to be responsible for the tickets, and getting the supplies. I'm not to good with the whole being responsible for others thing. Though I did get some items that should be useful. Managed to find one of those outdoors store, before it was completely looted. I just would have to run back to my house and throw it together in a bag."

Taking a large drag, the smoke doesn't pour out of his mouth or nose. As it had previously. Instead small plumes begins to rise from inside his ears.

"We could leave today, though we might want to travel at night. Less attention that way, especially if we travel by moonlight only. Though people might be able to see in the dark now, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest."

2009-08-29, 07:54 PM
"I agree we should go as soon as possible, I've got everything I need with me now besides food. I could go to the ration center and pick up some supplies I guess, although maybe Sophie should come with me." Luke turns to Sophie. "Unless you have some gear she needs to grab before we go."

2009-08-29, 08:03 PM
"I agree we should go as soon as possible, I've got everything I need with me now besides food. I could go to the ration center and pick up some supplies I guess, although maybe Sophie should come with me." Luke turns to Sophie. "Unless you have some gear she needs to grab before we go."

Sophie shook her head. "I can come with you, but John and I need to finish up the urgent orders at the forge. I think we can finish in time to leave tomorrow morning." She looked at John for confirmation.

2009-08-30, 02:10 PM
John nods at Sophie "Yea, we could probably bust em out by midnight tonight, if we start right away, or you could go off and just swing by around 6 or 7 tonight and start helping me then, we'd have em done by the morning in that case. I have everything I need back at my place."

2009-08-30, 08:32 PM
Sophie thought for a moment, then nodded to John. "I'll pick up supplies with... Luke, right? If you start on the more complicated pieces, I should arrive in an hour or three - plenty of time to help with orders closer to my skill level. We'll be rested and ready to leave by dawn."

2009-08-30, 09:43 PM
"That sounds like a plan. Now unless there's anything to add I'll go get started." John says, cataloging the orders in his mind.

2009-08-31, 10:31 AM
Frowning slightly, Craigue leans close to Veronica. "I think we're gonna have to go systematically, here. It could be within any of a dozen or more houses, especially with those huge fences blocking access to some," he whispers. "Wanna just start closest and work our way around?"

2009-08-31, 02:44 PM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave finishes his beer. "I'll let you guys get to work. I'll see if I can put together some sort of locator. I'll bring it to the south gate in the morning, you you guys decide to leave sooner you can stop by my apartment." He gets up out of his seat and walks over to the waiter to handle the bill.

Veronica and Criague

((Assuming of course that Tonberry agrees with the plan.))

Most of the houses are empty, the families having moved behind the safety of the fence and the Wall. A few have become homes for domesticated animals turned feral. Dogs growl defensively and cats hiss but for the most part they seem to be less effected by the spirits disturbance than the other smaller animals.

About an hour in, roughly halfway through their search they come across a house that is clearly still in use. While the lawn is shaggy the flower garden in front is weed free and blossoming. The windows are open and a faint musical sound wafts through the air.

2009-08-31, 04:12 PM
((Assuming some more... If not, I'll have it stricken from the record. :smallsmile:))

"Jackpot!" Craigue whispers happily. "Let's see what the little birdie sees, hm?" he says as he mentally directs the bird to check out an open window.

Do I recognize the music/sound as belonging to anything specific?
EDIT: Are my rolls cursed or what? :smallannoyed:

2009-08-31, 04:37 PM

Sorry guys. My weekends are almost guaranteed to be busy, so you won't here much from me.

The tigress doesn't leave things to feathery chance. Once she sees the place, all her instincts tell her this place is foul, amiss, and otherwise up to no good. So she sneaks up through the overgrown lawn, holding the kusari-gama bunched up in one hand to kill any noise. Once uder the window she tries to sneak a quick peak while gesturing for Craigue to keep low (again.)

[roll0] Move silently and then hide: [roll1] Once secure, she'll take a looksee: [roll2]

2009-08-31, 04:49 PM
Veronica and Criague

What V and the bird can see of the room is devoid of people. The interior looks like something out of a Good Housekeeper's magazine. The place is almost fiendishly clean, filled with old nick nacks and pictures of children and grandchildren. A tabby can sits on a rocking chair near one window, sleeping in the sun, at the raven's landing it wakes and eyes the bird hungrily.

2009-08-31, 04:59 PM
Sucking in air through his teeth, Craigue does as directed. "And Uncle said I was impetuous!" he whispers to himself. "Whoops!" The houngan quickly directs the bird to leave and head to another window, away from Veronica.


2009-08-31, 06:11 PM
"Well shall we head off, we all seem to have a lot to do. I reckon we should keep the rations at Johns house though, probably the safest place, unless there are any objections?" Luke opens the door and heads outside, he waits for Sophie to finish what she is doing.

2009-08-31, 09:36 PM
"Fine by me, if you guys need me for anything, stop by my place." John says and heads off to his house to finish up his work.

2009-08-31, 10:18 PM
Erik beamed in return, refreshed by the more welcome chaos in this office and the generally less clinical atmosphere.
"Thanks a load. And don't worry, I'll be out as quick as you want me to be: my business'll keep me in town quite a while so you'll probably see me at least one more time, theres no reason for me to force a lengthy chat now."
His face again became serious, but again retained a ghost of a smile, although in this case a much less mocking one. Taking the photo out of his pocket, he flipped it around and showed it to the Reverend, picking up his speech once again.
"Right; with all that's going on I doubt anyone wants to be bothered with stuff like this, but I've been trying to find this girl for quite a while now, she got hurt in... a fight, and dissappeared into the city's clinics and such. I just came out of the Moff's office, and he told me that he sent two of his Boys to drop her off here. When he sent two more to pick her up, she was gone. I was wondering if you could fill in any blanks on that, such as if she ever showed up at the clinic at all, if so, if anyone picked her up, maybe if you caught the names of either of the officers that dropped her off, details like that."He broke into an apologetic grin. "'Course, like I said before, I have quite a bit of time in the city, so If youd rather this interview take place later, it's no problem.

2009-09-01, 02:54 PM
Veronica and Criague

At a mental command the raven flits away from the window sill. The cat stares for a few long seconds before returning to sleep. While in flight the bird manages to catch a glimpse of a figure moving in a back room. The bird lands at a window to the second story but it is closed and the curtains are drawn.


The reverend pauses thinking about her options. "It shouldn't take to long to pull her file. Do you have a name?" She gets out of her chair and walks over to a filing cabinet in the corner. "Wait, that won't help if she came in unconscious she'll be a Jane Doe." She opens an draw and begins filing through it. "Do you know the date that she checked in?"


Amber has another restless nights sleep. The Green Mother keeps appearing in her dreams and giving her a task, but for some reason she can't make out the words. Last night Gaia was not alone, seven men we're there and they kept pleading for her to do something but once again the words we're to the ephemeral nature of dreams.

Her uncle Daryl knocks at her bedroom door, but she's already awake. The noise from the workers on the Wall has already roused her from her sleep. Daryl knocks again without opening the door. "Hurry up and get dressed Amber I've got an important client showing up later and I'll need your help."

2009-09-01, 04:00 PM
Sophie swallows the last of her soda, gathers up the ration coupons, and begins making her way toward the doors, pausing to thank Dave on the way out. Once outside, she joins Luke, acknowledges him with a slight smile and a nod, and heads in the direction of the ration center.

{{OOC: Do you want us to roleplay getting the rations, or will you just hand wave it?}}

2009-09-01, 04:04 PM
Rushing outside, Martin waves at John to stop his rapid retreat. "I don't know where your shop is. Do you have time to swing by my place with me, then we will just head to your shop from there. My place is maybe 5 minutes from here, tops."

