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2010-05-06, 06:13 PM
The door is heavy stone, with a complicated lock. It takes Soot a dreary, mind-numbing hour to defeat the lock - an hour spent raging at this last obstacle and wishing for a ray of sunlight. When the door finally yields, what lies beyond is disappointing.

This side room is remarkably untouched by time – likely having never been exposed by any other humanoids. The only exit is to the East, through which you've entered. Heavy-looking stone tables and chairs furnish this room, and a series of weapons racks hold the remains of several weapons, most of which are unfortunately useless. The dust that permeates the complex lies thick on the ground here, having lain undisturbed for centuries.

Lying spread out on one of the tables is a map, apparently showing this outpost.

2010-05-06, 06:43 PM
"Thank you, Soot, for your hard work. With this, it appears we are almost done here."

Despite the creeping frustration of the past hour, Jale takes a moment to calm his mind and appreciate the gravity of the room. A room, as far as he could tell, untrod by common mortal feet (like his) for centuries.

He surveys the room quietly, seeking to disturb as little as possible, while searching for anything that might be of particular interest to a historian like his patron. The map is a likely document to hold some (but perhaps not much) interest, in Jale's mind.

On a second thought, Jale looks over the map and compares it to his crude one, to see if any secrets are yet missing.

2010-05-06, 06:49 PM
Jale finds that the map is less complete than his own crude drawings, if perhaps more precise. The map fails to show the secret room in the southwest corner of the dungeon, and similarly fails to show the true vault.

2010-05-06, 10:15 PM
"Alright, I have had it with this ****-hole!" Eric kicks the stone wall before heading off to where they left their fallen companions. "Spend a ****ing hour picking a ****ty lock to find a useless map of a more useless place! I'm not spending a second more in here than I have to. Let's grab our dead and get the **** out of here!"

Dax Thura
2010-05-06, 11:35 PM
Sharaccus casts Detect Magic and takes time to scans the room.

2010-05-07, 02:35 AM
Although Jale shares Eric's sentiment, he waits patiently for Sharacuss' spell to finish.

2010-05-07, 08:14 AM
Sharaccus finds little magic in the room. The lock seems to have a faint aura, like that of a long-forgotten spell, slowly fading away after centuries of service. He suspects that the lock may once have permitted only dwarves entry, and that it's perhaps fortunate that the party chose to have a dwarf open the door.

Eric returns to the temple and begins the difficult (and gruesome) task of determining how best to arrange proper last rites for his fallen comrades. Ants, seemingly out of nowhere, have since converged on the scene and are ravaging the bodies, as are dozens of flies (how did they ever get here?!). After a few minutes of pondering, Eric rearranges his tent to form a makeshift sled. He dons gloves and steels his resolve, then lays the corpses on the sled.

By the time he's done, Eric is thoroughly repulsed. The room reeks of decay and rot and the floor is streaked and spattered with blood. More than one corpse fell apart even worse while he was loading them, and the sight of innards is never a pleasant one.

Dax Thura
2010-05-07, 08:21 AM
Once done in the room, Sharaccus will help Eric carry the remains of there comrades outside for their last rites. He hums a dirge as they travel.

2010-05-07, 08:49 AM
Jale, done with the room, moves out to help Eric. He tries using the bedrolls and blankets as makeshift stretchers, and also to keep the bodies modestly covered.

"Sharacsus, Tai, can you help us carry our fallen out?"

Afterwards, Jale retrieves his shovel, and asks people to find more shovels in the supplies they left outside (assuming those supplies were not raided by the kobolds). He looks for a respectable location to begin burying the dead.

When finished with that grim task, he asks everyone to join him in a short service for the fallen. Drawing on his light knowledge of religion (1 rank), he composes a simple but sincere eulogy commending the souls of his shortlived companions.

2010-05-07, 09:10 AM
Thazair observes all the preparations but do not participate. The ceremony is mild and brief - is it some way of silencing their own guilt? Thazair decides it is best not to think more about this issue. Who could understand humans anyway?

2010-05-07, 12:09 PM
When the party finally emerges from the dwarven outpost, they find themselves bathed in sunlight - it must be about mid-day, perhaps two or three (or four? It is difficult to know) days after they had originally set forth. The sunlight reveals your ragtag appearance: every single one of you is caked in grime. Dirt and blood and spiderweb and dust in layer upon layer, leaving your faces eerily ghostlike in the light. Your clothes are ripped and torn in places, and nearly everyone has scrapes and cuts and bruises, besides the more serious wounds that have recently healed.

