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2009-08-31, 08:06 PM
Thalnawr vs Zipding

A towering figure in a dark robe enters the room where you have been milling around sizing up the competition. His face is completely obscured by his hood. He raises both hands to get your attention and speaks in a deep voice.
Aiden, Khut. You have been chosen to fight. Prepare yourselves! With that he brings his hands down and the two of you find yourself transported to the arena (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApEXHV4ipcTcdFR0QVhjbzRsV3lMNEpfWUFudlROO Hc&hl=en)

You've got time for one swift action and one standard action before you get transported in case you need to adopt a stance or activate an item.

On the map, light green is open terrain, grey is difficult terrain, red/brown is the cliffs (10ft, Climb DC20, blocks LoS), orange is the cliffs (20ft, Climb DC20, block LoS), red is the cliffs (30ft, Climb DC20, block LoS), dark green is the forest (difficult terrain, can hide in here) and blue is the water (10ft, Swim DC10). Arena has a 60 foot ceiling.

Opening post should have an initiative roll, anything you said after he called your name and what, if anything you did with the 'surprise round' before being transported. After that, start fighting in initiative order.

Aiden is in Y17 and cannot see Khut

Khut is in V54 and cannot see Aiden

2009-08-31, 08:12 PM
Khut, Prep Round
"Well, a simple humanoid? This will be interesting."
Swift Action: Activate Giant's Stance
Standard Action: Enlarge Person

2009-08-31, 08:13 PM
Oops, forgot Init:

2009-08-31, 08:48 PM
Aidan Prep Round:
"Simple! Why you arrogant bastard!"
Swift Action: Activate Absolute Steel stance
Standard Action: Activate Ring of Invisibility (not that it matters with your Mindsight)
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-08-31, 08:51 PM
OOC: Looks like I have the initiative.

Actions, Round 1:
Full Round Action: Gain Psychic Focus (DC 20 Concentration) [roll0]
Free Action: Manifest Mind Blade

2009-08-31, 08:54 PM
Khut, Round 1
Khut looks around for a moment, then moves around the corner, following Aidan's thoughts. He moves at full speed.
Move Action: Move to Z43

2009-08-31, 09:18 PM
Actions, Round 2:
"A giant? Or something? I don't know or care.
You hear me you arrogant thing? I don't care what you are!"
Move Action: Charge Mindblade with Psychic Strike (+3d8 damage on next hit)
Standard Action: wait for the inevitable (nothing)

2009-08-31, 09:20 PM
You moved right? What square are you in?

2009-08-31, 09:29 PM
Oh, no, I haven't moved at all. I'm still in Y17.

2009-08-31, 09:41 PM
Khut, Round 2
Khut moves forward, but is flying over the terrain.
Move Action: Move to Z31.
"You think I'm arrogant? How dare you."

2009-08-31, 10:05 PM
Actions, Round 3:
Swift Action: Use Dual Stance to enter Stance of Clarity
Move Action: Move to Z25
Standard Action: Initiate Lightning Throw (30 foot line attack)
Attack Roll: [roll0] (This is the Reflex save DC for half damage)
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4]
After this, the Mindblade returns to my hand.

2009-08-31, 10:14 PM
Khut, Round 3
"What was that? Now, meet your end!"
Swift Action: Use Distracting Ember
Standard Action: Use Ancient Mountain Hammer
Attack: Charge to Z27, Leap Attack the last 10ft, use Storm Trooper full Power Attack
[roll0] Add 1, I've already accounted for that on my character sheet
Crit Confirm(if needed)[roll1]
Damage:[roll2] plus [roll3] plus [roll4]
My AC is now 9, I also heal 2, DC 17 Will save or be paralyzed for 10 rounds

2009-08-31, 10:31 PM
Umm, I'm pretty sure you can't combine a full round action (Charge) and a standard action (Ancient Mountain Hammer). At the very least, you're unable to use Giant's Stance on any round you move more than 5 feet, as per the description of the stance. Also, if you're already Large from the Enlarge Person effect, the stance has no effect.

While in this stance, you deal damage as if you were one size larger than normal, to a maximum of Large.

This stance immediately ends if you move more than 5 feet for any reason, such as from a bull rush attack, a telekinesis spell, and so forth.

If you want to change your ready stance from the beginning of the combat, I'll let it slide.

I'll leave you to re-think your last round's actions.