2009-09-01, 04:18 PM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

((OOC: Unless there is something bizarre or out of the ordinary you want or need, we can just skip ahead until the party is ready to leave.))

2009-09-01, 04:24 PM
((OOC: Nothing important really just wanted a chance to showcase Martin's apartment. But I'm fine with a timeskip. Is it that night, the next morning.))

2009-09-01, 04:27 PM
Craigue frowns slightly. He waves to get Veronica's attention then pantomimes walking with his index and middle fingers, Yellow Pages style, before pointing at the window and waving away. "Next window, please, little birdie,"" he says to himself softly with a chuckle as the raven moves to yet another opening.

Any recognition of the sounds from within?

2009-09-01, 04:49 PM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin
((Unless some one is opposed to skipping ahead...))

The next morning dawns bright, and cool. The entire town begins to stir as work parties once again head out for the wall. Dave is already waiting at the town's southern most gate. He's playing with what looks like a awkward home made yoyo when the first members of the group arrive.

Veronica and Craigue

((I totally forgot about the sound.))

The raven checks the next window and espys what looks like a normal bedroom. The noise from the inside of the house is music. The musical styling of the Benson Orchestra waft through the house, coming from an old fashioned Victrola. The record comes to an end and an elderly woman enters the front room from the back, flips the record and begins cranking a lever. After a juttering start the music resumes and she leaves the room.

2009-09-01, 04:55 PM
"I'm up, I'm up!" Amber replies to Daryl's incessant knocking, with a bit of a snarl in her voice. She'd love to go back to sleep until the evening - leopards are night creatures, for Gaia's sake! - but alas, her uncle and most clients have stayed human, so she has no choice but to adapt to their sleeping schedule rather than the other way round.

As she licks herself clean, the dream of last night replays in her mind. She can't help but wonder what it is the Green Mother is asking of her. Maybe a ritual will help make the visions clearer... no time for that right now, though, as Daryl knocks again, prompting her to hurry and quickly put on a shirt before she leaves her bedroom. She makes a mental note to do an extended ritual prayer this evening, however, to hopefully get in touch with Gaia better.

"Who is that client, anyway?"

2009-09-01, 05:55 PM
Sophie arrives first, having left slightly before John while he locked up the house and forge. She is fully outfitted, carrying her bow and quiver of arrows slung over one shoulder, her longsword at her waist, and saddlebags bulging with supplies (mostly food acquired yesterday) settled comfortably on her back.

"Morning, Dave. Is that the locator, or did you just not get to the toy shop before all the decent yo-yo's were looted?" she teases.

2009-09-01, 06:24 PM
Luke ambles in looking like he just woke up. "Who decided we should be here so ealry." He yawns and shrugs before putting on a pair of beaten up sunglasses and going to sit down against a nearby wall.

2009-09-01, 09:19 PM
John arrives a few minutes after Sophie, decked out in his gear and carrying a his newly made Halberd. "Early Luke? It's still late for me. I worked through the night." John then turns to Dave, "So Dave, any last minute trinkets for us?"

2009-09-01, 10:27 PM
Martin wanders up to the group shortly after John. His face looks haggard, and is dominated by a pair of dark sunglasses. A single cigarette hangs precariously on his lip. A small puff of smoke escapes from his mouth. His voice sounds slightly horse, as he catches John's comment.
"No I think Luke is right, it is way to early." Shrugging so the backpack on his back catches the attention of the others, "I got my things, I got some matches and other...er...survival stuff. Though I'm not going to lie, this isn't quite my area of expertise."

Turning to Dave, he watches the yo-yo going up and down for several seconds.
"Any luck on the locater, where is Spock when we need him."
He grins,"I bet Dave used to like Star Trek, right Dave. You know when we had tvs."

Realizing the rambling spewing from his mouth, Martin quickly adds, "Still reminiscing aside, we all ready to go? Let me finish my last cig, and then we start."

2009-09-02, 12:11 AM

"The Speaker of the House of Burgs. Dan Paline. He's been trying to magic up some sort of diabetes treatment, the entire town is running low on insulin, and he thinks we might be able to help. This could be big!"

Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

"You're looking at it one genuine locator." He stops playing with the device. "Maybe. I've put every sort of charm I can think on the thing, but I can't really test it without having the materials your going to get. In theory it should give a pretty strong tug whenever you get in the area." He hands the device over to Martin then spreads his fingers in a familiar Vulcan greeting. "Not I. My parents where pretty huge trekies though."

2009-09-02, 12:20 AM
"So we all have our equipment and now have a yo-yo on string location device." Luke gets up and adjusts his bass on his back. "Looks like we are all set to go. Lets just hope that we don't have to do a trick off with the raiders."

2009-09-02, 05:11 AM
"Alright, now I'm up."

The mention of one of the most powerful people in town draws Amber's attention, even though she's been trying to stay out of the way of the various power groups so far. Finding a way to create insulin would be vital to several townsfolk - Paline is certainly not the only diabetic in town. And while Gaia has not gifted Amber with actual tangible magic, what she and her uncle can do with herbs can sometimes seem that way to a layman.

In her mind, she is already going through what herbs and plants might be of use, with not a thought wasted on something as trivial as breakfast.

2009-09-02, 08:34 AM
Tilting his head to the side in a gesture of minor confusion, Craigue waves to get Veronica's attention once more, waving for her to wait and come back to him. Nice beats. One doesn't hear much classic jazz these days! he muses to himself while waiting on the tiger-woman. He mentally sends the bird to fly around the house to see if anything unusual jumps out.

2009-09-02, 03:18 PM
Sleight of hand for yo yo tricks

Taking the yoyo from Dave, Martin quickly does several tricks with it. Finishing with a the yoyo flying off his hand high into the air, and falling straight into his open pocket.
"Thank you very much, I'm sure it is going to work. If not we'll wing it." Forming his hand into the vulcan greeting, "Live long and prosper Dave, will be back with your texts pretty soon." Chuckling, he turns to Luke "I think we will manage, I got some tricks up my sleeve that should outsmart some raiders. Well hopefully, the other outcome isn't so good is it."

2009-09-02, 07:11 PM
"I think we will manage, I got some tricks up my sleeve that should outsmart some raiders. Well hopefully, the other outcome isn't so good is it."

"Worst comes to worst..." Sophie gripped her sword hilt meaningfully.

2009-09-02, 07:59 PM
John smiles at Sophie."Ah, Sophie, I think you mean best comes to best."

2009-09-02, 08:16 PM
Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

Dave smiles at Martin's yo yo antics. "Show off. Well, unless there's something else you cats need, I'll see you later. If you're not back in five day's I'll send out a search party. Best of luck."

((OOC If you could give me marching orders that would be great. Like whose taking point whose the last party member in line. Just how stealthy you're trying to be, that sort of thing.))


"I know right? Anyways Janis and Rayne are going to help me inventory and do all the prep work here, but there still some stuff we need. The garden has most of it, but some of the stuff that we might need is a little to dangerous to keep around in large quantities. I'll need you to run out and gather some more, as soon as you finish breakfast."

Veronica and Craigue

Most of the house seem normal. There's a large vegetable garden behind the houses fence. In one dark fenced in corner of the back yard between two fruit trees there is a large earthen mound. The earth is fresh from being worked and no more than a few days old.

