View Full Version : Illnaris Ahoy

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2009-08-21, 11:16 AM
Allright, since Altaria should be returning soon, and Angel is ready, I figure we should start.
To recap: After clearing out the mine of the nasties that lurk, the mayor gave you each 1000 gp. So you're basically standing outside the mines holding bags of gold. Except for Cleas, he succumbed to a horrible disease. The mayor waddles up to you, wipes his brow, and remarks that you might want to head to a bigger city to recuperate, resupply, and perhaps find a new teammate. Illnaris in the north is the closest one he can think of.

2009-08-23, 01:56 AM
"It was nothing Mr. Mayor, it helped us strangers come together as a team, and taught me, for one, that just because someone claims to be good, doesn't mean they are." Solomon then turns to the rest of the troupe.
"But before we head to Ilnaris, I believe a 'shopping spree'" he cringed as he said the word "is in order."

Jair Barik
2009-08-23, 03:11 AM
"Shopping, here? Ha! Back in the days o old Molgorith we lived life with a single axe an a single suit of armour! If you want ta go shopping lets head out to this Ilnaris place, probably a darn sight more available there than in some backwater mining village!"

2009-08-23, 10:56 AM
"I'm with our dwarven friend here. I'd really like to move on to someplace else and Inaris sounds like as good of a choice as any.

2009-08-23, 12:53 PM
"Well, um, we don't have a map to um, help you, but we can at least point you in the right, um, direction." The mayor points to the north and adds "We're grateful for your, um help with the mines, but you make everyone a little, um nervous, so it would be best if you, um, left." He then makes an about-face, and waddles away.

2009-08-23, 10:30 PM
OOC: Now that I think about it, since Claes kicked the bucket, do we get his loot? :D

2009-08-23, 11:05 PM
-shifty eyes- no. He died from a horrible disease, remember? All his item are probably contaminated. So are you guys headed to Illnaris?

2009-08-25, 02:12 PM
So, have you guys decided to head to Illnaris?

2009-08-25, 07:13 PM
I think we're waiting on the Rogue but I'm pretty sure it's unanimous.

2009-08-26, 12:43 PM
Hmm, I wonder where he is. Hope we don't have to replace him....

2009-08-27, 01:12 PM
Ah, apparently Omeg will be back tomorrow. That's good to know. Wish he'd told us...
Does anyone have issue with assuming he'd agree to head to Illnaris?

2009-08-27, 06:30 PM
((Sorry, didn't know this thread was started, didn't want to think about anything during hols))

Before leaving the village Michael blows 250 GP on holy water, as he is terrified of being unprepared against the undead again (again), then hears about the suggestion to go to Illnaris. Since it's not a backwater nor the rightful owner of what gems he looted, he might get fair price in gold for them there.

"We'd best head to Illnaris."

Is the cult of Baalzebul active in Illnaris? And if they are, is Michael likely to know?

2009-08-27, 06:50 PM
Hey you're back! No, as far as you know, Baalzebul does not have an active cult there. Doesn't mean there aren't some individual practitioners.

So you guys head north along a path that stretches at least as far as you can see across the plains between the mining town (which I'm going to claim doesn't have a name because its too small.) and Illnaris. Although it starts off as a dirt road packed by the tramping of feet, as you progress it becomes little more then a path. The only thing breaking the monotony is the occasional farm, although those peter out as you travel further. As the sun goes down, you guess that you're about a third of the way there, although that may be wrong. You spy a patch of woodland up ahead, a mile off or so.

2009-08-27, 07:34 PM
So, you guys going to camp by the road for the night?

2009-08-28, 11:35 AM
Bleh, where are you guys?

Jair Barik
2009-08-28, 02:10 PM
"Shall we set up camp in the woods or out of it then? Inside were more at risk but outside we are more obvious... I vote outside the forest"

2009-08-28, 03:21 PM
"Outside the forest I say. We don't have anyone specific to hide from, do we?" Being out in the open meant no one could sneak up on them if they just looked casually in every direction every few seconds, and with his ring Michael could watch most of the night.

2009-09-02, 06:23 AM
"I'm ok wherever we camp."

2009-09-02, 08:43 AM
Allright then, you guys make camp and hunker down for the night. As the sun disappears and you hear a wolf howl, you begin to think about setting a watch.

Jair Barik
2009-09-02, 09:21 AM
"I kin take the first 2 hour watch, or any other watch fer that matter. I'll need to sleep some time though so ye can all take shifts too if thats alright"

2009-09-03, 02:24 AM
"I won't need much sleep. I'll take the second watch." Better that a party member tried to betray Michael in the failing light of day than in the blackness of night.

2009-09-03, 10:07 PM
"I'm fine with taking shifts if need be, let's just get to sleep.

2009-09-03, 10:25 PM
Having assigned watches, you guys bed down for the night.
Omeg: halfway through your shift, a wagon pulled by a cow trots through, with a hooded figure seated on top.

2009-09-04, 01:28 AM
Michael keeps an eye on it, as best he can in the darkness. What kind of cow-pulled wagon chooses this time of night to be travelling and not camping? Taking his bow in one hand, he decides that actually yes, he can afford to accost a cow-pulled wagon.
"Who goes there?"

2009-09-04, 06:22 AM
The wagon grinds to a halt and the hooded figure turns 's head. In a surprising high voice e says: "Just a traveler, headed to Illnaris. Now may I be on my way, or are you planning to use that bow? I need to be there before daybreak."

2009-09-04, 06:59 AM
"A little late to be travelling, but fine, we've no reason to hurt you." Not with a paladin around, anyway. Michael makes a mental note to tell the party about a hooded figure on a cow-driven cart who supposedly needed to be in Illnaris by the morning; the mere fact of travelling by night is suspicious, but not enough to wake up people who'd need to rest to prepare spells.

2009-09-04, 07:29 AM
The rest of the watches pass without incident, and you awaken to the bright beams of the rising sun prodding your eyes.

Jair Barik
2009-09-04, 07:38 AM
"Bloody sun!" Grishgot mutters a few dwareven curses as he wakes up then goes about packing his belongings and polishing his axe.

2009-09-04, 08:21 AM
Due to the ring of sustenance obviating most of his need to sleep, Michael has been up all night packing his stuff... really slowly... and barely notices the passage of time until Grishgot complains about the sun.
"Would you rather oversleep in the dark?" He stuffs the bedroll into his pack and pulls the result on, leaving him ready to go. "...A man on an ox-drawn cart passed here on my watch. He claimed he had to be in Illnaris before daybreak."

2009-09-04, 10:34 AM
Solomon sits down for an hour's prayer the moment he wakes up.
"And finally, thank you Great Athena, for the light of the sun you have permitted to shine on us." I know Athena isn't a Sun Goddess, but still.
"Now, friends, shall we continue our journey?"
Prepared Spells:
-Protection from Evil

2009-09-07, 05:20 AM
Continuing down the road, you eventually enter the forest. In the day, it actually seems quite pleasant, with the dappled light falling through the leaves to play on the ground. I need marching order please.

Jair Barik
2009-09-07, 05:53 AM
Grishgot will be near the front or defending the rear

2009-09-07, 09:33 AM
Michael will be somewhere in the middle, the better to move into sneak attack position against any threat.

2009-09-07, 10:33 AM
Solomon is at the front like a good meatshield

2009-09-07, 11:15 AM
So Solomon, Danth, Joey, and Grishgot, in that order. You guys hear a rustling in the bushes about 20 feet ahead of you, on the left side of the road.

2009-09-07, 11:21 AM
Michael's first instinct is to look and see just what it is.
Spot [roll0]

2009-09-07, 11:40 AM
You manage to see a patch of brown fur, which you deduce to be a brown bear lurking in the bushes! Before the bear can make a move, Joey takes the initiative in a burst of speed (critical initiative)
Initiative: Joey, Grishgot, Danath, Solomon, Bear.

2009-09-07, 12:25 PM
Michael takes a moment to get a focus on the bear, so he can be sure where to strike when it's off guard.
((Holding my action because I want Sneak Attack to work for once :smallbiggrin:))

2009-09-07, 12:27 PM
It's already off guard, you get a surprise round because of the critical initiative.

Jair Barik
2009-09-07, 12:30 PM
"Die ya filthy beast"

Grishgot moves up to the creature and hefts his axe at it.
Move to E6 and attack. [roll0] to hit. Damage [roll1]

OOC: oops delay my action till my turn, thought hed already been

2009-09-07, 12:32 PM
Also you then get to go again, because you won initiative Omeg

2009-09-07, 12:48 PM
((OK.... didn't realise that was my surprise round.))
Having got a good idea where to shoot, Michael takes a pot shot at the bear with his bow, then as the others are just becoming aware, fires again and moves to the other side of the tree.
((Moving to G4 on the map after surprise round and standard action.
1st attack roll [roll0] damage [roll1] sneak attack damage [roll2]
2nd attack roll [roll3] damage [roll4] sneak attack damage [roll5]

2009-09-07, 01:07 PM
Joey's first shot goes wide, thunking into a tree, as the bear realizes he's under attack, Joey's second shot hits the bear in 's flank, doing 6 damage. He then turns and runs behind a tree, taking a good vantage point as he calls it. Or cowardice as others call it. Grishgot runs up to the bear and slashes at it, leaving a sizable slash on the bear's face for 5 damage. The bear rears up and howls, flailing at the air. Initiative Danath.

