View Full Version : When Worlds Collide: Anonimasu versus Isamu

The Unborne
2009-08-29, 04:19 PM
Karakura 10:43 am

If not for the loud roar of panicked human civilians rushing to get out of their cars and run for the nearest safety zone, Isamu could have enjoyed the rattle of her freshly won coins from the bets she placed on herself against Dogou. The wager had been a boon and a curse. Yes, she had won twenty times her bet; however, everyone else lost everything on them, forcing them to go out and do petty jobs so they could afford the amount of booze Squad 11 has become acclimated to having on hand. At first, the curvaceous woman was excited to have the entire place to herself for once, but as luck would have it, one of the healers-made-errand boys of Squad 4 interrupted her own intense "training". Since Isamu was the only seated officer present, she was assigned the task of checking out a disturbance in the human world. The frantic people running past her was the sign that she had found the disturbance.

Standing in the middle of Karakura's Hospital's main parking lot was slender man attired in the standard shinigami apparel. The man, himself, had no distinguishable features nor did he have any symbol of what squad he belonged to; however, the man standing in front of him was anything but unremarkable. His voice rose above the chaos that was ensuing, "BOHAHAHA!" The frightened populace stopped their fleeing and turned around in awe at the foreign man who had crossed his arms over his chest. A strange glimmer sparkled across his round sunglasses. "Smells like bad spirits!" he shouted as he pulled out a gold-tipped cane and pointed it towards the anonymous shinigami. "I know who you are shinigami! For I am the charismatic medium spirit for the new century, Don Kanonji!" The nameless death god tilted his head in what seemed to be fascination or at least that's what Isamu could pick up from a very expressionless face.

Red= Buildings with a height of 80 feet
Brownish= Buildings with a height of 50 feet
Light Green= Trees and bushes that provide cover when you occupy the squares
Dark Green= Grass
Grays= Parking lot and streets
Light Blue= Sidewalk
White= Cars can provide cover
A= Anonimasu
I= Isamu
K= Kanonji

The Unborne
2009-08-29, 07:00 PM

Unaware of Squad 11's Isamu, the unnamed shinigami stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards the self-acclaimed spirit medium. Even though the death god released one of his hands from his over-sized katana, his form was no less defenseless as it was before. It seemed every small movement he made was somehow part of his stance, a true indicator of a master of the sword. His head was still tilted to the side and his focus was completely on Don Kanonji who stood before him.

"You seem more gifted than the others..." he says in a rather plain voice with no hint of what emotion he was feeling after encountering such an odd human. If there was any foreshadowing of what may come up was the blade of his zanpakutou, its surface was lightly painted with sanguine colored liquid that could only be blood.


Hit Points: 180/180
Armour Class: 29
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-08-29, 07:25 PM

"Tch," the bouncy voiced shinigami said as she lamented the scene. She threw up her hands in annoyance and shook her head, purple hair tied in a high ponytail flapping as she did. "A minute or two later," she began before her entire curved body vanished.

"And I wouldn't have to waste energy on this," she appeared in front of both Don Kanonji and the unnamed shinigami with a jiggle. With a twist she grabbed the human and flashed her opponent the peace sign before she flash step'd with Don Kanonji.


Hit points: 144
Armour Class: 23

Initiative: [roll0]

No change in her placement, just our little Initiative Post fun!

The Unborne
2009-08-29, 08:30 PM

During that instantaneous moment where the rather well endowed flashed the peace sign, the nameless swordsman's vacant eyes stared at the woman's sheathed zanpakutou. For the first time since seeing him, a frown came upon usually unreadable face. He opens his mouth to say something, but as he does so Isamu instantly vanishes from his sight. A curious look around the parking lot yields no result, until his view extends past the narrow road. "Took him away...Give him..." He similarly displaces himself from his position to the edge of the now vacated parking lot.

"Give him...back," he says in a slow speech pattern as if he was searching for the right words to use. The man lowered his zanpakutou away from Isamu's view and held it with both of his hands. The white car next to him helped hide the actual length of the sword's blade. "Give him...to me."



Hit Points: 180/180
Armour Class: 33 (+4 from cover)

Swift Action
Location: (18,14)

2009-08-29, 09:42 PM
Isamu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcCqGwY1kDk)

"Great," she said annoyed. "A broken shinigami. I was hoping for some fun." Isamu continued to stare at him while she grabbed the brightly multi-coloured hilt of her zanpakutou. A wing-like cross-guard flowered out at the tip of her scabbard.

