View Full Version : Ideas for Fake pokemon

2009-08-26, 09:50 PM
I'm thinking about making a home-brew/fake pokemon region and I need some fake pokemon, anyone got any ideas

2009-08-26, 09:52 PM
Well....stealing directly from Munchkin, we've got Pukachu and Tokiman.

2009-08-26, 09:54 PM
Take a real world animal.

Slightly alter the name.

Have it evolve into a a bigger, meaner looking version of the real world animal.

Have it use a vaguely altered version of the scientific name of the animal.

Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times. Repeat a few times.



2009-08-26, 10:07 PM

2009-08-26, 10:23 PM
have they done a hive-mind pokemon yet?

2009-08-26, 10:27 PM
have they done a hive-mind pokemon yet?

Yes they have. I don't remember the name.. but its a pretty old pokemon lol
It's from the time when I liked pokemons (about... 9 years ago?)

2009-08-26, 10:43 PM
Uh... Friendlibantor? Gitip? Ootsoo? Xykonli? I dunno... um...

(Digimon names are so much easier.

[Whatever the creaure resembles/is] + [mon] = [Awesome digimon name])

2009-08-26, 11:16 PM
Haruchu - If she loses a fight she re-writes reality so that she won. And then makes you put on a bunny girl outfit.

Mikuruchu - Her helpless whimpers can shatter eardrums.

Yukito - Stares at you until you get really uncomfortable and leave her alone.

Itsukiot - No matter what you do to him he will not stop smiling. Eventually you are so furious you have a stroke.

Kyowth - Just gets abused by the other Pokemon. But he's really sarcastic about it.

You can all tell what I've been watching tonight. Thanks bunches, Playground, for refusing to shut up about that show until I had to give it a try. Now I'm addicted and I'll have to start up a collection thread to pay for my therapy.

Just kidding, actually it's a pretty cool show.

2009-08-26, 11:53 PM
Frugle - a frog-beagle/bugle pokemon.
Putuh - egyptian type pokemon


2009-08-27, 02:39 AM
Roll dice for creature type. Roll dice for whether it looks like an object (a rock, a cloud or something) or an animals. Roll a dice for the kind of animal (fish, mammal, reptile, bird). Use your imagination.

Pokemon types:


So you could throw a d20 and throw again if the result is 18 or higher or when you want pokemon with 2 types.


Similar to a non-living object: e.g. Rock (Geodude), cloud (Gastly), letters (Unknown)
Similar to some kind of plant, fungus, virus or bacteria.
Similar to an animal of some kind

Roll a d4 and we'll see what happens.

"Animal" is so generic that you might want to roll again

Other Invertebrae

ALso, through a d4 for the number of evolutions the pokemon will have.
Now, let me try.

First I through a 9: So steel type it is. I throw again and it is Grass

I through a 3 on fysiology and a 5 so it will be a marsupial.

Now, I have my steel type Marsupial and a d4 roll determines it will have 3 evolutions...

Now, this is what I see:

Cinereus, a steel/grass type pokemon lives his entire life on one tree, until it evolves. It doesn't have a good speed because its legs are rather undeveloped. His claws however are sharp knives that can serve as weapons, but are actually used to hold a grip on the trees.

He evolves soon, at level 16, when his legs grow stronger and turns into something more like a thylacine. He can't climb in trees anymore and because of that, he often howls, which frightens a lot of people. Because of their howling they are hunted down. His name is Thylor.

His last evolution only occurs when Tylor has found a trainer that can make him feel less lonely (so he has to be happy). In that event he grows bigger and grows a large iron horn on his head, big jumping legs and his arms grow small. His name is Potori

2009-08-27, 02:45 AM
Well, there is an easteregg island on my homebrewed world with pokemon. There is a strange cross-multiverse rift/gate to the Pokemon universe (a few miles from Pallet town)...>_>

Anyway, I had always firgured a displacer beast would be good for this kind of "twist". Plus, tentacles+anime...never mind. At the very least he could attack with a vine-whip like attack?

