View Full Version : Singing in Public

2009-09-06, 02:36 AM
I walk around humming and singing all of the time. Though I usually do it quietly around strangers out of respect, and with people I'm friends with, I'm too busy talking to them to sing. People used to say it made me weird, but I'm pretty sure they've all accepted it as part of who I am.

It might also be because I conceal it more than I used to, but meh, I don't remember how much I used to do it. I always have though.

I want to know what other peoples opinions of public singing (Not busking and actual performances, just when they move about), and when they've done it.

I also sing in my car to myself when I'm driving alone.

The Extinguisher
2009-09-06, 02:41 AM
I tend to do it more often than I should. I know I've gotten weird looks from people. I'll catch myself singing quietly to myself when people are around or if I'm inside, but if I'm alone and outside, I'll be singing full force.

2009-09-06, 02:42 AM
In most public situations I find singing annoying, just like whistling.

2009-09-06, 02:44 AM
if I'm not moving I'm probably carrying some kind of tune.

thinking about it now i probably come off as crazy.

unkempt hair, i don't actually sit in chairs so much as squat on them, and usually swaying to some tune they probably can't hear.:smalleek:

i don't mind other people singing so long as it's low enough to not be intrusive.

Elder Tsofu
2009-09-06, 02:44 AM
As long as it isn't drunken singing its fine. :smallwink:

2009-09-06, 03:10 AM
I sing all the time. I try to just mouth it, but sometimes my songs are too awesome to be kept quiet. <.<

The Dark Fiddler
2009-09-06, 06:23 AM
I don't sing much at all, but I'm often humming at home.

And on the bus. And at school.

...maybe that's why people hate me.

2009-09-06, 06:23 AM
I've done it before, I still do it and I enjoy it.

I do get funny looks from people though when they realise I'm the one who's singing. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-06, 06:24 AM
In the interest of preventing massive ear bleeding from people, I sing only when alone. Public singing is out of question. Inside my head, yes. Out loud? Hell no!

2009-09-06, 06:40 AM
...I was at a Laser Wars place just yesterday and got twenty kills without getting tagged (I wasn't hiding, either. I just have awesome reflexes honed by my incredibly cruel and hateful gaming systems), and I started singing, declaring to them all that I was "The best, around!" and that nothing was gonna ever keep me down.

I was promtly shot, of course, but still...

I like singing. Always have. And, thankfully, my voice isn't one that kills you. Unless I sing something with really high notes and actually try to hit them.
Ever heard that song from The Bodyguard? Never let me sing that. Ever.

2009-09-06, 06:47 AM
I've stopped even singing in private. My voice offends my own ears I'm so bad ._.

Tiger Duck
2009-09-06, 06:54 AM
I usually sing when I'm riding my bike home. I just get really happy to know I'm almost home.:smallbiggrin:

2009-09-06, 07:03 AM
I usually sing when I'm riding my bike home. I just get really happy to know I'm almost home.:smallbiggrin:

Me: *Riding my bike* Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer, he's a demon on wheels...

The above only happened once, but I'm a celebrated public singing.

...When I think no-one can hear me, anyway.

And if there's music playing, I'll usually sing along, people there or no.

2009-09-06, 07:15 AM
For me, singing ''Ik ben Willumpie'' while playing Levend Stratego is a 100% sure way to victory.:smallamused:

2009-09-06, 08:12 AM
Just for the records sake, I wander around humming requiems and improvising on Gregorian-esk scales.

EDIT: And improvised jazz, but that almost goes without saying.

Mauve Shirt
2009-09-06, 08:23 AM
I sing a LOT. It's a habit most of my family shares, bursting into song. My mom started this thing where we have songs for things that are said with different numbers of syllables. For two syllables we use "Rag mop", which I think is from the muppets (coke can, doodledoo doo dee doot doot). For six syllables we use "Girlfriend in a coma" by the Smiths (Minimal potatoes I know, I know it's serious).
And my group of friends has a little repertoire of songs we sing when parading about Fredericksburg at all hours. I sing a lovely duet with my roommate of Avenue Q's "It Sucks To Be Me", at least one or two Disney songs, usually a Da Vinci's Notebook song or two, sometimes Bohemian Rhapsody. When I sing to myself it's usually They Might Be Giants, because I know the lyrics to most of their songs. Sometimes it's one of the German bands I know, but usually I don't know the whole song or the meaning of the lyrics.
Sometimes I'll make up little tunes with words that describe what's happening, like "Erin's making mexican food, while her boyfriend stands around looking confused" or something like that.
I also make anyone who has ever skyped with me sing me a song.

