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View Full Version : 3.5 Legend of Zelda Items!

2009-08-28, 10:23 AM
Of course the easy ones are Hook and Longshot, but I'd like to pay special attention to the items in Link to the Past: The Pegasus Boots, the Book of Medora, the Bombos, Quake, and Ether medallion, The Fire and Ice Rods, the Cane of Byrna and Somaria, the Magic Cape... Ummmm, this wiki (http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/A_Link_to_the_Past_Items_and_Equipment) has the full collection.

2009-08-28, 11:32 AM
Just especulating, but, the fire rod could be some sort of wand of Magic Missile that does fire damage instead of force (same could go with the ice rod, replacing force with cold damage).

The pegasus boot...maybe Boots of striding and springing and something else that adds a couple d6 of damage on a charge/gives Improved Bull Rush, or both of those. :smallbiggrin:

Now I want to play a Legend of Zelda 3.5 :smallannoyed:

Mando Knight
2009-08-28, 11:40 AM
Just especulating, but, the fire rod could be some sort of wand of Magic Missile that does fire damage instead of force (same could go with the ice rod, replacing force with cold damage).

Staffs with the Orb spells from Spell Compendium.

The Master Sword would be an artifact similar to a +X Holy Longsword that can make a ranged touch attack when the wielder is at full health. Perhaps with an ability to change size (Small for WW Link) or type (Bastard Sword for TP Link?) to adapt to its owner.

2009-08-28, 11:52 AM
I'd love to see a sheild that reflects ray spells.
The master sword would probably be a holy weapon, but in the games it can also serve to "reflect" dark energy attacks with a succesful attack.
Energy arrows could make certain archer builds more interesting as well.

I beleive I saw a Zelda D20 at some point. Some of the ideas were "meh" but others were pretty interesting.

2009-08-28, 05:04 PM
There was also a big collection here on GitP, but it was lost in the post purge.

2009-08-28, 05:55 PM
I doubt that very much actually since I remember seeing it here, and stuff going back before I even arrived is still on the boards I think.

What I THINK the deal is is that the search function of the boards is now either a total dead-end, or only searchs 1 year back. In either case, a site specific Google search would probably turn it up.

2009-08-28, 10:21 PM
Ah, you're right, and I found it.


2009-08-29, 02:04 AM
I helped a little with the Hylian Handbook. Would've linked it, but Triaxx beat me to the punch.

So, we're focusing on A Link to the Past? I'll dig out my GBA cartridge and get to work on some... uh... research. Yeah, research.:smallwink:

Book of Mudora
This thick, green leather-bound tome confers upon its readers the ability to understand the hieroglyphs of the ancient Hylians. When this book is held open in one hand while attempting to read Hylian lettering, the bearer perceives the symbols as the lettering of their native language, or that of another language they know if their language has no written form. This allows the user to understand the message, but if the writing is also in a code, the reader still has to decipher it.

T.G. Oskar
2009-08-29, 02:55 AM
Of course the easy ones are Hook and Longshot, but I'd like to pay special attention to the items in Link to the Past: The Pegasus Boots, the Book of Medora, the Bombos, Quake, and Ether medallion, The Fire and Ice Rods, the Cane of Byrna and Somaria, the Magic Cape... Ummmm, this wiki (http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/A_Link_to_the_Past_Items_and_Equipment) has the full collection.

Hmm, let's see...
--The Medallions could be something like Runestaves/normal Staves: each one has charges, but a spellcaster can sacrifice a spell slot of the defined spell level to use the item without expending a charge. Perhaps also use the mechanics of the Eternal Wand for it (two charges/day or something). These would be powerful spells (Bombos is pretty powerful, something like several Meteor Swarms exploding at the same time), so it should be at least a minor artifact.

--Pegasus Boots are pretty easy: treat your speed as if running (X4, x3 if on heavy armor) while charging or bullrushing AND are treated as if having the Run feat. If charging, add 1d6 damage (or something along those lines) per each 5-10 feet of the charge; if bull-rushing, you gain an automatic bonus of +5 per every 10 feet (which means that you technically push the opponent 5 feet per each 10 feet you run). Since it's a pretty common item, it should actually be between a minor and a medium wondrous item (about 3rd-10th level if using the MIC rules)

--Fire Rods and Ice Rods are mostly wands of Orb of Fire/Ice. You might add that the character must succeed on a Fortitude save or catch on fire/freeze (or, treat as if the spells were affected by equivalent metamagic feats). As rods, the ability should be at-will. No charges, no nothing: those are at-will abilities, and of a pretty high level actually.

--The Magic Cape grants you the ability to be treated as incorporeal and invisible (aka, pretty much Blink/Ethereal Jaunt, although on either of them you may or may not actually go to the Ethereal Plane), a number of rounds per day (let's say about 10 minutes) by speaking a command word. You can divide the number of rounds it can be used.

--Cane of Byrna is pretty tough. It's a rod, of course, that activates a Globe of Invincibility and also makes you incorporeal for a number of rounds per day (again, let's say 10 minutes) by using a command word. These rounds not need to be consecutive. By the looks of it, it may be a minor artifact.