The service for the fallen members of your party - Errol, Tatzlwurm and Felon - is simple but honest. The humans and locally-raised elves find the ceremony touching, while the foreigner wizard stands a respectful distance away, lost in his own thoughts. Soot seems to find the ceremony brief - dwarven funerals are an extended affair, usually featuring a feast in the honour of the fallen and enough ale to sink the average ship.

As is customary in local society, the dead are buried facing due West, with a flat stone at their feet as a platform for them to step into the afterlife from. The graves are relatively shallow, for lack of time to dig.

By about halfway through the afternoon, the ceremony is complete, all but Imke have been buried, and Imke's body has been placed in a makeshift stretcher, tastefully covered with the whitest cloth available, for the trip back to Adath.

2010-05-08, 06:13 AM
Jale, not quite satisfied but with nothing else left to do for now, resolves to come back with a proper, if humble, monument to the fallen.

He checks over the mule and the supplies they left outside, and makes sure everyone gets a share of food and water before heading back.

2010-05-08, 09:53 AM
You eat a hasty mid-day meal and head back to town, horses freshly laden with recently-acquired loot. After all, you reflect, the expedition hadn't been a total failure: despite losing so many friends so abruptly, the surviving members have grown both in skill and in character, as their wallets have grown fatter.

When you return to the small town of Adath, you find that many of those who had known you had given up hope of ever seeing you alive again. Although they are relieved to see you, there are also unsubtle whispers and glances at the stretcher you bear. You ignore them and proceed as directly as possible to the Honelme estate, where Essche had arranged to meet you after the adventure is complete. After a few minutes of waiting at the gate, the young half-elf rushes up, excited - though whether that is by your return or the possibility of seeing those blasted documents is difficult to say. He eagerly accepts the collection of papers, commending you on their pristine leathery wrapping - he even comments that whoever wrapped these documents had an eye for preservation and waterproofing, though he seems uninterested in determining exactly who wrapped them.

At Essche's signal, a guard hands out hefty sacks of coin to each party member; when he gets to the stretcher, he asks Essche what to do with the reward for "the dead one". Essche looks up with a frown, wanders over and peers under the veil to see Imke's restful form. Gagging and coughing, he reels away. He's clearly either embarrassed or deeply guilty at having sent you into such a dangerous place; in either case, it seems like he's like nothing better than to vanish. He at last mumbles something incoherent about "so sorry" and "I can't believe", then turns to leave - walking at first, then speeding up as he is overcome by emotion...or sickness.

The guard looks apologetically at you, but mentions that he does need to close the gate and urges you to move on.

2010-05-08, 04:01 PM
Jale nods to the guard. "Understandable, good man. We will be taking our leave."

Leading the group back out into the streets, he hopes that Essche will profit from what they brought back. For now though, it was time to tend to other matters.


"Everyone, thank you for a job well completed. I am glad to have stood with you, through pain and triumph. I do not know where our paths will lead you next, but perhaps they will cross again. I look forward to that chance."

Jale bows to everyone.

He then talks to Kvenil. "I will do what I can to find a cleric who can raise Imke. Unless, of course, you already have one in mind. I will keep in touch."

Then, turning to Eric, "At the least, I know where to find you. We should share a drink sometime when you finish a shift."

After everyone take their leaves, Jale begins to track down the next of kin, or some equivalents, for Felon, Tatzlwurm, and Errol. Depending on their circumstances, he offers them some gold out of his own reward to help alleviate their loss (if appropriate).

Dax Thura
2010-05-09, 01:38 AM
Sharaccus finds a place to stay for a few days and enjoys a bath.

2010-05-09, 02:00 AM
I owe you a thank you. Those were the first words that Thazair spoke hen they stood in the streets. And now I say farewell. If you were to endavour on a next journey to find some interesting documents I would gladly hear about it. Thazair then leaves the group.

First of all he will go find a decent bathhouse and take a long and relaxing bath to clense himself from the dirt of his former prison. Later he will buy a new robe for himself since this one was almost entirely destroyed by those trice damned kobolds.

2010-05-10, 10:45 AM
Kvenil thanks Jale but mentions "The note from the treasure chest mentions a specific priest - a kind soul who has agreed to return my sister to me. I don't know how or why, but that is where I am headed next. If someone could help me carry my sister the last little way...the temple is not so far...please?" Soot offers, and the pair head off to a nearby temple.