"All I get," she said with annoyance as she drew the longsword from her sheath. "Is you." The long double-edged blade laid flat against her vision as she pointed it's tip toward him. Her spiritual pressure slamming the air outward as she prepared to release her zanpakutou. "We might as well get this over with," she sighed as she let her blade dip slightly. "Sing," she began lifting her blade upright.


With the explosive release came a persistent and loud hum from her blade whose outline had grown more indistinct. With a passing second you realize that the blade is vibrating back and forth, like the beating wing of a hummingbird.

"This is Hachidori, by vibrating her blade like the wing of a hummingbird she creates the same hum. That hum explodes upon impact and tears my target apart!" She seemed quite happy to explain how Hachidori worked as she thrilled at the chance to fight. "Right now, she beats her 'wing' about one-hundred times a second," she slowed her speech and grinned a too-white toothy smile before she lifted Hachidori parallel to her face. Her palm tracing along the outline of the blade.

"I am Isamu of the 11th Squad, 1st Seated Officer, but we don't give much credence to that sort'f thing." She smiled along the flat of her blade at him. "Even if only a quarter of us know what credence means," she said as an aside. "So, what's your name?"

Hit points: 144/144
Armour Class: 26

Free Action: Draw
Move Action: Release

My post was too awesome and had to be trimmed. True story.

The Unborne
2009-08-29, 10:57 PM

The shinigami pays more attention to the spirit medium who was flung away by the buxom woman's release of her zanpakutou. "I...needed him," he says once again in what seemed to be his casual way of speech. His blank stare shifted from man he had took an interest in to Isamu and her humming sword. "My...name? I am...Anonimasu. Your zanpakutou and you must be...close. Her wings beat...mightily...for you; however, don't you think...a hummingbird's wings can be...cut easily?"

Anonimasu walked around the front end of the car he was near to get a better glimpse of the weapon she was holding. A faint but visible smile formed as the ends of his lips curved upward. He then dragged his left foot forward, exposing only his left shoulder to the curvaceous woman. The death god locked his right elbow into his gut and extended his opposite arm; by doing so, the blade of his sword drew closer to his body like a viper coiling back before its vicious strike.

The unmarked shinigami leaned forward gracefully as if he was falling towards the ground, but before his center of gravity was too far ahead he lashed out with his sword. For a quick second, the scene looked almost funny to Isamu, he was seemingly swinging at the empty air in front of him after all; however, before she could react, Isamu found herself fighting off a savage attack from a sword which had now become triple its length. The strength behind the swing was well beyond the strength of Dogou no Jiyuujin she had fought earlier.



Hit Points: 180/180
Armour Class: 29

Move Action
Location: (16,14)

Attack Action
Power Sunder!
Opposed Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-08-29, 11:06 PM

With the speed and skill of a master of zanjutsu Isamu brought Hachidori down. The blade angled as it was the snake-like zanpakutou was deflected harmlessly from her iridescent surface. "I've never seemed to have a problem," she quipped.

Hit points: 144/144
Armour Class: 26

Opposed Attack Roll: [roll0]

2009-08-29, 11:35 PM

Isamu smiled madly as the Anonimasu became more interesting. "You're zanpakutou is already released," she deduced. "Interesting."

In an instant she vanished again. No doubt in his mind she was using flash step, but what her perhaps didn't expect was what did happen. Instead of a single image of her he now saw six mirror images flash stepping around him. "I can't let you try that same tactic twice!" The images spoke and moved in unison as they darted around him.

Together they raised there zanpakutou and flashed him the edge of the blade. Their palms moving over the flat of the blade and murmur of incantation could be heard. "Bakudou #34, Inertial Armor."

Hit points: 144/144
Armour Class: 35
Spirit Power: 32
Shunpo: 1160/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours)

Swift Action!
Shunpo Trail: 6

Standard Action!
Kidou (Inertial Armour): 11sp

The Unborne
2009-08-30, 12:24 PM

Once Isamu easily deflected Anonimasu's swing, the unremarkable shinigami laid the blade of his sword onto his open hand. He looked up and down at the piece of metal searching for any defects he may have created after the clash between zanpakutous. The death god turned his hand over and slid his index and middle finger against its surface wiping off any excess blood from before. "Hmm...better than I...thought. You'd be a better...retainer...than the others." As he said this, his opponent split up into seven identical images.

His eyes looked from his sword and studied the mirages. Anonimasu gave each image a second of his attention before his eyes fell back down to his sword, "Nice...trick...too bothersome to attack..." Dogou no Jinyuujin had more things to say than this man apparently. Before he could say anything more, Anonimasu's sword extended into the ground a propelled him into the sky. He landed a good distance away in the parking lot once again and retreated into the foliage nearby aware of his openings and lack of cover.


