View Full Version : Test of Spite Olo vs Singmakerens the Fifth

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 09:22 PM
Buff Rounds: How many do you want? I can do as many as 10 or as little as 4.

Map: Collums?


2009-08-30, 09:38 PM

And yeah, the column map will do.

Psychic Poison
Heart of Fire, Water, Air
Greater Mage Armor
Contingency-Forcedward:Nerveskitter is casted by caster.

1. Expeditious Retreat
2. Greater Invisibility
3. True Seeing (as per scout's headband)
4. None

Nerveskitter, Contingency fires off.


Init: [roll0]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 09:48 PM
Buffs: All Day: GMWx2 on Staff, Greater Mage Armor
Round 1: Drink Potion of Shield of Faith
Round 2: Drink Potion of Barkskin
Round 3: Summon Monster VI, Sudden Maximized to give 4 Fiendish Tigers
Round 4: Haste

Location: F9
Creatures Locations: A5-B6, A7-B8, K5-L6, K7-L8

Senses: Mindsight 100ft, Blindsight 60ft

Where are you, what is your creature type, and what is your intellegence?

2009-08-30, 09:49 PM
K6, Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Extraplanar, Incorporeal), 12.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 09:54 PM
Um...Ok. You see that you are near standing on a Tiger with Black Fur. Right next to him is another similar tiger. Across the room are two more Tigers.

Initiative (Nerveskitter) [roll0]

2009-08-30, 09:58 PM
...Nice kitties...

You beat me by one. Grr! =P
Does Know(arcana) apply?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 09:59 PM
No, sorry. Yes, it does. Sorry.

Know (the planes) on you [roll0]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:01 PM
A woman holding a staff turns to look at you. She raises her staff, and you feel your enhancements leaving you, flying to her...

Spell Theft, Im afraid.

Could you list your buff spells, please?

2009-08-30, 10:05 PM
Gosh darn!

Psychic Poison
Heart of Fire, Water, Air
Greater Mage Armor
Expeditious Retreat
Greater Invisibility

True Seeing (as per scout's headband)

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:11 PM
Psychic Poison [roll0] STOLEN
Heart of Fire [roll1]
HoWater [roll2] STOLEN
HoAir [roll3]
Greater Mage Armor [roll4]
Forceward [roll5]
Expeditious Retreat [roll6]
Greater Invisibility [roll7]
True Seeing (as per scout's headband) [roll8]

Bad rolls :smallfrown:

Could you tell me what those two spells do, or atleast where to find them?

2009-08-30, 10:14 PM
Psychic Poison is in BoVD, Heart of Water lets you breathe water, swim speed, and swift action FoM for 1 round/level. I think it's in one of the dragon books.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:23 PM
Thanks, found it.

Carra move to J6 and casts (Spellcraft DC 16) Quickened Rapid Ghoul Glyph

Suddenly, a glowing glyph appears on the ground, flashing out. Paralysis for [roll0] rounds. You notice that Carra and the Tigers are similarly paralyzed.

Your turn.

2009-08-30, 10:26 PM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

EDIT: You got a 1 minute spell to fit in to less than a full-round action? Impressive.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:28 PM
Quickened Rapid Ghoul Glyph. That reminds me. Make a Fortitude saving throw, DC 20.

Carra [roll0]

EDIT: And the other Tigers double move over to us.
EDIT2: End turn.

2009-08-30, 10:32 PM
[roll0] Fort

Being stunned, I naturally don't do anything. Go ahead.

Wait....now I'm really confused. Stunning Fist states that incorporeal creatures cannot be stunned (as well as the other un-stunnable creature types), but only there do I find that to be the case. The incorporeal subtype makes no mention to being immune to stunning.


Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:42 PM
EDIT: You are paralyzed, not stunned.

You stink up the place :smalltongue:, giving everyone within 10ft a -2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks until the paralysis wears off.

Carra suddenly regains her movement, and backs off to G6.

Then she casts a spell, summoning two chain devils.

Activate Robe, move, cast Rapid Summon Monster VI

EDIT: I just discovered how to do 11d6 damage for 4d4 rounds with a level 1 commoner. Just had to share that, sorry :smalltongue:

2009-08-30, 10:47 PM
EDIT: I just discovered how to do 11d6 damage for 4d4 rounds with a level 1 commoner. Just had to share that, sorry :smalltongue:

Kickass, though I wonder how you managed to break out of your own stunning, not being able to take actions and such.


Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:48 PM
Paralysis, I keep telling you.

EDIT: Lol, can I go?

2009-08-30, 10:51 PM
I suppose so.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:55 PM
Carra casts a spell on one of a chain devil's chains, and he moves forward to strike, the tigers moving out of the way.

Cast GMW, Kyton coup de graces

Damage [roll0]
Fortitude Save DC 26 vs death.

End Turn.

2009-08-30, 10:57 PM
Immune to Crits, therefore immune to coup-killing. Reroll, please.

Also, I'm guessing you've negated my incorporeal miss chance?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 10:57 PM


Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:00 PM
No, I forgot about that, I only made his weapon magical...

Miss Chance [roll0], 2 misses

2009-08-30, 11:01 PM
Hit goes through, and I go through my final turn of not doing anything. Am I unparalyzed after your turn, or once I finish mine?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:03 PM
After mine.

I cast spell theft again :smallamused:

Heart of Fire [roll0]
HoAir [roll1]
Greater Mage Armor [roll2]
Forceward [roll3] STOLEN
Expeditious Retreat [roll4] STOLEN
Greater Invisibility [roll5]
True Seeing (as per scout's headband) [roll6]

Turn not done yet.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:07 PM
The Chain devil attacks you again.

Miss Chance [roll0], 2 misses
Damage [roll1]

Your turn.

2009-08-30, 11:11 PM
The ghost glares at her captor, and speaks a single word. Drown.

[roll0] Concentration vs DC 18

Fort Save, pooling my spin to boost the DC to 27.

That being done, she phases underground. AoOs ahoy ahoy.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:15 PM
You are so going to hate me for this...I took Heart of Water. I can now breathe water. Drown has no effect.

And, just so you know, if you try to approach within 15ft of me, you have to save against your own forceward.

Where are you exactly?

Chain Devil
Attack [roll0]
Miss Chance [roll1], 2 misses
Damage [roll2]

2009-08-30, 11:16 PM
Still going to need the fort save anyway.

Miss, and the same square I started in, but 15 feet down.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:18 PM

Ooh, fatespinner, Ive been meaning to make one of those...actually, heh, Im probably going to update Carra to have levels in Fatespinner, she has extra levels in Sorcerer that she doesnt need :smalltongue:

2009-08-30, 11:19 PM
Fatespinner sez rerollz it.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:20 PM

2009-08-30, 11:22 PM
Yay, your lungs fill with water (which you can breathe). You'll get a fort save every 2 rounds after the first to try and expel it.

Go ahead.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:28 PM

Carra casts Greater Magic Weapon on the weapon of the other chain devil. They ready actions to attack if the sorceress comes back up.

End turn.

2009-08-30, 11:32 PM
Cast Arcane Fusion, Psychic Poison + Expeditious Retreat

Five foot up a square. Done.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:36 PM
This is annoying...

Cast Haste. Chain devils ready their attacks as before, 5ft stepping to K4 and K8.

End turn.

2009-08-30, 11:38 PM
Fine fine fine. >>

I come up topside at L8 then.

I assume you've readied something, so feel free to interject.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:42 PM
We need the map again:


The two chain devils stand ready (K4 and K8), and both attack you twice.

Chain [roll0]
Miss Chance [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Chain [roll3]
Miss Chance [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Chain [roll6]
Miss Chance [roll7]
Damage [roll8]
Chain [roll9]
Miss Chance [roll10]
Damage [roll11]

2009-08-30, 11:43 PM
AC 37. No dice.

Let's try defensing [roll0] a targeted greater dispel on you, provided that you're in sight.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:47 PM
Greater Mage Armor (CL 12)
Shield of Faith (CL 18)
Barkskin (CL 12)
Haste (CL 12)
Heart of Water (CL 13)
Expeditious Retreat (CL 13)
Psychic Poison (CL 13)
Forceward (CL 13)

2009-08-30, 11:50 PM
Greater Mage Armor (CL 12) [roll0]
Shield of Faith (CL 18) [roll1]
Barkskin (CL 12) [roll2]
Haste (CL 12) [roll3]
Heart of Water (CL 13) [roll4]
Expeditious Retreat (CL 13) [roll5]
Psychic Poison (CL 13) [roll6]
Forceward (CL 13) [roll7]

It would figure I miss the one spell I actually want to dispel.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:51 PM
Noted. End turn?

2009-08-30, 11:52 PM
Yup. I think you missed a fort save a turn back.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:53 PM
Oh, right:

Fortitude [roll0] vs DC 27

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-30, 11:55 PM
First of all: Spell Theft! I love playing a sorcerer!