2009-09-07, 01:33 PM
[Delay 'till my turn]
"This bear dare test its strength against us?" Solomon then moves to C4 and attacks the bear with his warhammer:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] fire

2009-09-07, 01:38 PM
((Technically, by RAW, the bear is flat-footed until its turn comes in the initiative order, and therefore doesn't have its dexterity bonus to AC, and therefore my sneak attack damage went through.
If you the DM don't think this makes sense, I'm not going to make a big fuss about it, but I felt you should know the rules before you decide whether or not to bend/break them. :smallwink:))

2009-09-07, 01:40 PM
"Hmph. Here we go!"

Danath moves over to C6 and strikes with his Greatsword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-09-07, 01:41 PM
Oh really? I never knew that... Fine, the bear did not have time to react before the second arrow hit it in the head.

2009-09-07, 01:59 PM
Danath steps over to the bear, who is still reeling from the previous blows, and cuts a gash along its flank for 13 damage. Solomon sidesteps along the edge of the battle, looking for an opportunity, but one of the bear's flailing claws catches him across the head, slicing him open for 21 damage. Solomon rolls with it, and still manages to whack the bear upside the head for 7 damage. The bear then leans down and smashes Danath with his claws, doing 20 damage, and bites Solomon for 13 damage. Initiative Joey.

2009-09-07, 02:18 PM
*realises I never bought Healing Potions* DAMMIT
Before my turn:
"Darn, got through my armour, hey, Grishgot, I'm sorry to bother you, but I need healing here!"
On My Turn:
Solomon once again attempts to make his hammer connect with the creature's skull:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] fire
[If no-one occupies the square] Solomon then smartly steps away to B4 (5-foot step, no AoO)

2009-09-07, 03:13 PM
Michael moves to E3, putting his bow in his free hand and drawing his rapier. Getting up behind it, he expertly stabs at where he thinks it'll hurt.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack [roll2]

2009-09-07, 03:15 PM
Natural 16 with a threat range 15-20, so I got a crit! YAY!
Crit confirm [roll0]
Crit damage [roll1]

2009-09-07, 03:24 PM
15-20 crit range? 0.o Jeez. Um, you're not flanking him, so he can't be sneak attacked. But you hit.

2009-09-07, 03:46 PM
15-20 crit range? 0.o Jeez. Um, you're not flanking him, so he can't be sneak attacked. But you hit.
((Urgh, stop doing this, you're making a rules lawyer out of me :smallbiggrin:

When in doubt about whether two friendly characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two friendly characters’ centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent’s space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked. Link in case you don't believe me (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#flanking). I actually pulled out a ruler to make sure before putting sneak attack damage into my roll.
And 15-20 crit range is a keen rapier for you.))

2009-09-07, 03:54 PM
Yeah, I know, but it's hard to draw a line on my computer screen >.< Also, I've got the flu or something, so I'm a bit out of it.
Sorry, your rapier takes the bear by surprise, thrusting deep into his chest. It rears up, pulling the rapier from your hand, and staggers around, before collapsing, slain by the rapier in its heart.

2009-09-07, 04:02 PM
((Technically I didn't draw a line, I put a ruler on the screen and followed it. If that isn't possible *cough* curved screen *cough*, take a screenshot and paste it into Paint or some other graphics program with a 'draw a straight line' feature.
Sorry to hear you got the flu though.))

Michael's first reaction is not surprise, but a cold smile as he realises he's dealt the killing blow. He then gets that smile off his face, for fear of attracting a certain nearby paladin's suspicion.
"Does anyone have a rag or gloves or something? I'd rather not get blood all over me when I get my rapier back."

Jair Barik
2009-09-07, 04:24 PM
"Hold still while I heal ya. I hope ye don't make a habit of this getting torn up business mate"

Grishgot casts some healing spells on his wounded comrade

Cure serious wounds [roll0] that should be +5 sp you get another 2 points

2009-09-07, 04:28 PM
"Nice job, Michael." Danath remarks while clutching his side. "Ugh, I think the damn thing broke one of my ribs.

2009-09-08, 01:35 AM
"I'm endlessly sorry, friend, I didn't expect the beast to pierce my armour, here, Danath, I'll lend you a hand." Solomon then lays his hands on Danath, channelling Positive Energy into his body. [Heals 5 hp]. "I can cast a Cure Light Wounds on you as well if you want."

2009-09-08, 01:46 AM
Michael pouts at being ignored, then messily retrieves his rapier from the bear, resolving to find a laundry in Illnaris or die trying.

2009-09-08, 10:35 AM
Having dispatched the bear, and patched each other up, you continue through the forest to Illnaris, more alert now. For a time at least. After walking for many hours, as the sun dips beneath the horizon, you see the walls of the city, wooden stakes hammered into the ground and lashed together, primitive, but effective, rise before you.

Jair Barik
2009-09-08, 01:26 PM
"Remind me friends. Weren't we supposed to be heading towards somewhere that was shall we say... more advanced than that backwater mining town? You know somewhere that may actually be capable of trading with us?"

2009-09-08, 01:32 PM
"Do not judge a book by its cover, Grishgot, or indeed a city by its walls. Now, should we head in?" With that Solomon walks up to anything nearby that resembles a gate.

2009-09-08, 02:22 PM
As you get closer to the gate, you notice that the wall is actually made out of fairly thick logs, each about a foot in diameter. As you close, you see a gate held in place by massive brass hinges swung outward, toward you, and two guards, in full uniform, breastplate and helmet, carrying pikes and with swords slung by their sides. They were relaxing and chatting to each other, but upon seeing you approach, they stand stiffly at attention. The one on the right calls out "Halt! Who goes there!" then mumbles -stupid regulation hailings-

Jair Barik
2009-09-08, 02:29 PM
"A party of noble adventurers seeking to revitalise ya economy with the lootings of our latest adventure. Trust me, it be fer the benefit of all that ye let us past"

Grishgot smiles at the guards and doesn't even reach for his axe, leaving it safely tucked away in its strap.

2009-09-08, 02:33 PM
"Adventurers eh? Yeah, we heard the mines needed clearing, or are you coming back from the forest? Well, either way, you are welcome. Just don't go making trouble, we've got a garrison and a wizard you know..."

Jair Barik
2009-09-08, 02:35 PM
"From tha mines to be precise. Know anyone whod be interested in gems or likely to offer a good price? And what did ya mean by the forest? Clearly thats where we came from but listing it alongside the mines.... Is something going on we should know aboot?"

2009-09-08, 02:42 PM
"Ah, well you see, I meant the forest on the other side of the city. It's much bigger, so we just call it the forest. I heard there was some sort of beasts infesting the forest, which is annoying for Satex, our town wizard, because he gathers ingredients from the forest. I don't know much, because I'm stationed at this side. If you want to find out more you could try the garrison or the wizard. As to your gems, you could try the marketplace. Jewelers use them, and so does Satex, for some of his more powerful spells, or so I've heard."

2009-09-08, 02:46 PM
A wizard in the garrison, by the name Satex, who was having trouble with the forest on the other side of the city? Michael makes a mental note of this as he enters the town... and then addresses one of the guards.
"Can you recommend anywhere for us to stay tonight? I doubt the merchants will remain out after dark, so we can't really count on any shopping tonight." Unless, of course, the guard knew about any legitimate market operating at night.

((OOC: @Jair You could try being subtle about it, sacrificing children behind the paladin's back. :smalltongue:))

Jair Barik
2009-09-08, 02:48 PM
"What! Ye mean you don't get to change shifts around the town? Sounds like the head a tha guard has you doing the dangerous gate watching jobs while he has his chums get the cushy low danger posts. if i were you I'd have a word with yer boss and ask fer some equality!"

OOC: If I can't be blatantly evil I can still channel my evil off by playing devils advocate :smallamused:

2009-09-08, 04:22 PM
"Hmm, a place to stay eh? Well, as far as inns go, we've got three to speak of. The Winnowed Vine is nice, although prices are a bit steep, of course, the drought hit everyone hard. Old Brod's a nice guy though. The Staggering Titan seems more your speed though. A lot of travelers pass through there, although merchants tend to stick with the Vine. Titan's room costs cut too deep into their own pockets for their liking. Of course, you do get to try Yorik's Lionheart Brew. If you drink it and stay upright, you eat for free. Seems like something you'd like to try, eh little man? If you're looking for a cheap place, the Wounded Boar's the place. Watch out for the innkeep though. I don't remember his name, but he's a nasty one. Oh, and don't stay out too late, there's a curfew two hours past dark. The wizard'll send up some lights a while before."

