View Full Version : Power Among Demons

2009-09-06, 11:40 AM
Your party of 10 soldiers set out from the Outpost and have been walking through this desolate land for several hours. The ground everywhere is coal black and cracked, it seems to go on forever in every direction you look, however in the distance to the north you can see a dark outline of a large Structure, and from time to time you pass a charred tree or plant. The sky above is covered in sheet of dark clouds which provide a never ending storm of dark red lightning, the air around you is still and silent. So far your journey has been uneventful but there have been sightings of strange ceratures in the distance and a lot of eerie sounds. Suddenly your party stops and the man leading turns to face you.

"This is as far as i can take you, continue east for another day and you should reach a Khur'dar camp. Good luck"

As he finnishes he stands to attention, crosses his arms on his chest and bows, the standard salute of the Hetherah Kingdom, then begins walking the opposite direction taking an accompanyment of soldiers with him leaving 4 remaining. so you continue towards the the camp and eventually find it. there is a small group of goblins sitting around a fire and five small tents. apart from that you can't see anything else. they seem to be discussing something but your not sure what. there is also something else unusual the captain told you there was a khur'dar camp not a Kruleth camp.

OCC: it's all up to you now

2009-09-06, 12:37 PM

"Okay, Huiran and I will scout the camp. We should be back within half an hour."

Weenwid waits a moment for everyone to add anything, then she leaves towards the camp, careful not come into direct line of sight of any potential watchpost positions.

Relevant checks:

Hide: Take Ten for a total of 27
Move Silently: Take Ten for a total of 25
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Once in a close but save position she turns to Ysh'set:
"Thoughts? It's obviously not the right camp, but still, it might prove useful to gather some information. I suggest we split up and approach from different angles to get a closer look."

edit: OOC: ha, first post rewrite right when I was writing the first version of my post. Adjusted it a bit, but it still looks a bit funny to be this cautious just because of a few goblins.

2009-09-06, 01:32 PM
For Cloak
You can see 8 goblins around the fire talking to each other, you also notice that one of the tents has a glow coming from inside and there is a shadow but it's hard to tell what it is, you here the words here....soon.....rethkar says....demons and then they all chuckle so far none of them have noticed you

2009-09-06, 02:21 PM

Ysh'set scowls when he hears his name volunteered for something, then dons a sarcastic smile. "Sure thing, Boss!"

He stealthily moves toward the camp.

Skill Checks!

Hide:Takes 10(26)
Move Silently:Takes 10(26)

Hiding with Cloak
He regards Cloak's words for a moment, then his eyes suddenly brighten as he breaks into a grin. "Maybe it is the right camp. You didn't accidently fire off one of your illusion spells did you? Oh wait. Gnomes are notorious pranksters, aren't they? This is a joke, huh? Well, I must admit, I'm impressed. Well Played!

He lets some time pass before weighing in. "I'm not going to rule out a set-up. Does anyone know the man that led us? Of course a few goblins won't be our undoing, but who knows what else is amiss here. I insist we prepare for combat. You're a wizard, right? I've got a wand of Mage Armor. I can normally get these things to work; but it's always a game of chance. You should cast it on me.

2009-09-06, 02:24 PM
For Ysh'set
You can see 8 goblins around the fire talking to each other, you also notice that one of the tents has a glow coming from inside and there is a shadow but it's hard to tell what it is, you here the words here....soon.....rethkar says....demons and then they all chuckle so far none of them have noticed you, you also here some faint shrieks somewhere to north of you

2009-09-06, 02:49 PM
Thorrin rests at the camp. He decided that the best thing to do for the moment was to wait for the scouts to give their report. While he waited for them, he took some practice swings with his axe before putting it down to drink some ale.

2009-09-06, 03:02 PM
Herrick slowly and ceremoniously polished his collection of crossbow bolts, one by one, one pack of ten at a time, while waiting for the scouts to return. He considers that maybe he should have given one of them Owl's Wisdom before they left, but decides it's too late to worry about that now.