Hit points: 180/180
Armour Class: 33
Shunpo: 95/160 (65)

Double Move Action!
Location: (22,19)
Finish Movement to (22,23)

Swift Action!
Location: (25,27)

2009-08-30, 05:31 PM

As Anonimasu retreated from her the look of interest dulled on Isamu's face. "What're you doing," she scoffed as her images stood still and then vanished. "I was just getting into it so don't ruin it by running away!" She slowly began to walk toward the shinigami drawing her blade up parallel to her chest this time. "Bakudou #32, Force Screen," she spoke as she drew her hand across the flat of her bland again. The same ominous hum of incantation could be heard but again no visible result was produced.

"You said you were impressed by our partnership," she stopped for a moment and held up Hachidori to make her vibrations clear. "We've only been using one sixth our true power." The face of interest returned as another, much smaller, slam of spiritual pressure forced the air away. Hachidori before only blurred her outline. Now though, as her blade vibrated she appeared as shinigami did in the instant before flash step.

"This is the power of our shikai. Right now she vibrates over six-hundred times per second," Isamu sounded proud as she gave away information on her zanpakutou.

Hit points: 144/144
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 23
Shunpo: 1160/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes)

Move Action!
Move: 18, 16

Standard Action!
Kidou: Force Screen
Spirit Power Spent: 9

Swift Action!
Sound Blade: +6d6 Sonic

The Unborne
2009-08-30, 10:14 PM

A quick flash step was all it took for the mysterious shinigami to appear from the brush into the parking lot. "You have...bonded well. Have you ever...thought about a...better zanpakutou?" His meticulous way of speech seemed to slow down the pattern of battle that was already being delayed to Isamu's distaste. "Your...mirages are gone...prepare yourself...Hachidori." Anonimasu held his greatsword above his head in a threatening stance, and he inched his way closer to the buxom death god. Again, he stopped a few yards short of the woman, but his gray, empty eyes were focused on the humming sword.

His forehead erupts with bulging veins as if he had suddenly been the target of some harsh joke. "I can show you...a zanpakutou better." Unlike his speech, his sword came down at a tremendous speed, the entire image of the blade blurred and lengthened. Like before, the sword was able to clear the distance and land perfectly on Isamu's zanpakutou. If she wasn't careful this unmarked shinigami may overpower her if given time.


Hit points: 204/204
Armour Class: 27
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (1/8)

Swift Action!
Shunpo: 20,21

Move Action!
Move: 18, 20

Free Action!

Standard Action!
Powered Sunder: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-08-31, 09:52 AM

Isamu lifted Hachidori to deflect the blow against her again but this time he was the smarter one. His blow struck Hachidori with increases force sending cracks all along her iridescent edge. Isamu was not amused but she was now very interested. "You figure without Hachidori you've got me beat," she asked.

Hit points: 144/144
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 23
Shunpo: 1160/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes)

Standard Action!
Opposed Attack Roll: [roll0]

Just a formality really.

2009-08-31, 10:59 AM

Spacing her feet apart Isamu let spiritual energy rise. "Ara, ara," she spoke in an off-hand tone as her zanpakutou was lifted by the current of her spiritual pressure. "If I were to lose Hachidori this fight would get too boring," her spiritual pressure continued to rise. The air thick with her power the wind howled around her.

"Ban," she shouted the word with a wide mouth. "Kai!"

Her spirit energy exploded. Cars, tarmac and concrete were sent flying from her intense release. "Joutei hachidori (Lord of Hummingbirds)." Her spirit pressure filled all the senses as it bore down on him and choked the air with the intensity of it. "Try not to forget how to breath!" She howled with vigor as she performed her Kidou with her zanpakutou's help. "Bakudou #38."

Hit points: 288/288
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes)

Move Action!

Standard Action!
Intimidate: [roll0]

Swift Action!
Kidou: Offensive Precognition
Spirit Power Cost: 10

The Unborne
2009-08-31, 11:15 AM
Intimidate: [roll0]

2009-08-31, 03:03 PM

"Come'n now," she screamed at him as their spirit pressure overwhelmed him. "Do it, do it, do it! Release your bankai if you've got it!" She cackled madly as their power continued to rise. "Do it so I can crush your power at it's fullest!"

