View Full Version : I've been getting some freaky spam mail recently =S

2009-09-02, 10:53 AM
For some reason I often get spam mail which appears to be out-of-context literary quotes. Today, for instance, I recieved this:

He fresh air, death would have been the consequence. Nothing would convince her that she was not a lost woman. However, the following argument had more effect upon her than any other; no one but myself was witness to her dishonour (if such she must call it); and I swore so fervently by the Holy Cross, and by St. Gregorio, that it should remain a profound secret in my heart as long as I had one to keep it in, that she permitted herself at length to be comforted. I then requested her to give me an account of her late adventure, and to tell me from whom it had been my good fortune to liberate her. '"As for the man," said she, "all I know of him is, that he is a Persian. I never saw him before, and know of no object that he could have had in carrying me off, excepting to sell me for a slave. A few days ago a skirmish took place between a detachment of Persian cavalry and Georgians. The latter were driven back, and the Persians made some prisoners, whom they carried away in great triumph to Erivan. Our village had been occupied by the Persian troops some days before this affray, and I suppose then my ravisher laid his plan to carry me off, and make me pass for a Georgian prisoner. I had just got up in the morning, and had gone to the village well with my pitcher to bring home water, when he darted from behind a broken wall, showed his knife, threatening to kill me if I did not follow him without noise, and made me mount behind him on his horse. We galloped away just as some other of the village maidens were proceeding to the well, and my only hope of being saved was from

Sometimes I get a quote I can recognize, but most of the time I have no idea where it's from. Oddest of all, these emails are coming from all sorts of different addresses.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Renegade Paladin
2009-09-02, 10:57 AM
They're fishing around to find valid addresses for follow-up commercial spam. The literary quotes are there to make it look like a valid, non-commercial e-mail to a non-human spam filter.