View Full Version : When did you last Laugh Out Loud to a superhero comic?

Avilan the Grey
2009-09-07, 01:32 AM
I did it yesterday, when I finally read WW #34 and #35, and Power Girl #4... (so, I like superhero women. Sue me.)

The whole discussion with Black Canary about Wonder Womans's ...attributes... and how they are only the second most famous set ("have you not seen all the webpages?"). Also the discovery of the WW action figure in the store in Japan ("I should have paid more attention to the likeness aproval process" and the comment "They have so many Power Girl dolls" and Canary's response.)

This one is funny in general, PG is basically DC's she-hulk (attitude wise) but the last episode have her and Terra (as civilians) watching a movie when a certain jewish ulta-geek and self-declared ladies man tries to pick her up. Sheldon and the gang are looking on, rather embarrassed, as always.

2009-09-07, 02:11 AM
A line from an issue of Justice League, wherein Batman puts a companionable hand on Flash's arm before giving him some instructions.

Flash: "...You're touching me. Batman is touching me. I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Not the funniest thing I've ever read in a comic book, but the most recent since I read it only a couple of days ago.

Zeta Kai
2009-09-07, 02:41 AM
Formerly Known as the Justice League (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formerly_Known_as_the_Justice_League#Formerly_Know n_as_the_Justice_League) is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It's a real shame that DC had to go all funny-aneurysm with almost every character right afterward...

2009-09-07, 04:55 AM
Deadpool. Any Deadpool.

2009-09-07, 05:22 AM
I was about to say that.
"Everyone okay?"
"Let me check."
Do I still think in those yellow boxes?
"I'm cool."
Oh, yellow boxes! I've missed you so much!

2009-09-07, 05:32 AM
Third to vote for Deadpool - any Deadpool.

2009-09-07, 05:59 AM
Formerly Known as the Justice League (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formerly_Known_as_the_Justice_League#Formerly_Know n_as_the_Justice_League) is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It's a real shame that DC had to go all funny-aneurysm with almost every character right afterward...

I second this! I was going to say any Justice League title written by Giffen! Bloody hilarious!

2009-09-07, 07:00 AM
Only comic I tend to "laugh out loud" (chuckly slightly) at is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which probably doesn't count as a superhero comic, or manga.

Zeta Kai
2009-09-07, 11:21 AM
Deadpool. Any Deadpool.

Yes, Deadpool is comedy gold. Especially when he starts dropping references (http://images.imabearmeow.com/comics/deadpool/shoryuken.jpg) like Dennis Miller. Hilarious.

2009-09-07, 01:08 PM
Do superhero parody webcomics count?

2009-09-07, 01:57 PM
One more vote for Deadpool.

Though I've laughed to a lot of stuff. Just earlier today I laughed at Secret Six.

2009-09-07, 07:34 PM
Specifically to a printed superhero book? Pretty much every issue of PS238 gets at least a guffaw out of me. The "Night School" issues is one of my favorite, ever.

Now, the *hardest* I've ever laughed aloud at a printed superhero book was the wall-climbing sequence in "Quantum & Woody", issue 3.

2009-09-07, 07:38 PM
last time i read the boys

2009-09-07, 10:05 PM
Gen13. Go read it. Start with the old stuff, it's better.

Zeta Kai
2009-09-07, 10:10 PM
Now, the *hardest* I've ever laughed aloud at a printed superhero book was the wall-climbing sequence in "Quantum & Woody", issue 3.

Q&W was indeed brilliantly funny. That book was just too good to last. Valiant's last hurrah wasn't too little; it was just too late. :smallsigh:

2009-09-07, 10:13 PM
Gen13. Go read it. Start with the old stuff, it's better.

Oh, good. I thought I was the only person who remembered the older Image comics - I never really got into Marvel or DC, it was always Stormwatch, WildCATS, and Gen13 for me.

But aside from those, yes, Deadpool is "teh funny".

Berserk Monk
2009-09-07, 10:31 PM
Gonna say Deadpool. Never read any comic with him in it but from what I've gathered around the web and "Hi, I'm a Marvel... And I'm a DC..." he's comedy gold.

2009-09-07, 10:34 PM
Technically it's a superhero chapter within a distinctly non-superhero comic, but Squee "(by Jhonen Vasquez) has two realistic bank robbers face off against two creations of Liefeld.

2009-09-07, 11:16 PM
My avatar approves of all the Deadpool support.

He also requests chimichangas for some reason.

Avilan the Grey
2009-09-08, 12:59 AM
Gen13. Go read it. Start with the old stuff, it's better.