Jair Barik
2009-09-08, 04:35 PM
OOC: Can I have a rough description of this guard please. I want to know who it is so that i can come back and Clutch of Orcus the right Guy once everyone else is asleep. Don't want to go killing innocents now do we, only people who make sizeist comments

2009-09-08, 05:14 PM
((He was talking to me. According to the character sheet there are probably a few pre-teen kids taller than Michael's 5'4".))

Curfew after dark? Well that pretty much scuppered any hope of night trading of a legitimate kind. The illegitimate kind, on the other hand, would probably thrive. There was also the question of whether the wizard gained particularly from the "no being out after dark" stricture. As for which inn to go to, he decided on the Wounded Boar; it had a notable innkeeper and therefore had someone worth looking into.
"Thank you." Turning to the party, he says something completely different: "Does anyone have any preferences as to where to stay tonight?"

2009-09-08, 05:14 PM
:smallbiggrin: Yup, he's got wavy light brown hair, blue eyes, and is about average height. He also has a small scar on the left side of his neck, which you see when he lifts his chin to scratch it. You'll probably be able to recognize him again, but he may not be standing at this post tonight.

2009-09-09, 01:37 AM
"I am fine wherever we bunk for the night, but I do have another qeustion." He turns to the guard. "I know this is unlikely, but does your city, perchance, have a Temple for Athena?"

2009-09-09, 06:34 AM
"We do in fact, and a temple of Toseria, goddess of Truth."

2009-09-10, 09:18 AM
'The temple is on the outskirts of the marketplace, just head west and you'll find it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a gate to guard" At that he turns away, once again facing the road.
So where are you guys going?

2009-09-10, 10:28 AM
"I would rather stay in the Temple tonight, it has been a while since I have been to one of Athena, where should I meet you all?"

2009-09-10, 12:27 PM
"I'll be at the Wounded Boar." Over and above his inquisitive interest, paying for eight hours of comfort and a great meal was not sensible when he was in hiding and only needed two hours on his own bedroll. After all, if the cult of Mammon was still after him they'd want an extravagant man, not a monk-like one... unless they knew he'd got used to this disguise...

Jair Barik
2009-09-10, 12:31 PM
"I'd sleep on the streets or at the town gate if it weren't likely frowned upon. So the wounded boar it'l be then"

2009-09-10, 07:44 PM
"We'll meet outside of the Wounded Boar just after sunrise."

Danath heads for the Wounded Boar to grab a room.

2009-09-10, 08:55 PM
Solomon: You manage to find your way to the temple of Athena. A marble edifice, magnificent despite the relatively small size you'd expect from such a structure. Walking between the fluted columns, you approach the doors, which look thick and heavy, but when you knock on them, they thump dully instead of the resonance you expected. A sister clothed in the traditional white cotton robe of an acolyte of Athena opens the door. "Yes sir?" she asks timidly
Not-Solomon people Dodging through the back streets of Illnaris, which are surprisingly clean, you manage to locate the wounded boar, which is in a fairly seedy part of town, although there are few beggars about. The Wounded Boar is recognizable by the sign swinging over the door with the name, and the boarded up window on the left. As you enter, every face, and most eyes, swivel towards you. The clientèle seems to be about 15 people tonight, and they all look tough in there own way, either scarred and lean, or simply beaten down so far that they simply don't care anymore. The silence is broken when a dagger thumps into the bar. You look over to see the barkeep, a wirey sort of guy, with an eyepatch over his right eye tug it out of the counter top and toss it up, catching it before sheathing it on his left side. "So.. what can I do you boys for?" he says, and the room relaxes a bit.

2009-09-11, 01:31 AM
Solomon's first note is the tone of the acolyte's voice.
"Oh, I am sorry to have scared you." Solomon makes sure all his weapons are firmly sheathed.
"Anyway, I am Solomon, Paladin of Athena from the Eastern Isles, I come here to pray, and if possible, rest for the night, if that is agreeable to you?"
OOC: Should I post in spoilers or does it not really matter?

Jair Barik
2009-09-11, 03:23 AM
"A room an a bed for the night, nothin more and nothin less"

2009-09-11, 08:10 AM
Solomon: Nah, it doesn't really matter. I mean, the evil guys might not want to share stuff with you, but you know, there's no way something could happen during a stay at a temple that you wouldn't want to reveal to non-believers, right? Right? The scared look in her eyes disappears, and she smiles nervously. "Oh, a paladin! Yes Sir Solomon, you are welcome! Come and bask in the glory of Athena" she says, stepping back and opening the door wide inward, and you can see the temple for the first time. You see a large square room, tiled with white ceramic, and with golden drapes hanging in catenaries along the top of the room. There is a giant statue of Athena in her warrior aspect standing on the far wall, with circular fires on either side of her, and a marble altar in front of her. Pews troop down the room, starting about 25 feet in front of you, and with an aisle cutting straight in front of you. The acolyte stammers out "Please stay here Sir, I'll go get a sister." and flees the room, darting behind the statue, and you hear a door closing behind her.
Rest of them: The barkeep spits on the bar, and snarls "A room eh? That'll be 2 silver pieces fer each of you. I'll just take a gold piece. And that don't cover food!"

Jair Barik
2009-09-11, 08:39 AM
"Now then I never said I was with these men. A room for one if ya don't mind. Here's tha 2 silver fer you."
Grishgot pays the man and then looks around the bar for any interesting people.

2009-09-11, 09:27 AM
you notice that most of the men seem hardened and callous, not caring much about the world anymore. You do see an interesting looking man in a corner, which is cast in shadow despite the lamp near his table. He's wearing a black cloak with a hood over his head.

2009-09-11, 10:32 AM
Solomon waits patiently, admiring the statue

2009-09-11, 11:06 AM
((Are we using Rich's rules for Diplomacy?))

((Because I was about to roll to improve the bartender's attitude.))
Michael tries to hide a grin; this is clearly the most likely place for illegal dealings that the guards know about. There was a great difference between miserable and hardened, after all, and this many hardened people in a seedy pub was a good hint, especially the guy in the black cloak. Seriously, either he was a real novice, or he was recruiting, because everyone expects the guy in the black cloak.
"Two silvers, for one night? I don't often see such a good price! I'll need a room as well." He puts two silvers on the bar, for the bill. "And how much will food be on top of that?"

2009-09-11, 03:32 PM
(Yeah, we are) Inn "Well" He says, his mood a bit improved now that you're a paying customer, "That depends on what yer buying, don't it? Bread'll be 2 coppers, meat 3 silver and 3 copper, and cheese one silver. Some of our famous spludge is one silver, and that'll fill you right up" he says, leering.
Temple: After a while, you hear the door open again, and a tall women dresses in the flowing tunic of the priestesses of Athena strides out. Her hair is blond and done up, and she raises her arms in welcome. "Welcome Paladin, to the the Temple of Athena! Blessings be upon you Protector. Sicy tells me you need a place to stay the night? Well you are welcome here. We could either set up a cot, or lay out some blankets on a bench if you wish."

2009-09-11, 03:46 PM
"A blanket will be sufficient, kind Sister." Solomon then moves towards the altar [[Or whatever functions as that]] and after 10 minutes of struggle manages to take his armour off. Now dressed in just a vest and worn trousers he kneels down and begins to pray to Athena.
It has been about a year since I last kneeled at your Altar, Great Athena, I thank you for the fortune you have brought me and my newfound comrades in our getting to this city. I am deeply sorry for allowing the deaths of those Clerics to happen, I was not strong enough to save them, but with your guidance I can become stronger and be a beacon of your light in a world of darkness. I also pray for my friends back home, I hope their crusade was successful, and that the evil was rid from the land. Please, if it is within your power, please try to ensure the wellbeing of Mother, Father, Brother Isaiah of the Temple, and Heather, if you could do this, Great Athena, I would be eternally thankful.

2009-09-11, 04:42 PM
As you finish, you hear a soft cough, and you look behind you to see Sicy holding a folded blanket and a plate with some rough bread on it. "Um, we weren't sure if you'd eaten yet, so the sister told me to bring you some bread." She places the blanket and bread in your arms, then spins around and leaves. "Good night sir!" she calls over her shoulder.

2009-09-11, 04:47 PM
"Thank you very much." Solomon then eats the bread, spends an hour doing some basic streching exercises, then lies on a bench and puts the blanket on over him, drifting off to sleep swiftly.