2009-09-02, 08:31 PM
"Br- oh, right." It almost seemed like a foreign word to Amber; in her mind, she was already in the potion lab. Sounds like a good idea, however, now that Daryl mentions it. She walks in the kitchen and fixes herself a large bacon sandwich - well, whatever kind of meat she can find, really. "Can you make a list of what we need? You still know these things a bit better than I do."

2009-09-02, 11:33 PM
Erik wracked his brains for a moment.

"Umm...Two weeks from today I think. Name was Sara Blaze. And I'm not sure if she was unconsious, she might have said something. She was gone before I knew she was here, regardless."

2009-09-03, 04:00 PM

"Already done." Daryl reaches into a pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of note book paper. "I've already made out a list. Henbane's the only thing you might not be familiar with. Nasty stuff, but I added a picture and description to help you find it." He passes for a second double checking the list. "Do you have anything nice to wear? I imagine this is the closest we're ever going to get to dining with royalty."


"Hmmm..." She rifles through some more files. "Think I've found it." She pulls out a small file, and sit down. Scanning the paper she continues. "Two broken ribs and some burn marks. Looks like she was checked out before she regained consciousness. The man that checked her out, gave his name as Ben Kenobi. Any of that sound familiar?" She hands Erik the file.

Sophie, John, Luke and Martin

The first leg of the journey passes uneventfully. The railroad tracks are elevated by about eight feet making it hard to sneak but giving them a clear view of the surrounding area. The occasional shadowy figure stalks between the tall corn stalks, and strange noises are heard in the distance but no one bothers the group.

About an two hours 45 minutes into their journey the spy smoke on the horizon. From memory they know it's in the direction of Thomasboro, a small town that lies on the railroad tracks and sits between Fredsboro and Winsville. At a guess the smoke is nothing more than the collection of the town's cooking fires.

Edit:DM needs to learn how to read a map.

2009-09-03, 04:26 PM
Amber hungrily scarfs down her sandwich. Like with any other large predator, watching her eat makes it clear that you do not want to have your hand between her and her food. When she's done, she simply licks her muzzle clean.

"Well, I've grown out of my evening dress, I'm afraid... but I think I still have a nice blouse." She takes the list and looks through it, humming to herself. "Did he say when he'd be here?"

2009-09-03, 06:37 PM
Martin walks along with the group, humming quietly to himself. "I've been walking on the railroad, all the livelong day. I've been walking on this railroad, all freaking day."

His mood rapidly deteoriating, Martin stops his humming and gazes sourly at the surroundings. The shadowy figures that stalk the groups path, don't produce a positive response from the fatigued magician. Quietly he mutters, "It's one thing, we have to walk all the way to the library. It's an entirely different thing, when we have the children of the corn stalking us."

Still a short while later, the smoke from apparent cooking fires cheered Martin up considerably.

"Hey you think they might let us set up camp in town. A bed in an inn would be even better. Considering the option is camping out here in the corn, with shady figures about."

2009-09-03, 06:39 PM
"Well, we could, but how are we going to pay? Money is worthless now, and I doubt they will take our Ration Coupons from home." John replies.

2009-09-03, 06:52 PM
Martin turns to John with a grin on his face. "Well Luke and I have some talent, I'm sure we can strike a deal with an innkeeper to play the room a bit."

Adjusting his pack, Martin does his best to brush off some of the dust that had gathered from the day's journey. "We might have to sweet talk some people, but it should work. Plus you have a marketable skill, I'm sure I could strike a deal."

Frowning he adds, "Unless you all rather camp, then I guess we find a good spot."

2009-09-03, 07:25 PM
"We've been walking for two and a half hours, tops. It's not even noon yet," Sophie reminded the group. Her tone indicated disbelief that they wanted to camp so soon. "You seriously want to leave the nice clear tracks to hike through the corn toward a town that may or may not let us camp out, when we still have most of a day's travel to get to Winsville?"

2009-09-03, 07:30 PM
Martin eyes Sophie with a baleful glare.

"Well considering that," Pointing his finger at the smoke on the horizon, "is still at least, what an hour or two away, maybe more? Also it happens to be in the direction we are going, and along the tracks. We could just follow the path till it is a little closer. Plus we aren't designed for long distance walking. What happens if we march all day, and then are attacked. Won't even be able to raise a hand to defend ourselves."

2009-09-03, 08:41 PM
Luke stops and turns to the group. "Lets see how we are when we get to the town, and how the town is. If it looks friendly enough we can stop for a rest and than continue on. Maybe we can find out some more information from the locals about whats going on. Being prepared couldn't hurt, and neither will a small break."

2009-09-03, 08:45 PM
Martin looks at Luke, "Not a bad idea at all."

Turning to Sophie, Martin turns his hands up in supplication. "Why don't we compromise, let's see how long it takes to get to the town. If it takes a while, will stop. If we make it pretty quickly, why don't we stop. Rest for a bit, maybe get a bite to eat, and continue on for a while."

2009-09-03, 08:49 PM
""Ah, my friend, now that sounds like a fine idea to me." John says to Martin, "It seems I am used to working all day and night in a forge, but this walking is requiring different muscles then what I have been using."

2009-09-03, 08:56 PM
Martin grins at John, "Why thank you sir." As he continues walking, Martin flicks his wrist. As a small knife appears in his hand, he begins to spin it on his palm.

"This might need to be said, but you think it is alright if walk into town fully armed. They might confuse us with some nasty raiders."

With a small twist, the dagger slides back into its previous hiding spot.
"I'll have something on me, but it isn't in plain view."

2009-09-03, 09:05 PM
Sophie nods at the offer of compromise, then speaks up when Martin mentions weapons. "I doubt raiders hunt in groups of four, walk in clearly visible in the middle of the day, and don't draw their weapons until drawn on first."

2009-09-03, 09:11 PM
"Besides, I can't really hide my halberd...maybe..." John thinks for a moment, considering all the possible ways to potentially hide it, "Yea, no, I can't." John grins

2009-09-03, 09:11 PM
"I don't know, I guess it depends. They might be a real obvious presence here. Plus I don't know how they operate, but I guess my knowledge of this kinda of stuff is limited. Still we don't want to make people uncomfortable, so lets try to make nice with the locals."
Continuing on, "I think raiders go around drawing their weapons on everyone, hence the term raiders."

At John's keen obversation on the lack of ways to hide large weapons, Martin chuckles a bit.

"I guess that is a good point."

2009-09-03, 10:03 PM
Erik peruses the file, although at the name Ben Kenobi, he snorts and nearly drops the paper.
"Yeah, the bruises and burn marks...yeah. Ben Kenobi?"
Erik felt himself filled with an urge to either laugh or punch the lady in the face. Maybe both. He had seen Star Wars a few times, and had refrained from making Death Star jokes to the mayor only by a razor thin margin. The fact that this reverend had let slip what was obviously a fake name when she was trusted with a good amount of the town's injured grated severaly on his nerves, but without a little tact, he wouls never find Sarah. With a Herculean effort, he stopped the fifty snarky comebacks on the tip of his tounge.
[COLOR="darkorange"]"Well, I'm assuming thats either a fake name or a moniker, like the Moff. Do I have a physical appearance to go off of? did he look like a Bu-er, member of the local police force?" He stopped himself before saying Bully Boy, something telling him the term may be somewhat derogatory.

2009-09-03, 10:56 PM
"Well I'll try to keep my dagger away, but i don't see them thinking the guitar is a threat, maybe we can pose as travellers trying to earn a keep if anyone gets to threatened. Like Martin said earlier we do posses some skills to entertain and persuade people."