Heart of Fire
Greater Mage Armor
Greater Invisibility
True Seeing (as per scout's headband)

Any other buffs that you cast while underground?

2009-08-30, 11:58 PM
So do I! Wings of Cover. That works, right?

I actually meant that I casted wings of cover in response. >>

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:01 AM
Heart of Fire [roll0]
HoAir [roll1] STOLEN
Greater Mage Armor [roll2]
Greater Invisibility [roll3]
True Seeing (as per scout's headband) [roll4] STOLEN?
Wings of Cover [roll5] STOLEN

Lol, I realized that as I was reading to determine what wings of cover actually did :smallsmile:

Um...you are creating a magical effect to try and stop a spell that steals magical effects...I dont know...

EDIT: I finished reading the description, and it says that I can take another action, as long as my first attack this turn does not directly target you.

That correct?

2009-08-31, 12:06 AM
I'm supposedly blocking Line of Effect, but it says against a spell 'attack', which I don't think Spell Theft qualifies as. Regardless, my underground buffs are Psychic Poison and Expeditious Retreat.

2009-08-31, 12:06 AM
Yeah, the Wings of Cover breaks LoE, making it so the Spell Theft never hits him and is wasted.

EDIT: It works, because the spell functions against any targeted effect.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:07 AM
See my edit above.

2009-08-31, 12:09 AM
Sure. Looks like it works.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:11 AM
Carra casts mirror image instead, gaining [roll0] images

Now I still have a swift action and a move action, which I can use to target you, and my allies can attack, correct?

2009-08-31, 12:12 AM
Yes and yes. WoC only works for one effect. I'm fair game for the rest.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:15 AM
Ok, the chain devils move 20ft back and ready an action to charge after I finish my turn.

Carra moves directly up to you and casts Quickened Ghoul Glyph again. [roll0] rounds of paralysis.

Then the chain devils charge.

Attack [roll1]
Miss Chance [roll2], 2 misses
Damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Miss Chance [roll5], 2 misses
Damage [roll6]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:16 AM
And make a Fortitude save DC 20 vs stench.

Carra [roll0]

2009-08-31, 12:17 AM
That spell is getting to be quite annoying.

If I'm not somehow dead in 8 rounds, I'll be shocked.


2009-08-31, 12:18 AM
[roll0] Fortitude

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:21 AM
Yay, no stench.

My turn.

Carra thinks for a second and then says, "Y'know, sometimes, believe it or not, brute force is acutally the best option. Magic Missile."

Magic Missile [roll0]

The chain devils continue their haste driven rampage.

Attack [roll1]
Miss Chance [roll2], 2 misses
Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Miss Chance [roll5], 2 misses
Damage [roll6]

Attack [roll7]
Miss Chance [roll8], 2 misses
Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10]
Miss Chance [roll11], 2 misses
Damage [roll12]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:22 AM
Critical conformation [roll0]
Extra Damage [roll1]

2009-08-31, 12:24 AM
39 points from that round. Ouch.

Funny how Forceward only stops force effects from shooting in, but not shooting out. Selectively permeable ward, more like.

Also: Immune to crits.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:26 AM
New turn.

"Its also funny. You can probably feel that you will be paralyzed for a total of almost 50 seconds. Do you know how long it takes me to cast all of my daily magic missiles? Magic Missile."

MM [roll0]

More chain devils!

Attack [roll1]
Miss Chance [roll2], 2 misses
Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Miss Chance [roll5], 2 misses
Damage [roll6]

Attack [roll7]
Miss Chance [roll8], 2 misses
Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10]
Miss Chance [roll11], 2 misses
Damage [roll12]

Utter incorporeal fail.

2009-08-31, 12:31 AM
The magic missiles are enough to off me.

Note to self: Prevent Spell Theft. No exceptions. Not only did it stop you from drowning, but also stripped me of a ghost's most useful spell.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:36 AM
That was an awesome fight, despite you near negating half my class features.

And the two times Ive lost with spellcasters have been because I have been hit by spelltheft, had them roll exceptionally well, often knocking off my Superior Resistance and my Conviction...and then hitting me with a feeblemind. Its my all time favorite spell.

2009-08-31, 12:37 AM
I'm half-tempted to start packing scrolls of Spell Turning.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-08-31, 12:37 AM
That was one of the Spell Thefts...my own, reflected back at me :smalltongue: