View Full Version : Help Me!!!

2009-08-20, 10:09 AM

me become a better avatarist. i have inkscape and i have made a few but i can't make anything besides a guy with a sword and a cape. And i would try to make avatars alot and get better but i have no idea what to make!!!!

some i have made:

2009-08-20, 10:47 AM
Go here. (http://www.trazoi.net/tutorials/inkscape/oots/)

It's a basic tutorial on OOTS avatars. Just follow it step by step and then you'll be able to come up with things on your own. I've been able to do these pictures as examples:

Elder Tsofu
2009-08-20, 10:47 AM
Well, a guy in in a cape is not a bad place to start, especially as you are familiar with it.
If you look at the cape on your avatar and compare it to the cape on your own works you'll probably notice a difference. So if you click and hold the lines on your cape you can bend it and give it a curvy effect (much like in your current).
As it is now it looks like your cape is made out of cardboard. :smallwink:

The legs on your avatars seem to be about the right length, but they are spread quite wide. Try to give them a more L-shape (and with both feet pointing in the same direction), but make one leg a bit longer than the other.

On the head, I find it quite difficult to make an avatar looking face forward and still look good. It's like when being filmed, never look directly into the camera. :smallwink:
Try to move the eyes a bit to the side, about as far as the left eye is on the right of the right eye on the avatar in the middle.

Let's see if that improves matters. :smallsmile:

2009-08-20, 10:57 AM
Go here. (http://www.trazoi.net/tutorials/inkscape/oots/)

It's a basic tutorial on OOTS avatars. Just follow it step by step and then you'll be able to come up with things on your own. I've been able to do these pictures as examples:

tried it when i first downloaded inkscape...

just made this one: http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv288/generick_01/randomswordsmmanwithgrayjacket.png

2009-08-20, 12:18 PM
Ok, so you have inkscape and found Trazoi's.

Then I'l remove the first few steps.

1. Practice, practice, practice.
2. Re-read OOTS, this time focusing more on the art. (And possibly how it developed, you can see big changes in say, the (speaking) mouth.
2. Ask for critique whenever you post something.
3. Take requests from the OOTS style request thread(up there among the stickied threads of this forum). Don't be afraid of rejection, don't take rejection hard.
Say it's okay if they want somebody else to do it and that changes are easy.
Ask for credit in their signature if/when they use it. This is not rude, this is the polite thing to do by the avatar-getting person. Requesting this makes (pretty) sure(not always, some people already have uber long sigs and know that).
This will get your more known around. Even in boards you don't visit.
4. Practice, practice, practice. Beg for comments and critique.
5. Grongratulation, you are now one of the hundreds OOTS style little known avatarists.
6. Stick a line: I do avatars, PM me if you want one. In your signature.
This will make people outside of the arts & crafts forum realize you do avatars and possibly want one!
EGO BOOST! if/when they PM you!
7. Keep on going. I can not stress this enough, if you want to get good. Don't take the occasional/lots of requests for one or a couple of weeks.
8. Get regular ''requestors/customers''(Hesitant to say customers, since they don't actually pay anything. >.>)
9. Don't get stuck! Experiment in your style! What would happen if you made lines thicker or thinner? The eyes bigger? The hands smaller? See if this looks good.
(8.5 Develop your own odd quirks in the OOTS style.)
10 Realize that this is long term, you don't instantly get godly art powers. I wish. >.> Only if you keep it up for years orso, you get known and much respected. Even if you don't post a lot, a great example of this is Dr. Bath!

I'm sure I missed a couple of steps(eh just go ahead anyway) and 10. should probably be 1. as in that it should be the first thing to do.


On your latest piece. It looks like it suddenly shrunk/grew too much because of the pixelisation? Are you sure you drew it in a screen of 120X120? (A handy tip is having a coloured square(preferably with a little-used colour) in the background so you don't get out of it. And if you would, then it would get stretched and wrong proportions. And nobody likes stretched and wrong-proportioned avatars. >.>

The cloak looks weird. It has sleeves but nothing in the front?
The cloak-part outline needs a thicker line.