Sharaccus discovers a nearby tavern, The Black Thorn, charging relatively low rates (he may be well-to-do, but he's not rich yet) and stays there. The bath they provide is satisfactory, and he soon also enjoys a full meal and bed.

Thazair finds himself a more upscale bathhouse and spends a few gold coins to have his form scrubbed by a few pretty ladies in a tub warm enough to melt away the strain in his muscles. He emerges some hours later, cleaned and feeling much better. His next tasks - finding a new robe of suitable quality and a meal to fill his aching belly - are swiftly accomplished in time for bed. As it happens, The Black Thorn also suits his needs in bedding (the innkeeper is a wise man who knew to offer a few rooms solely for elves, with softer bedding and no scent of humans within); the extra expense is worth every copper, in Thazair's opinion.

2010-05-13, 07:25 AM
After some initial queries, Jale goes home, greets his family and house staff quickly, then draws and takes a quick bath. After a change of clothes, Jale writes down his account of the adventure for future reference. He resolves to make time to practice his fencing and archery, as well as his spell casting.

He "decorates" his room with some spoils from the adventure, notably the wooden coin that he pierced with an arrow and the map taken from the secure room, with his handdrawn map adjacent to it as a counterpoint.

Gather Information roll: [roll0]
-to find survivors or next of kin for Errol, Felon, and Taztlwurm

2010-05-13, 08:41 AM
Jale's family expresses a mixture of relief at his safe return and worry over his apparent readiness to head out into the maw of danger yet again. This nonsense, they argue, is for those without a future in the family business!

Jale finds it impossible to locate Tatzlwurm's family. He remembers that the kobold had mentioned something of a Scarlet Order (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122643&page=4), who raised him from an egg. Asking around, he finds out that the Scarlet Order was a group of mages and sorcerers; an accepting, non-interfering society. They got along with nearly everyone, save the occasional orc incursion, which they met with all their strength and magical firepower. Overall, Jale thinks they're probably a decent bunch, but the nearest known Scarlet Hall is three days' hard march to the North. Perhaps he could simply send a letter...

It is far easier to find the families that Errol and Felon left behind, and in general they have the same reaction to Jale's sad news. Both their mothers burst into tears as Jale relays his message; while Felon's father just purses his lips and shakes his head, Errol's father launches into a rant about how "[he] knew adventuring was no good" and "Errol was an idiot to abandon that cushy position as a priest" and how Jale is obviously mentally unstable to want to adventure. Particularly sad, in Jale's mind, is Errol's kid brother, playing with wooden sword and shield with his friends, still unaware of the pain and misery inflicted by both instruments.

Eventually, both sets of parents ask to know where their sons have been laid to rest, and they seem...satisfied, maybe, if not happy...that their sons have had a reasonable burial. Felon's parents begin planning their trip to mourn their son as Jale takes his leave.

2010-05-13, 11:07 PM
While preparing the bodies to move out of the temple, Eric's will buckled and he found himself puking again. "Worst time to come down with something, I swear," he says, hiding the fact that this sort of death and decay was really getting to him. Once they finally get back out and into town, Eric frowns as he takes the reward, glaring at the man as he leaves. "Bastard should know what the **** kind of mission he ****ing sends people on." To Jale, he nods before he starts to head out. Then he pauses, and says, "Yeah... a drink would be nice some time, I guess." his eyes are sad for a moment, but then he forces those thoughts a way and forces a grin onto his face. They were in public, after all! "And now we've got plenty of stories for the ladies, eh? They love this kind of ****."

Then, Eric returns home, to where he was staying with his father for now. He finds his father in the kitchen, busy cooking something that could maybe pass for food. "Shouldn't be in the kitchen, not my job..." Then he looks up, seeing Eric come in. Two places on the dinner table were set up and ready to go, and while his father acted unconcerned, Eric was pretty sure he saw another gray hair. "Oh. You're back. Took you long enough. What happened, did you decide to have a merry ****ing campout while you were there?"

Eric shrugs, sitting in a chair. "Nah, there were a few more orcs in there than expected, that's all. Was hard as **** to keep them all alive when they can't fight as well as I can."

"Hah, that's my son!" His father pauses for a moment, staring at a few of the slashes in his son's armor. "What the hell's that?"

