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2009-08-26, 02:06 PM
Armpit of the Empire:
The Guild went all over the world, and was a part of every workers' Union known in the human world. All of you were merely part of a great machine. A strong part, and you were needed on the border of one of the most frightening places known to the citizens of the empire. This was why you'd all been sent down this way to meet a powerful wizardess and a loyal agent.

Where exactly was this?

The kingdom known as Akyria, or in more common terms the Void Nation. In this single-minded nation all things supported and promoted the Void. A strange and evil order controlled the land, and psionics were rampant, even bred.

Only the heartiest known guild members would ever volunteer or even consider going to this oppressive place. The threat of mind control and brain-wash was real and proven. This was likely the case you were called to investigate now.

Once again loyal, local guild leaders have changed their tones in communications with their higher-ups. All sendings and scouts have met with dubious or forgetful answers. Now was the time for real action with a powerful arm of the guild coming to lay down their own law, and for those who went against it usually ended up dead.

You were all to meet at this crappy Inn in some small city none of you had ever heard of. In a classic imperial's mind this was the smelly armpit of the empire, a forgotten city on the border of the Void Nation. It was morning, and the Inn cleared of all traffic.

The guild has power, and actually even the barkeep/shop-owner was in on this whole arrangement. There are not many here when you arrive besides the bearded man ready to serve you an ale.

In the back, 'party-room', of the Inn the meeting would take place.

All the windows were shuttered, and all of you noticed the sneaky hoods keeping an eye on the place outside in the shadows. Just to make sure no eavesdroppers came by outside. The thug at the door seemed to expect you and only nodded when you arrived at the Frosty Froth. It's broken sign out front dangled, and the froth was even missing from the painted tankard. Busted off by some fan perhaps.

In the back room beyond the barkeep was 3 figures. The one in front was a handsome man with dark hair and glittering blue eyes. Underneath the dark cloak you could glimpse clothing of great wealth, and even his voice was quite noble and haughty. "I welcome you, and thank you for coming to help us."

{OOC- Welcome all, please give a description. The two shadowy shapes behind the noble man are veteran PCs, and will introduce themselves momentarily.}

The Voidslayers: {players}
Arha: Dark Wizardess
Valdis: Guild Specialist
Olrik: Elan Kineticist
Tiki-Tik the Mighty: Kobold fighter-rogue
Bloodsmile: Gnoll Monk

Jair Barik
2009-09-12, 08:47 AM
A man walked up to the figure, not particulary handsome, he bears a number of battle wounds, a stern countence and a small goatee and moustache. He has deep furrowed brows and a slightly tanned skin tone. His hair is partially cut with various tatooes intermingled across his scalp and what appears to be a third eye upon his forehead.

"My name is Olrik, I am unsure of the precise details as to what help you require but evidently it would seem you need somebody with... special talents. This cess pit of a place is hardly my first choice of destination and from the looks of you I'd hardly say it was yours either so perhaps if we were to get down to business with haste it would be mutually beneficial for everyone hmm?"

(OOC: Assuming nobody minds or none of the existing PC's use it I will speak in dark green, can easily change this if its a problem)

2009-09-12, 10:14 AM
A short, hooded figure steps forward, out from the doorway outside . Using his spear as a walking stick, he proceeds forward over and stands next to the tattooed man. His only exposed skin on his hands is rough, dirt brown and hairy. The fingernails are long and yellow. He stares up at the handsome, blue eyed man before him, and his hood slides back off his head. It reveals a feral face, dog like and long in the snout. On his neck is a silver chain, with a symbol of the god Bahamut at it's center, hanging loosely over his breastplate. He pushes it under with his free hand addresses the man in a shrill tone

"Tik Tik is here to help. With Bahamut's blessing we may be able to rend this land from it's obsession with the void. I too was not graced with any exact specifications to our duties here, so please elaborate. Tik Tik will do whatever he can to aid you"

(I'll pick a color afterward)

2009-09-12, 04:38 PM

Valdis's dark eyes flicker over the three newcomers, appraising each one. Her eyes linger on Olrik, examining his tattoos and third eye with interest... possibly because she has her own. The guild specialist has a number of tattoos coiled across her arms, but the most interesting one is on her forehead, a dark red eye that seems to twitch and look around on its own ever so slightly.

A couple of weapons hang by her side, but the pristine conditions of the blades mean they are either new or used irregularly- her stance and wariness, however, implies that she is used to combat, and the most skilled might tell that she is quite comfortable in her unarmed state.

She's not very muscular, nor overly tall- in fact, she's slender and of medium height- but still presents an imposing figure just through her manner and expressions.

((Valdis (http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h107/sjunderw/Other/ValdisSheet.png)
Valdis uses Dark Red for her speech color.
Good to have you guys with us.))

2009-09-12, 06:17 PM
Arha (http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i262/wxdruid/Town/ArhaNew.png)

Arha is dressed in a rather revealing black dress and her dark cloak is pushed back over her shoulders. She has long red hair and green eyes, ((see link above and my avi)). She has several fresh scars on her forearms and lower legs and no visible weapons, although there are several spell component pouches on her belt.

She looks over each newcomer with a interested and thorough checking out of what they look like and what they're wearing to determine their profession in the guild. She doesn't say anything yet, letting the handsome man do the talking. She folds her arms over her chest, her bracelets jingling on her wrist as she considers them.

((Arha uses black for her speech color and welcome to the game.))

2009-09-12, 06:19 PM
The last to enter is a lupine figure in a cloak, making no effort to hide his hyena head beneath the cloak's hood. The gnoll carries a quarterstaff over his shoulder and moves with a slow grace not often attributed to others of his kind. His fur, meticulously washed and brushed, is dark brown and smells of perfumed soap. Beneath the cloak, he wears very little: finely crafted bracers and gauntlets, the breezy cloth pants of a monk, his hind paws and muscled chest uncovered.

He is disgusted by the filthy state of this bar, but shows no outward sign. It reminds him of his first pack, of their stained sleeping piles and impulsive, disordered lives. No purpose but instant gratification. He is not as clever as others of his kind, but he knows the sweetness that comes with waiting, delaying desires, letting them fatten as the hunter's moon fattened.

He holds the quarterstaff across his paws and bows to the others without dropping his eyes. "I am Bloodsmile. With service comes reward. Tell me how to serve your pack."

OOC: Bloodsmile uses burnt sienna, if that's all right.

2009-09-13, 02:31 AM
The handsome fellow bows and welcomes you all he seems a little nervous. "Here. Put these in your ears. I can't really explain it in words."

He will slide across the table several little silver baubles, that he pours from a blue-silver velvet pouch. Enough that you all could fit one in each ear.

2009-09-13, 08:40 AM
Bloodsmile accepts the baubles curiously. He's familiar enough with magical objects, though his instincts scream at him not to trust the strange objects to his ears. He grips the first between the points of two claws and drops it in, then the second.

Jair Barik
2009-09-13, 09:43 AM
"I assure you that this will not end well for you if this is a trick but...I trust you" Olrik puts a pair of the baubles in his ears.

2009-09-13, 10:51 AM

The guild specialist speaks for the first time, her voice quite caustic.
"If they meant to harm you, they would have just sent me to track you down and kill you in your sleep."
Valdis says bluntly.
"It would have been much quicker and simpler."

((Am I correctly assuming that Arha and Valdis already know what he's trying to demonstrate, or should they be picking up a couple of the baubles too?))

2009-09-13, 11:08 AM
Tik Tik

Tik Tik leans his spear against the table, grasps the baubles with his calloused fingertips, and places them in his ears, eager to learn of the about what has been going on here that was bad enough to put so many highly skilled people in the same room together.

"Tik Tik don't hear anything"

He pokes one of the baubles with a claw-like fingernail, sending small shocks into it which reverberate in his head.

Hmm......bad magic. It's not working. Do you have another?

2009-09-14, 03:10 PM
The moment the earplugs are put in the whole world around you changes... sort of. You will all be aware of a humming in your ears, and pretty woman will appear before you. She has dark hair, and tan skin. Very much an imperial human. She wears a white dress, and says nothing, but you can hear her voice in your head. Telepathically. "Hello. I am Mina. And the world outside is not one you will want to see."

She motions for the Duke to open the window, and he does so. Outside seems at first to be the gritty city you saw before, but there were things hidden that you didn't see before. Most notably a giant black iron tower that juts high into the sky. There are also decorations, and even signs posted around written in an evil language {of the Void}. The voice in your head continues. You will all be able to speak with her telepathically, and can hear your co-workers thoughts as they speak.

"The Void has now penetrated into imperial lands across the border. They are putting their psi-towers everywhere. These earplugs will jam their signals, and allow you to ignore the evil vibrations they send forth."

The Duke is quite scared, and doesn't speak a word as the invisible psion speaks telepathically to you all.

OOC- Valdis and Sharon are aware of the psi-towers, but perhaps not how insidious they truly are. :xykon:

Voidslayers OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124783)

Jair Barik
2009-09-14, 03:23 PM
"Intriguing... So these earplugs block some of the effects of the tower? What about you though. Are you an illusion or were you simply invisible, either way why can we see you when we wear these things and what do you need us for in regard to this. Answer the first question first the later could take awhile."

Olrik turns from the window where he has been looking at the tower and faces the woman awaiting her answer

2009-09-14, 06:53 PM
Bloodsmile grit his teeth against the strange sensation in his ears, wincing as it grew and reshaped itself, distorting his perceptions. Where did the woman come from? The animal part of his nature rebelled, but he forced it down. Something was wrong. The world around him was fundamentally changed.

The gnoll stepped to the window with the others and saw the tower, the dark signs all around the town. Slowly, he understood. He was seeing what until now had been hidden from his senses. It enraged him that something had the power to so fool him. His senses were sacred, connected to every part of him that mattered. Wind rushing through his fur, the sight of a new moon, the taste of blood on his tongue...what had the power to hide the tower could take these things from him as well. The Guild's purpose for him was a matter of coin before. No longer.

"Where does this...Void...make its bed? Where does it rut and breed its young?" Bloodsmile turned to the phantom woman. "They are a pus-filled sore to be scraped from the land. If you wish us to kill them, I will gladly break them for you."

2009-09-14, 07:02 PM

Arha walks to the window and looks out. What she sees makes her silently swear to herself. She checks the earplugs to ensure they are firmly in her ears, but that is her only outward reaction. She hates the Void even more now, they are, well, she doesn't have quite the appropriate words for them, but after what she saw before, combined with now, she has no love for them at all.

She turns back to the psion, "So...you want us to push them back into their own territory? Do you know their weaknesses? Strengths?" She would like to know if there are easy ways to kill them and how to keep them from gestating and joining the Void.

2009-09-15, 07:10 AM
When the device activates Tik Tik is shocked to the core. How could such a huge tower outside the window hide from his keen senses? A small shiver of cold goes up his spine as he stands there. He lets out a low growl from under his cloak, menacing and full of rising anger.

".....head magic......nasty head magic.....Tik Tik THRASH Nasty Head Magic Maker!"

Composing himself, he turns back towards the psion, who is also invisible. He is wary of her, and why she is invisible, as well as the tower. If one and the other are connected, should he trust her?

"Why are you dissapeary like tower?

2009-09-15, 08:12 AM

Valdis remains silent, letting the others express their outrage and indignation for whatever reasons they chose. Idiots. Like they really knew anything about the Void.
Still, she says nothing, just listening to Mina, her dark red eyes gleaming with professional ruthlessness.

2009-09-15, 03:23 PM
The woman looks at Olrik oddly, as if he shouldn't be speaking out-loud, and pauses for a moment before answering telepathically. "The towers send out a vibration that blocks certain receptors in your body. I am existing on this level of vibration, normally invisible to your eyes. The same effect that the tower causes, is the same effect I have upon myself.

The magic earplugs are psionic covers, and will aid in your travels in the Void lands. They even send out a 'cover' personality so that those detecting your thoughts at random won't be able to see what you are truly thinking. The guild has studied each of you very well, and even close friends would be hard-pressed to notice a difference in your thoughts."

Looking to the gnoll she is kind, but almost condescending. "My friend. You are on the border of the Void nation, and you will be entering its land. But, I doubt, that you could quell this controlling force on your own. So, it would be best to temper your anger while you are there. For they are always looking for dissenters." She tries to calm Bloodsmile.

To Arha the psion answers, "Even you mighty wizardess will not have the power to push back the Void. What you all will be doing is investigating rogue guild members. We believe that the Void has brainwashed our operations in the city right across the borders. We need to find out who, what, and why. And whether we need to execute our own."

Answering Tik-tik quickly, she reiterates telepathically, "I am vibrating at another frequency right now."

Another note Mina adds, "While wearing the ear pieces you will be able to communicate telepathically with one another, and while in the Void lands, I highly recommend it."

Jair Barik
2009-09-15, 03:44 PM
Apologies mi'lady. I did not apretiate the need for this telepathic secrecy. After all if people were to be spying on us I would expect them to be able to read thoughts if their presence was so dominant. These earplugs however, they change things... give us an edge you could say

2009-09-15, 04:48 PM
Tik Tik the Mighty

The guild was kind enough to take the Kobold for who he was, and the thought of them being brainwashed, or worse, knowingly decieving the guild appalled him.

Where must we go, and who should we look for, Mina? I would like to help the brainwashed guilders before it is too late, and if needed, staunch the flow of dissent in the guild. Who would have done such thing?

2009-09-15, 05:44 PM
Mina smiles as the group now realizes the depth of danger they have now come upon. "You will enter the Void lands as part of a trade caravan. Lord Javin and the Void do much trading over the border, but every cart, box, wagon, and person is analyzed thoroughly by their 'crossing-guards'. The guild trade station in the border city is our destination, however getting there won't be easy.

We may have to deal with rogue bandits outside of the guild's laws.

This is your cover, as caravan protectors. These illegal bandits are to be dealt with most harshly, and with extreme prejudice. Death to all who are not under someone's control. Those who are, might as well be dead to the guild for they are compromised, so if need be, they should be killed too."

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 04:25 AM
What will be our cover story then? Specifically what goods will we be carrying, at prefrence it should be something the group has some knowledge of but also something needed in the void, that way we can hopoefully avoid suspicion for longer

2009-09-16, 07:00 AM
"We wanted the caravan to be large. With the influx of people and orcs in the Voidlands they have been needing our resources. You'll be taking wheat grain from the Hans plains. Loads and loads of wheat grain. Very valuable as a whole, so we'll need protectors. All good lords have wizards protecting their crops, and Arha is ours."