If it's a trenchcoat, then I recommend a outline on the inside(thus in front of your character) to make it clear that it's not a cloak.

The smile look a bit off, remember that the eyes are pretty much above the center of the lips. Unless the character is looking to the far left or the far right. (and remember, in OOTS style, a character* always has two eyes on the screen!

His left hand looks off, you need to make all ''fingers'' a even length.(With that, I mean that they all end on a even line)
The left and the right finger in a normal handstance, always curve into eachother. (Pointing and making a fist are not normal handstands, for example..)

The arms and the legs need to be thicker(Trazoi's says 2 long, I think)

The hair goes on (a little or much, depending on hair length) beyond the head.

*Unless somebody is missing a eye/has more then 2 eyes, whatever.

I would type more, but I have to go.

Miss Nobody
2009-08-20, 12:22 PM
just made this one: http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv288/generick_01/randomswordsmmanwithgrayjacket.png

The eyes and legs look better than the first ones, but the lines are too thin. You could also try making the mouth smaller. Oh, and try to avoid using pure black, like you did with the hair and sword hilt, or at least make the outline dark grey.

If you have no idea what to draw, you could try making some requests from the request thread or OOTS-ifying your favorite characters from videogames/movies/cartoons/anime/comics

2009-08-20, 01:02 PM
ya i just made http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv288/generick_01/piratebear.png for the request an ootsatar and this http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv288/generick_01/halfdemonhalfangel.png for angels and demons week...

and yes i know the polar bears lines are way too thin

2009-08-20, 01:23 PM
I am going to echo what others have said in the thread and see if I can add anything helpful.
Practise drawing a favourite character of yours from another comic/cartoon/something.
Working with references can help a lot. - I still have to have a reference for anything that I draw, heck sometimes I have to sketch my avatars out first before even opening Inkscape.
The practice from doing that can be applied to all other avatars you do in the future.
Make your page in Inkscape 120*120 (Shift+Ctrl+D, IIRC) and draw within the boundaries.
Not only do you not have to resize when you're done, you can keep the 2.0 px lines that OoTS-style uses.
Just have to remember to zoom in and out when you're working on the avatar.
Never give up on an avatar.
Practise, practise, practise. Then practise some more for good measure.

...maybe not so much more helpful as I thought I could've been... eh... back to being a relic...

Elder Tsofu
2009-08-20, 01:30 PM
...heck sometimes I have to sketch my avatars out first before even opening Inkscape.
I'm not alone. :smallbiggrin:

2009-08-20, 01:39 PM
Working with references can help a lot. - I still have to have a reference for anything that I draw, heck sometimes I have to sketch my avatars out first before even opening Inkscape.

I'm not alone. :smallbiggrin:

I draw on paper then take a picture of it, upload it unto my computer, load inkscape, import picture, trace, edit.

@Bandil: Generally, most new avatarists have much to thin lines. Thicker is better. Thicker is cuter. And make all the lines have the same exact thickness.

Miss Nobody
2009-08-20, 01:39 PM
...heck sometimes I have to sketch my avatars out first before even opening Inkscape.

I'm not alone. :smallbiggrin:

No, you're not.

2009-08-20, 02:09 PM
I draw on paper then take a picture of it, upload it unto my computer, load inkscape, import picture, trace, edit.

@Bandil: Generally, most new avatarists have much to thin lines. Thicker is better. Thicker is cuter. And make all the lines have the same exact thickness.

I draw on paper, then trace on the tablet into inkscape, edit.

Although I havent done that in a while...

2009-08-20, 02:12 PM
i'd try drawing it but my drawings are well horrid.

2009-08-20, 02:18 PM
Alright, you seem like you have a good visualization with the polar bear; the shape looks perfect. To adjust line thickness, go to Object > Fill and Stroke on the top menu, then go to "Stroke Style" in the new box that appears. Here, if you select objects (drag around all of them, or shift+click each one you want to select), you can change all the stroke at the same time. Generally, I work with avatars with head sizes around 50x50, and the stroke is about 2. Find a Stroke thickness that looks good, and apply it to everything except the eyes to start. Eyes should not have a stroke at all.

