View Full Version : The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

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2009-09-02, 09:31 AM

2009-09-02, 09:51 AM
Ok , so as to not be bogged down with this issue later on , I want everyone to roll Initiative for the next 20 combat rounds . This does not include surprise initiative rolls (Such as Someone wanting to make a mad dash for some treasure or to do something on impulse) These initiative rolls only apply to Combat rounds .

2009-09-03, 12:55 AM
Never did D&D/D20 on a forum before. Here goes nothing. (EDIT: Rolling dice is confusing. wutev.)

Also, Leaf calls dibs on "Royal Blue", while Eternity nabs"Dark Orange" as hers.


The new wielder of the Kokiri Sword, a Kokiri himself, looked at his reflection through the blade. The Kokiri saw a slightly tanned, slightly anorexic, long-blue-haired "kid" who had the look of a performer about him. Several earrings of many different types adorned each ear, with several chains leading into the ring holding the loose ponytail of hair together. He wore a chain shirt that looked like the links were dyed an oceanic blue, with a matching tunic with gold-coloured edges draped over with a white leaf emblazoned on the front of it, with sky- and sea-blue checkered pants, and a simple pair of brown leather boots. Complimenting this was a many-pocketed vest that came in a wide assortment of light greens, aquas, and blues, two filled dagger sheathes on the right leg opposite the Kokiri sword's sheath on his left, and his "kokiri" lute strapped to his back. The lute in question was made of a deku branch attacked to half a giant nut and used vines as strings. Behind his head, a glowing dark orange fairy sat on his head, with her head going every which way as she not only pieced together what had just transpired, but as her mind melded with the personality of the last fairy named "Eternity"

The Kokiri's almost-never-used full name was "Crystalleaf Ashwind"...usually shortened to just "Leaf"...though he did like the name "Ashwind" as a stage name. With Mido's house in plain sight, as well the now-bloody shop (The blood was definitely Leaf's fault. Though the blame was on Foun, if anyone asked.), Leak threw a question to the group: "Hey, isn't it about time we bought that little wooden shield that's supposed to be really useful?

2009-09-03, 06:49 AM

Beside Leaf ,standing at 2 feet and 10 inches , is Do-Dore , a Shaman of the Kokiri . His pale white skin is seen on his face as it is illuminated alongside the firefly's lights . His body is covered in Thick robes that almost make him look imposing , although their green and blue patterns surely would help him hide in the forest . His Eyes are so Emerald they they almost glow . His Hood brought up to cover his Bright Green hair does a fine job at that , exept for the bangs and long sides comming out from under his hood . Upon his shoulder is a white ball of Light , on closer inspection one can see a Tiny man drapped in White Robes alongside a white cap , this is Ori , Do-Dore's Trusted Fairy Companion . Leaf ,May your body and soul ,one day become tranquil , as the triumverantes of Elements and Spirits have in all Aspects , Forest and Spirit being only two of them , May I shield you from the Harshness of Truth , the Manipulation of Lies , The Burning of Fires , The Creation of Water , and may I open the Meadows and Grasses to you , so that like our Father , you may Grow ancient and old without taint of the Spirit .May Farore Shine upon us and all of the Forest Spirits -The Kokiri-.To your Last Question , I Doubt A Wooden Shield would be any Help to Us with the Corruption of Fire would so Easily Destroy it , However Mido will most likely not let us pass , so for the sake of looking Patriotic and Respectful of the Forest Peoples , we shall need that Shield to See our Father ."

Do-Dore's Initiative Rolls :

Ori's Initiative Rolls :

2009-09-07, 04:15 PM
"You...Kokiri...(chewing sounds)... are... a very... odd...folk" said a very large pile of rock; this pile of rock, as it turned out upon further inspection, turned out to be none other than the great massive Goron Foun eating rocks from a pile. There he sat next to the two kokiri mystified that he hadn't been noticed first. He stood, this took a long time of course, upon standing one could clearly see that this was no ordinary Goron, this was something else... There stood a collossal being standing at seven feet and over 400lbs, it seemed almost as if this Goron had eaten every rock in all of kokiri Forest, God knows he tried to. Here stood one who would be the greatest wizzrobe of our time, already his destructive powers had almost lead to the demise of his party members. His favorite activities are eating rocks, burning things and eating BIG Rocks. By the way Foun is Brown (Sienna). How do you do spoilers?

2009-09-08, 10:18 AM
* ikasdasdjklasd * Just remove the * and go over to the How to Roll Dice Thread so you can roll dice in Spoilers , just remember all OOC is done in Spoilers and If you could place your Name in Bold with your Color that would be very helpful .

2009-09-09, 07:30 AM
That really doesn't help, just post the instructions on creating a spoiler here.

2009-09-09, 10:28 AM
[ spoiler ] asdsdas [ / spoiler ] *

Without the spaces .

2009-09-10, 05:40 AM
Kokiri Forest : Before the Shop

A Small rain starts to trickle and any scent from the blood of the young girl , murdered atop of the store is surely washed away , along with the very taint of murder , hopefully the forest will devour her and she will be re-born .

2009-09-10, 05:41 AM

"Don't Stand around here all day ! , What are you waiting for , GO GET THE ******* Shield ! THE DEKU TREE NEEDS US !

2009-09-10, 07:41 AM

Just testing the dice roller and spoiler, lets try that again.

[spoiler] [roll]1d61d61d61d61d61d61d6 [spoiler]

hmmmm maybe...

[spoiler] 1d61d61d61d61d61d6

Ok so I got spoiler to work but now the dice roller stopped working...

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6


2009-09-11, 05:33 PM
Initiative Rolls

Eye of the World

isn't it just an awesome book now get on to the Great Hunt the fun is just starting


all my spells are on the back of my character sheet scan and send me a copy please

PS forgot to -10 my initiative, so whateverit says -10

2009-09-14, 06:52 PM
All we need is for our other players , their sheets , descriptions and Initiative rolls then we can really get going here .But I will Make A IC Dm related Post tommorow if they don't show up.

2009-09-15, 01:06 PM
The Dawn of the forest is beggining to rise , however , with the shadows still being prevelant within the forest , it brings Navi's Fortelling all more real . With the Kokiri Sword secure , how long until our heroes go to the deku tree ?

2009-09-15, 06:26 PM
I...say...we...go...burn...I...mean...visit...the. ..tree...now...

2009-09-16, 04:37 PM

1d20+1 Dark Orange is Thor-Axe's character color .

"Mido Requires This Kokiri Shield before we can continue ! I will go in , if .....any of you ......people don't mind.

2009-09-16, 04:46 PM
[roll0] Dice roll Test for Thor-Axe's initiative .

2009-09-16, 04:53 PM
Thor-Axes Initiative Hopefully .

2009-09-16, 04:55 PM

"I am now going to this Kokiri Store , That little One will be lucky if I don't report that damned body !

2009-09-16, 05:02 PM

The Steady Goron stand not as tall as Foun in the midst of all the other Party members , but he stands tall and proud as the force of Death Mountain says he should . His arms are Branded with the Goron Spiritual Stone Symbol , a constant reminder of what his people stands for .

Dub's Initiative


"Ah Bloody Girl , well pretty bloody *Slight Chuckle* , shall do fine for my purposes ... [

Climb Check

Dub with his large muscular arms grabs a large shaft of what was once an individual tree being used as a form of colunm for the apparent kokiri store

2009-09-16, 05:11 PM
Dub's Climb Check

2009-09-16, 05:13 PM
Dub's Climb Check

2009-09-16, 05:15 PM
Dub graps the Tree with his massive arms with success the large lug manages to climb above the store-front roof-top ,next to the dead kokiri girl , he does not seem to be disturbed by this but more .....Amused by it .

2009-09-16, 05:21 PM

"Girl Will do Finely .....He.....He....He.....

Constitution for the Kokiri Sex Encounter [roll0]

The Nearby Party Members hear Slight Swishing of blood upon the two fleshy bodies , and the crushing of bone and sinew from what you can only expect to be the silent and dead kokiri girl , for the goron is moving to fastly and with the zest of life to be making those sounds of deadly silence ......Eugh.....Eugh....Eugh he goes on .....Until ....

2009-09-16, 05:23 PM
Dub Smiles Gladly as he claims his Kokiri Prize , Despite the fact that she is dead , at least , there won't be any resistance this time

Dub can go another 10 full rounds of This Sexual Encounter if he so chooses .

2009-09-16, 06:44 PM
Kokiri Forest : Kokiri Store

http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/FJPQ8U-iEp4/hqdefault.jpg .

Kokiri Shop Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg3HAtli6jw&annotation_id=annotation_97429&feature=iv)

As Thor-Axe Enters the Store , The Talll Hylain Stands out like a sore thumb in this part of the forest , or any forest that is populated with Fairy Spirits and Kokiri Sprites -Along with the Occasional Deku Merchant- His Long Blond Hair almost covers his eyes , He sees the Store-Keeper pouring over the apparent goods that the shop sells , with a young-although all these kokiri have an apparent Ageless look- girl sweeping the floor with a sturdy broom next to Thor-Axe , she seems to be looking up at him with mooning eyes -Odd for a kokiri to Swoon over other peoples or is it?-

"Earh , What may I help you with ...Sir ?You can buy things here that you can buy in the Forest for FREE !

Well, You can sell me a Deku Shield with the Kokiri Symbol on it at List cost !

Looking at Thor-Axe The Shope-Keeper reaches behind the Desk and presents out THE DEKU SHIELD ! Eur , I hope this is what you were asking for my lad , please take this for 40 Rupees HE HE HE !

"Glady" Thor-Axe replies with a satisfied tone
"here take my Ruppes for this sheild" *Drops Coins into the Shope-Keppers open Palms*
"Thank you my Dear Kokiri Friend I won't forget this Kindness.

"May I ask something , Hylain , I know your kind don't Frolick Around these Forests for Long ...TEHEHE HHEHE , Forest is for the Fairies it is HEHEHEHE.

"Yes your right Kokiri!"Why do you ask?

Well, The Village of the Kokiri HEHEH , TEEHEHE DO-RE-ME -FA -SO HEHETHE ! Has such a small population and I don't get a good Profit each year , because everyone but the Priest-hood of Farore just get my products from the forest for free , and even then they just donate the money for me , because they feel sorry for me . If the great Deku tree wasn't around to supply me with shelter , food ,and luxury goods , I would be out in the forest living under a Rock I would ! Would you please take these 20 Flyers and bring them to your ....your ....your Village out in the world , so that other people could come buy my goods here?"

Why of Course little one *Thinking of the deku tree's curse and knowing that it might not be around to help this little guy out soon* I will bring it to my Largest Village in the Land , and make sure that Not only people come ,but Merchants will come here also and bring the bounty of the Forest across Hyrule , and they will have you to thank for that.

The Shope-Keeper's Eyes Widen !

Well I just want some people to come and buy my Shinies of the forest but if you must do what your Pro-pose I will gladly accept your Charity of Aid . If thehehHERHEKHEKRHHRHER manage to do as you SAWY THEHETE , THETHEH TEHTEH*GIGGLES* , Then come back and see me , and I will be most Generous in a reward I will GIVE ! TEHHTEHTE .! THANK YOU - COME AGAIN ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT TO BUY?

"No Thank you Kokiri Shope-keeper"*And with his good-bye he picks up the sheild places it in his Traveler's Back-pack and walks out of the Store.

"Sweet Ass ! TEHEHE !*The Kokiri Maid says in a whisper to herself as Thor-Axe leaves.

2009-09-16, 06:52 PM
Our Heroes now have all they Need for the Meeting with Mido and Saria , but now all our Brave Heroes need to get done , is to reach Mido's House , Which is across the Forest Meadow . The Deku Tree can only be reached by the Doors Openable by Mido and Saria , the Great Deku Tree needs you and Navi has told you that the Curse grows stronger by the day since she left to find us -Although Since Leaf Killed her we shall never know what other secrets the Glowing Winged Fairy could have told

2009-09-16, 08:34 PM

I...Will...have...to...arrange...an...accident...( chewing sounds)...for...Dub...he...sickens...me...and...(c hewing sounds)...I...do...not...think...his...actions...a re...acceptable says the massive Goron admist eating the rocks he picked up from the forest floor.
The Goron begins to head towards Mido's house. Slowly as ever, yet believing that the party would follow. I...must...find...more...shiny...rocks...