2009-08-27, 02:49 AM
Well, there is an easteregg island on my homebrewed world with pokemon. There is a strange cross-multiverse rift/gate to the Pokemon universe (a few miles from Pallet town)...>_>

Anyway, I had always firgured a displacer beast would be good for this kind of "twist". Plus, tentacles+anime...never mind. At the very least he could attack with a vine-whip like attack?

Good point, many D&D monster concepts should be easy to use for pokemon. Whatabout a land shark for example or a legendary pokemon looking a mindplayer?

2009-08-27, 03:37 AM
Plus, tentacles+anime...never mind. At the very least he could attack with a vine-whip like attack?

I am most emphatically not a Pokemon fan, but I was amused when my brother pointed out a gag that someone had slipped in one of the comics (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/bath....png).

2009-08-27, 03:52 AM
Right, I'm having a go at this:

Rolled a 17 -- Type Dark
Roll again and its 4 -- Poison

It's an animal of some sort and 2 determines reptile.

A Roll of a d4 later tells me that it doesn't evolve.

So, we have Polledactyl, a dark/poison type Pokemon that has six legs. Due to this, it can run very fast and outdistance most other pokemon. It excretes a higly toxic slime when threatened.

2009-08-27, 04:13 AM
Lessee, using Ichneumon's system...
Rock type.
2 evolutions.

A fish but no water type? Might be tricky.


Cordu is a craggy pokemon that is frequently mistaken for a fish. It abides in mountainous regions, and moves very slowly.

Troduct is a large rocky pokemon, with spines covering it's body. It looks very much like a fish, however it uses it's long spines to drag itself along the ground.

2009-08-27, 06:44 AM
What about Cornenalk:
A leaf-light pokemon, who is pretty much just an eccentric cornstalk with arms and legs. The corn cob can be harvested for food.

2009-08-27, 06:58 AM
Using Ichneumon's system:

Ground type
Animal-Reptile physiology

Dirgodile, despite its amphibian-like shape, lives in the dessert. It resembles a brown crocodile with serrated spikes lining its back and tail. It uses these blades to cut through the sand as it burrows. To catch prey, it emerges from the sand with surprising speed and drags the prey deep underground.

2 evolutions.

At Level 10:
Landrak (Ground) - After evolution, Dirgodile is several feet longer and stands upright on two very strong legs. It's entire body is covered in spiked armor-plated scales. It's feet are very wide, allowing it to leap across the surface of the sand, using its incredible speed to catch prey. It's jaws are strong enough to cut through small boulders, and its claws can cut through small trees.

At Level 25:
Earthagon (Ground/Flying) - Earthagon is well over 10ft tall and has two huge magnificent wings. It's scales have taken on some sort of reflective property, which Earthagon uses to blind its prey by reflecting sunlight into the prey's eyes. It is immensely strong, and lifts large trees to stay in shape. Earthagon's jaws, claws and tail are all strong enough to fell even the largest of foes. An Earthagon can often be found in a deep extense of underground tunnels beneath a desert.

And Yarram finally came up with a Pokemon we can think of as food. :smallbiggrin:

Violet Octopus
2009-08-27, 08:31 AM
Sweet, I rolled Dragon/Rock. Need to do this one justice. Other qualities: Mammal-like, no evolutions. "unevolved", ancient sounding types suggest a monotreme. Maybe a hardcore echidna?
or this:

It's either very reclusive, like Relicanth, or is a fossil pokemon. It grows to 2 metres long, and has a powerful jaw for crushing shellfish. Visually it looks like a furry crocodile with a shorter jaw and flat molars. Its "fur" is actually needle sharp plinters of rock which embed themselves in any attacker. It is able to stand bipedally for short periods of time. It has poor eyesight, but can sense faint electricity coming from its prey. Low speed, good attack, excellent defence, poor specials.
Power: deals damage to foes who hit it with a melee attack.
bite, crunch
physical rock moves
pin missile
cross chop
one of those moves that negates evasion
a poison move

edit: we seem to have a lot of crocodile-like 'mons.