2009-09-06, 03:07 PM
"Well thank you, I'm used to praise, but usually I've got to do something for it. But important things aside, During the briefing they said you had a pair of rather sharp eyes, see that tent? The one with the strange glow inside? I can only see shadows from here, you got anything more? Oh, and no combat without the rest of the team, that's what I insist on, and we aren't going to be detected by a bunch of goblins should that concern you. If you want that mage armor anyway, be my guest."

Weenwid holds out her hand, and will cast mage armor on Ysh'set should he wish so.

"Now, up for some real scouting? We sneak closer, I make us both invisible, and we have a look in all the tents. Once I know what we're up against I might feel much more open to your combat idea."

2009-09-06, 03:28 PM
for ysh'set
the shrieks are getting closer and they seem to be coming from higher up the figure has move slightly closer to the entrance of the tent and you can make out it looks like an orc but there is something strange about it

for Cloak
you can hear some faint shrieks and the figure inside has moved closer to the entrance of the tent but it is still hard to see what it is

2009-09-06, 03:53 PM
Ysh'set to Cloak

Sneering:"The goblins are the least of my worries; I'm concerned about what's inside that tent. And if you're determined not to fight without the others, you may as well fetch them now. No matter how cunning your illusions, no matter how mute our steps, we are still at risk. I am NOT suggesting we pick a fight, although I did consider beating a stray goblin senseless and dragging him back for interrogation, I am suggesting we be prepared should one pick us." He relaxes his tone:"Give me a charge...might I offer one for yourself? Now...I can't tell what that glow is. I heard some things, though. A name, "Rethkar", and something about demons,...and "here", and..."soon". Soon..."

Ysh'set retrieves his Cold-Iron kama from his Haversack.

"Actually, I would prefer it if the others were close enough to respond to trouble."

Edit in reponse to DM's new post:
He notices movement in the tent with the glow:"It's an orc? No...not quite. Do you hear those shreiks? Are they getting closer?"

2009-09-06, 04:01 PM
"Hm, seems your ears are rivaling your eyes. But now you mention it... I don't like this. Let's find out where those shrieks come from and then head back to the others."

2009-09-06, 04:12 PM
Noticably stressed:"They're coming from overhead." ((OOC:I think? There aren't any hills or anything nearby, are there?))

Half sarcastically:"Can you fly?"

2009-09-06, 04:22 PM
To ysh'set and Cloak
you can now here the shrieks and they are definatly close and coming from above you can also here beating of wings, the figure has stepped out of the tent, you see that it is mostly orc however his eyes are glowing a pale white colour, his fingers are much longer and end in claws, has a large hunch and a large set of serrated teeth
OCC: give me a spot check please

Herrick and Thorrin
you can hear some shrieking sounds from above you but not very clearly and another figure has stepped out a tent and you belive it to be an orc but it seems to be unusually hunched.

OCC: give me a spot check please

OCC nope no hills it's completly flat with a few bumps but not many

2009-09-06, 06:06 PM
Thorrin Earthmote


2009-09-07, 03:53 AM
"I wouln't want to right now, even if I could."

Weenwid searches the sky for a moment, should they be in danger of being detected she will cast invisibility on both of them, before retreating.

Spot for you:[roll0]
Spot for the air:[roll1]

2009-09-07, 04:04 AM

Spot [roll0]

2009-09-07, 02:13 PM

Gazes skyward in an attempt to put a face on those incessant shrieks. He will probably make his way back to the others, regardless of what he sees.

Skill Checks:

Move Silently[roll2]

2009-09-07, 02:30 PM
there are two creatures ,that look a bit like gargoyles but are spiked all over and thier eyes glow red, directly above the camp however they haven't seemed to notice you yet. you have also noticed that the orc has pale white eyes and long fingers with claws at the end it also has a large set of serrated teeth.

there are two creatures ,that look a bit like gargoyles but are spiked all over and thier eyes glow red, directly above the camp however they haven't seemed to notice you yet. you manage to make your way back over to the others without attracting any attention.

you notice there are two winged creatures flying directly over the camp you also notice that the orc has unusually long fingers with large claws on the end

you notice there are two winged creatures flying directly over the camp

you can all hear hear the shrieking very clear now and you can tell it is coming from above the camp, you also notice that the orc and the goblins are all looking up and have all gone quiet.