2009-09-06, 08:26 AM

...That's awesome.

My family isn't nearly as prone to singing, though singing along is common...

Gem Flower
2009-09-06, 08:31 AM
Honestly, I'm usually humming something or singing quietly without realizing it. My friends and family routinely say, "What are you singing/humming?" and I go, "Hmm? What? I was singing/humming?" I sing in my room, I sing while on GitP, I sing in the park, I sing while playing sports, I sing in class, I sing at every opportunity. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-06, 08:35 AM
I occasionally sing along quietly to my ipod when I'm out and about, but it's very quiet and no one's ever given me an odd look. At least, that I've seen. I suppose they may be mocking me behind my back.

I sing along to stuff at full volume when I'm working at home, which makes my boyfriend laugh when he hears it. I don't think I'll be winning X Factor any time soon. But I just seem to write faster when I'm singing, for some reason.

2009-09-06, 12:44 PM
I don't sing aloud, but I usually am singing in my head most of the time. Though when I am alone in my car I do crank up the volume and let loose. :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 01:09 PM
I sing out loud until someone begs me to stop. This usually takes about 7 seconds.

Mr. Mud
2009-09-06, 01:13 PM
I rarely ever sing in public, despite being in a fairly successful local band... :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 01:18 PM
I sing (or rather often "Doo") in public all the time. My friends are those awesome people who'll just join in.

Today I was at a bus stop with 4 friends. I got that song from the star trek bar stuck in my head and started "Doo"ing along to it. By the third repetition, 3 of them had joined in, while the 4th turned away in digust, to be reminded by myself exclaiming moderatly loudly that we knew him so all could hear.

2009-09-06, 01:24 PM
I sing pretty much everywhere and very often. If I'm not singing, I'm humming and tapping my fingers on something. I just can't stop it, even though it annoys some people. :smallbiggrin:

Bonecrusher Doc
2009-09-06, 03:19 PM
I would say feel free to sing in public anywhere that you would feel it is appropriate to play your radio (not headphones). So, sweeping your sidewalk - yes. In an elevator with other people - no.

2009-09-06, 03:26 PM
honestly I don't really enjoy singing, and cannot sing. The only time I sing is around Christmas time when they're playing Christmas music on the radio.
but I love music; and that is why I play instruments you cant sing and play at the same time. :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 05:34 PM
I growl along and rock out to extreme metal on my MP3 player. For an example (if you're curious and man enough) something like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJHJkJHa-T4&fmt=18) is a good example.

I generally only do it when walking home, but I also often don't notice people until they've stopped to stare. Especially if I'm wearing my top hat ...

Dirk Kris
2009-09-06, 05:38 PM
I walk around humming and singing all of the time. Though I usually do it quietly around strangers out of respect, and with people I'm friends with, I'm too busy talking to them to sing. People used to say it made me weird, but I'm pretty sure they've all accepted it as part of who I am.

It might also be because I conceal it more than I used to, but meh, I don't remember how much I used to do it. I always have though.

I want to know what other peoples opinions of public singing (Not busking and actual performances, just when they move about), and when they've done it.

I also sing in my car to myself when I'm driving alone.
I do it all the time. And I find that for every one person who gives me a weird look, 10 others compliment me. So keep on truckin', amigo.

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-06, 05:52 PM
I sing in public all the time. People either don't seem to notice, or don't care. I like to think they're so awe-struck by my amazing voice that they don't dare approach me, but it's more likely they just don't hear it. :smalltongue:

Glad to know I'm not alone in that respect.

2009-09-06, 06:09 PM
I do it a little bit sometimes, usually VERY quietly. However when moving with a group of friends we often burst into song as a whole.

PairO'Dice Lost
2009-09-06, 06:25 PM
I'm a classical music kind of guy, so I mostly whistle and hum with very little singing of lyrics. My attempts to keep my whistling in time with very rapid violin or oboe parts have given me enough facility with my whistling that I can sort of fake whistling two instruments' parts at once, at least well enough that people occasionally will recognize the tunes and comment--nobody thinks I'm crazy for whistling until they ask what the tune is and I respond "the fourth movement of the Rhenish symphony" instead of something that "normal" people listen to. :smallamused: