View Full Version : Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, MK XVI - Dances With Orcs

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2009-09-23, 04:21 PM
Given that Akta and Nakta are both nouns and used to describe personifications of life and death respectively, I really see no reason for which it's Shintula Nakta but Akta Bikta. Though I might be wrong. And since it's an issue related to orcs, it's possible that Mookie put some thought into it.

Until panel 4 of today's strip, I would have told you something like this: "Shintula Nakta refers to a type of magic, Akta Bikta refers to a type of magic-users." But after panel 4?

2009-09-23, 04:22 PM
I love it how he's gone on and on about racism and prejudice, then divided an entire species into five clans, each identifiable by a single trait. It's like saying all American individuals single defining point is that they are ignorant.

Also, I like it how he makes the people who went through the war with the orcs racist. It's realistic. Go find a WW2 vetran and ask him what he tihinks of the germans or Japanesse. It was clearly a long, brutal war, with bad feelings on either side.

What I don't like is how he treats a war with well publicised attrocities no reason for racism.

I guess that is one of the forgotten tribe: The Anachronistically Fashionable Gapka. :smallconfused:

I suppose he is a Callanian orc, returning to his homeland after being unable to deal with years of racism and ignorance, despite the fact that he had a good job as the Royal Seer.

2009-09-23, 04:26 PM
Until panel 4 of today's strip, I would have told you something like this: "Shintula Nakta refers to a type of magic, Akta Bikta refers to a type of magic-users." But after panel 4?


What I don't like is how he treats a war with well publicised attrocities no reason for racism.

It's not that bad, really. The worse thing is that the only fricking reason for the Orc War was that Callanians were racist boopholes and attacked the noble savages without reason.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-23, 04:30 PM
I just noticed this but... look at the second panel, is that some orc with Jeans and a Black Shirt at the right side of the panel, just below the speech bubble?

I guess that is one of the forgotten tribe: The Anachronistically Fashionable Gapka. :smallconfused:
Stylish. :smallbiggrin:
I hope he gets his own character arc.

Also, I like it how he makes the people who went through the war with the orcs racist. It's realistic. Go find a WW2 vetran and ask him what he tihinks of the germans or Japanesse. It was clearly a long, brutal war, with bad feelings on either side.
I know we can't really get into a discussion about that, but I can tell you from my personal experience that you're wrong about that.

2009-09-23, 04:37 PM
Of course I am. I know people who got to be good friends who fought on opposite sides. I worded that appallingly. I don't mean regular German soldiers, I mean the organisations behind the war, such as the SS (though no one has good things to say about the SS, just like no one in real life has good things to say about the orcs).

2009-09-23, 05:19 PM
Actualy that one is proberly the hardest, Stonewater was just stupidly lucky to find the only sane&friendly Bikta wandering around.
I don't know about that. There's a definite drive in the comic to paint that the Spirit Father is the only eeeeeevil Bikta. All the others appear to be deluded. If the Spirit Father hasn't told them explicitly to not talk to other tribes, a casual chat would reveal a lot.

The other methods might be more or less likely to happen, but then again, why would anyone even considder the option that there might suddenly only be 1 Aktamancer left?
I wouldn't think they would be asking that question directly, but I do find it odd that none of the other tribes have an active interest in finding out more about their neighbours. Especially when this particular neighbour is the one with the most thriving village. I'd expect at least a few diplomatic envoys to ask for their aid.

For the Shintula, it's inexcusable. They've been planning an attack on the Bikta for ages, so the first thing they should have done is assess their defences.

Of course, it's likely the Shintula know about the Aktamancers already, which is why Outrage Chief knows he has to speak to the Spirit Father and not some non-existent random Akta cleric. So in that case, the Shintula are just lazy.

Also, a spiked pit is a bitch to clean, and it start to smell very fast.
It's the classic oubliette. You don't have to clean it. Just dig it deep enough to begin with. Sure, it will eventually change into a corpse-and-rat pit, but if your victims can't get out, who cares?

2009-09-23, 05:37 PM
Why did the Callanians attack Maltak anyway? I can't remember. Is there even a reason given?

The Linker
2009-09-23, 05:44 PM
Warlord Mustache was incredibly upset that a human (Karnak) was among Orcs. He and his army promptly invaded Maltak, despite the fact Karnak was gone by the time Warlord Mustache got back.

2009-09-23, 05:45 PM
Are you serious?
That is so dumb.

2009-09-23, 05:46 PM
It's the classic oubliette. You don't have to clean it. Just dig it deep enough to begin with. Sure, it will eventually change into a corpse-and-rat pit, but if your victims can't get out, who cares?

With rats and such it's self cleaning, really.

2009-09-23, 06:02 PM
Are you serious?
That is so dumb.
Yes, though not as dumb as Donovan being able to end a war between orcish tribes (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-04-09) thanks to his terrible jokes.

Actually, what is the dumbest thing in-comic? I'm going to put forth Rillian's "plan" but I bet that can be topped :smalltongue:

Johnny Blade
2009-09-23, 06:12 PM
The plot of the Chosen from Visions of Doom.
The entire Visions of Doom arc, actually.

EDIT: For more classical idiocy, Barnet's backup plan - use bigger swords.

2009-09-23, 06:21 PM
Regarding that "how could the other clans have known that the Bikta Aktamancers were gone?" debate - consider: Melna, an outcast, was a friend of Suyan. Suyan knew Taran by name (and knew he was one of the Shintula Nakta elite - yes, Shintula Nakta has been used as term for Naktamancers before, not only in this strip). Just two examples, but they seem to indicate that Orc clans are small enough for people to generally know each other, and at the very least the more notable spellcasters in the clans seem to have some fame outside of their clans.

In other words, the easiest way to find out the Aktamancers were gone would have been to just go to the Bikta Sanctuary and observe that they were gone, because the other clans most likely knew these individuals. And keep in mind that while to us, Bikta look all alike, the inhabitants of the comic do not seem to be hampered by Mookie's art.

2009-09-23, 06:24 PM
The plot of the Chosen from Visions of Doom.
The entire Visions of Doom arc, actually.


The Chosen's plan was to arrange a mass suicide to fuel a ritual (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-03) that would grant them awesome dark powers. How is that dumb?

Hell, by using the (now Forgotten (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForgottenPhlebotinum)) Command Runes (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-06-25) the Chosen cleverly nullified (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-14) the two real threats to their power.

The fact that their entire plan could be undone by a single Seer isn't exactly a gaping flaw either - I mean, it's not like we've seen all that many of them.

2009-09-23, 07:04 PM
I think you all knew that.

We've seen tonnes of seers. They've all been killed by Luna's sister. I'm actually supprised we haven't been fed stuff on how they were all using their powers to kick puppies for som reason.

2009-09-23, 07:23 PM

The Chosen's plan was to arrange a mass suicide to fuel a ritual (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-03) that would grant them awesome dark powers. How is that dumb?

Hell, by using the (now Forgotten (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForgottenPhlebotinum)) Command Runes (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-06-25) the Chosen cleverly nullified (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-14) the two real threats to their power.

The fact that their entire plan could be undone by a single Seer isn't exactly a gaping flaw either - I mean, it's not like we've seen all that many of them.

Actually, it couldn't be (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-12) undone by a single Seer. It needed 2 - one of which was a necropimp.

It really was quite the good plan - it even got a priestess to say the First Heresy of Hell. Wonder what the other heresies are...

Johnny Blade
2009-09-23, 07:25 PM
The fact that their entire plan could be undone by a single Seer isn't exactly a gaping flaw either - I mean, it's not like we've seen all that many of them.
The thing is, they relied on the dumbest ritual of recorded history (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-16).
Leaving the total reliance on author knowledge to even come up with that aside, Milov and Jayden only came there because of Dominic. So the plan of the Chosen hinged on bringing Dominic, who could stop them, to Barthis.

2009-09-23, 07:29 PM
I think you all knew that.
Dominic and Greg's SuperGreg plan was only stupid in a meta sense. If you're trying to stop a crazy ice witch and you've got someone with extraordinary powers who wants to be a superhero, why not break out the costume and have some fun?

The bits that made it really stupid were: Spandex heroes in a setting that they didn't suit, and (my biggest gripe)The complete destruction of Greg's original character, from introvert, humble and sweet to overbearing annoying jackass.

I'm not sure what the stupidest in-comic plan would be, because a Dominion plan has to take into account the logic and character motivations that work there. Rillian's plan might on the surface be pointless and stupidly convoluted, but in Dominion it might make perfect sense. Plus I suspect he just wanted an excuse to go on a world tour and drink beer.

The one that springs to my mind is Klo Tark coming back to life to spring the entire contents of the Callanian prison, just to free Dominic for the War in Hell. There's so many other ways to achieve the same outcome without populating the streets with the worst scum in the kingdom* and then dying again.

* Plus he freed a bunch of non-seer criminals too. Zing!

2009-09-23, 07:31 PM
The thing is, they relied on the dumbest ritual of recorded history (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-07-16).
Leaving the total reliance on author knowledge to even come up with that aside, Milov and Jayden only came there because of Dominic. So the plan of the Chosen hinged on bringing Dominic, who could stop them, to Barthis.

Agreed, it's surprising the ritual hasn't been done before many times, but still - the plan actually worked very nicely, and they had assurances from a reliable source that the wolf and priestess would be there.

Though why Milov had to be there, I still don't understand.

2009-09-23, 07:41 PM
Dominic and Greg's SuperGreg plan was only stupid in a meta sense. If you're trying to stop a crazy ice witch and you've got someone with extraordinary powers who wants to be a superhero, why not break out the costume and have some fun?The problem is that the details of their plan involved needlessly endangering Dex, Rachel and Quilt, and also would have devastated Barthis if not for Mookie ignoring all negative consequences the plans of his designated heroes should naturally have.

I'm honestly not sure which plan in the comic I consider the most stupid from an in-world sense. From a metaperspective (i.e., which plan was the worst executed by Mookie), I'm inclined to go with Dominic's plan to save protect everyone at the end of War in Hell, because I still do not understand what this plan actually was! Okay, so these little puppets somehow gave him some sort of connection with his friends... but where did he have the ability to protect them somehow from in the first place, puppets or not? And then having Stonewater defeat the demonic poison because "stonewater means ice"... even though there is no logical connection between ice and poison.

The end of this arc was utterly devoid of any logic, to a degree never exhibited before that, and hardly ever exhibited in such a concentration thereafter.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-23, 07:48 PM
Agreed, it's surprising the ritual hasn't been done before many times, but still - the plan actually worked very nicely, and they had assurances from a reliable source that the wolf and priestess would be there.

Though why Milov had to be there, I still don't understand.
Actually...is there any evidence that Jacob planted the vision that lured Dominic there?

Even then, the plot requires him to just know that...
...Dominic would drive the angry mob away.
...Siggy would pay him a visit again because of this.
...Siggy would be visited by Milov and Jayden at the time.
...they'd tag along to help him deal with Dom.
...Dominic would get away free and relatively unhurt.

But it would be one reliance on author knowledge less. Counts for something, I think.

EDIT: Okay, so there is. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-02) One contrivance less. So this is not as dumb as I thought. Still pretty ridiculous, though.

2009-09-23, 08:03 PM
The problem is that the details of their plan involved needlessly endangering Dex, Rachel and Quilt, and also would have devastated Barthis if not for Mookie ignoring all negative consequences the plans of his designated heroes should naturally have.
Ah, yes. I can't remember what part in the plan they originally served; I thought they got swept up into it because Greg was just screwing around a bit too much. I tend to blur out a lot of the fine details of the comic, which I hope is understandable. :smallsmile:

I'm inclined to go with Dominic's plan to save protect everyone at the end of War in Hell, because I still do not understand what this plan actually was!
The best part of this plan was that it gave me my favourite one panel summary of the spirit of the whole comic:


It works on so many levels! :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-23, 08:42 PM
EDIT: Okay, so there is. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-02) One contrivance less. So this is not as dumb as I thought. Still pretty ridiculous, though.
Actually, the "contrivances" are no worse than any regularly plotted story.

As you noted (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-02), the Chosen implanted false visions in Jayden & Milov to lure them to Barthis. Why those two? Because the Spellwolves are notoriously isolationist and Milov was likely the only one around - the fact that he was banging a priest only sweetened the deal.

However, The Chosen didn't count on Milov & Jayden knowing a Seer (again, reasonable because how many of them are there, really?) much less one that had been sent an identical vision by Jacob (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-02).

Remember, Jacob just wanted Dominic there to stop the ritual (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-04) before The Chosen received their full powers. The fact that Dominic met up with Milov & Jayden is pure coincidence - but Dominic would have gone to Barthis even if they hadn't shown up.

EDIT: The War In Hell Plan is not, in fact, the stupidest plan. While it wasn't a "plan" per se, it did involve Dominic correctly "guiding" everyone to Do The Right Thing - and even then it didn't end perfectly. Rilian's Plan, on the other hand, not only was a complete failure, but it didn't even attempt to achieve its stated goals.

2009-09-23, 08:52 PM
Ah, yes. I can't remember what part in the plan they originally served; I thought they got swept up into it because Greg was just screwing around a bit too much. I tend to blur out a lot of the fine details of the comic, which I hope is understandable. :smallsmile:Considering the arc we are talking about, yes, definitely so. :smallbiggrin:

It works on so many levels! :smallbiggrin:Oh, it sure does. :smallamused:


EDIT: The War In Hell Plan is not, in fact, the stupidest plan. While it wasn't a "plan" per se, it did involve Dominic correctly "guiding" everyone to Do The Right Thing - and even then it didn't end perfectly. Rilian's Plan, on the other hand, not only was a complete failure, but it didn't even attempt to achieve its stated goals.That is true... in the best case, one could make an argument that Rillian was really in for the trip and being Brian, and hence did not actually try to follow the plan at all. Though it's pretty surely not what Mookie actually had in mind...

Seriously though, does somebody understand the deal with those little dolls in War in Hell?

Johnny Blade
2009-09-23, 09:02 PM
As you noted (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-02), the Chosen implanted false visions in Jayden & Milov to lure them to Barthis. Why those two? Because the Spellwolves are notoriously isolationist and Milov was likely the only one around - the fact that he was banging a priest only sweetened the deal.
They still needed Dominic to tell them (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-05) that they'd have to go to Barthis.
Apparently, they didn't really care before. :smallconfused:

I also have no idea how the Chosen knew about Milov and Jayden and their presence in the first place, but that's something you just have to accept, I guess.

EDIT: The War In Hell Plan is not, in fact, the stupidest plan. While it wasn't a "plan" per se, it did involve Dominic correctly "guiding" everyone to Do The Right Thing - and even then it didn't end perfectly. Rilian's Plan, on the other hand, not only was a complete failure, but it didn't even attempt to achieve its stated goals.
Well, The Right Things included having Donovan piss Karnak off to give him superpowers. That is pretty dumb.

Of course, Rilian's plan was to **** Dominic's vacation up to help him relax, which is stupid beyond words.

I'd go and look through Storm of Souls to see what exactly Celesto wanted to do again - or, more importantly, how he thought he could ever succeed - but Storm of Souls is a total mess. It's also 4 am.

2009-09-23, 11:36 PM
Dominic's convoluted plan to keep his brother from killing Snowsong. Why not just tell Gregory to stay out of the fight or just accept that Snowsong was kind of an evil bitch willing to destroy the entire town and let her die? Why risk Gregory's life with this plan? Why risk the lives of Quilt, Rachel, Dex and the entire goddamn town of Barthis?

So he could let his little brother dress up like his childhood hero.


2009-09-23, 11:43 PM
I'd go and look through Storm of Souls to see what exactly Celesto wanted to do again - or, more importantly, how he thought he could ever succeed - but Storm of Souls is a total mess. It's also 4 am.

I think he wanted to harness the Storm so he'd have enough power to scour the world of all the idiots in it? After seeing the Vacation and Maltak, I have two things to say about that. The first is that it would have been the best thing anybody ever did for the Dominion. The second is that he would have needed much bigger guns.

2009-09-24, 12:06 AM
Dominic's convoluted plan to keep his brother from killing Snowsong. Why not just tell Gregory to stay out of the fight or just accept that Snowsong was kind of an evil bitch willing to destroy the entire town and let her die? Why risk Gregory's life with this plan? Why risk the lives of Quilt, Rachel, Dex and the entire goddamn town of Barthis?

So he could let his little brother dress up like his childhood hero.

... Yeah, now I agree. I just skimmed over the Snowsong arc so I could remember what happened. I guess since I only read that arc via the archive I skimmed over Dominic's extremely long winded explanation (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-01) of how he had a hand in everything. Dom comes across as being a total jerk who doesn't trust his brother. Instead he decides to "guide" Greg through a bunch of vague tasks and then forcibly altering his mindscape.

Then to top it off, Dom blames all the snafus on Greg's part of the plan, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-10) and has absolutely no shame in stating that Snowsong's problems lie in her "brainwashing and violent mood swings" (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-14) after what he did to Greg. Sheesh. I can see why Greg still has deep regards for Jacob; it's not as if his other brother is much better.

...where was I? Oh yes. That really was a bad plan by Dominic. :smallsmile:

2009-09-24, 12:26 AM
I think this strip (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-12) sums it all up:

"Did I pull his strings? Did I manipulate him? Or did I guide him? I'll let you be the judge of that."

