View Full Version : Gestalt Warrior Arena mk III practice: Alya Vs Moira

2009-08-28, 12:20 AM
Eldariel vs. Nefele

A towering figure in a dark robe enters the room where you have been milling around sizing up the competition. His face is completely obscured by his hood. He raises both hands to get your attention and speaks in a deep voice.
Alya Montane, Moira. You have been chosen to fight. Prepare yourselves! With that he brings his hands down and the two of you find yourself transported to the arena (http://excessivefreetime.org/arena/arena3.html)

You've got time for one swift action and one standard action before you get transported in case you need to adopt a stance or activate an item.

On the map, green is open terrain, yellow is difficult terrain, red/brown is the cliffs (10ft, Climb DC20, blocks LoS). Arena has a 60 foot ceiling.

Opening post should have an initiative roll, anything you said after he called your name and what, if anything you did with the 'surprise round' before being transported. After that, start fighting in initiative order.

V [roll0]
H [roll1]

V [roll2]
H [roll3]

2009-08-28, 12:22 AM
As I was saying...

V [roll0]
H [roll1]

V [roll2]
H [roll3]

This will be a very short fight, methinks.
Initiative [roll4]

2009-08-28, 12:27 AM

Swift Action: Child of Shadow Stance
Standard action: activate Scout's Headband (see invisibility)

2009-08-28, 12:40 AM
OOC: Are we rolling Initiative before or after prep? If before, subtract...3.

IC: "Ah, a chance to expand my shape repertoire!"

Standard Action: Wildshape into Sanguaro Sentinel
Swift Action: Law Devotion
Free Action: Feral Trance
Free Action: Cloak of Major Displacement
Always On: Flame's Blessing

In her present shape, Alya is a 15' tall humanoid cactus-like creature. Visible equipment includes a Crown of some sort, a Necklace, a Belt, a Cloak, Boots and a Robe. The towering figure radiates strength and confidence, with extremely focused eyes piercing an observer's mind. She stands in a martial artist's stance.


2009-08-28, 01:06 AM
Sorry for the delay...


Moira looks at the giant Cactus right in front of her and sighs. She then flies straight towards it (him? her?), and draws her short sword immediately before attacking with Emerald Razor.

attack: [roll0] Vs your Touch & Flat-footed AC (touch from maneuver, flat-footed because you lost initiative)
miss chance: [roll1] (high hits)

damage: [roll2] + 11 fire + I.F. damage
Iaijutsu Focus: [roll3]

flyby attack tumbling, no AoOs
20% miss chance

flyby attack with Emerald Razor
attack +25 +4 slippers + 2 SH + 2DM
damage 1d6+11 fire+7 shadow Blade+11 slippers

will continue actions once I know if I hit or not.

2009-08-28, 01:07 AM
There's a 50% miss chance. As it stands, you exceed my AC. And it's a her, though you can't tell from the cactus. The redhair standing there seconds ago would've told you that :P

2009-08-28, 01:09 AM
Swift Action: Lightning Recovery (I'm declaring maneuvers because you have martial lore, too)

reroll attack: [roll0]
reroll miss chance: [roll1]
reroll damage [roll2]+11 fire
reroll I.F. [roll3]

Again, will continue actions once I know if it hit. :)
EDIT - Awwww...

2009-08-28, 01:11 AM
OOC: Few things; I'm not seeing what the Lightning Recovery is for since I said you exceed my AC. In other words, AC-wise it hits - my Flat-Footed Touch AC isn't in the 50s. Also, when rolling percentiles, state the range that succeeds - some people here roll low (1-50) while others roll high (51-100), which coincidentially has quite the relevance with regards to the outcome.

2009-08-28, 01:13 AM
Moira curses twice, and flies up to AM32, 20 feet up. From there she waits death, calmly.

free action: inspiration point to AC
oh, and dodge to Alya

AC 63
touch 59
Flat-footed 63

2009-08-28, 01:15 AM
OOC - I did roll a miss chance, and I did write "high hits". Which means "low misses", and I went and rolled a 7.
On my second chance, I rolled high in the d100, and a natural 1 on the d20. Hopeless. :smalltongue:

2009-08-28, 01:27 AM
OOC: Oh, see, that makes way more sense. I think Lightning Recovery does not allow rerolling miss chance; only To Hit. However, that's immaterial right now.

Watching the fey fumble, be it through the protective illusion or the toughness of her form, Alya does not care. Her turn. She shifts to offensive posture and launches a landbound attack on her flying assailant.