2009-09-03, 11:01 PM
"We are travelers. Not raiders. No need to make anything up."

2009-09-03, 11:33 PM
Veronica all but crawls directly under the windows to get around. She could care less about what music is playing, but seeing the mound sets off all sorts of intuitions and warnings. Motioning for Cragiue to keep an eye on the inside of the house she moves like a bolt towards it. If she has to hop the fence, so be it, but she's really just trying to hide behind a tree and take a gander at it.

It's probably nothing, she hopes. She prays. But her gut feelings have kept her alive thus far, so why stop listening now?

BAH. Damn delays: here's another MS, and then Hide: [roll0] [roll1] And now for a search check: If it's abysmal, she'll take a ten. Not actually un-burying anything she's inspecting it. This some sort of fresh grave? a big hole someone felt like digging, what? [roll2] (Take ten would be 11)

2009-09-04, 12:18 AM
"He and his lovely wife are supposed to be here for dinner. Sixish although I'd prefer to have everything ready before then."


Reverend Smith sighs. "I'm afraid that's all that we have. I remember that day, we where full past capacity. A Bully Boy patrol had run into some sort of steel giant thing and was nearly torn apart. My guess is that the nurse on duty rushed the paperwork to make room for incoming bodies." She stands up. "Feel free to take the file. If it's a fake name like you think, it's probably not worth keeping it. I've got to go. The on duty nurse might know something and I know some of the police that came that day are still here."

Veronica and Craigue

The earthen mound looks like a compost heap. The only way to know for certain that it wasn't something more sinister would be to take it apart.

2009-09-04, 05:31 AM
"Alright, I'll be home at six sharp." Amber giggles. "I'm sure I'll find the stuff in no time. You know I'm a pro at this." Her belly suitably filled, she grabs a backpack, her sickle, and the list of plants Daryl gave her, and heads out. "See you later!"

2009-09-05, 04:12 AM

((Give me a couple of spot checks along with a Knowledge (Nature) check.))

Luke, Martin, Sophie and John

The party approaches the remains of Thomasboro. A few dozen people watch anxiously as the strangers approach. Many of the buildings in town are have been burned to the ground. The whole community has a feeling of being on the edge of a precipice.

The town has turned the grain elevator into a makeshift fortification. From appearances the fortifications have seen allot of use, some of it recently. A half dozen yards and front lawns have been turned into makeshift graveyards. A few men pause in their work to stare at the travelers.

2009-09-05, 05:22 AM
Luke looks around searching for some kind of leader figure, or at the very least a bar so that the group can introduce themselves, and maybe get some information.

2009-09-05, 07:39 AM
Martin eyes the towns people. He slowly approaches one of the men, his hands at his side.

"Hello there, we're travelers seeking a place to rest. We won't burden you long, just need some place to relax a bit. In fact we will be leaving later today. Is there an inn, bar or something like that in this town?"

Diplomacy, if I need it. I don't think I do.

2009-09-05, 08:53 AM
John warily watches the townspeople, not quite expecting anything to happen, but still not sure.

2009-09-05, 02:48 PM
Luke, John, Sophie and Martin

The doesn't appear to be any leader type around, at least not outside of the fortifications.

The man Martin approaches, pauses in his work and leans on a shovel. "The Old Bank Cafe should be open. The tavern usually doesn't open this early. But after last night," The man shrugs mournfully. "I imagine that there's allot of people who'll be in need of a drink." The points in the direction of a few intact brick buildings. "They's both got signs on them. You can hardly miss 'em"


Amber's herb hunt soon takes her outside of the sight of the Wall. She passes through the burnt out sections of town. Even six weeks later the land is a waste devoid of life. But nature always springs back and already grass and small plants are taking back the devastation.

It's not long before her journey takes her to the abandoned section of town known as Indian Hills. Something is wrong with the area. All the animals seem on edge, anxious and violent for no apparent reason. The animals behavior brings Amber's dreams instantly back to mind.

2009-09-05, 07:55 PM
Walking through these burnt out and lifeless areas can be rather depressing. But Amber knows that Gaia's power is strong, and already She is beginning to reclaim the land - life always finds away. Soon, all this will be fertile land once again, Amber has faith in that.

A bit of a distance away from town, she once again finds herself surrounded by life. However, the behavior of the animals she sees unsettles her - something seems to be upsetting them, and it's certainly not her presence - this is not what fleeing from a predator looks like. In fact, she doesn't notice anything that might be causing them to behave like that. This concerns her deeply - maybe a natural disaster is about to strike? Animals often seem to have a sixth sense for things like that... In a flash of inspiration, she sits down in the middle of a field for a prayer to Gaia - She is bound to know. And maybe, just maybe, there's some connection to the dreams Amber has had lately...

"O Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, Mother of all life. All-fertile, immortal Gaia. Great Mother, I am your daughter and I call to You. I humbly ask of you, grant me wisdom so I may see what troubles Your children in this ravaged land. Grant me strength so I may aid them. Grant me clarity of mind so I may know what You ask of me."

2009-09-05, 10:09 PM
"Thank you kindly sir." Looking around the town, Martin has a small look of concern on his face, "though might I ask what happened last night? Everyone seems somewhat tense."

2009-09-05, 11:35 PM
Luke heads over too the buildings, leaving Martin to find out anything from the digger. He looks to see if the pub is indeed open, (and enters if it is, otherwise going into the cafe.) He heads over to the register. "Hi, I'm not from around here, me and a couple of my friends have come from out of town, we were traveling along and thought we could do with a drink and maybe a bite to eat. We don't have much to trade but I am a skilled musician and will happily play for our meal, or for any information you can give us to keep us safe on our travels."

2009-09-06, 10:13 AM
John hesitates for a minute, and then calmly follows Luke, appearing to relax his grip on his weapons as to appear as if he is just carrying them now, with no intent for use.

2009-09-07, 12:07 AM
"Some sort of Iron Giant, you say....nevermind.
Again restraining the urge to laugh with a superhuman effort, Erik took the reverends advice, and began roaming the clinic looking for any Bully Boys unfortunate enough to be under care.

2009-09-07, 04:18 PM
Trying not to look too embarrassed, the tigress sneaks back over to the house and motions for Craigue to help her find a side door or a window that leads to a more hidden, out of the way part of the house.

2009-09-07, 04:28 PM

Amber settles down and tries to center herself. The agitated atmosphere makes it hard to concentrate. Normally the prayers provide a source of peace and calm, but something is different this time. It's almost as if a barrier has been erected between Amber and the divine.

It feels like something is trying to reach back but there's something in the way. A brief image of seven men flashes through her mind but then it's gone, and Amber's left alone in the field.


The man clears his throat and wipes a dirty hand at his face. Martin can't be sure but it looks like there were tears forming in his eyes. "Yeah sure." he sniffs loudly. "Priest's men came. It was bad, real bad. We beat them off but..." he looks at the row of graves forming and swallows hard. "With raiders it's not so bad, you just fight a little and they give up looking for easier pickings but these guys, these ****s where different. If they come back, I don't know..."

Luke and John

The pub is open and there is a fair sized crowd despite it still being well before noon. Most of the men and a few women seem to be trying to drink themselves into oblivion. A few seem pretty close to succeeding.

The barkeep eyes the pair suspiciously. From his complexion it's evident that he's had more than a few drinks himself. "Listen boy. We've not got anything for freeloaders like you." He seems to be gearing up to vent when a drunken man on a stool nearby stops him. "I could use a song, I'll cover for the kid." The drunk, stares at Luke his eyes are red and puffy. "You know anything by Lynyrd Skynyrd?" He continues in a quite voice "It used to be Nora's favorite."