Of course, Gregory has the IQ of Forrest Gump, so of course he doesn't mind.

2009-09-24, 12:42 AM
"Did I pull his strings? Did I manipulate him? Or did I guide him? I'll let you be the judge of that."
The only saving grace of the whole arc is that he said that line to Pam, who judged him and then promptly threw his ass in prison.

...although why was he put in the same cell as Snowsong? (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-16) :smallconfused:

2009-09-24, 01:17 AM
The only saving grace of the whole arc is that he said that line to Pam, who judged him and then promptly threw his ass in prison.

...although why was he put in the same cell as Snowsong? (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-16) :smallconfused:

Maybe Pam was hoping Snowsong would kill him? :smalltongue:

2009-09-24, 01:46 AM
I think he wanted to harness the Storm so he'd have enough power to scour the world of all the idiots in it? After seeing the Vacation and Maltak, I have two things to say about that. The first is that it would have been the best thing anybody ever did for the Dominion. The second is that he would have needed much bigger guns.

This is more or less correct. I've griped about it before; Dominic thought that the plan was wrong because killing all the idiots in such a way would necessarily involve the deaths of some non-idiots, and killing non-idiots is wrong, even for such a great good as killing so many idiots. :smallannoyed:

The only saving grace of the whole arc is that he said that line to Pam, who judged him and then promptly threw his ass in prison.

To be fair, that line is also awesome in strip slays.

2009-09-24, 02:01 AM
New Comic. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-09-24)

Ha! That'll be akward when Stonewater tells Suyan the he knows knows Melna. :smallbiggrin:

Also: Watch out, Melna, don't you know that standing on high terrain while looking at a distant village summons Random Encounters?

2009-09-24, 02:11 AM
You know, cliffs overlooking things on which heroes can stand dramatically are really starting to get annoying. Not just in DD either.

2009-09-24, 02:23 AM
You know, cliffs overlooking things on which heroes can stand dramatically are really starting to get annoying. Not just in DD either.
Hey, you can't be a hero in this story if you don't start from the higher ground, and then steadily go downhill.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 02:49 AM

Also, summoning random encounters might be Melna's plan. She might have realized that she has no supplies whatsoever with her and hope to take whatever the bandits have.
(Note: The continued existence of the orcish species is even more baffling when you consider that cannibalism is not an option for them.)

And Mookie apparently felt that this arc wasn't long enough already, so Melna had to get her love interest. To think I made a joke about this not being finished by February not long ago...

2009-09-24, 04:00 AM
I think this strip (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-12) sums it all up:

"Did I pull his strings? Did I manipulate him? Or did I guide him? I'll let you be the judge of that."

Of course, Gregory has the IQ of Forrest Gump, so of course he doesn't mind.
Cough. Second (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-06) panels (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-03).

2009-09-24, 04:02 AM
Here we are. Dumbest thing so far.
I am going to ignore this update ever took place.

Also, Siegfried was smarter then we give him credit for. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-03-25)

2009-09-24, 04:24 AM
I disagree, just because the plot doesnt really move here doesnt mean its dumb.
The are is about average, and the dialog about the same, all in all i would call it a decent comic.

2009-09-24, 04:29 AM
I disagree, just because the plot doesnt really move here doesnt mean its dumb.
The are is about average, and the dialog about the same, all in all i would call it a decent comic.

It is dumb because instead of using their numerous interactions to show the depths of their feelings, they are instead blandly stating them to each other, in an illogical manner. This was at no point brought up in the logical progression of their conversation, it came out of nowhere, and has all the complexity of emotion exhibited by a cardboard cutout of Edward Cullen.

He wants Suyan to have a crush? Melna to have a love interest? Then when he did the facemeld thing to save her from tatmeister he should have said something along the lines of "I'll always back you up." with an embarrassingly earnest look, or given a wistful sigh when he went to watch her leave, or any of a hundred things that people in his position do.
They're all about as subtle as a well aimed half brick, but all Mookie seems to be capable of these days, when he can even do that.

Show, don't tell.

Also, what in god's name is an 'Artgasm?'

2009-09-24, 04:32 AM
Aaaaaaaand noone has the strength to comment on the newspost today.

2009-09-24, 04:39 AM
Aaaaaaaand noone has the strength to comment on the newspost today.
Well if you insist:

Tomorrow I'll talk about two big crossover events in comics that are driving me bonkers, why I think they've gone on way too long, and why I don't think I'm a hypocrite for saying so even though The March Across Maltak has been going on since January.
I usually don't comment on the newspost because it's tangential to the comic, but I think that's a good sign that Mookie realises this arc has been going on for forever. Maybe there won't be any slowdowns from now on.

As for the weirdness of the main plot elements of today: I'm hoping it's a fake out, and that Suyan really has a crush on Eltu.

2009-09-24, 04:45 AM
It is dumb because instead of using their numerous interactions to show the depths of their feelings, they are instead blandly stating them to each other, in an illogical manner. This was at no point brought up in the logical progression of their conversation, it came out of nowhere, and has all the complexity of emotion exhibited by a cardboard cutout of Edward Cullen.

It could have been done better, but i dont think its as bad as you make it to be.

2009-09-24, 04:46 AM
As for the weirdness of the main plot elements of today: I'm hoping it's a fake out, and that Suyan really has a crush on Eltu.
If he likes Eltu I hope he also holds the power of the Nakta to sustain his necrophilia.

Maybe then he'll meet Szark ( who is gay ), and can teach him what it's like to be with a real man ( who is gay ). And they'll adopt gay half-orc boys.

2009-09-24, 04:47 AM
Well if you insist:

I usually don't comment on the newspost because it's tangential to the comic, but I think that's a good sign that Mookie realises this arc has been going on for forever. Maybe there won't be any slowdowns from now on.

As for the weirdness of the main plot elements of today: I'm hoping it's a fake out, and that Suyan really has a crush on Eltu.

He promises to explain tomorrow.
Need I say mor? :smallamused:

2009-09-24, 04:49 AM
It could have been done better, but i dont think its as bad as you make it to be.

How could it have been done worse?

"You love Grench, don't you?"
"Yes. Do you love anyone?"
"As a matter of fact I do. I just have never exhibited any sign or given any hints of my feelings before this point. It's almost like the author needed a reason to justify my inclusion in so much of the comic, and as such took the easy way out and made me a love interest."
"Fascinating. Do I know her?"
"I doubt you do, despite the fact I've seen you interact at least three times. Of course I could just be embarrassed and unwilling to talk to what is quite probably the closest thing I have to a friend."
"Perhaps she revealed to me the seat of her deep seated issues, and as such I don't altogether trust you, of course then I wouldn't have told you this, would I?"

2009-09-24, 04:53 AM
I usually don't comment on the newspost because it's tangential to the comic, but I think that's a good sign that Mookie realises this arc has been going on for forever. Maybe there won't be any slowdowns from now on.
Except that he's been talking about how long the Maltak Death March has been going on for months.

I'll dig up the newspost when it isn't crazy o'clock

Re: Today's Comic
Congratulations on another digit-free strip, Mookie!

Also: I think Panel 8 may be the subtlest joke in all of DD. Bravo.

Finally: looking down from elevated positions doesn't bother me usually (it justifies Scenery Porn (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SceneryPorn)), I am getting irritated by the random plateaus that dot the otherwise featureless plains of Maltak.

And you know what? Melna's not even looking down on the one established valley village (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-01-16). Are all the orc villages located at the bottom of valleys? No wonder so many died during the Storms :smalltongue:

@Dialogue - now, it may just be the sleep deprivation talking, but I totally buy this bit of dialogue. Now the segue from "I trust Dominic" to "You love Grench, right?" is more than a little abrupt, the conversation from there is exactly like two guys talkin' 'bout the ladies.

Particularly when one of them is a cloistered nerd that had long considered women beneath his notice.

Now, could Mookie have done some foreshadowing of this turn of events? Yes, it would have been nice. And I don't just mean hugs! (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-04-13) followed by awkward conversation (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-04-15) either; even the Hansi treatment (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-05-14) would have been better.

2009-09-24, 05:56 AM
It really was quite the good plan - it even got a priestess to say the First Heresy of Hell. Wonder what the other heresies are...

That was a incredibly stupid thing... you instantly lose your god's favor if you get duped/mindcontrolled into saying something? Fickle gods, that. :smallannoyed:

Also: Today's strip has been brought to you by the letter "Meh".

2009-09-24, 05:58 AM
Particularly when one of them is a cloistered nerd that had long considered women beneath his notice.

Now, could Mookie have done some foreshadowing of this turn of events? Yes, it would have been nice. And I don't just mean hugs! (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-04-13) followed by awkward conversation (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-04-15) either; even the Hansi treatment (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-05-14) would have been better.

