View Full Version : What Would You Do If You Were Trapped in the OoTS Universe?

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 08:16 PM
Long time comic reader, first time poster with a question that's been on my mind. The title says it all, if for some reason you were to suddenly find yourself in the OoTS universe, what would you do? Would you try to get back to Earth, or stay there? Would you seek to warn the Order about what the villains are up too, or would you inform Team Evil of what are heroes are doing? Basically the choice is yours to do what ever when suddenly finding yourself in world of magic.

Personally I would try to seek a way to Roy and his team about some of the facts they don't know, like the fact the Liner Guild is headed their way. After this, if successful and they don't try to kill me for thinking I'm an enemy plant, I would then try to find a way back to Earth. This is because I would not want to hang around in a world that has a high chance of ending in nothingness soon. But before I left I would try to get some of the more interesting scrolls and spells. Nothing says fun at parties like Explosive Runes! http://www.giantitp.com/forums/images/smilies/smallstick/smallbiggrin.gif

[TS] Shadow
2009-09-01, 08:19 PM
If I were trapped in the OotS universe, I'd escape into the real world through the broken 4th wall. Easy.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 08:28 PM
Shadow;6843901']If I were trapped in the OotS universe, I'd escape into the real world through the broken 4th wall. Easy.

It's so crazy it just might work!

2009-09-01, 08:31 PM
If I found myself on OOTS world, I would first find the obligatory wise, ancient, and black man (probably Morgan Freeman) and the venerable master on top of the highest mountain, who simultaneously lives in the afterlife.

Then, I would use my modern-world knowledge to start mass-production and magic exploitation, making myself ridiculous amounts of money.

I would then help the OOTS with intel and such. Also, I would find someone to train me past Commoner X, probably into Wizard or Sorceror, also grabbing healing abilities.

Then, as previously mentioned, I would stroll right out the 4th wall back to Earth.

2009-09-01, 08:36 PM
I would train to be an adventurer and help the OOTS however i could. I don't know if i would try to get back, but i would send sending spells to my friends and family so they would know i'm ok (can sending go across planes?). But i think it would be cool to live there, especially since you know there's an afterlife...

2009-09-01, 08:41 PM
OPTIMIZE! EXPLOIT! ABUSE! These would be my FIRST actions.

2009-09-01, 08:53 PM
My first priority would be to determine if OoTS-world females are hot when you're also two-dimensional. The outcome would determine if I tried to get back or not. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-01, 08:56 PM
Peasant Rail Cannon.

Seriously... stat myself as a Beguiler. Pretty much solves all problems related to living in a civilian population. Then with a mixture of cunning tricks, economics and exploiting the ladder/10footpole bug for laughs build myself enough wealth and influence to take over some small but resource-wealthy corner of the world. Leave the OotS and Team Evil to get on with it.

EDIT: It should be noted that returning to my universe of origin was not even considered for the slightest moment. Now that it has been I can catagorically say: Not on my watch, pigtails.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 08:58 PM
OPTIMIZE! EXPLOIT! ABUSE! These would be my FIRST actions.

And they say altruism is dead.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-01, 09:00 PM
depends. would I be me or could I be my drow warblade?

If I was me I'd probably try and get out.

If I was my Drow warblade probably not. I'd probably try and help the order if I encountered them.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 09:06 PM
depends. would I be me or could I be my drow warblade?

If I was me I'd probably try and get out.

If I was my Drow warblade probably not. I'd probably try and help the order if I encountered them.

Hmm, I guess that makes all the difference. I would agree, If I was my regular self I would try to get out. If not possible I would at least try to arm myself and pick a class, because living as an NPC is rough in the OOST world.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-01, 09:08 PM
Hmm, I guess that makes all the difference. I would agree, If I was my regular self I would try to get out. If not possible I would at least try to arm myself and pick a class, because living as an NPC is rough in the OOST world.

It really does. There's a very large difference between the level ten gnome wizard and the level one human commoner.

2009-09-01, 09:08 PM
And they say altruism is dead.

Whats truly sad is the fact that I had to go and look that word up...

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 09:15 PM
In fact, now that I think of it, the very act of trying to get back to Earth would take a lot of work. I mean you would have to take a class, such as wizard, to survive in the world, so you could then go look for a way to leave. You would most likely have to team up with others and level up, all the while trying to search for the way home. Realistically it could take several years, if not a whole decade, to get back to Earth.

I guess it all boils down to how much you like living on Earth.

2009-09-01, 09:34 PM
Peasant Rail Cannon.

Seriously... stat myself as a Beguiler. Pretty much solves all problems related to living in a civilian population. Then with a mixture of cunning tricks, economics and exploiting the ladder/10footpole bug for laughs build myself enough wealth and influence to take over some small but resource-wealthy corner of the world. Leave the OotS and Team Evil to get on with it.

EDIT: It should be noted that returning to my universe of origin was not even considered for the slightest moment. Now that it has been I can catagorically say: Not on my watch, pigtails.

I'm fairly sure you start out with the most relevant class to your IRL abilities(monk, fighter, and rogue seem to be the most obvious ones that aren't' NPC).

The Recreator
2009-09-01, 09:37 PM
I'm fairly confident that all it would take is a Plane Shift (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planeShift.htm) to get back to Earth - though as a point of interest, you'd want to make sure you're wearing water wings and packing survival gear before you even try it. This is, of course, assuming that you could even find a 9th-level cleric or 13th-level wizard.

As for whether or not I would return to Earth, I dunno. The best option would be two-way travel, most likely with Plane Shift, depending on if someone with that power could use it on Earth (not as likely with clerics who need to request their spells from gods, but hey). I'd probably choose to retire in the OotS universe, since having a definite afterlife waiting for me is a comforting thought.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 09:40 PM
I'm fairly sure you start out with the most relevant class to your IRL abilities(monk, fighter, and rogue seem to be the most obvious ones that aren't' NPC).

I'm not so sure that applies in the OOST universe. In the comics Eugene wanted Roy to be a wizard, but he choose to be a fighter. I think you can make a conscious choice of what class you want to be, unless some one can prove me wrong.

2009-09-01, 09:41 PM
learn to become a bad ass ninja/sorcerer...that would be soooo cool and I bet someone in that world could teach me:smallcool:

Mystic Muse
2009-09-01, 10:05 PM
modified only LA+1 drow warblade for me.

2009-09-01, 10:35 PM
But... but... If I ended up in the OotS world, what would I do without my nose!? How would I smell?

wait for it...