Jair Barik
2009-09-11, 05:14 PM
Grishgot makes a mental note of the "interesting" people and then goes up to his room to sleep for the night, saying a few prayers to Garyx and praising him for the power he has granted. he then ties a vial of holy water to the door hinge and locks the door , takes of his armour and keeps his axe close at hand going to sleep for the night. (If anybody opens the door in the night the vial should shatter making a decent amount of noise)

2009-09-11, 05:45 PM
"I'll take the spludge, please." After finalising payment and where the meal is to be brought (and eating it, if he gets it immediately rather than it being brought fresh to him) Michael moves over to the black cloak, and catches his eye.
"Hi there. Can I get you a drink or something?" He couldn't count on a black cloak actually wanting to remain hidden, and being told to sod off would be a smaller embarassment than giving unsolicited advice to someone on how to be inconspicuous when they weren't trying to be.

2009-09-11, 07:35 PM
"I'll take a room."

Danath reaches into his pouch, pulling out a gold coin when he remembers that he doesn't have any silver on him.

"Keep the change."

Heading up to his room, he locks the door behind him, removes his armor and sets his sword and bow next to the bed and hides his dagger underneath the pillow. (assuming there is a pillow, of course. :) )

2009-09-13, 01:19 PM
As the innnkeep hands you your key and you head upstairs, you notice Joey approaching a man in a black cloak in the corner.
Joey: The figure tilts 's head up, and as the torchlight falls on his face, you see that he is an old man, with a face pockmarked by scars. "What do you want, boy?" he hisses.

2009-09-13, 02:29 PM
Old, face pockmarked, possibly from a glass explosion - which would make him an alchemist and quite likely a dangerous magician. Michael would have to tread carefully here. But then again, he had been until very recently the foremost assassin of the most noble house of Fortesque, treading carefully was part of the job description.
"Alright, first things first, I'm no spotty little kid, and you wouldn't be in a black cloak unless you wanted attention. Why are you in here?"
Diplomancy to make him open up [roll0]
EDIT: Rolled a natural 1 and changed my dialogue accordingly. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-13, 02:38 PM
"Excuse me? You dare to presume my intentions? I wear this cloak because I earned it! This is the mark of a 12-th level Necromancer boy! I have seen things that would cause you to claw your eyes out in horror! You are lucky I value this tavern enough not to destroy you on the spot! Now flee, before I change my mind."

2009-09-13, 03:58 PM
Michael runs for it, or at least walks as fast as is possible without being ludicrously conspicuous; even if this guy is bluffing, the stakes are far, far too high to be worth the bother. He notes to himself that old men in black cloaks are probably grouchy necromancers, not attention seekers.
((Class levels as an actual in-universe concept? Who'd have guessed?))

2009-09-13, 04:05 PM
Well, they work for wizards of a sort, because they are in guilds and attain new levels and positions. If he'd been of a mind to, he could have rattled off a bunch of titles, lord of the Black Pits, devourer of souls, stuff like that. He may not be actually 12th level in game. Could be more :P

2009-09-13, 04:53 PM
((At this point I'm considering asking if he was actually a significant NPC, or if he was even a necromancer before I decided to approach him for the sole reason that the only black cloaks in a typical RPG are significant NPCs, with a flimsy IC handwave/lampshading :smallbiggrin:))

2009-09-13, 04:54 PM
Let's just say no. No he was not. Maybe he'll be now though... :P

2009-09-14, 03:04 PM
Let's just say no. No he was not. Maybe he'll be now though... :P

dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!!!!


2009-09-14, 03:12 PM
So Joey, after fleeing, are you heading up to bed?

2009-09-14, 04:44 PM
((Yeah, nothing else to do that can't wait until my two hours' sleep.))

Michael uses the empty vial from that potion of undetectable alignment he drank down in the mines to set up a similar improvised door alarm to the one Grishgot made - if the vial smashes it should warn him. Not a great device, but he only has to trust it for two hours.

2009-09-14, 05:08 PM
The night passes uneventfully for all of you.

Jair Barik
2009-09-15, 03:31 AM
Grishgot wakes up and goes about preparing himself for the day. He disarms the door trap, polishes up his armour and says a few prayers to call upon the power of Garyx for the day. He then puts on his armour stows his axe back into his belt and goes downstairs into the bar to wait for the others.

2009-09-15, 10:57 AM
Solomon wakes after a dreamless sleep, and begins to put his armour back on, saying silent prayers to Athena as he does so, he then sheathes/straps his weapons, bids good morning to the sisters, and walks out onto the street.
Before I meet the others, I might as well get some shopping done...
[If there is th market there already he does this, if not, he wiats until it starts...]
He walks to the town Market, and locates the nearest Potion stall.
"Excuse me, kind vendor, how much do you charge for a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds?"
Haggling time xD
Also, how much hp did we recover through sleep?

2009-09-15, 11:11 AM
Damage is your level plus con modifier I believe.
"Ah sir, for a paladin of Athena, I charge only 400 gp. A good price I'm sure you'll agree."

2009-09-15, 11:28 AM
OOC: HP Healed overnight is just your Level, unless a Healing Kit was used with a successful Heal check to make it Your Level x2. Sucky really.


A tall and well-defined man strolls up to the barkeep looking like he hasn't slept well in days. His dark hair seems unruly and his once-fine regal-looking robes are in dire need of a wash and some patching up. He has ink stains all over his hands, face and forearms and if you look carefully he's even wearing odd shoes, probably on the wrong feet.

He slaps his empty wineskins down onto the bar and mutters something under his breath, then slamming his fist down in frustration. He palms over a few copper pieces as the wineskins get filled.

"It's completely absurd!" He exclaims, the barkeep not paying much attention with a look on his face that seems to give away that he's heard it all before. "I just simply can't work under these conditions! I... I... I just don't know how much longer I can fiddle around with things and show the King until he realises that it's not my fault!"

Jair Barik
2009-09-15, 11:33 AM
OOC: Assume that Grishgot healed everyone. I had enough spells and would have healed everyone up if they'd asked, didn't realise people were still wounded. Also what XP does that bear put us too? wondering when we get a new level (am eager to enter my PrC)

The Dwarf sidles up to the man at the bar with a look of curiosity and a slight hint of greed upon his face.
"Aye lad! What are ya then, a wizard of some sort would I be right in guessin? Looks like ya had a run in with a dyers cart."

2009-09-15, 11:48 AM
Michael is already up, and leafing through one of a few miscellaneous books left in the inn, either by some previous patron or by the innkeeper himself. When the obviously a magician of some kind (for only an alchemist would have those stains, and all alchemists are magicians) comes in, he looks up, and decides that he, like Grishgot, is interested.
"What is the problem here, sir? I may be able to offer assistance." For a price.

((Not rolling Diplomacy as I think this is a player character.
Also, you're lucky Jair, I won't be able to PrC until at least level 7. I need 10 ranks in Bluff to take Disciple of Baalzebul, so I'm thinking of dipping Assassin for 7th level to get Death Attack and make the inevitable boss fight harder.))

2009-09-15, 01:04 PM
OOC: Just waiting back on the DM's word as to what I'll be saying next :smallwink:

2009-09-15, 01:11 PM
Solomon looks in his pouch of gold. He then straightens up to his full height, ensuring his axe gleams. "I can buy each for 350, that's my final offer."
[I think it should be Charisma]
Charisma Check: [roll0]
Maybe throw in an Intimidate: [roll1]
[If it works, Solomon'll buy three, if it doesn't he'll give up and buy two for 400]
Yay, the new person's arrived, I was just wondering about you

2009-09-15, 01:41 PM
"Hmmph" The merchant grumbles. "Fine, you may have them for 350 each. But I hope your god forgives you for stealing the bread from my children's mouths!"
As to XP, I don't know, don't have access to the DM guide right now. I'm at school :P 4 level 5 characters taking down a CR 4 bear. There's a table in the DM's guide, follow it.
Joey: What boss fight? (whistles innocently)

Jair Barik
2009-09-15, 01:48 PM
1,000 xp so 250 for each of us. Can anyone remember how much we'd already got? My sheet seems to have gotten confused in the xp department

2009-09-15, 02:22 PM
His three new potions strapped to his belt, Solomon make shis way to the Pub they are staying at.
He then opens the door with a punch, seeing no reason to be dignified in a house of sin. He then strides over to Grishgot and says. "When do we leave, and to where?"

2009-09-15, 03:21 PM
"What the hell's got into you Solomon?! This is a perfectly legitimate establishment, you ought to respect it as such!"

((I'm pretty sure we were on 11450 XP after killing Solidem. Least that's what it says on my character sheet. *adds 250 XP to that*))

2009-09-15, 03:57 PM
The barkeep snickers, spits on the floor and says "Yeah. Respectable. Heh."

2009-09-15, 04:05 PM
((Michael never said 'respectable'. Only 'legitimate'. :smallwink:))

Jair Barik
2009-09-15, 04:17 PM
Grishgot turns to his fellow dwarf and sighs. "Well we ave a few leads so far, fer adventure at least but no idea about what ta do with these gems. Aye was just talking ta this gentleman here about is state of dress when ya rudely interrupted me." Grishgot whispers aside to Solomon "Looks like a wizard ta me, may well know where we can get some gems sold round here"

2009-09-15, 04:29 PM
"Yes. Well. My head seems to be on the line because the King has a drought on his hands." He seems to snap at you, but quite unintentionally. He soon gathers his composure, nods to the barkeep who then pours a mug of ale for everyone who wants one.