I have every issue of the first 3 years. It was absolutely great. Now and then I pick it up now and just go "Meh".

Avilan the Grey
2009-09-08, 01:01 AM
Oh, good. I thought I was the only person who remembered the older Image comics - I never really got into Marvel or DC, it was always Stormwatch, WildCATS, and Gen13 for me.

But aside from those, yes, Deadpool is "teh funny".

Yeah, I was on a roll for a while there:
Every month I read Wildcats, Cyberforce, Gen13, Stormwatch and Savage Dragon.

2009-09-09, 03:18 PM
I recently re-read the Bendis run on Daredevil (SO GOOD!), and there's one pagel where Matt is talking to Foggy over the phone, and Matt mentions that he needs his suit, and Foggy sarcastically says "The red one?" to which Matt responds "Red? I thought it was Yellow." And then there's 3 panels w/o dialogue of Foggy trying to figure out if Matt is being serious or not, while Matt is laughing silently on the other end of the line.

It made me chuckle out loud.

2009-09-09, 05:06 PM
I think Deadpool wins the thread.

The Glyphstone
2009-09-09, 06:32 PM
About 45 seconds ago, when I clicked on the above Deadpool link.

2009-09-09, 06:47 PM
I think Dr. McNinja counts as a superhero. I think that title falls to anyone who snaps Death's neck.

2009-09-09, 07:12 PM
Why would Deadpool request chimichangas? He doesn't even LIKE chimichangas.
Also, hard to say, probably Bone. Deadpool has never really made me laugh, especially not recent Deadpool stuff.

2009-09-09, 07:34 PM
I believe there's a website called Superdickery (http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=12&Itemid=24); as far as I understand it, it started out with some guy saying to his friend, "You know, Superman is such a ****.". It started out with scanned instances of such, and spread into the categories that links to.

Mostly hilarious, if you're not easily offended.
http://superdickery.com/images/stories/d[remove bracketed text for prime example]ick/1027_4_030.jpg

2009-09-09, 08:07 PM
Nextwave. Just... Nextwave.

"I met Captain America once. He asked me what my superhero name was."
"And you told him Captain ****."
"Man, he beat seven shades of it outta me. Left me in a dumpster with a bar of soap lodged in my throat."

And of course...

"Widdle cuddly bears... OF DEATH?!"

"I met Charles Xavier once. He laughed at my hat."

"This hole makes me strangely attractive to myself."

"FIN FANG FOOM! Has been burning with the need to mate since 1956! FIN FANG FOOM! Has absolutely no genitals whatsoever! FIN FANG FOOM! Oh, you cannot imagine how annoyed he is."

2009-09-10, 04:03 AM
Empowered makes me laugh. The Preacher occasionally used to make me laugh to, but it's not really a superhero comic.

2009-09-10, 06:13 AM
Nextwave. Just... Nextwave.

"I met Captain America once. He asked me what my superhero name was."
"And you told him Captain ****."
"Man, he beat seven shades of it outta me. Left me in a dumpster with a bar of soap lodged in my throat."

And of course...

"Widdle cuddly bears... OF DEATH?!"

"I met Charles Xavier once. He laughed at my hat."

"This hole makes me strangely attractive to myself."

"FIN FANG FOOM! Has been burning with the need to mate since 1956! FIN FANG FOOM! Has absolutely no genitals whatsoever! FIN FANG FOOM! Oh, you cannot imagine how annoyed he is."

"Oh my god they EXPLODE! My life suddenly has meaning!" :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-10, 07:37 AM
yeah, Deadpool and Nextwave are brilliant.

Especially Dirk Anger. (http://zwrk.net/junk/comics/nextwave.meat.big.jpg)

2009-09-11, 05:09 AM
Oh yeah, and I forgot The Pro. Garth Ennis is always good for a laugh.

2009-09-14, 01:36 PM
I recently read the entire new Ms. Marvel run. I liked the joke in the first issue with Ms. Marvel having a meal with Spider Woman and telling her about her day.

Ms. Marvel's story:

She knocks Stilt Man to the ground. Stilt Man says: "Curse you, Ms. Marvel. If I had known you were around, I never would have tried my dastardly caper."

At this point, Spider-Woman interrupts with: Carol, you lying sack of ****, nobody talks like that.

Ms Marvel acknowledges that, that is what she wished Stilt Man said. What he actually said is "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

And Spider-Woman's reaction is a sympathetic "Ouch".

Not super comedy, but it insured I read the rest of the series.

2009-09-15, 07:35 AM
Nextwave. Just... Nextwave.