She smiles and winks at Olrik. "I like your thinking though."

"One more thing. They like to think of themselves as a legitimate nation, and not the splinter province they are. They call themselves Akyrians of Akyria. And Lord Grimm is practically a god to them. It would be best if no disrespect is shown their name or their lord-master's."

2009-09-16, 09:45 AM

Valdis gives a slight chuckle as she hears their cover story. Shipping and caravans. Well, that brought back a few memories. Except this time, she was smuggling herself.

Let me sum this is up to see if we have the whole picture, because you seem to be giving the mission in bits and pieces at a time.

Disguised as a caravan carrying wheat, we make our way to the void nation- which we should refer to as Akyria (treating it and its lord with respect)- and deal with any illegal bandits who... assault us on the way? Are in the Void nation? Details on the bandits would be appreciated.

Once in the Voidlands, we are to seek out the guild trade center and investigate for rogue guild members. Do we have any leads so far, or will we be working blindly? Are there specific hints and signs we should look for?

When we have found these rogue guild members, they will be executed- by us, or someone else?

2009-09-16, 09:58 AM
Bloodsmile considered the psion's words. In his time among the gnolls, he'd been honest to an unfortunate fault and earned much abuse for it. Lying was simply not among his greater skills, but a thought occurred to him.

He touched the amulet hanging from his neck. "Mistress, is it within your power to make a mark upon this amulet that flatters the Void and those that work for them?" Bloodsmile glanced at his bracers. "Perhaps these may be marked as well. It would be easier to lie with a nod of false respect to those acknowledging my allegience than to speak without venom to those that ask it, but for my mistress, I will do my best regardless."

2009-09-16, 02:20 PM
Looking at Valdis she answers first, "You may be executing them yourselves. In our eyes you are above the laws of the Void. There are no leads, as you will find that it is you who must find the answers."

She turns to Bloodsmile, "A mark? A mark that flatters followers of the Void? Well, as you will find, with the complete brainwashing they do there, all are followers of the Void."

2009-09-16, 03:05 PM
"Then they will not question anyone's loyalty within their borders?"

2009-09-16, 03:30 PM
"The Void will question us, but we are imperials, and we go together with strength. We also want to see... well... this is sort of a set up. I think you'd have figured it out, but... We need to see how they brainwash our people. If our people can be saved that would be great, but with all the metallic attachments and psionic accoutrements the members might be compromised for life. We must discover whether our so called corrupt members deserve to be slain, or if we can 'turn' them back."

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 03:46 PM
Olrik smiled From where I'm standing there is a very clear method of finding out the how. Unfortunately said method poses many obvious risks to our own safety.

2009-09-16, 03:52 PM
"Unfortunately... yes. But, I hope to compensate you all for your troubles."

2009-09-16, 04:21 PM

Arha nods, as usual Valdis has gotten right to the point and summarized it all very neatly. She refolds her arms across her chest. As for the guild members inside 'Akyria', she figures they're probably already lost and perhaps she'll have some fun killing a few and diminishing the Void Nation.

2009-09-16, 04:25 PM

Vagueness is unsuited to planning.
The assassin directs towards Olrik... and possibly a bit towards Mina.
Is there anything else, or should we begin our mission?

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 04:32 PM
Olrik sighs out loud
The most obvious means of finding out how they are being brainwashed is to try and let them brainwash one of us, possibly even pretending to have caught a traitor in need of brainwashing. This would get us inside easily but there are considerable risks to everyone and terrific risks for the one being brainwashed

2009-09-16, 04:33 PM

Arha frowns, there is no one on earth she will ever let herself be willingly brainwashed, ever. She sarcastically replies, We'll allow you to be the first, since you seem anxious to find out how it feels.

Jair Barik
2009-09-16, 04:37 PM
I nevere said it was a good plan. Simply an obvious one. Perhaps straight forward infiltration would be a safer method

2009-09-16, 04:40 PM

What do we even know about the brainwashing process? You mentioned attachments and psionics...
Valdis asks Mina.
I assume the subject is physically affected as well as mentally?

2009-09-17, 06:46 AM
The psion is getting weary, and you can see the strain that the mindlink is causing her. "You will be able to act normal, but be wary where you speak, and about what. You never know who will be listening in 'Akyria'." It pains her to even think that word.

She likes almost everything Valdis has to say.
"All is prepared, and the duke's caravan will be leaving soon. It is fact waiting for your arrival at the mill."

"You must understand that I can't go. The wizards won't let me." Javin thinks to the group as if his nobility were a curse and burden only he could bear.

The psion looks to Olrik with a raised brow on the topic of getting brainwashed on purpose. "That would be an interesting approach. I only hope that you can return from it. I wouldn't do it. The effect has more to do with the psionics and the psi-towers... so be wary of them. It is your job to find out anything you can. Wear your helmets, hoods, earmuffs, or whatever, because any thief will spot those silver plugs in your ears." Mina smiles as she shares a moment with Arha in disliking the brainwash idea. Mina likes Olrik's retraction of the brainwashing self idea.

2009-09-18, 11:35 AM

We will be cautious.
Valdis assures.
Now, it is best we tax you no longer, and move on to our task.
She looks to Arha for a moment to make sure she does not disapprove, and if not, will lead the way out and towards the mill in question.

2009-09-18, 12:21 PM
Bloodsmile moved to Arha's side. "I am pledged to your protection. Tell me what you wish of me." The gnoll bowed his head to the wizardess, lowering his eyes as a sign of respect. Ultimately, his fate was in the woman's hands--he had agreed to fulfill the Guild's contract, after all. If he ever hoped to give her counsel, he would need to earn that trust by demonstrating his usefulness.

Jair Barik
2009-09-18, 12:26 PM
Let us get this job underway. we have much to learn and must be careful about how we go about learning it

2009-09-18, 12:49 PM

Valdis smirks a little at the gnoll's action.
"Seems you've gained a lackey, Arha. At least he isn't a groveling lizard..."

2009-09-18, 02:31 PM
"I lack nothing, madame," Bloodsmile said respectfully. "You may be confusing me with the unwashed, simpering dogs that make up my race. The Guild is my alpha. You are my pack because the Guild says you are my pack, but I am no one's omega. We all have talents, Specialist. Mine...is obedience."

2009-09-18, 02:41 PM

"Say what you wish, but obedience and asking for orders most certainly implies a level of subservience. A skilled lackey you may be..."
The specialist emphasizes 'may,' seeing as how she hasn't had a chance to observe his talents yet.
"...but a lackey you remain if you shackle yourself to someone else's bidding."
She smirks.
"Of course, I was simply making a jest. I did not mean to provoke such a reaction. I'll keep in mind your sensitivities."
So she can use them to needle him more later, of course.

2009-09-18, 06:17 PM

Arha doesn't have any more questions and doesn't disapprove. Valdis is her own free person, certainly not tied to her by anything other than being in the guild.

When Bloodsmile offers his... obedience, she looks at him with an inscrutable expression. When Valdis speaks, her eyes flick to look at her with an irritated look before she hides it and looks down at the gnoll. "I see...well, obedience is a valued trait that is often overlooked." She smooths down her dress with both hands. To everyone, "Shall we get going? I'd like to get this started."

2009-09-18, 07:37 PM

Valdis will lead the way off towards the mill, assuming she knows it, and assuming Mina or the noble don't stop her.

Jair Barik
2009-09-24, 02:29 AM
Olrik gestures to the door.
Lead on I believe we are all ready for this task

2009-09-24, 04:27 AM
Javin nods respectfully at Bloodsmile, and pats the gnoll firmly on the shoulder. "You will all be equals in my palace, Bloodsmile. I am told you were one of the guild's best specialists. You come highly recommended." He says now breaking the audible silence that had permeated the room with the psion's telepathic voice speaking only in your head. It might even be a shock to your ears to listen again.

"The caravan leader's name is Utal Pondsbreaker. He is expecting you, but knows nothing of your true mission. He is mostly looking to you as protection from the Allied Rogue Bandits. He also knows to treat my specialists with the utmost respect. But, do appreciate the little authority he has as leader of the caravan. He is a loyal employee of the guild, and earned his way up the ranks through hardwork and perseverance. There are about 20 other employees, most with little fighting skill, so try not to waste them should any... 'trouble' arise. Once Utal reaches the city and trades the grain, your job will be done. I've already been paid, so his return trip home will be a lot easier to manage, since he won't be carrying gold."

The psion wil collapse, and speak audibly. "Remember, try to keep your ears covered, at all times."

"And don't worry. I'm insured. We all know the true purpose of this 'expedition'. The guildmaster tells me all of you are more valuable than all of the grain... and I agree." The handsome duke smiles, showing his perfect teeth.

The walk to the mill is not long, and the gathered wagons, horses, and men will be quite easy to find on the edge of town.

The mill is on a river, that feeds nearby Lake duPluxe.

2009-09-24, 08:10 AM

Valdis gives a curt bow to the psion and and duke before leading the way to the mill. As soon as she's made it outside, she has pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, concealing the baubles in her ears.

As they reach the mill, she raises a hand in greeting to the people near the wagons.

2009-09-24, 10:40 AM

Arha bows briefly as well before following Valdis out to the caravan. She runs her fingers through her long hair, arranging it so it falls over her ears as usual. Her hair should be thick enough to cover the silver plugs in her ears. She smiles as she approaches the caravan.

2009-09-25, 01:27 AM
Bloodsmile raised his hood and followed the wizardness, matching her gait and speed. Without being obtrusive, he remained within five feet of her at all times, his eyes already searching the faces of those around for signs of ill intent. "Until the mistress bids me otherwise," the gnoll whispered to Arha, using the psion's strange objects to project his thoughts, "I am your shadow."

OOC: If I understand the devices correctly.

2009-09-25, 02:58 AM
OOC- The ear-devices allow limited telepathic talk. But, not the group-speak that the psion was able to manage. They do not take up the head slot for magic items. :smallsmile:

There is one wagon that clearly looks to be the lead wagon. It looks more like a small house. 8 horses are reined up to this large contraption with 8 heavy duty wheels. There are a few armored toughs on horseback, and some near naked laborers readying the wagons, as well as a several drivers.

There are actually about 40 people who appear to be a part of this group, as Javin's estimate probably left out the cooks and other miscellaneous crew.

A heavy set man with a big white beard and long unkempt hair stands talking to the lead wagon driver, a miller, and other various crewmen and women outside the mill. The heavy-set bearded man notices your approach right away, and leaves his discussion immediately. He spreads his arms, and a wide grin opens up that burly beard on his face as he nears. "Welcome! Welcome to my caravan! Archduke Javin has said I get the best on this journey. And I must say I am honored to have you along! I am Utal."

He seems very friendly, and looks to want to give you all hugs and manly, scratchy kisses on each cheek. Even Bloodsmile will find himself embraced, though the much shorter man will settle for a tight squeeze of the gnoll.

2009-09-25, 07:59 PM

Valdis almost appears sickened by the man's attitude, but manages a professional smile after a moment.
"I am Valdis. My companions and I are pleased to accompany you."
It is a polite nothing, more an attempt to get him to elaborate on the arrangements more than anything else.

2009-09-25, 09:54 PM

Arha is stoic through all of this, through having the gnoll shadowing her, to the hug from Utal, although she wishes the gnoll was more like Sonny, but she'll have to wait and watch how things turn out. She smiles and greets Utal, "I am sure we'll be pleased to travel with you." She looks around for their mode of travel, will they be riding on a wagon? riding a horse? She certainly doesn't want to walk the entire way.

2009-09-25, 10:39 PM
After brief pleasantries Utal will introduce some of the important members of the caravan. There are so many the names are a blur, but they all look like light skinned, dark haired southern imperials for the most part. In other words locals to this part of the world.

Horseback or wagon is available to the group. For Arha or Valdis he'll offer to share his traveling wagon-house. The ladies get the feeling by his over-friendly leer that he may expect other things as well if they sleep in the large contraption. "You can bed with my servant girls."

It is about noontime, and the wagons are loaded, so Utal is ready to go as soon as possible.

2009-09-25, 10:46 PM

Valdis keeps herself from going red with rage, managing to master her anger and smile politely.
"Thank you, but I do not need to sleep or rest. Perhaps Bloodsmile can take my place- no point in wasting a good place to rest, after all."
With that, Valdis chooses one of the horses to ride.

2009-09-25, 10:59 PM
Not bothered in the least, Utal waves for one of his shirtless, loincloth wearing men to bring Valdis a mount. All the riding horses are light with some gear already supplied with two saddle bags.

Jair Barik
2009-09-26, 02:35 AM
Olrik walks towards the wagon and gives a critical eye over its construction eventually making his verdict. "I believe I shall ride in the Wagon. Been in a few wars but never really got on with a horse before. The names Olrik by the way."

2009-09-27, 03:38 AM
Utal is an overly friendly man, but a busy one, who is managing a lot of people. One of his hands will help get you a horse, or even a comfortable place to sit on a wagon.

Soon enough Utal will give the order to head out, with his primitive mobile home in the middle of the pack. Valdis will spot a pretty young woman peeking out the curtains when the caravan starts off about noon time.

2009-09-27, 10:45 AM

Arha will choose a comfortable place on a wagon and try to remain awake while they're traveling. She has no interest in Utal's bed and she hasn't seen a good reason to be interested.

2009-09-27, 07:25 PM

Somewhat bored, and curious to learn more of Utal without directly asking him, Valdis turns her horse to travel alongside the wagon. After a moment, she is riding quite close to the curtained window from which the woman is peering. She says nothing, waiting to see her reaction.

2009-09-28, 12:40 AM
The caravan is slow, and though it may be a short ride for a horseman, this journey will take about 4 days to cross into the Voidlands.

Utal is not at all charismatic, but darn it, he tries.

When Valdis makes eye contact with the girl in the curtained window she will blush and pull back inside, closing the curtains.

"Move out!" Utal calls and the slow creak of wagons can be heard all the way back.