2009-09-07, 03:19 PM
Herrick points up, at the spiked winged horrors he managed to spy, and gets suspicious concerning what he's seen of the orcs. He doesn't speak, though, since it's still probably best to remain as silent as possible, but he loads the crossbow.

Knowledge (the planes) to identify the spiky gargoyle things [roll0]

2009-09-07, 03:35 PM
for Herrick Edited: OCC soz missed something
you have heard of a devil that looks like this that is often used as a messenger and use thier spikes as weapons, you also realise that in small numbers they shouldn't pose too much of a threat but you don't recall much more

2009-09-07, 03:50 PM
Thorrin simply does what he's meant to do, he readies his axe. He approaches the orc, ready to attack

I will rage on my second round.

2009-09-07, 04:01 PM

Ysh'set briefly whispers what he saw to the others. He then pulls a Potion of Protection from Evil from his Haversack and quaffs it.

((OOC okay, so I assume Cloak used a Mage Armor on me, and what about that Invisibility she mentioned?))

2009-09-07, 04:26 PM
As Thorrin begins to approach the orc, the two creatures plumet towards the ground and swoop up at the last minute and land on the ground in front of the orc and the goblins to reveal that they are small spiky gargoyles, Thorin continues to edge ever closer and as he comes within 50ft of the edge of the camp one of the goblins sights him and begins screaming and pointing at the dwarf, the two gargoyles then lift off the ground and start heading straight towards the other party members, realising they are in danger Cloak instantly casts invisibility on herself and ysh'set before they are sighted, and the goblins charge towards thorin leaving the orc standing at the fire with a large smile reavealing a large set of serrated teeth.

for Ysh'set
before you were sighted you overheard the two gargoyles and the orc talking in abysal and managed to pick out a bit of the conversation.
Orc "well....... say"
Gargoyle "Our Master ....... Ashedoz agrees....... terms ........ hold.....side of the bargain"
Orc "HAHAHA perfect our........ we can..........rule HAHAHA"

OCC: okay everyone state thier actions i will roll all your intiative and then resolve it all in my next post

2009-09-07, 04:42 PM
Thorrin Earthmote

full attack on the orc is possible

2009-09-07, 04:43 PM
Herrick quickly loads his crossbow, then raises a hand to the heavens, and murmurs. "Ruby Sorceress grant me your aid... Divine Power!"

2009-09-07, 04:49 PM

Ysh'set considers the dwarf barbarian for a moment and concludes that he pities the 8 goblins charging towards him. He doesn't like the spikey gargoyle things one bit and decides that the brainiac spellcasters should handle them. That leaves him and the orc. Ysh'set is going to sneak up on him.

Move Silently[roll0]
Subtract 5 from that result because I will be moving at 3/4 of my full speed (30ft.)

2009-09-07, 05:18 PM
OCC sorry forgot to say that I would like you to do all the rolls to hit and the damage and/or healing as long as you don't mind

2009-09-07, 05:38 PM
Weenwid 'Cloak' Cavor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=151651)
female Neutral Good Gnome Rogue/Wizard, Level 4/4, Init +3, HP / , Speed 20 ft.
AC 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 11, Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 5
103 gp Hand Crossbow (30) +9 (1d3-1, 19-20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition Invisible

Following exactly the same though process and coming exaclty to the same conclusion, Weenwid closes in on the Orc, as well, but just enough to get a good aim wiht her spells (30ft. for sneak attack range).