2009-09-30, 08:51 AM
Mido's House : Kokiri Forest

MOOD MUSIC (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu0PdEocpQc)

As the rest of the party crosses the meadow towards Mido's House ; they finaly reach the villa's doors , which are open . Inside Saria is there and she sits beside an empty chair .

"Ssss..Ory about mido not being here , a dark creature killed on of the Great Deku Tree's Children last night , proof that the Shadow is growing ever stronger within our Forest Domain ." Saria manages to say this with reserve and calm in her voice , some would see this as disturbing but Saria is the leader of Civil Affaris amougnst the Forest Kokiri and being that the Kokiri are essentially children in all aspects , Saria must be able to keep calm during imature bouts from the Kokiri Lest the Great Deku Tree aleaves her of office .

"I do see that the Great Kokiri Sword and it's Shield are within your Possesion , I shall reward you enterance into the Grove of the Great Deku Tree , although don't tell Mido it was me if he askes ."
From behind both of the Large tree stumps being passed off as Chairs , a Doorway opens from the wall revealing a forest path to what only could lead to the Great Deku Tree or so says Saria .
Do Do do do do doui! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceTEcEY0czg)
Infront of you is a winding path that seems to be carved out of rock and wood .

2009-09-30, 09:01 AM
now would be a good time to refresh magic points , and think of marching order , not to mention ,who will do what if something evil goes down .

2009-09-30, 10:12 AM

Finally, they were going to get on with the damn quest. Keeping his cool under Saria's sobs. Being fellow Kokiri, Leaf had this to say to the Civil Leader, "We will find who ever did this and make them pay for what they have done, don't you worry."

With Eternity still on his head, still going a little crazy in the head, Leaf looked to his party and said, "How're we going to dive into this one? I'll take rear-guard if no one objects."

So, now for the housekeeping.

Initiative rolls:
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19]

Oh and I guess I should throw in a bluff check, eh? That's a [roll20]

Also, I be back tomorrow, methinks, with an updated character sheet for both Leaf and Eternity. Moreso Eternity than anyone.

2009-09-30, 11:22 AM

"Farore Requires the Balance of Din and Naru to be Held ! I shall Take the Middle HEHE-HEHEHEE-HEHE ! and Ori , you will Stay under my cap until I need you Further with you simple Prophecies , Hopefully those will Come in handy ! Dub and Thor-Axe you shall Stand in the Front , Dub First and then Thor-Axe I shall not have DAMN Fools Get us killed ! Besides , You shall HEHEHEHEHEH -TOETETE- DOOOIEIU , Be the First to See the GGGGGREAAAAAAAAAAAAAT DEEEEEKU TREEEEE! The Destructive Firey One , Will go as he wills , for the Powers that I command have no sawy within his Soul , But he will stay away from the Back I am sure , or to the best of my knowledge ."

Do-Dore Kneels down in front of Saria and one Emtpy Tree Throne seat where Mido should have been if only he were present . Giving Shifty Eyes , Do-Dore Says as Calm as he can .

"I am sure , Saria Kokiri , that who-ever Murdered that Child is still in the forest , for it is vast and good for hiding . HEHEHHEEHEHE-TETETETET EHHEHEE !

Present Marching Order : Leaf/Eternity in the rear , Me , Thor-Axe , Dub and Foun can go anywhere he wants to . I hereby say that the party has waited long enought for their magic points to rejuvinate . There is only 10 hours until the Anti-Fairy Dust becomes Beign ,Leaf can use it in one dose . or if he want to use it in seperate doses there is 6 oz of anti-fairy dust and can be used 6 times (1 use wastes 1 oz) but this will give the anti-fairy dust diminished effect . If everyone wants Online Character-Sheets , go to myth-weavers and then post the character sheet url link in a spoiler within a future post .

Do-Dore casts a forest 0 level spell : 0 magic point cost thanks to tribal triforce forest affinity feat : Prestidigation for 1 hour , Do-Dore is able to do what Prestidigation can do for the duration of the spell which is 1 hour .

Standing from where he knelt Do-Dore is done with his Formalities .

2009-09-30, 11:34 AM

"Well , I left my Lands to seek adventure and Destiny and it seems that both of those have found me , Geez , No-Body back home is going to believe me about this !

*Giving out a slight Chuckle* Little Kokiri , Fun , I shall do this Deed , Bu'eh , rigth thing to do is what it is , My Strongness will crush and crunch all the squishies and crunchies .

Both of these Adventurers Pick up their packs and weapons , and look to the rest of the party memebers looking for the same .

2009-09-30, 11:53 AM

"Go , now we can no longer waste so much precious time in saving our forest . Thank you for your aid . I am sure Mido will find , who-ever or what-ever stalks the Kokiri in the night , The Deku Tree might have known if he was well , but I don't think we can count on that due to his plague .Is there anything Else you wish to Discuss with me about , or is that all ? With Sword and SHield , Courage , Power and Wisdom , all shall be fine . Remember that .


MOOD MUSIC (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbdOzih0zY)

2009-10-01, 11:34 AM
You people finally got into gear!
I... will... take... second... last... position... in... our... column.... Leaf... you... should... be... at... the... front..., being... our... trapfinder... thief. Says the massive Goron.
Now has full magic points and health.

2009-10-01, 11:38 AM
I though you were foun not dub?

2009-10-01, 11:40 AM

"Ok lets be off then."

2009-10-01, 11:47 AM
DM: In Front of the Party is a Doorway 5 feet in front of the Person in the Front of the Line , which is Dub , which means that there is

Dub , Thor-axe , Foun , Do-Dore *Moves to Keep in between Leaf and Foun, and Leaf .

Thor-axe 10 feet away from door

Foun 15 ft away from door

Do-Dore 20 ft away from door

Leaf 25 feet away from door

The Door-way itself is 10 feet across , and you can see through illuminated fireflys within the forest path that is 10 feet across and only 5 feet long (The rest of the Path is Conceladed in Shadow )

2009-10-01, 11:58 AM

Current Turn until the End of first Combat Round :

Dub : 19
Ori : 13
Thor-Axe : 11
Do-Dore : 7
Leaf : 6
Eternity : 6
Foun : 5

2009-10-01, 12:18 PM

*Walks 10 Feet , Outside the door-way and into the Forest Path .

Spot Check : [roll0]

Dub looks out into the Darkness

2009-10-04, 08:33 AM
Ori Stays under Do-Dore's Hat .

2009-10-04, 08:37 AM

Thor-Axe with his gear in tow , moves beside Dub within the Door-way and looks out into the darkness .

Thor-Axe Looks into the darkness .

2009-10-04, 08:39 AM

Do-Dore cleverly using the power of presdidigitation , Covers his robes in candlelike illumination for 1 hour .

only 2 more effects of presdidigitaiton can be present at any one time , this illumination provides 5 feet illumination , and it is shadowy .

2009-10-04, 08:44 AM

"Eyeh' Theria be a quivering slicky plant thing on the path , just 10 pacesFEET away from us ! It looks like it could snap us from some distance ! Whata'ga Going Do ?! "

2009-10-04, 08:46 AM

It is Leafs' Turn , then eternity , and then Foun . You people can say what your character's are going to do , but it is going to happen in the proper order , so this may screw up your character's actions severly , or you may have to think about writing up a new turn for your character if the other person makes your actions impossible to do .

2009-10-04, 08:16 PM

Leaf, and Eternity as well, look around the area, though they don't really see far in the darkness. They were paying attention to trap-like things in the forest, seeing as there is nasty things in here...

"Eyeh' Theria be a quivering slicky plant thing on the path, just 10 paces away from us! It looks like it could snap us from some distance! Whata'ga Going Do?!"

"Put it out of its misery." Leaf said as he charged it. Eternity flew quickly to the other side of the plant to flank it, and both Kokiri and Fairy attacked the plant.

Rolling for awesome....

Leaf's: Kokiri Sword: [roll0] damage: [roll1] Dagger [roll2] damage: [roll3]
Eternity: Trident: [roll4] damage: [roll5] Shield: [roll6] damage: 1

Also, Eternity's sheets are taking a while. I think I might have it by my next post, not so sure.

2009-10-05, 07:17 AM
What is this thing? I will do a fire spell, but you haven't sent me my spells yet. They are on the back of a character sheet. Please send them to me. Thank You.

2009-10-05, 10:45 AM
Have you even checked post #15?

2009-10-05, 11:52 AM

I set up a Dm rolls Forum so I can't cheat .....so trust me .

P.S : http://www.freewebs.com/hehehecool2/flora/dekubaba%5B1%5D.gif

2009-10-05, 11:55 AM

Leaf's Valant Attempt to Strike at the Carnivourous Plant did not come out fruitless with one good swipe , he chops the living head off of this menace , rendering it , simply a DEKU STICK , Eternity , pursues the plant needlessy after leaf's heroic Fighting , and manages to stap the head .

2009-10-05, 12:12 PM

Plants... burn...well... Foun casts Fire Blast.
Don't have rules in front of me so I can't roll, but you said that the DM is rolling right?!?
Plants like these are why Global Warming is such a good thing. :smallsmile:
Thanks for telling me to look at Post 15, I forgot about that one. Could you send me an updated copy of the handbook for Zelda D20? Thank You

2009-10-05, 12:14 PM
How did KJ run past all of us?:smallconfused:

2009-10-05, 01:37 PM

The Dm is rolling for the Monsters and Npc's , you can roll for yourself , I posted why K.J got past us in the Spoiler a few posts ago , and I said it won't happen again , since he probably forgot about the rules since it was the first combat , so I reminded him and said I won't let this happen again .

and the Zelda D20 Sourcebook is 23.5 MB so I can't send it by email .

and do you mean the Spell Fire Blast ? Because that is the level 1 spell on your spell list .

Here is the Info for your Spell , Fire Blast
Fire Blast
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Fire 1
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (10 squares + 2 squares/level)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a raw blast of fire magic, dealing 1d3 points of fire damage and setting the target on fire.

2009-10-05, 02:01 PM

As Foun wielding the Raw power of Fire , He Sets it to the Already Dead Baba , the Deku Baba , is set ablaze with mystical fire from the Goron Wizrobe , as the Plant burns , not far away more Deku Baba's are seen in the clear light , something Dub forgot to mention since everyone was so busy ACTING and not THINKING ,including Dub since his Brain is smaller than others . Off just 10 feet are three more Deku Baba's aware of the presence of our adventurers and ready to strike . (The Dead Deku Baba is considered on Fire because of Foun's Spell ) REMEMBER COMBAT RULES THIS TIME


2009-10-05, 02:13 PM

The Path , Away from Mido's house Secret Doorway opens up to 15 feet across now . (If you want to look more with darkvision just tell me , low-light vision is ruined because of the Fire )

Marching Order *Present* : Leaf in Front , Dub and Thor-axe are in the doorway . Foun is still in Mido's house just outside the passage and Do-Dore is Behind Foun .

Thor-axe 15 feet away from the 3 deku babas , so is dub

Foun 15 ft away from door , 30 feets from the 3 deku babas

Do-Dore 20 ft away from door 35 feet away from the 3 deku babas

Leaf is 10 feet away from the Deku Babas .

Initiative for combat round :

Thor-Axe : 17
Leaf/Eternity : 18
Ori : 14
Do-Dore : 13
Dub : 8
Foun : 5

2009-10-05, 02:26 PM

Movement Action : 15 feet towards the Center Deku Baba , has 15 ft more in his movement , Pushing Leaf out of his way , he uses up another 5 feet for his trouble , so he is considered to have traveled 20 ft to the center Deku Baba .

Combat Action : "DIE MONSTEROUS BEAST PLANT !" Pivoting with his back leg and swining his LongSword at the Center Deku Baba , Thor-Axe makes a mighty attempt to destory the plant monstrousity .


2009-10-05, 02:30 PM

The Deku Babas Attack in Force as Thor-Axe comes into Range , they try to sneer away from the Fire that Foun caused their other Comrade , and lash out at Thor-Axes Armor , Their Leaves and Teeth are unpleasent but they don't seem to get in a hit .