I swear he got kicked out of the tribe for talking to suicide orc or something. Doesn't seem nervous around women...

2009-09-24, 06:59 AM
Since Mookie talks about crossover events, it reminded me that S*P runs one with GWS, and coincidentally the latter shows how a translation joke is made (http://www.daniellecorsetto.com/archive.php?comic=794). See, Mookie? This is funny. Donovan isn't.

2009-09-24, 07:13 AM
How could it have been done worse?

"You love Grench, don't you?"
"Yes. Do you love anyone?"
"As a matter of fact I do. I just have never exhibited any sign or given any hints of my feelings before this point. It's almost like the author needed a reason to justify my inclusion in so much of the comic, and as such took the easy way out and made me a love interest."
"Fascinating. Do I know her?"
"I doubt you do, despite the fact I've seen you interact at least three times. Of course I could just be embarrassed and unwilling to talk to what is quite probably the closest thing I have to a friend."
"Perhaps she revealed to me the seat of her deep seated issues, and as such I don't altogether trust you, of course then I wouldn't have told you this, would I?"

That hardly made sense.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 07:44 AM
Aaaaaaaand noone has the strength to comment on the newspost today.
Text search tells me he didn't use the words nerd or vegan in it, so it obviously can't be of any importance.

2009-09-24, 08:40 AM
Tomorrow I'll talk about two big crossover events in comics that are driving me bonkers, why I think they've gone on way too long, and why I don't think I'm a hypocrite for saying so even though The March Across Maltak has been going on since January.

I can't wait until tomorrow. I am dying to know why he thinks he isn't a hypocrite. "This arc hasn't been going on for too long because cool stuff has been happening!"

And I actually found today's comic pretty funny. Not necessarily in the intended way, but the entire "By the way, not only have I raped your love interest there, we're technically married under Orcish law!" scene is gonna be great (except for the part where it's written by Mookie, so . . .)

2009-09-24, 09:20 AM
I can't wait until tomorrow. I am dying to know why he thinks he isn't a hypocrite. "This arc hasn't been going on for too long because cool stuff has been happening!"

The thing - either the best of the worst, depending on how you look at it - is, I could definetly see it.
And introducing romantic interests out of the blue makes me go cross-eyed every single time. Even David Eddings did this better, for gods' sake. It was bad enough when they turned out to know each other.

2009-09-24, 09:27 AM
Cough. Second (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-06) panels (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-05-03).

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing here.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 09:31 AM
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing here.
Gregory being too dumb to physically exist in a world where vacuums work the way they should.

2009-09-24, 09:41 AM
Panels 5-7 = Decent slay material.

Lord Seth
2009-09-24, 09:58 AM
Argh, the cheek teeth, the snouts! They've always been there but they've been especially aggravating in the last few strips for some reason.

2009-09-24, 10:11 AM
Also: I think Panel 8 may be the subtlest joke in all of DD. Bravo.

I was going to mention the alliteration gag, but then I realized that those aren't actually jokes.

Finally: looking down from elevated positions doesn't bother me usually (it justifies Scenery Porn (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SceneryPorn)), I am getting irritated by the random plateaus that dot the otherwise featureless plains of Maltak.

That's more or less what I meant. Not that people do it (Heck, I'm sure I've stood dramatically atop a few cliffs in my time. It's good fun.), but that there seem to exist cliffs that spring up for this purpose, and then disappear. Again, not just in DD.

That was a incredibly stupid thing... you instantly lose your god's favor if you get duped/mindcontrolled into saying something? Fickle gods, that. :smallannoyed:

It was her own fault, getting mind controlled. She shouldn't have been going through such a bad neighborhood unprepared. That's basically asking for it. Also she was wearing a miniskirt.

2009-09-24, 10:33 AM
It was her own fault, getting mind controlled. She shouldn't have been going through such a bad neighborhood unprepared. That's basically asking for it. Also she was wearing a miniskirt.

Must be greek gods in Dominion then. :smallsigh:
(Excessive amounts of dickery is pretty much what they do.)

2009-09-24, 10:35 AM
That was a incredibly stupid thing... you instantly lose your god's favor if you get duped/mindcontrolled into saying something? Fickle gods, that. :smallannoyed:

The funny thing is, it doesn't seem to have affected her position in the church at all. While we've never exactly been clear what a Priestess of Luana actually does on a day-to-day basis, she still seems to hang around churches and generally do priestly things. There's been no mention of her being excommunicated or becoming a black sheep of the church or anything. Very... welcoming, that Church of Luana. :smallconfused:

Of course, with all the details we've had on the church, they really don't seem to do a whole lot of anything besides run Aberthast Cathedral. For a Crystal Dragon Jesus, they do seem to be largely ignored by most of the population.

2009-09-24, 11:06 AM
Of course, with all the details we've had on the church, they really don't seem to do a whole lot of anything besides run Aberthast Cathedral. For a Crystal Dragon Jesus, they do seem to be largely ignored by most of the population.They also don't seem to have any holy powers, considering how Siggy ripped through them the last time.

2009-09-24, 11:13 AM
They also don't seem to have any holy powers, considering how Siggy ripped through them the last time.

Well, we've also seen tons of demons varying from big-bad to mook. And one angel. Whose main contribution, if I recall correctly, was to set loose violent criminals and a megalomaniacal sociopath free, then die. Going by those standards, no wonder the church isn't exactly up to supernatural snuff.

2009-09-24, 11:52 AM
SON OF A BIKTA. As if we needed more tortured love stories in DD.

Hm, Stonewater and Melna are officially married...
Maybe Suyan and Grench will get married too and they'll "arrange something?"


2009-09-24, 12:00 PM
Well, we've also seen tons of demons varying from big-bad to mook. And one angel. Whose main contribution, if I recall correctly, was to set loose violent criminals and a megalomaniacal sociopath free, then die. Going by those standards, no wonder the church isn't exactly up to supernatural snuff.I though Klo Tark was an Order being, not an angel.

Granted, nothing he did really helped his side, so.... *shrug*

2009-09-24, 12:03 PM
Oh wow, this is dumb. Not the dumbest thing ever in the comic, but way high up.

Let's neglect that Suyan should be well aware that Stonewater and Melna know each other (for multiple reasons - firstly, because he was there when they met, secondly, because Stonewater's story seems to be quite well-known (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-01-23) all over Maltak, thirdly, because he was friggin' there when they met). Let's also ignore that there was no indication of Suyan loving Melna when they met. None. At all.

That still leaves the question... how?! Melna spent most of her life outside of Maltak, and it's rather unlikely Suyan, considering his position, will have been travelling far outside of his clan. Them knowing each other was a ridiculous contrivance already, but could be explained by them having met on some occassion as children. No way did they meet while being old enough for any lasting infatuation to occur. Unless we are to understand Suyan fell in love with Melna during the last few days - for which there is no indication at all.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

And while we're at it, regarding yesterday's strip... another realization I had is that Spirit Father executing the other Akta Bikta must have happened way in the past, so this information should have spread all around Maltak by now and Stonewater should be aware of this. Because Suyan says SF did this right after rising to power, yet SF was already the Bikta Chief when Donovan brought peace to the Orcs, by Donovan's account.

Oh yeah, and we should start discussing the next thread title again. Any ideas? Did we agree upon anything at the end of the last thread?

2009-09-24, 12:10 PM
Let's neglect that Suyan should be well aware that Stonewater and Melna know each other

I think Suyan is well aware of that and lying because he thinks it would be quite awkward if he said "well, I love your wife; you know, the girl you raped long ago and who is violently crazy now". Answering something by "no one you know" is a way to say "I don't want to talk about it, none of your business".

So, with that, I don't see a problem. Of course, Suyan just discovering now that he loves Melna when up to the panel before SW asked him he had never any idea he did, and never behaved like he saw her as a love interest at all, that is still stupid.

Or sinister.

People who develop feelings they never had without any reason to... In a world haunted by a puppeteering sociopath with the ability to enter and alter the "minscape" of people... Well, you're bound to speculate.

Thread Title: I suggest "A Scanner Snarkly". If you don't get it, you need to read better books/watch better movies. :smalltongue:

2009-09-24, 12:21 PM
Oh yeah, and we should start discussing the next thread title again. Any ideas? Did we agree upon anything at the end of the last thread?Sky Cat and the Plains of Tomorrow? :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-24, 12:21 PM
Thread Title: I suggest "A Scanner Snarkly". If you don't get it, you need to read better books/watch better movies. :smalltongue:Ooooh, I love that. :smallbiggrin:

Everything is improved by being somehow related with Philipp K. Censored. :smallcool:

Sky Cat and the Plains of Tomorrow? :smallbiggrin:That's a good one, too. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-24, 12:35 PM
Nvm. Figured it out.