About time someone brought the love and truth of Warren Ellis to this thread. :smallbiggrin:

Also, Section 8, The Boys and The Authority: Kev.

2009-09-15, 08:00 AM
About time someone brought the love and truth of Warren Ellis to this thread. :smallbiggrin:

Also, Section 8.

Section 8 isn't its own comic though. It's a superhero team from Hitman. And it was written by Ennis (as was Kev and the Boys), not Ellis. Still it's comedy gold, can't deny that.

2009-09-15, 08:00 AM
The Goon vs. Dethklok, not too long ago. I was in stitches for most of the issue. It was a brilliant one-off that I hope inspires more collaborations between Smalls & Powell. It had what I like to call the "30 Rock" effect, where something is so damned funny you have to actually stop reading/watching/listening to it for a good few minutes and try to focus on something else to stop from guffawing like a sweet southern yokel. Got the oddest looks from my Mum-in-Law as I went to hang out the wash and had to stop in between items to laugh some more at some the recently remembered hijinks. Good stuff.

2009-09-17, 03:01 PM
I did it yesterday, when I finally read WW #34 and #35, and Power Girl #4... (so, I like superhero women. Sue me.)

This one is funny in general, PG is basically DC's she-hulk (attitude wise) but the last episode have her and Terra (as civilians) watching a movie when a certain jewish ulta-geek and self-declared ladies man tries to pick her up. Sheldon and the gang are looking on, rather embarrassed, as always.

Wait--there's a Big Bang Theory reference in Power Girl? Must... buy... comic... :smallsmile:

2009-09-27, 12:19 PM
I recently re-read the Bendis run on Daredevil (SO GOOD!), and there's one pagel where Matt is talking to Foggy over the phone, and Matt mentions that he needs his suit, and Foggy sarcastically says "The red one?" to which Matt responds "Red? I thought it was Yellow." And then there's 3 panels w/o dialogue of Foggy trying to figure out if Matt is being serious or not, while Matt is laughing silently on the other end of the line.

It made me chuckle out loud.

Oo, good point with Bendis there--the first trade paperback of Powers got me. After the bombshell of a line (which I'm almost sure was set up over multiple issues in the original print) is dropped, half a page just shows the man trying to collect the scraps of his dignity while the woman is laughing like a hyena. So was I.

2009-09-27, 12:25 PM
"I'll kill you to death"

Countdown to Final Crisis

I only read a handful of them, out of order. But I distinctly remember that line making me laugh louder than was strictly necessary.

2009-09-27, 01:55 PM
Re-reading invincible

2009-09-27, 02:22 PM

2009-09-28, 03:54 AM
You just made me a Spidey fan.

Lost Demiurge
2009-09-28, 08:48 AM
Most of Nextwave.

Marvel Ultimates, that one issue where Captain America is fighting the the Skrull.

Skrull tells him it's hopeless, he should surrender.


Asskicking folllows.


2009-09-28, 09:42 AM
Most of Nextwave.

Marvel Ultimates, that one issue where Captain America is fighting the the Skrull.

Skrull tells him it's hopeless, he should surrender.


Asskicking folllows.


"Victim?! Do you think this letter on my chest stands for AMERICA?!"

2009-09-28, 04:17 PM
Well, I'm going through a blitz of comics and graphic novels from my local library. Last one I read that cracked me up was Runaways: Dead End Kids.

The Punisher threatens to shoot the Runaways (a bunch of teenagers) and gets punched in the gut by a superpowered little girl with a cat ear hat.


Followed by:

Karolina: We're not yelling at you, Molly.
Molly: But how could I know he didn't have powers?
Victor: From his lame name! I he had powers he'd be named after them, like Electro or Iron Fist! What, you think he's got some "punishy" force?

2009-09-28, 04:22 PM
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four. It was great.

2009-09-28, 04:27 PM
Judge Dredd

Booster Gold


Savage Dragon



Dr. Arkham



2009-09-28, 04:43 PM
Let me guess Vic, you saw the same /co/ thread? :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-28, 04:48 PM
/co/mrades? Here? Huh.

2009-09-28, 04:51 PM
Yup. Even posted the poker issue of Marvel Adventures Spider-Man the same night. All so helps that a thread like that gets posted at least three times a week. Wish I had some Incredible Herc stuff saved, funniest damn comic being released.

2009-09-28, 05:05 PM
That was you? Awesome. I'm Snapper Carr.

2009-09-28, 05:27 PM
You linked the Dr Arkham pic again instead of the Spidey one by the way.

2009-09-28, 06:03 PM

Ya know, Jason does make a good point