"I've tried all the magic I can but nothing seems to be working. I don't mean to brag about my own abilities but making it rain is a simple trick! No matter how grey the skies turn, how much water falls from the clouds, the ground stays as dry as a bone." He sighs, downs his mug of ale in one gulp and slumps down on the stool beside him.

"Between you and me I'm out of ideas. Even the people I've paid to sort it out for me have drawn a blank - it's left me with a dent in my gold purse, but if you lot have any skills or ideas then I'm all ears." He sits up and smiles. "Besides it wouldn't be me who would pay you for it. If I convinced the King and had proof that there was wrongdoings behind his bad crop and that you could help, I'm sure he'd pay up. He may be stubborn, but he's not greedy."

OOC: it's weird being a plot hook PC :smalltongue:

2009-09-15, 07:46 PM
OOC: Everything always happens when I'm at work. >_<


Danath gathers up his gear, straps on his armor and leaves his room for the bar only to find his companions speaking with a dirty looking man who sounded like he was having a bad day. He arrives at the group just in time to hear the end of the conversation, something about a king, a bad harvest and magic doing no good.

"Sounds like the problem lies within the earth itself. Have you tried looking for some way to get underground around the area?"

2009-09-16, 02:10 AM
Michael tries to think of something; magic is hardly his field of expertise... but deception is. If a knife can be hidden, why not a curse? "Assuming you aren't going to skip town like a sensible person, and speaking as a layman, I would guess that the ground's been cursed, and somehow hidden from standard methods of detection. Which begs the question, who would want to do a thing like that..?"

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 04:23 AM
"so are ya Satex then or be there another wizard in town too? Aye heard at tha gate that the local wizards been havin some troubles with creatures in tha forest, perhaps thats where the trouble lies? Regardless though if ye kin show us somewhere to cash a few precious stones and buy some magical gear then aye think we'd all be happy to help solve ya problems... fer a price of course." Grishgot smiles at the wizard

2009-09-16, 05:23 AM
"Satex?! How dare you call me by that bumbling baffoons name!" If he was the kind to spit, he would have done. The scowl on his face doesn't shift as he continues to speak. "That fool was the wizard here before me. He knew nothing more than palour tricks and gave us all a bad name."

He continues to drink one mug after the other, downing each one in a single gulp.

"As for the gems and magical equipment? Well..." He looks you up and down, and smirks. He's smart enough even after this much drink to know that adventurers don't carry around their own gems, only ones they have managed to get from someone else - dead or alive. "I'll turn my head with regardsss ash to where you got the gemsh, but there...mmm...are contactssssh to t'thieves' guild in town. Up there to the castle, sshhould you want to ssshhhell...uh... Satex would'uff shurely given you fffull contact to them, he has...would have...his nose up the ass of the guild begging for protection!" Once again he downs a mug of ale, not really caring about how fast he's drinking. He snorts. "Protecshun from what... I say..."
He then bursts out laughing, almost slightly dilusional from the lack of sleep he is clearly suffing from. "Of course! That's it! It's Satex doing this. It has to be. When I.... he did... and because.... oh dear.... heee" His head thumps down onto the bar and an ever-so-slight snoring noise is heard coming from him.

The barkeep shakes his head and turns to the rest of the group. "His name is Vassago, and he was a proud man until the King pushed him so hard..."

2009-09-16, 05:35 AM
"...Well, Satex is the only other wizard around, and he's in the employ of the Thieves' Guild, which puts him under suspicion... Grishgot, could I have a word?" Michael has presumably worked out by now that Grishgot, at least, is not pushed by self-righteous concepts of 'honour' and 'goodness', making him someone to be trusted with the idea of asking Satex for a better offer.

2009-09-16, 10:28 AM
Solomon decides to turn a blind eye to his party's discussions, better to keep comrades than loose them, but instead informs them to come out and inform him when he's needed, he then storms out of the Pub and leans against an opposite building's wall.

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 12:35 PM
Grishgot goes to the side to talk with Michael
"So what do ya want to ask then? Wether or not consortin with thieves will send ya into the depths of hell? Wether it is moral to sell off these gems or not? We got em fair an square as a part o the job so I say sell em."

2009-09-16, 02:29 PM
"Whether or not we should ask this Satex for a better offer than Vassago gave us. If he has connections with the thieves, he'll be able to recommend us to a relevant trader. Or a relevant trader to us. The only problem is that I doubt Solomon would forgive us, unless we spun that Satex was aiding us in removing whatever curse is causing this famine."

((Int 18. I should probably be playing Michael as a genius.))

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 03:51 PM
"I dinnase question the fact that the thieves may give us a better deal but I'm wary of the possibility that Satex may well be involved in this other business. Tis best not to mix one business with another and so if ya intend ta investigate this wizard fellow under false pretences then yed be best off not getting involved in any other business with him. If ya try an barter with tha wizard then your giving him an in. A way he can get to ya later if things here go sour. Of course you could always use the gems as an excuse to investigate him..."

2009-09-16, 04:10 PM
"Hm, you're right, it will be risky..." Michael is no stranger to risky, but knowing next to nothing about a wizard's habits is not the best position to begin investigating them with possible intent to assassinate. "I'd need to give him an 'in', as you put it, to gain any of his trust at all. The gems would probably be the easiest excuse. If I wasn't willing to put my life on the line I wouldn't be an adventurer; that being said what do you think would be the least risky way of getting what I want?" If Satex was the core of the problem, then that was that, and there would probably be no dealing with him; if not, he might well give additional payment on top of Vassago, and Michael somehow doubted that two wizards who hated eachother would team up against someone who'd merely accepted payment from both for a common goal.

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 04:17 PM
"True, true but I think the importsnt thing is...Who are ye? This conversation... I aint no fool Michael. Youv'e dealt with people like this before, you know this world, the thing is whats more important to ye? The money or the next job? If our new friend here is coirrect this wizard is no threat ta anyone. But if he's wrong and this guy is involved then there's a big price put with him. The law wants their problem solved, think how much they may pay ya. My advice? We walk back to that bar, tell the others the gems can wait and then get straight down to business. These gems are a battering chip now, ye kin use them to get close to tha thieves guild or the wizard should our investigations go down that path. So what says you?"

2009-09-16, 04:45 PM
"...The next job's more important. It's no good being the richest man in the world if no one wants your money." Baalzebul's teachings were careful on that point; be far more wary of betraying your friends than your enemies. A silver tongue is no use if all men are deaf to it, as the proverb went. "Besides, the law's predictable. Good trait when doing business. I doubt Solomon will object to snooping on a suspicious character, and if Satex isn't part of the problem, he can certainly line our pockets."

Michael eventually leaves the bar when his word with Grishgot is done.

2009-09-16, 09:39 PM
As your band stands about chewing the fat, the door of the inn bangs open. The few desperates at the bar this early swivel their heads to look at the newcomer, a guard kitted out in full regalia. He strides up to the bar and demands "An ale. And make it a stiff one". At the stares, he whirls about to face the assemblage and cries "What's wrong with you people? Have you not heard? The Duke is slain! Cut down by an assassin during the middle of dinner! I think I have reason to drown my sorrows.". At that, he slumps down at the counter.

2009-09-17, 12:44 AM
"Great, first two rival wizards, then a famine, and now dead nobility. Knowing my luck this is all connected somehow." By the Nine, this is just like home...

2009-09-17, 04:27 AM
The slamming of the door wakens Vassago from his drunken stupor, but whether it be his unfathomable constitution or by luck of the gods he seems completely sober.

"Please tell me what I just heard was a dream." He takes a sip from his newly-filled wineskins. "Also did I hear rival wizards? I wasn't rambling on about Satex was I? Oh good grief. He left town months ago after being given a 'leave or die' ultimatum from the Thieves' Guild. He promised them magic in return for his protection. He boasted about having direct contact with the guild if anyone questioned his talent. When he refused to pay up his end of the bargain due to not having any magic at all to give them they drove him out of town on pain of death. Turns out he wasn't even a wizard, but it left a sour taste in people's mouths for once I arrived. I've always resented that."

Vassago turns on his barstool and leans back against the bar. With a wave of his hand his clothes turn back to being pristine, and every strand of hair works back to its original place but it doesn't replace his disgruntled look on his face. "Now the Baron is dead I'll be taking a cut in my pay. My research can't take this cut in pay and still survive." He turns to the 'adventurers' who have just walked into the bar. "I have information on the local Thieves' Guild that might help to find out this assassin. We can deal with it, take the money back, and get an extra pocket of cash from their employer. I have ways of making people talk.