((Luke finds out about the same amount as Martin. There was an attack last night, it was the followers of the Priest a man turned prophet operating out of the Muddy Waters Correctional facility. They demanded that the town surrender but the towns people refused confident that they could hold out. The town usually doesn't have to much difficulty fighting off raiders but this assault was bad for the town. Priest's men attacked with fanatic devotion to their cause lead them to take risks any raider in his or her right mind would have avoided. They killed the assault almost to a man but took incredible losses. Of about three hundred able bodied men and women they lost over a hundred and about an equal number of non-combatants were cut down by the men who made it passed the fortifications.

Everyone lost friends and loved ones in a few cases entire families were wiped out. The entire town is depressed, angry and more than a little scared. Moral is low and the majority of people think that if there is another assault or major raider attack the town is done. Allot of the anger is aimed at Mayor Tenson. Thomasboro has sent multiple people to the Moff in hopes that they could enter the saftey of the Wall only to be refused. The Moff claims that there isn't enough food to support additional refugees but Fredsboro would be happy to have them once the harvest comes in. Most of the men and women are fairly certain that the town won't last that long.

They don't know a whole lot about the situation in Winsville. They try and stay withing easy running distance of the towns fortifications in case something happens. If anything they know even less than the party does. There is talk about "Corn Demons" and "The Corn that Stalks" but the descriptions vary wildly from little green men to hairy half wolf creatures to horrific slug beasts.))


Sure enough the Reverend was right. After a little searching Erik finds one of the aforementioned Bully Boys. He's lying in a bed on the second floor, in what used to be a Sunday school room. A curtain separates his 'room' from that of three others. The on duty nurse said his name was William.

When he sees Erik enter he puts down the book he was reading and tries to sit up. He manages only after some struggling and a pained expression. His chest is covered in a plaster cast, at a guess he's got more than one broken rib.

Veronica and Craigue

The house has a backdoor that leads to the backyard and a side door off the garage, both of which are locked. One of you will need to pick it to get in that way. None of the out of the way windows are openable, and would have to be broken to gain entrance.

2009-09-07, 05:04 PM
"... Mother?" Amber can feel something trying to contact her, respond to her prayer... whether it is Gaia or not, she cannot tell. Those seven men she saw... the same ones from her dream? Maybe... at any rate, something is blocking her from coming into contact with the Great Mother, that much she can tell. Something so powerful that it can keep Gaia Herself at bay? That's an idea that deeply unsettles Amber, and she stands up, looking around for something, anything tangible that might hint at whoever or whatever it is that is causing these disturbances... probably the same thing that has put all the animals here in a frenzy, a hunch tells her.

2009-09-07, 10:00 PM
John seems to take offense at the barkeeps comment, "Freeloader? Neighbor, I guarantee you I work a lot harder then you do."

2009-09-07, 10:30 PM
"Now John, don't knock back this mans kind hospitality, he was just about to get us all some drinks." Luke feigns before turning to the bar keep. "Cold ones if you don't mind."

Luke picks up a guitar and plays 'Simple Man' for the man who is shouting drinks. When he is done he tips his hat. Turning to the bar keep he smiles. "You know we know some guys in Fredsboro, maybe we could be convinced to vouch for your town, once we are done in Winsville we will probably be heading back this way. Prehaps you could make it known to your mayor. Although we would have to prove your worth and that could be a difficult task."

2009-09-08, 08:56 AM
Craigue shrugs and tips his head around the corner towards the garage, then pantomimes turning a handle and fiddling with a lock.

2009-09-08, 09:24 AM
The priest... Looking over, Martin grimaces as his eyes move over the fresh graves. As each grave comes into view, Martin can't help but start to tear up. His mind drifts to his own family,Dad.... Still it had been years, and rather than let the memories consume him. He pushes them to the back of his mind.

Martin raises his hand, debating on whether he should console the man or not. Finally his unfamiliarity with the man forces Martin to lower his hand back to his side. "I'm sorry for all your losses. I've heard stories of the priest, I thought most were exaggerated. Sadly, they seem to be accurate..."

At a loss for words, Martin reaches in his pack producing a a pair of cigarettes and a match box. Striking a match, he watches as the fire flares to life. Lighting one cigarette, he takes a long drag. "You want one man? How about some help? I might not be here for long, but I can help out with something."

2009-09-08, 04:47 PM
Veronica seems fine by that logic, though she gives her compatriot a questioning look: she can't break locks (unless literally) so the job's going to fall to him.

Or it will be a loud forced entry.

2009-09-08, 05:13 PM

Amber can't seem to find anything that could be causing the disturbance. After searching a bit she does find some of the herbs she was originally looking for, hemlock and hensbane, in a garden. The garden is unique because someone has been maintaining it. The faint sound of classic jazz trickles out of an open window, letting Amber know that the house isn't abandoned like the others.


The man takes the proffered cigarette. "Thanks, but I think I should do this alone. A man buries his own, right?"

He lifts the shovel with weary arms and continues his macabre task.

Luke and John

The barkeep seems to want to respond to John's comment, but bites back his retort, content instead to simply glower. "I've got two for you, but **** me if I can keep em cold." He scratches his chin at Luke's comment. "**** all good it'll do us, but thanks for the effort."

2009-09-08, 06:05 PM
Amber neatly harvests the parts of the herbs she needs with her sickle. When she notices she's on someone's property, she can't help but sneak a bit closer to take a peek inside through the open window... whoever lives there probably has nothing to do with the panic among the wildlife, but it can't hurt to take a look, right?

2009-09-09, 05:29 AM
"Just keep it in mind, for when we return." Luke tips up the bottom of his bottle, taking deep gulps, stopping for a breath he turns around and looks at the other patrons of the bar. He turns to the drunk "Thank you for the drinks. Are you coming John, in any case I'll wait outside once your done sipping that." He drains the last of the bottle and puts it on the bar before heading back to where Martin is.

2009-09-09, 06:44 AM
"Alright, thanks for your time." Turning back to the group,"Hey guy- you all aren't here...Great." Heading down the street, he moseys over to the town's drinking establishment. Bumping into Luke as he comes out the door.

"Hey there...You guys have a nice drink?" Martin seems a little sour at being left out of the drinking. Still he puffs on his cigarette, and by the time he finishes. His face looked exceedingly calm.

"What did you find out. Heard something about the priest."

2009-09-09, 08:28 AM
Frowning, Craigue leans very close to Veronica. "You sure we can't just talk with her? I'd hate to bust into an old lady's house and scare her to death after she got through the Awakening." He shakes his head, then rises and looks through the window of the side door and focuses on the gifts of Byonde. Unlock the door and step away from it and wait for further instructions, he thinks to the summoned helper before looking back at the tiger-woman and nodding.

2009-09-09, 09:22 AM
John drains the last of his beer, "Thanks Neighbor" and follows Luke

2009-09-09, 03:48 PM

A peek through the window, reveals an almost idyllic sight. The inside of the house looks like a hollywood version of what a grandparents house should look like. Pictures of children and grandchildren decorate a fire place. A tabby cat naps peacefully on a rocking chair. With her feline nose, Amber can even smell the sent of baking wafting in from another room.

Veronica and Craigue

The invisible servitor opens the lock with a soft click.

2009-09-09, 03:59 PM
"I didn't find out much about the priest, just that he is power crazy and working out of Muddy Waters Correctional facility. Sounds like he has raised a bit of an army out there, although these guys gave them something to think about." Luke shrugs looking to the grave digger. "Although they took some heavy losses for it. Turns out they want to move in with us, but the Moff won't let them. Did you find out anything from the old man?"