2009-08-27, 09:53 AM
What about pictuma?
A Light/Dark pokemon with a black square body, a giant yellow eye in the middle, it stands on two legs, has two arms, and a tale it wraps around a nub on one side of its body. It flashes it's enemies with photo-power, then while they're blinded photoshops the images and blackmails it's prey.

2009-08-27, 09:57 AM
Using that there dice system :S

(Except a steel coating ...)


Mammal (I went for LION from that ... :smallwink:)
[This makes it an 'Iron Lion Pokemon' >.>]

Purellon live in packs of no more then twelve, but always at least four. People who see this pokemon will supposedly lead a charmed life for up to a month afterwards. In battle they launch themselves straight into the air with great force, relying on their hardened steel frame to handle high speed dive-bombs.

2009-08-27, 10:09 AM
I've actually created a game (or am in the process of creating it since I still have a lot to change) where players are a pokemon and try and plan out their role in a fight, their evolution, and then their appearance is pretty much up to their imagination.

Croverus's Pokemon RPG (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120720)

Check it out if you like. We're still play testing the system and adding to it. I'm making a second game with Trainers that will use all the pokemon that were created throught this first game.

2009-08-27, 11:04 AM
And again:

Rolled a 5 -- Ground
Rolled a 4 -- and Poison Type
Bacteria style physiology

No. of evolutions = 1

Sipdip, a Ground/Poison type pokemon lives in boggy marsh areas. It is flat, pale green and of a jelly like composition with two eye stalks at the front. It has one sharp tooth at the front which drips poison. They are shy creatures, normally found hiding under rocks.

At level 13, Sidip evolves into Slurpaloon, equally as spineless but with hair/tentacle/cillia/flagelli around it's edge for increased propulsion speed. It has a row of teeth at the front and is much larger. It is a sort of semi-transparent light green with dark green stripes. It can spit poison over a long range and bite.

2009-08-27, 11:37 AM
Tried out this dice system,

Similar to a non-living object
2 Evolutions

Irofrost is a small round lump of metal with many spikes coming out from many sides, it is constantly covered in a sheen of frost and levitates a few feet of the ground with a constant blast of frosty air.

Irofrost evolves at level 35 after which he grows in size, gains arms with claws of ice, he also gains two leg-shaped clouds of ice fragments.

2009-08-27, 12:21 PM
Pokemon Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sma llbiggrin:

2009-08-27, 01:08 PM
Let's create a set of 3 legendary pokemon, like the legendary birds and dogs etc from pokemon.

Let's first decide on a Physiology... it seems it will be "reptile".

I choose to create the 3 legendary lizards- iguana-like pokemon.

However, what types will they be? Fire, water/ice and electricity seems lame and over used. So what about Poison/Rock, Steel and Fire?

Poison/Rock I see as a kind of speedy poisonous lizard, maybe even a bit like a dinosaur. Not really strong with direct attacks, but his poisonous abilities make him a slow, but deadly killer. He also uses dig to escape attacks

Steel, I see as a slow, but big and tough Galapagos iguana. Using "sleep" and "regenerate" to heal himself, while he steadily attacks.

I see fire as a rapid damage dealer, nothing charizard like, something like a pterodactyl, but smaller. He naturally knows the move fly so he is difficult to attack and he uses a move known as "fire spores" that burns a pokemon automatically when you switch pokemon.

So, what's the story behind these pokemon? I'm not sure yet...

2009-08-28, 10:32 AM
Dicedie: The dice pokemon.

A die, with arms and legs, that randomly shoots off any element at it's enemies at any power.

It evolves to become 20 sided.

2009-08-28, 10:54 AM
Dicedie: The dice pokemon.

A die, with arms and legs, that randomly shoots off any element at it's enemies at any power.

It evolves to become 20 sided.

Would it be in character if every individual evolved at a different random level?

2009-08-28, 11:32 AM
Probably the way to go, and the later it evolves, the more powerful it is.

2009-08-28, 11:55 AM
By the way, have you considered a Beguiler Sorcerer?


2009-08-28, 12:06 PM
I've always wanted to see a ghost/steel pokemon line that was based on a haunted suit of armour, maybe a ghost pokemon poses and fuses with some piece of armour, something small to begin with like the helm. So it starts off as a helm with arms and legs and a purple ghost inside it, then it evolves and more of the armour forms so now its a suit of armour with the ghost inside but the legs are missing so it floats on a gas trail similar to ghastlies. Then final evolution it becomes a full big suit of armour with like the ghost inside.

Yeah that idea just came to me once when I wondered what a ghost/steel pokemon would be like and thought I'd just throw it out here.

2009-08-28, 01:15 PM
Ok, so the forum roller has coughed up a water/ghost bird that dose not evolve.

2009-08-28, 01:17 PM
Ok, so the forum roller has coughed up a water/ghost bird that dose not evolve.

You mean something like the ghost of a pirate's drowned parrot?

2009-08-28, 01:30 PM
XKCD suggests Unbuntu (http://xkcd.com/178/). :smallwink:

2009-08-28, 01:38 PM
I've always wanted to see a ghost/steel pokemon line that was based on a haunted suit of armour, maybe a ghost pokemon poses and fuses with some piece of armour, something small to begin with like the helm. So it starts off as a helm with arms and legs and a purple ghost inside it, then it evolves and more of the armour forms so now its a suit of armour with the ghost inside but the legs are missing so it floats on a gas trail similar to ghastlies. Then final evolution it becomes a full big suit of armour with like the ghost inside.

Yeah that idea just came to me once when I wondered what a ghost/steel pokemon would be like and thought I'd just throw it out here.I'm sure I've seen one of those in a fan project before. Pokémon... Topaz?

Yes, yes it was. (http://www.pokemontopaz.net/sprites/) They changed a few around since the last time I saw it though.
(#413 makes Gardenia scream)

A Normal/Ghost type would be interesting.

2009-08-28, 01:44 PM
I'm sure I've seen one of those in a fan project before. Pokémon... Topaz?

Yes, yes it was. (http://www.pokemontopaz.net/sprites/) They changed a few around since the last time I saw it though.
(#413 makes Gardenia scream)

A Normal/Ghost type would be interesting.

There are some cool-looking Pokemon on that list. AND IT'S NON-PROFIT ENTERTAINMENT ONLY! 2010 is going to be awesome, seriously, we get Topaz, HeartGold and SoulSilver, I'll be spoilt for choice.

AND WE FINALLY GET FIRE/PSYCHIC! Although that pink mane puts me off.

Hmmm, the speed and physical power of Fire + speed and special power of Psychic. :smallbiggrin:

And we get Bug/Fire. Which looks freakin' awesome.

2009-08-28, 03:54 PM
Mournfoule live fare out to sea in think fog banks. Their songs sound like the wailing of lost souls and superstitions sailors believe that any ship following a Mournfoule will be led into the afterlife.
Power: intimidate
parish song
special ghost type moves
special water type moves

2009-08-28, 07:02 PM
Well lets see I got
evolves 3 times.

Sterot is a small and almost rat like creature that hunts the frozen barren of the tundra. Its posion sacks near its fangs and teeth make it a formidable opponant along with small posion tipped spines that run across its back. The spines can be relaxed, but only ever rarely are. When the spines are relaxed it is often a sign of complete and total trust. To anyone who can get the Sterot to relax its spines can feel that its cold to the touch and its breath is laced with fine ice particles.

Elvoves at level 10
Terit is a fairly lage rat like creature about the size of a wolf that is covered with large posion tipped spines that can be launched at prey or predators. Like the Sterot the spines can be relaxed so it is touchable, but it only rarely happens. The posion claws and teeth of the Sterot remain, but are hardened with ice. When the Sterot turns into the Terit a sheet of ice is formed at the front of the head. This sheet of ice makes the Terit prone to headbutting its prey. To anyone who can get the Terit to relax its spines can feel that its ice cold and its breath is laced with ice particles.

Evolves when it comes in contact with the deadly artic posion known as icebane.
Erest is a large rat like creature that is about the size of a polar bear. Large posion spines covered in a very hard ice that only adds to the impact when launched at an opponent. The layer of ice on his head on engulfs his entire body adding a natural shield to Erest's defenses. The claws and teeth are tipped with posion just as in its previous evolutions, but now they hardened to the point where they can cut metal. It's breath has gotten colder too. Now just feeling breathing upon its prey is enough to freeze them.

Its based of a stoat so it look like a stoat/porcupine,

2009-08-28, 10:29 PM
I'm sure I've seen one of those in a fan project before. Pokémon... Topaz?

Yes, yes it was. (http://www.pokemontopaz.net/sprites/) They changed a few around since the last time I saw it though.
(#413 makes Gardenia scream)

A Normal/Ghost type would be interesting.

You have no idea how awesome I find it that this idea has allready been done. Most of the pokemon on that project actually look really interesting.

2009-08-30, 01:34 AM
I can splice Pokemon sprites, but this also interests me...

I got a normal/dark birdlike Pokemon that does not evolve. Interesting. May detail later if I feel like it.

2009-08-30, 02:24 AM
Am I the only person who would kill to see some sort of pokemon MMO?

2009-08-30, 02:34 AM
Am I the only person who would kill to see some sort of pokemon MMO?

If it was done right, it could be awesome. However, players being pokemon themselves, could be hard to balance. Some people wish to be charizard and burn everything, while other's want to fly around as beedrill. A pokemon MMO could only be done right, I think, if players were pokemon trainers, else it wouldn't be balance-able without restricting it too much.

I don't know what I would prefer though, if it would be an mmo, the classic pokemon style from the gameboy games or a real 3d mmo style thing.

2009-09-02, 11:59 AM
Here's an idea I had some time before:

Albatross Pokémon

Albus (Normal/Flying) -> Albrow (Normal/Flying) -> Alboss (Flying)

Similar stats to the Starly line, but with the Atk and Sp. Atk switched and some Speed reallocated to Sp. Def.

Learns some weak Water and Light moves, but cannot learn Roost.

Manachu Boy
2009-09-02, 01:13 PM
See, what needs to be done is start with a concept then figure out the types and moves and stuff logically, totally ignoring what's the best moveset in favour of the sort of moves that could assist it in everyday situations, otherwise you'll just end up the a poké-Mary-Sue... myself I'd go with a collie-based pokémon. Let's make it a Ground type so it can herd those pesky Mareeps, with an emphasis on speed so it runs rings around them. I'll come back with an evolution line, names and stats when I'm bored enough.

meep, my involvement with ancient pokémon websites has just shown, I'll be running away now...

Aotrs Commander
2009-09-02, 05:06 PM
Weeellll now, let's see; if I dig back through my documents, I can produce several ready-made Pokemon. Make of them what you will:

(Note that this data is about 8 years old, and so would pertain to whatever generation that made it! I even posted this up on Facfiction.net, I believe.)

Size: 1’4”
Pokémon Type: Bug
Evolution: Clawsabre (LV30)
Description: Spider Pokémon. A very rare Pokémon, Clawion inhabits high mountains or deep jungles.

Clawion has a tiny body and head, from which extend four legs, similar in posture and shape to those of a harvestman, but much thicker. The lower portion tapers to a sharp point. Clawion are usually a pale, bone-coloured cream, with purple triangles running along the inside of the legs.