Save the Last Dance. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_the_Last_Dance)

2009-09-24, 12:57 PM
The funny thing is, it doesn't seem to have affected her position in the church at all. While we've never exactly been clear what a Priestess of Luana actually does on a day-to-day basis, she still seems to hang around churches and generally do priestly things. There's been no mention of her being excommunicated or becoming a black sheep of the church or anything. Very... welcoming, that Church of Luana. :smallconfused:

Of course, with all the details we've had on the church, they really don't seem to do a whole lot of anything besides run Aberthast Cathedral. For a Crystal Dragon Jesus, they do seem to be largely ignored by most of the population.

I think this comic (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-26) and the one after it are supposed to mean she got her powers back for no particularly good reason. Of course, it's hard to say, since she never really exhibited much in the way of powers in the first place (she healed a couple people on Dominic's porch and I think that's it.)

2009-09-24, 12:59 PM
Nvm. Figured it out.

Save the Last Dance. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_the_Last_Dance)

Or, more appropriately, "Save" the Last Dance. :smallamused:

2009-09-24, 01:18 PM
I think Suyan is well aware of that and lying because he thinks it would be quite awkward if he said "well, I love your wife; you know, the girl you raped long ago and who is violently crazy now". Answering something by "no one you know" is a way to say "I don't want to talk about it, none of your business".
I've never get the clan names quite right, but Suyan obviosuly is from a different clan than Stonewater. So wherever he knows Melna from, it probably was not from her time with Stonewaters clan. And I'd guess she'd not told all her friends after she escape and got a new home. So it seems reasonable he genuinely does not know about their relationship.

2009-09-24, 01:26 PM
I've never get the clan names quite right, but Suyan obviosuly is from a different clan than Stonewater. So wherever he knows Melna from, it probably was not from her time with Stonewaters clan. And I'd guess she'd not told all her friends after she escape and got a new home. So it seems reasonable he genuinely does not know about their relationship.Melna never spent any time with Stonewater's clan (the Alheera). She went straight from Doma (her original clan) to fugitive.

On the other hand, it would appear everyone and their dog (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-01-23) has heard of that story.

2009-09-24, 01:50 PM
I've got a good one:

"Last Dance for Mary Sue" (http://www.lyricsfreak.com/t/tom+petty/mary+jane%92s+last+dance_20138497.html)

but I'm not certain the next thread will get through the end of the Arc. Of course, we can never be certain when this Arc will end, so now is as good as any time.

2009-09-24, 01:54 PM
Well, I still like the one about a country ravaged by the twin scourge of oppressive, intrusive constant surveillance and debilitating, mind altering drug known as the Substance D.

It's just too perfect not to be used.

2009-09-24, 02:39 PM
On the other hand, it would appear everyone and their dog (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-01-23) has heard of that story.It might make sense if they're Alheera, but I'm not quite sure. They seem a bit off in terms of Tribal Hair Identification.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 02:46 PM
Or, more appropriately, "Save" the Last Dance. :smallamused:


Last the Save Dance.


Anyway, since this thread must end today, or at least soon, so we can beat our own thread-filling record (although we cheated, considering the total off-topic madness of this here thread)...

A survey!

Who's your, in a non-snarky way, favorite character of some importance?
And who's the least favorite?

Favorite character all around?
Least favorite?

Characters of some importance would be those that appeared in more than one arc for more than just a joke (for example, the Maestro qualifies, woodchuck dude doesn't), or those that had a major role in one (like Amelia).

The all around category encompasses basically everything, including, for instance, the dwarves of Old Tuck. Also, forget the non-snarky condition here.

2009-09-24, 03:00 PM
My favourite character in a non-snarking way: Hansi Reinholdt
Least favourite character: Melna, though Luna's a close second.

Favourite Character All Around: Nameless orc advisor from "War in Hell"
Least favourite character: The Aardvark

2009-09-24, 03:11 PM
"A Scanner Snarkly" sounds good (I always meant to watch that movie; guess I can make up for it by supporting its use in a thread title), but we've only got so long before we can no longer use "Last Dance for Mary Sue."

...What? Please let me salvage that one last shred of hope.


Also, I think it's really awesome how Melna can detect an unspoken dirty thought, then give Suyan a death glare that leaves him wincing from several miles away. Because that's what I'm getting from the last four panels here.

2009-09-24, 03:11 PM
Who's your, in a non-snarky way, favorite character of some importance?While Warlord Mustache is rising in my favour, some part of me still acknowledges the things he commited as the atrocities they are intended to be... so he's out.
I'm inclined to go with Cripple Gregory, as I practically see him as a different entity than what he was turned into later.
If that doesn't count, probably either Dex (a normal mortal amidst Sues; a voice of reason in an insane world; non-emo in spite of all his misfortunes, much unlike, say, the main protagonists, who weep their eyes out at the slightest opportunity; and generally likeable overall) or Pam (another voice of reason; I imagine that while the Sues go around and have flashy adventures, she is the one actually working to make life somehow bearable for all the Fifth Casters in the hellhole that's called the Dominion). Since she fired Dex, I'll go with Dex.

And who's the least favorite?Luna. She's just as immoral as Dominic, and somehow manages to be just as arrogant in spite of her supposed self-doubts, but at the same time she is a complete moron. She is lauded for her brilliance, and has the intellect of a lobotomized cucumber. And her personality is even more in flux than that of all other characters; she is always whatever Mookie wants
I think Dominic Deegan (the comic) could be redeemed with a ton of hard work. Even Dominic (the character) himself could yet pay for his crimes and be turned into a decent person. But I see no such possibility for Luna - probably because her stupidity and inconsistent character mean any change and try at redemption would feel empty, because neither does she have the mental capacities to genuinely understand her faults or what needs to be done - and more importantly, why - nor would a redemption work, because redemption involves changing the personality, and Luna has none. Dominic is at least consistent enough to have something that could change, feel remorse and be redeemed. Her death is pretty much a requirement for the comic to rise in quality again, in my eyes.

Favorite character all around?Hmmmm... does the two-headed newt from the Wild Edge Territories count as a character? Because that newt was pure awesome. :smallbiggrin:
If not, I'm inclined to go with Snuggly. :smalltongue:

Least favorite?Luna again.
I strongly suspect for most people the least favourite character of importance and the least favourite character altogether will be one and the same; after all, it's the Mary Sueishness of these characters and seeing their screw-ups again and again and again and again that make the most annoying characters in the comic so... annoying.

2009-09-24, 03:21 PM
My favourite character in a non-snarking way: Suyan (Don't ask why, I just do) Dex, Bumper, Stunt (minus misogyny), Karnak, Outrage Chief and pre-Rillian Brian (don't think he counts) are the only characters I like.
Going to have to go for Suyan.
Least favourite character: Luna

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 03:22 PM
Well, that newt was not actually Mookie's work, so naturally, I'm inclined to say that it counts.

2009-09-24, 03:28 PM
Who's your, in a non-snarky way, favorite character of some importance?

Either Reinholdt or Dex - both are stalwart defenders of reason and sanity in an insane world filled with DBZ mages and Sues.

And who's the least favorite?

Aside from Luna and Dominic, who're obvious choices, either Nimmel or Prento. They're both nerdy Mary Sues. And Prento mangled Latin, which is should be punished by crucification.

Favorite character all around?

Dirk The Mighty. He comes from a time when the comic was actually decent and didn't take any crap from Dominic.

Least favorite?

Dominic's students as a group.

2009-09-24, 03:29 PM
I'm not sure if I've made a dutiful enough study of the strip or posted enough here to qualify for this, but I'll do it anyways without asking, becauses that's good manners!

Favourite non-snarky character: Outrage Chief. I don't know if I can express it properly in words, but he and his attitude appeal to me, even if he's being shoehorned into a position where he will be proven wrong.
Least favourite character: Dominic himself. Gets away with entirely too much.
Favourite character all around: Punchy McStonefist and the Groinhammer of Doom, for allowing so many strip slays and things of beauty. Also, for causing trauma to Dominic.
Least favourite character: Dominic again. Really, I fail to see how making a character with an obvious physical resemblance to yourself, having him embody all your values, then be awesome at everything unless temporary comedy or drama dictate otherwise, is not bad. In many ways. Most of the other bad characters mentioned - students, Luna - are based in some way around him, because in the end EVERYTHING is. Luna only matters as a character enough to get this arc because she's his girlfriend.

2009-09-24, 03:34 PM
I think Suyan is well aware of that and lying because he thinks it would be quite awkward if he said "well, I love your wife; you know, the girl you raped long ago and who is violently crazy now". Answering something by "no one you know" is a way to say "I don't want to talk about it, none of your business".

So then why say anything in the first place?

Why not just say: No.