2009-09-28, 05:24 PM

Arha remains unimpressed by Utal's 'charisma'. She's seen and had more than he'll ever get. She rides along, keeping her eyes open for bandits and doing her job. So far it's been rather boring and the food isn't the best, but she deals with it in her own way. In the evenings she'll find a few moments to talk to Bloodsmile, see if she can learn a bit more about him. She'll spend the early mornings by herself, studying.

Jair Barik
2009-09-29, 02:06 AM
Olrik spends his time in the caravan making sketches and equations. Drawing various flight paths, predicting collisions and consequential effects and so forth. The exact purpose of any of this is unclear and his diagrams are meaningless to anyone but himself being largely un-anotated.

2009-10-01, 06:20 AM
The first day will be slow and uneventful. The staff will murmur quietly, but no one is loud, and all show reverence to the 'specialists' of the group. You will still be among human cottagers and locals when night falls, after you leave the town mill.

Utal will not do much to set up in the night and merely enter his mobile home. Lots of manly grunts will be heard throughout the evening from within it. His staff will take care of the horses, and his team-leaders all work swiftly to get younger, newer staff in-line. The specialists are left alone, unless it appears they need aid, in that case many hands will come to aid....

Even hunting wabbits. Shhhh. Be vwery, vwery quiet.

2009-10-01, 09:56 PM

Valdis stays away from the wagons and follows her usual routine of quietly stalking around the camp, making sure nothing is approaching or otherwise seems wrong. Needing little sleep means she keeps up her prowling for a long time, pausing only for a quick, very light nap before getting up and continuing her rounds.

2009-10-02, 06:48 AM
Setting up camp is an ordeal, and many of you swiftly traveling adventurers may groan when Utal calls it early for rest. The sun still in the air. Camp however takes a while to set-up, and the wagons and horses become quite the chore for the caravan team.

Utal will move into his mobile home once his 'ride' is pushed into position. He'll hang out inside with his whore, until dinnertime. Then eat, drink, and retire early. He will be friendly, but clearly had more plans with the woman.

Besides the whore's startled and uncomfortable squeals, the night passes uneventfully. It is at this time that the specialist can meet the crew in better acquaintance if they so desire.

It is unclear if the whore ate, since nothing was brought to her.

Jair Barik
2009-10-02, 12:07 PM
Olrik lounges sedately by the campfire watching the passing of people around the flames, staring as their shadows dance across the ground but constantly at his notes and sketches, making pictures of things that it seems only he can see.

2009-10-02, 01:53 PM
Bloodsmile listened to the sounds of human coitus from the wagon, unable to keep his lip from curling. " Disgusting animals," the gnoll muttered. He moved away from the wagon, his eyes never straying far from Arha's location.

2009-10-02, 03:16 PM

Arha ignores the 'activities' in the wagon and when Bloodsmile mentions something about animals she smirks. "So, you think he's a disgusting animal?"

2009-10-02, 04:51 PM
The night will pass with no attacks or disturbances, and as breakfast is cooked, others in the caravan crew will ready to set off for the next day. The 'Leaving' takes the whole morning as wagons and horses are readied and harnessed.

By 9 am though the slow moving train is ready, and breakfast is had by all.

Utal is in good spirits and will make sure that he at least says hello to all of his crew-leaders and specialists. He tries to stay busy as things are about readied to go, but never once does he lift a finger or even expect you guys too. This work is for his laborers. He might even look funny at any of you if you do help out.

It should be noted that the caravan is passed by horsemen, patrols, and other wagons on the road going both ways. This is a rather busy trade route, but clearly your caravan looks far more important than any you pass.

2009-10-02, 05:51 PM

Arha ignores the 'activities' in the wagon and when Bloodsmile mentions something about animals she smirks. "So, you think he's a disgusting animal?"

The gnoll bowed his head in deference to Arha and kept his voice low, although the subject of his disgust was far too distracted to hear him anyway. "No better than a beast. I abandoned my people for living as this...man...lives. Feeding like rabid dogs...mounting each other like animals in heat. Weak-willed, pathetic dogs." He glanced back at the wagon. "I do not know why we are here, what point this...dog...serves."

2009-10-02, 05:57 PM

Valdis continues to stalk around, on foot for the moment. She's nearly as quick as the horses anyways, and the caravan certainly isn't going that fast. She's a bit irritated- there's nothing really for her to do (at least, nothing she'd want to do), and nothing to take charge of or watch over with much authority.

2009-10-02, 05:58 PM

Arha is highly amused by his response and quietly responds, "We are here to serve the guild's interests and to ensure that his caravan reaches the destination. It doesn't matter who's in charge of the caravan, merely that they be able and up to the task. He's the one chosen and so far, he's succeeding in his task. I don't care what he does all night with his property as long as he gets his day job done."

In the morning, Arha is far to busy studying to think of trying to lend a hand and when it's obvious she's not expected to, she spends her morning as she wishes. After studying, she watches the other travelers that pass them. She'll be ready to set out when it's time.

Jair Barik
2009-10-03, 02:48 AM
"So what brings you all here then?" asked Olrik from his place on the caravan, taking a brief bfreak from his drawings.

2009-10-03, 05:05 AM
One of the lead horse wranglers, Telron, thinks Jair is talking to him, and chuckles. "Well, I was stealing cattle up in the Central Empire, and heck well... I was given a second chance. Utal basically heard about my skills with horses, said he could use me. Saved me from jail."

The caravan Crew Captain hears Telron talking to Jair and with a stare gets the man back to the road again. Clearly, the workers were not to talk with the specialists, a clear class difference. One that Bloodsmile might be unfamiliar with, even in the guild the gnoll got to feel less than the humans. But, his recent experiences in the Guild was changing his view now. Some of the young runners were always willing to get Bloodsmile a drink or even a turkey leg to snack on. Even the tough captain deferring respectfully to the strong looking gnoll.

2009-10-05, 09:57 PM

Arha is once again riding on a wagon. She doesn't feel like trying to converse over the sounds of the caravan and horses. She watches the sides of the road and for anyone interesting that passes them.

Jair Barik
2009-10-06, 02:34 AM
"So then." said Olrik addressing his fellow experts. "Anybody have any plans as to the best way of selling our goods once we get to the destination?" he smiled and watched around himself.

2009-10-06, 08:46 AM
One of the merchant traders, a skinny nerdy guy with a scrawny beard will gladly tell Jair the intricacies of trading and procedures of paperwork he will be delving into. And he will do so quite eagerly. Most of the crew will clear out of his area in the line when the caravan clerk begins to talk of his plans for the 'job'. Seeing himself a specialist, Rik Boffo, takes this time to acquaint himself with Jair; likely boring the fellow to death.

If one were ever trying to block their mind with clutter, listening to Boffo might help.

Arha will notice a few of the horsemen will move near her silence in the line when Boffo begins his rant. For anyone listening he could talk for hours and possibly tell them one bit of useful information.

2009-10-06, 03:27 PM

Arha will naturally look them over, but she isn't interested in following it up with anything. She's just waiting for some excitement (attack, etc), or the evening stop, whichever comes first.

2009-10-06, 06:47 PM
About Noontime with the Voidland border still miles away, Valdis will notice that the road is particularly quiet. Not much traffic passing your big caravan either way. Which is odd since this is a well-tavelled road. The forest is too quiet here.

2009-10-06, 07:56 PM

Valdis narrows her eyes and quietly makes her way around the caravan, finding the other guild specialists, starting with Arha. She'll quietly inform them that something appears to be amiss and that they should stay on their guard.

Jair Barik
2009-10-07, 02:27 AM
Nodding to his companions Olrik focuses his power in preperation for any trouble ahead

OOC- manifests force shield on self, [roll0] concentration check v being in a wagon (DC11), [roll1] concentration check to activate without display (DC16)
Question, is it asumed that I made myself psionically focused this morning, or should I have said that I became psionically focused this morning before we set off?

2009-10-07, 02:24 PM
Valdis is able to get everyone on alert, when she tells Utal the caravan leader, he agrees that something is not right. He'll give a little nod to the caravan to get ready and do as the specialists ask.

Jair Barik:
If I skip time quickly I allow a little 'retro-prep', so you can assume Olrik had time to focus himself.

2009-10-08, 12:07 AM

Arha keeps her spell components handy and keeps her eyes open for the possible ambush. She'll be ready to cast invisibility on herself at the first moment something threatening happens.

2009-10-08, 04:59 AM
Valdis will spot racing humanoid movement in the woods. And can tell that the danger is attacking the rear of the wagons, but the attackers don't know she knows yet.

2009-10-08, 01:17 PM

The assassin quietly stalks towards the woods, letting her skill conceal her as she moves into the trees. All she wants is a glance of who their attackers are, so she can plan accordingly...

2009-10-08, 09:47 PM
Valdis will slip into the shadows as the group warily prepares, those trained among you will begin to hear 'bird-calls' that are actually signals among your attackers around you.

As Valdis moves out, she will slip right by a young fellow with a bow. He looks like a nice sort of peasant fellow. Scared out of his mind as he eyes the caravan, but nothing Valdis would be frightened of. Just slipping off into the woods she'll see a few more archers quietly moving into place. Some are skilled, but none of these guys can match Valdis. She could even kill the nice fellow gulping nervously, and the rest might not ever know.

2009-10-08, 09:51 PM

Valdis pauses for a moment. This seemed... familiar.
A scene flashes through her mind, and her lips tighten, and she moves to execute the young archer swiftly, quietly, and with complete efficiency.

((Probably position for a full attack and hope the negative levels kill him.))

2009-10-08, 10:08 PM
Valdis can execute the first young fellow in moments without a peep or anyone noticing. Things are getting tense, she can tell, because the caravan as a whole is starting to draw attention to themselves as they ready for whatever is supposed to happen. This is causing the bandits to begin more birdcalls, and even tensing their bows.

A few of you might even hear the chorus of bows being pulled taut after one particularly strange bird-call. Valdis actually sees 3 young human men react to the call as such.

2009-10-09, 12:41 AM

Arha will drink an invisibility potion and get down off the wagon so the enemy isn't sure where she is. After she is invisible, she will turn into her demon form, black skin, silver eyes (she can now see anyone that is invisible).

2009-10-10, 05:37 AM
When the arrows fly Valdis must've blinked. None of the bandits see her, but she isn't able to get much closer to another to slay before the -thwift- noise of an arrow filled the air scores of times.

Arha by this time was also well-hidden, what set the archers off is the movement of the guard. Utal, the caravan leader was sprinting toward his moblie home entrance like a cheetah.

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Bloodsmile {?} 4+2
Valdis 1+7
Caravan Crew/Guard
Tik-Tik the Soon to be Dead

2009-10-10, 07:25 AM

Arha looks around to see if there are any obvious spellcasters in the group. She casts her spectral hand as she analyzes the grouping of the enemy and how many of them she can see from where she is.

((Are they grouped together such that a fireball would take out a lot? Or are they all in ones and twos?))

2009-10-10, 08:51 AM

Now empowered by the soul she drained from the young man, Valdis quickly runs towards the next archer and will attempt to sweep him off his feet and step on his face once he's down.

Even after rolling a one, I go before Bloodsmile, you know...
Oh, and if initiative counts as being rolled after she hit the archer, her check is at +9, not +7. Soul enhancement gives her a +2 on saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks after draining a negative level, and initiative is a dexterity check.
She should also have a +4 bonus to strength now, just to mention that.

Her trip check will be at +9- +3 strength bonus, +4 bonus from Improved Trip, and +2 from Soul Enhancement. Also, if she succeeds she gets her free attack against him, which would be the stomp to the face. :smalltongue:

I know situational stuff like this is hard to keep track of, so I just thought I'd mention it now.

Jair Barik
2009-10-10, 10:44 AM
Olrik scans the battlefield for a close knit group of enemy arcgers and unleashes the power of his mind. Focusing on their destruction but careful not to give himself away or injure his allies.

OOC: Do we make the rolls here or do you do that for us? Regardless on my go I fire a standard cold based energy ball at the biggest group Olrik can see, making a concentration check to prevent a display.

2009-10-10, 03:28 PM
Arha can't see any enemy in groups. When she moves out into the woods invisibly she'll be able to see a couple rogues, but they are scattered about and NOT in large clumps.

The air is filled with the swishing sounds of flying arrows. Tik-Tik is filled with arrows, and the kobold collapses off the road, falling into a ditch that hides a net trap. The net trap picks him up, and like a scene out of the Ewok Village, two logs crash down and smash him. Then as the netted crushed kobold falls to the earth again, the logs fall on him burying him for good. {Tik-tik is a buried bloody pulp.}

Arrow shots are also taken of Utal, and the tough old fellow takes a few shots to his rump as he hightails it for the mobile-home entrance. This old fellow, though cowardly, seems to be a tough old lout. The crew in general seems safe for now as most shots were taken at the richly dressed caravan leader.

Bloodsmile is also hit a few times, but nothing to bother the burly gnoll yet.

At most Olrik and Arha can target a couple archers each...
{OOC- Post up the stats of what you can do. I'll make the roll with my dice, or you can on the site itself.}

Valdis trips an archer with ease, and plants her foot in his face. A couple of nearby archers will take notice of the fallen man's squeal, but still seem to have trouble finding Valdis in the shadows of the woods.

Bloodsmile will run off into the woods to engage... {DM action}

The caravan crew is scattering for cover, a few draw bows, and some of the burly ones move to guard the more valuable wagons. {With gear and supplies.}

End Round 1-------------------------------------->

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Valdis 1+9 :smallredface: {Really I can add!} :smallbiggrin:
Bloodsmile {?} 4+2 slightly wounded
Caravan Crew/Guard
Tik-Tik the Dead

OOC- Bloodsmile may be next.... :smalleek:

I have no problem with 3 PCs, and will adapt the adventure accordingly, though perhaps I can bring in someone else if you feel it is needed.

Jair Barik
2009-10-10, 03:49 PM
Stats on the energy ball
Damage [roll0] fort save DC20
Concentration to prevent display DC 19 [roll1]

2009-10-10, 06:25 PM

Arha will cast vampiric touch on the spectral hand and sends it out to the most menacing enemy she can see.

HP for the spectral hand [roll0], range 220ft.
Vampiric touch - touch attack [roll1], damage [roll2], Arha gains this in HP, no saving throw, spell resistance-yes

2009-10-12, 04:20 AM

It is hard for Arha to see, since the attackers are hidden and trying not to be seen. There is a detachment of men in armor nearing, spread out and trying to move forward carefully. Arha sees one big man in front of this group through the woods, but not in a cluster. He has a long blonde beard that pokes out from under his helmet. She touches him and pains him.