Move Silently:[roll1]

2009-09-08, 10:48 AM
Lawful Neutral Rogue/Monk, Level 4/4, Init +9, HP 50, Speed 40 ft.
AC 25, Touch 21, Flat-footed 20, Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +9, Base Attack Bonus 6
Cold Iron Kama +12 (1d6/x2)
(+5 Dex, +1 Masterwork)
Unarmed Strike +11 (1d10/x2)
(+5 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
Conditions: Invisible

Once Ysh'set comes within 10 or 20ft. or the orc, he will retrieve a Tanglefoot Bag from his haversack.
((OOC: I don't know how far away I was when combat started.))

2009-09-08, 10:54 AM
Oh...there will be a +2 resistance bonus to the saves because of the potion drank.

2009-09-09, 11:20 AM
thorrin charges towards orc but is blocked by the 8 goblins who wildy slash at him with thier swords but Thorrin takes several blows on his armour and only three mange to pierce through (Thorrin takes 12 damage) herrick lifts up his crossbow ready to shoot as the gargoyles continue towards him (they are now 30 ft from herrick) Cloak sneaks forward making almost no sound at all straight towards the grinning orc (30ft away from orc) and ysh'et also taking advantage of his invisibility moves quickly towards the orc (20ft away from orc). The orc continues to stand near the fire watching and grinning.

initiative order
3 goblins
2 goblins
the rest

OCC: sorry about the wait had things going on

2009-09-09, 01:11 PM
Thorrin lets out a wild roar. "It's time to get serious."

Thorrin activates rage and attacks whoever is closest.

2009-09-09, 01:12 PM
Herrick loads a silver bolt and fires at one of the spiky winged fiends. If it's still flying, he fires another silver bolt at it, otherwise he targets its friend with the second shot.

((Full attack action.))
1st attack roll [roll0] including +2 for Fiendbane, +2 from Divine Power. Damage [roll1] inc. +2 for Fiendbane. Fiendbane damage [roll2]

2nd attack roll [roll3] inc. +2 for Fiendbane, +2 from Divine Power. Damage [roll4] inc. +2 for Fiendbane. Fiendbane damage [roll5]

2009-09-09, 01:53 PM
[roll0] [roll1] attack [roll2] [roll3] damage

2009-09-09, 04:57 PM
Cloak casts Scorching Ray and aims both rays at the orc. She then moves away from the orc at her full speed.


2009-09-09, 04:58 PM
oops sorry, forgot to add the modifier:

2009-09-09, 06:36 PM

Noticing the magical support, Ysh'set decides to save his alchemical items and charge for a melee attack.

Charging Stunning Fist Sneak Attack:[roll0]
Damage:[roll1] + [roll2]
Fort Save DC:20

2009-09-09, 07:01 PM
Thorrin swings at the goblins tearing straight through one and then swinging back and ripping through another neck as he finnishes his swing two rays of fire leap oh of nowhere straight towards the Orc who notices and attempts to move out the way however he is caught in the chest by one of these rays. Two goblins then thrust thief swords towards Thorrin only to have then bounce straight off his armour. An invisible force then smashes straight into the Orc sending him flying backwards through the air into a pile on the floor, two more goblins swing at Thorrin but he dodges one but the others catches him down the side (Thorrin takes 5 damage) the two gargoyles then reach Herrick and rip there claws into his body (Herrick take 7 damage) Herrick then fires two arrows at the gargoyles however one flys straight past the target as he was knoked by the attack but the other flys into the gargoyles shoulder, the two remaining goblins swing a Thorrin however one misses completly and the other bounces straight off his armour. The Orc manages two stand back up. But sways around as if in some trance with a stunned look upon his face

2009-09-09, 07:38 PM

Deciding to press the advantage, Ysh'set unleashes a barage of attacks.

Makes a 5ft. adjustment if need be.

Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#stunningFist), Sneak Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Fort Save DC:20

Flurry of Blows, Sneak Attack: [roll3]
Damage:[roll4] + [roll5]

Flurry of Blows, Sneak Attack: [roll6]
Damage:[roll7] + [roll8]

2009-09-10, 05:55 AM

Weenwid readies another Scorching Ray. Should the orc drop afterYsh'set's attacks she will direct both rays on the gargoyles (if within max range of spell), if he doesn't drop, both rays will be fired at the orc.

orc only Sneak Damage1:[roll4]
orc only Sneak Damage2:[roll5]

2009-09-10, 06:30 AM
Thorrin shrugs off the weak blows of the goblins. They're simply mere scratches. He continues his advance until there's no enemy left


2009-09-10, 08:15 AM
Herrick ignores the shallow cuts the enemy's claws caused, for the moment, and retreats, reloading, before chastising the goblins as part of another spell.
"You dare to strike me? Sanctuary!" He takes a moment coldly assessing their injuries, seeing if they reacted to the fiend-slaying power of his crossbow.

No Concentration check, I moved out of their range before casting.
With Sanctuary up everything needs to pass a DC 15 Will save to attack me, see the SRD for exact details.
I feel certain that Herrick would know the difference between a fiend and a non-fiend simply from the extra damage his crossbow does, at least after a few rolls shots.

2009-09-10, 11:41 AM
Thorrin swings his axe round once again ripping another two goblins apart, Cloak then turns and fires another two streams of fire towards one of the gargoyles which both smash in to it's side leaving a large smoking hole in the side of the gargoyles which slumps to the ground, one of the goblins standing round Thorrin picks up his courage and takes a swing at him catching the inside of his leg (Thorrin takes 3 damage) Then Ysh'set rapidly smashes the orc in the chest with 3 powerful blows the last of which shatters the orcs ribs, killing him instantly, Herrick then steps back casting a spell upon himself and shouting at the gargoyles, the remaining gargoyle stops where he is and begins chanting suddenly 2 more of the same creatures appear from out of nowhere, the three goblins attempt to swing at Thorrin but all of the attacks clang on his armour.

to Herrick
the gargoyles are definatly showing signs of more pain than crossbows would inflict a normal creature, there is strong reason to belive it is fiendish

2009-09-10, 12:19 PM
"This is not looking good..." Herrick finds himself hoping that his allies will be able to aid him soon, as he's no natural demon-slayer. He retreats further, in the hopes of having longer to shoot at them, then stops and gestures again. "The might of ancient heroes fill me... Bull's Strength!" It would be of limited use with his dagger, but there was a limit to what a healer could do outnumbered and alone.

2009-09-10, 04:58 PM

Ysh'set briefly curses himself. "You fool! He could have told us much." He resolves to keep his bloodlust in check, and subdue his next foe.

He looks to the rest of the battle, finding scornful delight at the pathetic goblins attempting to harm the lethal berserker. His joy is cut short as he notices that the winged fiends have increased in number. Ysh'set doubts his ability to even harm such alien fauna. Determined to score some captives, he approaches Thorrin (moving to flank the nearest goblin, charging if able), calling out: "These pitiful legions are an insult to your might!"

Flanking, Stunning Fist, Sneak Attack:[roll0] (+2 if he was able to charge)
Nonlethal Damage:[roll1] + [roll2]
Fort Save DC20
MiscellaneousYsh'set has Combat Reflexes (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#combatReflexes) and his AC is 25 (or 23 if he charged)

He continues: "As our human friend is overwhelmed, surely your axe seeks the taste of demon blood!"

2009-09-10, 07:00 PM
Thorrin was frothing at the mouth for battle. Yes, the goblins were worthless, but the gargoyles...they flew. Could his axe hit them? Still in his maddening rage, he didn't mind much. He decided to see if he could. He moved towards the gargoyles to attack.

2009-09-12, 03:42 AM

Not having expected real fight so soon after arriving at ther destination, Weenwid has only her handcrossbow left. She moves towards the creatures, just far enough to get into range, while she draws her weapon, and loads it.