Favorite character: Warlord Mustache. So he committed a few atrocities, who hasn't? He saved human civilization. It's a medieval society, what do you expect, the Geneva convention? Plus he came the closest anyone has to killing Domnic, who only survived due to an unashamed Deus Ex Machina of titanic proportions.

Least favorite character: Domnic/Luna. Deciding between them is like deciding between herpes and kidney stones.

Favorite character: The unnamed king of Callan. They live in a medieval society, but do you see any serfs? Any lords? Any provinces? Does the country seem stable? Do the only threats seem to be in the form of lone psychos? The good ma should be cannonised, for crying out loud.
Also, a case could be made for Milov, and I'd probably really like him if he stopped kissing Dom's ass.
Rillian has potential, and until the vacation arc would have been up there.

Least favorite character: Siegfried. He had potential, but Mookies Jockophobia stopped it from coming through, and instead he was basically a waste of time.
Serk and Taggartey would be up there, only I am not convinced they had any control over their actions.

2009-09-24, 03:35 PM
Most Favorite: Original Celesto

What? The Original Celesto routinely called Dominic on his Moral Dissonance and actually had a little depth to his character.

Least Favorite: Serk/Brett

I can't decide, but I'm lumping them together because they made up one of the stupidest arcs in DD. Both characters were randomly jerks to everyone, and had little motivation the whole time. Why Barthis? Why bother with some stupid memorial stadium if you're going to demolish the town in the process? Why punch things for no good reason?

The Arc Slay "Hell Nurse" (by The Archivist (?)) makes the whole thing far better canonically than it is otherwise possible.

2009-09-24, 03:36 PM
Non-snark favorite of some importance. Hmmm... Stonewater is not too bad I guess, he has some moral complexity behind him, but is still a competent and reliable guy. Unfortunately, his despicable subservient groveling to Dom in this arc left a bitter taste. The Maestro is fundamentally awesome, but he's also nothing else than a gimmick and very far from being "of some importance" in my opinion. Okay, Runcible Spoon.

Snark favorite: the nameless dwarf, source of so much glorious happiness.

Least favorite: Luna and Luna. Damn, this character is terribly horrible and horribly terrible.

2009-09-24, 04:00 PM
hmm, since i cant chose a snark favorite (and therefore dont have a non-snark favorite), then i would say that the 2 favorites i have are Rillian and Outrage Chief.

As for least favorites, i think i would go with Luna's sisters as a group.

2009-09-24, 04:13 PM
As for least favorites, i think i would go with Luna's sisters as a group.

All ten bazillion of them?

Also, for the encyclopedia
Mustache: A strange form of parasite, the mustache will attach itself to the face of an individual, and allow them to become successful in their chosen field. Feeding off negative emotion, it often causes it's host to deliberately antagonize nearby people in effort to provide for their symbiont.
The larger the mustache, the more poignant it's effects. Also allows the host total immunity to consequences of their actions, partial immunity to Dreedrug and the ability to wholesaley slaughter individuals of a higher caste with relative ease.
Is believed to have some strange charisma boosting effect, as mustache hosts tend to be found in high ranks or influential positions.
How it has evolved is unknown. Perhaps some relation of Fangly.
Individuals known to have Mustaches: Warlord Sandor Damaske, Runcible Spoon, Arcanago Scarlitti.

2009-09-24, 04:27 PM
Favorite character is tough. There are quite a few character I like in this comic, but few that I like consistently. I liked Jacob until he stopped being at all threatening (probably around Class Action). It was Siegfried until Shadows destroyed him. (Yes, I know he was always completely insane and a total ass. But he was entertaining.) Dex was my favorite until Built to Resist. Now, I'd say it'd have to be Reinholdt or Bumper, with Runcible Spoon (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-03-30) in third place. I like Donovan, Quilt, and Spark, but they all have their moments when their 'comic relief' just flops. Painfully. And, I do have a soft spot for a certain gay swordsman (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-01-06).

Least favorite is Jayden. Definitely Jayden (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-02).

Favorite unimportant characters (aside from Katya (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-10-11)) would probably be the overlooked members of Dominic's class (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-03). Donella (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-16), Stephanie (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-17), Garrick (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-31), Wolfgang (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-02-01), and Marcus (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-28). Most of them sat in the background behind Nimmel, Prento, and Tara, but I'd like to see more of them. Especially Marcus, mostly because he's the least developed. I hope we get to see Marcus, Garrick, and Stephanie's dreams here (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-03-19) come to fruition. And maybe Prento's. But not Tara's. Never Tara's.

In fact, can we kill off Tara? I actually kind of like Nimmel, and Prento's got a sweet hat, so he can stay, but Tara needs to go away.

2009-09-24, 04:36 PM
Hm, Stonewater and Melna are officially married...
Maybe Suyan and Grench will get married too and they'll "arrange something?"

However, I believe this'll be another "oh dear, Dex hung himself!" moment.

Last the Save Dance.
Sir, I believe you mean At Last, the Save Dance, given how long this arc has been going and how much we can't wait for someone to save all of the orcs ( by force, as the Shintula and Bikta have shown ).

Favorite character ( non-snarking ): Outrage Chief would be my favorite. I genuinely find his lines humorous... I don't know why, but enjoying anything out of this comic ( especially something that's inappropriately humorous due to the author's... bizarre storytelling ) feels borderline snarking, given how terrible this webcomic is.
Least favorite ( non-snarking ): The art. That's a tough one, but I'd have to say Neilen. There was never anything interesting about him and he was also so annoying. Never because of what he said or did, but because he wont go away. He's like someone who's clearly wrong but tries arguing that they're right without providing any reason.

Favorite all around: Tarah's blue beaver. :smallamused:
Least favorite: Dominic. Being untouchable makes me want to strangle him more.

2009-09-24, 04:38 PM
You know, rereading "Oh Snap", Prento's actually pretty entertaining (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-09). Dude is nuts.

Plus there's this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-18).

2009-09-24, 04:46 PM
My favorite character used to be Dex, until that freakin' "I'm dying . . . except I've suddenly overcome completely fatal wounds by sheer force alone!" comic. Done well, that could've been cool, but it was just stupid. So, instead, I'm gonna go with Reinholdt, since so far he doesn't seem quite as massively stupid as the rest of the cast.

Least favorite character? Hm . . . Luna, I suppose. Whiny Sue-bitch.


Plus there's this.

Oh dear god. I almost died trying not to laugh for fear my mom would ask what I was laughing at. Somehow, I think that explaining the "save" meme to her wouldn't really be a good idea . . .

2009-09-24, 04:51 PM
My favourite character would have to be Seigfried. Simply because he was actually a character.

Least favourite would be Luna. I do not have to state the reasons why, do I?

Once again, putting forward 'One does not simply Snark into Maltak'.

2009-09-24, 04:53 PM
I too like A Scanner Snarkley.

Who's your, in a non-snarky way, favorite character of some importance?

Once upon a time any of Celesto, Jacob, Sigfried, Dex, Greg, or possibly even TIM might have made it up here. However all of them have been derailed hard. I think I'm gonna have to go with Pam. She's, like, the strong woman in the strip, and one of the few characters to not put up with Dominic's crap. Also I still think it was hilarious that she broke up with Greg.

Hansi's a close second, though, and for similar reasons. Also, Stunt gets an honorary mention, because he would probably be here if not for that painfully shoehorned misogyny. He's actually very interesting otherwise.

And who's the least favorite?

Rachel. Cuz rape is funny if it's to a guy dur hur hur. And besides that she's just annoying. Her catch phrase was maybe funny once, and she has the worst qualities of Melna, except no one ever calls her out on it at all, and at least Melna seems angry and bitter which, while not an excuse, makes it less insipid. Rachel just kinda joyfully runs around abusing her friends and everyone loves her for it.

Favorite character all around?

I must admit a certain affection for the guy I've taken to calling Chuck. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-09-24) He doesn't do much, but we see him again, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-16) still trying to get his question answered with what's probably a friendly smile. He's not the smartest or the strongest, and we have no idea why this question is so important to him, but he won't let anything stop him. He's a simple man, but a man of principle, one who doesn't quit despite everything being against him.

Least favorite?

The female halflings. Basically the poster child for what Mookie does wrong to women.

2009-09-24, 04:59 PM
You know, rereading "Oh Snap", Prento's actually pretty entertaining (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-09). Dude is nuts.

Plus there's this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-18).

This thread has ruined that word for me.

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 05:01 PM
I know I didn't exactly say so, but I do plan to post the results of this somewhere on the first, well, lets say 10 pages of the next thread, depending on how fast we fill the pages of that one.
Naturally, I can't count any votes that aren't clear, so please limit it to one character per category.

As for my own favorites:

Non-snark favorite: Spark, I guess. Despite the alliterations, he's just about the only recurring character that ever made me laugh. I mean, in a non-snarky way.