2009-10-05, 02:32 PM


Damage [roll0]

2009-10-05, 02:38 PM

The Fire caused by Foun's Fire Blast Spell is still burning the Dead Deku Baba

2009-10-06, 11:05 AM
Suggestion to speed up the game, if, during combat, a player does not make an action within an hour, the DM will do so for him or skip his turn. Once this has been posted, the next player has 1 hour and so on. But the player can go over the 1 hour mark if the DM has not yet posted anything, or if he/she has given a reason for not being able to post.

Also, I still need to update my characters skills and abilities to Level 2, but I will continue using the stats I have, I had already done HP, and then update when I get the pdf. Also, when a characteer levels up please post his new abilities on this forum. Also, everyone should post a simplified Character sheet, I will do so once I update to Level 2.

2009-10-06, 08:12 PM
An hour? Are you ****ting me? Some of us have a life, you know.Give me a day.

Seeing as Thor-Axe went for the center, the two companions split up, Leaf taking the left one, and Eternity flying to take the one on the right, and both do the dual strike that served them on the first baba.

So, winning numbers are:

Leaf's: Kokiri Sword: [roll0] damage: [roll1] Dagger [roll2] damage: [roll3]
Eternity: Trident: [roll4] damage: [roll5] Shield: [roll6] damage: 1

2009-10-06, 09:36 PM

The kokiri ,leaf, having used the Legendary Blade of his People against the monsterous deku baba ,along with another dagger , successfully swips and hits the Plant , Striking it down , making it nothing more than a limbless Stick with a mushy head . Eternity ,on the other hand , is proving (Himself /Herself ?) in battle as the Fairy is able to Confidently Stab the Plant in it's own manner .

2009-10-06, 09:52 PM

Ori *Using 1 Light Magic Point to cast custom spell 'hint'* "Are Any of My Adversaries below 5 hit points ?" Waiting for just a fraction of a second Ori Beloows out YES YES YES ! YES !

Do-Dore With Ori Undearneath his Pointed Kokiri Wizrobe Hat , Do-Dore takes a full round tactical movement to increase his base speed by x3 *20x3=60 feet* Do-Dore is Right Behind Eternity , having seen that the Fairy's enemy is still alive "You may need my Help WEEEEE ONE HEHEHEHHEHEHHEHE!"

2009-10-06, 09:56 PM

The Deku Baba Fails to Grab Eternity within it's mouth as the plant reacts to having the fairy come up so close and attack .

2009-10-06, 10:02 PM

Dub walks 15 feet towards Do-Dore and says "Hehehehe ....You look better than other Child .... You will do nicely ! Dub Raises his Great-Axe over Do-Dore's Head and Bashes his Head with the Blunt side of the Axe(Non-Lethal Damamge)

TO HIT [roll0]

Non-Lethal Damamge if hit : [roll1]

2009-10-06, 10:04 PM

"He ,He Little One has more Of a thick skull than I thought !"


2009-10-06, 11:59 PM
KJ the one hour thing is just for combat, do not expect things after midnight or before 11AM, times good for all, also with at least 6 people in party, us three and two fairies, that equals at least 2-3 hours between turns, so you can spend 2 minutes while googling some research thing to make a post.

"Foul...treacherous...monster" a great rumble rises from the giant Goron "feel...the...power...of...shadow" a dark bolt of energy streaks forth from Foun's finger tips striking Dub in the back. "MAGIC MISSLE!"


2009-10-07, 12:05 AM
Lets try rolling again!


2009-10-07, 12:06 AM
Yeah max Damage!:smallbiggrin: wonder why it didn't roll the first time? see spoiler 2 in post two above this one.

2009-10-07, 08:53 AM

The Vicious Deku Baba , once again Snaps and this time actually hits Eternity right in her Fairy Armour . This obviously makes her pain as She takes 5 damage 11-5 hp = 6 hp .

The Dead Deku Baba Just Behind Dub stops burning , the magic Fire Conjured By Foun

2009-10-07, 08:57 AM
Initiative for combat round :

Thor-Axe : 17
Leaf/Eternity : 18
Ori : 14
Do-Dore : 13
Dub : 8
Foun : 5


"I must Kill this Shadow-Touched Plant , DIE !"


Damage on hit [roll1]

2009-10-07, 09:01 AM

Despite Thor-Axes Heroic Attempts it seems this Hylain doesn't take after his ancestors , since Hylains were known for their luck , and hearing the gods apparently.

The Injured Deku Baba , once slashed By Thor-Axe now returns his bloodied Favour , with the same luck as the Hylain .

2009-10-07, 04:48 PM

Eternity winced as she got hit by the deku baba, and staggered back a bit before shouting a rather high-pitched, non-worded war cry in response and rallied a counter attack. In response to his fairy companion being hit rather hard, Leaf sang his partner a "Graceful Deflection" performance, to give her a little more defense, and to stop her from getting hit badly enough again for it be fatal the next time.

Eternity's attack rolls: Trident: 1d20-1 damage: 1d3-1 Shield: 1d20-1 damage: 1

Leaf's performance check: 1d20+5 DC Check: 12

2009-10-07, 04:51 PM
Okay, so it doesn't like post editing. Gotcha. Take two:

Eternity's attack rolls: Trident: [roll0] damage: [roll1] Shield: [roll2] damage: 1

Leaf's performance check: [roll3] DC Check: 12

2009-10-08, 10:25 AM

"By the Flesh of My Soul , I command the Powers of Din to Strike , you Dub for Disrespecting one of Farores Favor , a Followers of the Goddesses Strikes at you .! Ori Casts Finger of Fire at Dub -1 Fire Magic Point

Ranged Touch attack to hit with Spell [roll0]

Fire Damamge Dealt to Dub on Hit [roll1]

2009-10-08, 10:34 AM

Ori has o fire magic points left , and 2 light magic points left .Foun has -1 fire magic point and Do-Dore is at full still since he has free 0 level forest spells , lol.


We Do not have time for this Foolishness , 'I call upon Farore to Give me the Spirit and Soul to push it upon other PEOPLE !' Do-Dore Finishes his incantation , Almost Clear Hot White Light Streaks from his hands and Hits Dub right in the Head were his brain should be , however if he truly didn't have a brain this spell wouldn't work. [roll0]Dc : 10+1+3 , Do-Dore has 0 spirit magic points left

2009-10-08, 10:36 AM

Will Save

A state of Shock Comes over Dub , as he takes his Weapon away from the Kokiri , and Takes it to plunge it within himself , 'Nnnnnooo, you bbbbbbewitchments won't work , Dub tried to get out under his breath , knowing that Do-Dore had done this to him .]

Dub using Great-Axe in Hand to attack himself , [roll]1d20+3
Damage on hit : 1d10+3

2009-10-08, 10:40 AM
Ok again ...
[roll0] on hit [roll1]

2009-10-08, 10:42 AM

As , Dub the Pedophile/Necrophiliac/Heavy Fairy Drug User we all came to know ,Plunged his own Axe within his body , Dub's Eyes glaze over , seeing that he , was wrong in his action , he falls prone on the ground , knowing that he is evil . His Chest still Falls up and Down , but Hardly .

2009-10-08, 10:43 AM

Using Free Action to speak 1 sentence : "I think , I want Dub alive ....I will see to his wounds and Punishment" .

2009-10-08, 11:27 AM
"The...foul...one...falls...good...Now...I...can... end...this...plight..." The massive Goron points his hands towards the mess before him. "Fire...will...cleanse...thee..." A burst of flame juts from his hands Foun casts burning hands, hitting everyone and the deku babas.

I don't have rules on me, will transfer over to this computer later, so could you please do my rolls for me please.

Also I used a shadow point for magic missle not fire, giving me Fire 5 points and Shadow 1

2009-10-08, 11:55 AM

I can assume that you moved 15 feet into the doorway , Your spell hits everyone , but the deku babas , they are only 5 feet out of range for you .

Foun casts Burning Hands , Fire Focus grants +1 caster level , 2 level +1 =3 , Damage is [roll0]

Do-Dore Rolls reflex save [roll1]
Ori Rolls Reflex Save [roll2]
Dub Rolls Relfex Save [roll3]
Thor-axe rolls reflex save [roll4]

Reflex Save = 10+3+5=18

2009-10-08, 12:03 PM

Do-Dore and Dub made there saves so they don't catch on fire , and they only take 4 damage each , Dub Burns , while Do-Dore Falls prone due to the backlash of magickal energy that hit and somewhat burned him , his chest falls up and down , barely breathing . Ori and Thor-Axe failed there saves so they take 8 damage each and are on fire , they will continue to take 1d6 damage per round if they continue to fail the reflex save , while if they roll on the ground or into a large amount of water they only need to spend 1 full round action to put out the flames .

Leaf and Eternity still need to make their reflex saves . Remember that this spell also effects Visible Weapons , Clothes and Equipment .
Ori is reduced to 2 hp Thor-Axe is also reduced to 2 hp .

2009-10-08, 12:13 PM

Do-Dore Caughts up some amounts of blood and comes to his senses , everyone can see that he is awake and conscious , but he is severly wounded and an inch towards death . The Fire seemingly burned everything , the robe and hat of the Forest Wizzrobe burned up , along with his crossbow and bolts that were attached to his back , Dubs heavy crossbow , burns away into ash , and his great-axe is singed Dub's Great-Axe only has 3 hp left , The Kokiri Shield on Thor-Axes Back falls down and is on fire , nothing much left of it to know it was a shield , His heavy long bow cannot be accounted for , since the fire consumed it , and his sword is blackened by the fire's might Thor-Axes sword only has 1 hp left , Do-Dore is left naked , as-well as Ori his White Fae Robe sinced off

Treat Cloth Clothes as having 1 hp , and the hp and hardness for everything is in the Player's handbook and the SRD under Equipment

2009-10-08, 12:32 PM

Crap I forgot that Foun also gets +1 caster level because he is a goron , sorry , I just remembered that , oh Well ,Your Spell did some nifty damage for a level 1 spell anyways , Just remember that .

2009-10-08, 02:00 PM
Actually, I am Lv2 so it does more damage, and the Deku Babas were at 25 ft from the door which is in range. I now have 4 fire points.

[spoiler] Yeah Genocide [/spolier]

2009-10-08, 02:28 PM
Here is the Rules for Burning Hands Burning Hands
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Fire 1
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 3 squares(15 feet)
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
A cone of searing flame shoots from your fingertips. Any creature in the area of the flames takes 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level.Caster Level 2 +1 fire focus +1 goron (I forgot to calculate that in)
Flammable materials burn if the flames touch them. A character can extinguish burning items as a full-round action

Sorry your right , According to the Grid I made , You did hit the Deku Babas and they failed their reflex save , and are burned to death . Leaf and Eternity still need to roll for their Reflex saves for half damamge .

2009-10-08, 04:51 PM
Soon they will all be dead... soon...

"They... have... perished... let...us...help...our...comrades..."

once reflexes are rolled

2009-10-08, 07:29 PM
Roll KJ's dice, your on I'm on he isn't. Use the Forum and no can argue the results.

2009-10-08, 08:26 PM

Well , ok but if he gets mad ,

Leafs Reflex Roll [roll0] Eternity's Reflex Roll [roll1]

2009-10-08, 08:34 PM

Leaf is Taken in the Thrall of the Flames given off by the Burning hands spell and is reduced to -4 health Eternity Evades the fire , unlike her/his companion and only suffers slightly has 7 hp left

The Fairy Slingshot at Leaf's side is burned away as the fire envelops it .

DUB : -5 HP
ORI : 2 HP
LEAF : -4
Foun : 18 hp

2009-10-08, 09:01 PM

"Foun , Thor-Axe,Ori , Eternity ..you subdue dub while I heal myself so that I can help leaf"

WOODLAND VITALITY By laying his hands upon the blades of grass beneath him , Do-Dore mumbles the incantation : By Farore give me the growth of the forest ,HEAL ME

Targets Healed : Do-Dore , Ori , Eternity , Dub

Spell Cost : Normal Cost : 1x2 =2 -1 =1 Do-Dore's Cost : Forest Focus Reduces cost to spell level : 1

Caster Level : Level 1 + Forest Affinity(+1)Kokiri Tribal Focus:Forest (+1)
Caster Level : 3

Target's Healed : [roll0]

2009-10-08, 09:14 PM
Sorry guys, classes, then a six hour drive back home. Not exactly room to try and save my beleagured semi-heroes from the homicidal maniac. I don't mind you guys rolling for me if it's little things like that.