2009-09-01, 10:44 PM
But... but... If I ended up in the OotS world, what would I do without my nose!? How would I smell?

wait for it...


(I live to serve)

2009-09-01, 10:52 PM
Find out where Xykon was so I could make sure I was on the other side of the planet.

2009-09-01, 10:57 PM
I'm not so sure that applies in the OOST universe. In the comics Eugene wanted Roy to be a wizard, but he choose to be a fighter. I think you can make a conscious choice of what class you want to be, unless some one can prove me wrong.

Yes, but that's roy TRAINING to be a Fighter. A kid who goes off to a specific college to learn something and reaps the bonuses is a bit different than somebody with no experience in magic suddenly knowing how to throw around any spells instantly.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-01, 11:19 PM
Yes, but that's roy TRAINING to be a Fighter. A kid who goes off to a specific college to learn something and reaps the bonuses is a bit different than somebody with no experience in magic suddenly knowing how to throw around any spells instantly.

I don't think I said that a person, dumped into a world such as OOST, would instantly know magic. What I got from your original post was that a persons class was set in stone, at least that's how I interpreted it. What I was saying based on that is that if a person from Earth was sent to the world where OOST occurs, they could then choose to pick a class, if they so wanted too. They then could go through the whole experience of learning, leveling up, etc. The only way a person could have magical abilities from the start is if they were a sorcerer, like Xykon.

2009-09-01, 11:47 PM
Well, I would be an NPC, so I would bribe the DM to just go ahead and make me a half-dragon half-drow epic level wizard/cleric/mystic theurge ex-monk and then just go with the flow...

Mugen Nightgale
2009-09-01, 11:53 PM
I'd roll a druid and kill em all!!!

Nah seriously I'd get a class and have my fun with it. And when I was high lvl enough I'd help the Order.

2009-09-02, 12:01 AM
Rejoice. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-02, 08:40 AM
I would get bitten by a werebear, and then go on a spree infecting as many demihumans, humanoids and giants as possible. Hopefully this would eventually end the war between demihumans and humanoids as everybody would be Lawful Good, and 'related' as a lycanthropic family.
Without the wars, population would (probably) grow at an unchecked rate for a while (as it takes generations for people to reduce family sizes) so try and persuade a Druid to cast Awaken (or a Wizard/Sorcerer to duplicate Awaken with Limited Wish) on a blackberry bush. Ideally, a Forest Gnome using Enhance and/or Maximize Feats. If the Awakened bush can be introduced to a friendly Celestial Bee, then we'd end up with a race of 20HD half-celestial blackberry bushes who regard you eating their fruit as free child care. Imagine hundred of square miles of blackberry bushes, and you'll how I'd be arranging for cities to be defended and fed.
Things get complicated after that though.....

2009-09-02, 08:44 AM
If I got to be the wizard that you can see in my sig, I would stay. If not, I would try to leave.

2009-09-02, 09:25 AM
I'd just try adventuring. I'd also probably find myself some suitable instructor to become some PC. Considering my RL stats, I'd be better as a boring sorcerer.

2009-09-02, 09:38 AM
Same, start my own adventure. Maybe wizard. Yeah, few levels of conjurer under wing and then multiclass to the cleric and then...

King of Nowhere
2009-09-02, 10:13 AM
I suppose if one of us were in the ootsworld he wouldn't have class levels, yet mass school would give us all a few expert level.
I'd try to do my best with these. I'l try to "invent" something from our world. Really, being an adventurer means that you almost always end up killed in the low levels. It's not of much use if you are a real person and don't have a DM that puts you against level appropriate stuff, trying to not kill you.

2009-09-02, 10:20 AM
Start a religion.

What easier way to gain power than to get other people to worship a god you've invented, since the more who worship, the more power the god has? It's got to be better than the life of an adventurer. In fact, eventually I'd have adventurers working for me!

But what religion? I'd be inclined to import Buddhism since after all gaming is just a pleasing illusion.

2009-09-02, 10:23 AM
Considering that I study medieval literature and write I think I alredy have a bard level. So I'd try to earn experience to get some spells, level up, adventure, and then Plane Shift back to this world with my magic. Life will be really easy with Sugestion.

2009-09-02, 11:11 AM
I'd take levels in Wizard, and arm myself with the 3.0 Supplement Chronomancy.

Or, if that doesn't exist in OotSverse, i'd just head towards the closest source of immortality. Preferably one that wouldn't result in attacks by hordes of adventurers. But it'd be fun to be a lich or worm that walks.

Do we have to start out as ourselves? If we do, do we have our knowledge of the D&D rules that we possess in this life?

If not, then i'd start out as a race that is already immortal. Preferably an Ethergaunt, black variety.

2009-09-02, 11:13 AM
I'd use old 2.0 material to become a chronomancer and change time, trying to prevent all suffering in the world, by destroying the world before it could actually begin.

2009-09-02, 11:43 AM
I would take levels in monk and then the Drunken Master prestige class.. ^^

2009-09-02, 11:47 AM
Start a religion.

What easier way to gain power than to get other people to worship a god you've invented, since the more who worship, the more power the god has? It's got to be better than the life of an adventurer. In fact, eventually I'd have adventurers working for me!

But what religion? I'd be inclined to import Buddhism since after all gaming is just a pleasing illusion.

Drat, you got there first. Being able to invent your own deity, who then gets powers as a deity, is just sheer awesome. The tricky part would be persuading some charismatic types to act as missionaries... meh, I'll just include beer in the divine portfolio, buy some Bards a few beers and set them loose. Who knows, maybe I'll make a Ronson (http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Gods_of_ArrKelaan/) clone...

2009-09-02, 11:52 AM
Panic and probably die.

2009-09-02, 12:04 PM
Trapped? It's a gift!

I'd be a druid. Or a psion. Haven't decided yet.

David Argall
2009-09-02, 12:16 PM
Now our original poster seems to have in mind something like "You see a book with a large sign saying 'Do Not Open!'. You open it. Suddenly you are somewhere else completely different..."

Now under such conditions, I would try to shut the book, which is likely no longer there either. Then I would search for ways to get back. Those with other ideas had best consult the list of dead characters in this story. Lives in the OOTS world tend to be nasty, brutish, and short. I am not about to give up a life of safety and relative luxury for the one in a zillion chance of being the lucky one who prospers in such a world.