It scuttles along trees, ground or up rock walls with spider-like efficiency and speed. Its main defence is its four spider-like legs, which are all razor-sharp and very hard. It is fast and very agile. Its main ranged attack is Venom Bolt, a small purple ball of power, which causes a poisonous effect on the target, in the same manner as Poison Sting. Its most powerful attack is Claw Pounce. The Clawion charges, then leaps up vertically, and brings all four legs down, and drop on the target like a bomb. It eats smaller creatures like small mammals or bug Pokémon, mainly from ambush tactics like a spider, using webs or Venom Bolts to immobilise the prey.

Clawion are about as easy to train as most other bug Pokémon. In the wild, they have some predators, but they have a mild poison present throughout their bodies. This means only juvenile Pokémon will attack them; their predators tend to be specialised mammalian carnivores. As a result, they will get along with almost any type of Pokémon; though they tend to be wary of much larger creatures. They are neither especially bright, nor especially sociable however.

Known Standard Attacks:
Venom Bolt
Quick Attack
Spider Web
Spike Cannon
Claw Pounce

Size: 3’6”
Pokémon Type: Bug
Evolution: None ?
Description: Slashing Pokémon. The evolved form of Clawion. Clawsabre inhabit the same areas as Clawion, but are even rarer. Tracking one down is extremely difficult. Only one confirmed wild sighting has been reported, and only a handful of potential ones.

Clawsabre have bigger bodies, more like a spider’s (though without the large abdomen). Its legs are placed in a fashion more like a mammalian quadruped, as opposed to Clawion’s more equidistant spacing. They are extra sharp, and there have been reports it can cut through light metals. Clawsabre’s colouration is similar to Clawion’s, but with a large purple stripe down it’s back.

It hunts down its prey like a wolf spider, and brings them down with claw or Spike Cannon, which fires a volley of bone fragments from its mouth. It has no predators known in the wild, as they have virulently poisonous flesh; if consumed, it would kill a Pokémon the size of a Charizard in about an hour, and a human in about fifteen minutes. Thus, Clawsabre show little fear towards other Pokémon; the only ones they even give pause to are larger rock-types like Onyx or Graveler they cannot easily hurt. They tend to more difficult to train than Clawion – the total lack of fear of other Pokémon or humans mean they can be difficult to get on with.

They posses the same web-spinning gland in their mouths as Clawion; but Clawsabre rarely use it, and only then when commanded to in battle or to spin a nest.

It is unknown whether Clawsabre is the final evolutionary form.

Known Standard Attacks:
Venom Bolt
Quick Attack
Spider Web
Spike Cannon
Claw Pounce

Size: 2’
Pokémon Type: Ice
Evolution: Icewhip (L25)
Description: Icicle Pokémon. Relatively common in its natural habitat, Icicles are virtually unknown, as this is the north and south poles.

In these cold, inhospitable climbs, Pokémon and animal alike have to be very adaptable. Icicles are primarily meat-eaters, and will hunts down small birds, mammals and will even fish in the cold waters. They look like small, bipedal dinosaurs similar to Compsognathus or Coelasaurus – like Raptors, but with out the feet claws - with long, flexible tails. Its long tail is still undeveloped, but it has a small sting on the tip. Their arms have three-fingered hands with a four, opposed thumb-claw. They are white in colour to match their natural habitat. Despite being exposed to extreme cold, they have neither fur, nor feathers, or even a layer of fat to insulate them. Apparently, the natural resistance to cold the Ice-types share is enough.

Icicles are very bright and adaptable. In their environment, intelligence is a survival trait. They are naturally inquisitive. While they cannot communicate except in their own language, Icicles, and the larger evolved Icewhips are fully capable of operating technology it given half a chance. They will not usually attack larger creatures, and steer away from Icewhips. They are most common at the south poles, where the lack of resources prevent many of the larger Icewhips from existing.