--Cane of Somaria is pretty nifty; a rod that allows you to make cubes of force. The force cube is a 5x5 cube, and has no hindering weight whatsoever, but produces a spectacular amount of friction (to explain better: assume enough friction to prevent horizontal movement through dragging, but it can be lifted without trouble; however, it does not float, so it has enough weight to be held by gravity and provides enough downward gravitational force so as to activate pressure plates. Once aloft, you can throw it as if a catapult, but it will just make a "thud" and stay in place once it reaches ground). Activating the rod again allows you to release that force in all directions, akin to a bull rush. It's not meant to be very powerful (the Cane of Somaria is meant to be used as a "weight" to activate pressure points and whatnot)

--The Master Sword (notice the "The") is an artifact, hands down. Not only it should be Holy, it should be also Bane against evil outsiders. It's a longsword, and it produces a blade of force that deals ranged damage up to X feet as if the character attacked (along with Strength bonuses and any other bonuses), but only when the character has full HP.

--The Mirror Shield should be a heavy steel shield, perhaps a +5 shield, which allows to deflect rays back at caster, as if it had Deflect Arrows/the Ray Deflection spell. As it works, it should work with nearly all ranged touch attacks (orbs would be reflected back, as well; it would even stop Magic Missile)

--The Blue and Red Tunics are mostly torso items that provide damage reduction and resistance to fire, cold, electricity and acid. The Blue Tunic would provide perhaps DR 10/- and resistance 15, while the Red Tunic would provide DR 20/- and resistance 30. (I know I'm going a bit overboard with this, though) Since both are tunics, they can be wielded under normal armor (and don't take the armor slot)

--The Magical Boomerang would be a weapon that deals non-lethal damage, has a range of about twice or quadruple a normal boomerang, and opponents must make a Fort save equal to 10 + the non-lethal damage taken or be dazed (or stunned) for 1d6 rounds.

--Red Potions...well, those are Potions of Cure Critical Wounds. Nothing else to see here...

I recall seeing somewhere a d20 interpretation of Legend of Zelda on PDF, but I don't know if it's available somewhere. It has most of the spells and items of all games, including and not limited to the Bombs, the special arrows and whatnot.

Also, what about the Silver/Light arrows? Those are pretty hefty (+5 Holy Evil Outsider Bane alchemical silver arrows, that become force arrows while on flight)

2009-08-29, 11:10 AM
If red refills ALL health then unless you need to save out some status effects (and I don't THINK there are any relevant ones...) then Heal would be the way to go. I mean Link gets bad transformations, but he doesn't get poisoned that I can remember... if so just say they ONLY do HP damage. Once again: All of this assumes that red potions take you to full in the relevant games.

2009-08-31, 08:09 PM
What about link's attacks and maneuvers?

The whirlwind attack wouldn't be as the feat since its faster than a full attack, imo. Maybe one attack roll that inflicts partial damage to all enemies surrounding the attacker.

I don't want to see Link becoming his own homebrewed class though - that's getting old. Better to just add on to existing rules.

2009-09-01, 05:09 AM
Actually, I came up with this for the Hyrule Handbook.

Spin Attack
Prereq: BAB +1
Effect: Every 1d4 rounds you may use a spin attack after charging for one round, and make a single attack at your highest BAB to each adjacent square within 5'. Any creature hit by such an attack must make a Strength check or be thrown back 10'. Creature's one size category larger or more are immune to the knock back effect.
Normal: You may only attack one space at a time.

2009-09-01, 09:28 AM
I've had Pegasus Boots with one of my Wizards; they're actually more or less already a magical item, but I forget the actual name that they're called in D&D. They grant her Fly for 5 minutes, 3 times per day. Not exactly the same thing, but I couldn't resist calling them Pegasus Boots :P

To recreate them for a LoZ campaign, if it's being played D&D or d20 or whatever, you could find another spell that's more akin to gliding. From Link to the Past, they're almost like Expeditious Retreat; for Ocarina of Time, it would have to be a modified Feather Fall or something.

EDIT: I know that they're not actually called Pegasus Boots in Ocarina of Time. I think the actual Pegasus Boots would have been an awesome way to get through the Shadow Temple, though :D

2009-09-01, 11:15 AM
--The Master Sword (notice the "The") is an artifact, hands down. Not only it should be Holy, it should be also Bane against evil outsiders. It's a longsword, and it produces a blade of force that deals ranged damage up to X feet as if the character attacked (along with Strength bonuses and any other bonuses), but only when the character has full HP.

--The Mirror Shield should be a heavy steel shield, perhaps a +5 shield, which allows to deflect rays back at caster, as if it had Deflect Arrows/the Ray Deflection spell. As it works, it should work with nearly all ranged touch attacks (orbs would be reflected back, as well; it would even stop Magic Missile)

Just point out that it's The Master Sword that reflects things back, but requires a ready action (attack against the ray, maybe against it's DC?) to reflect it as a ring of spell turning. The Mirror Shield deflects attacks automatically, but doesn't reflect it back, nor can deflect some spells, but can deflect several types of energy attacks. The sword power could affect high level spells when cast by evil characters.