Tracing already-made OOTS art helps for learning proportions, too.

I usually just make adjustments after the base is done; it's not too hard if you have a basic visualization of what you want in advance.

2009-08-20, 02:45 PM
i was messing around and thanks to wikipedia i made a cleric of Pelor.

i used a 120/120 box i think...

edit: i made it in a 120/120 box but it ended up less than half of that :smallfrown:

Elder Tsofu
2009-08-20, 03:33 PM
When you export your image there will be a pop-up.
Look for the height/width controls in the middle of the pop-up.
Identify the one with largest number (usually height) and change it to 120 (as it is the largest acceptable height/width on this forum), the width will change automatically now.
This removes the need of working in a box (although it is helpful for choosing pose etc.) as the program will resize it to the correct size for you. :smallsmile:
(oh and the units should be "px")

2009-08-20, 03:52 PM
For weapons, do what you're supposed to do with the heads/body width except with the Pen Tool (the one between the pencil and calligraphy pen) and actually trace the outline over the imported OotS weapon, and then give it a fill color to make sure it looks right.

The Cleric of Pelor was decent, but try to practice with fire and magic a bit more. Otherwise, good job.

2009-08-20, 05:13 PM
for some reason my lines are really thin... when i made it i am almost certin i had it on 2.0... people in rate the avatar really didn't like my druid and guinea pig :smallfrown:

2009-08-20, 05:16 PM
I like it, I see potential, it just could be way better.(Seen my rating and critique?)

If you're sure it's on 2, check if it's the right measurement. I do believe that Inkscape sometimes messes from Inches to Pixels or vice versa.

I draw on paper then take a picture of it, upload it unto my computer, load inkscape, import picture, trace, edit.
Waaaait...You've IRL drawn cookiemonsters?
You. Have. To. Send. Me. The. Un-editted. Versions.


2009-08-20, 06:30 PM
Waaaait...You've IRL drawn cookiemonsters?
You. Have. To. Send. Me. The. Un-editted. Versions.


I would have to apologize because the cookiemonster skipped the whole irl drawing process. :smallredface:

I don't do it for every single avatar. Just a few. Only when I'm making something new.

@Bandil: I draw my avatars a lot bigger and then I shrink it down. So the line size ends being 8pt a lot. Since you're using inkscape it should be easy to thicken the lines with a click of the mouse.

And your eyes aren't too OotS-y. Compare yours next to a character you like and copy them.


This is how I would redraw your druid guy. The eyes are asymmetrical ovals, one taller than the other. All the lines are thicker and are of the same thickness. Except the eyes that have no outline. And the smile shouldn't touch the edges of the face.

2009-08-20, 07:19 PM
I would have to apologize because the cookiemonster skipped the whole irl drawing process. :smallredface:

I don't do it for every single avatar. Just a few. Only when I'm making something new.

@Bandil: I draw my avatars a lot bigger and then I shrink it down. So the line size ends being 8pt a lot. Since you're using inkscape it should be easy to thicken the lines with a click of the mouse.

And your eyes aren't too OotS-y. Compare yours next to a character you like and copy them.


This is how I would redraw your druid guy. The eyes are asymmetrical ovals, one taller than the other. All the lines are thicker and are of the same thickness. Except the eyes that have no outline. And the smile shouldn't touch the edges of the face.

you forgot the guinea pig!?!?!?!?

2009-08-20, 07:31 PM
What are your export settings?

2009-08-29, 03:43 PM
What are your export settings?

i just started setting them to 120/120 pix.

2009-08-29, 07:26 PM
Check your Photobucket settings, it's rare that they've been changed, but it's possible.