The bandits fire again, this time most of the crew has taken cover, and only minor injuries are sustained. With Bloodsmile pushing towards the armored dudes he draws a few to him, including the slightly wounded blonde-bearded one. They meet the gnoll on the edge of the woods near the road. Four warriors try to kill him, and do a decent job of cutting the gnoll up.

Olrik {Energy Ball, any particular type of energy}
With armored bandits moving on Bloodsmile, Olrik can take care of a few coming towards him. {Area effect?}

Valdis is swift and hidden as she moves among the hidden archers. She can execute another and step away into the shadows, as others nearby frantically scan the woods for her. Shots were taken at the hidden Valdis, but nothing was close. {DM action}

Bloodsmile notices that the bearded blonde one facing up to him with a few others is the most dangerous. He cuts into the man, and heavily wounds him.
{DM action}

End Round 2-------------------------------------->

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Valdis 1+9
Bloodsmile 4+2 wounded
Caravan Crew/Guard

Jair Barik
2009-10-12, 05:14 AM
Sorry. Ice energy (changes to base power included above) and a 20ft radius burst

2009-10-12, 07:25 AM

"I can continue to pick you off one by one... or you can surrender now and save yourselves the pain of death. Drop your weapons if you want to live."

Valdis will make an intimidate check and then try and get out of the way in case they decide "no" and decide to shoot at where she was talking from.

Intimidate should be at +15 right now.

2009-10-12, 12:46 PM

Arha smiles as her spectral hand takes his health. It feels so good. She recalls the hand and casts a second vampiric touch on it. She sends it back out to the same person, hoping to drain him completely this time.

Touch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] Arha gains this in HP, no saving throw, spell resistance-yes

Jair Barik
2009-10-12, 05:15 PM
"probably best picking of individuals now..." Focusing his mind Olrik sends a blast of energy from his fingertips at a nearby enemy to catapult them across the battlefield.

(Energy push. Fortitude save DC 18 damage (cold) [roll0] (augmented with 2 extra power points) fort save for half damage+make a strength check DC18 or be knocked back 5ft+5ft for every 5 damage dealt, if they hit an object they take an extra 2d6 damage)

2009-10-13, 09:12 AM
Bloodsmile relishes the look of shock on the bearded man's face as the gnoll unleashes a flurry of blows, unexpectedly striking with knee and the side of his paw.

1d20+13 for 1d8+7 and 1d20+13 for 1d8+7.

OOC--Still haven't gotten the hang of the dice roller, apparently. "1d20+13" turned into [roll0] without showing a result at all. Am I using the code correctly? Let's see if this works then...

2009-10-14, 05:42 PM
Arha is getting quite a feast from the blonde bearded warrior, but still has yet to drop him. He is clearly one of the leaders.

The armored detachment slows up as they face up to the gnoll. The bearded one is the only one to cause the gnoll pain, as he strikes the furry warrior a couple times. Bloodsmile is looking hurt. Luckily Olrik's icy blast hurt most of them last round.

More arrows fly in wildly, not hurting any of you guys.

Olrik flattens one burly looking man in chain mail charging at him with an axe. The fellow is slammed back into a tree after taking an ice blast to the chest, and is crushed as he hits a tree.

A few of the archers near Valdis in the woods will hear her voice and retreat, but there are many in the woods around the road. About 5 archers hear her and will run in fear as they realize two allies near them are already dead.

Bloodsmile will cut up the blonde bearded one badly, his worthy opponent is a little surprised by the gnoll's attack, and he collapses slowly to the earth dying slowly.

The caravan guards rush to aid Bloodsmile, helping take some of the focus off their biggest warrior ally.

End Round 3------------------------------------------->

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Valdis 1+9
Bloodsmile 4+2 hp 19/54
Caravan Crew/Guard

{Not sure what happened on those rolls... :smallconfused:}

2009-10-14, 05:59 PM
((Oh, that's easy- you hit Preview before posting, didn't you? When you Preview, it changes to look like that. You have to re-edit the rolls you want back in.))

2009-10-14, 11:06 PM

From her vantage point, things seem to be going well for their side. She picks out someone who's standing next to a few other enemies and casts ghoul touch on the spectral hand and sends it to attack him.

melee touch attack [roll0]
attack paralyze one enemy for [roll1] rounds.

Additionally, the paralyzed subject exudes a carrion stench that causes all living creatures in a 10 ft radius to become sickened (Fort save DC 16).

Jair Barik
2009-10-15, 03:11 AM
Picking another two targets who are close together Olrik focuses on manifesting the same power as he did before, though this time the ray splits in two blasting moth of his foes backwards as he attempts to clear off some of the weakened mob attacking Bloodsmile.

OOC: Split ray on Energy push. Both foes take Fortitude save DC 17 damage (cold) [roll0] (augmented with 2 extra power points for split ray meta power) fort save for half damage+make a strength check DC17 or be knocked back 5ft+5ft for every 5 damage dealt, if they hit an object they take an extra 2d6 damage, Olrik has expended his psionic focus

2009-10-15, 06:47 AM
Arha reaches out and grabs one of the nearby archers in her region with her spectral hand. She kills him quickly, and his body exudes of the horrible scent of death.

The rebel bandits are scared, and the shots go way off this time. One of your horsemen is killed, but more are dying on their side.

Olrik continues to turn on the onslaught killing two more with his cold psi-force bashing two armed warriors into trees crushing the life out of them.

Valdis continues to let her presence be known in a subtle way{DM action}, perhaps causing the most damage without killing anyone. Her area of the wood is full of the sounds of whistles, bird-calls, and the pitter-patter on men retreating through the woods. "Expensive Mercenaries!! Run!!!" She can hear more than a few say.

Bloodsmile's mighty attacks slay two of the bearded man's fellows this time, and no more want to get near him.

There are still more archers in the wood, but their morale seems VERY low.
The crew take some bow shots, but are more concerned about getting their injured and fallen fellows to safety.

End Round 4--------------------------------------->

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Valdis 1+9
Bloodsmile 4+2 hp 19/54
Caravan Crew/Guard

Jair Barik
2009-10-15, 10:27 AM
Olrik drops off of his cart and then rolls underneath it and to the other side before running over towards some people. He realises what an idiot hes been, he should have kept concentrating on concealing his powers...

2009-10-15, 10:40 AM

Valdis decides that the battle is turning to a rout, and so she take the next action which seems like a good idea. It would be silly to just let them all get away or die, she wants to prevent this from happening again, after all. So she needs to know why it happened in the first place. She looks for anyone who looks important- and if she can't decide on anyone in a few seconds, she pounces on the closest man and tries to pin him and subdue him.

Grapple plus subdual damage punches to the face until we have a live captive who we can interrogate.

2009-10-15, 02:41 PM

Arha is interested in hurrying the enemy on their way. She casts shocking grasp on the spectral hand and sends it towards the most likely person to benefit from her tender mercies.

melee touch attack [roll0], if the enemy is carrying/wearing a lot of metal she gets another +3 on the attack roll.
damage [roll1], no saving throw

2009-10-15, 04:10 PM
Arha is in luck; there seems to be two kinds of enemies: Rogue-archer types and armored warriors. The metal wearing warriors are the ones she can see easily as they are not hiding along the roadside. She reaches out with her spectral hand, grasping one threatening a porter and sizzles him with an electro-grasp. The porter will look at Arha, now visible to all, and give her a polite, but frightened nod of the head. She is quite the sight with coal-black skin, silver eyes, and her red hair. {OOC- Imagine Mystique, but colored differently.}

The rebel bandits are in a panic, and many are on a full retreat. The armored warriors seem reluctant to leave fallen allies, and about 10 linger on the edge of the woods attacking various members defending the caravan. Bloodsmile is hurt even more, and is bleeding profusely from a stab wound at his side.

Olrik can see a the cook and his helper fleeing 3 warriors nearby, trying to run away from them by running around a wagon.

Valdis sees that the archers are leaving her area as quickly as possible, but one Yuanese man in armor is a little bolder and is trying to sneak-up to the caravan. She can trip this warrior, and pin him in a matter of moments. He never saw her coming! His subdual is almost easier.

Bloodsmile is a fiend on the battlefield, and kills two armed men around him. No-one else wants to get near him now.

The caravan guard is able to drive back a couple of rebels, and with the enemies' morale faltering it only inspires them even more.

End Round 4----------------------------------------------------------->

Arha 13+7
Rebel Bandits
Olrik 12+2
Valdis 1+9
Bloodsmile 4+2 hp 3/54 Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
Caravan Crew/Guard

OOC- I always think the PCs need a battle once in a while that shows what badasses they really are. Though the leader types may enter combat at some point... or not. :smallamused:

Jair Barik
2009-10-16, 11:31 AM
Seeing the 3 warriors Olrik focuses his mind remembering this time to be more discreet. He wills into being an explosion of flame about these warriors thinking it likely that their armour will prevent them being able to dodge aside of its blast.

OOC:20ft radius spread, fire Damage [roll0] reflex save DC20
Concentration to prevent display DC 19 [roll1]

2009-10-16, 11:37 PM

Valdis will leave the captive there for the moment, trusting he'll be out for a while (or at least more prone to being subdued again if he gets up). She takes a moment to scan the situation, then runs towards Bloodsmile, deciding to try and pick off anyone who might attack him (particularly archers, since people seem to be avoiding melee with him). If there is no one around, she will assist the warriors or workers where she sees the most need.

2009-10-17, 07:39 AM
Arha's spectral hand causes more death in her dark, silver-eyed form. She can help scare the remainder of the bandits not fleeing Valdis, and they will all retreat madly. Valdis will be able to subdue and bring back her captive. When the battle is over Utal will stick his head out of his mobile home, and call to his men. Olrik definitely had men scared, Bloodsmile is a bloody mess but alive.

In all there were four losses, which Utal will mutter in private to Arha as being perfectly acceptable losses. "And one was even a kobold. So, that's good."

He doesn't violate the porter's guild, Utal does allow for a funeral along the roadside, the 'specialists' are expected to act as guardians, for you all would be sitting ducks parked alongside the road. The hole digging and ceremony will take some time. Many hours of travel time are lost, and many are depressed. Utal says in a cheerful matter loudly to the caravan, "Well, pays tripled for all! That's hazard duty!!"

One of his men mutter in his ear, he looks annoyed then cheerful. "Make that quadrupled! Union rules!"

2009-10-17, 01:32 PM

Arha negligently waves one hand when their losses are mentioned, "I agree Utal, minimal losses and we kept control of our cargo. Those dogs won't be coming back."

While the funeral rites are being performed, she'll take one of the horses and ride around the area, keeping an eye out for any idiots.

Jair Barik
2009-10-17, 01:47 PM
Olrik looks less impressed. "Acceptable or not we would do well to know wether this is a random attack or something more dangerous. Do the bandits show any signs of organisation or affiliation? We would do well to look for any thing of the sort." With that Olrik checks a few of the bodies over.

2009-10-17, 02:11 PM

Valdis quietly gets some rope or chains to tie up her prisoner, ignoring the caravan commotion. She could really care less about anyone other than her fellow guildmates- and the new ones? Well, whatever. If they died, then they were just pathetic, and she had no interest in them either. The gnoll had obviously taken a beating, and the kobold was dead- she'd be interested in seeing how long the gnoll stayed alive, because after this fight, she wasn't thinking he had much of a chance.

She'd gotten into much worse situations with the guild, after all. In a fight like this, she hadn't even come out with a scratch...

Eventually she'll roughly awaken her prisoner, prodding him with a painful rap to a bruise with her kama.

2009-10-17, 04:32 PM
A runner goes about with a case of healing potions and hands them out to wounded people. The teen is surprised when Bloodsmile has to drink several to bring himself to health and close up his wounds.

Olrik notices that the rebels wore leather and chain armor for the most part. It was a different design than the imperial soldiers, so they weren't stolen from the empire. They were clearly manufactured though for they look very similar as if a local noble was making his own gear.

The blonde bearded man is among 5 felled rebels who live. The blonde dude has some nice stuff, and already the warriors of the caravan are sizing up his fancy armor.

A crewman will spot Valdis in the woods binding her prisoner, a very conscious Yuanese man.

OOC- Expect a new PC, Valdis will have been told that there may be contacts along the way. Valdis will be told what secret Cant would make the contact official.

2009-10-18, 09:57 PM
At the runner's reaction, Bloodsmile says, "Never be surprised when a warrior risks all that he is to live. Life is a walk upon the blade of the warrior who intends to cut out your heart. If you cannot do likewise, you do not deserve the blood that pumps through your veins."

2009-10-18, 10:01 PM

"Why did you attack us?"
Valdis asks her prisoner bluntly. The weapon in her hand and glint in her eyes show her lack of interest in lies, and her short amount of patience.

2009-10-20, 09:09 AM
The Caravan:
The runner nods to Bloodsmile and definitely respects the great warrior. He will be impressed.

The allied dead are gathered as well as the bandits. The caravan leader, Utal is making sure that each one is accounted for. "I want to make sure we know who each and everyone these guys is."

This will take some time to do, and Utal reveals that one of his horseman is a skilled sketch artist, and each rebel will be drawn... if possible.

Valdis' Interrogation: {Unsure of locale}
Valdis is not so tedious in her methods and quickly sends a jolt of fear down her prisoner's spine. "We... We..." The man has a thick accent, but could clearly understand imperial common. He was just scared.

"I... We... You aren't working for the Empire are you... Crap. Look, uhm, we steal imperial food stores, and fabrics, and all sort of these cheaply manufactured goods. Then ship or transport them North. We try to avoid major guild-lines. I'm just a low-ranked soldier in a bigger wheel. They educate us, so I would like some decent treatment in your... wait... uhm, what do you plan to do to me if I continue talking." He suddenly feels impending doom upon his head.

A Visitor from the Woods:
Those of you watching or taking part in the gruesome study that Utal was recording may be quite bored... or interested, if tallying and detailed analysis was your thing. The roadway was still devoid of traffic which was strange.