2009-09-09, 05:45 PM
Seeing this sweet scene and smelling the baking delicacies almost makes Amber want to walk in and curl up by the fire. It's a sight straight from a fairytale... but wait, even in those there's usually a bad guy. Amber turns her head and look around to make sure nobody's sneaking up on her... in this changed world, she has encountered enough ruthless people with a blatant disregard for others' lives that she knows she has to watch her own back at any time, especially when she's out by herself.

2009-09-10, 01:12 PM
Craigue, this is too clean, too conspicuous," the tigress quietly hisses back to him, unintentionally showing her pointed teeth, "Nothing survived this clean and if it was reconstructed some basic reconnaissance could have told us that. We don't have to treat the old girl as hostile, but this *stinks*. We have to be cautious, unless you'd like to knock on her door and ask her how things stayed so relatively calm."

Veronica stands poised to go through the door first, but she takes the time to explain herself at least.

2009-09-10, 01:22 PM
Still frowning, Craigue nods sadly. "I understand. I just..." he trails off as he shakes his head. "Yeah. Go. Let's go." he says with a hint of resignation in his voice.

2009-09-10, 04:02 PM

As far as Amber can tell, she and the baker are the only two people in all of Indian Hills. As she watches a little old lady walks out of what Amber assumes is the kitchen. Humming in time to the music she walks over to the cat and scratches it affectionately behind the ear. "I'm going out. Winston, I expect you to take care of things while I'm gone." The cat doesn't respond, returning to it's nap as soon as the woman stops scratching. She walks out of Amber's line of sight and returns with a bag in hand and large straw hat on her head. She begins walking towards the front door.

Veronica and Craigue

The inside of the garage is cool and dark, illuminated only by the window in the door. A single car sits in the two car garage. The walls are lined with gardening tools along with some power tools. A single door on the far side leads to the rest of the house. ((Both you please make a couple of checks, you know for the hell of it. :smallbiggrin: ))

Martin, Luke, and John

After a brief wait Sophie reappears, returning from whatever endeavor separated her from the group. "I tired to find out more about these 'Corn Stalkers' but I didn't turn up a whole lot. All the stories seem contradictory. As far as I can tell whatever's out there is a whole lot of different things or one thing that can take a whole lot of different shapes. I'm not sure I like either alternative." ((Unless any of you have something more you want to do in Thomasboro, we can continue on towards Winsville.))

2009-09-10, 04:07 PM
Craigue shakes his head in amazement. "Okay. Officially creepy. No one kept a garage like this when we had electricity!" he whispers. Follow, he silently commands the unseen spirit.

OOC:I had intended on moving the raven to the room with the vitrola to keep an eye on things (heh heh), but I don't want to seem like I'm cheating, so we'll leave it where it is.

2009-09-10, 04:38 PM
"Well I guess that's it than, everyone have a nice break shall we head on. Just hope we don't run into these children of the corn."

2009-09-10, 04:58 PM
The old lady looks innocent enough, but her gut feeling tells Amber that something is not quite right about this. How could this lady survive all by herself out here? She certainly can't drive down to the grocery store anymore, and it's doubtful whether she could care for and live off the garden all by herself. Amber decides that this must be investigated further, and walks around the corner of the house on soft paws, making sure that she's out of sight of the front door.

2009-09-10, 10:50 PM
Erik entered Williams room, cocking his head head sympathetically at the man's injuries; He had had his ass handed to him enough times to know it was never fun.

"Ah, hey there. I, um, know you don't know me, but you might know a few things that I really could use about now. So, if you don't mind sparing a few minutes, I have two things to ask you. First of all:"

he took out Sara's photo again and gave it to the man. "Did you see this girl around here about two weeks ago?"

2009-09-10, 11:43 PM
John nods, "Yup, Let's get a movin on. I think we've done all we can here for now, and I have a hot date with a bottle of Scotch in Winsville."

2009-09-11, 09:55 AM
Martin's ears perk at the mention of scotch, shaking his head to snap him back attention. "Does she have any cute cousins?"

Slinging his pack on, "All ready, we should get going."

2009-09-11, 10:14 AM
Veronica gives him a "What'd I tell you" look before looking the place over herself before moving forward.

Spot, Listen, and a search: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2009-09-11, 10:55 AM
John chuckles, "I'm sure she does." He adjusts his pack, "I guess it's time to hit the grindstone again."

2009-09-11, 07:07 PM

Amber can hear the lady's shoes tap softly on the concrete side walk as she continues on whatever errand she left for. After a couple of minutes her footsteps fade to inaudibility. About the same time the music coming from inside stops leaving the entire area almost eerily silent.

Veronica and Craigue

The door to the rest of the house opens noiselessly. A corridor with thickly padded carpet leads to the living room Craigue and Veronica saw through the window. The corridor has three doors, two on one side and one on the other. Before either of the two can continue down the hall way the music dies.

Luke, Martin and John

Sophie smiles at John. "More importantly does she have any brothers?" With that the party leaves the town to bury their dead.

After roughly two hours of walking, the party passes through another town which has sprouted up around a grain elevator. This one is tiny making Thomasboro look like a metropolis. (Make spot checks)

2009-09-11, 08:36 PM
((Sorry about that.))


William sits up a bit more and winces. He takes a look at the picture and studies it. "Who is she? Girlfriend?" He scratches his chin some more. "I think I remember her now. She was brought in by a couple of us. She had the bed over there." He points to a bed occupied by a sleeping woman. "She was put over there, she was out. Nurse cleaned her up and bandaged her and she didn't even wake up."

2009-09-12, 02:28 AM
Luke, Martin, and John

The party progresses through the abandoned town. A bangs softly slams repeatedly against a wall pressed by the wind, the only sound in the small hamlet. The buildings are all abandoned and empty. The entire place devoid of human habitation. The large grain elevator looms over the town, casting a dark shadow over the train tracks. As the party gets closer the elevator seems tower over them, dark and foreboding.

The party passes the structure without incident and a few paces later is outside of town. A short and uneventful time later and the party is at the outskirts of Winnsville. Even at the edge of down the change is pronounced. Fire has taken large sections of town and, here at the edge at least, the town seems to be abandoned.

((It's early afternoon by this point. How do you want to progress through the town? What area's if any do you want to avoid? What places or points of interest do you want to hit along the way, if any?))

2009-09-12, 03:14 AM
"Lets see that map, we don't want to go into the wrong neighborhood this time of night." Luke holds the map out so everyone can see. "The plan was to head to the Good guys and try and avoid the church. Anyone got any other ideas."

2009-09-12, 04:23 AM
Amber walks back around the house, minding stealth less now that the old lady's gone. She looks for a window or door that was left open, as well as keeping her eyes peeled for anything that seems out of the ordinary... something's fishy about this lady, she's sure of that.

When the music suddenly goes silent, however, Amber stops dead in her tracks. She had hardly even noticed it before, but now she has to wonder if there's someone else in the house (besides the cat)... she ducks towards the nearest window and carefully peeks inside.

2009-09-12, 11:54 AM
Manuevring himself in order to get a better view of the map. Martin traces his finger along the borders between the various factions. He proposes his idea to the group."Yeah avoiding the church is something we should focus on. Unless we want to end up like those townspeople. I think it might be best to take it slow, and stealthy. Does anyone want to do some site seeing? I think if we keep our wits about us, should we get this done quick and easy."