2009-08-29, 10:03 PM
the last few i've posted have been the right size... but the requesters didn't use them :smallfrown:

2009-08-30, 12:58 AM
the last few i've posted have been the right size... but the requesters didn't use them :smallfrown:

Don't worry about that. It will happen a lot. Just keep making avatars, experience will help you improve : )

2009-08-30, 10:40 AM
y'know i can't get magic to look right, how do you make it look all well magical?

2009-08-30, 01:07 PM
I usually make a small wobbly shape just around the hands as the "focus" of the magic, and make it a fairly dark colour. Then, much larger, the magic itself, with an outline that should be quite a bit darker than the fill. Then, muck around with opaqueness (Underneath fill/stroke in the fill/stroke menu)until you think it looks good.

2009-08-30, 02:12 PM
Damn! I actually made a small guide for that a while back, but I can't find the thread... Oh well.. time to do it again...

2009-08-30, 02:14 PM
i need to learn how to make the smaller/more complex details :smallfrown:

2009-08-30, 04:21 PM
To do that, I abuse the zoom function. :smalltongue:

2009-08-30, 10:26 PM
Ok... So here I'm again! Get ready, cuz its FLAME SPELL 101 all over again!

First make sure you have InkScape installed and running... Oh... You already have? Ok! Sorry! Don't need to be mad! I was only double checking! Relax!

So, for this small tutorial we will be using a mage dwarf I made as an example (Image 1 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_1.jpg))

Take a good look at it, we will be learning how to make these flame spells (Image 2 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_2.jpg))

Good to go? Ok! Lets do this!
First you will need the vector tool. I'm not sure how InkScape calls it in english, but you can bring it up pressing Shift+F6 (Image 3 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_3.jpg))

Got it? Great! Now use it to draw a shape that looks a little like fire. Play around until you are pleasef with what you got. Oh, and don't worry about making curves, just leave it with the "square" look for now. Like this (Image 4 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_4.jpg))

Done? Happy? Wonderful! Now you need to leave it with a more round shape. A quick and clean way to do it? First select all the nods except the ones on the top of your flame, like this (Image 5 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_5.jpg)), them press this button (Image 6 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_6.jpg))

See? Great shape, isn't it? Well, now that you have something like this (Image 7 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_7.jpg)) it is time to get some colour.

For this tutorial we will use red. Always remember to use vivid colours. Oh, and remember to turn the border off. You should end up with something like this (Image 8 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_8.jpg)).

Ready for the next step? Great! We are almost done! Now its time to place your flamespell effect where you want it to be, just like this (Image 9 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_9.jpg))

Happy with the position? Well.. That doesn't look much like magic... That is because we are not done yet! The final step is to change the transparency. Play with it for a while until you are pleased with what you see and you are ready! Just like this (Image 10 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/flamespell101_10.jpg))

Congratulations! Now you can do flame spells like a pro! It is a great party trick! Go tell your friends about it!

2009-08-30, 10:37 PM
methos... i did make magic okay for my druid and guinea pig...

2009-08-30, 11:39 PM
How about a full image cape tutorial?

Tutorial 1 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape01.jpg)
Tutorial 2 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape02.jpg)
Tutorial 3 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape03.jpg)
Tutorial 4 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape04.jpg)
Tutorial 5 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape05.jpg)
Tutorial 6 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape06.jpg)
Tutorial 7 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape07.jpg)
Tutorial 8 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape08.jpg)
Tutorial 9 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape09.jpg)
Tutorial 10 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape10.jpg)
Tutorial 11 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape11.jpg)
Tutorial 12 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape12.jpg)
Tutorial 13 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape13.jpg)
Tutorial 14 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape14.jpg)
Tutorial 15 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape15.jpg)
Tutorial 16 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape16.jpg)
Tutorial 17 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape17.jpg)

2009-08-30, 11:44 PM
There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos. There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos. There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos.

2009-08-30, 11:53 PM
I'd be happy too if I had a neat cape.
I might do an expressions tutorial or one for gloves if I can figure out how to show people how to do them.