It will be late in the day when a few of you notice a bird-call in the air. Valdis and Olrik would know that a guild member has cued you. {Where ever you are.} Utal notices this too, and since he is doing nothing while his men tally, he will call the hidden guildman out. "Come out where we can see you. Your aid won't bring our lost 4 comrades back!"
The hidden guildman will see upon the tradeway, a stopped caravan late in the afternoon. Around it in the woods, and near the caravan itself was signs of bloody battle. The dead had been stripped and lined up in a ditch built by the caravan crew. They are being sketched and equipment even analyzed.
Annen won't see all the contacts he was told of. He does see the annoying caravan leader, Utal. Utal doesn't see him.
{Welcome, cbdb! And new PC Annen. You may introduce your PC as you like. :smallcool:}

2009-10-20, 09:16 AM
((We'll say Valdis pulled him off to the side. Maybe a tiny ways away from the caravan in the woods.))


"What matters is if you do stop talking."
Valdis says, apparently frustrated by his sudden halt of words.
"If you stop, I'm going to make you disappear. Have you ever seen a child make something on their plate disappear?"
She kneels by him and taps him with the blade of her kama.
"They cut it apart bit by bit, hoping that the pieces will make it look smaller and become less noticeable."

2009-10-20, 04:28 PM

Arha has been riding around the stopped caravan. She has little to no interest in their investigations and she's been leaving Valdis to do whatever she wants to her prisoner. She rides out of the woods when she hears Utal call out. She's back to her normal coloring. She slowly rides back as she watches to see where this new person will appear from.

2009-10-20, 09:13 PM
Utal will be peering into the woods looking for the whistling guild-person. Arha can be near, and the man hidden in the woods will see the pretty red headed wizardess approaching Utal. This red-head is one contact Annen should be able to trust according to his last guild message. {Not sure if Arha is still in demonic-form.}

Valdis 'Interview':
No one sees this interaction.

"What do you want? I'm just a peon. I came here to fight the oppressive empire. They have ruined my nation, and spoiled our noble families."

2009-10-20, 09:18 PM

"Lets be clear- what Nation? What noble families? Where would you have gone if you succeeded in this? Who do you report to? Are there more of you nearby?"
Valdis asks, appearing to lose more of her patience.

2009-10-20, 09:24 PM
With Valdis:
The man is frightened and doesn't want to answer. He does with fear in his eyes. "The Northern Kingdom. The Northern Queen is aiding the elves in creating a civil war here. She has no interest in trusting the Empress' truce. There is a hide-out in some caves to the South of here. There are commanders and leaders who give us orders there."

2009-10-20, 09:27 PM

"How far is it?"
Valdis asks urgently, wondering if they should be fearing a second attack.

2009-10-20, 09:55 PM
Valdis and the Prisoner:
"A few hours walk through the woods. I can draw you a map, but please don't make me face my shame and bring you there." He says in his thick Yuanese accent.

For cbdb: {When you are ready....}
Annen would know the location of this rebel base too.

2009-10-20, 10:00 PM

That wasn't good. It was way too close for comfort. Those other soldiers could easily get back there and muster more and return...
"Draw me a map then."
Valdis will get him tools to do so, then she'll tie him up tightly again and drag him back to camp. Possibly literally. She'll then find a place she can leave him safely (preferably with a few people watching over him), then goes to see what is going on.

2009-10-20, 10:18 PM
The captured rebel draws a shaky map. He's clearly no expert, but there is a rough trail to follow with noticeable landmarks to follow. Valdis can tell two of the warrior-porters, to keep an eye on the prisoner. These two weren't really a part of the dead rebel 'study'. These two are the strong silent type.

Utal would be pleased to have a prisoner, but when Valdis returns she can tell whoever it is that 'bird-called' is near. The guildman {Annen} hasn't seen Valdis, but she hasn't seen him yet either. She would have reason to think that it might be a decoy, but she can see Utal walking happily out into the woods.

Arha peers on from a safe distance.

"Is that you Annen?!?" Utal calls out a little too loud for any of your comfort.

2009-10-21, 09:40 AM

Ah Utal, ya old goat, ya caught me.

A tall figure steps out from behind a tree. Annen surveys the carnage.

Seems as though I'm a bit late to the party. Well, you know what they say, always the bridesmaid ...

His eyes dart over the assembled group. Standing just over six feet tall, Annen cuts quite the distinctive figure. Dusky skin with long black dreadlocks hanging over his shoulders. A greyish cloak is thrown back over his shoulders. He is bare chested, but wears a fine, open chain vest. Simple, ragged canvas pants to just below the knee. Ragged strips of leather wrap around his hands and feet. A heavy chain is coiled at his side, and a powerful recurved bow is slung across his back. His eyes alight upon Arha in the background.

And speaking of wedding nights ...

he says with a leer. As a smile cracks his face, you notice a distinct lack of upper front teeth.

You're the one I will have words with, I bear some interesting tidings.

Jair Barik
2009-10-21, 10:24 AM
The bald man with the tattoos looks at this newcomer. "Hmmm. Let me guess, a wanderer of the wilds, hunter of the wicked, assassin of the forests, a ranger perhaps? My name is Olrik, I assume you are called Annen but what does that really mean bar a name? Who are you then?"

2009-10-21, 10:37 AM

Annen turns from the gorgeous redhead with a wink to face this new interlocutor.

Ye'd be right on that, Mister Olrik, I am Annen indeed. A ranger? Sure thing, a wanderer moreso perhaps, a hunter of game great and small. I keep an eye on things in this area for, I believe, our mutual employer. Ah yes Olrik, they told me ye'd be here also. Yer mind be yer greatest weapon, er something of the like.

Annen crosses his arms.

Yea, I was just havin' a creep around in the woods, not too far, poking around a camp seems what just lost a few camp followers.

He nods towards the bodies.

Aye, I do believe that they might be keeping an eye or three on you folks, meself as well at this point.

Jair Barik
2009-10-21, 10:45 AM
Olrik smiles. "Really I have little or no value in a fight. I am more a paid thinker of tactics and deployer of seige weaponry. Of course that sort of information is not meant to really be spoken of allowed, especially the nearer to the city we get. We aren't really expecting any major problems on this incursion though so my primary role here is organising defences in case of an attack larger than that we had recently" Olrik emphasises various words in an attempt to still the newcomers tongue.

OOC: I assume Annen knows the details of the mission and its undercover nature?

2009-10-21, 10:59 AM

Valdis narrows her eyes a little- but whether at Annen's presence or words is hard to determine.
"I assume this 'camp' you're speaking of is a few hours south, hiding in caves? Or have they moved by now?"
She steps to the fore, crossing her arms. By her stance, it is easy to guess that she considers herself the foremost representative of the group.

2009-10-21, 11:05 AM

To be forthright, I'm actually a bit far from the loop on the details of what ye're, specifically, up ta. I be also not entirely up on how these rebels fit into yer puzzle, but there seem to might yet be a few more players in whatever contest is at hand.

Annen clears his throat.

Ah do believe that Miss Valdis, ah, here she comes, is in need of a few pieces of which ah am now aware.

Annen turns to the newcomer.

Aye, that be the one, as ah sayed, I was havin' a bit of a creep up 'round there, and ah laid eyes on one or three, shall we say, 'colourful' individuals.

2009-10-21, 11:14 AM

"We were warned about these bandits- I've captured one, and as you've backed up his words, I think his information is reliable, and if it is, they've little bearing on our goal."
Valdis says firmly.
"We will need to report the details on them, but that can wait until we've completed our objective."

2009-10-21, 11:18 AM

An jus what might those objectives be at this point? As ah said, I have a puzzle piece or two, but, as my old uncle use to say, best to start with the edge pieces, circumnavigate yer task, then fill in the bits.

2009-10-21, 12:54 PM

Arha gives Annen a considering look in response to his wink, but she doesn't look like she's overly interested in him. She comes closer and rejoins the group, dismounting from the horse. She doesn't say anything, preferring to let Valdis do the talking.

2009-10-21, 06:33 PM
Utal will butt into the private conversation not wanting to be left out of the loop. "Colorful individuals? Who might that be? Those whoring-wizardesses aren't behind this are they?" He looks over the rest of you nodding his head as if he knows about everything. "We're taking the Duke Javin's fine grain to New Akyria*. You should try some of the bread tonight. I'm having the cooks bake up some fresh in their oven." He smacks his lips at the thought.

*New Akyria is the big Void city the grain is destined for.

2009-10-21, 07:15 PM

Annen's eyes shift around, locking onto each of his interlocutors in turn. He lowers his voice.

Fresh bread aside, although ah look forward to it, we may have something more to think about than a simple delivery. There be metallic dragons in the camp; I suspect they be watching us as we speak. Ah saw one or three, in human form, but they had the stink of reptile upon them. These bandits be getting some serious help, that for sure.

2009-10-21, 07:34 PM

Dragons? Hm...
"That is somewhat troubling. Utal- I suggest we relocate."
Though she says 'suggest,' her tone doesn't imply she wants him to argue with it.
"Try and find somewhere less likely to be noticed. Annen, I'd appreciate it if you could point any suitable locations out to Utal. We may wish to do something about this encampment, but I want to buy a little time and be a bit more discreet.
"Is there anything else of importance you noticed about this group?"
She asks Annen as she begins moving towards one of the wagons.

2009-10-21, 07:40 PM

Annen nods to Valdis as she issues orders.

Aye, ah figured this was the sort of thing that might be troubling. Sadly, the raiders found the best spot for themselves, in terms of defense. Ah suppose wea could find ourselves a bit of a rocky ridge, or tha like. Most of the terrain isn't too interesting, but best to make do with what we have.

2009-10-21, 07:46 PM

"Just find somewhere good enough. We don't want this to be a battle- we want to stay hidden."
Valdis pauses at the entrance of one of the wagons.
"I need some time to think, in private. The rest of you should prepare for a fight and stay on your guard, even if we decide to run."
She steps into the wagon, and if she couldn't find an empty one, she'll swiftly clear it out with the pretense of getting people up and moving and preparing for an attack, or, if necessary, just telling people she needed it and if they wanted to complain, it was too bad. They'd get it back in a bit.

Once she's managed to clear out a wagon (or a room of a wagon) of people for her own use (preferably a small one with few to no people in it), she sits and meditates.

((PM to Blue Incoming))

2009-10-22, 04:56 AM
Utal is quite disturbed at hearing of the dragons, and his eyes open wide and he merely stands there gaping for a bit. "Best not tell the troops, yet. You sure it was dragons?"

Utal will do nothing as Valdis clears out a covered wagon, and the crew hop to her swift commands.

Utal steps back to let Valdis run things, and he'll go back to his mobile home.
{Reptar- It should noted that one wagon is a ridiculous house on wheels with a team of horses pulling it. This would be Utal's 'wagon'.}

2009-10-24, 03:49 PM

Arha listens to all of this without commenting. She's waiting for this side show to get back on the road to their destination.

2009-10-24, 04:21 PM
Utal looks out, looks at the sky, then to his mobile-home. "Well. I see no reason to continue. I say we call it a night. Pay the crew extra for the day, and call it overtime. I'm ready for a nap."

Utal will allow Valdis to 'usurp' the wagon as hers, and he'll call it the 'headquarters'. She can assign her own driver to it. She might be able to see who among the caravan is more trustworthy than the others.

It is still afternoon.

2009-10-24, 05:06 PM

Valdis returns from her contemplations and begins stirring up the caravan in an attempt to get them moving- and quickly. It seems she doesn't intend to wait around or go after the encampment.

2009-10-24, 05:20 PM
Utal is perturbed, and complains that, "We'd only get a few or so hours of daylight!" The look of Arha and other guild-members will get him to bow his head and shut-up. He allows Valdis to call the orders and she can get the caravan moving.

The crew will give her silent, but respectful nods, and will work eagerly for the tiefling.

2009-10-25, 12:29 AM

Arha finds her usual place on the wagon and rides along, more than happy to get going again. Always better to be on the move than sitting ducks.

2009-10-25, 01:54 AM
Arha could probably ride on Valdis' 'Headquarters' wagon, and take her favorite driver with her. With Valdis organizing the men to go, the caravan is ready to set out. You will make quick time and reach a small farming village by nightfall. It is strangely ordered and clean. There is a few Inns, and of course, visible psi-towers.

Psi-Towers look like giant black radio towers, with great crystals mounted on top.

Valdis might have to slip a few silver earplugs to Annen, to explain later.

There is a simple sign with friendly happy faces, that reads: Welcoming.

2009-10-26, 09:21 AM

Annen graciously accepts the silver plugs, concealing them under his dreadlocks, as well as a (presumed) explanation about what they are facing. He spends much of the travel time trotting next to a few of the wagons, chatting aimlessly with the caravan guards.

When they reach the village, Annen's eyes bug out at the sight of the psi-towers. There is a sharp intake of breath.

Oof, looks like we're dealing with something big. he comments, to no-one in particular.

2009-10-26, 09:26 AM

Those are the psi-towers of the Void Nation.
Valdis says telepathically to Annen (and the rest) through the plugs.
Guard your tongue. The baubles will guard your mind. We do not want to attract undue attention.

Valdis is a little uneasy with the idea of staying here for the night, but decides it is better than on the trail. Still... she can't help but picture dragons flying in to attack them.
She'll stalk through the village, hopefully unseen, while everyone else presumably begins preparing for a night's rest.

2009-10-26, 12:10 PM

Ah yes Annen projects Ah do have a tendency to babble. A'll grab ah couple of hours rest, then ah'm happy to keep an eye or three on things for the rest of tha night.

2009-10-26, 12:26 PM

Then I will take first watch and rest just before we move, as I need little sleep.
Valdis states, continuing her prowling.

2009-10-26, 04:49 PM

"If there are no objections, I'll take the last watch and study after everyone is up and before we get on the road."

Otherwise, Arha will be quiet and when accommodations are arranged, she'll eat a quick dinner and be off to her rest (without any company).

Jair Barik
2009-10-26, 05:28 PM
I don't mind taking a watch but I'll need some sleep in order to restore my powers. Unlike Arha though sleep is all need so I have no need for the last watch

2009-10-26, 05:33 PM

Either of you taking a watch will merely slow us down. I can spend most of the night without sleep, and I am sure that Annen can keep an eye out for the mere two hours that I rest. What is more, I believe I have quite proven my capabilities as a watchmen and a scout- moreso than either of you. It will be more efficient and more useful to have me on watch.
Valdis states to Arha and Jair.
Get your rest. We need your magical and psionic capabilities more than we need your eyes.