Assuming I am stuck there, I need to look into a way to make a living. And while I, or most any other modern, knows a number of facts that could be highly useful in making a fortune, we normally only know about half or less of the facts needed. [We can all operate a computer, but building one? For many of us, the computer is essentially just a box.] And of course I do not know all of the facts that members of the society routinely know. So there is a very good chance I end up doing manual labor for minimum wage.

I'll try to avoid living in such a world if I can.

2009-09-02, 02:32 PM
Now our original poster seems to have in mind something like "You see a book with a large sign saying 'Do Not Open!'. You open it. Suddenly you are somewhere else completely different..."

Now under such conditions, I would try to shut the book, which is likely no longer there either. Then I would search for ways to get back. Those with other ideas had best consult the list of dead characters in this story. Lives in the OOTS world tend to be nasty, brutish, and short. I am not about to give up a life of safety and relative luxury for the one in a zillion chance of being the lucky one who prospers in such a world.

Assuming I am stuck there, I need to look into a way to make a living. And while I, or most any other modern, knows a number of facts that could be highly useful in making a fortune, we normally only know about half or less of the facts needed. [We can all operate a computer, but building one? For many of us, the computer is essentially just a box.] And of course I do not know all of the facts that members of the society routinely know. So there is a very good chance I end up doing manual labor for minimum wage.

I'll try to avoid living in such a world if I can.

it seems like you are not prepared

2009-09-02, 02:40 PM
Knowing the universe from the outside, I'd know that I'd not get my happy ending unless I'm one of the main heroes, so as soon as possible I would take some levels in a class that the Order doesn't have (a Psion, or a Paladin, or a Sorcerer who can teleport unlike V) and then meet them and try to persuade them to allow me to join them. Once we together kill Xykon, I get my happy ending - I'd be able to either return to my world either live happily ever after on the Stickworld.

Though I still wonder how a life without a nose would be...

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 02:43 PM
I'd take levels in Wizard, and arm myself with the 3.0 Supplement Chronomancy.

Or, if that doesn't exist in OotSverse, i'd just head towards the closest source of immortality. Preferably one that wouldn't result in attacks by hordes of adventurers. But it'd be fun to be a lich or worm that walks.

Do we have to start out as ourselves? If we do, do we have our knowledge of the D&D rules that we possess in this life?

If not, then i'd start out as a race that is already immortal. Preferably an Ethergaunt, black variety.

I assume you would end up in the OOST Universe as your normal self, but you would most likely still have your knowledge of D&D rules intact.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 02:45 PM
Now our original poster seems to have in mind something like "You see a book with a large sign saying 'Do Not Open!'. You open it. Suddenly you are somewhere else completely different..."

Actually I was thinking about a wormhole suddenly opening up, which is possible, but yeah that's close enough.

2009-09-02, 02:46 PM
...I don't think that word means what you...aw, never mind.

Dark Faun
2009-09-02, 02:47 PM
Resurrect Miko.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 03:06 PM
Resurrect Miko.

I would agree, but also try to get her to be less crazy.

2009-09-02, 03:25 PM
By giving her some Treasure Type O? :smallamused:

Personally I would start taking levels as a wizard and then turn myself into a lich. Simply because I'd be able to.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 03:33 PM
By giving her some Treasure Type O? :smallamused:

What ever it takes man, what ever it takes.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 03:43 PM
You know, I came up with a crazy little scenario about what might cause a person to suddenly appear in the OOST universe.

The breaking of the gates is not only weakening the fabric of their universe, but is also weakening the boundary between our world and theirs. This causes objects and people to be randomly sucked in due to holes opening up in the fabric of reality.

This could even go all the way to having the whole Earth suddenly be sucked into the OOST universe, how crazy would that be? Suddenly having a world based off science and technology encounter a world of magic and might.

This begs the question though, who would be better suited to deal with this, us or them?

Dark Faun
2009-09-02, 03:47 PM
This begs the question though, who would be better suited to deal with this, us or them?
Whoever the DM likes more.

2009-09-02, 03:48 PM
Probably, I would be a pretty good barbarian/bard (I study ancient literature, and I am a bit prone to rage).

Just imagine:
:belkar: : "Bards suck."
Me :mad: : "What? Raging power attack improved unarmed strike with two hands so it is indeed a two handed weapon!"


Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 03:50 PM
Whoever the DM likes more.

:smallfrown: We're doomed...

Earth R.I.P.

4,600,000,000 B.C.- 2009 A.D.

2009-09-02, 03:59 PM
Power. Level.

2009-09-02, 05:30 PM
Not write a wish fufilment fantasy where I am a major mover and shaker. That way leads to Mary Sueisms.

I would instead find a way to get Durkon to manipulate Belkar into doing something really stupid while playing his ego, then do it in such a way that Durkon see's this and kills him. Then I would be satisfied, and break through the fourth wall to laugh about it.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 05:57 PM
Not write a wish fufilment fantasy where I am a major mover and shaker. That way leads to Mary Sueisms.

I would instead find a way to get Durkon to manipulate Belkar into doing something really stupid while playing his ego, then do it in such a way that Durkon see's this and kills him. Then I would be satisfied, and break through the fourth wall to laugh about it.

Too true, too true, I would at least try to help, if possible, but I'm not getting in the middle of this fight. Maybe send them a covert letter.

Zombie Nixon
2009-09-02, 07:53 PM
Take a few levels of cleric and become a lich

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-02, 08:28 PM
Find out where Xykon was so I could make sure I was on the other side of the planet.
Good luck with that. Eugene spent decades searching in vain for Xykon's location, and Roy only found it because he was told by someone who knows the answer to literally everything.

So there is a very good chance I end up doing manual labor for minimum wage.

Panic and probably die.
These two are the only believable answers in this entire thread. :smallamused:

2009-09-02, 09:07 PM
Hmm... If I was able to enter as variants of the class that the tests tell me I am (ranger, so Mystic Wild Shape Ranger) then I'd stay and help Roy and his crew. I'm sure they could find a use for steam engines and explosives :)

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 09:36 PM
You know, I get the feeling that if most of us entered the OOST universe as our normal selves, we would be dead in a few hours. The only way to survive would be if the arbitrary hands of fate decided to give us a class based on our natural abilities, and even then it would be difficult.

2009-09-02, 09:47 PM
If I were trapped in the OOTS universe I would become an elven wizard or sorcerer off-screen then my first act would learn/create the spell Dispel Clothes then cast it on V :smallbiggrin: Though I would probably fail horribly as I'd most likely be only the first level and then Belkar would remove my interal organs and feed them to Mr. Scruffy.

2009-09-02, 09:52 PM
You know, I get the feeling that if most of us entered the OOST universe as our normal selves, we would be dead in a few hours. The only way to survive would be if the arbitrary hands of fate decided to give us a class based on our natural abilities, and even then it would be difficult.

I'm not sure why some people think that we'd all be so doomed. Maybe if we were in a real DnD setting, but OotS seems safe enough presuming, of course, that you end up in a part of the world that does not have any plot going on there. There are no free-ranging monsters in civilized areas, and there seem to be a good variety of populous towns.

My first response would probably involve freaking out, but seeing as I am of at least the right age and gender to be a Magical Girl Trapped in Another World and fairly trope-savvy, I'd probably be okay after a bit. Then, I'd start integrating myself in society, preferably getting some sort of library or book-based job that can upgrade into an apprenticeship with the local wizard. I'd be ready to go back any time after that (even a level of Adept will give me more magic than your average US citizen), but hopefully I could stay long enough to settle down a bit and meet some cute elves. I'd love to try adventuring, though. A little low-level stuff, a few kobolds in caves... yeah...

Alternatively, the nearest high-level wizard would provide a Plane Shift home, free for all Magical Girls Trapped in Another World.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-02, 09:53 PM
If I were trapped in the OOTS universe I would become an elven wizard or sorcerer off-screen then my first act would learn/create the spell Dispel Clothes then cast it on V :smallbiggrin: Though I would probably fail horribly as I'd most likely be only the first level and then Belkar would remove my interal organs and feed them to Mr. Scruffy.

Actually I think Belkar would be as interested in it as you are, since the question of V's gender has plagued him for some time. V and the others, well... hope you lived a full life.

2009-09-02, 10:43 PM
Well I'm apparently a level three Neutral Good cleric with terrible stat allocation, so I'd fit right in.
As I am, well, scream and die.

2009-09-02, 10:48 PM
You know, I get the feeling that if most of us entered the OOST universe as our normal selves, we would be dead in a few hours. The only way to survive would be if the arbitrary hands of fate decided to give us a class based on our natural abilities, and even then it would be difficult.
Actually, we'd have a better chance of survival than if we were dumped on an alternate earth.
For starters, we've what, a 3/4 chance of landing in the ocean. On an earth-like world, we drown. Here though we get a random encounter, with a surpisingly good chance of something that can rescue us - tritons, sea elves, merfolk etc.
The second big killer is disease - we're going into a strange world with no local immunities. Fortunately, there's magical healing, and the option to become a paladin or monk. (A plus for my werebear - immunity to other forms of lycanthropy plus a nice con bonus for normal diseases).
Thirdly, the cast of the strip have a good knowledge of earth culture, so we avoid culture shock, and will find it easier to make friends. (npcs as well - consider the chief of police in cliffport). Even if we can't speak the language, translation spells are pretty common. And we'd be able to 'pay' for this by describing spoilers for episodes of our favourite tv shows that haven't made it to the Oots world yet.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-03, 12:45 AM
These two are the only believable answers in this entire thread. :smallamused:

I think you're underestimating how much I want to be a drow warblade of Eris who finds a magic item that can change people's genders at will.:smallamused: oh the chaos that would ensue. Which of course I'm an advocate of because hello? Drow warblade of Eris.:smallbiggrin:

2009-09-03, 12:50 AM
I think you're underestimating how much I want to be a drow warblade of Eris who finds a magic item that can change people's genders at will.:smallamused:
I think you're overestimating how much wanting to would do any good, if you were trapped in the OotS universe.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-03, 12:51 AM
I think you're overestimating how much wanting to would do any good, if you were trapped in the OotS universe.

you never know.

2009-09-03, 01:01 AM
Die in about three seconds. Most likely by a house cat.

2009-09-03, 05:59 AM
if i was teleported to OOTS world, i would go take some classes, fight some stuff for gold, buy a Sending spell, talk to roy, then pay a wizard to teleport me to roy and friends. then i would cast dispel clothes on V, then explain i'm not hostile, just curious what its gender was:smallamused:. then explain i wanted to join the group, because i have valuable info on the major recurring villans and know several secrets about them that i would spill (blackmail always works) to all friends and family. then i would wish to train to be a wizard under V, because i want to do magic when i get mack home so i can rule the world- i mean, open a chain of superstores of magic items, yeah, thats it...

2009-09-03, 07:18 AM
The first thing I would do is I would continue to kill myself and pay a druid to reincarnate me until I come back as a kobold. And it all goes downhill from there.

2009-09-03, 07:37 AM
i would become a 1st level Bard and become apprentice of Elan xDD
it would be cool!!!
(obviously, my Intelligence would beeven inferior to hims :D

Scarlet Knight
2009-09-03, 07:42 AM
What would I do if I suddenly found myself in the OOTS world?

I'd have to admit that this hobby of mine had finally driven me mad. Totally, stark, raving, mad. Alright, Ma? You were right, OK?!


Mystic Muse
2009-09-03, 09:41 AM
if i was teleported to OOTS world, i would go take some classes, fight some stuff for gold, buy a Sending spell, talk to roy, then pay a wizard to teleport me to roy and friends. then i would cast dispel clothes on V, then explain i'm not hostile, just curious what its gender was:smallamused:. then explain i wanted to join the group, because i have valuable info on the major recurring villans and know several secrets about them that i would spill (blackmail always works) to all friends and family. then i would wish to train to be a wizard under V, because i want to do magic when i get mack home so i can rule the world- i mean, open a chain of superstores of magic items, yeah, thats it...

since none of that actually works on earth you wouldn't be able to use magic to rule the world

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-03, 10:10 AM
since none of that actually works on earth you wouldn't be able to use magic to rule the world

Then it's simple, find a way to drag Earth into the OOST universe, then conquer it.

2009-09-03, 10:34 AM
OPTIMIZE! EXPLOIT! ABUSE! These would be my FIRST actions.

Right there with ya, buddy.

2009-09-04, 03:31 PM
Get a shirt with my name on it.

2009-09-04, 03:41 PM
Become a wizard just to be mocked by all my batman colleagues because I won't be optimizing my build enough.

2009-09-04, 05:22 PM
Absurdist chaotic neutral sorceror living in a tower made from dogs.

