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View Full Version : Need Help Deciding Price

Lord Orcus
2009-09-06, 04:52 PM
Ok, I have devised a magic item ability that I think would be very cool for an archer of some sort, but I just cannot decide how much of a bonus it should be worth, or how much it needs to be changed, so I have come to you all to tell me haw much it should be worth, so here it is:

Anti-Magic is a property that can be applied only to arrows, bolts or thrown weapons. When an Anti-Magic weapon hits a PC or NPC that can cast spells, the power to cast spells is diminished, so much so that a caster cannot cast spells for a number of rounds equal to the bonus of the item, including the effective bonus from this and other enchantments.
Moderate Abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms And Armour; Anti-Magic Field; Price +x Bonus.

So? what kind of bonus does it need?

2009-09-06, 04:55 PM
The few items I have seen that have the anti-magic property on them cost 132,000 gold pieces. So, whatever that would equate to.

Lord Orcus
2009-09-06, 05:08 PM
ok, but what kind of item was it? did it project a field? If so this would probably cost alot less, because it is a one use, single taget item not an item that stops everyone from using magic.

2009-09-06, 05:18 PM
The item in specific I am remembering is "magebane manacles", and it did not emit a field so much as it prevent those who were wearing it to not be able to cast spells. Much more personalized and not a field.

I think, though, that the trouble with an arrow/bolt is what happens if the person who got stuck with it pulls it out?

Lord Orcus
2009-09-06, 05:24 PM
actually, that is a very good question, my original concept was basicly a stungun that instead of stoping you from moving , it stopped you from casting, so I think that nothing would change if you pulled it out, the effect would still persist.

Madra Rua
2009-09-06, 06:20 PM
i think that maybe the arrow/bolt should have this:
when the projectile strikes a target, it "casts" the spell Dispel Magic in a 5ft x 5ft square, thus affecting only the one target. Once the projectile "casts" the spell, it returns to a normal arrow/bolt/etc. Caster level[for will save or whatever] equals (urg, i cant remember it, so..) minimum CL: 500gp per projectile. minimum CL+1: 750 min.+2: 1000gp, etc. if that applies. just a thought. :)

2009-09-06, 06:28 PM
If it is a 'stun-gun' effect, it needs a save. It also needs to be costly, since a weapon that negates an entire class should be costly. As in more costly than its effective bonus would lead you to believe. Remember, enchantments on ammunition are far cheaper than that on weapons. Actually, with the right bonus number, it'd probably work if you said 'treat arrows enchanted with this enchantment as normal weapons solely for the purpose of determining price'. If you got that way, making it a +4/+5 bonus would probably be all you needed(Compared to Vorpal, Vorpal doesn't allow a save, but it is difficult to get that effect at range and requires a critical hit to work. As written, this only requires a succesful ranged attack roll.).

Also, I'd say no to allowing this on daggers and other 'thrown' weapons since ToB blurs this line out of existence(What, exactly, doesn't count as a thrown weapon to a bloodstorm blade? What stops him from loop-holing this property onto the party's tank's favorite sword because he can 'throw it'?).

2009-09-06, 06:56 PM
This is better than a normal AMF, because a normal AMF actually keeps you from using your magic gear... instead, this lets you negate enemy casters while your casters and party members can still cast and use their magic items.

2009-09-06, 07:54 PM
I think this would make a good poison.

2009-09-06, 08:27 PM
There already are AMF poisons, though they just prevent any magical effect from helping you resist them.