Known Standard Attacks:
Quick Attack
Powder Snow
Ice Sting
Body Slam

Size: 6’
Pokémon Type: Ice
Evolution: None
Description: Whipping Pokémon.
Icewhip’s long tail is much longer than its smaller unevolved form, Icicle. It has a foot long bony sting on the end of its super-flexible tail, and it uses this for its main attack Ice Sting, which often freezes its opponent on a hit. Icewhip’s tail sting is much harder than Icicle’s. It is nearly indestructible, and Icewhips are fast enough to use them to deflect incoming attacks with ninja-like precision. They have a long, pale blue crest with runs from their head, narrowing down to nothing at the base of the tail.

It will often create blizzards to come upon unsuspecting larger prey, which basically consists of anything moving in the wild that it thinks it can take. Bearing in mind its high intelligence, it rarely makes a mistake. Wild Icewhips are very hard to control, having little regard for other lifeforms; they consider such prey. Also, uniquely among Pokémon, they are known to prey upon their own evolutionary predecessor, Icicle. In addition, they will resort to cannibalism when one of their number dies. Be aware; wild Icewhips are remorseless hunters, and anyone venturing into their territory should be extremely careful, and be prepared to defend themselves with lethal force if necessary.

Icewhips that evolve up in warmer climbs under the tutelage of a Pokémon Trainer will prove that this is purely a response to the extreme conditions – the Icewhips learn this behaviour from the pack – or on their own if they do not wish to starve. Trained Icewhips are very loyal and extremely skilled in combat, and many other areas. They also will never attack a trainer, or resort to any behaviour that a wild Icewhip is likely to do. A trainer is never likely to starve if they own an Icewhip, and they have a knack for predicting bad weather. They are also frighteningly intelligent, probably on a par with Alakazam – they are certainly smarter than most humans. It is entirely possible Icewhips could learn to speak human without really having to try – indeed, some suspect that many can, but never show the ability.
Icewhips, like Icicles, are extremely easy Pokémon to take care of, as they will eat anything. They do have a preference for meat though.

Known Standard Attacks:
Quick Attack
Powder Snow
Ice Sting
Body Slam

Size: 2’
Pokémon Type: Fire/Flying
Evolution: Incinabat (L25)
Description: Firewing Pokémon. Very rare, Firebats live in caves in large deserts or in deep, remote mountainous areas, but the odd one can be found in any very large dry area.

Firebats are bat-like, with short, rounded wings of crimson flames. They have fox-like faces with very large eyes. Their legs are small, but powerful, and tipped with short claws. They are somewhat clumsy on the ground, only able to hop about like a bird, and even them with difficulty.

They are excellent aerial fighters, having superb manoeuvrability in the air. Though other Pokémon or birds may be faster, few can out dogfight a Firebat. They make good trainer Pokémon. Their special attack is Flame Wave. The Firebat slaps its wings together, and a wave of fire explodes towards the target. It has only a small area of effect, but is extremely hot. The Firebat eats mainly insects, and will quite happily fly through a swarm, and cook them all with a few wing sweeps. Firebats delight in cooked food, making them very easy Pokémon to feed. They are most active by day, when most insects are out. In any case, their wing-lames are too obvious to allow them to hunt at night.

They are also fairly mild-tempered and friendly Pokémon. Trainers should be careful however; a Firebat will quite happily sit on your shoulder, oblivious to the fact it stands a good chance of setting you alight with it’s wings without meaning to. Flame retardant clothing is a good precaution. They are also noisy, especially in the wild.

They have no natural predators in the wild – they are too big for most aerial hunters, and too manoeuvrable to be caught in any case. They rarely land on the ground, preferring to spend their waking time on the wing. They seem quite capable of roosting upside-down or right-side up with equal facility.