Seeing the burning hands after it was too late, Leaf was burned by the lunatic they had for an offensive spell caster, and fell to the ground, uttering his hopefully-not-last-words, "Would it...kill you...to learn how...to control yourself...?"

His fairy companion tried her best to keep in her rage at the goron, and failed miserably. "You Goddesses' damned retarded excuse for a goron, haven't you given a thought as to the fact we're in a forest that could set ablaze at any moment with your reckless fire?! We could all lie in cinders, you ignorant bitch!" Even in her crazed state, she knew it'd be no use smacking him, what with all of his slowness and padding absorbing all of whatever blow he could deal. An eye poke would likely cause damage, but set him off and nuke the place down to the ground for all she knew.

When the healing was done, and Leaf was raised "from the grave", the first thing he did was to mentally grab control of his companion and shut her up and put her on his head before she sparked a fight in the party.

2009-10-08, 09:15 PM

Remember that those that failed there reflex saves have to make a full round action to stop burning .


Ok , so we are once again back into Combat .
Initiative :

Do-Dore : 2
Foun : - 6
Thor-Axe 20
Dub : 6
Leaf : 21
Eternity : 21

2009-10-08, 09:16 PM
Leaf is brought down to -5 hp and is still dying , roll relfex save dc 15 or take 1d6 damage due to being on fire , Those that also have to make a relfex save when it is there turn , Ori , Thor-axe which are on fire . .

2009-10-08, 09:27 PM
Yeah, Thor can go. Just nulled my reflex save I made here, so I guess I have to post again. For RP purposes:

While vainly attempting to rise, the fire kept burning, and thus Leaf was burned by the flames again back into unconsciousness, having the pain of the fire's ferocity being too much for the little kokiri.

2009-10-08, 09:27 PM

Spends a Full round action to roll on the ground to put out the fires on himself .

2009-10-08, 09:32 PM
So reflex save is [roll0]

2009-10-08, 09:39 PM

Leafs Body Continues to burn with the magickal Fires of Foun's Spell , His body only suffers mildly your now at -7 damage and dying


Realilizing that his dark nature is revealed , Dub looks towards the door in which the party had come from , He Makes a Tactical Full Round Movement Action to increase his speed by x4 : 15 x 4 = 60 feet , Dub knowing that Foun is blocking the doorway must duck , move , ebb and flow around him to make his escape into The Kokiri Forest (After he gets out of Mido's house that is) [spoiler] Tumble Check: [roll0] DC:15 To Pass Foun at 1/2 Speed so -10 to speed if successful = 50 feet left to move .

2009-10-08, 09:45 PM

-Leaf is no longer burning , but still at -7 hp .
-Foun Gains an Attack of Opportunity against Dub for Running into him , trying to get through the door-way .


Do-Dore , having been healed by his own magic and of Farore , he calmly walks over to where Leaf is laying unconcious , dying due to the fires of Foun , Eternity leaning over him is in a rage , but also a panic that her companion will perish . "Leaf ,Thor-Axe" Do-Dore says stilly . Kneeling Down, Do-Dore touches the stem of the Deku Baba that Leaf Killed , Using it as a component for Woodland Vitality . "Be Healed Friends of the Forest , By My Healing hands , I Preserve your Life to Thee"

Leaf/Thor-Axe are healed [roll0]

Do-Dore's Spell Points : Spirit : 0 , Forest : 2
Hp : 4

2009-10-08, 09:54 PM
So Dub fails to get passed me.

Now Dub... You will die.

I cast 2 Magic Missles, 1 Standard Action Each, 1d4+1 1d4+1

2009-10-08, 09:54 PM

The Party (Exept for Dub is now at Full health , YAY)


With the light of the moonlight , the Kokiri's Low-light vision , comes into play , just 10 feet away from where leaf lay , a large almost cavernous Grove begins to open up , you can-not see deep within the Grove , but fire-flys give off sparks at where the grove begins and the path from Mido's House to the grove ends . Vines and Green grass , sparkle as if the forest or a part of it at-least remains prestine in the presence of such evil , or so Saria and the late-Navi said . As Do-Dore ends his spell , He is reminded that his clothes were burnt off , as-well with leaf's , looking flushed , Do-Dore reaches for the Deku Baba's Leaves and make-shifts some under-pants : Craft (Deku Baba Underpants) [roll0]

2009-10-08, 09:55 PM
Damn Dice

2009-10-08, 10:03 PM

Dub Falls down prone , he is disabled , blood beings to come out of his mouth and his body is quivering ,as if an inch away from death .

-Leaf's/Eternity's Turn Now .

is it ok if everyone makes an interactive 3.5 character sheet at http://www.myth-weavers.com/ and posts a link to it , so that I can keep up with Health , and magic points easily . Also , Ian , You are going to need the updated pdf soon , so that you can be properly leveled up , so that you can allocate the magic points you earned at level up to either fire/shadow , I assume you used your Bonus Magic Point gained at level 2 to cast Magic Missile , other-wise I think you are at 0 shadow magic points .

2009-10-08, 10:09 PM

Sorry Actually it's Ori's turn first , he has 24 initiative this round . Takes full Round Movement Action to put out the Fire upon himself .

Ori is also naked, his white robes burnt off by the magickal fire that warped it's way around the whole of the group , obliverating their enemies but also costing them dearly , however , Ori's White Aura nearly surrounds him making him seem just like a spec of light amist the darkness , so unless any-one inspects him closly , they will not nessesarily know he is naked . Ori doesn't blush , but laughs at Do-Dore's attempts to make Organic underpants .The laugh is a nervous one though , as her friend and companion Do-Dore was attacked by the phycopath known as Dub .

2009-10-08, 10:24 PM

Newly-revived Leaf decided noticed that Dub seemed to be today's party bitch, and he decided that he was going to join in, if only to re-direct his rage from other members of the party. He stumbled a bit, getting back to being used to a moving body. He drew his kokiri sword only, and slashed down at Dub's exposed neck.

For added insult and maybe-not-so-much injury, Eternity took up her trident, flew down to his level and stabbed the fallen goron in both eyes for good measure.

Coup-de-grace. As if I need to roll a hit check on that.

2009-10-08, 10:37 PM

damn caps

2009-10-09, 09:11 AM
I healed Leaf and Thor-Axe like 8 posts ago .

2009-10-09, 09:27 AM

With The Final Blow taken by Dub , his Body is lifeless , a vessel with no soul and no life , he lay sprawled across the doorway in front of foun . As the blade slashed through his skin and slit his throat a fountain of blood covered both leaf and foun , a last annoyance dub would manage to convey unto them .

2009-10-09, 09:49 AM

Not Far off into the Shadows , the Fire-Fly lights sparkle in odd colors of Blue , Orange and ,red casting shadows of the many different variety of flowers and wild plants growing within the large grove ,Red Roses , Dandilions , Lillies and other green-ary ,grew together into this place , they are arranged within a large semi-circle you notice as the fire-fly's move in that way . A Larger Shadow is cast deep within the Grove and when you concentrate you swear you can see moving , but what ?

Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg-4Trr7LOI&feature=related)

2009-10-09, 10:15 AM
"Do-Dore...Cast...a...light...spell...in...that...area" the lumbering goron points in the direction of the shadows.

2009-10-09, 10:33 AM

"I can't , I am not a Light Wizzrobe , but Ori is."

Ori using up another Light Magic Point(She only has 1 now) Cast MY LIGHT on Do-Dore . Do-Dore's Eyes Now Emit 20 Foot Cone of Light for 10 rounds .

Going over to the Grove Enterence , Do-Dore's Light uncovers A Collosal Tree as the Focal Point of the Grove .

2009-10-09, 01:08 PM
"That...must...be...the...Deku...Tree... lets...move...towards...it..."

Foun hides his iner desire to watch it burn, burn all the non-rocks... oooh look a pebble! (chewing sounds)

2009-10-09, 10:22 PM
Backstory-enlightenment ahoy!


As the group approached the Deku tree, waves of nostalgia overtook Leaf for a couple moments. Mostly memories of pre-exile, but a few memories of his moment of exile was in there too. Playing music with Saria, training with the twins, playing hero for the town whenever he felt it was needed, and then the subsequent downward spiral into his exilement: At first, it was only a couple of rupees from Mido's house for spite...but then he sought the thrill of the theft and hunt. He began to do more and more daring things against the proverbial kokiri grain until Mido and Saria got sick of it, Mido especially, and kicked him out of the village for it. Leaf thought Saria had kind of a soft spot for him, and that was probably what ended up fueling the feud between himself and Mido.

Eternity, however, was in a state of shock. Having a perch in the remains of Leaf's outer clothing (The inner clothing, being chain, was fine for the most part.), she was twitching as the remnants of the original fairy personality was fighting against Eternity's mind in an effort to regain control of her body. It was a fair struggle, but Eternity's mind was stronger due to the longer time outside, and the tougher experiences dealt with. In a short little bit, Eternity will have calmed down enough.

2009-10-10, 09:24 AM

As if A light Burst out of the nothingness itself , Two large balls of light appear in what would have been eyes on a normal human being , revealing the rest of the meadow in it's ambience . The Tree itself shakes slightly as in awakening from sleep , large strains of leaves are shook under what would be the being's nose , if it didn't have one already ? A voice Appears to consume the meadow , A peaceful Grandfatherly Voice , fillled with sterness and force . " Welcome... Listen carefully to what I, the Deku Tree, am about to tell thee... Thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full of nightmares... As the servants of evil gains ,strength, a vile climate pervades the land and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it... Verily, thou hast felt it... The time has come to test thy courage... I have been cursed... I need you to break the curse with your wisdom and courage. Dost thou have courage enough to undertake this task? Navi must have told you ... sweet navi ...oh , where art thou ?

2009-10-10, 08:33 PM

If only it were made of tasty marble, then it would be worth something...mmmmm thought the goron as he approached the Deku Tree. Tasty, Tasty, Tasty...

2009-10-10, 10:52 PM

Leaf stepped forward to answer the deku tree as if he were the party's leader...or the party's representative at the least. "We have no shortage of courage," he called back while proudly striding past his other party members, We lost Navi in a great battle on the way here, but we heeded her call nevertheless and we are ready to begin our duty, oh great father. Tell us what we must do to break your curse."

2009-10-10, 11:24 PM

"I a Priest of Farore , have the wisdom to under-take such a task I will do anything within my power to help thee , great father ."

2009-10-11, 01:28 PM

The Deku Tree , opens his mouth , and a dark shadow seems to spill outside , the grandfatherly voice returns .......Destroy ......theee.....Evil...Inside ......before....tooo......late !

2009-10-12, 06:03 AM

Could...we...just...light...it...on...fire?That... would...solve...all...the...evil...inside...

2009-10-12, 10:24 AM
Great Deku Tree/Do-Dore

As Do-Dore gasps in fear of Foun's Suggestion's ,The Great Deku Tree's Voice fills the Meadow ."What Fire could Harm the Guardian Spirit of the Forest ?Not of any Mortal that is for sure , The Curse will only end with the death of the evil creatures inside , and given the chance of escape , the forest will never return to normal : I can give you this one blessing to help you , for now that is . Drops of neon blue light fall from the great tree , showering all of you . all magic and health points restored , +1 to rolls (luck bonus) while inside the Great Deku Tree.

2009-10-12, 08:11 PM

Leaf smacks the goron in the arm, and sarcastically said, "Oh yeah, that'll work: destroying one of the last barriers keepin' the world alive. That goes well." as he walked towards the tree to enter it. "You guys coming?"

2009-10-12, 09:25 PM

Do-Dore walks towards the enterance to what must be the Great Deku Tree's mouth ,going inside the tree , side by side with Leaf he accepts what the future possibly holds .

K.J I have to ask , what compeled you to post at 9:11 ?

2009-10-12, 09:32 PM

Here goes nothing , I guess .Luck don't fail me now.

2009-10-12, 11:01 PM

Go inside the tree... Don't burn the tree... don't hurt us Foun please... would be so much easier than this thought the massive goron as he entered the massive tree.