2009-08-31, 12:03 AM
There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos. There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos. There's no such thing as methos. there's no such thing as methos.

Thank you!... I think... :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

2009-08-31, 10:50 AM
i used your guide:http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv288/generick_01/methosguidetocapesattempt.png

2009-08-31, 10:51 AM
Lines need to be thicker. >.>

Also the head shoulder be lower.


Well, unless you're monstrously sized, the you get one shoulder.

2009-08-31, 10:52 AM

2009-08-31, 11:08 AM
Lines need to be thicker. >.>

You know... when lots of people tell you the same thing over and over again... well.. maybe you should try to listen and think about it lol :smalltongue:

Why aren't your lines thicker? You don't know how to do it or you just forget?

Anyway... try making the legs longer and remember that reference is a blessing!
If you feel that your character doesn't look right just import an OotS comic and compare INSIDE InkScape.

But your cape looks nice :smallbiggrin:
Next time try to make it more curved on the lower part.

2009-08-31, 11:41 AM
i try to but i have 4.5 pretty well stuck in my head so i keep putting it there instead of thickening...

2009-08-31, 11:56 AM
i try to but i have 4.5 pretty well stuck in my head so i keep putting it there instead of thickening...

4.5?! Holy fu**!!! If you are using 4.5 you are not using the zoom tool LOL!

I use 2.6!
Try to zoom in and make the characters with the real size instead of forcing the size while you are exporting it

2009-08-31, 11:59 AM
Resizing it yourself is waay better then auto-resize.

2009-08-31, 08:06 PM

is this one good?

2009-08-31, 08:12 PM

is this one good?

I wouldn't go as far as say "good" but its getting better. Try to make the legs and torso longer, he looks a little like a dwarf. And the cape tutorial I made was not intended for character facing the reader :smalltongue:

Maybe I'll do one for this later

2009-08-31, 08:14 PM
i just say he's brushing the cloak away :smalltongue:.

and i guess i should probably make him thinner and taller... i didn't notice that until i posted it

2009-08-31, 08:48 PM
If you are using 4.5 you are not using the zoom tool LOL!

I use 2.6!
Try to zoom in and make the characters with the real size instead of forcing the size while you are exporting it

The line size doesn't need to be set. The great thing about inkscape is that you can constantly change and edit. My line size ranges from 6-8px, but I tend to draw big then shrink to avatar size. The line thickness should be relative to the entire image.

Bandil, if you send me the svg file I could show you how much thicker your lines should be, and have more correct proportions.

2009-08-31, 08:50 PM
how do i send an svg file?

2009-08-31, 08:54 PM
how do i send an svg file?

I suppose you could upload it onto http://www.megaupload.com/, then send me the link.

2009-08-31, 08:59 PM

is this one good?

That would look pretty good if the head and torso were thinner. Keep it up! You'll get there

2009-08-31, 10:23 PM
finally encouragement not just a not the best :smallsmile:

2009-08-31, 11:13 PM
I hope we aren't discouraging you. Drawing is one of those things that need practice. We could tell you all the things you need work on but its up to you to practice practice practice. I think you're getting better. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-01, 02:51 AM
How about a full image cape tutorial?

Tutorial 1 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape01.jpg)
Tutorial 2 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape02.jpg)
Tutorial 3 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape03.jpg)
Tutorial 4 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape04.jpg)
Tutorial 5 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape05.jpg)
Tutorial 6 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape06.jpg)
Tutorial 7 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape07.jpg)
Tutorial 8 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape08.jpg)
Tutorial 9 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape09.jpg)
Tutorial 10 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape10.jpg)
Tutorial 11 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape11.jpg)
Tutorial 12 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape12.jpg)
Tutorial 13 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape13.jpg)
Tutorial 14 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape14.jpg)
Tutorial 15 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape15.jpg)
Tutorial 16 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape16.jpg)
Tutorial 17 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/cape17.jpg)

Whoa. :smalleek: From this one tutorial, the before/after avatars showed a huge improvement. Tell me this has also been posted to the main Inkscape tutorial guide!