2009-09-07, 12:19 AM
Use my modern knowledge to make money (firearms, explosives etc.). Find a Wizard to apprentice to. Gain a few levels of wizard (3), do some adventuring, take 3 levels of cleric then start on mystic theurge. Eventually i'd look into some method of achieving immortality, preferably not involving undeath.

2009-09-07, 01:45 AM
Call on Pazazu, get a wish, go Pun-Pun.

2009-09-08, 12:56 PM
First, let's see what I become using this test: http://www.easydamus.com/character.html

I am...

Lawful Neutral Human Wizard (2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 12

Huh...a Wizard, eh? That's pretty cool...well I'd be a bit confused at first, probably take some time figuring out where I am and what I'm doing. I'd have a little fun with magic, though I assume that wizardry magic only works in a DnD world like the OotS world, so I wouldn't try to smuggle anything magical out (It probably wouldn't work), but hey, I'm level 2, so I might try to at least get a little gold before returning. It'd help me set up my future a bit, for sure.

Assuming that the nonexistent fourth-wall is not easy to pierce (after all, you can only ever travel in 8 cardinal directions), I would try to enlist the aid of some trustworthy adventurers to help me escape the world.

If I did run into the OotS, I would try to convince my party of their trustworthiness and the great deeds they have accomplished *and warn them about Belkar*, before asking them if they might want my assistance, having knowledge of the world from an outsider perspective. If they do, I'd tag along and wish a fond farewell to my group. Otherwise, I would continue onward with my quest to return to my home world. If I encountered any villains, I would try to be savvy and not provoke their wraith, but I would not betray anybody, team nor OotS, for my own skin.

If I ever did manage to get back, I'd want to keep all the stuff I got through my adventure, even if it doesn't work, as souvenirs for my journey.

2009-09-08, 03:00 PM
i would become a 1st level Bard and become apprentice of Elan xDD
it would be cool!!!
(obviously, my Intelligence would beeven inferior to hims :D

I'd acquire a means to polymorph myself, and become Elan's Duck Familiar.

2009-09-08, 03:58 PM
I am a:
Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 19
Charisma- 16

Sorcerer, ok I might stay, if i got a few more levels.

2009-09-08, 04:00 PM
Oh probably try to get into a thieves guild by raping a town, pillaging the horses, and riding off on the women. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-08, 04:03 PM
There's good news, and there's bad news. And they're the same news. As an immigrant from the real world, you're likely either a main character in a spinoff, or an important character for the current subplot. I mean, how many times does an author have a character plane shift in somewhere far distant from and unrelated to the story? (Douglas Adams notwithstanding)

The good part of this is you're definitely not going to be stuck in the endless drudgery of a commoner in a pseudo-medieval setting. Things will be happening to you. The bad part? Well, you've been reading OOTS; lots of those things are bad.

First thing to do is to determine your abilities. Have you become a member of a character class? Has arcane knowledge popped into your brain? Do you now know how to swing a sword, or shoot an arrow, where you didn't before? If so, rejoice, your encyclopedic knowledge of the D&D books is about to pay off!

If you do not seem to have gotten a character class, are you perhaps an unchanged member of the real world, bound by its rules despite being in the OOTS world? Are your boots the same size? Do you appear (to yourself) to be quite three dimensional while others do not? If this is the case, some experimentation to discover advantages and disadvantages of your position might be in order. Be careful, such experimentation might be dangerous.

Next, it's time to look to your base needs. If you've appeared in a prison cell or dungeon, you've probably already been working on escape. Keep looking, but before making a run for it, make sure that cell was keeping you in, and not the rest of the world out. If you're free, a reliable source of food, water, and shelter are what you need. Again, that memorization of the D&D books will help you out here. As will any old pennies you took with you.

Once you've got yourself situated (or at least resigned to 3 hots and a cot in your cell), you need to consider your ultimate goal. Do you want to stay in the OOTS universe, or do you want to go home? This basic choice will motivate you for the rest of your stay, or at least until your on-stage time. Once you've done that, you need to find out a few things

1) Where are the PCs?
2) What do I have, or could I get, that they might want?
3) What do they have which will fulfill MY goal? A Plane Shift Home spell? Or something that assures me a comfortable place in this world, like a bajillion gold pieces (beware of wealth by levels, however!)? (Or maybe BOTH)

That's it for the basics, unless you realize a truly horrible truth: YOU are a PC. If that's the case, you're going to be presented with a quest, a crusade, an opportunity, or the old "offer you can't refuse". And you'll have to take it. If you succeed, you might get home, and you might get your retirement... but there's a darn good chance that all you'll get is a sequel. Good luck, you're going to need it.

2009-09-08, 04:21 PM
It really does. There's a very large difference between the level ten gnome wizard and the level one human commoner.

You're right, the gnome flies farther when you punt them.:smallwink:

I'd stick around see how it worked out for me, if I were my wild elf barbarian, I'd probably...

Well, hell, it actually doesn't make too much difference. Other than, if I were me, I'd find the magic of baking.

2009-09-08, 04:46 PM
I'd wake up screaming...and then quickly forget everything that happened. End left with that feeling of knowing I just had a really weird dream and curse barely being able to remember it. Then I would look over at the alarm clock and curse it for only being three minutes shy of time to get up. I hate mornings.

Rustic Dude
2009-09-08, 05:10 PM
1-Take a few levels in fighter, for example.
2-Beat Goblin Dan(or whatever) and steal his hydra, carrying it in a cart.
3-Break 4th wall.
4-Drive the cart through the broken wall.
5-Sell the inconscius hydra as the solution for hunger in the world.
6-Profit!!! (And a good action, too)

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-08, 06:56 PM
I am a:
Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 19
Charisma- 16

Sorcerer, ok I might stay, if i got a few more levels.

Hmm, Well if were going by the test idea, then I'm ok with what's in my signature. Although my favorite scenario involves something a little more... powerful.

As the person is transported to the OoTS universe they are struck by a bolt of cosmic energy. Instead of dying the person is granted incredible power, like Xykon or Soul Spliced V. But there is a catch, the power is hard to control. The person would not have the knowledge of spells and such, like an average person (Or me, sorry. My knowledge is limited to what I've seen in the comic and various media related to D&D, I'm sorry to say.) Anyway the power also fluctuates due to extreme emotional states, such as fear and anger. The person must find a way to control the power or risk being a walking disaster and being hunted by every PC on the planet. I know it sounds a little out of line, but like I said it would be interesting to see a regular person deal with sudden great power in a D&D themed world such as OoTS

2009-09-08, 08:26 PM
Are you guys kidding me? I would go insane in an instant. I should write that actually.