2009-10-26, 05:34 PM

Arha shrugs, "Certainly, if you wish," She'd rather sleep all night, more rest is always good. When it's time, that's exactly what she'll do.

2009-10-27, 11:12 AM

Oh aye, ah need only a couple of hours myself. Ah suppose we can share tha duties. Never hurts me ta have a lady ta talk to, helpe keep me alert.

Annen gives Valdis a toothy (and toothless) grin.

2009-10-27, 11:18 AM

Valdis looks less than enthused about the idea, but doesn't bother to do anything about it. For now, she simply waves for him to sleep as she watches.

2009-10-27, 03:56 PM

After a couple of hours, Annen awakens. He nods to Vael.

Sitting next to the fire, Annen, retrieves a small pipe and tobacco pouch from his pack, and proceeds to puff away the evening.

2009-10-28, 05:40 AM
The villagers of Welcoming are well-dressed in colorful clothes, and a man in a bright green outfit comes forward to greet you. He has a big bushy, friendly beard, and his eyes are open wide as if he is trying to stare you to death. In fact, most of the people you see in this colorful friendly village have the same vacant friendly look about them. This is not the place you were looking to trade the grain.

"Welcome!! I hope you've come to sell your grain to us humble folk. We would gladly give you a place to sleep, and even free back massages."

Utal will continue and push the caravan past the villagers. His goal is the city, and he didn't want to be bothered by commoners. "We can camp out." Is his advice to Valdis and Arha.

2009-10-28, 08:13 AM

For once, Valdis looks quite inclined to agree with Utal, and will motion for them to simply push past the village without a second glance.

Jair Barik
2009-10-28, 08:17 AM
Olrik also nods his appreciation of getting out of here quickly. Though the people could use their help they can't endanger their mission so needlessly.

2009-10-28, 03:27 PM
The caravan will move past the village, and will pass merchants returning home from the city. There is an area of cleared land that the caravan is able to drive to, and set up a defensive perimeter off the road.

Watches can be set, the midnight-watch might get a visitor.

2009-10-28, 03:52 PM

Arha has to agree, compared with the villagers odd vacant look and camping out... She'll camp out and enjoy it. She doesn't say much and goes about her business once they set up camp.

((The same set up as the previous night for the watches?))

2009-10-28, 05:06 PM

I suspect both Annen and Valdis would be up at midnight. Annen would sleep right away for two hours, and Valdis for two hours before sunrise, leaving an overlap in the middle four.

2009-10-28, 05:14 PM
((Yes, same watch, with the pattern cbdb said))

2009-10-29, 02:25 AM
It would be during Annen and Valdis' crossover, when they will hear a ruckus that wakes everybody in the caravan. In a sudden explosion of ice and splintered wood, Utal's wagon, the huge obnoxious mobile home, is blown up. The source is the breath of a young silver dragon, whose body is no bigger than a horse. Its wings span is big, and the glittering lithe form looks gorgeous glittering in the night-sky.

Also appearing out of no-where is a copper dragon a little bigger than the silver one. It starts eating the sleeping gnoll. It then groans in draconic as it eats Bloodsmile the gnoll. "You're wrong Zap. Gnolls are terrible fresh!"

The silver dragon laughs as it tries to lift higher into the air. "But, my friend, you took out the strongest of the batch and I thank you for that!" Also spoken in dragon-tongue.

{OOC- The copper dragon is closest to sleeping PCs and those on watch.}

2009-10-29, 10:33 AM

Annen leaps up at the commotion.

Ho ho, here day are!

Uncoiling the heavy chain from his side he sprints towards the hovering silver figure. He also pops a small vial off his belt, quaffing it as he runs. His strides become longer as his form grows, stretching, stretching, until he was nearly twelve feet high. He whirls his chain and stares at the silver beast.

Come on down now. Ah have something for ya.

Initiative: [roll0]

(ooc: I'm not sure if you, Bluewizard, prefer to roll for initiative and that sort of thing or not, but I thought I'd do it just in case. My first action will be to move towards the dragon, hopefully between it and the others. Between the potion of enlarge person and the reach of a spiked chain, I have a pretty large threatened area, so let me know if I get any AOOs. If I can get a shot at the silver, I'll attempt to trip it. Oh, I'm also raging :smallbiggrin: )

2009-10-29, 02:56 PM

Arha wakes up with a jolt and when the destruction sinks in, her first reaction is to turn into her demon form ((+8 to AC and see invisible)) and find some cover to roll under with her backpack. Once that is complete...she'll take some time to cast a personal spell. If she has the time, she'll first cast Death Armor, smearing herself with white paste and drawing a crude skull on her bare flesh. Black flames crackle to life around her. ((if the dragons strike her with their body or a weapon they take 6d4 damage, spell resistance applies))

Init: [roll0]

Once that is complete, she's ready with a scorching ray for the silver dragon.

1st Ray ranged touch attack: [roll1], damage: [roll2] fire damage
2nd Ray ranged touch attack: [roll3], damage: [roll4] fire damage
3rd Ray ranged touch attack: [roll5], damage: [roll6] fire damage

Caster Level check for Spell Resistance: [roll7]

2009-10-29, 04:02 PM
Annen will be able to enlarge himself and move on the copper dragon a bit.

Valdis can leap into the shadows and disappear, but most of the group is just waking up.

Arha will just change to demon-form when the excitement happens, she will have just enough time to smear her magic white paste onto her nude body, but her rays will have to wait.

The copper dragon will fly up puking up a bit of the partially devoured gnoll. "Yuck!" He will look at the waking caravan and he will spray acid all over the sleeping warriors. The caravan warriors scream as they die, barely having opened their eyes, flesh melting off them from the acid spray.

The silver dragon begins to root through the large mobile-home, entering the blast hole. Looking for Utal?

Start Combat-------------------------------->

Annen 13+4
Caravan Crew
Arha 6+7
Valdis 4+7 {Hidden in the shadows}
Olrik 5+2
2 Metallic Dragons

2009-10-29, 09:54 PM

Now comes the scorching ray for the silver dragon and hope she survives... She does have a back up plan and if any turn her way with a breath weapon she'll turn gaseous and hopefully avoid being splattered.

Previous rolls:

1st Ray ranged touch attack: (1d20+9)[14], damage: (4d6)[16] fire damage
2nd Ray ranged touch attack: (1d20+9)[14], damage: (4d6)[14] fire damage
3rd Ray ranged touch attack: (1d20+9)[16], damage: (4d6)[10] fire damage

Caster Level check for Spell Resistance: (1d20+12)[28]

2009-10-30, 09:25 AM

Annen whirls the now lengthy chain above his head. He lashes out at the copper dragon, attempting to coil his weapon around a foot and being the beast to the ground.

ooc: Annen will attempt to trip the copper dragon. He has two attacks and improved trip. If the first trip succeeds, he will take the free attack, then hit again with his second attack. If the first fails, he'll attempt to trip with the second.

AC: 17

Touch attack #1 for trip: [roll0]
Trip Check: [roll1]
Attack Roll #1 (if trip succeeds, don't forget, if prone, the dragon has -4 AC): [roll2]
Damage Roll #1: [roll3]
Attack Roll #2 (if 1st trip succeeds): [roll4]
Damage Roll #2: [roll5]

If trip attempt #1 fails:
Touch attack #2: [roll6]
Trip Check: [roll7]
Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage Roll: [roll9]

I hope all this makes sense.

Oh, and if either dragon moves toward me, I'll attempt to trip as an AOO as well.

2009-10-30, 09:36 AM

Just in case, I'll role a couple of AOOs, please ignore if they don't matter.

AoO #1:
Touch attack for trip: [role]1d20+15[/roll]
Trip Check: 1d20+15)
Attack Roll:
Damage Roll: [roll1]

AoO #2:
Touch attack for trip: [role]1d20+15
Trip Check: 1d20+15)
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]

2009-10-30, 09:37 AM

Apologies for the triple post, but my coding skills are WEAK! Let's try that again.

AoO #1:
Touch attack for trip: [roll0]
Trip Check: [roll1]
Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]

AoO #2:
Touch attack for trip: [roll4]
Trip Check: [roll5]
Attack Roll: [roll6]
Damage Roll: [roll7]

Edit: Bah! Just let me know if I need to roll AoOs :smalltongue:

2009-10-30, 10:25 AM

Great. Just what we needed.
Valdis practically snarls to herself as she eyes the two dragons.
This was not a good situation. At all.
Seeing Annen handling the copper dragon, and not really wanting to try and leap into the sky after it, Valdis runs towards the silver, deciding to try and make sure it stays away from Arha.

If her 50ft move won't get her to the dragon, she'll try to charge.
Either way, she'll make an attack against it:
Damage: [roll1]
Should bypass any DR, not that the damage is really going to matter all that much.
The real deal, as usual, is the negative level she inflicts. Which will trigger all her various bonuses (+4 to strength, +2 to saves, skill checks, and ability checks).

Jair Barik
2009-10-30, 01:29 PM
Awaking from his slumber and noticing what is going on Olrik focuses his mind upon the Copper dragon attempting to crush it with telekinetic force.

Concussion blast 4 extra points. [roll0] force damage (no save)
Prevent display, DC 17 [roll1]
Power resistance check (assuming spell resistance=power resistance) [roll2]

2009-10-30, 01:59 PM
{Clarification: Blue Wizard confused himself with his description of the dragon's action. It blasted Utal's wagon then swooped up into the air with his momentum. The following round it dove down to begin rooting through his blast hole.}

The copper dragon is just low enough that Annen's enlarged chain can just reach the dragon as it has flown in to breath on the sleeping warriors; who are now nasty pools of flesh and acid. Annen grabs the copper dragon's leg on the first try, pulling its leg so it falls down out of the sky a little awkwardly. The enlarged Annen will then try to beat the dragon, but is unable to hurt it through the tough copper scales. It was like hitting a copper wall.
Annen will now feel the effects of the Dragonfear. His hair will stand on end, and he will fear true fear. {He fails his will-save, and will be shaken.}

The caravan crew screams in a chaotic panic from the relatively small copper dragon. They are completely useless right now. Especially since the warriors are now cooking in acid sauce.

The arrogant silver dragon is an easy target for Arha as its ass-end is poking out of Utal's blown open wagon. He howls in pain, as the wizardess' fire burnt his butt bad! "Ooooowwwweeeeee!! But, I found her! She's okay!!" He screams out to the copper dragon in their dragon-tongue. Arha and Olrik understand every bit of what they are saying.

Valdis will be able to sneak along the shadows and set up for an attack on the silver dragon, but won't be able to hurt it this round. She can see it is unaware of her as it pulls out of the mobile-home.

Olrik will hurt the copper dragon, who has no defense against his psionic attack! {OOC- SR does not equal psi-resistance! :smallcool:}

The silver dragon leaps up into the air, his eyes fixed on the demonic looking Arha. From one claw he hold the limp slave of Utal, the beautiful woman he kept locked in his mobile home. The silver dragon is more concerned about her. The dragon examines her wearing a little sexy nightie, and lifts her close to his large eye, then flicks off a silver necklace on her neck with ease and delicacy. She begins to stir as the silver dragon lifts into the air holding tightly onto her.

The copper dragon is mad, and will launch a full attack at Annen merely deflecting the ranger's extra attack off his metal scales. Annen is bitten {d:18} and clawed up badly! {d: 12 and 9} Annen is hurt, but can hold his own.

End Round 1-------------------------------------->

Annen 13+4 {enlarged} 46/85
Caravan Crew
Arha 6+7
Valdis 4+7 {Hidden in the shadows}
Olrik 5+2
Silver Dragon- Burnt Butt
Copper Dragon- leg wrapped by Annen

{OOC- I can always use my dice at home. I only need to know your current bonus.}

2009-10-30, 02:53 PM

Annen grunts at the fury of thee dragon's onslaught. His eyes grow wide with fear as he realizes what he's gotten himself into. Nonetheless, he grits his teeth and counterattacks.

Right where ah want ya, bastard lizard.

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll1]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll3]

2009-10-30, 02:54 PM

Ooh, that first one's a critical threat:

Roll to confirm:[roll0]

2009-10-30, 03:20 PM

Arha, Olrik. Do anything you can to prevent the Silver from escaping with its target.

Valdis telepathically messages to the others before she races towards the copper dragon and attempts to strike it while Annen has it distracted.

Presumably I can just use my last attack roll?

Jair Barik
2009-10-30, 03:29 PM
I could wipe its memories but I severely doubt that would phase a creature this size. I could drop it down a few feet but that won't help much. Screw it I'm going to try and finish the beast in one.

Turning his attention to the retreating silver Olrik imagines it aflame. Realising his vulnerability against creatures such as these though he maintains his focus upon discretion.

OOC: Energy bolt (no display, I auto succeed on these concentration checks so shall I not bother posting them or do you enforce an always fail on a nat 1 policy?) 120ft line aimed at the silver with 3 extra points to augment. [roll0] fire damage. Reflex save DC 19 to halve.

2009-10-30, 04:09 PM
Valdis decides to attack the closer copper dragon and will indeed be able to drain it of a little life. She snuck up on it, avoiding any AoO's, it may have had. It will now be aware of her as it tussles with Annen.

Arha is about 70 feet or so from the silver dragon. It is about 50 feet in the air now.

Jair should have no trouble with his skill checks, they are 'old hat' for him.
{OOC- I think this is the rule... though you better believe I use fumble and crit-charts. :belkar:}

2009-10-30, 10:48 PM

Arha is finding this conversation rather interesting... They came for the girl? For what reason? She stores up these questions for Utal later. In the meantime, she sends a fireball at the silver dragon's butt (she doesn't want to hurt the girl) and yells up at the silver in draconic, "Why do you want her?" She figures it can't hurt to ask, maybe it'll even answer?

Damage [roll0], Saving throw - Reflex half, DC 17
Caster Level check for Spell Resistance: [roll1]

2009-10-31, 04:01 PM
Annen does cut into the copper dragon with one well placed blow, but that is the only shot he gets in this time. {d:18, no crit}

The caravan crew is in total panic, though a few of the braver porters do take up bows and try a few hidden arrow-shots at the silver dragon, but to no avail.