If the Thieves' Guild knows nothing about it, they'll be angry at someone on their turf and might even show a little gold our way if we offer to deal with it. I get my research money, you get your gems sold and money in your back pocket, it's a win-win situation."

2009-09-17, 04:59 AM
"So let me get this straight. The gate guards seem to think Satex is the town wizard, despite the fact that he was driven out of town months ago by the Thieves' Guild and isn't even a wizard. There's a Duke dead who was paying for your research, and the King will not be very happy if you can't research a way out of the famine. If we're lucky the Thieves might pay us, rather than kill us, for trying to find the assassin responsible. And most importantly, with a wave of your hand, you just made every laundry in the land obsolete. How much to do my clothes, and those of my comrades?" The grin from the last sentence quickly fades from Michael's face. "On a more serious note, where do you think we should start investigations? Any specific contacts?"

2009-09-17, 05:05 AM
"The Guards are idiots. They spend their time either in on the gate, in the whore houses or passed out drunk. I doubt they'll even know that the Duke is dead for another 3 months at least..." He continues on, smirking at the thought of it.

"The Duke was paying me a little extra on the side to make sure his crops were the 'best' so to speak. A little more in favour with the King that way. The Thieves' Guild will pay us if the assassin isn't one of their own. Of course if you just wander up to them and ask them outright then you'll soon find your face in the gutter if it was one of their own, but I have my ways of finding out information." He brushes his hand back through his hair, taking another sip of wine and laughs. "Hah, sounds like a Satorean Opera really doesn't it? This town has a fair share of secrets. As for the laundry? Well, that's my little secret."

2009-09-17, 07:54 AM
The guard looks up from his ale, and squints at Vassago. "You know wizard, the killer struck during the middle of lunch. But no one saw him. That means someone made him invisible. You know anything about that, wizard?"

2009-09-17, 08:19 AM
"Haha what, are you trying to accuse me?" Vassago sneers. His distaste for the guards of this area is clear. They had never given him the time or day, and he had always had to fight to get a meeting with the King even under emergency circumstances. They had always been a thorn in his side, but his salary working directly for the king has made him refrain from acting on impulse.

"I'm very sure that everyone in this establishment can vouch that I have been sitting on this very barstool, albeit somewhat unconscious, for the entire morning up until you walked through the door." He takes another sip of his wine, now wearing a very smug grin on his face. "Now if you care to direct your paltry accusations to someone who cares, and maybe if you and your sorry excuse for a guard force did your job properly, the dear Duke may not have been assassinated this day. I'm very sure the King wouldn't take kindly to you accusing the only person in this town remotely qualified to stop you from all starving to death."

He nods towards his new acquaintances and raises his eyebrows. "Now run along, will you? Leave this matter to the professionals. They are getting paid considerably more than you, afterall."

2009-09-17, 08:24 AM
The guard sits a bit straighter up "That might pass muster, except the Duke was murdered yesterday...And as the only one we know who could cast such a spell to cloak the assassin..."

2009-09-17, 08:33 AM
"If you had any knowledge of the arcane, and if anyone around here knew anything about it too, you would know that magic of that nature only works on yourself, and even then only for a couple of minutes at best - hardly enough time to sneak all the way through an entire keep, murder someone and sneak back out." He scoffs, his confidence radiating from him. "Assassins of any worth, especially ones commissioned to kill anyone of nobility, would carry their own spells rather than rely on others to do it for them. Besides, I come in here every day at the same time to refill my wineskins. The King has me working furiously trying to cure the drought in this area. Would you like to send a messenger to him, bother him in his very busy schedule, to verify my character and my being here?"

2009-09-17, 08:40 AM
The guard stands up and says "You're right. I don't know anything about the arcane. Which is why we shall let the judge decide. Now will you come quietly? Your friends too, the band of dangerous people holding weapons and wielding magics, that arrived soon before the king was killed. If you are innocent, then our preist's prayers will surely clear you."

2009-09-17, 08:46 AM
"How about you come to your senses and stop arresting people left right and centre? Those people you say are my friends I have only just met - once again everyone in this tavern can vouch for that. I have no problem following you to show my innocence as I have nothing to hide, but if you go arresting travellers just because they carry weapons then I should go arrest every other merchant, traveller, hunter, and peasant that comes through your city gates, too." Vassago rolls his eyes and stands up from his barstool, his wineskins under his arm, and walks out of the tavern.

"Are you coming? I thought I was being arrested. Keep up, will you?" He calls tunefully after the guard still sitting at the bar.

2009-09-17, 08:54 AM
The guard growls "As a matter of fact, we are rounding up all the dangerous folks who entered the gate yesterday. These guys identified themselves as adventurers, and if rumor is to be believed, vampire slayers. I think they qualify."

2009-09-17, 09:02 AM
"That's a good job then isn't it. At least you're getting back on track. Although I daresay one less vampire is a good thing, yes?"

Vassago's ears prick at the vampire being mentioned. Maybe this new group of adventurers is a lot more interesting than he first thought.

2009-09-17, 10:47 AM
Solomon continues to lena on the wall, bored but deep in thought
I wonder if Athena would forgive me for a prayer to Demeter to sort out this town's mess.
I like how despite being on my own, I'm not talking in spoilers while you guys are

2009-09-17, 10:49 AM
Well Mike and Girshgot were whispering to each other. And I forgot you were outside >.< Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get invloved somehow :smallwink:

2009-09-17, 11:30 AM
People being arbitrarily arrested on false pretences? This is more like home than I thought...
"You are wasting your time with us. Ask the guards who saw us in. They can vouch that the sun was setting before we entered your city, so we cannot possibly have been inside to do anything at lunchtime."

((I don't actually mind if you read the spoilers, it's just an easy way to show mechanically that such and such isn't IC knowledge for everyone else.
Also, does anyone have ranks in Profession (attorney) or Knowledge (law)?))

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 11:36 AM
"Now listen here laddie! If you threaten me with arrest things wil not end well. Aye suggest you just run along and go inform the higher ups that we will accept an offer ta help bring this assassin ta justice. Otherwise? well things won't end well..."

OOC: there is a lot of menace in Grishgot's voice, he is serious and he realises theres no Paladin around to see what happens next *coughclutchoforcuscough*

2009-09-17, 01:17 PM
At this the guard's mouth twists sardonically. "I would," he says, "but the guard who might have confirmed your story was found dead this morning. His heart was..ripped out"

Ha! :P

2009-09-17, 01:19 PM
@ Grishgot: "You think we would be foolish enough to let the criminals judge their own guilt?" Who do you think we are, congress?

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 01:41 PM
Grishgot turns red with rage and points angrily at the guard. "You dare ta question a dwarves honour! Listen to me now young man and know that aye have seen things tha likes o wich ya will never know, been places more mysterious than any ya will ever seen, fought monsters of the night and conversed with dragons! Ya know what this axe is made from? Dragon's bone! Care ta guess who had a hand in slaying it?" Grishgot throws his axe to the guard so he can hold it for himself.

"If ya want to then we can settle this like men, to tha death but the likes of you won't take me no prison and you won't be leaving this room with me axe. So what'll it be? Will ya be walking out of here with me axe or not?"

2009-09-17, 01:45 PM
In response, the guard reaches inside his pocket, pulls out a whistle, and blow hard on it. The ear-splitting shriek can be heard for a mile you guess. Throwing your axe behind him, he draws his truncheon, and advances commenting on how he only needed to hold you till reinforcements arrive.

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 01:51 PM
"So ya chose to settle things the cowards way then? No point in my fighting a losing battle..." muttering a quick prayer Grishgot is covered in an aura. He then makes for the axe and picks it up.

Casts sanctuary on self. If he wants the guard can make a will save to try and effect me but otherwise I have 5 rounds he can't touch me in

2009-09-17, 01:51 PM
[[I'm Presuming I'm S on the DM Screen now?]]
Solomon hears the shreik of the whistle and pivots on his foot and opens the door.
"What in Tartarus is happening here?"
Note: He does this before combat starts

2009-09-17, 01:52 PM
Ax is behind him, you'd provoke an attack of opportunity. Still going for it?

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 01:57 PM
He has to make a will save to hit me due to Sanctuary and if he fails he can't attack me for the spell duration. DC is 14. yeah I'm going for the axe

2009-09-17, 02:01 PM
As you dart for the ax, the guard shakes his head as if clearing it, and brings his truncheon down on your head for 2 damage. You roll with it and come up on the other side with your ax.
EDIT: Non lethal damage.

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 02:03 PM
Grishgot takes a swing at the guard but is careful not to wound him (assuming this is my go, if not this occurs on my go).

[roll0] (includes the -2 for non lethal) [roll1]

2009-09-17, 02:07 PM
Initiative: Mike gets a bonus initiative round again, and goes first. Damn you fast xD Vassago, Grishgot, Danath, Policeman, then slowpoke Solomon.