2009-10-13, 05:35 AM
Inside the greast Deku Tree
Mood Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg-4Trr7LOI&feature=PlayList&p=623D8AFA6C5AC9F4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=49)

The party comes to an huge cavernous place filled with spider webs and darkness , the place you currently stand seems to be a short doorway/passage way . You can not see pass this , which is 10 feet in front of you Foun , being Goron however sees most of the cavern in black and white thanks to his 60 ft darkvision , in the center of the room foun sees a large circular spider web , and what seems to be walls circleling around the tree , these surely must walk-ways (however they are 15 feet up) , 30 feet to the far left , past the doorway is a ladder , (40 feetfrom where you stand) , the rest of the huge room is mired in darkness , but it seems that is could go on for some distance still , given the size of it , The stench of Mold and mildew enters your nostrils , given signs of age and internal damamge done to the great deku tree . All around you are both echoes that seem to sound for eternity ,and at the same time this place is quiet and emtpy . Goosebumps run up and down your body , as if something were stroking your skin , but you find that a cold chill runs throught the 'cavern' as-well .

2009-10-13, 07:19 AM
Foun tells the party what he sees.

2009-10-13, 08:34 AM

Leaf shivered as he spoke (After the goron explains all this, of course) "I dunno about you guys, but this place gives me the creeps." He looked around, mentally putting in the places that the goron had supplied. Actually being helpful for once.

"I think we should go up." the blue-haired Kokiri pointed, and in the direction of the ladder. "There's at least something good up there. Performer's sense is tingling, you might say."

2009-10-13, 11:22 AM

"I am not moving any-where until we have an adequite lightsource that will serve us , at least for a while , I propose something of the natural persuasion so that Ori , Foun and I , don't have to waste out our Talents.

2009-10-13, 11:25 AM

Noticing that he is still butt-naked Do-Dore quickly reaches for shrubbery and sticky webs to make some organic underpants/make-shift clothes . Craft[Organic Underpants] [roll0]

2009-10-13, 11:29 AM

"Damn - I am still Naked ! If only some one knew how to put together , These Simple Pieces of nature together so that I could properly cover myself ! Well , At-least I am well endowed , so no-one is going to laugh" I have a Charisma of 16 I think I am able to say that

2009-10-13, 11:48 AM
Well endowed is still only two inches if your only two feet tall...
The mighty goron laughs at your attempt to cover yourself. You...should...stay...in...the...nude... states Foun as the naked goron remember I have no equipment shows himself to the small Kokiri and then proceeds to laugh.
Charisma 17 bitch and larger race and big for my race, meaning height... no not THAT height... but yes THAT too

2009-10-13, 01:48 PM

Ori Says a Small incantation and below and be-hold he casts light
Ori has Light Focus that increases his light casting level by 1 , and light affinity that reduces the cost of this 0 level spell to 0 magic points and his tribal affinity is light giving him another +1 caster level
Rules for Light
Evocation [Light]
Level: Light 0
Component: V,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 10 min./level (D)30 minutes with +2 caster level at level 1 , = 300 rounds until the spell ends .
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes an object to glow like a torch, shedding bright light in a 4 square(20 Feet) radius (and dim light for an additional 20 squares) from the point you touch. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function.
A light spell (one with the light descriptor) counters and dispels a darkness spell (one with the darkness descriptor) of an equal or lower level.

Ori goes over to each party member and casts light on them .
"There , now we can actually see something in here."

2009-10-13, 01:58 PM

Now that there is light around you , you see that the bright light 20 feet away and even the dim light 40 feet away , shows green shrubbery plants that seem to have been growing inside the deku tree for quiet some time , these plants are in a horse-shoe circle from the far left(where the ladder is) to the far right(the corner of the tree).

2009-10-13, 08:46 PM

I just realized...I think Eternity is the only female member of our party.

The orange fairy companion facepalms as Do-Dore and Foun contemplate being nude amongst all of this. "If you two are done comparing penis sizes, I think we should find a way to get started."

Avoiding the size battle by wearing his slightly-charred chainmail and other bits of metal-clothing that didn't burn, Leaf looked to his shouting fairy, glad she didn't say something insane. Something burned in the back of his head that Eternity was probably going to become one of those mad scientists. "If you want them to stop, why don't you make clothes for them then?"

"I can't find enough material for the big guy yet, and I'm pretty sure he'd burn it off anyway when he realizes it isn't a rock," Eternity quipped as she looked around for something to make garments with. "As for Dore, I think I can pull something off."

2009-10-13, 08:48 PM
Forgot the roll tags on the last post. And what WOULD the DC check be?

Craft[Organic...some clothing or other.] [roll0]

2009-10-13, 09:01 PM
Nevermind, I think that's a win. :P


"Congratulations to you, Do-Dore, for you are the brand new owner of this!" And she shows him her creation (http://lessruth.deviantart.com/art/Dress-22789197). "It's a little girly, but I was trying out something new in my head...and I kinda fit it for a bigger me. Oh well. Deal with it if you want clothes."

2009-10-13, 09:23 PM
You...kokiri...and...your...desire...to...wear...c lothes...In...goron...society...clothes...distingu ish...our...women.

2009-10-14, 05:21 AM

"Oh yay , Clothes again !"

2009-10-14, 06:07 AM

In the center of the Semi-Circle , a small plant-like creature with furious red glowing eyes pops out , almost dancing on his two appendiges that seem to be planty legs . He Screams "KAKJKJASKDJLDSKJFHJJHDAL!!!!!" , In some language that none of you comprehend . From some-where inside his plant-body comes out some form of Spit-Shooter .

Initiative rolls for this round .
Ori : 24
Leaf/Eternity 21
Thor-Axe : 20
Do-Dore : 2
Foun : -6

2009-10-14, 06:21 AM

using up his only point in fire magic , Ori casts "Virtue" on Do-Dore by touching him on the top of his head .
+1 hp , for 1 min

2009-10-14, 06:32 AM
Leaf will be asleep till later probably so I will just say what I am doing provided nothing changes as I will likely be in class when it is my turn.

Foun's permanant grin seems to deepen at the sight of his friends attempts to destroy this simple plant. He raises his right arm; pointing at the creature, Foun mutters something in Goron that his party members do not understand. Suddenly, a razor thin line of white flame shoots from his hand towards the plant.

Foun is casting finger of fire (flame?) a level 0 spell which I believe does d3 damage, I still haven't transferred the rulebooks over to my laptop and I still don't Have the Zelda d20 book, so could your roll the dice on my turn and then keep the game flowing, if anything changes drastically I won't be doing this, for insatnce: if the plant dies, but if more pop up, hit someone with it.

2009-10-14, 07:24 AM
Foun Cast finger of flame for 0 magic point cost [fire affinity]
Finger of Flame
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Fire 0
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (5 squares + 1 square/level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a ray of fire that shoots forth from your fingertip and strikes a target within range, dealing 1d3 points of fire damage per caster level, if you succeed on a ranged attack with the ray.

Caster Level is 4 +1 for being a Goron and +1 for Fire Focus Feat .

Ranged Touch Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

I think everyone in the party exept Thor-Axe knows Goron

2009-10-14, 07:26 AM

wow a Ranged Attack Roll of 0 , WOW something tells me that the fire isn't going to hurt anyone , despite it being flashy and white-hot . Good thing you don't have to pay any magic points for that spell !

2009-10-14, 08:37 AM
[Haha, oh wow. You've just gotta hate your DEX modifier right now. And yeah, I was asleep. Right now, we're reviewing, so I can get stuff done in class. :D]


As the creeper bounded forward on it's stubby, plant-y legs, Leaf and Eternity look at each other and mentally contemplate how to attack the thing. At the speed of thought, they finish. Leaf's mouth opens up, and out comes a performance song to soften attacks against them. And he keeps singing as he bounds forward to attack the attacker head on in the face. Eternity, however, flew to the other side of the plant-thingie, and attacked it from the back, in a basic form of flanking. Both attacked in their traditional two-weapon styles, and prayed to Din that the goron wouldn't take this opportunity to fry them again.

Dice roll time:

Graceful Deflection roll: [roll0] DC: 13. Effect: 2/- damage reduction on Leaf.

Leaf's attack rolls:
~ Kokiri Sword [roll1] [roll2]
~ Dagger [roll3] [roll4]

Eternity's attack rolls:
~ Trident [roll5] [roll6]
~ Shield [roll7] 1 Damage

It's a +2 to attack rolls for flanking, right? If not, subtract 2.

2009-10-14, 11:29 AM

As Leaf and Eternity , flank the new-come creature from seemingly the plants , another springs from a shrub from the right , and leaps gently on it's toes towards foun , and spouts what looks like a seedling of shadow from it's circular mouth , hitting foun directly in the stomach , making it shake like a bowl full of jellies . It Squeecks and muffles "giewdiar , dapfanuen , Dicemie Ilomati !" It's Eyes flash orange as the Flung Projectile enters the magical light provided by Ori
Foun Takes 7-1 Damage

RememberThat everyone gets a +1 luck bonus while in the tree , and K.J your performance sadly didn't work :smalleek: ,

While foun is hit by the second creature , Eternity manages to hit with both her trident and shield on her opponent , playing quiet the warrior Leaf's Fairy Companion is doing , far better than Leaf who barley managed to hit the air with his attacks .

2009-10-14, 11:38 AM

Moveing away from the second crature that is seemingly attacking foun , Thor-Axe manages to manuevar himself away from the artillery flinging Oppenent , and towards Eternity , aiding her from the side with his Long-Sword .

Thor-Axe Attacks with flank [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-10-14, 11:42 AM

Thor-Axe once again , seemingly the Unlucky Hylain , His sword missing the Target completely , slashing the thin air where he swung .

2009-10-14, 11:49 AM

The Plant-Green , red glowing eyed creature , that is being somewhat annoyed by Thor-Axe , Eternity and Leaf , Looks at it's new found attacker with it's seemingly all-knowing eyes , "Sadow , Illphalien , Ningghilgt !" It seems to both Moan and say calmly to thor-axe . Streaking across it's arms , streams rippling shadow from it's arms hittitng Thor-Axe on the wrist of his sword arm .

Thor-Axe's Will Save [dc15] " [roll0]

2009-10-14, 12:14 PM

Thor-Axe's Body shakes as the Black lightning sinks into his skin , seemingly freezing him in place . Stuned for 1 round , takes 3 damage

Two more of these Plant-Beings Leap from the Darkness of the Shrubbery , One Leaps towards , Eternity , Leaf and thor-axe while the Other Bounds Towards Foun , in Either Case , They both produce , Shadow seedlings from their circular mouths , The One , attacks Eternity , while the Other foun .

Eternity with her strong Defence and armour seems to be not affected by these creatures , however foun takes another , seedling to the chest , Foun takes another 3-1 damamge = 8 damage taken so far .

Creatures Present thus far : Two in contact with Leaf, Eternity and Thor-Axe , while another Two are 10 feet away from Foun .

Do-Dore scrambling just behind Foun to Seemingly take cover , Reaches within his mind to see if he can recolect some useful information about these creatures . [roll0] Knowledge Nature Check DC :10+5=15 .

Now that he has thought to himself , Do-Dore reaches within-side himself , a reserve he can feel but not touch , the Forest Magic within himself . Do-Dore only releases a Trickle , just a trickle of the forest power inside of him so that his reserves wouldn't be used up ,

Do-Dore Casts Cure Minor Wounds on Foun to Heal him for 1 hp .

2009-10-14, 12:27 PM

Another Being , Faces both Foun and Do-Dore now , joining the Other two in their attack , The Creature ,Spits out another Seed of Shadow directly plainly at foun , However , this time The seed mearly bounces off the Goron and harmlessly lands on the ground .

As the attack fails , Foun raises his arm and casts Finger of Flame , but that too is futile .

End of Round 1 -


Ori using her light reserves uses Guidance to Give Foun a +1 on his attack roll . (this only lasts for 1 roll) o level spell so with Light affinity Ori doesn't pay any magic points .

2009-10-14, 12:31 PM

Creature Roll Call : 3 around Foun , Ori and Do-Dore . 2 Around , Thor-Axe ,Leaf and Eternity .