Unarmed Strike #1: [roll0] Damage [roll1] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll2] [roll3]
Unarmed Strike #2: [roll4] Damage [roll5] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll6] [roll7]
Unarmed Strike #3: [roll8] Damage [roll9] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll10] [roll11]
Unarmed Strike #4: [roll12] Damage [roll13] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll14] [roll15]

Slam Attack #1: [roll16] Damage [roll17] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll18] [roll19]
Slam Attack #2: [roll20] Damage [roll21] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll22] [roll23]
Bite Attack #1: [roll24] Damage [roll25] Miss Chance (high hits) [roll26] [roll27]

Free Action: Shift Law Devotion to boost attack
Free Action: Activate Boots of Speed
Free Action: Rage
Full-Round Action: Bounding Assault

Will continue after I know how that turned out.

EDIT: Looks like 1 hit unless you pull something out of your hat. At any rate, I'm going to continue my turn in next post.

2009-08-28, 01:37 AM
OOC: I forgot to mention, but as a part of the double move from Bounding Assault, I moved to AI31-AK33.

Seeing her opponent slightly damaged, but definitely not hurt, Alya decides to resort to some heavier offense:

Swift action: Take full-round action from Belt of Battle

Greater Divine Surge: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Miss chance (high hits): [roll2] [roll3]

2009-08-28, 01:38 AM
OOC: First attack hits, 34 hit points down.
I... honestly hadn't though it that way about Lightning recovery. (The way things turned out, I wish I had: I had much better things to do with my swift action.)

"If one of your melee attacks misses, you can initiate this maneuver to reroll that attack roll with a +2 bonus" is rather vague. It doesn't matter now, I guess we'll ask for a DM ruling at some point.

Go on, then. :)

2009-08-28, 01:38 AM
Critical Confirmation: [roll0]

EDIT: Alright, by the looks of it that's 190+4d8+28 damage. Assuming I roll 1 on all those d8s, it's 222 total.

Provided you survive that, it's your turn.

2009-08-28, 01:43 AM
You mean standard action from the Belt of Battle. :smalltongue:

Yeah, I expected that maneuver, and basically hoped for a nat 1, 2, or 3. And you roll a 20? Congrats. Even if I had done the sensible thing and taken Law Devotion to AC earlier, I would be dead as a doornail one round later.

Moira falls on the ground, squashed.

2009-08-28, 01:46 AM
Divine energies fill Alya's cactuar "fist" as she uses the moment stolen from time with her magic trinket to reposition herself for a resounding blow. The strike lands true, indeed, piercing the Gloura's mighty defenses and leaving her motionless in the ground.

"Thank you for this...experience, my friend. Mayhap you shall see me in your guise next time!"

Full-Round Action. Greater Divine Surge takes Full-Round to use. Fortunately Belt of Battle has the 3 charge option :smalltongue: Also, I have the Luck-domain granted power so I can reroll one poor roll here.

But yeah, Greater Divine Surge is extremely handy for taking down überhigh AC types like you. Of course, I could buff my To Hit slightly higher, but that would take precious time and risk getting hit by one of those bombs you like throwing around.

2009-08-28, 01:52 AM
Oh right, full round action. Bounding Assault is an awesome maneuver to combine, then.

Hmm, with an inspiration point AND Law Devotion to AC, it would be 50/50 chance to hit. More than I hoped, heh. Pity it could only serve me for 3 rounds, tops.

Good game. :smallsmile:

Also, I apologize for a rather fluff-less fight. Sorry if I seemed... curt, I was kind of busy with the other match (and a couple of other things) and felt in a hurry. Next time, I'll try and be much more descriptive. :)

2009-08-28, 01:58 AM
No worries, I can understand that multitasking makes one stick to bare necessities, and really, it's just a practice fight. I'm just trying to fluff it out a bit out of habit. And yeah, the further buffs I could've used in this fight would've been: Dual Stance (so I'd have a Diamond Mind stance active to fully activate my "weapon"), Animal Devotion (for +3 Str), Flying above you for Higher Ground (+1 to hit) and possibly activating Distracting Ember for 2 more.

That would put me at ~+66 or so. Had I rolled anything decent with Knowledge Devotion, it could be 67-68 and were you one of my focus types, I could be rolling +70 but that begins to be the cap I can reach here so with my one reroll, I can with reasonable consistency hit AC 80, but no higher (of course, I have access to Emerald Razor for when that seems like the best recourse).

2009-08-28, 02:05 AM
And I don't even want to know what you'll do with all the MMs and FF. :smalleek:

I would like a rematch some day, with the Saguaro again - if possible. Basically, my numbers can only reach this high, from there it's movement and, umm... action management. I honestly don't expect to survive (except by being scandalously favoured by Lady Luck), but I'd like to try.

Thanks again for the fight, I truly enjoyed it. :smallsmile:

2009-08-28, 02:09 AM
Yeah, a new fight can be arranged provided she gets approved. I don't see why she wouldn't since she was fine for the first iteration of the arena, but one never knows. But yah, if that happens we'll throw down again.

2009-08-28, 02:15 AM
It's a perfectly legal character, I believe.
After your approval, then. :)