"Couple of 'em got a few lucky scratches in, that's all. Didn't drop me though, not for a second. I was one of the last few up in that fight, actually." The lie seems completely natural coming out of his mouth - for one that hadn't been there, such as his father, it seems like the truth.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! No son of mine loses in a fight. Losing is for wusses and women. Last I checked, you weren't either of those. You aren't gonna go cry about how hard it was in your sissy journal, are you?"

"Hahah, what are you talking about, dad?" Eric smiles, leaning back, looking straight into his dad's eyes. "I haven't touched one of those things in years."

2010-05-15, 12:11 PM
A few days of relaxation later, you end up having a reunion. You once again converge on the The Black Thorn, an inn and tavern. After a toast to fallen friends, K'venil speaks: "...and let us pray no more do join them. I am lucky beyond regard that my own loss has been averted." As she speaks, Imke appears in the doorway; she proceeds over to your table slowly, as if walking costs her a great deal. One supposes that the rigors of returning from the dead may sap the spirit and the body. She appears ill, pale and sweating, but assures you that this is merely the after-effects of the magic.

"And that, my friends, is why I have decided to cease this risky business of adventure. I can no more stand to watch my sister die than I can cause the deaths of others by my own incompetence. I strongly encourage you to rethink what a dangerous profession you have chosen -- and that you have chosen to be surrounded by death and decay and sadness where'er you go. I look forward to your returns, that we might meet again - and yet I look with trepidation, for it seems likely that next time, some of you may not return."

Soot looks contemplative at this, but eventually grumps "Well, it's not a bad thought what ye say, lass, but I got nothin' t'keep me here, and none to miss me when I'm gone save you lot...so I guess I'm in, for victory or death."

Presently, K'venil takes her sister off to rest - she tires easily, and must have her rest to recover completely, a process supposedly to take "a few weeks". A messenger comes around and informs you that Essche Honelme has requested that you come to see him.

2010-05-15, 12:52 PM
Imke if I may... Thazair stops the recently dead elf with a hand gesture I believe I am in possesion of something that rightly belongs to you. With these word Thazair searches his backpack and takes otu Imke's spellbook. I treated it as my own and now I return it to its rightful owner. I hope it will prove to be a most useful tool in your future, whatever it may be.

2010-05-15, 01:43 PM
Imke is grateful for Thazair's care in the treatment of her spellbook; as she leaves, she holds it close as if it were the only thing sustaining her.

Dax Thura
2010-05-19, 01:01 AM
Sharaccus finishes the Blanket of Serenity kata, bringing his chakra in alignment. Feeling ready for the day, he goes to meet with the others to visit Essche Honelme.

2010-05-19, 06:21 AM
Eric sits in his chair, leaned back with his feet resting on the table. "Eeehhh, don't worry about it, Kvenil. I'll see you around. A real man doesn't let himself lose to anyone. No way I'm going to let something kill me."

He raises an eyebrow as the messenger comes, informing them that they apparently have another job. "Well. The bastard's afraid to do his own dirty work again, is he?" He shrugs, putting all four legs of his chair on the ground. "Well I have a few questions for him about those ****ing chests and notes for all of us. Let's go check this **** out."

2010-05-22, 03:38 PM
The grounds of the Honelme Manor are pleasant and larger than any others you've ever been permitted to enter. The grass is lush, the bushes are neatly trimmed, and the flowers are in full bloom. Vines creep up the sides of many buildings, including the imposing 10-foot wall that circles the estate.

Before you can even take in all the sights, a guard introduces himself as Bryvor and orders you to follow him to meet Essche. He leads you along a path through the grounds, passing over a bridge spanning a narrow artificial stream, through courtyards shielded from the Sun's intensity by trees, and finally through a pair of double doors flanked by guards. Once you are inside, he leaves, closing the door behind himself.

The room that Bryvor has left you in is large and rich – marble floor tiles, a chandelier hanging from a high arched ceiling, and ample windows make the room very impressive.

Essche is here, and he leaves a too-long moment of awkward silence before he launches into his speech: "Ah, you've arrived. Excellent. I must say, you proved yourselves to be worthy assistants in the quest for knowledge when you recovered these documents – they could scarcely have been more interesting. Well, to me anyway, you likely would have thought nothing of them."