Hp Roll Call :
Thor-Axe : 7hp
Foun : 11 hp
Leaf : : Full Hp
Do-Dore : Full Hp
Eternity : Full Hp
Ori : Full Hp

Current Turn : Leaf/Eternity

2009-10-14, 01:19 PM
Whats initiative for next round?

2009-10-14, 01:29 PM
Can you post a battle grid?

2009-10-14, 03:46 PM

Not knowing whether his song was working or not, Leaf just kept singing his song, undeterred by his last faulty swings. At least Eternity did some damage to the thing. And now Thor had joined in the fight against their plant-thing...and was as unlucky as ever.

Since their current tactic seemed to be working well, Leaf and Eternity renewed their attacks, doing the same things as last time.

Better rolls this time? Oh, and adding the +1 luck bonus this time around:

~Graceful Deflection: [roll0] DC: 12
~Kokiri Sword: [roll1] damage [roll2]
~dagger: [roll3] damage [roll4]

~Trident: [roll5] damage [roll6]
~Shield: [roll7] damage 1

2009-10-14, 06:11 PM

I use the same Initiative For the Encounter for simplicity , I don't have a working scanner for a battle-grid but if there are any online-resources , I will use it and link it .

As Thor-Axe is wracked with shadow , he is still stunned for this round . When Leaf and eternity Dance with their performance (It works this time BTW) , Leaf strikes at their opponent , unlike last time . Eternity although trying fails to hit .

2009-10-14, 06:36 PM

As Leaf and Eternity fight , their green skined oppenent , openes it's palms and calls forth another shocking black smog to attack Thor-Axe .

Thor-Axe's will Save DC 15 : [roll0]

The Center Being and the One to it's right that are right next to Foun and Do-Dore attack foun , the reasoning must be simple to the adventures now , these being must regonize the Goron as a being of either fire or an alien being , either reason warrenting excessive attack , since they may not know what he is capable of . The Center of the three being hits foun with his mighty seedling of shadow , but the other doesn't .
Damage to Foun 3-1 damage

The being that came to the aid of it's spell-wielding companion , now attacks eternity in the hopes of disposing of her , much like they have already hampered the Hylain . The being however , fails to hit her , wasting one of it's shadow seedlings spouting from the being's mouth .


"I don't know anything about these creatures , they are unknown to me , foun ." Do-Dore says ,starting to worry hat his cover is being beraded by Artillery . Do-Dore Raises his hand and Casts Cure Minor Wounds on Foun ,healing him for 1 hp , seemingly waiting for a better time to use healing magic , not to waste what he can do in a day .

After Do-Dore is done with the minor healing to Foun , the being to the left of him , spits out another Seedling of Shadow at him . Hitting him in the stomach again . Damage to Foun 2-1

2009-10-14, 06:38 PM

Hp Roll Call :
Thor-Axe : 4 HP
Foun : 9 hp
Leaf : : Full Hp
Do-Dore : Full Hp
Eternity : Full Hp
Ori : Full Hp

Current Turn : Foun's Turn

2009-10-14, 09:20 PM
Foun gets incredibly angry from these plants and spreads his hands outwards before him, curtains of blue flame spewing forth from his finger tips.

Foun casts burning hands. What is the way to hit the most enemies? hard to tell without a battle grid. Could you please send me my options and then I will chose one. preferably one with as many of these planty things as possible

2009-10-14, 09:38 PM

Burning Hands will Hit all the Creatures in front of you which is 3 .

2009-10-14, 09:46 PM

I take it that you want to cast burnning hands in front of you then if you can hit 3 creatures . I can do the rolls for you ?

Damaged Caused by burning Hands [roll0]
Reflex Save Dc = 10+1+5=DC 16

2009-10-14, 09:54 PM

The Creatures from the Right and Left of Foun Fall Down in Huge Screams that Echo Throughout the Deku Tree's Cavernous Hallow , "Guiweiwphiel , heuiakldaso , Kuyrticallllllllllla !!!!!!!!!!!!" The One in the Center with it's Eyes glowing Redish Orange like a bonfire , now look towards him and Screams "Heirlfoa , Illluaokajh!" As if Moaning a war-cry and Grieving at the same time .

2009-10-14, 10:00 PM
That was exactly what I wanted to see! Thanks for rolling!

2009-10-14, 10:01 PM

Ori Flys over-towards Foun's Head and lands on-top of it . He Says "Well , Well perhaps our Goron Friend needs some Guidance to help him save the day once again .

Ori casts Guidance upon foun to increase his next damage roll by +1 .

Remember : that now foun has +1 increase to his next damage roll and +1 on his next ranged attack roll thanks to guidance being cast twice(Ori did that last round). Don't forget that Burning Hands cost Foun 1 Fire magic point also .

Ori Looking towards Leaf/Eternity , awaits their next move .


2009-10-15, 06:32 AM
Down to 3 Fire Magic and 1 Shadow

2009-10-15, 06:35 AM
Idea for battle grid: Make a chart, even if its not perfect squares will get the idea, can include this chart as a spoiler if someone moves. And also label squares with numbers so I can say ex: Foun moves from 3 to 5 to 9
Try it if you can't find something else. These distances will be measured in feet, but to keep the movement simplistic this will be easier.

2009-10-15, 07:28 AM
[ooc]That sounds complicated. Why not just copy/paste a grid straight out of MS Excel?


Their praying to Din had proved true, Leaf even thanked her out loud, and they didn't get crispy this time around when the goron had begun his bombardment. When the plant thing turned to attack the orange fairy, the fairy's tiny size helped immensely in dodging the spitting-thing. She taunted him while she stood (flew? Hovered?) still in the air. Sticking out her tongue and sing-songing a mockery "nah-nih-nana-na-naaaaaah"

Of course, having the plant thing's back to him, Leaf dove right in with his blades, hoping to end his part of the battle quickly. This one on its own seemed to be taking way too long to die, like his name was Grigori or something.

Eternity's Taunt roll (Using Diplo.): [roll0]
Leaf's attack rolls
~ Kokiri Sword: [roll1] damage: [roll2]
~ Dagger: [roll3] damage: [roll4]

2009-10-15, 08:54 AM

Thor-Axe being bombarded by the shadow last round , remains still unable to move in this round . The Heroic Kokiri with his dual weapon fighting managed to get a hit on the creature that had blasted thor-axe with it's shadowy magic , making it look like it is a moment from death. The Creature beside it however, looks like it can fight , as it has been readily been ignored for it's seemingly more-powerful comrade . Leaf scored a critical hit .

The creature beside it's seemingly wizzrobe companion , shoots out a shadow seedling at Thor-axe , hoping to bring him down in hopes of wining this battle against those who would do them harm . However , this attack fails and thor-axe is only left to wonder if he is going to live enough to see another day .

The plant creature , that struck thor-axe with what seemed like small arc lightning made out of shadow , now mumbled it's chant at Eternity , seemingly to do the same to the fairy , for her nuisance taunting of him .The chant finished and only sparks fly out of his hands , it seems that he is too wounded or bloodied to concentrate properly to finish his spell .

The Only remaining creature alive near foun , now Aims at the Fairy Ori , to get that aid out of the way so it can finish the goron off , The seed of pure shadow spouts from it's mouth , but it flys over ori's head and fails to hit him .

2009-10-15, 08:58 AM

Do-Dore Casts Cure Minor wounds once again at Foun.Brining his health up by 1. Foun now has 10 hp , and I am going to try for the MS EXCEL THING THAT SEEMS FUN.

Current Turn " Foun

2009-10-15, 09:15 AM

Link to Battle Grid Battle Grid (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ar?id=tDmhcFMv4CwHkiOjk1pcoWA.06175314942315560520 .9139207962423312229&hl=en&action=1&tile=1&rpert=100&tfe=jc_9&gsessionid=1lkla7i9_F8&srow=0&erow=14&fprt=false&scol=0&ecol=12)

2009-10-15, 09:44 AM
Battle Grid Does not appear when the link is pressed

Staring at the chared remains of these plant creatures, Foun turns his attention to the remaining monstrosity before him and gives a small grin, while casting his next spell, Foun wonders if the inners of the tree were aflame but found himself concentrating to hard on the enemy to check.
Foun raises his arms above his head and dives forward, gracefully for his size, which is to say like a whale doing a back flip like a dolphin, curling into a ball and rolling towards the monster before him.

Don't have rules for that on me, please do it for me and roll. weight 420

2009-10-15, 10:11 AM
Battle grid (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ar?id=tDmhcFMv4CwHkiOjk1pcoWA.06175314942315560520 .133760220278913226&hl=en&action=1&tile=1&rpert=100&tfe=&gsessionid=&srow=0&erow=14&fprt=false&scol=0&ecol=12)

Editable Battle Grid (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlbkZHo09kbldERtaGNGTXY0Q3dIa2lPamsxcGNvV 0E&hl=en)

Do any of these work ? The Second one is editable so that you can move yourself around the battle Grid .

Foun rolls and attacks the next Creature : [roll0]

2009-10-15, 10:18 AM

The Creature That foun slams into is crushed under the gigantic weight of the rolling goron , and it stops squeeking as it is mowed over by Foun .

Ori moves from G6 to C5 and lands on leaf's head and casts Guidance on him to give him +1 on his next attack roll .

Current Turn : Leaf and Eternity

2009-10-15, 11:17 AM

Legend of Zeld OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7127266#post7127266)

2009-10-15, 12:14 PM
Chart 2 works 1 doesn't work What will my rolling speed be next round? Can you split me from the body and just add it in once I move.

2009-10-15, 12:26 PM
Response to that question (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7127594#post7127594)

2009-10-15, 04:24 PM

Leaf noticed his handiwork on the creature, and was surprised to see it still standing. So, to finish off the job, he stabbed at it again with both weapons, just to make sure it would die for sure this time around. Just to make sure. (That'd be the one in C4) Eternity taunted the wounded shrubbery creature again, just because that's what budding mad scientists do, and sticks in her trident flashily for good measure.

(Also, on the grid, where is Thor?)

Kokiri Sword: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Dagger: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Trident: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Eternity's Taunt/Diplo: [roll6]

2009-10-15, 04:28 PM

Leaf hits the creature , slashing it in seemingly half , causing blood and entrails to splatter everywhere . The creature doesn't even have to to scream , and as it falls , thor-axe is able to move again .


Thor-Axe moves over to the other , Last standing Creature , and Swings with all his might to DESTROY IT ."FOR HYRULE EVIL!"

Dice Rolls [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-10-15, 04:30 PM

Thor-Axe although Heroic has failed to hit , the Creature .

The creature returning the favor spouts it's seedling of shadow right at Thor-Axe with an amused look on it's face if it can even be called amused . Thor-Axe takes 3 damage .


Do-Dore runs over to Leaf , Ori and Eternity *Full round tactical Movement*
Do-Dore moves from G7 TO C6

2009-10-15, 05:00 PM
Foun Continues rolling and rolls around the shrubs (C7) and proceeds to turn into the one fighting found rolling over the creature and possibly even Thor-Ax. He found it hard to tell as he couldn't see very well.

roll those dice!

2009-10-15, 08:13 PM
As Foun rolls into Both Thor-Axe and The creature with his goron rolling , he bashes both of them with his massive strength .


2009-10-15, 08:15 PM

As Foun Rolled into the Creature , he also hit thor-axe , and in line with the 'Unlucky Hylain Motif' Thor-Axe was rolled over much like A Whale Bouncing on a guppie on the sandy shore , Thor-Axe is no more and the creature thanks to the rest of the adventurers squeels before going under founs weight , and bursting in a clot of blood .

2009-10-15, 09:56 PM

Yeah, another battle done. Whoo. Leaf noticed a sort of glowing feeling inside himself as the battle ended, and felt strengthened by the results. And then the spats of blood hit him. He facepalmed as he realized who had been squished, and for what reason...or, really, the lack of reason. He mentally restrained Eternity from lashing out, as it wouldn't do anything anyways. She returned to him, and made a nest in his hair for the moment. Leaf turned to the resident healer and said: "Is there anything we can do for Thor? Or would it be more merciful to leave him down?"