2009-09-01, 07:55 AM
Whoa. :smalleek: From this one tutorial, the before/after avatars showed a huge improvement. Tell me this has also been posted to the main Inkscape tutorial guide!

Am I detecting sarcasm? :smallconfused:

2009-09-01, 09:23 AM
I hope we aren't discouraging you. Drawing is one of those things that need practice. We could tell you all the things you need work on but its up to you to practice practice practice. I think you're getting better. :smallbiggrin:

some people were but a few aren't.

2009-09-01, 10:39 AM
No sarcasm. I haven't read the main Inkscape guide.

2009-09-01, 02:04 PM
No sarcasm. I haven't read the main Inkscape guide.

Thanks ^^
I posted it on the InkScape help thread.. since they have some guides there

2009-09-01, 03:20 PM
The second part of the Basic Cape tutorial is here.

Tutorial 1 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape01.jpg)
Tutorial 2 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape02.jpg)
Tutorial 3 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape03.jpg)
Tutorial 4 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape04.jpg)
Tutorial 5 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape05.jpg)
Tutorial 6 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape06.jpg)
Tutorial 7 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape07.jpg)
Tutorial 8 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape08.jpg)
Tutorial 9 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape09.jpg)
Tutorial 10 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape10.jpg)
Tutorial 11 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape11.jpg)
Tutorial 12 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape12.jpg)
Tutorial 13 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape13.jpg)
Tutorial 14 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape14.jpg)
Tutorial 15 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape15.jpg)
Tutorial 16 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape16.jpg)
Tutorial 17 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape17.jpg)
Tutorial 18 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape18.jpg)
Tutorial 19 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape19.jpg)
Tutorial 20 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape20.jpg)
Tutorial 21 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape21.jpg)
Tutorial 22 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape22.jpg)
Tutorial 23 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape23.jpg)
Tutorial 24 (http://zecarioca.net/Imagens2009/CapeTutorial/CapeTutorial2/Cape24.jpg)


Damn! So sorry about the double post! My bad.

2009-09-03, 10:03 AM
it was a pretty long guide and i kept messing up. the avatar didn't turn out very good :smallfrown:

2009-09-03, 11:37 AM
it was a pretty long guide and i kept messing up. the avatar didn't turn out very good :smallfrown:

Maybe you can show us the steps you think you are messing up.
This way maybe I can help. Try take some screenshots of your inkscape while you are working.

2009-09-03, 01:30 PM
what would the button be? print screen. it runs windows excel.

2009-09-03, 02:09 PM
select the inkscape window.. press Alt + PrintScreen
go inside paint and press Control + V.

Some programs do it for you, but this is the quickest way.. This was what I used for the tutorials.

2009-09-03, 03:20 PM
i think it may be more i don't like the style as much so i don't try as hard...

2009-09-05, 08:36 AM
y'know i can't get magic to look right, how do you make it look all well magical?

I find that a good way is to make a wiggly shape, doesn't matter to much about the specifics, and colour it with a radial gradient from the hand.

I started making avatars just a bit before you. I got so frustrated. My first try, and I don't want to sound boastful, may have been a bit better than yours, but I spent days on it. I just kept on going, slaving away till it was perfect. And that shows the most important thing in computer art. Perseverance. Now, after loads of practice, I'm regularly doing art. I know you've been told this before, but practice, practice, practice. And even more important, persevere. Don't give up after making a single bad thing. Anyone can make computer art. People like Holammer, Crimmy and Dr Bath, who make avatars of pure awesomeness, may well have started like us, swearing at themselves and the computer as they struggled to draw.

I hope that helps.

And maybe now you have improved with MethosHazara's guide, perhaps give Trazoi's guide another go. I found it really useful.

2009-09-05, 03:33 PM
ya... i guess i should head to trazoi's...