2009-08-31, 10:36 PM
Okay then, no AMH, no Giant's Stance
Instead of Giant's Stance, Leaping Dragon Stance
Damage[roll0] and [roll1]
DC 17 Will save or be paralyzed, I heal the 1d6 damage. I'll keep the same actions above with the rolls and Distracting Ember

2009-08-31, 10:54 PM
Works for me. Are these supposed to be 10 foot squares, or normal 5 foot squares? I assumed 5 foot, because it wasn't explicitly stated otherwise.

Immediate Action: Counter Charge (opposed Dex check, with +4 bonus for me due to your size) [roll0]
If I win the opposed check, then I'll move you 10 feet away to X25 and not take the above damage.
If I lose, then Will Save DC 17 [roll1]
And it looks like if I lose the opposed check, I'll be paralyzed. Lucky me.

2009-08-31, 10:56 PM
Okay then
Dex check[roll0] These are 5 foot squares. Darn, looks like you don't take 128 points of damage

2009-08-31, 11:08 PM
"Too quick for that, whatever you are."

Actions, Round 4:
Move Action: Tumble to X24 (to avoid Attack of Opportunity from Reach) DC 17 or 20, depending on terrain difficulty of grey terrain [roll0]
Standard Action: Initiate Divine Surge (+8d8 damage) and expend Psionic Focus for Psionic Weapon (+2d6 damage)
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5]
Swift Action: If the maneuver hits, use Instant Clarity to regain Focus (DC 20 Concentration check) [roll6]

2009-08-31, 11:11 PM
Khut, Round 4
"I am a Janni. If you are insolent enough to not call me that, then I shall end you!"
Now I use Ancient Mountain Hammer
Crit Confrim(if needed)[roll1]
Damage[roll2] plus [roll3] plus [roll4]
I heal the 1d6

2009-08-31, 11:28 PM
Will Save (DC 17) I assume from the Paralyzing weapon? [roll0]

If Successful, then continuing right along.

"Is a Janni something that means arrogant, self-righteous bastard? Simple humanoid indeed... As if anything in this arena is simple."

Actions, Round 5:
Full Attack, refreshing used Maneuvers
Attack 1: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5] + [roll6]
Attack 3: [roll7] Damage: [roll8] + [roll9]

2009-08-31, 11:30 PM
Awesome, yet again boned by Paralysis. Unless it's not triggered by normal melee strikes?

2009-08-31, 11:33 PM
Paralysis is 1/day:smallredface: Also, I am exactly at 0, but I can still fight YAY for Diehard.

2009-08-31, 11:35 PM
Does it go off on the first time you hit, or does it get expended on the first attack you declare it, hit or miss?

2009-08-31, 11:36 PM
" A Janni is a genie, one not of this plain." He says before crushing Aidan's head in
For Paralyzing, I activate it and the next creature struck by it takes the will save, so, yes, you are paralyzed and I win

From Magic Item Compendium:
When a paralyzing weapon is activated, the next creature struck by the weapon must succeed on a DC17 Will save or be Paralyzed. Each round on its turn, the target can attempt a new saving throw to end the effect; otherwise, the paralysis lasts for 10 rounds. A paralyzing weapon functions once per day.

2009-08-31, 11:45 PM
What is Aidan's AC? I might have hit you when I used AMH

2009-08-31, 11:48 PM
That was a good fight. It was really close, it was also the first fight I have won with any character in this arena, in both practice and official fights

2009-08-31, 11:51 PM
"You called me arrogant and a bastard. Look who still stands. You're worse than simple, you're pathetic." Three guesses, without looking, what Khut's alignment is?

2009-08-31, 11:51 PM
Yeah, the Ancient Mountain Hammer hit, and the roll was too high for me to Wall of Blades counter away. Aidan is quite a bit on the weak side, compared to the blatant level adjusted cheese of most contenders. Hopefully, the weretiger thing I've got will be more up to the challenge, once it's approved.

2009-08-31, 11:52 PM
Umm, Lawful Evil?

2009-09-01, 12:02 AM
You're right. He is LE. I've also created a half-fiend who is CE. In all honesty, my first character for this was a human dragon shaman/knight. After seeing the fights and the power everyone else had, I changed him to a Janni Warblade/Swordsage. He still is weaker than other characters.

2009-09-01, 12:29 AM
Yeah, the Ancient Mountain Hammer hit, and the roll was too high for me to Wall of Blades counter away. Aidan is quite a bit on the weak side, compared to the blatant level adjusted cheese of most contenders. Hopefully, the weretiger thing I've got will be more up to the challenge, once it's approved.

Alya is LA +0 :smallsmile:

*sneaks out of the thread*