2009-09-08, 09:01 PM
I would likely first Panic. Then Rage.

After I calmed down, I'd see about finding out my class (likely Monk/Barbarian/Rogue) tweak myself as much as possible, get the best armor I could steal that'd work with my class, pick up a greataxe and set to killing kobolds, work my way up, and use utter ruthlessness to survive where need be, strength + rage + axe where that's not enough.

2009-09-09, 11:53 AM
Mind control Xykon and rule from the backseat. DUH!!!

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-09, 01:08 PM
Mind control Xykon and rule from the backseat. DUH!!!

What would you like on your tombstone?

2009-09-09, 01:14 PM
What would you like on your tombstone?

At least I took Malkar Grumbo with me too. ;)

2009-09-09, 06:31 PM
I'd walk right through the fourth wall back into the real world.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-09, 06:33 PM
At least I took Malkar Grumbo with me too. ;)

Not if I kill myself first! Oh wait... Darn it! :smallfurious:

2009-09-09, 06:44 PM
I'd walk right through the fourth wall back into the real world.

:smallfrown: That's it? You wouldn't do something in stick-verse first, just go back home?

2009-09-09, 08:01 PM
Smart. Most of the people here are posting things that make me picture them appearing very briefly in a "this is why you don't want to get Xykon's attention, kids" strip.

Malkar Grumbo
2009-09-09, 08:18 PM
Smart. Most of the people here are posting things that make me picture them appearing very briefly in a "this is why you don't want to get Xykon's attention, kids" strip.

I know, you don't mess with this guy, unless you're Roy or Soon Kim. I would avoid Xykon like the plague and let the OoTS handle him.

Lycan 01
2009-09-09, 09:06 PM
Disbelief, then nervous breakdown... I've just lost everyone I love, everything that is important to me, and any hope I'll ever have of enjoying a nice life. Once I gather my wits, I'll stagger into the nearest tavern and wait for a bard to show up. I'll then ask him if he could perhaps share some of the secrets of his trade with me...

The way I see it, I'd make a good Bard. I love to make up stories, and I know Beowulf and the Oddyssey pretty well from memory. I've got crap physical abilities, so a combat-centric class is a bad idea. Magic... meh, I'd rather not try it and screw up. :smalleek:

So yeah... I'd look into becoming a bard, and just chill out around taverns and stuff singing and performing in hopes of making money. I've got all the legends and epics I've heard to rely on, various poetry and stories to throw out, and of course lamentations on my own pitiful existance... If the opportunity strikes, I might join a band of travelling performers. Safety in numbers, you know? So I should have a decent flow of gold coming in, if I'm lucky. Time to start looking for a way home...

My best bet is to find a wizard. I'd ask around, and find a skilled Wizard who knows how to Plane Shift. I'll explain my situation to him, and see if returning to Earth is possible. If he says it is, but I'm too poor for it, I'll maybe try and reason with him and say how much he has to gain from going to Earth. If he says it is possible, and I have the money for it, I'm getting the proper materials (raft, fishing gear, oceanic survival stuff in case we land in the ocean/backpack, tent, various survival gear & food in case we pop up on land) and then taking my butt back to earth. If the guy says it will never be possible for me to return home... crap. I'll just have to keep up with the travelling bard deal, maybe look into small time adventuring, and if possible talk to any high level wizards I come across who may be better skilled in Plane Shifting or other possible options of returning home.

So yeah... Personally, I'd like to get home ASAP. If it's going to take me years... then years it shall take.

2009-11-01, 08:49 AM
advance in monk until i was 3rd level, take four more wizard levels to put me at 5, and then take 10 levels of enlightened fist.
When I had enough skills i'd sneek into the OOTS camp, steel belkar's wand of dispel clothing, and then use it on V to find out his gender. I would then watch everyone else in my party yell at him for being gay.
I would then get all my stuff, plane shift to this world go to the nearst alternate reality where i can do magic!, (15th level caster, +2 wizard levels if i'm 20th) and take over the world with zombies!!!

2009-11-01, 08:52 AM
Become a druid and then start working towards one of those prestidge classes that stops your aging process.

2009-11-01, 08:52 AM
Take a level (Or several) in Wizard.

2009-11-01, 10:24 AM
If I was converted to what the DnD class translator says I would be (a low level elven wizard with fairly high intelligence and average other scores) I would find a local higher level wizard and pay for the following sending spell:

Greetings, Roy Greenhilt. I am located x miles to the [direction] of you. I have important information about the gates. Please come here quickly.

If they got the message and came (assuming that this universe was then freed from the bounds of plot and comedy, otherwise Rich would shut down this plot-arc so fast that I would probably cease to exist) I would inform them of various things relating to the IFCC, the Linear Guild, Xykon's current situation, etc. I would also verify my information by telling them about the bits of their lives revealed in the comic, especially the ones that they haven't old anyone (Haley once kissed a girl, Roy trained with his grandfather in the afterlife, Durkon had a fling with Hilga, Vaarsuvius gave up custody of hir children). Assuming I survive this process, I would then advise V to buy some scrolls, Durkon to take a prestige class, and Belkar to be careful. I would then wish them luck and look from the fourth wall, which might (ironically) have repaired itself in this alternate Oots. If they insisted I come with them, I might actually level quickly (assuming I survive the first battle) due to my low level and the high power level of their foes.

If I was myself, I would simply attempt to get out ASAP.

2009-11-01, 10:33 AM
When I had enough skills i'd sneek into the OOTS camp, steel belkar's wand of dispel clothing, and then use it on V to find out his gender.

Not the best idea. Remember what happened to the LAST being to see V naked

http://www.giantitp.com/comics/GuestStrips.html (9th comic)

2009-11-01, 10:36 AM
Not the best idea. Remember what happened to the LAST being to see V naked

http://www.giantitp.com/comics/GuestStrips.html (9th comic)

I'm amazed that

1) Someone would make this a priority in a world of high (ish) fantasy.

2) They think they would survive V's retaliation. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0595.html)

and 3) They think that they would be in a position to sneak into camp past Roy in the first place. They'd probably end up at a chew toy for Mr. Scruffy.

Mercenary Pen
2009-11-01, 11:02 AM
Take levels of expert and try to keep a low profile.