2009-09-12, 04:38 PM
((Oh snap. I guess I was too hasty about posting; my actions can't be achieved in that initiative order. Talking normally doesn't count as an action, so maybe the dialog could remain. Mainly Ysh'set wouldn't be able to flank, so that's a -2 to hit and Stunning Fist DC, and no Sneak Attack damage. But I suppose that makes it more likely for him to charge. Sorry about that.))

2009-09-14, 11:01 AM
one of the gargoyles flys straight towards herrick just catching his arm with it's claws that singe his flesh (herrick take 4 damage) Thorrin moves towards the gargoyles with his axe held up ready to attack, cloak also takes a couple of steps towards the gargoyles whilst readying her crossbow (2 gargoyles in range). ysh'set then charges into a goblin hitting it in the stomach causing the goblin keel over and fall to it's knees, another of the gargoyles dives towards Thorrin scraping him across the chest (Thorin takes 7 damage). herrick after being takes a chance to cast another spell upon himself fill him with a sudden feeling of strength and the last gargoyle heads towards Thorrin aswell but his claws only scrape the armour leaving long black marks across it.

2009-09-15, 06:52 PM
Thorrin shurgs and keeps swinging his axe. He's not stopping till there's nothing left.

2009-09-16, 02:42 PM

Weenwid shoots and reloads.

Sneak Damage (if applicable):[roll2]

2009-09-16, 02:58 PM
Having got a little distance between himself and the gargoyle that struck him, Herrick fires two cold iron crossbow bolts at it, to see if it makes a difference compared to silver. After all, these might be demons, not devils, if he recalls his teachings on the planes correctly.
Attack 1 [roll0] Normal damage [roll1] Fiendbane damage [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] Normal damage [roll4] Fiendbane damage [roll5]
EDIT: Add 2 to each of those attack rolls, I forgot to factor in Divine Power

2009-09-16, 03:40 PM
Ysh'set will stay the course of beating the goblins senseless.

Flurry of Blows: [roll0]
Flurry of Blows: [roll1]
Flurry of Blows: [roll2]

Nonlethal Damage: [roll3] + Sneak Attack [roll4]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll5] + Sneak Attack [roll6]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll7] + Sneak Attack [roll8]

Once the stunned goblin drops, Ysh'set will continue on to the next. The Sneak Attack damage probably shouldn't apply to the others.

2009-09-17, 03:42 PM
The same gargoyle attacks herrick yet again but this time completly misjudges its attacks and flails in the air harmlessly, Thorrin then swings his axe straight into one of the gargoyles head and straight out the other side leaving its corpse lying on the floor, cloak then releases an arrow from her crossbow which sinks into the back of the gargoyle attacking herrick catching it by surprise but after realising what happened it shrugs it off, ysh'set in a quick flurry of blows slams his fists in to all three of the goblins downing two instantly missing the last by a fraction, Herrick then releases two more arrows at the gargoyle one sails past the target but the other flys true, and hits it straight inbeetween the eyes killing it instantly.

2009-09-21, 09:09 PM
Ysh'set attempts to put away the last goblin:

Flurry of Blows:[roll0]
Flurry of Blows:[roll2]
Flurry of Blows:[roll4]
((If the goblin drops after the first hit, can Ysh'set make a move action towards the others?

2009-09-21, 09:16 PM
((OOC:Whoops. I meant for that to be Nonlethal damage. Also, I think Ysh'set would rather make Spot/Listen, checks than move this round.))

2009-09-21, 11:45 PM

Not entirely certain how to disable the remaining flyer, Weenwid caregully aims a Ray of Frost and fires.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Damage: [roll2]

2009-09-22, 08:04 PM
Thorrin cursed the flying enemy. It was so weak, hiding up in the air. It shoudl come down where it could fight him fairly. Instead, he would have to hope it would come close enough for a swing of his axe to land.

2009-09-28, 01:29 AM
Flying enemies don't mean a whole lot when you wield a crossbow; Herrick took aim and took two normal shots, since the thing wasn't being much of a threat up there.

