View Full Version : What does Copper want?

2009-09-02, 02:12 AM
this is actually for a goblin vow in Changing the Lost, but i want answers from people who arn't thinking in terms of mechanics.

What does Copper want? (the metal)
As an entity Copper want for copper object to be polished,
More things to be made from copper.
More ores to be refined.

an end to things that are less reactive than it?
eg things what would cause it to act as a sacrifical anode.
I think so.

what does copper want?

2009-09-02, 04:18 AM
Three meals a day?

I'm not sure... Is this the right thread for this, or should this be in media?

If you're talking about what vibes copper gives me:
Tenacity (Mild flexibility)

2009-09-02, 04:29 AM
Copper wants to liberate all of its ilk from the binding grasp of inferior elements such as sulfur and oxygen.

Copper wants to replace ugly, heavy lead in the world's plumbing systems (such as they may be).

Copper thinks it should be the highest denomination of currency in the land, rather than gold or (*snort*) silver.

Zeb The Troll
2009-09-02, 04:31 AM
I think what he means is, if Copper were sentient, what would it desire.

The use of the capital implies to me that the question doesn't mean "a blob of copper" but the entirety of the element. A similar line of questioning might be "what does humanity want?" as opposed to "what do people want?" if that makes any sense.

EDIT: ninja'd. This was in response to Yarram.

2009-09-02, 04:37 AM
Copper wishes to be called Cuprum, as it should be.

Copper is depressed and wishes to be positive. It believes it will do so by losing one electron. That 'spare one' doesn't really matter...All's it does is make Copper feel unstable.

2009-09-02, 04:40 AM
You shouldn't anthropomorphize things. They HATE that.

2009-09-02, 08:19 AM
Anybody got a metal whisperer in the house? "Why yes, I talk to people's household appliances and everyday metalware every day. Your refrigerator hates you. He says his name is Fred and will you for goodness' sake clean out the science experiment on the third shelf'?

Perhaps copper would like to mate with its true love tin, resulting in hot metal-on-metal action forming bronze, an alloy which once upon a time was necessary for RULING THE WORLD! BWAHAHAHAHA!... at least in Alexander the Great's time, that was literally true.


Brian P.

2009-09-02, 08:27 AM
Copper wants to be used in wires extensively throughout the entire world. It wants to be inside electronics, computers and the like. For only then, when it has insidiously infiltrated every aspect of life will it finally MAKE ITS BID TO TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WOR*transmission interruption*

EDIT: I am obviously a confused human. Copper is very useful and poses no threat to fleshbags such as I.

2009-09-02, 09:11 AM
To take back the kitchens of the world from that filthy usurper stainless steel!

Link related: Mythology of the Modern World (http://banter-latte.annotations.com/tag/mythology/). Reified concepts and the hidden soap operas that shape our world. Includes "Why Suburbs?", "Why the disconnect between Art and Science?", "The Songs of Books", "Why do oil prices yo-yo?", "Why Starbucks can't brew good coffee"...

from: What’s the real deal with gasoline prices? (http://banter-latte.annotations.com/2007/07/23/mythology-of-the-modern-world-whats-the-real-deal-with-gasoline-prices/)

With time and the needs of mankind, a Locus rose up — as they often do — to see after the health of the mercants. This Locus was a man, handsome and charming, known by many names by many people. Some call him Adam, some Marc, some Mammon, some Alan. Regardless of what familiar name he might adopt with a given person, he is the Manager of the Economy, and his is the responsibility to ensure that young and small mercants have as much of a chance to thrive as possible while also making sure that the robust and healthy giants among the mercants are both allowed to exert their greater strength, maintain their greater health, and in general work together with the smaller mercants instead of eating them.

To that end, the Manager of the Economy climbed the great Mountains of Stored Value, and there he sought out the oreads that lived within — an oread being a nymph of the mountains and stone even as a dryad is a nymph of the trees or a neriad a nymph of the waters. One by one he courted oreads of gold, silver, copper and other metals today considered valuable, and he courted and seduced them, one after another, and sired upon them children. These children were a new kind of nymph, the numisma, and these first children were the so called hard numisma — children born of metal and stone and intrinsic value. They grew into fine women, strong and wise, and they spread through the herds of mercants, grooming them and cultivating them, spreading the will of the Manager of the Economy, preventing at least some of the violence, letting small mercants — representing the price of regional goods, of specialty items and niche products and the like — grow healthy and flourish, and helping the more powerful mercants work together to create a strong and healthy society.

2009-09-02, 09:34 AM
To be used to make coins that are worth more than mere pennies.

2009-09-02, 10:00 AM

To those who don't know, in Changeling the Fey made deals with the spiritual representations of various..things (fire, blood, light, games, so forth.....) in return for power.

So...what does the gestalt of copper want, and what can it offer?

2009-09-02, 10:22 AM
These are good!.
What can Copper give in return?
obviously Simple favors.
"Hey friend copper wire, can you wrap your self up tight inside this lock so the key won't fit in?"

Mando Knight
2009-09-02, 10:36 AM
Copper wishes to be around twelve more like itself.
/Chemistry joke

2009-09-02, 10:40 AM
I dunno. I mean, Platinum wants to make kissy faces with Will Magnus, obviously, but I haven't read much about Copper's position on that.

2009-09-02, 10:41 AM
/Chemistry joke

This whoel thread is a chem joke, almost all valid responces arre chem jokes

2009-09-02, 11:53 AM
Copper wants to be used in wires extensively throughout the entire world. It wants to be inside electronics, computers and the like. For only then, when it has insidiously infiltrated every aspect of life will it finally MAKE ITS BID TO TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WOR*transmission interruption*

EDIT: I am obviously a confused human. Copper is very useful and poses no threat to fleshbags such as I.


Clearly, Copper wants Trog. As all things do.

2009-09-02, 05:28 PM
At such time as goblins invent the Periodic Table of the Elements, copper wants to be at the top of the table.

Copper wants to be liberated from the caches of those creatures (such as dragons) which do not recognize its true value.

Copper wants goblins to worship the number 29.

Copper wants goblins to wear colors such as blue and green, in tribute to the copper still captive to carbonates.

In return, Copper can offer:

-Power (literally)

-Improvements to shipbuilding techniques

-Nicely covered glass, and what goblin doesn't appreciate that?

2009-09-03, 12:55 AM
In which case:

Copper wants coffee and a donut.



2009-09-03, 02:23 AM
You shouldn't anthropomorphize things. They HATE that.

You win the thread.