2009-10-15, 10:08 PM
Heres the whole problem with the hitting Thor thing, how were he and the creature in the same space? Oh well now we don't have a big party of NPCs. Sorry Thor-Ax, isn't there a way to dodge the roll? Also wow! nice damage roll, or is it not so nice. I know we will get him a boss heart that will fix him up!

Perhaps...the...mystical...powers...that...saved.. .me...can...help...him

2009-10-15, 11:04 PM

Do-Dore Strides towards Thor-Axe , feeling for a pulse that wasn't there , he Laid his head down , and stood up , Ori Flying Near his shoulder . "Leaf , there is nothing I can do for the dead , *Says Icely Calm* Those talents lay beyond my simple power . Foun , I am glad for what you have done , as-well as everyone . The Heat of Battle is fierce and Thor-Axe , must of realized that such risks are possible when you are fighting for you life .May he Stride in the Golden Lands , with the Light of the Triforce to Guide his way to the Goddesses . *Raises hands towards the sky* , These Creatures are alien to me , but Perhaps ori would know something? Any-ways , maybe searching the bodies will give us some indication to our spoils of war."

2009-10-15, 11:07 PM

Ori makes an untrained Knowledge nature check DC 15 (So I guess it's an Intelligence check?)

"Lets take a look at these creatures" [roll0]

2009-10-15, 11:10 PM

Ori looking at the bodies and inspecting them , flys towards Do-Dore and declares .

"Much Like Do-Dore , My Knowledge is not able to distinguish what these beings where , however , if we find more of them ,I may be able to inspect those ones , or maybe try to find a way to talk to them , some-how."

2009-10-16, 08:37 AM

While searching through the five bodies , you find 150 rupees altogether , along with a vial of green liquid followed by four vials of red liquid .

2009-10-16, 12:00 PM

I...will...carry...Thor-Ax's...body...what...is...in...the...vials? Does...anyone...know...

2009-10-16, 01:26 PM

"I will use my familiarity with alchemy to see what those potions are !"

[roll0] , DC 15

2009-10-16, 01:29 PM

"Sorry Foun , I do not know what these are ."

2009-10-16, 01:56 PM

The goron was doing something useful that didn't hurt anyone else! Leaf thought to himself, but what he really said out loud is, "Er, let's just keep everything in a big bag, and we'll divvy everything out later...as for the vials...Eternity, do you remember if we used any of those colours before outside of alcohol?"

Eternity's Heal check (closest check that makes sense.) [roll0] (Since my character sheet isn't updated, that's 5 ranks +1 wisdom.

Throwing in Leaf because I can: Profession (Performer) [roll1]
Also 5 ranks, also +1 wisdom.

And both will keep the DC of 15.

2009-10-16, 02:23 PM
(I'll take Eternity's. Makes a little more sense.)

"The red potions return you to an uninjured state." She explained. "The green ones will give you back all of your magic ability, even if you use all of it possible."

"That was clear and concise. Are you sure you're insane in there, Eternity."

"Since when is Genre Savviness not knowing stuff a side effect of insanity?

2009-10-16, 02:28 PM

Items - The Red Potion heals you 1d8 damage , while the Green Potion , heals 1d4 magic points ,the person drinking them can allocate them as normal . However , since only Leaf knows this , you have to take his word for it though , because he passed a bluff check.however , sense motive can counter that .

2009-10-17, 09:59 AM

Leaf...I...believe...that...you...wanted...to...lo ok...around...up...that...ladder...I...will...stay ...here...and...cover...the...ladder...Do-Dore...go...with...him.

2009-10-17, 10:20 AM

Glaring Sharply at the Goron "Not yet my impatient Goron Friend , I have a farewell song to play , to Thor-Axe." Seemingly from thin air , a hand lyre appears in the hands of Do-Dore and he looks at leaf . "Leaf I don't know how to play instruments of music very well so can you help me play along ?" Do-Dore begins to Fumble over the hand lyre , and starts to play A Ballad for the dead (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOb-BFcr-pM&feature=related) .

2009-10-17, 10:23 AM
Untrained Performance Check 1d20+3

2009-10-17, 10:25 AM
Untrained Perform Check again : [roll0]

2009-10-17, 11:10 AM

After listening to the goron's words, and liking them, he watched Do-Dore fumble around on his instrument. "Not bad for a newb to music," Leaf commented, ...but something tells me an elegy isn't quite the appropriate...gesture. I think Thor-Axe would rather us honor his memory through battle, and battles we shall dedicate." he finished off with a hint of heroism in his speech. Totally truthful, but with an added flair reserved for party members. He followed the trail up the ladder, and asked Eternity, "Hey, do you think you can scout ahead for us? I'll be right behind you, and I guess Dore will be after me."

She shrugged. "Sounds alright to me. See you up there." she said as she flew up the ladder, and waited for the rest of the woodlanders to come up, with Leaf already on the ladder and climbing.

2009-10-17, 11:50 AM

The Light caused by Ori's Spell flickers around Eternity as she scouts ahead making her way up the ladder and going higher up into the Great Deku Tree . Eternity sees the floor below , reavealing once again the spider-web covering up the floor below her . Eternity also sees a thin path , after that the light grows dim , slightly revealing vines along with an open space , to the floor below before a tree trunk sticks out of the wall ,as if there is a path just after that , however such a path is covered in total darkness .

2009-10-17, 12:11 PM

Climbing the Ladder , Do-Dore makes his way up beside Eternity , Ori came as well , and Do-Dore knew why , He always had to stay near Do-Dore , because of his fear of being alone . Do-Dore moves towards F7

2009-10-17, 12:12 PM

You...four...will...go...up...the...ladder...I...w ill...stay...behind

2009-10-17, 12:32 PM
Foun searches the area he is left in with the dead plant creatures and Thor Ax.


2009-10-17, 02:20 PM

Eternity leads the way up the path, but not too far away to leave the rest of the group in a state of darkness this much farther up the group. Leaf follows behind, listening and watching around him to try and make sure nothing was going to mark him and his pals as a tasty snack...or to pass up treasure in the tree.

So, I guess that's a listen/spot check here, just to make sure.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2009-10-17, 07:48 PM

Foun while searching the bottom area , along with the light from ori's spell to guide his way , comes across the large hole in the ground , but it is covered up by a thick white spider-web . Loose vines litter the walls around the Alcove that the 'hole' is found . The plants are kept serene , clean and beutiful ,odd considering the Deku Tree's Conditions . The Bodies have nothing more on them except for what booty you found . There are several small spiders on the Vines around you , but they don't seem to be a problem .

Leaf , when searching sees that the path does indeed continue after the partial hole /tree trunk ,beyond the jumping space between the tree trunk sticking out of the Side , you can see something inlaid within the wall , a wooden panel , something akin to a door . Close to you , just before the Holes in the path , Upon the Vines , something 10 feet up are Huge Spider's Pivoting in a circle , as if looking for something , or are on guard .

2009-10-17, 09:26 PM
DM-Foun's Perspective

A Slight Blue Light eerily Wavers around foun , from behind him a source of blue light must be flickering around him , because in front of him , Spots of blue litter the ground in front of him . A soft , voice wavers , sounding like leaves in the wind . "You know , Fire would have worked to kill me ,it would have been a cleaner death , rather than simply rolling over me."

2009-10-17, 10:07 PM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

As Leaf Looks around , he noticed to his left are darks holes in what must be the Deku Tree. Small snake like creatures spout from these holes , crawling down the walls , they twist , themselves around each-other and coil around themselves on the ground . Opening their mouths , Ivory White Fangs shine in the Light , theses creatures seem ready to pounce , awaiting there next pray .

2009-10-17, 10:23 PM

Leaf and Eternity mentally conversed the current situation:

:We should probably check to see if that's actually a door over there before continuing upwards.:

:Agreed. There might be a map or something to help us navigate the innards of this place. When we do head up, I'm guessing I should just spike them off the vines, right?

:It'd probably be the best case scenario, seeing as our offensive spellcaster is on the ground, and I don't think I could fight on the vines. Relay to Dore that we're heading for the door. I'll start clearing the way.:

So, the orange fairy flew over to Do-Dore and said, "We're going through the door before we start heading up farther. And then we'll take care of heading for the next floor."

Leaf drew his weapons again, but made no other move to the snake-things that were on the floor, so that they were not provoked. He waited for his back-up to get over before leaping into the fray. There's courageous, and then there's stupid. Leaf was not stupid.

2009-10-17, 10:24 PM

Scrambling Towards Leaf and Eternity , Do-Dore is Humbled by the presence of the Great Deku Tree , and how Huge it is in comparision to how big a Kokiri is . Looking quite disturbed by the creatures in front of him , he looks at leaf . "Oh Leaf , they must have smelt the Carnage from below , they must think we are there next meal !"

2009-10-18, 07:54 AM

What...are...you...creature? knowledge check [roll0]


2009-10-18, 08:54 AM
DM -Foun's Perspective

"I was a Deku , of the Termina Kingdom , Lead Shadow Wizzrobe of the Broken Stick Mercenary Group from the Wintery Mountains of the South . I mean you no harm , I simply Can-not pass into the after-life , perhaps the thing within the Tree is perventing me , since I was able to use shadow magic .

2009-10-18, 10:39 AM

Now that their supporting spellcasters had caught up, Leaf and Eternity looked at each other once before going into action, silently ignoring Do-Dore's little quip about them being a meal. Leaf started the attack by singing an elegy to Farore that asked for insight into the movements of the beasts as he slashed at the closest of the creatures with his blades. Eternity made a follow-up to that attack by executing a flying charge.

Leaf's rolls:
Farore's insight: [roll0] DC: 15
Kokiri Sword: [roll1] (Add 2 if Performance passes) Damage: [roll2]
Dagger: [roll3] (Add 2 if performance passes) Damage: [roll4]

Trident (Charge): [roll5] Damage: [roll6]
Shield Bash: [roll7] Damage: 1

2009-10-18, 10:54 AM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

K.J can you please tell me what Squares of Creatures your attacking , so I know what you are attacking , please ,Find it in the Deku Tree #2 Map under Useful Links

As Leaf and Eternity Charge and Slash into the creatures infront of them , they manage to cut the two of the creatures coiled around each-other into ribbions ,However , the other Creatures were apparently angered and slithered to attack , It Struck out At Leaf , but it missed his body , only lashing out at the thin air . HIIISSSSSS

2009-10-18, 11:25 AM

Looking at the oncomeing Slithering serpent-like creatures , Do-Dore pulls and tugs at his Reserves of Forest , hoping to unleash it upon the Creatures . "By the Forest I Evoke Thee !" Thick Sap like Liquid Blast through the area in a cone shape ravenging , E,F,G :4,5,6,7 , [roll0] , Reflex To Avoid Poisoning : DC 14 The Remaining Serpentine Creatures Collapse in a heap of Burnt Flesh brought on by Acid

2009-10-18, 11:29 AM

Looking Somewhat ashamed for ending living life "Sorry for Hurting You leaf , it was the only way , I am sure if you use one of those healing Vials we found , you should be alright ." sorry about the 5 damage

2009-10-18, 12:55 PM


2009-10-18, 01:05 PM
DM- Foun's Perspective

"The Evil is something made from Pure Shadow Magic , I haven't seen anything quite like it , It's something akin to A Spider , with one Eye ,Instead of the Regular Spider's Eyes . It crawls up and down walls , and is able to spawn more of it's young kind every so often . If not a Spider , it's most likely a Mutated Scorpion , either way it's alien to this world , and don't get too close , It's skin is as strong any armour I have seen those Hylains wearing . The way to this source , is Down-ward in a deep-bowl found within an almost cavernesque tunnel , that leads down deeper into the earth , where roots are rampant."

2009-10-18, 01:37 PM

Casts Guidance on Leaf so he gets a +1 to his reflex save on top of his base save and the Deku Trees Blessing

2009-10-18, 03:21 PM

Thank...you...spirit...I...will...slay...this...be ast...and...you...shall...be...released.

2009-10-18, 04:50 PM

Leaf wasn't quite surprised when the snake-thing was cut in half and both parts decided to keep wiggling around. He was surprised though when the acid hit him. [I]If it's not one thing, it's another. At least it's an accident this time. Out loud, he congratulated the other Kokiri: "No harm done. At least you didn't out right kill me unlike another spellcaster I could name." He digs a healing potion out of the bag and mock-toasts, "To our continuing health.", and he chugs the bottle.
for healing!