Allan Surgite
2009-11-01, 12:08 PM
Attract Xykon's attention with a stupid plan like everyone else in this topic who suggested that.

Depends on what I'd be taken in as. Since I'd go in as an NPC, no doubt, I'd roll over and wait to be curbstomped by a PC. If I was made a PC, I'd take as many levels in an arcane class as quickly as possible.

Then attract Xykon's attention with a stupid plan etc.

2009-11-01, 12:27 PM
I would avoid Order of the Stick! Why? Because if I'll meet them, I maybe won't have enough time to tell Belkar that he's my favorite character before he kills me!

2009-11-01, 02:19 PM
Well, I'm apparently a Bard with fairly decent stats. Hooray?

I wouldn't really want to be an adventurer. I'd get a job in a library, settle down with someone who was never an adventurer or relative of a major NPC, become just another anonymous NPC. Seems to me that I'd lead a pretty good life that way.

Bliu Skye
2009-11-01, 02:32 PM
If I did meet the Order, all I would want to do is...talk.
I had a dream once where I got to meet the Order. It would be amazing to do that if I were awake.
Trust me, this time I won't make a distasteful joke about the general stupidity of fighters in front of Roy this time. :smallbiggrin:

Berserk Monk
2009-11-01, 02:34 PM
Personally I would try to seek a way to Roy and his team about some of the facts they don't know, like the fact the Liner Guild is headed their way.

I thought Nale and crew were focusing on the gates right now?

2009-11-01, 02:41 PM
Refresh myself on the rules for study, then become a Cleric from (technically I'm a 3rd level cleric with very good stats ). Then hunt down and kill Belkar while he's sleeping.

Berserk Monk
2009-11-01, 02:42 PM
Refresh myself on the rules for study, then become a Crusader from Tome of battle. Then hunt down and kill Belkar while he's sleeping.

I'd find Belkar, warn him about your plan, and agree to guard him while he sleeps.

2009-11-01, 02:42 PM
OPTIMIZE! EXPLOIT! ABUSE! These would be my FIRST actions.

This. A thousand times this. Followed by much leveling and gaining of power.

2009-11-01, 02:44 PM
I'd wait till he stabs you in a fit of pique, forgets it (Oooooh, shiny), due to his chronic case of ADD, then kill him.

2009-11-01, 02:47 PM
Do I have to be Human? If not, then I would be a kobold, then take a level of Divine Minion, then one of Wizard, then three of Master of Many Forms...

The Succubus
2009-11-01, 03:05 PM
I think, if I were to become a character in OoTSiverse, I would have Water-Smurf write a lovely piece of crack fiction about my character. <3

.....and have every concievable warding spell to prevent The Dark Fiddler doing the same. :smalleek:

2009-11-01, 03:15 PM
I'd take Elan's advice and go straight to Bard Camp (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0126.html)!

(And then spend the rest of the adventure telling stories about 'this one time, at Bard Camp...')

2009-11-01, 04:05 PM
If I was myself, I'd probably hang around a town for a bit to gawk at the Order and go into a silent fangirl coma, then start screwing with their heads by acting like I'm an Oracle (I'd know stuff about their past and future that no one in-universe would know, so it'd be easy), and then, once I've had my fun, I'd probably try getting back out to our world through the fourth wall.

If I actually put there before the story began as someone who actually fit into the world (it would be so cool if I was a renegade drow! But life would probably be much easier as an elf or a human), I'd probably try to build up some magic prowess and then maybe try to warn Right-Eye to try to get through to his brother before the fiasco with the paladins happens, preferably before Reddy and Right-Eye get involved with Xykon at all. Sure, it'd make for a less interesting story in the OotSverse, but it'd also make for a less tragic one. If I was too late for that, I would still try to warn people about the things that will happen (maybe mention to Shojo to look out about Miko, maybe urge him to extend a hand to the goblins, give Hinjo some hints about the battle). I don't think that I would actually join the Order, though. I'd be the youngest and least mentally prepared there. I would flip out over my first battle and after the first few weeks of travel, and somehow, I don't think that any of them would have the patience to deal with that. I'm a writer, not an adventurer.

2009-11-01, 04:06 PM
1: Try to become epic level (Will take lots of adventuring and extreme paranoia and power-gaming)
2: Look into ways of permanently changing myself into a dragon.
3: Turn into a chromatic dragon.
4: Use my power gamer skillz to murder any adventurer that comes my way.
5: Establish a power base.
6: Start working towards draconic supremacy.
7: Work my way up.
8: ????

If this does not work i just improvise.

And regarding Xykon.

Plan A: Avoid him.

Plan B: Join him and then be conveniently absent during the final battle between the order and team evil (Good thing that evil is always recruiting)

Plan C: Rob him of the pleasure he gets from battle by refusing to fight back.
No fun to kill something if it won't even try to defend itself.

2009-11-01, 06:27 PM

I'm now living in a giant game of D&D, but (almost) without rules lawyers.

Could it get any better?

2009-11-01, 06:31 PM
Seriously, the BEST thing to do in any DnD universe is to power-game and then go pwn some n00b for the l00t. And camp dragon lairs for 3p1c dr0p.

(Just kidding. I don't play WoW).

2009-11-01, 06:54 PM
If I was me I'd try and become a wizard, or a fighter, find people I cared about and protect them with what powers I could accumulate.

If I was a character of mine... would it be one of my choice? Probably my wizard-druid and then I'd scry on the Order for a while, and come in when I deemed it necessary. Although I'm pretty sure my wizard-druid would have a better plan than I do.

2009-11-01, 07:14 PM
Point taken.
As myself, not much. I'm reasonably fit, but I'm not adventure material.

If I got to play one of my characters...
Well, depends which one. I'm currently playing a game based on the Dicefreaks rules, so obscenely epic level would be fun...
Edit: Well, any of my characters would be more then capable of killing Belkar, based on Class and level geekery.
Good to know.

2009-11-01, 07:20 PM
Do I have to be Human? If not, then I would be a kobold, then take a level of Divine Minion, then one of Wizard, then three of Master of Many Forms...
...then find out that there are no sarrukhs in the OotS universe, being that it's not the Forgotten Realms and sarrukhs are unique to that setting, and say "well, crap."

2009-11-01, 07:50 PM
Throw myself at Elan and show him what he's missing with Haley.

(No offense to Haley; she's my favorite. But I love me an adorable dimwitted bard!)