The Unborne
2009-08-31, 05:19 PM

This time, the indistinguishable shinigami's zanpakutou retracted back to its hilt slowly from just over twenty feet. Once his sword was in its correct size, a huge mass of reiatsu surged from the woman he was squaring off with. As a natural defense, Anonimasu lifted his greatsword and shielded his eyes from the wave of pure spiritual energy. Every part of the death god's being cried for him to run, but instead he smirked; no amount of natural instinct would make him flee from such a sight: a warrior and her fully awakened zanpakutou.

"You have reached...bankai? I can barely...raise myself. Amazing...you are the one." Unlike before, Anonimasu's eyes were wide with wonder at Isamu's fully released form. The thrumming beat of Hachidori filled the now empty block preventing the softest of whispers from being heard. "As you...wish. I will now...silence the Lord of...Hummingbirds. Ban...Kai." What began as a small heat wave around the shinigami soon erupted into an inferno of fire and smoke. The asphalt around his feet soon melted from the tremendous heat, and from the flames emerged a form alien to life on earth and in Soul Society. The man known as Anonimasu was no more and in his place stood a figure, faceless as a mannequin. There was no mouth on the person, no eyes, no discernible openings anywhere, everything was covered by some form of skin which was eerily white and pale.

"This...is Kenichi..." the voice came from nowhere, but was easily heard even over the humming of Hachidori. The figure lifted his arms to reveal his unleashed zanpakutou. Grafted to his skin were two long blades that substituted for Anonimasu's hands. "To be...one with the sword. I wish for you...to be one with me." The shinigami rose his hands higher over his head once again and brought them close together. Like putty, the arms attached to each other to make one, single blade. A large flame erupted once again and surrounded the sword's surface. "Die...Hachidori."


Hit points: 408/408
Armour Class: 29
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (2/8)

Move Action!

Swift Action!
Fire Blade

Standard Action!
Sunder: [roll0]
Regular Damage: [roll1]
Fire Damage: [roll2]

2009-08-31, 05:35 PM

Isamu's smile faulted and her enthusiasm waned. Dust and debris kicked up as his sword made impact with something. "Is this your true power," she asked, her annoyance clear. "Is this," the dust settled to reveal he had impacted the flat of her blade to no effect. "The power of your Bankai!?"

Hit points: 288/288
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes)

Opposed Action!
Opposed Attack Roll: [roll0]

2009-08-31, 05:53 PM

"If this is the power of your Bankai," her iridescent Garment of Dead Souls glittered in the light. The ground beneath her cracked from the weight of her spiritual pressure. That pressure was suddenly lifted as she vanished. "Then I'll crush it!" She spoke a second before the light from her struck his eyes and her image appeared in front of him. Her maniacal laughter echoed as each strike sent shock waves back against her and tearing her body apart.

Hit points: 280/288
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes)

Swift Action!
Shunpo: 18, 19

Full-Attack Action!
Attack one: [roll0]
Damage one: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3]
Vicious Backlash: [roll4]

Attack two: [roll5]
Damage two: [roll6] + [roll7] + [roll8]
Vicious Backlash: [roll9]

The Unborne
2009-08-31, 08:04 PM

The faceless being makes no noise as Isamu returns her own attacks. Her attacks proved to be effective nonetheless as pints of blood sprayed out from the new trenches she carved into his abdomen. "Wonderful...truly...you are the one," he says unphased by the deep wound, "however, only one...is still...in the way." With much struggle, Anonimasu hefts his sword appendages for one more swing at the shinigami.


Hit points: 266/408
Armour Class: 29
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (3/8)

Free Action!
Five-foot step: (18,21)

Standard Action!
Sunder: [roll0]
Regular Damage: [roll1]
Fire Damage: [roll2]

2009-09-03, 07:35 PM

Grit and determination shined on her face. The slashes and tears across her now brightly coloured garment of dead souls led to her own wounds. Impetuous to the last as she pushed through the last moments of her Bankai. "Destroy my zanpakutou and I'll just strangle you!"

Hit points: 280/288
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes)

Opposed Action!
Attack Roll: [roll0]

This could get very long winded if you managed it. :smalleek:

2009-09-03, 08:03 PM
Isamu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM8yMPmFncU)

The waning power of Isamu's Bankai only made her more maniacal. With a war cry she flushed all the remaining power of her Bankai into her next attacks. Around her an orange aura rippled toward Anonimasu. It was as if even her spirit energy wanted to destroy him. With two huge swings she attacked with total abandon with both hands holding so tightly that blood seeped from under them.