Known Standard Attacks:
Wing Attack
Light Screen
Flame Wave
Sky Attack

Size: 4’8”
Pokémon Type: Fire/Flying
Evolution: None
Description: Burning Bat Pokémon. The evolved form of Firebats, Incinabats are similar to the smaller Pokémon.

Incinabats have longer bodies and bigger wings. They have a more bat-like head – large ears and eyes that seem to be permanently closed. They are no more agile on the ground than Firebats, but are able to walk rather than hop, even though only at a sedate pace. They generally tend to frequent scrubland rather than desert, where there is more prey to fuel their larger bodies.

They have as much manoeuvrability as Firebats in the air, and are large enough to carry light humans without difficulty. Their Flame Wave attacks have significant area effect, and are as hot as a Charizard’s flames. They tend to hunt by strafing large mammals with a Flame Wave. Such incidents are often assumed to be the results of lightning strikes! Incinabats and forests do not get on – the Incinabats try to avoid them so as not to burn down the countryside.

They are more sedate than the excitable Firebats, but again, they are very good trainer Pokémon. They relish cooked meat, and while they will eat fruit or vegetables, they will only do so if they have to.

Known Standard Attacks:
Wing Attack
Light Screen
Flame Wave
Sky Attack

Size: 3’ long
Pokémon Type: Water
Evolution: L22 Slashdeep
Description: Watersnake Pokémon. Slashsures are principally Deep Ocean Pokémon, and so are rarely seen. They come to shore to lay eggs on the deep southern continents, which is about they only time a trainer is ever likely to be able to capture one. They are long and eel-like, and could be mistaken for a baby Dratini at a distance. They are long, eel-like and a steel-blue colour.

Little is known about their natural environment, but it is likely they feed on deep-sea fish and small squid in the depths. They are quite speedy, but they are not very agile or especially strong. However, the pressures of the deep sea means they are extremely durable, and nearly completely immune to water and ice attacks due to these adaptations.

Known Standard Attacks:
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Hydro Pump

Size: 30’+ long
Pokémon Type: Water
Evolution: None
Description. Abyss Pokémon. Slashdeep are very rarely seen. They inhabit the southern ocean, and feed on almost anything that is smaller than them – small whales, Gyrados, sharks (especially), but a large proportion of their prey is formed by deep-living giant squid.

They are large and serpent-like, with a thick, coiled body that extends into a muscular tail. They do not use this for propulsion like Slashsure; this is provided by a pair of coiled secondary tails, one either side of the main one. Their second small tails are attached such that they can spin them like propellers, and the Slashdeep is capable of reaching enormous speeds. It is the fastest currently-known Water Pokémon, and it fully capable of keeping up with human ships effortlessly, at up to speeds of 25 knots. Their broad back means they can carry quite larger numbers of people or Pokémon safely at high speed. Of course, capturing a Slashdeep is nigh-impossible, as if it ever gets in danger; it will simply dive down to depths of up to two miles deep!

Known Standard Attacks:
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Hydro Pump

Ability Type/ PP/ Accuracy/ Power/ Effect
Venom Bolt Bug/ 30/ 75/ 40/ 20% chance of poisoning the enemy
Flame Wave Fire/ 20/ 100/ 100/ 10% chance of burning the enemy
Ice Sting Ice/ 25/ 95/ 80/ 50% chance of freezing the enemy
Claw Pounce Fighting/ 10/ 90/ 100/ Normal Attack with a 30% chance of flinching the enemy
Deflect Normal/ 10/ 60/ -/ Causes foe’s special attacks to rebound and hit them
Be aware this is only nominal data; experienced Pokémon can often exceed these results.

And then there was another trio that I never fleshed out, the Flying/Poison bird line of Gastrel, Gashawk and Gasprey.

(I was nominally looking at a different starting triangle of starter pokemon, instead of Fire>Water>Grass. As I vaguely recall, I was trying to make them all dual types with vulnerabilities going both ways. I think the first two sets might have been something like Poison/Flying and Fighting/Bug or something. I forget.)