Non-snark least favorite: Luna. Because Luna.

Favorite all around: Punchy. I don't think any explanation is needed.

Least favorite all around: Jayden. She's just completely dull in every sense of the word I know, and never actually entertaining. She's basically the ascended patron saint of soup wenches.

Lord Seth
2009-09-24, 05:03 PM
Who's your, in a non-snarky way, favorite character of some importance?If Spark counts as a character of importance, then him, but if not, I'll go with Celesto. A shame that he got derailed...

And who's the least favorite?Don't really have any. I can't really think of any character I dislike more than the others.

Favorite character all around?Spark, hands down. He managed to bring a good amount of humor to the comic, and I noticed that the comic's quality seems to have a large dependence on his presence. He was around a lot when the comic was good, but as it declined he appeared less and less. He was around for the Shadow of Siegfried arc, true, but I believe the especially bad parts of that arc were without his presence.

Least favorite?See my previous note on least favorites.

2009-09-24, 05:29 PM
I think Dex, Reinholdt, Donovan, and Runcible Spoon should get a spinoff where they form the Callanian version of the A-Team. Also Spark. And maybe Quilt.

Outrage Chief and Celesto could have recurring roles.

That would be awesome.

2009-09-24, 05:32 PM
No Silly Fat Man? :smallfrown:

2009-09-24, 05:34 PM
No Silly Fat Man? :smallfrown:

You mean Brilian?

I'm not sure how that would work. Maybe he gives them their missions.

2009-09-24, 05:35 PM
I think Dex, Reinholdt, Donovan, and Runcible Spoon should get a spinoff where they form the Callanian version of the A-Team. Also Spark. And maybe Quilt.

Outrage Chief and Celesto could have recurring roles.

That would be awesome.

I already suggested this, only with Warlord Mustache. Maybe he could be a part of their rival team, with Spirit Father and Celesto (???).

I'm not sure how that would work. Maybe he gives them their missions.

Good idea there.

Now drawing a picture...

2009-09-24, 05:58 PM
I've got no idea for a new title, given the dancing is probably a few threads away. Maybe something based on Ogre Orc Battle? March of the Maltak Queen? Let Us Snark Together? Too obscure, probably - the Phillip K. Asterisks titles are fine.

Favourite non-snark character:

Tough. Like Winterwind, I think it's a toss-up between Dex and Pam. They've both got limited powers yet do their best to keep their town save, and they come across as the only two sane characters in an otherwise mad world. Dex has a lot more character behind him, but Pam is a rare strong female character. It's hard to pick one, but if forced, I'll nominate Pam - the last arc derailed Dex a bit and now Hansi is muscling in on his character space.

Least favourite non-snark character:

Luna by a country mile. She's all the worst bits of all the other characters rolled into one.

Favourite (snark) character:

That's tough. I'm usually liking whatever character is steadfastly refusing to play along with the plot, or at least doing their best to survive it. That role tends to jump around a lot. Honestly, it would probably be a tie between Dex and Pam again, now leaning a bit more towards Dex due to his meme value.

Least favourite (snark) character:

Luna again. She seriously irritates me.

Honourable mentions:

Favourite incidental character: Runcible Spoon. One of the highlights of the comic.
Favourite author insertion character: Nimmel Fenix.
Favourite character to only appear in one strip: Ernie. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-05-28)
I hope he survived the destruction of Lynn's Brook.
[i]Favourite 1st caste: If he qualifies: Donovan, mostly by being the least powered member. If not, Nimmel, and if he doesn't, Greg.
Favourite 2nd caste: Dex & Pam, already mentioned.
Favourite 3rd caste: Celesto. Even after he's been derailed, he's still the most interesting villain.
Favourite 4th caste: Warlord Moustache. I generally don't like the Fourth Caste as they're so one dimensional, but there's something about how stupidly over the top Siggy Snr. is that makes him endearing. And there's the moustache, obviously.
Favourite 5th caste: Hard to say, because if they get any character or a name they tend to get promoted. Fang guy is probably a weak 4th caste. Maybe Li'l Dexita, since she hasn't been named yet.
Favourite orc: Grench. Case in point: she's spent the entire Maltak arc in a coma. Clever.

I'd list some dishonourable mentions, but I'm trying not be too negative about the comic. Besides, Luna would win most of them, even the ones she isn't qualified for.

2009-09-24, 06:04 PM
You guys know you can say Philip K ****, right?

2009-09-24, 06:08 PM
Snark Favourite: Ballpunch Dwarf

Snark Scrappy: None, how can I hate anything snark-wise? :smalltongue:

Non-Snark Favourte: Dex

Non-Snark Scrappy: Luna, pretty sure she's got that one in the bag.

You know, rereading "Oh Snap", Prento's actually pretty entertaining (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-09). Dude is nuts.

Even better is the next strip were he makes Dominic misreable. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-10)

Plus there's this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-18).

.... wow.... is that really the first time we found that one, nice catch!

2009-09-24, 06:31 PM
Hey people, remember this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-04)?

When I got curious, I found this gem. If you look, does't that remind you of an certain DC/MARVEL artist/art director.

Now we know a little bit more of why mookie fail at art.

2009-09-24, 06:36 PM
I think Dex, Reinholdt, Donovan, and Runcible Spoon should get a spinoff where they form the Callanian version of the A-Team. Also Spark. And maybe Quilt.

Outrage Chief and Celesto could have recurring roles.

That would be awesome.
I'd prefer a buddy-cop movie staring Celesto and Siegfried.
Siegfried is a heavy-handed Knight of the Realm who holds his honor above all else.

Celesto is a special agent from the Callanian Ministry of Magic who plays by his own rules and prefers subterfuge to violence.

They fight crime.

Now make me that poster!

But for an A-Team, you'd probably have to go with the following:

Celesto "Hannibal" Morgan
Hansi "Faceman" Reinholdt
Dex "B.A." Garrit
Siegfried "Howling Mad" von Callan

Jailed for crimes they didn't commit, the residents of Jailblock A broke out in order to find Dominic Deegan, the man who set them up. United by a common foe, these former inmates became The A-Team, traveling the world seeking to clear their name. Pursued by the Callanian Army, The A-Team is constantly on the move, performing quests for the poor and downtrodden.
Also, I demand humbly request a team shot of the above - or at least a character portrait or two :smallsmile:

2009-09-24, 06:52 PM
Also, for the encyclopedia
Mustache: [...]Added.

You guys know you can say Philip K ****, right?Sure, but poking fun at the forum filter by saying Philipp K. Censored instead is funnier. :smallcool:

Hey people, remember this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-04)?

When I got curious, I found this gem. If you look, does't that remind you of an certain DC/MARVEL artist/art director.

Now we know a little bit more of why mookie fail at art.I wonder if this is how Mookie perceives the modern comic scene - you know, what he complains about whenever he says that stories these days are too depressing, having super-powers is no fun, and that he will never have his comic grow that dark.

If so... strawman much? :smallconfused:

2009-09-24, 06:56 PM
Non-Snark favourite: Jacob.
Even when he was the Necropimp playing with rocks I still thought he was a great character through his previous achievements, and had a lot of promise. He was ruined in 3 quick strips, but to be fair that's a lot less ruining than everyone else has received....

Runners-up include Dex and Reinholt, for all of the reasons posted by others.

Non-Snark Supplicant: Miranda Deegan.
So much more could happen in this comic without her repeated Deus Ex Momina removing all sense of threat or helplessness.
There's nothing that she can't fix, and I think that'd be one of the key things that would redeem DD as a credible story: some things aren't going to go right, and the characters have to adjust rather than plough through it with yet another ass-pull.

Snark Favourite: Mosley.
Everyone else has let me down, only he is still without taint and full of promise for better times.... :smalltongue:

Snark Supplicant: Too many to count.
Post-Cripple Gregory is probably in the Top 5 as the most prolific example of everything that annoys me about DD, though Melna is quite high up there too.

Luna doesn't make it onto the list, because she isn't a character. She's a walking Plot Device and angst-sponge that doesn't qualify as a 'personality', as is Jayden.
It'd be unfair to compare them to approximations of actual people. It'd be like buying a book of Shakespeare and leaving it - closed - on a table, and then complaining that it's not as entertaining as that dramatic production you went to see previously.

2009-09-24, 07:20 PM
Page 46? Already? Zowie!


1. I like A Scanner Snarkly as a thread title. But now I feel compelled to go pick up some Philip K **** from my local library. It's been ages.