Seemingly unaware (and possibly unmeaning) of this insult, he plows on: "After analyzing these maps and documents, I believe I've discovered a very interesting location – a keep from the same time period, known as Ormir. I believe that this location may contain many items of historical significance, as well as several valuables, which you may keep for yourselves.

"It also likely contains a throne room and perhaps a great hall. I'd very much like to see these rooms, but my father is of the mind that this is too dangerous for me. Instead, I shall be sending a professional artist to sketch these rooms for me. If you accept, Naean will accompany you. She will, of course, stay out of your way as best as possible, but I do require that she be given at least enough time to complete a few sketches. I will provide each of you, as well as Naean, with a horse to carry you to and from Ormir, though I will expect them to be returned unharmed, and they will not be suited for combat.

"As for what to expect, I have some clues. Although that area of the Tanrak range seems to be barren of most threats – kobolds, orcs, gnolls, ogres, hobgoblins and the like tend to avoid the area, since there is little to prey upon there now – there are hints of other threats you may face. Ormir Keep was overrun by an Orc raiding party at some point in the past, and it's rumoured that only the dead remain there; it may be wise to bring along a priest to ensure their final rest. Within the keep itself, I'd advise a wary eye, though I don't know what you might see.

"Of course, you'll be wanting a reward for your efforts and risks, and I shall provide it – two hundred gold each if you, and Naean, return safely and with any dwarven artifacts you can find."

Dax Thura
2010-05-23, 05:41 AM
Sharaccus is very willing to unearth ancient knowledge as well as test himself against the harshness of the world. He accepts the mission almost before Essche finishes telling them about it.
"I am at your service."

2010-05-23, 06:24 AM
I will gladly learn more about these dwarven artifacts and our mysterious benefactors. Consider me interested as well.

2010-05-24, 01:59 PM
The remainder of the party nods in agreement, and Essche points out the location on your maps. Naean appears nearby, leading enough horses for herself and the whole party - she is a surprisingly plain elf, her robes concealing much of her form.

You resolve to leave the following morning, and spend the night in the relative luxury of the Honelme family's guest residences. When you awake, you discover that Naean is already up, packed, and ready to go; she waits impatiently while your troop gets its act together, packed up, and on horses.

For many of you, this is your first time on a horse, and the ride is not so much exhilarating as terrifying and uncomfortable. Still, after an hour or so, most of you have discovered how to stay upright on a horse and ride without major trouble.

The road out of Adath is long and dusty, and leads to the East, towards the Tanrak mountain range. In the distance, you can see the mountain that Ormir Keep sits upon; between you and there lies a rather large section of forest. Fortunately, however, the road through the forest will be well-lit by the Sun; a recent infestation of wood-eating beetles thinned out the wood substantially.

You enter the forest, feeling refreshed by the coolness of the shade provided. The way is lit adequately, and the going is easy, for that path is well-worn and solid beneath your horses' hooves.

The verdant colours of the forest trail gradually give way to a narrower, rockier pathway which begins to slope upwards. The gaps between the thinning trees grant glimpses of the mountain you seek and the winding route leading to the keep.

The rough path up the mountain is narrow and treacherous, with tons of rock perched above and a lethal fall below. The path may originally have been paved, but missing tiles and abundant scree make the footing hazardous. You can see how the path would be a great defensive measure – approaching armies would be slowed and forced to march double-file or less in many areas.

Ahead, the path crosses a narrow (10ft wide) but sturdy stone bridge that is obviously of dwarven make. The bridge was built to cross a deep gully cut by a river over centuries; a waterfall nearby falls off into great depths below. Around the whole area hangs a mist which reverberates with the sound of crashing water. The icy mist is a pleasant relief from the harsh summer sun. You contemplate resting here for a moment, though Naean seems anxious to get to the entrance to Ormir Keep, which she promises is only minutes away.

Dax Thura
2010-05-25, 12:32 AM
Sharaccus views learning to ride a horse as he would most endeavors, it's an opportunity to test himself. He is pleased that it does not take long for him to get the hang of it, though he knows he can't fight from the back of his horse. He just can't seem to reconcile the movements necessary to control the horse with maintaining the proper balance for combat.

The journey is peaceful and very pleasant for him. Sharaccus thinks they should rest away from the doors of the keep.

2010-05-27, 01:29 PM
"Bah, I don't need any rest." Eric takes hold of the reins and urges his horse forward. "Come on, you stupid beast, go over this lousy dwarven piece of crap!"