Attack roll 1 [roll0] Normal damage [roll1] Fiendbane damage [roll2]
Attack roll 2 [roll3] Normal damage [roll4] Fiendbane damage [roll5]

2009-09-28, 03:57 PM
Thorrin stands ready to attack as soon as the gargoyle comes close however Cloak gets there first and fires a beam towards the crature which shrugs it off as if nothing happened meanwhile ysh'set with another punch knocks down the laast of the goblins and one of herricks shots sail into the creatures neck knocking it out of the sky and plummeting to its death. all that remains is silence.

4 short swords
5 sets of rusty mail
one set of of strong orc orc mail
a long spear
and a small wooden shield

2009-09-28, 04:53 PM

Ysh'set will take 20 (+5dex) on his Use Rope Check to tie up the unconcious goblins with his silk rope (+2circumstance), but not before offering the task to anyone who thinks they can do it better.

He will then take 20 (+12) to Search the camp.

2009-10-03, 02:44 AM

"It's just a goblin, so even the simplest knot would do," Weenwid says in response, still looking disappointedly at the loot. Apparently she was thinking if it was worth a spell to check if any of the stuff was worth it, because after about a minute she finally mumbles a few words and points at the items (cast Detect Magic).

2009-10-06, 05:13 PM
You search the camp and find 2 short spears, 50 arrows 2 longbows, a great axe, 20 bolts and a crossbow. you also stumble across a small box which contains a map which directions on written in goblinoid and a small group of letters also written in goblinoid.

she casts her spell however she only inds one source of magic which is located in one of the tents that ysh'set had wandered off to.

2009-10-07, 12:37 AM
Ysh'set briefly ponders what to do with his stuff. He can't understand Goblin, so the map and the letters must be shared with the others. The weapons and ammo tear at him a little. "I found them; they are mine," he says to himself. Still none of it is particularly useful to him. The only value he can foresee is the gold to be gained for possible enchantments on the gear, and he's ill equipped to divine such enchantments himself. He shrugs, "They are but trifles," opting to disclose his complete discovery.

When he is finished searching, Ysh'set comes to the others with 2 short spears, 50 arrows 2 longbows, a great axe, 20 bolts and a crossbow. "I would like to know if they are magical." He then produces a map with directions written in Goblin along with some letters also written in Goblin. "Alas, I do not speak this tongue. Do any among us know Goblin? Failing that; can any identify where our location falls on this map?"

2009-10-07, 05:29 AM
"I may be able to help with the letters. My studies included languages, and goblin was one of the simpler ones." While he speaks, Herrick patches himself up with the power the Ruby Sorceress gave him, and with a thought, invokes an aura that will help the others now they're out of battle. "Cloak, you're thinking of orcs, goblins are more nimble than humans, not less. Though, they will not get far if someone keeps an eye on them." He turns to the loot, and takes a brief look before deciding, "I will take the longspear. Unless you have detected a curse on it?"

((Laying hands on self until full HP, and turning on Aura of Vigor so everyone gets 2 HP/round))

2009-10-07, 01:28 PM

You read through the letters every one is signed from a Master Ashedoz and written for Maurezhi. There is a lot about making deals with the orcs and joining forces to gain even more power so that they can crush the other two kingdoms. the last letter however is of much more intreasting, it reads

The time is nearly at hand soon the power you have been searching for will be revealed to you. i will send two of my slaves to your location in two days they will carry with them a map to my location. I will be there with a large number of my minions so i expect no quarrels and our agreement will stay as it is. i have also sent a simmilar map back to your outpost in case you should fail it will reach there in a week from now so hurry or others will claim the prize that you truely desire.


The map shows the location of the camp you have just destroyed and then a large cross there are three things written on it the first is next to the camp saying

leave the camp and head north untill you reach the chasm

The second is next to the chasm but is slightly blurred you can make out

Beware t.. so... ..g. as there ... ma.y o..e. of g.e.. numbers which could easily d..troy you and you p..y cons..t

the Third is next to the cross and says

we will wait here for 18 days be there or the offer will be ended