2009-09-12, 02:25 PM
John shrugs, "Works for me."

2009-09-12, 02:37 PM
"Fabulous, I love working with easy going people." Martin smiles a bit, taking a moment to think about their situation.

2009-09-12, 06:52 PM
"Than we all agree. Lets go."

2009-09-13, 02:08 PM
John, Luke and Martin

As the group ventures further into town the evidence of wide scale disorder and violence is even more obvious. Most of the residences seem to be abandoned entirely. Many of the larger buildings have been taken over by groups of people, either as bases of operations for raiders or fortresses created by more civil people to keep raiders out. At a distance it's almost impossible to tell the two groups apart, and some fit equally well in either category.

The party continues through the town unmolested. Until they approach Bradley Avenue (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=dHa&q=east+bradley+ave+champaign+il&um=1&ie=UTF-8&split=0&gl=us&ei=X0StSu_-H4a7lAe9h4nSBg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1). Train cars occupy both sets of tracks, and even from this distance the part can tell that there are armed men keeping watch from the cars roofs.

2009-09-13, 09:53 PM
Johns grip tightens slightly on his halberd and he calls out in a friendly tone, "Hello over there, any chance you fellows have some Scotch? I'm just dying for a proper drink!"

2009-09-13, 10:00 PM
"John wa....dam. Lets hope they are friendly." Luke turns to watch Gunmen.

2009-09-14, 08:39 AM
Martin gapes at John for several seconds, finally he closes his mouth biting back a harsh word or two. Stewing for several seconds, Luke's comment draws a response from the magician "My guess would be no."

2009-09-14, 10:37 AM
Craigue leans close to Veronica again. "The victrola needs to be wound again, I think," he grins thinly before adding, "I hope!"

2009-09-14, 02:16 PM
John, Luke and Martin

The two guards talk to each other in hushed tones. "Yeah sure, no problem. Why don't you come on in and talk to Big Mike." He gestures to the opening between the two trains. "I'm not sure if We've got any scotch, but we just landed a case of rum a couple days ago." The guards both lower their weapons.

2009-09-14, 03:46 PM
"Sure we will be right in." Luke turns to the others. "No choice now, its Big Mike or their guns."

2009-09-14, 04:12 PM
Martin stands still, quickly he mutters "No reason to kill us, even if we run. At least they won't when we're doing what they say. What do you think John?"

2009-09-14, 06:23 PM
John looks ar Martin and Luke, and then turns to the guards with a big grin, "Lead the way my good fellows, I think I hear that drink calling me. Let's go see Big Mike."

2009-09-14, 06:51 PM
John, Luke and Martin

The more talkative of the two guards nods to the other and tells the party that Big Mike's office is a straight shot between the two trains. Once the party walks between the two reaches the first two cars, the guards lift a the "gate", a large section of plywood with some rope attached.

Once the party is through the guards lower the gate again. The quiet one with the bow stays behind, and the other one continues on with the group. The trains have been turned into a fortress of sorts. the wheels have been spiked and the outsides barricaded so no one can crawl through. Several of the cars are occupied by people and a few are full of supplies. One particularly fragrant car seems to be the groups outhouse. The guard starts questioning them in a friendly tone. "So, where are you guys from, exactly? Name's JJ by the way."

2009-09-14, 07:49 PM
"A little north of here. We were passing through and my friends and I are looking for a book. We figured we could try looking in the university for it. My names Luke by the way."

2009-09-14, 08:22 PM
"Name's Martin" With a casual wave of greeting, "It just like my buddy Luke said, we're just traveling through on an errand." His eyes flint about, trying to see if any other guards are in the area. "So what is the deal about this place? You guys seem to have banded together nicely."


If the guards take our equipment, remember Martin's daggers are hidden to the best of his ability. Ie took 20 to hide them, so the guards will have to make a 34 (10 ranks +2 for dagger +2 for cloak) search check if they frisk me. They get a +4 on the check.

2009-09-14, 09:25 PM
John nods to the guard and cheerfully replies, "The name's John Christenson, I'm from Fredsboro, born and raised. I'm actually running a Smithy up there, if you ever need anything made, here's my card." John hands him a handmade business card, (basically a piece of cardstock with his name, address, and nature of his business)


John Christenson
Master Smith, Handmade Weaponry, Gears, and fine pieces of Decorative Items
153 Martinsville Lane
Fredsboro, STATE/ZIP
Show this card for 20% off!!

2009-09-14, 09:31 PM
Martin eyes the card that John produced, "Wow John, you really are a professional." His voice isn't mocking, in fact it has a tone of admiration. I need cards...

2009-09-14, 10:05 PM
"So now you know all about us. What are you guys doing here? Whats your story JJ."

2009-09-15, 01:54 PM
John, Martin and Luke

"A while back Big Mike and some guys came across this train, It was chock full of all sorts of food coming out of the Kraft Plant. There was so much stuff here they decided it'd be easier to hold up here than move it all to a safe house." He takes John's card mighty neighborly of you." He puts the card in a pocket. "I'll make sure to stop in if I'm ever out that way." He scratches his chin. "Me? Well, after the change me and the missus thought we could hold up in the house but we ran outa food. Big Mike and the gang where nice enough to take us in."

He stops at a train car that looks like all the others. He opens the door, and the car looks deserted a few discarded food packages on the floor. "Go ahead and climb in, Big Mike'll be with y'all in just a second."

2009-09-15, 03:49 PM
John smiles at JJ "Thanks JJ, maybe after Big Mike meets with us you and I can grab a drink." John then climbs into the traincar and takes a look around

OOC: I should probably mention this, John isn't stupid, he knows this could be a trap, but he's just going along with it.

2009-09-15, 05:00 PM
Luke follows John into the back of the traincar and finds himself a place to sit.

2009-09-15, 05:25 PM
"Um..." Martin is obviously hesistant to get in the car. Turning to JJ, he says with a smile, "I think we will wait ou-"

"Thanks JJ, maybe after Big Mike meets with us you and I can grab a drink."

Martin was not amused, "Now John be reasonable. You really can't think that Luke an-" For the second time, Martin is struck speechless as Luke clambers in after John. His jaw had dropped like the hinge was broken, weakly he manages to say "Seriously guys...*sigh*" His thoughts race as he relunctently climbs into the car, They are going to shut the door on us, I know it and I'm going to flip out. It's going to be dark, and small. I swear to God I'll punch John straight in his face if they close the door.

Getting into small spaces of his own design was one thing. Martin always knew the exit was close at hand. If something went horribly wrong, his assistants would get him out of it quick.

Getting shut in a train car with no way out, was an entirely different situation.

2009-09-15, 05:45 PM
John, Martin and Luke

JJ smiles back at Martin. "I'd like that"

As far as John can tell the car is empty. There's a card table set up in one of the corners with a couple of chairs around it and more empty food containers but that's about it. There is a large trap door in the ceiling but no visible means to reach it.

JJ scuffs his shoes in the dirt and looks of in the distance for Big Mike's arrival. His eyes focus on an object in the distance and his expression changes. He leaps forward and slams the car's door shut. From the outside you can hear a muffled "I'm sorry... Wife and kids you know?"