2010-05-28, 02:37 PM
Let's move on for now. We will see what is the situation and decide what to do next.

2010-05-31, 12:37 AM
Eric coaxes his horse across the bridge - happily wide and stable after his misadventures on the spiderwebs - and the remainder of the party follows him. Just before reaching the opposite side of the bridge, a horn sounds nearby! Four enormous humanoids leap out onto the trail, two blocking each end of the bridge!

Their faces are like those of a feral dog - wild eyes and slavering jaws - but their bodies are like wiry, powerful men. They wield rusty battleaxes and carry large, irregular plates of steel, tied to their arms like shields.



The gnolls leaped forth during their surprise round, but haven't attacked yet. Fortunately, you react quickly - the party wins initiative over the gnolls. Post in any order you want; I'll resolve actions in post order for this combat. Remember that all of you are on horses at the moment.

P. <-- Eric
cliff .P <-- Sharaccus
long PP water <-- Jale, Naean
fall PP fall <-- Soot, Thazair
.P <-- Tai
GG:: <-- gnolls

G - Gnoll
P - PC
. - clear pathway
: - heavy scree (difficult terrain)

Dax Thura
2010-05-31, 01:51 AM
Sharaccus is not skilled at mounted combat, but he knows that he needs to get off this bridge as fast as possible. So he spurs his horse on in an attempt to have it overrun the gnolls.

I don't know the rules for mounted combat so please do the rolls for me.

2010-05-31, 04:42 AM
Thazair focuses with his hands forming a circle and in the next second a levitating shield made of force appears in front of him. Defense is the first priority.


Thazair casts Shield

2010-06-01, 08:39 AM
"Naean, get somewhere safe but be ware: the first threat is often not the greatest!" Jale quickly readies his shortbow while talking.

Tracing quick patterns with his right hand, he starts muttering some arcane syllables, and suddenly points at the ground beneath the pair of gnolls behind the group. A 10 foot square of Grease (Reflex DC 14) appears beneath them.

2010-06-01, 09:09 AM
Sharaccus charges his horse - sort of. The creature was never trained for combat and balks at the idea of running headlong into the smelly, dog-like creature in front of it. Instead, it rears up, dumping Sharaccus over his back on the ground. As Sharaccus recovers from the fall, he discovers that the horse has, despite its earlier reluctance, pushed one of the gnolls back a considerable distance in its haste to escape.

Thazair, ever helpful, coalesces nearby magic to form a shield to protect himself.

Naean looks up from her book and promptly falls off her horse in surprise. She looks around wildly, in a panic, but can't decide which pair of gnolls she'd rather try her luck with. Instead, she cowers in the middle of the bridge.

Jale's incantation proves a lucky one - the two gnolls are upended almost immediately, their balance ruined completely by the grease, and both tumble to the ground.

The last standing gnoll advances on Eric, who's ready for him by now. When the foolish gnoll attacks, Eric catches it on a waiting shield and returns the favour with a hefty mace-thwack to the side. The gnoll emits a weird shrieking, cackling laugh noise, but isn't out of the fight yet.

Tai and Soot advance on the two greased gnolls and prepare themselves to counterattack.

Dax Thura
2010-06-01, 02:33 PM
Sharaccus stands up. Some of his tattoos begin to glow softly as he girds his body against harm.
OOC Cast Mage Armor

2010-06-01, 08:40 PM
Jale steadies his mount next to Naean, and speaks to her saying "do not worry: we will fight to keep you safe. We have known success in battle."

Diplomacy [roll0]

He nocks an arrow to his bow and prepares to shoot it at the first gnoll to break through the line and approach him or Naean.

Readied shot (if needed):
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2010-06-01, 11:10 PM
Thazair readies his bow as well ready to shoot down any gnoll stupid enough to approach them.

Readied action as well - on the gnolls that are not prone due to grease.

2010-06-02, 11:10 AM
"That's right!" Eric grins, continuing along Jale's speech pattern. "We're the best there is. These gnolls here?" He runs around behind the gnoll, swinging his flail in a fast circle. "They're like cattle compared to us! We'll wipe the floor with them!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

"Now somebody get over here so we can kick the **** out of this piece of ****!"

ready an action to attack as soon as someone comes up to flank with me.

attack: [roll1](+2 if flanking)
damage: [roll2] (+sneak attack: [roll3]

2010-06-05, 02:46 AM
Sharaccus glows briefly as translucent armour plates materialize and wrap themselves around him; they vanish a moment later.