2009-11-01, 08:19 PM
...then find out that there are no sarrukhs in the OotS universe, being that it's not the Forgotten Realms and sarrukhs are unique to that setting, and say "well, crap."

Then be made into a swanky hat.

Ah hate me munchkins, nearly as much as ah hate me Belkaresque players.

2009-11-01, 08:30 PM
lets see...u place me in a world where i can learn to blow things up on command?

and ask me what I'd do?

yeah- long story short I'd probably set myself as the villain for a campaign XD

2009-11-01, 08:34 PM
lets see...u place me in a world where i can learn to blow things up on command?

and ask me what I'd do?

yeah- long story short I'd probably set myself as the villain for a campaign XD

Most smalltime villians fail in the first year

this is for you though...


2009-11-01, 08:36 PM
The tippyverse! I would spawn the tippyverse! Plus science. I would spawn a tippyverse, and bring science.

Steven the Lich
2009-11-01, 08:40 PM
1: Try to become epic level (Will take lots of adventuring and extreme paranoia and power-gaming)
2: Look into ways of permanently changing myself into a dragon.
3: Turn into a chromatic dragon.
4: Use my power gamer skillz to murder any adventurer that comes my way.
5: Establish a power base.
6: Start working towards draconic supremacy.
7: Work my way up.
8: ????
You forgot step 9... Profit. :smallbiggrin:

I'd probably just level my way up. Find a suitable group of meat shields companions and do some dungeon crawling.

2009-11-02, 05:11 PM
Tell everyone my name as quickly as possible.

Mercenary Pen
2009-11-02, 05:23 PM
You forgot step 9... Profit. :smallbiggrin:

Incorrect, step 9 is inherently written into step 3 in this particular instance, because if you look at any chromatic dragon in the srd, you'll note that under treasure it sayeth "triple standard", which translateth to profit in my book.

2009-11-02, 05:30 PM
1. Enter world.
2. Become Barbarian/Ranger/Bard Human mix.
3. Pwn n00bs and become very high level.
4. Sell rare items and buy better ones
5. ???
6. Profit! LOOT!

Dusk Eclipse
2009-11-02, 09:39 PM
.... get levels in dread necro...

Nimrod's Son
2009-11-03, 04:57 AM
Tell everyone my name as quickly as possible.
But then you'd have no get-out-of-jail-free card if you got stabbed! People knowing your name doesn't make you invulnerable. There's a reason Daigo's keeping his a secret.

2009-11-03, 05:17 AM
Try and figure out where the heck my nose went.

2009-11-03, 07:17 AM
Cry bitter tears because I am a commoner stuck in a world where people such as myself get blown up/digested by all sorts of monstrosities/plainly butchered on a daily basis.

2009-11-03, 12:11 PM
I would start up my own adventure party and pwn so bad guys. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-03, 12:43 PM
I too would start my own party of PCs, though with, say, very flexible allignments (fear the might of.... THE CONCLAVE OF THE SHADOWS!!!). Then working alongside as the OotS, I would pose as the only sane or non-evil member of the party constantly holding them back from causing massive atrocities. Then, after gaining epic power and influence, I would sacrifice the members of my party for even MORE power, and, with the best gear I could find, depose the very Gods themselves!

2009-11-04, 04:58 PM
Step 1: Aquire Rapier
Step 2: Aquire crossbow (any, really)
Step 3: Aquire flexible armor
step 4: Aquire bayonets for crossbows.
Step 5: Go snipe some newby fodder creatures
Step 6: Power level my way through, taking levels in spellthief if I can (rogue, otherwise)
Step 7: Prestige into assassin.
Step 8: Cast Heart ripper.
Step 9: vomit copiously because I wasn't expecting that smell.
Step 10: Profit.

If I get high enough level, I may go and help the strike teams in Azure city.
Hobgoblins are usually trained to dangerous levels for a normal person, but If my rifle aim translates well to crossbow, I'm set for life :smallbiggrin:

You know, I'm going to go purchase a crossbow, just to be sure...

2009-11-04, 05:12 PM
I'd hold a question mark over my head and send people to fetch extraordinarily valuable things for me.

Once they fetched the item for me, I'd pay them for it with dead rat stew and send them to get something else.

2009-11-04, 07:31 PM
If I get high enough level, I may go and help the strike teams in Azure city.

Note that the assassin prestige class has an alignment restriction.
Note also that the leader of the Azure City resistance is a paladin.

2009-11-04, 10:36 PM
I'd probably try to take some levels in Cleric in order to better defend myself (I'm under no illusions about my tolerance for pain), then set out to help the Order, since as main characters the world revolves around them. I'd probably try to convince them that my out-of-character knowledge wasn't a hoax and speed up their adventure a bit, but otherwise I suppose I could just help with healing or something.

2009-11-04, 10:41 PM
Give the oracle a permanent death and/or send marut death squad after oracle and the people who keep resurrecting him.

Alternatively, try to gain enough power to disable the memory charm over the sunken valley, which could lead the the Oracle's permanent death by a cause that is not of old age.

2009-11-05, 12:08 AM
I would become a huge human that is invulnerable as in my soul is but if my body get blown away i need to draw organic matter from somwhere to replace it. Then i would totally join the linear guild because i still have hope for them(a misplaced hope:smallfrown:). Hooray for very subtly inserting my own characters in the story in my head.

2009-11-05, 09:40 AM
Gain a bunch of Sorcerer levels, maybe THEN escape back to the real world. (Although a garantueed afterlife is something to potentially stay for, there's no reason to assume one actually exists here. (And all those religions are not convincing at all to me.)

But still, coming back to earth after gaining that whole bunch of Sorcerer levels allows me to then blast people I don't like with Lightning and Fire, without needing a spellbook, material compounds or preparation! And that's something I always felt I should be able to do to begin with!

2009-11-05, 10:02 AM
Take wizard or sorcerer levels and finally get my revenge on the laws of physics for all the bruises and cuts I've had over the years.

Or work my way towards my level 12 character with the +17 Initiative bonus.

2009-11-05, 02:55 PM
I'd become a minor Neutral deity, patron god of immortality, romanticism, hot goth chicks, etc. ...but I'm kind of a loner, so I'd spend alot of time just sitting around playing with my crystal balls and dabbling in the lives of my worshippers and the people around them, you know, blessing the hot chicks when they worship me, playing tricks on people who irritate me, occasionally politicking and doing favors for other gods, as long as they're doing something cool, you know, Neutral god stuff.