Hit points: 280/288
Armour Class: 41
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes)

Full-Attack Action!
Attack one: [roll0]
Damage one: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3]
Vicious Backlash: [roll4]

Attack two: [roll5]
Damage two: [roll6] + [roll7] + [roll8]
Vicious Backlash: [roll9]

The Unborne
2009-09-06, 04:13 PM

Was this déjà vu, the sight of blood spraying once again from his body and splattering onto the face of his opponent. "What is...this?" The shinigami drew back his sword-arms and stared at them once again; even in his bankai form he couldn't break the bond between the woman and her zanpakutou. Was this the relationship they had for each other? Even if he did break the sword, would she throw Hachidori away like he was thrown away? Anonimasu cringed at the thought and let out a pained and bestial cry.

"Why does everyone...have their mates...besides me. If you won't...have me...I'll never let you...have anyone," he says meticulously, but with a painful tone. The being that was no longer man or shinigami crouched low and slashed up with his hands combined, his next strike came from the left and horizontal, and the final attack came from overhead onto Isamu. All precision was gone, but she could tell each attack was backed by a tremendous amount of power.


Hit points: 199/408
Armour Class: 29
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (4/8)

Full Attack!
First: [roll0]
Regular Damage: [roll1]
Fire Damage: [roll2]

Second: [roll3]
Regular Damage: [roll4]
Fire Damage: [roll5]

Third: [roll6]
Regular Damage: [roll7]
Fire Damage: [roll8]

2009-09-14, 06:56 PM

Each swing sunk cleanly into the ground where she had been a split-second before. Shifting to the right her clothes and zanpakutou shimmered and returned to their shikai configuration. "Yes, yes, yes," she growled between heavily drawn breaths.

Her heavy pants turned in a regular heavy inhale and exhale as she lifted her slumped body. Lifting her sword up she threw her head back and smiled, her sword arm lifting the vibrating blade up to point her foe. She again flung two wild sword swings at him.

Hit points: 136/144
Armour Class: 40
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes), Fatigued

Attack one: [roll0]
Damage one: [roll1] + [roll2]

Attack two: [roll3]
Damage two: [roll4] + [roll5]

The Unborne
2009-09-14, 09:30 PM

The faceless being held his fused hands above his head once again and followed through with another attack. His obnoxiously long blade missed Isamu by a few feet to the right; his blade had reverted back to its shikai form, and Anonimasu's face returned. A blank expression was the only look he gave his opponent as he fell face-first into the melted tar. His zanpakutou was still in his hand as he laid unresponsive on the ground.


Hit points: -28/204
Armour Class: 0
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (4/8)

2009-09-14, 10:04 PM

All Isamu heard was her own heavy pants as her foe dropped to the floor.

Her body went slack as all her built up energy went to waste. She scowled at the shinigami as her uncut by his blade skin sat beneath her garment of dead souls. "Bastard," she accused as she kicked him across the face.

All her blood lust and anger had no target to vent itself against apart from his prone figure. That was not sport though.

Hit points: 136/144
Armour Class: 40
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes), Fatigued

The Unborne
2009-09-14, 10:08 PM


Hit points: -29/204
Armour Class: 0
Shunpo: 55/160 (105)
Ongoing Effects: Rage (6/8)

Stabilize: [roll0]
90-100 to stabilize

2009-09-14, 10:36 PM

Isamu turned disgusted from her quarry and was about to summon the gate back to the soul society when she stopped cold before she even resealed her zanpakutou. "****," she swore as if she just stepped on something disgusting. "They told me to eliminate the target."

Twisting her sword in her hand she pointed it down toward her victim. "What a drag," she said as she griped her sword in both hands. "Such a stupid way to kill." With a half-hearted shoved she impaled him with her sword.

Hit points: 136/144
Armour Class: 40
Spirit Power: 13
Shunpo: 980/1280 (70)
Ongoing Effects: Inertial Armour (12 hours), Force Screen (12 minutes), Offensive Precognition (12 minutes), Fatigued

Coup De Grace!
Damage: [roll0] + [roll1]
Critical hit: [roll2]
Save DC: 10 + damage

The Unborne
2009-09-14, 10:45 PM
Fortitude Save: [roll0]

2009-09-15, 04:39 PM
Winner: Isamu

The sword dipped into his body cleanly and punctured his heart. The fresh spray of blood deepened the crimson colouring along the length of her zanpakutou. With a twist and sharp tug she pulled Hachidori free.

"Pathetic bastard." She spat as she opened the way to the soul society. "Not one scratch." With that she stepped through the doorway leaving the corpse behind.

I just hope nobody was watching closely, she hoped. My bankai isn't strong enough yet.