Jale and Thazair knock arrows, but struggle to find opportunity to fire without their allies in the way.

Soot and Tai yell and charge south towards the greased gnolls; although Tai lands a harsh blow on one creature's head, Soot almost loses his balance attacking.

Eric darts around the gnoll in front of him, provoking a quick stab; still, the strategy works out for him as Sharaccus steps up to flank the foolish dogman and the pair tear the unfortunate limb from limb.

The pair of greased-up gnolls struggle about in the muck for a moment; while one makes it up, the one Tai had struck moments ago can't seem to balance right and earns himself another kick to the head; this time, he doesn't get up. Soot only avoids a nasty battleaxe cut by throwing himself towards the ground.

The last gnoll disentangles himself from the frightened horse and charges towards Naean. The move is a foolish one - although he manages to dodge Eric's haphazard flail, Sharaccus trips him into a pair of arrows loosed by Jale and Thazair. He coughs, then collapses in a growing pool of blood, the arrows pushed through him by the bridge surface.

Eric takes 5 points of damage from the Gnoll's AoO.

P.:: <-- Eric
G. <-- Gnoll (dead)
PG <-- Sharaccus, Gnoll (dead)
cliff ..
long PP water <-- Jale, Naean
fall .P fall <-- Thazair
PP <-- Soot, Tai
GG:: <-- gnolls (fine, dead)

G - Gnoll
P - PC
. - clear pathway
: - heavy scree (difficult terrain)

Dax Thura
2010-06-05, 03:55 AM
Confirm that everyone is ok, or at least getting some healing, check the gnolls for valuables and clues to where they came from.

2010-06-05, 02:05 PM
Jale helps Naean up and tries to guide her, her horse, and his horse off the bridge toward the side where Eric and Sharaccus finished the 2 gnolls.

2010-06-08, 12:27 PM
The remaining gnolls are dispatched crudely, but effectively, and the horses are gathered and calmed. Somehow, you also manage to calm Naean, though her eyes remain wild, searching the landscape constantly for another ambush.

The path continues on the far side of the bridge for some distance before passing around a corner and out of sight.

Dax Thura
2010-06-08, 12:45 PM
Once all is settled, Sharaccus goes ahead to scout.

2010-06-09, 10:35 AM
Jale attempts to clam Naean down further by telling her a story of a peaceful village that bound together when beset by possessed wolves and triumphed through courage and solidarity.

Perform: [roll0]

2010-06-09, 07:26 PM
Naean ends up listening with rapt attention to Jale's (admittedly well-told) story, and thanks him for making her feel so much better.

In the meantime, the party members have gathered what little loot the gnolls were carrying - a few battleaxes, shortbows, suits of leather armour, and a spare few coins. You'd guess the lot would be worth something like 200gp, if you managed to find a favourable buyer.

Sharaccus, scouting ahead, finds the entrance to Ormir Keep. He then returns to lead the party forwards to its huge gates.

The broad face of stone nestled within the mountain itself can have no other name. A cave formation, seemingly natural, houses the complex, and the front is enclosed by a huge stone wall, fully 20 feet high, and nearly 200 feet wide. The top of the wall is battlemented, and comes within a few feet of the top of the cavern in places.

The gate into the keep is an imposing structure; buttresses support the surrounding walls, and both a thick stone door and a heavy metal gate guard the Keep. Perhaps more effective than either door or gate, however, is the large pile of rubble that lies before the gate and along some sections of the wall. This blockage must weigh tens of tons and would be difficult, if not impossible, to remove. Looking upwards, you can clearly identify areas where the stone fell from.

2010-06-15, 01:00 AM
"Hm." Eric frowns to himself, looking at the rubble blocking the gates - their main entrance. "How do you think we're gonna make our way inside?" Looking at the keep as he thinks, he says, "Maybe we could climb up that rubble, and get over the wall?"

2010-06-15, 06:24 PM
"That does seem to be the best way. The better climbers should go up first and secure rope for the rest. Just like last time."

Dax Thura
2010-06-16, 02:51 AM
Sharaccus starts climbing [roll0]

2010-06-17, 12:12 AM
Soon enough, your party makes its way up the wall and onto a platform on the far side.

The first section of Ormir Keep is a large, irregularly-shaped room with two different levels: one at the correct height for dwarves to fire projectiles over the battlements on the wall, and the other at the same level as the gate.