Arha's fireball finds no spell resistance, as this silver dragon is still a juvenile. It manages to avoid most of the fiery blast, but Arha does singe his tailside in the explosion, and placing it so the girl is unhurt. The dragon will note the source of the fireball, and the draconic voice, but won't answer Arha.

Valdis is already in on the copper dragon so she tries to drain it some more! She can easily touch it, causing it more negative energy pain! {DM action}

Olrik's psi-power easily overcomes the dragon defenses, and he can only avoid so much. The silver dragon is looking really bad now, as Olrik adds some psi-fire damage.

The silver dragon jets away as fast as he can, as the woman in his arms stirs. She looks up at him, and in the night-sky it will appear that she healed the silver dragon a little with her touch. They are nearly 200 feet away, but it seems that the girl is a healer of some sort. They talk quietly together.

The copper dragon angrily stays in to fight as Valdis and Annen stay in on it. Valdis is able to ignore the dragonfear. But both of the allies are hurt! Valdis ducks under a wing buffet, but can't avoid the tailslap. {d: 17} Annen is bit and clawed even more! {d: 16, 11, 14} Annen looks really bad and bloody!

End Round 2------------------------------------------------------>

Annen 13+4 {enlarged} 5/85 dragonfeared
Caravan Crew
Arha 6+7
Valdis 4+7 hp 58/75
Olrik 5+2
Silver Dragon- Badly Burnt Butt
Copper Dragon- leg wrapped by Annen

2009-10-31, 05:17 PM

Valdis lets out a flurry of strikes against the copper dragon and then backs off, trying to fade away into the shadows.

Valdis will use a flurry of blows, getting two attacks at +18, and another at +13. Regardless of whether any of them hit, she'll then take a five foot step back away from the copper dragon and attempt to vanish into the darkness (since it is night, there is definitely not full daylight, meaning she can gain full concealment with her ability unless something funky is up).

Also keep in mind that she now has 16 strength, and thus does an extra 2 damage on top of what is indicated on her sheet.

Jair Barik
2009-10-31, 05:25 PM
If we let it get much further the dragon will be out of my range. Can anyone slow it down?

Having sent his message Olrik dispatches another blast of energy in his opponents direction but aims just to its side so as to not hit the girl with the blast.

OOC: Concentration check removes display, energy ball (400ft+40 per level range) 20ft burst not centred on the silver dragon but aimed to its side so as to try and avoid the girl.
1 extra power point to augment. [roll0] fire damage. Reflex save DC19 to halve the damage (does the dragon take extra damage from all these fire attacks or does that only work with magic fire as opposed to psionic fire?)

2009-10-31, 05:26 PM

Arha sends another fireball up at the silver dragon, although this time, one of the scars on her arm heals up as she uses the spell.

Damage [roll0], Saving throw - Reflex half, DC 17
Caster Level check for Spell Resistance: [roll1]

2009-11-01, 01:43 PM

Breathing heavily, and bleeding profusely, Annen eyes the enraged copper dragon. While tempted to lash out, he decided discresion is the better part of valour (and living) and slowly backs away.

Withdrawing, preferable behind some cover. Will take an AoO to try and trip the dragon if it approaches.

Oh, and because of the rage I have an extra 16 HP on top of the 5 I have left, although those won't last forever!

2009-11-02, 02:41 PM
Raging Annen withdraws a bit defensively from battle as blood streams down his body.

The allied crew still alive is mostly useless, except for the brave porters trying to fire arrows into the hard scales of the dragons. None damage the dragons...

Arha likes this young dragon, it has no resistance to magic and she can see she easily hits the tail end of it! It does avoid some of the pain, but the group is hurting the retreating dragon.

Valdis wails into the dragon hurting it with a couple of slices, and manages to pull into the shadows. Nearby Annen doesn't even know how Valdis is helping him, only that she did somehow.

Olrik knows fire is fire, and this fire seems to bother this cold breathing dragon more than it likes. This time the silver dragon screeches out, clearly hurt bad! "Flee you fool! These guardians are too powerful! We must tell Drack!" The silver dragon yells out in its draconic language to the copper dragon fighting in melee.

The silver dragon is looking bad, and will continue to flee. The woman in his claws, will be touching him in a healing manner.

The copper dragon is angry and will pounce on Annen as he draws back.
Defensively, Annen whips out his chain, and tangles a wing causing the dragon to crash into the ground near the ranger. It is not prone, but Annen did prevent an attack on himself.

End Round 3--------------------------------------------->

Annen 13+4 {enlarged} 21/101 dragonfeared
Caravan Crew
Arha 6+7
Valdis 4+7 hp 58/75
Olrik 5+2
Silver Dragon- Badly Burnt Butt
Copper Dragon- leg wrapped by Annen

2009-11-02, 03:01 PM

Annen grins a toothless grin as he slashes the dragon into the ground.

Down boy!

He whirls his chain again and attempts to smack the dragon:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And then sprints back to where Valdis was, holding his chain defensively.

(Again, any AoOs will be a trip attempt, and any successful trip gives a free attack).

2009-11-02, 03:15 PM

Valdis creeps into position between Annen and the copper dragon- not directly in between, but close enough to where she'll get a strike at the dragon if it charges Annen again.

Valdis positions herself to get an AoO if the dragon charges or otherwise moves towards Annen. She'll also ready her action to get an attack at it if it passes her, so she'll potentially get two attacks at +19 if it goes after Annen.

Jair Barik
2009-11-02, 05:28 PM
Realising that the silver dragon is likely to escape his range soon and that any attempt on its life would likely kill the woman Olrik decides to turn his attention to the Copper instead. Perhaps if they were to slay its friend the silver would foolishly return in wrath.

Taking a more subtle tactic then simply burning the creature to death Olrik delves into its psyche trying to destroy its most recent memories and ahnihalate its past experiences.

OOC:Mindwipe on the copper dragon. Fortitude save or it takes 3 negative levels. DC18

2009-11-02, 06:02 PM

Arha is rather relieved that the at least one of the dragons is trying to leave and she wants to hurry it on it's way, she's running out of distance spells.

(If she thinks the silver dragon is still in range) As a last spell for the fleeing silver she casts magic missile.

Damage [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4],

Range 220ft

2009-11-02, 06:14 PM
Annen is a similar size to this youthful dragon, and their reach is the same. So, his chain is quite effective against it still! Annen will whip the copper dragon upside the head, and cause it more pain.

A few porters will try to round-up the panicked crew, and knock them around to get them to cover and safety.

Arha can see the silver dragon is near death, and merely needs to send forth a simple fire spell and the dragon will crash to its death. {OOC- Not at home for DM action/PC connection, but with no SR Arha can kill the distant silver dragon with magic missiles. Wxdruid can decide the silverdragon's mode of death. :belkar:}
The last motion of the tumbling dragon will be turn so that it can cushion the woman's fall.

The woman will take a little damage as the dragon crashes into the trees, and you won't be able to see the fallen duo from your perspective with the caravan.

Valdis is amazing, and even though the dragon knew she was somewhere in the shadows, this copper didn't see her. It rushes Annen, willing to take the Attack of opportunity of the ranger's chain. It glances harmlessly, but Valdis doesn't miss. Her full sneak attack is employed as it rushes by, she slides her blade down the long neck as it goes to shred Annen. She cuts it open and saves the ranger. The dragon is dead when it reaches Annen flying by a limp husk, he can turn as it knocks into him, and deflect it harmlessly to the ground. Annen will be aware of Valdis vaguely in the shadows, mostly her blood-dripping blade glinting only a bit, but heavily covered with its copper colored blood.

End Combat----------------------------------------->

Annen {enlarged} 21/101
Caravan Crew- several losses
Dragons are dead
Valdis hp 58/75

Edit: Arha will slay the dragon with Magic missiles!

2009-11-02, 06:39 PM
((Sneak attack? Blade? :smallconfused:
Valdis is the soul draining monk, remember?
She has fists. And level drain.
I'm going to assume she managed to kill it anyways though.))


Whisps of the dragon's soul pour into Valdis as she takes its life, but she doesn't pause to gloat, instead whipping her head around to look towards the woman.
Don't let the woman escape. Capture her and treat her as an enemy.
She'll start running in the direction of the fallen dragon.

2009-11-02, 06:45 PM

Arha uses one of the potions of fly stored in her blood and takes off after the silver dragon as well. She readies one of her daggers in one hand as she approaches the downed dragon. She's in her demon form, so she can see invisible and her Death Armor is still active.

Speed: 60 ft
Lasts for 12 min

2009-11-02, 07:39 PM

Annen wipes a bloody chunk of the dragon from his face as he watches Valdis rush by. Taking a deep breath, he runs swiftly after her towards the falling figures, chain still whirling.

2009-11-03, 04:09 PM
Retro-fix: Valdis drained the dragon, and her hand sunk into the dragon's scaled neck as if it were hot butter. She will be covered in warm copper-colored blood, and feeling quite nice. {OOC- DM had NFL on the brain.}

Dead Dragons:
Arha flies after the silver dragon, and she will get to the crash site, and won't see the woman. Likely she hasn't gone far. The silver dragon looks quite dead and crumpled in a heap with several broken trees around.

Jair Barik
2009-11-03, 04:56 PM
Olrik watches as the others depart and content that they can handle the woman on their own he wlaks over to the ruined cart to see if everyone is alright and how many survivors there are of the attack. He ponders wether this strike was at all linked to the bandits who attacked before and the relevance of this strange girl in the affair. If Utal still lives he may have the answers.

2009-11-03, 08:19 PM

Arha remains flying as she looks for the woman in the trees below. She's wary about what she might find and remains on guard.

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2009-11-03, 08:30 PM

Valdis simply follows Arha's lead, though she stays on the ground to search instead.
Spot: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 09:13 PM

Far from understanding the situation, but understanding what he does best, Annen joins his companions in trying to find the fallen woman.

Spot: [roll0]

Tracking: [roll1]

2009-11-03, 09:14 PM
Utal's Wagon:
Olrik finds the wreckage of the wagon somewhat intact. The air is still chilly around it, and the wagon is quite frosted over. Olrik will snoop around a bit, and find Utal minorly injured hiding under a broken table. Olrik will be surprised at the posh interior that this mobile-home had. It was now quite ruined.

Utal will whimper as he see Olrik looking for him. "Are they gone yet?"

Silver Dragon and the Girl:
The woman didn't have much, and it was only a matter of time before Arha spots her hiding in a bush. She is bloody, mostly naked, and not in a good mood.

Valdis will approach in the shadows as Arha is descending toward the hiding girl in the woods.

2009-11-03, 09:24 PM

Valdis positions herself in the most likely direction that the girl would run, and will let Arha approach her first. If the girl tries running, Valdis will attempt to trip her up and then pin her.

Jair Barik
2009-11-04, 03:00 AM
Olrik walks over towards Utal.
"They're both dead. Now I think its about time you told us whats going on here. Who's the girl Utal and why did you risk this entire project by bringing her along for the ride?"

2009-11-04, 04:49 PM

Arha flies around so she's coming from the direction the girl was running towards and she yells out, "Come out! I know where you are!" She continues to descend towards her, knife ready in one hand and her other hand ready to reach out and touch her to drain her strength if necessary.

2009-11-04, 05:29 PM

Annen swiftly runs over toward where Arha is descending, his chain out and ready to trip any foes. As his rage subsides, and he shrinks to a more human size, the sheer amount of damage he took begins to kick in. He stumbles, but remains upright.

2009-11-06, 03:18 PM
The Girl:
She will surrender to Arha, she kneels before her, and Arha can tell she is weeping. "Not another... it wasn't worth it.... it wasn't worth it..." She isn't talking to Arha, merely murmuring to herself. She is practically nude, with only a shred of her nightie left. She is scratched, battered, and bruised from her fall through the trees with the dragon. She will live. Arha sees a brass pendant of a falcon, looks like some holy symbol to her.

Annen will be the last one there, and his quick approach will be heard coming.
Valdis is there, whether you see her or not is up to her.

Ruins of Utal's Wagon:
Utal is a little intimidated by Olrik's interrogation, and flinches a little, trying to wave him off as he sifts through the ruins of his mobile-home. "She's just a whore! Some girl I picked up last time I was out here. I regularly bring whores. I have every right to. They aren't a risk for a grain shipment. Unless there's something you're not telling me. Maybe I should be worried about you?" He doesn't seem to be threatening Olrik, it sounds more like a proposal.

Jair Barik
2009-11-06, 04:30 PM
Ignoring Utal's last comment Olrik continues with his line of questioning. "Just another whore? Was she willing or was she a slave? Dragons don't just attack a caravan for a single woman and not many whores have two dragons willing to come to their aid. under what circumstances did you 'pick her up' as you so succinctly put it?"

Olrik does not try to be threatening but his serious demeanour shows that he is displeased with the nights events.

2009-11-06, 06:03 PM
Olrik with Utal:
Utal flinches as Olrik gets in his face. "A slave, of course!!" He splutters, Olrik may sense a lie. "A slaver sold her to me!"

The 'Whore':
Arha will have no trouble detaining the strangely beautiful woman. She is incredibly alluring now that her emerald-green eyes can be seen. Her tousled dark hair covers a face that speaks of royalty. Valdis and Arha had seen enough of this inbred line to see family features.

This one however seems strangely familiar.

2009-11-06, 06:21 PM

Arha is wary of the girl and doesn't trust her not to try something. She roughly says, "Put your hands behind your back. Don't do anything funny or I and my companions will have you on your face in the dirt." After the girl complies, Arha will dismiss her death armor.

Arha will frisk her and remove her holy symbol. Although she'll remove the holy symbol with trepidation and wrap it in cloth before she handles it.

If and when she relieves the girl of anything else, except her shreds of clothing, she'll ask, "What is your name?".

2009-11-06, 06:50 PM

Valdis vaguely remembers another whore who turned out to be something other than what she seems... and mentally compares the two, while fingering through her belt pouch to see if she still happens to have that blue hair...

Yes, it was different colored hair, but hair was easy to dye, after all.

Or maybe she was related to someone she'd seen? She thinks back on what the captured man had said, along with Annen's words and her assumption that these were the dragons he'd sensed. Northern royalty? Hadn't Kerafin been from the north?

Valdis steps forwards as soon as the girl is tied up, but lets Arha question her for the moment, unless she defers to Valdis or runs out of questions.