2009-09-17, 02:33 PM
Vassago is waiting outside the inn regardless of how much commotion he hears from inside. He knew very well it was going to break out, he just didn't want to be involved if it did. While he had no respect for the guards themselves, he was a suspect in a murder. If what the guard at the bar said was true, he didn't want anyone else to suspect him further.

"I think you're needed in there." He'll point out the inn when the other guards arrive.

2009-09-17, 02:45 PM
Before Solomon's turn:
On Solomon's turn:
Hearing his shout echo off the walls, Solomon doesn't move and braces himself for an attack
[Total Defence]
AC=25 now

2009-09-17, 03:04 PM
Michael doesn't take long to realise that he can't step between Grishgot and the guard, so he instead decides to take the situation head on. So to speak. Drawing his sap, he moves to flank Grishgot, and swings to knock him out.
Sap attack roll [roll0]
Normal damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack damage [roll2]
And because it's a Sap, all the damage, including SA, is nonlethal damage. Which is good, because I'm attacking a party member.

After attacking, if Grishgot is still up (which he probably is, he's got I dunno how much HP and I didn't do THAT much nonlethal):
"Put the axe down, you moron!" Hopefully Grishgot would come to his senses and forgive this transgression of trust, and until then Michael could content himself that the law would be kinder to him than his comrade.

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 04:11 PM
OOC: make a will save to try and hit me Omeg :smallwink:

2009-09-17, 04:12 PM
He missed anyway, but yeah, will it.
Also you get a second round. Critical initiative.

2009-09-17, 04:19 PM
Will to knock some sense into Grishgot with my extra action [roll0]
Attack roll [rollv]1d20+6[rollv], damage [roll1], and SA damage [roll2]
"You're making things worse for us! Will you not listen to reason?!"

2009-09-17, 04:20 PM
Oh nuts, attack roll failed, here it is again [roll0]

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 04:23 PM
Remember to make a will save for sanctuary

2009-09-17, 04:24 PM
He did, it was a 17.

Jair Barik
2009-09-17, 04:25 PM
Oops my bad. FF AC on Grishgot is 21

2009-09-17, 04:30 PM
Eh, as far as I'm concerned Michael's victory condition for this encounter is Grishgot to stop harassing the guard, and shouting at him to do so is probably more effective than Sneak Attack in that regard. Probably won't net any XP but we'll be less likely to be executed.

2009-09-17, 05:43 PM
ooc: lol sorry, I just have this wild mental image of you going up and hitting him over the head with a big bunch of socks bundled into a bigger sock, and it just not working. Hilarity ensues :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 08:09 PM
Danath lets out a sigh. "Damned Dwarf. Letting his pride get in the way."

As much as he didn't want to get involved in Grishgot's rumble with the guard, he WAS his traveling companion and his actions would rub off on how he himself was perceived. He looks over at the bartender and gives him a short, apologetic look for the damage that was almost certainly about to be caused to his tavern and makes his way to the brawl.

(On turn) Danath moves over to H7.

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 03:14 AM
OOC: Now you see this is why I only bought my own room. "plausible deniability"

2009-09-18, 04:46 AM
((This is also partly why I'm siding with the guard at the moment. Even if I can't deny that at some point I watched Grish help to slay a vampire, it's hard to believe the guy actively trying to knock the cleric out is on the same side. :smallwink:

Also, how would I convince Vassago to give MIchael a crash course in the arcane arts, laying the groundwork for taking the Assassin prestige class?))

2009-09-18, 05:07 AM
OOC: All you'd have to do is talk with him and find out what his goals are, and I'm sure you'll work something out :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-18, 06:15 AM
The watchman crouches low, then jumps forward, catching the heavy-footed dwarf by the stomach and bearing him to the ground, dealing 4 points of non-lethal damage and grappling. Solomon is not doing anything, so it's Joey's turn.

2009-09-18, 06:25 AM
Vassago walks up to Solomon, watching the fight break out in front of him and grins a little.

"So, you travel with them too? Seems like an odd bunch for an upstanding man like you to be associating with really. Best not to get involved."

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 06:58 AM
OOC:what was the result of my attack?

2009-09-18, 02:14 PM
Oh, sorry, you missed. Your initiative again Grishgot.

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 02:31 PM
OOC: I'm confused about whats going on here. 1. Assuming nothing special shouldn't I have gotten an AoO
2. Assuming that that was an improved grab (thus accounting for the nonlethal damage) how did he hit? He'd have had a -20 to his attack roll.
3. If it was something else then what? I didn't get to make an opposed grapple check

2009-09-18, 02:36 PM
he has improved grapple. They teach it at the garrison. And you did make an opposed grapple check, or rather I did since I didn't want to have to wait for you to reply. And when you grapple someone, you do damage as an unarmed strike.

If you succeed, you and your target are now grappling, and you deal damage to the target as if with an unarmed strike. (D&D wiki and d20srd.com)

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 02:42 PM
Grishgot attempts to break his opponents hold


2009-09-18, 02:43 PM
OOC: To initiate a grapple (even with Imp. Grapple) he still has to make a touch attack, which would have been at -20.

2009-09-18, 02:44 PM
..why at -20?

2009-09-18, 03:09 PM
ooc: just what he said in his previous post - figured there would be some kind of reason for it :smalltongue:

2009-09-18, 03:11 PM
The guardsman tightens his grip on you. He doesn't plan to let go anytime soon. He grits his teeth and says "Just need to hold you till reinforcements arrive." initiative Danath. Also, I'll be away till sunday night. Jewish New Year.

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 03:15 PM
-20 was only if it was a improved grab. I'd assumed it to be something like that because of the damage coming before the grapple effect

2009-09-20, 07:40 PM
So yeah, um, initiative Joey.

2009-09-20, 08:57 PM
Danath mosies on over to D7 on his turn.

2009-09-21, 07:14 AM
Michael decides to take advantage of Grishgot being rather less able to defend himself than normal, and focuses for a moment against whatever weird protection is on the guy.
Will save VS Sanctuary [roll0]
Attack roll [roll1]
Normal nonlethal damage [roll2]
If I'm reading the grapple rules right, while grappling Grish loses his Dex bonus to AC against opponents who aren't grappling him. Therefore, Sneak Attack nonlethal damage [roll3]

2009-09-21, 07:52 AM
Joey's strike with the sap misses, bouncing harmlessly off of Grishgot's shoulder. Initiative Grishgot I believe.

Jair Barik
2009-09-21, 08:17 AM
Grishgot attempts to break his opponents hold


2009-09-21, 08:56 AM
You manage to get your arms in between the two of you, and push, propelling yourself out of his grip, rolling backwards onto your feet. Initative Danath.

2009-09-21, 02:42 PM
Danath mosies on over to D7 on his turn.

Unless this is a new turn. >_>

2009-09-21, 02:46 PM
Oh yes, my bad. The guard rolls back onto his feet, then jumps forward, knocking the wind out of Grishgot and bearing him to the ground, doing 7 damage. (Critical grapple...)
Initiative Joey.

2009-09-22, 07:22 AM
'Joey' steels himself to take another swipe at Grishgot, since his comrade is unlikely to listen to reason and unable to dodge now.

Will save VS Sanctuary [roll0]
Attack roll [roll1]
Normal nonlethal [roll2] and SA nonlethal [roll3]

2009-09-22, 08:19 AM
Your sap bounces harmlessly off of Grishgot's helmet. Initative Grishgot.

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 08:21 AM
Grishgot groans as he tries pushing the man off of him again. "Ooooohhh what did aye drink last night?"


2009-09-22, 08:28 AM
You manage to push him off of you, and he draws his truncheon from his belt. "You're going down one way or another little man".
Initiative Danath

2009-09-22, 09:23 AM
Vassago peers into the bar from outside, ducking out of the way just in time to avoid a rogue-flying tankard half-full of ale.

"Listen guys, are you done in there or what?" He grins. "The other guards will be here soon, and I'm sure Marcus will cover for us." He nods over to the barkeep and tosses him a small leather pouch with 3gp in it. "Lets either go along with Mr. Bigshot guard and waste our time or deal with him so we can get on with the job in hand. Assassin gold waits for no man."

2009-09-22, 09:25 AM
@ Angel/Alteria: sorry it's been so boring for you guys >.< The reinforcements will arrive in a round anyway :P Then you can get back to hunting your assassin.

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 09:31 AM
OOC:My apologies for picking the fight but I was trying to intimidate him into leaving. Didn't want to get arrested as I thought it would slow things down into an OotS style court issue and force me out of the party. (i do have an unholy symbol to an evil god on my person, even if I could bluff past the guards theres no way Solomon would be fooled)

2009-09-22, 09:32 AM
You should have listened to him when he said 'we'll let the judge decide'. You were basically going to be sitting in jail for a night, then judged and found not-guilty :P

2009-09-22, 10:30 AM
Solomon continues to wonder what's going on, and casts Detect Evil on the area the guard is in :smallwink:
Let's see if Grishgot can get out of THIS
Also, I just did some SRD research and realised that for both PrCs I was thinking of I need 3 more feats xD

2009-09-22, 11:30 AM
Danath stays where he's at and watches what happens.

