View Full Version : Cerini Isle - The Investigation Begins!

2009-09-03, 08:02 AM
Another day, another mystery to solve for the Pinkerton Agents. Nestled in your spacious and well-appointed one-room office (to better facilitate teamwork) in the Pinkerton building in the UC City of Hasc, the team barely has time to settle in before the frosted glass door opens.

The clipped and efficient section chief, Otto von Schattenwerk, presents a new missing persons case for the team.

"Clarise Evans, female human," Otto begins, passing out case folders to the team, "She was last seen two months ago, booking passage to Cerini Isle. Her brother has commissioned us to find her -- and has paid handsomely in advance. Unfortunately, he has been called away for an indefinite period of time on business, so will not be available to interview directly, but the case files should have all the relevant information you need. Use the Pinkerton archives if you need any further information not in the files." With that quick briefing, Otto leaves.

The jacket of the case folder contains numerous items including information on the missing person herself, information on the Evans family in general, and data on Cerini Isle.

The Evans family is Old Money. They were rich even before the Industrial Era coming from a long line of aristocrats. When the Industrial Revolution began and the aristocracy saw their power and fortunes begin to crumble underneath the rising middle class, the Evans family managed to maintain their position through canny investment in up-and-coming industries. Their portfolio is wide and varied ranging from such things as paper milling to railroad investments to banking. It was during a visit to one of their holdings -- a textiles factory -- that a fire broke out and killed Clarise and her brother's parents. Although the fire was deemed suspicious by the authorities, the investigation couldn't find any proof of arson and so the case was eventually closed.

Clarise herself seems pretty unremarkable for a woman of her high status. She was educated at home by tutors and engaged in the normal societal gatherings and etiquette that a debutant generally must. Her family consists of her brother, Edward, their parents having died tragically in a factory fire when she was six and he was ten. While she was being courted by several wealthy young men, neither she nor her family seemed particularly enthralled by any of the suitors. There is nothing to indicate why she would suddenly book passage to Cerini Isle. She left no note or word with the servants when she left and took with her only a few changes of clothes, some money, and some personal keepsakes.

Included with the info on Clarise Evans is a wondrous product of the Industrial Era: a photograph. Hard to believe that just a scant few decades ago one would have to rely on a portrait or even merely a physical description. Regardless, the black-and-white photo shows a young and attractive fair-skinned woman in an elegant dress sitting serenely on a bench and surrounded by foliage. She has long, light-colored hair (according to the written description also included, it is honey-blonde and her eyes are green) that ends about her mid-back. Her age is listed on the data sheet as 19.

The Island of Cerini is a small island off the coast of the main continent. Cerini, despite its small size, is an extremely wealthy place and is known as the "Breadbasket of the Coast" due to its prodigious export of fruits, vegetables, and grain to the mainland. In addition, it is also renowned for its textiles (particularly cotton, which is grown locally); the finest cloth and garments worn by the upper crust all come from the island. The Isle is part of the Independent Kingdoms and travel to and from the Isle is quite restricted by the local government there; one requires special visas to visit. Although it would be comparatively easy for someone of Clarise's status to obtain one of these visas, her brother insists that she had no such visa or any way of obtaining one without him knowing.

Passage is booked on cargo transports operated by the Cerini government; there is no teleportation ring or airship docking ports on the island. The only reason her brother knows she boarded one of the cargo ships is that there were multiple witnesses at the docks who reported it -- a woman of Clarise Evan's elegance and obvious wealth boarding a ship like that is not easily missed by the dockworkers and riff-raff that populate the area.

2009-09-03, 05:19 PM
So, I guess we just head on over to Cerini Isle and begin investigating? Kodg says with his feet propped on the desk and his monstrous hands behind his head. He is wearing a shirt, tie, vest, pants, shoes, and has his jacket and hat on the coat rack. The vest, jacket, pants, and hat are brown pinstripe while the shirt is white and his tie is brown.

2009-09-03, 06:04 PM
Oh oh oh. Maybe we can take one of those new steam powered ships. I always wanted to take a look at one of those. Gav says in excitement. He has traces of soot on his face from his most recent experiments with gunpowder and wears a pair of dark tinted goggles that are on his forehead. He is clothed in brown trousers and a loose white shirt.

2009-09-03, 09:17 PM
Smithers is wearing fine pants and a well starched shirt and doublet combination, spoiled slightly by pocket sown carefully into the doublet
Looks like that's it, we'll probably be over for a while i'd guess, i should pack some of my gear, after all that's why i draw a salary here
(as he says this, he disassembles a pen from his shirt pocket, cleans a razor embedded in place of the tip, and puts it back together)

2009-09-04, 07:07 PM
Alistair Greene
"While underway, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to check up on some of the witnesses - deckhands and the like, I assume - and see if they can tell us anything in addition to what we know from von Schattenwerk's report. It might also be a good idea to see how the person they've seen compares to the photograph we have of Clarise now. After all, it would be a shame if this all turned out to be some sort of misunderstanding and she never even went to Cerini Isle in the first place, as unlikely as that may sound."
Alistair speaks softly, as if to avoid being overheard. He is wearing a grey sleeved shirt with nearly half of the buttons missing, as well as black trousers. A brown greatcoat is hanging on the chair besides him.

2009-09-08, 12:48 AM
Right, and if it is the case that she went to Cerini Island we ought to look into the matter of procuring a visa. Gav says as he shoves items into a backpack at his desk.

2009-09-12, 12:08 PM
(Okay, guys, it looks like the others might not be coming, so I'll go ahead and get this thing a-moving. It sounds like everyone has decided to go down to the docks, is that right?)

2009-09-12, 04:09 PM
(Fine by me.)

2009-09-12, 09:21 PM
(I'm good with moving along)