The lower floor is confined to a sort of rectangular courtyard, and is connected to the upper floor by means of a ramp thirty feet across and forty feet in length. The upper floor consists of a section against the walls, five feet wide, and another section against the Eastern end of the cavern, which the ramp ascends to meet.

The only two exits from the area are a narrow corridor to the North and a wider corridor to the East, both on the upper level.

The courtyard is about fifteen feet below the upper level, and is strewn with the remnants of war: weapons, shields and armour are scattered all over the area, as well as the remains of their late owners. The skeletons seem to belong to two races; there are a fair number of former dwarves, but they seem to be outnumbered substantially by the orc skeletons present.

Between the races, you would estimate that there would be at least forty fallen soldiers here, and the orcs outnumber the dwarves by about 2:1. Apparently the orcish tendency to rush headlong into battle did not serve them well against the regimentation and skill of the dwarves.

Seemingly unsatisfied with the carnage they saw in life, several skeletons struggle to standing positions. As your surprise subsides, they begin to advance.

Dax Thura
2010-06-17, 03:48 AM
Sharaccus casts Mage Armor to protect himself for the upcoming battle.

2010-06-17, 07:22 PM
Jale draws his rapier and stands protectively near Naean.

2010-06-18, 01:15 PM
"Great..." Eric frowns to himself as he stands in the front of the group, readying his flail to attack the first skeleton that comes within reach.

2010-06-19, 01:52 PM
As the shambling horde advances, your party finds itself surrounded, with skeletons advancing along both sides of the catwalk. Perhaps a dozen skeletons now face you, eyeless skulls leering at you.

The first skeleton to reach your party is handily bashed to smithereens by Eric's mace, but the second one steps up and catches Eric's foot with a heavy, rusted axe. Howling in pain, Eric regroups to face this next fow. On the other end of the catwalk, Tai is not so successful: his fist swings wide and he catches an axe across the face for his efforts. He may have a permanent scar ... assuming he outlives the hour.

2010-06-20, 12:20 AM
Thazair rolls up his nsleeves and prepare to cast his spell. Once again a bit of powdered iron apears in his hand. He makes some gestures over it and in the end puffs it towards fighting Eric. The fighter doubled his size!

Casting enlarge person on Eric

Dax Thura
2010-06-20, 04:36 AM
If Sharaccus has the time (read not within 5 feet of an enemy) he next casts Enlarge on himself.
If he does not have the space, Sharaccus will use Flurry of blows
Flurry [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Flurry [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2010-06-21, 05:41 AM
"Woah!" Caught off guard, Eric looks around himself as everything else shrinks... No, wait, he was growing! "Alright! Now we're talking!" Tossing a thumbs up at the elf who cast the spell, Eric makes sure he's standing in the way of the skeletons to best protect his group. "Time to make some bone dust!" He swings his flail low, aiming to take out another one of the skeletons.

2010-06-21, 08:28 AM
Eric grows, and suddenly finds the platform he stands on too narrow for comfort. Balancing precariously, he swings at a skeleton's ankles and is relieved to find that skeletons haven't learned how to jump yet. Sweeping aside the crushed remains, the cautiously advances down the creaking stoneworks.

Tai covers Sharaccus just long enough for the latter to also grow, easily outsizing his would-be protector. Tai takes a step back to let Sharaccus advance past him to crush another skeleton. There are only nine left now, though they seem to have gathered themselves to fight better: both Eric and Sharaccus catch blades, though neither is seriously wounded.

2010-06-21, 05:47 PM
Jale looks over at Naean to make sure she is not cowering in panic. Even though he has already seen much carnage, the undead inspire new terror in him, and he fears for the sanity and safety of the artist. Swallowing his fear, he tries to make sure she is not about to bolt randomly in fear, and also is ready to move if the group needs to reposition. He will place a reassuring hand on her arm if he feels it is wise.

2010-06-24, 08:49 AM
The combat goes poorly for a moment - Eric and Sharaccus are unable to land blows and Sharaccus is only saved a grimy axe-blade by his magical protection. Being larger, the two fighters are having a harder time hitting their smaller opponents, especially while balancing on the five-foot-wide ledge. Meanwhile, the remaining skeletons have grown restless waiting for their chance at combat and have started scaling the wall beneath you; within another few seconds there will be skeletons scattered about within the party's unprotected flanks.