2009-09-22, 11:34 AM
Grishgot then. Btw, too bad you guys never looted the vampire. There was an amulet of undetectable alignment :P That's why he didn't register as evil.

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 11:53 AM
Grishgot dodges away from the guard and moves towards the stairs.

OOC:5ft step out of the guards range then double move to the stairs and then up the stairs (assuming they were just left off the diagram. Otherwise I'll edit my post.)

2009-09-22, 11:53 AM
[[You could have just said "You Detect Evil" Now I need to find a way to make Grishgot have to make an excuse, without it being set in stone...]]
This must be a mistake, but the powers Athena has bestowed on me are never wrong... Wait, it must be staying in this house of sin that caused Grishgot to gain an evil aura. I'll have to inform him later.
Solomon then shouts. "Grishgot, withdraw. Now!" and then says to the guard "We will come peacefully so it can be proven that whatever we are accused of, we didn't commit."
Aww come on, almost same time post, whatever, it still kinda works

2009-09-22, 12:27 PM
((First, Michael detects as evil, too. Unless I retroactively drink Undetectable Alignment.
Second, more importantly, let me check the SRD description of the spell, I'm sure you can't confirm who's evil with just one round's scanning... YEP. 1st round gives you only "presence or absence of evil", 2nd consecutive round gives you the number of evil auras, 3rd consecutive round gives you the location of these auras. It's been only 1 round so for all Solomon knows it's the policeman that's evil. Unless you stick around for two more rounds that is.))

2009-09-22, 01:19 PM
Stairs? Oh, you must think this is one of those fancy multi-level inns. No, you guys slept on the floor :P Oh! Wow, where did those come from.
I believe you provoke an AoO from Joey. And I meant, anything against the detect evil?
EDIT: Also he has to concentrate on you guys, so if you're darting around the room/whacking him by 'accident'....

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 01:21 PM
Soooo is there stairs or not? If not I might just 5ft and attack the guy with my axe for nonlethal then eat my unholy symbol as a move equivalent action.

2009-09-22, 01:21 PM
There are stairs now. Placed them on the map. Where they should have been all along >.<

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 01:27 PM
5ft step to F8 then and then move 40ft to upstairs and possibly to Grishgots door.

2009-09-22, 01:30 PM
Well, you can't make a 5-foot step and take a move action.

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 01:36 PM
My mistake, but the first 5ft of movement still don't give AoO.

2009-09-22, 01:41 PM
Oh? Why not?

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 01:48 PM
If all that you do is move (but not run) during your turn, the space (generally about 5ft across) that you start out in is not considered threatened, and therefore enemies do not get attacks of opportunity for you moving from that space.If you move into another threatened space, however, enemies get the attacks of oppotunity for you leaving it

2009-09-22, 01:49 PM
Right. You moved into F8, and when you move out, he gets an AoO

Jair Barik
2009-09-22, 01:54 PM
Oh yeah Joey still gets an AoO on me. Sorry thought you were talking about the guard

2009-09-23, 05:32 AM
Looking across as Solomon, opens his mouth to say something and closes it again without doing anything. How on earth could this man believe that they are men of good standing? Well, I don't suppose it's up to me to decide for him.

"Might I ask your name since it seems we might have been thrown together by the fate of the gods?" Vassago seems proud with his choice of words. "And I don't think they're going to be listening to you anytime soon - I think I might understand what you have to deal with my friend. My sister's kids were very similar..."

2009-09-23, 05:40 AM
So joey, planning on taking that shot?

2009-09-23, 05:08 PM
As the last part of his performance for the policeman, Michael desperately tries to trip Grishgot.
Unarmed touch attack [roll0]
Strength check [roll1]

2009-09-23, 06:59 PM
Your foot connects with Grishgot, but he blows past you. Danath?

2009-09-23, 09:21 PM
Danath moves over towards the door and quietly mutters to Solomon, "I'll let them work it out. His reinforcements ought to be here soon."

2009-09-24, 09:05 AM
Seeing Grishgot running up the stairs, the guard lowers his head and sprints , charging straight at him. Do you want to avoid?
The people standing outside hear the approaching tromp of the reinforcements arriving.

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 09:28 AM
Okay I'll avoid. Is this a standard charge or something special?

2009-09-24, 09:33 AM
He rushes past you as you side step and ends up ahead of you on the stairs, blocking your exit. Initiative Solomon.

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 09:38 AM
Shouldn't I have had an AoO?

2009-09-24, 09:42 AM
Yes, you do get one. Forgot >.< His AC is 18.

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 09:44 AM
Grishgot swings his axe at the charging guard
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-09-24, 09:57 AM
Your axe scores a deep cut along the guard's shoulder, but he stays upright.

2009-09-24, 10:40 AM
(Incidentally Solomon stays in Total Defence for the rest of the battle, he'll get angry later, also it means he'll have all the Detect Evil data)

2009-09-24, 10:41 AM
mmkay. Joey?

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 10:44 AM
On his turn Grishgot makes another swipe at the guardsman trying to knock him out (non lethal). Just posting now to speed things up.

[roll0] [roll1]

2009-09-24, 10:54 AM
Michael runs to guard the door with Solomon, conveniently bringing him out of the range of Detect Evil. Once there, he puts away his sap, since he doubts he'll be needed for further meleeing immediately after such a dismal performance.
(Move to F4 and do nothing else this turn.)

2009-09-24, 11:06 AM
About 7 guards come running into the inn, and spotting Grishgot facing the policeman, who is bleeding, one who is wearing only light leather armor the looks to be crafted for ease of movement, pulls a wooden wand with carved chains circling the end out and points it at Grishgot. Muttering arcane words you don't catch, a coiling beam of blue light shoots out and hit Grishgot, and his arms and legs snap against his side and together, respectively. (You failed your will save btw. Rolled a 2) The guards rush up the stairs and securely bind him with manacles. As they walk out, the policeman who started this looks at you. "You guys are coming along quietly, right?"

2009-09-24, 11:14 AM
Solomon speaks in a calm voice, chillingly calm "Though I am not sure what is happening I shall go with my allies."

2009-09-24, 11:16 AM
'Hmm? Oh, you're one of them also. Well, you're being held in custody pending a trial for the murder of the Duke. You heavily armed and dangerous people came into the city the day of the murder, and the guard on the gate at that time was found dead. With his heart ripped out."

2009-09-24, 01:33 PM
Danath mutters to himself, "Heart ripped out? What the hell...?" As he glances back at Solomon, he thinks to himself of who or what would rip the heart straight out of a man and why.

Figuring it would be much easier on himself, Danath cooperates with the guards.

2009-09-24, 02:05 PM
"I know nothing of the late guard, and he could have vouched that the Duke was murdered before we entered your city. However, I will come quietly." Michael briefly curses himself for not hiding lockpicks on his person, then soothes himself with the fact that they'd probably be found in a strip-search anyway, and it would force him to make any act more convincing.

2009-09-24, 02:23 PM
"Well all right then." The guards produce 4 sets of handcuffs and they lead you through the city. 'We'll be taking back streets to try to minimize any indignity you might suffer if you aren't in fact guilty"The back streets of Illnaris are surprisingly clean, although winding. As you emerge from an alley, you are treated to a view of the mansion that the Duke lived in, large but not extravagant. It's 3 stories tall, and takes about 200 square meters. You're led past the house however, and led into a garrison, which is made of stone, and looks very solid. The roof is slate, and flat, and there are wooden stakes driven into the ground slanting out. It's about 80 square meters big. The steel doors are opened as you approach, and you're led into holding cells, and your weapons and packs confiscated. The cells are about 2 square meters, with the traditional steel bar walls facing out and stone on the other three sides. Joey and Grishgot in one cell, Solomon, Danath and Vassago in another. "You'll be staying here until we can find a judge to hear your case. Don't go making any trouble."

Going to make trouble? :P

2009-09-24, 02:44 PM
"I hope you two can explain what happened in there." Says Solomon curtly, his face stern
I presume our equipment's been taken?

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 02:56 PM
"Why is the room spinning round?"

Grishgot spins around drunkly but at the same time makes a thorough search of the room

Search check [roll0] (also I have stonecunning ability if that helps on anything)

2009-09-24, 03:00 PM
((That was made explicit in the post, yes. Weapons and packs.))

"Grishgot decided to attack the guard, rather than go quietly. I was trying to help subdue him. Why were you not willing to give assistance?"

2009-09-24, 03:20 PM
[[Oh yeah, oops, oh, and we're not in the same room ;)
I was talking to the others, as they were also in the pub]]

2009-09-24, 03:49 PM
((For some reason I envisioned us being near enough to still collaborate, like adjacent or opposite cells.))

2009-09-24, 03:51 PM
[[Well I guess you could answer that anyway xD, oh well]]