Doesn't the Deku Blessing count here too?

2009-10-18, 06:38 PM
DM -Foun's Perspective

"Follow....and you Shall , Find the Path ."
The Spirit of the now dead Deku Wizzrobe Hovers over to the Spider-Web Hole in the ground . He sets it alight with the Lantern in his hand , and as the web burns away in blue fire , the Spirit Slowly hovers down in a down-ward spiral motion . ""Follow". It slowly says hoping that it will be followed .

2009-10-18, 06:53 PM

Do-Dore scrambles over to F4 waiting for Leaf to come and lead the way .

2009-10-18, 07:59 PM

Returned to perfect health, and people waiting to be led on the way, Leaf looked around to make sure there were no other creepy-crawlies ready to attack him. When he saw the ghost burn away the spider web and motion of Foun to follow him, Leaf said to Eternity "Tell him we'll be with him in a couple of minutes...that or see if you can delay them for a bit...but come right back now because I'm not exactly a study fighter."

Eternity nodded, and quickly flew down to Foun and said to him, "Leaf says that we'll be down in a couple of minutes if you and your friend can wait a bit. We're not quite sure what the hell else there is in this tree. We'd rather not get down there and see you dead there while we grabbed ten rupees." and without waiting for a response she flew back up to Leaf and the gang. Having his fairy back in place, he went right for the door, and opened it, with Eternity flying in and up to light up the place.

2009-10-18, 08:17 PM
DM-Leaf's And Do-Dore's Perspective

After Jumping onto the Tree Branch and Opening the Door Spotted Along the Deku Tree's Winding Path . Do-Dore Huddled near him , but not in front so to avoid being chow for some hungry abomination . As Ori Followed , the Room that seemed increadibly Small , (compared to what had been seen before) , Housed Webbings and vines , to fit the motiff . The Room's Width is 10 feet , while The Length is 15 feet . In the Illuminatio of Ori's still acting , the Light Revealed 3 green figures with Orange-red glowing eyes . They seem oddly familiar from those that you have encountered before .

Leaf/Eternity : 16
Dore-Dore : 14
Ori :8

Look to the Useful Links for Tactical Map and What-not!

2009-10-18, 09:35 PM

Great. More of the little plant freaks. "Once more into the fray we leap." Leaf muttered as he drew his blades. There were too many for him to try and persuade into friendliness this time as well. He was going to try once he had the group here whittled down to one. He began to sing another song, wrapping himself in the notes to soften the blows of the little munchkins. Looking at Eternity for a second, they agreed on a target (The closest one, F5) and charged him together.

Graceful Deflection: [roll0] DC: 12, effect 1/- damage resistance
Kokiri Sword: [roll1] damage [roll2]
Dagger: [roll3] damage [roll4]

Trident (Charge): [roll5] Damage: [roll6]
Shield Bash: [roll7] Damage: 1

2009-10-18, 09:51 PM
DM-leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

As leaf charged he failed to hit with the Kokiri Blade , but managed to snag a hit hit that dug into the flesh , more-so than in the past . The Creature let out a squeek but was taken aback further with Eternity snagging in , charging with the tribdent and Shield .

The Same wounded Creature , been taken with such Hostility , Fires a small seed of Fire at Do-Dore , hoping to wound or kill his attacker's comrade . The seed misses , but Do-Dore Can't help but squeel .

2009-10-18, 10:03 PM

"Hey , That is not Very Nice , Who do you think you are hurling fire like that , A GORON ? "Your Mind will be clouded like the Fog in the a bad Raining Morn !" Casts Lesser Confusion at the Creature at F5 ([roll0])

2009-10-18, 10:04 PM
Roll Again : [roll0]

2009-10-18, 10:07 PM
DM -Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

The Creature's mind although ,taken in the thrall of the Blast of Spirit Magic , still looks as normal as it did before .

2009-10-18, 10:32 PM
[I don't suppose he counts as "dazed", does he?]

2009-10-18, 10:35 PM


Ori casts Guideance on Leaf to get a +1 to his next attack roll .

2009-10-18, 10:37 PM
DM Leaf-and Do-Dore's Perspective

The Other Two Creatures , scrambling to help attack , spit fire in Do-Dore's direction as-well , One hitting him once , making the Kokiri hold his arm , where the seed of flame hit him . "Ouch"
Do-Dore takes 3 damage

2009-10-18, 10:43 PM

Leaf enjoyed the remark about the goron. As for the plant-things, when the others had begun their movements, Leaf issued a command, in a sing-song voice to keep up his song of deflection, "Eternity, fly to the far side of the far one and distract it. I'll finish off this one, and I'll give you a hand in a sec." She saluted an almost mock salute, by following the directions anyways, flying to G4, and rushing the creature in a circular motion to avoid the other one.

Thought so. Anyways, rolling nets me:

Graceful Deflection: [roll0] DC 12
Kokiri Sword: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Dagger: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

Trident: [roll5] Damage: [roll6]
Shield Bash: [roll7] Damage: 1

2009-10-18, 11:19 PM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

The Deku is hit by Leaf's Kokiri Blade , however , it managed to swearve out of the way of his second dagger , Eternity flying around to the other hostile creature , manages to bash it once , more of an annoyance than an actual threat . The Deku that was attack by Leaf attacked him back , hurling it's arms at Leaf , failing to hit .


Casts Cure Minor Wounds on Himself +1 Hp

DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

Seeing the White Coloured Orb hovering around Do-Dore , two Creatures near the back of the room , shot Fire Seeds at Ori , but to no avail .


Casts Guidance on Leaf to give him a +1 to damage for his next succesful hit .

2009-10-19, 05:48 AM
Foun Takes the Fairies advice, a creature of pure evil does seem like it may be a challenge and he certainly didn't relish dying again.

He calls to the spirirt telling it to wait. He approaches the hole and begins to look down in it to see if there is anything notable.

2009-10-19, 09:34 AM
DM Foun's Perspective

Foun traveling over to the hole , find that the southern side of the Once covered hole , is overrun in thick vines , going all the way down , or presumidly down , 50 feet down the hole . A large pool of water is directly below the Hole , in perfect alignment with it .

"I will wait .....mortal." the spirit replies .

2009-10-19, 10:23 AM

After nimbly dodging the deku's attack and noting the spell being cast upon him, Leaf decided to issue another command, this time to the white fairy, of course still in his graceful sing-song voice: "Ori, cast your next spells on Eternity, I'm pretty sure she needs them more than I do." as he dove his blades back into the deku's personal space.

"That'd be greatly appreciated, actually." Eternity grunted as she flew back a bit before rushing the deku in G4 again.

Graceful Deflection: [roll0] DC 12
Kokiri Sword: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Dagger: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

Trident: Trident: [roll5] Damage: [roll6]
Shield Bash: [roll7] Damage: 1

2009-10-19, 10:46 AM
Foun casts a finger of fire down the hole to try and see if anything is down there. That he cannot see.

2009-10-19, 12:43 PM
DM-Foun's Perspective

Foun casting his Fire Spell down the Hole , sees that the Pool becomes Shallow just 10 feet from where it begins , anyone landing in the pool from above wouldn't land in that area . The Pool is clear blue , and Foun can see the bottom of it , with nothing in it to warrent worry .Slightly to the right of the Pool ,is an elevated Platform , sticking 10 feet above the water . To the Left is a slight elevation that slowly leads out of the pool .

DM-Leaf and Do-Dore's Perspective

As Leaf and Eternity fail to hit their targets , The Creature infront of Leaf takes the opportunity to hit his Comrade Do-Dore with a seed of fire , Missing Do-Dore only grazing his shoulder .

Do-Dore Looking Puzzled for a moment , Do-Dore tugs at his spirit Reserve to hopefully daze the Creature at F5
Will save dc 14

The Creature being shuddered with the spirit magic from Do-Dore looses it's next turn .

DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective
The Creature behind the one that was just hit with Do-Dore's magics Spits a small ball of flame at Do-Dore hitting him square in the chest , causing him to collapse onto the floor . do-dore takes 6 damage .The Green creature that Eternity has been attacking flung one of these seeds of fire at Leaf by means of hit's mouth , but failed , the seed simply flying straight over his head .


Raises his Finger and Casts Finger of Flame at the Creature at F5
reflex save dc :14 . The creature isn't taken by the flames but it is singed a little . [roll0]

2009-10-19, 07:02 PM

Seeing Do-Dore go down from the seed sent a wave of anger through Leaf for a second before he mentally clamped down on it to keep his cool. Instead he issued another command, dropping the song seeing as it wasn't really needed, "Eternity, go heal Do-Dore, he's down for the count right now!". As he said so, he decided to enact revenge at this moment by striking down this rather elusive Deku thing.

Eternity flew over to Do-Dore and shook her pouch for a bit and noted her severe lack of actual healing materials. "Damn it. Note to self, fix that." she muttered as she decided to do the healing the natural way, using the

Kokiri Sword: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Dagger: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Cure Serious Wounds [roll4]

2009-10-19, 07:28 PM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

The Creature being struck by Leaf's mighty weapons fell down , felled by Leaf's Weapons , having it's breathing slowing down dramatically while it almost seemed to rest in a pool of it's own blood .

2009-10-19, 07:44 PM
Foun makes a mental note of these platforms and waits for Leaf and Do-Dore before continuing on to destroy this creature.

2009-10-20, 09:26 AM

Do-Dore still being Prone on the Ground , Points his outstretched hand at the Being at F4 , and casts Lesser ConfusionCrushing the nutshell with his left hand .


Ori Points his finger at the Creature at F4 and casts finger of Flame , Hoping it would be taken in the flame . The Flame envelopes the Being making it scream . ([roll0])

2009-10-20, 09:36 AM
DM-Leaf and Do-Dore's Perspective

With on of these fowl creatures going down and another being blasted with spirit magic , but to not affect . It seems that they have re-acted to Leaf as the next 'Target' . Two Seeds are shot in his direction , But only one hits him , a slight spark on his sleeve . Leaf takes one damage .

2009-10-20, 04:59 PM

At least they weren't targeting the squishy wizzrobe. thought Leaf as he yelped from the shock. To return the favor, Leaf whips around charges the deku not directly in front of the other spellcasters. (That's G4 for those counting, and that makes Leaf in G5.) Eternity, not having orders this time, decided to help Leaf in that charge, doing the same thing to the same enemy.

Kokiri Sword: Damage:
Dagger: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Trident: Trident: [roll4] Damage: 1d3-1
Shield Bash: Damage: 1

2009-10-21, 12:35 PM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

The Creature that is attacked by Leaf and Eternity in that instance also topples over from the kokiri's attacks . G4 .

Do-Dore Using up his last piece of spirit inside of him , Do-Dore , casts Daze on the Remaining Creature will save dc 14

The Creature being touched by Spirit , seems to take no effect from the Uttered Spell by Do-Dore's Hands .


Ori Casts Guidance on Leaf's next attack roll (+1 to next attack roll)

DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's Perspective

The creature Fires at Do-Dore , however it flies past him and fails to hit .

2009-10-21, 05:23 PM
Foun wonders what could be taking the rest of them so long...


2009-10-21, 06:44 PM

With the Deku toppled over, Leaf gave a mental command to Eternity of [I]:Finish him.: while he instead dove his daggers into the other, adjacent deku. Eternity took the opportunity of landing on the prone deku's face and giving him one little chilling laugh as she drove her trident into his head.

coup de grace for the lolz. :D So that's G4 down, and one last one to go!

Kokiri Sword: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Dagger: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2009-10-21, 08:52 PM

Do-Dore wavers and places a hand over his forhead as if all this violence is just too overwhelming for him to take in


Ori using up his last bit of Fire energy inside of him , points at the enemy before him and unleashes his finger of flame spell from his soul !


2009-10-21, 09:02 PM
DM-Leaf's and Do-Dore's perspective

The creature once again feels the burn of the momentary Flames howls as if it is near death . Looking at Ori it fires , hoping to take some revenge . This however , has been short-cited missing the target ompletely and hitting the roof itself , as if the Creature has lost all co-herence and Sanity from this encounter .