2009-11-06, 06:52 PM
The girl looks up at Arha with no fear.
Her face can only be from the line of d'Veil, the noble ladies known for their beauty. "I am Jinifir Kali, a princess of the Sea." The symbol in Arha's cloth is a pretty falcon, a delicately crafted brass pendant. The girl is easy to frisk, as she is all there to see. What shred of clothing she has left is not providing for modesty.

2009-11-06, 06:59 PM

Arha tucks the symbol away into a pouch. She takes out a length of rope and ties her hands together behind her back. "How did you come to be in Utal's possession? Was it voluntary? or were you sold to him?"

2009-11-06, 07:49 PM
"He caught me a few weeks ago when he slew my.... guardians." Valdis can tell she wanted to say something else.

2009-11-06, 07:53 PM

Arha is sympathetic to her story so far.

"Tell me all of it. Now."

She motions for the others to join her with the prisoner. She doesn't seem ready to start walking back yet.

2009-11-06, 08:15 PM
Jinifir bows to Arha submissively. "I serve the Secret Alliance. My... fellows and I were caught unawares by a creek...." She is sad, at these memories. "Utal's 'friends' slew them mercilessly... and then kidnapped me and took me to a.... mind flayer; who put the silver collar on me. Utal bought me at a low grade auction. Hardly able to pull my true worth! Utal runs the slave trade on this whole border. Don't let his groveling cowardice fool you. He is quite the operator. If your empress knew of this outrage and offense he has caused my grandfather... He would be put to death immediately." She says this in disgust as she speaks of Utal.

Utal and Olrik:
He will find a golden locket as he searches his busted mobile-home. And tries to hide his finding it from Olrik. The whole time Olrik speaks with him, he will have been searching the wreckage.

The surviving crew will begin to cautiously return from the woods.

2009-11-06, 09:24 PM

Annen, knowing when he is in over his head, simply observes the scene. He greatly enjoys the view of the girl, but doesn't leer overmuch, seeing as how she's been through so much already.

2009-11-07, 12:04 AM

Hiram would have found the connection rather interesting. Arha is more concerned about the girl. She has a particular dislike of the plight of pleasure slaves. Arha looks up at Valdis and back at her. ((can she see this silver collar?))

"So, you're a member of the alliance. I recognize your noble bloodline from your features and you look familiar to me, but I haven't quite place where from. How long have you been with Utal? How did he keep you captive in his rolling house? Who were the dragons that came for you and who is Drack?"

2009-11-07, 02:48 PM
As the girl looks up at Arha, the wizardess will actually feel a bit of lusty redness coming to her face. This young woman had an allure that could be compared to the nymph. Arha's will is strong, but she could see how one could fall to this priestess' power. Depending on Annen and Valdis orientation, they might need to check their will if they gaze too long into this beauty's green eyes.

Before she speaks Arha would've recognized the Sea Empress. Her art covered most erotic temple walls, her form was quite popular in her youth some 50 years ago. Even art houses show Maura Art as a featured part of their collection. This girl was of her line, the ancient imperial line of Lady d'Veil*. Her ancestors were noble ladies long sought for their beauty and intelligence.
Years and years of noble and magical influences, have brought magical power to the eyes of the d'Veil Ladies. "My grandmother is the Sea Empress. You have likely seen her in the Maura Art dedicated to her. She too would like to know of my 'situation', and may reward you for my safe return. I have only been captive for a few weeks. And had I been sold at a Guild approved auction, he could've never afforded me. And my father would've known. As is, I am sure he didn't pay the guild-taxes on even the paltry sum he paid my captors. The illithid's silver collar kept my mind controlled, and I was his slave for every despicable act he desired.

As I am in the 'alliance' we work with the good dragons. Drack is a mighty golden one. These two... were my friends..." She is sadden by the dragon deaths, but is still content to give Arha whatever answers she desires.

* Lady d'Veil would be like Cleopatra, or Helen of Troy. Basically some famous noble lady of long ago, known for her beauty. She was a powerful figure in her day. You would need Knowledge: Nobility to know more than this.

The Sea Empress ( Lady Maura ) is a modern imperial noble of d'Veil, who married the Sea Emperor Kali. Who happen to be Jinifir's grandparents.

Jair Barik
2009-11-07, 03:00 PM
Noticing Utal trying to conceal something from him bit unsure what Olrik frowns. "Whats that you've got Utal and why don't you want me seeing it? I'm sure by now youv'e noticed some of my companions 'skills' but I'm not sure if you will have seen mine. Tell me. Does it unerve you to see a man stand and stare at dragons, simply watching as they are fought off, neither running nor defending himself? You don't want me as an enemy Utal, please show me what you have there and tell me what is really going on here and I asure you things will go much better than they might otherwise."

2009-11-07, 03:13 PM

Though she notices the effect the presence of the woman is having on her, Valdis refuses to look away, trusting in her will power. It was too important to ensure that she doesn't escape- a little discomfort was a small price to pay.

Valdis's thoughts are mostly on Utal- did the guildmaster know about Utal's failings? How trustyworthy was he? So far, she hadn't been impressed, but she's becoming increasingly distrustful of the man.

Will save: [roll0]
Valdis's normal +13, +2 for having drained a level within 24 hours, +2 for Still Mind since this appears to be an enchantment type effect

2009-11-07, 03:20 PM
Utal's Locket:
Utal will blush, and hand it over to Olrik. "My mother gave it to me. It... brings me luck." The locket it a circular sun, with pie pieces like rays. It looks quite intricate and valuable. Olrik is unsure if it is religious or not.

Jinifir Kali:
Valdis can look Jinifir in the eye and take her merely as an extremely beautiful woman.

2009-11-07, 03:28 PM

"Tell me what you know of Utal."
Valdis asks, deciding to investigate further into the matter. She wasn't going to take this girl's words for granted- she had been a slave and prisoner to Utal, after all- but it was worth looking into, at least.

Jair Barik
2009-11-07, 03:45 PM
Olrik eyes the amulet over thoroughly in his hands looking for any interesting or remarkable signs, scratches blemishes or other such things that its owner would be intimately familiar with, things that would set it apart from all of the other lockets in the world. As he does this he continues his questioning. "So what was your intent in coming out here? If these past few days of bandits and dragons are anything to go by then there is very little profit to be made off of selling grain out here. Why the loss of men alone would surely ruin you in such a business! Imagine finding willing guards if every grain trip resulted in you needing more!"

2009-11-07, 04:14 PM
Jinifir is proud to speak. "He's scum. Merchant class wretch. I know guild laws. One of you must be connected. This operation has way too much firepower I can see that much. This man is operating beneath the guild. He has no allies. Before 3 weeks ago I knew nothing of this cur. I am quite rich, and would pay heavily to see his public execution. Tax evasion to the guild is a capital crime. I am sure you know this." She looks at Arha unbashedly. "I serve Freya, goddess of Love and the elves and I am granddaughter to the Emperor of the Sea!!"

The Locket:
Olrik has never heard or seen anything of this like before. The golden locket was incredible, and clearly moved like a puzzle. "Careful. It is trapped." Utal will smile, as Olrik begins to consider manipulating the complex golden sun puzzle. This looked like a powerful unique magic item.
When questioned, Utal tries to wave Olrik away.
"Alright! So, I bought the wrong whore. I'll pay the Duke out of my salary. I already lost my home. I'm merely doing my job. I run the big trade caravans along this border. You can say, I'm the big cheese here. I thought I had a good thing going."

2009-11-07, 05:43 PM

Arha leans closer to the woman. "What do you want to happen next?"

Jair Barik
2009-11-07, 06:06 PM
Olrik raises one eyebrow and, being careful not to open it, manipulates it in his hand, twisting it round the back of his fingers in a potentially distracting manner. "Trapped you say? I thought you said it was a lucky locket. Something that could go off in your face if you forget to disarm it before you open it doesn't sound so lucky to me. Whats in the locket Utal? You didn't want me to see it and these stories you keep spinning always seem to come back and change to something else whenever you feel nervous. Lets cut to the point shall we? I wan't to know the whole, unabashed truth. The girl, the dragons, the journey, the locket, everything. Do I make myself clear Utal? as he finishes speaking the locket comes to rest firmly within his palm, the locket motionless in Olrik's grip as he stares eye to eye with Utal.

2009-11-07, 06:29 PM
Olrik and the Locket:
Utal flinches, "It wouldn't hurt me. Just others..."
Utal is now quite scared as Olrik becomes intense. "I'm transporting slaves. I have a deal with an orc slaver in the Void Nation. Please. If you tell the guildmaster, I'm a dead man. The girl is just some whore I purchased some weeks ago. Maybe the dragons were her friends."

Jinifir Kali:
"Tomorrow I will better be able to contact my father. Unless you have a faster method. I expect natural treatment of any ally of the empire. I do not hold any of the rest of your caravan responsible if we can come to the agreement of exposing Utal for the fraud he is."

2009-11-07, 06:47 PM

"I cannot agree for my companions, this is something we need to discuss." Arha looks up at Valdis and Annen for input on this situation.

2009-11-07, 06:50 PM

"In private."
Valdis adds.
"We should also speak with Olrik."

2009-11-07, 07:09 PM

Arha gives Valdis a look that says 'how are we going to do that?' Especially without Utal knowing about this whole affair.

2009-11-07, 07:25 PM

Annen nods, taking it all in. He's in over his head and he knows it. He's mostly concerned with the face that he's bleeding quite profusely, and seems willing to follow Valdis' lead.

Jair Barik
2009-11-08, 03:49 AM
Olrik turn to look at the dragons corpse. "Indeed. Your story seems to begin to fit now as unsavoury as it is. Now then, whats in the locket? I am no fool. One doesn't simply have a locket magically trapped for the sake of things. I'd hazard a guess that whatevers in here has something to do with your slaving hmmm?"

OOC:Vael, my characters name is Olrik, my accounts name is Jair.

2009-11-08, 04:35 AM
Those with her can make their way back. Jinifir will ask for a cape, or towel. Anything to be modest.

The group will come back likely, while Olrik is speaking to Utal in the mobile-home wreckage.

Olrik finds that Utal gets tight lipped regarding any more on the locket.
"You have nothing on me. I have connections. You can't take me down. I have a right to my businesses."

Jair Barik
2009-11-08, 05:10 AM
Olrik smiles at Utal. "Take you down? Nobody said anything about taking you down Utal! Now why do you suddenly get so defensive? Have I hit a sore spot on this locket? Is there something incriminating in it Utal? If anyone seems to be incriminating you in anything tal it is you."

2009-11-08, 10:49 AM
((D'oh, sorry. I edited it.))


Valdis produces a rather nice set of clothing for Jinifir from her pack once she retrieves it. After that, she gestures for everyone to gather, walking towards Olrik (and keeping Jinifir with them- she doesn't want her out of sight).
"Olrik, there's something we need to discuss."
Her eyes flick towards Utal.

2009-11-08, 06:47 PM

Arha walks back with the rest. She also keeps a close eye on the Princess and Utal.

2009-11-09, 05:34 PM
Arha, Valdis, and Annen will come across a heated discussion between Olrik and Utal, as the caravan-master tries to quiet Olrik as he explains himself.
"This locket is nothing. I keep special, private... things in it! A gift from my mother, I told you. And nothing to do with guild business. The girl got away, and I'll be paying for the damage to Javin's grain."

When Utal sees the woman, now dressed in a back-up outfit of Valdis, he will blush. The suit is tight on Jinifir's slightly taller athletic frame, and perhaps made it look even sexier on her.

Her emerald eyes will burn hatred for Utal. "I would kill you now. But, the knowledge that a guild trial would make you suffer long humility... only to die. I will be patient. Your name will be drug through the mud so deep it will be forgotten."
Jinifir with her dark hair and tanned skin is beautiful. Annen can resist falling for her on the walk back from the woods, but when Olrik sees her he goes hook-line-and-sinker. {Olrik Will-failure. No penalties, just slightly charmed by the gorgeous green eyes and sexy hips.}

She looks at him, likely quite aware of her effect, and smiles at the locket in his hands. "I see you found his 'slave' container."

2009-11-10, 03:45 PM

Valdis snaps at Jinifir. She looks to Olrik.
"Give me that- Utal is not under question here."
She'll reach out to snatch the locket.
"Now we need to interrogate this girl. I'll need your powers to assist me. Come along."
Her thought flickers through their heads.
No need to let Utal think we're not on his side. Best to piece together what we know and plan before doing what we need to do.

Knowing that Jinifir may not see through what she's doing, Valdis will simply snatch at her and try to drag her along if she gives any trouble, pulling her off towards one of the wagons, as normal- which she'll secure as best as she can, glancing around for any spies or the like before settling down to business.

2009-11-10, 04:43 PM
Jinifir suddenly turns angrily on Valdis as if she's never been so insulted.
"I wouldn't mistreat me if I were you."
Then without defending herself, she will be drug off by Valdis.

2009-11-10, 05:32 PM

Arha's stony expression doesn't change and she follows Valdis and Jinifir.

Jair Barik
2009-11-10, 06:25 PM
Olrik follows the beatiful woman completely ignoring Utal for the time being.

2009-11-10, 06:51 PM

"Can either of you secure this location from prying eyes and ears?"
Valdis asks Arha and Olrik. Either way, she continues.
"From all the evidence- including what Olrik seems to have just found, it does indeed appear that Utal is a traitor."
She looks to Jinifir.
"I don't know you well, but from what I've seen so far, Utal does seem very suspicious. Even if he is not a traitor, I frankly don't think we would miss much if he were to be killed or suffer punishment. So for now, we will trust you."
She speaks to everyone, turning her gaze across each one.
"However, Utal certainly doesn't work alone. We need to figure out if there is anyone he contacts or associates with, and try to use him to root others out. So for now, we need to play along like we trust him. I doubt, Jinifir, that you will want to return to him- so we'll find an excuse to keep you away. Perhaps call you too dangerous or a potential assassin."

2009-11-10, 07:31 PM

"Other than killing them? No, I can't stop others from listening." She settles herself comfortably and listens to Valdis.

2009-11-10, 09:42 PM
Jinifir is shocked by Valdis sudden more 'polite' treatment, and will listen to the rest of you with interest. She will go along with everything, especially now that she can see she only knows part of the picture.