2009-09-15, 05:55 PM
"NO F-----NG WAY. OPEN THIS DOOR, OPEN THE GOD D--M DOOR NOW! JJ YOU BASTARD. I HOPE YOUR KIDS DIE OF DYSENTERY " Martin frantically pounds at the door for several seconds. The skin on his left hand splits from the force. Grabbing his hand, Martin turns away from the door. Spying John, Martin hysterically says, "Hey guys I'm John. I'm going to get in the F----ng train car. Because I'm a moronic alcoholic, and I trust everyone and I have business cards. YOU BASTARD, GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW." Martin takes a wild swing on John, obviously not trained in fighting but fear has a funny effect on people.

yeah he gets an AOO, and its non lethal

2009-09-15, 09:20 PM
John grunts in surprise as Martin flips out and punches him, John then attempts to grab Martin and hold him still; "Chill Martin, This is going to work out fine. Just calm down. See, there's a trap door up there, let's figure out how to get up there." John says soothingly, trying to calm martin.

2009-09-15, 11:49 PM
Erik raised an eyebrow introspectively. "Girlfriend? No.....maybe if she was we wouldn't be in this mess.............." Flashes of his fight with his best friend flashed through his mind, the killer intent, filling both of them, that he had failed to notice at the time was all too noticeable now, in his recollections. Was it over her? The thought had never crossed his mind before. With an effort, he dragged himself out of his reverie. "Sorry. Guess Im trying to figure that out myself. Anyway, did you happen to see when she was picked up, or who picked her up?"

2009-09-16, 12:24 AM
Luke turns to face the door. "Ok guys don't be freaked out. I'm just going to try something" Luke mumbles a small tune and chaotic energies surround his hand pulsing in orange light. He pushes them forward directing them at the door.
Eldritch blast damage [roll0]
((OOC do i need to roll to hit a door this close))

2009-09-16, 08:54 AM
With a nod to Veronica, Craigue takes a couple steps ahead of her, trying to remember where the room with the Victrola was and tipping his head to try and discern any sound from beyond. A smile crosses his lips as he directs the bird back to the window once more for another look.


2009-09-16, 09:22 AM
"A trap door, where." Martin breaks out of John's grasp, frantically he searches the train car. A audible sigh of relief escapes Martin. Running over, Martin drags the card table underneath the trap door. Clambering on the table Martin examines the door closely, trying to get a grasp on how it works.

2009-09-16, 05:35 PM
Veronica, Craigue and Amber

Craigue creeps forward into the living room. It's much the same as when he last looked at it through a window. The cat raises its heat briefly before returning to sleep. The only change to the scene is outside the window. Outside stands a creature with the torso of a woman and the torso of a leopard. The stragne sight is confirmed by the raven outside.

Veronica is likewise startled to see Craigue creep into the empty room.


"I wish I could help, but I had just come in and was still on a whole lot of pain medication." He pauses to thinks for a second. "We're packed in here and I think they let her go just to have another open bed. A man, or maybe a woman... no it was a dude came and signed her out. He carried her out I think."

Martin, Luke and John

Luke's blast impacts the corrugated steel of the door. The blast leaves a small scorched hole in the door letting in another small stream of light into the dark car.

The card table supports Martins weight but just barely. The table sags as the spindly legs struggle to support his frame. Martin's hand can just reach the trap door. The door isn't locked but it opens up and outward, out of Martin's reach.

About this time the train car begins shaking noticeably.

2009-09-16, 06:14 PM
The small stream of light, greatly relieved the anxiety that Martin was feeling. Carefully getting off the table, Martin promptly begins whispering. "Luke see if you can see something coming up through the hole...Lets hope not." Turning to John, Martin averts his eyes, unable to look at him directly. "Sorry about hitting you earlier man, I don't like small spaces. Now I tried the trap door, we have two options. " Lifting up his hand, two fingers pop up and lowering the first he says,"You try to open it with your weapon...halbred...thing, or you support the table as I do it. Because that thing isn't going to hold me, while I'm messing with the door."

As the shaking becomes noticeable, Martin bites his lip a little bit. Obviously wrestling with a decision, sighing his fingers snap. At the sound, a small shimmering can be seen around his figure.

Casting Mage armor, should last 2 hours.

2009-09-16, 06:28 PM
"I'll push the damned thing open, here goes nothing" John slams his Halberd up into the trapdoor, attempting to knock it open.

2009-09-16, 08:30 PM
Luke looks out the hole trying to see if anything is out there. The shaking makes him nervouse and he also looks to see if he can see the door handle.
Spot: [roll0]
((roll is in OOC thread because this roll didnt work. i rolled a 2 making a spot of 1))

2009-09-16, 10:12 PM
John, Luke and Martin

Luke tries to look through the hole but can't see anything. The cars shaking grows more pronounced.

John's halberd slams into the trap door and it slams open letting large shaft of light.

The rumble increases in speed and intensity.

2009-09-16, 10:30 PM
Martin dashes over to the table. Desperately he looks up at the sky light, his face instantly relaxed. He gently climbs onto the table. His face takes on a grim determination, he jumps desperately trying to catch an edge of the open hole and pull himself up.

Jump[roll0] no idea how high it is though. nor the table
Strength[roll1] to hoist myself up.
Balance [roll2] to keep stable on the table during the jump

2009-09-17, 12:15 AM
"John! When he grabs the ledge, grab his legs and push him up as fast as you can."

2009-09-17, 02:14 PM
Luke, John and Martin

Martin launches himself from the card table towards the opening. The card table collapses, but he manages to get his hands on the lip of the opening. With boost from Luke, he's about halfway out the hole and should be able to sing the rest of his body up without a problem.

Martin sees:
Once out of the car Martin sees a man that looks like this:
http://www.addfan.com/image/races/demiOgre.gif jogging towards him along the train's roof. Upon seeing Martin he starts to run full out in his direction, causing the cars to shake noticeably. Behind him are a couple of men armed with crossbows, but they seem child size in comparison. They're about three dozen yards away.

The cars shaking increases substantially.

2009-09-17, 02:40 PM
Craigue starts, but catches himself. What is it with me and cat-women? he thinks to himself with a grin even as he quickly retreats from the room, hoping he has not been seen. He leans in to Veronica yet again. "Did you invite company? There's another spectator outside!" he whispers.

2009-09-18, 05:10 AM
"Martin, MARTIN! What is it?"

2009-09-18, 09:46 AM
As Martin's face breaks into the fresh air and sunlight, he can't help but laugh. Until the sight of Big Mike approach burned into his brain. "Holy ----" Suddenly his hands slip, and he tumbles back into the car. Landing on top of John, barely missing his numerous weapons. "Alright Big Mike is big, really really big and fast. He is coming here now, and he has two people with crossbows with him."

He gingerly stands, and with a flick of his left wrist. A high quality knife slips into his waiting hand. He stares at it for a second, realizing that he wasn't going to be aiming at a target or trying to get close to someone. He is going to be aiming at them, throwing to kill. His hand shakes a little, and he grabs his wrist to steady it.

"We got to either escape down, or prepare to meet big mike. I know I'm not going to be dessert for some monster. Even if it means..." His words trail off, but the meaning is unmistakable.

2009-09-18, 09:59 AM
Amber notices a raven flying overhead, which makes her ponder for a moment... it doesn't seem to be affected by whatever it is that has sent all other animals here into a frenzy. Maybe it's someone's pet, and that someone is somehow responsible for all this... as she muses about this, she suddenly notices someone inside the house who quickly retreats out of sight. She does the same, ducking below the window and muttering a few selected cuss words under her breath.

There's no doubt that she has been seen; now there are two options available to her - quickly retreat and hope this man doesn't follow her, or go inside and talk to him, try to find out what he's doing here. After a few moments of consideration, she decides that fortune favors the bold, and she still has a job to do... the raven circling above makes it seem all the more likely that this place has something to do with the disturbances among the wildlife. She walks around the house, looking for a way inside.