2. My favorite character (non-snarky) is Celesto. Well, at least old-school Celesto. I still retain a soft spot for him, most probably because he hasn't been on screen long enough to be completely and thoroughly derailed in a Siegfried-esque manner. I know his whole motivation for going around killing Dom's foes is exceedingly lame. I suppose it's fair to say I liked the original idea of Celesto, as a self-sufficient loner who has made his way through life purely on the merits of his talents and intelligence. Cynical, practical, and possessing sexy facial hair. Oh, and the bisexuality doesn't hurt at all.

3. My least favorite? That's a hard 3-way tie between Rachel, Luna, and Melna, for reasons that have been discussed before. Mookie really cannot write female characters. Who I hate the most depends on which one is on screen at the time.

2009-09-24, 07:46 PM
And Prento mangled Latin, which is should be punished by crucification.

Your wish is should be my command:

And while I'm here:

Favorite Non-Snark: Runcible Spoon is pretty much the only character I find amusing.

Least Favorite Non-Snark: I think I'm interpreting the category differently from everybody else. While Luna is certainly annoying, she doesn't really count as a character. The character that pushed all of my hate buttons hardest was pre-derailment Siggy. Of course that was before I realized how evil the dominus was, but that is more snark related.

Favorite Snark: Fangman.

Least Favorite All Around: This is the category for Luna.

2009-09-24, 07:54 PM
Where and how does Prento mangle Latin? I know nothing of the language's grammar.

2009-09-24, 07:56 PM
Non-Snark favorite: Jacob, at least before this arc. Sure, he could never seem to quite figure out what his motives were, but he was pretty much the only recurring character who wasn't eating out of Dominic's hand or mindlessly evil like TIM. Jacob was evil, but he wasn't insane.

Non-Snark least favorite: Post-derailment Siggy. One of the better characters, totally screwed up.

With snark, I'm not so sure. All the hilarious madness kind of merges together.

2009-09-24, 07:59 PM
Your wish is should be my command:
That was awesome, Schlega. :smallbiggrin:
And I love the avatar, too. :smallcool:

2009-09-24, 07:59 PM
I don't see the Runcible Spoon appeal. Why is he liked? The only thing I can remember about him are his dealings with Neilen.

2009-09-24, 08:01 PM
I don't see the Runcible Spoon appeal. Why is he liked? The only thing I can remember about him are his dealings with Neilen.
Exactly :smallbiggrin:

Also, he has the benefit of being name Runcible Spoon. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runcible_spoon)

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 08:01 PM
Where and how does Prento mangle Latin? I know nothing of the language's grammar.
The enchantus part basically makes this completely silly. Principia arcanae...well, if it's wrong, I wouldn't have noticed it, but my Latin is horrible.

2009-09-24, 08:20 PM
Look at me, I'm Oracle Hunter! :smalltongue:

Non-Snark favorite: Jacob, at least before this arc. Sure, he could never seem to quite figure out what his motives were, but he was pretty much the only recurring character who wasn't eating out of Dominic's hand or mindlessly evil like TIM. Jacob was evil, but he wasn't insane.

You know, before his battle with Collateral Damage Man, TIM wasn't mindlessly evil. He made a pact with Karnak because he feared death (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-11-01), but the price was steeper than he liked, so he tried to kill a dryad to drink its blood in order to heal his eyes. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-12-16) Then he wanted to kill Dominic (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-11-05) because Dominic stopped him from achieving this goal. Then he got banished to the realms beyond reality (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-04-13), never to return (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-04-14), until he returned (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-12-19) as a mindlessly evil guy. But to be fair, that was the arc of epic character derailment.

(You know, I like the earlier strips because I don't have to scroll down to hit forward or back. Makes trawling a breeze.)

2009-09-24, 08:29 PM
I don't see the Runcible Spoon appeal. Why is he liked? The only thing I can remember about him are his dealings with Neilen.
Because he's silly, in a good way. This gives him some immunity from character derailment. It works when Runciple Spoon acts like a colossal jerkass to Neilen, because he's comic. Even if Runciple alternated between fireballing his assistant with rousing speech about how everyone should be peaceful and loving and tolerant of all races and creeds, you never get the impression that you should take anything he does seriously.

Plus he's got a unique look which helps him standout from the sea of clones. That helps.

2009-09-24, 08:33 PM
Karnak's face in the last panel of this strip (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-11-06) are really weird. It looks like he's channeling Brian Peppers in the third one.

Oh, in this (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-04-13) strip the Dues ex Momina is doing the "screw you devil wizard" thing. I like that.

2009-09-24, 08:53 PM
My favourite character in a non-snarking way: Hm. I guess Celesto or Dex.
Least favourite character: Gregory or Luna.
Favourite Character All Around: Stunt's head
Least favourite character: Luna

2009-09-24, 09:02 PM
The enchantus part basically makes this completely silly. Principia arcanae...well, if it's wrong, I wouldn't have noticed it, but my Latin is horrible.

Ah. This begs the question: did Prento foul this up, or did Mookie?

Johnny Blade
2009-09-24, 09:28 PM
I'll have to blame it on Mookie, since it's mentioned in the dialogue and not corrected by Dominic, who only makes a very general statement about Prento screwing up.

2009-09-24, 10:12 PM
You know, I'm going to have to go for Gregory's crutch. I think it was the only thing keeping the Aardaark in check, and laboured day and night to bolster Gregory whenever required. Sadly, its good influence didn't stick, it was beaten by the Dominus. allowing the Aardvark to sprout and grow, a parastic epiphyte that drained the life of the poor, poor stick...
And poor Gregory made one weak attempt to turn back onto the better branch, but swiftly rejected the wood for the easy thrill of the abomination that is A. he probably used it as firewood :smallfrown:

2009-09-25, 12:00 AM
Favorite (non-snark): Spark. Aside from the talking and the magical size changes, he behaves like a friggin' cat. And I love cats. I'll even give him the alliteration punchlines, because, hey, could be feline humor...

Least favorite (non-snark): Stunt. While I do like Bumper, Stunt is a <censored> with no redeeming qualities.

Favorite (snark): Hansi Reinholdt. Before the MASSIVE DERAILMENT, I'd have said Siggy, and Hansi reminds me a lot of Siggy with the derailment over with at first.

Least favorite (snark): Miranda Deegan. While she was cool at first, she's become the Deus ex Momina, and therefore no longer a proper character.

2009-09-25, 12:07 AM
Least favorite (non-snark): Stunt. While I do like Bumper, Stunt is a <censored> with no redeeming qualities.

Hey! He has redeeming qualities! They're just really well hidden!

Yeah, okay, he's a jerk. But at least he's honest about it.

2009-09-25, 12:21 AM
I've actually forgotten everything about Stunt except for the fact he was one of the original slay memes.

2009-09-25, 12:33 AM
I've actually forgotten everything about Stunt except for the fact he was one of the original slay memes.

He was a misogynist who often tried to rob Dominic. On occasion he acted honourably. He was gay for Bumper. After he got banished from Barthis, he went to Magic Australia and became a terrible guide. And he once passed up the opportunity to have Luna killed, forever earning him the enmity of the snarkdom.

2009-09-25, 12:34 AM
I've actually forgotten everything about Stunt except for the fact he was one of the original slay memes.
His misogyny (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-02-07) gives him super strength :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 12:48 AM
Ah, right. It might help to remember these characters if they actually showed up in the comic every now and then.

2009-09-25, 12:52 AM
Ah, right. It might help to remember these characters if they actually showed up in the comic every now and then.
How can you forget his cameo (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-08-08) in the Neverending Arc? He even grew breasts (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-08-27) for that role!

2009-09-25, 12:58 AM
With concentrated effort.

2009-09-25, 01:08 AM
Misogyny aside, Stunt was one of the better written characters in the comic. He was very anti hero, and tended to create a neat dynamic. He'd be stabbin' Dominic one minute, but then forced to help him the next. He and Bumper were good foils for each other, with Bumper helping to soften Stunt's more homicidal tenancies. It all boils down to Stunt trusting and being loyal to no one except one person, to whom he is loyal to the death. There's the whole misogyny thing, which was badly handled, and probably just done so less people would like him, but he is probably the DD character who has experienced the most satisfying growth, and most of the interesting moral decisions have been centered around him. Like him or not, he tended to be one of the best things the comic had going for it.

2009-09-25, 01:10 AM
Misogyny aside, Stunt was one of the better written characters in the comic. He was very anti hero, and tended to create a neat dynamic. He'd be stabbin' Dominic one minute, but then forced to help him the next. He and Bumper were good foils for each other, with Bumper helping to soften Stunt's more homicidal tenancies. It all boils down to Stunt trusting and being loyal to no one except one person, to whom he is loyal to the death. There's the whole misogyny thing, which was badly handled, and probably just done so less people would like him, but he is probably the DD character who has experienced the most satisfying growth, and most of the interesting moral decisions have been centered around him. Like him or not, he tended to be one of the best things the comic had going for it.

is sad. Very sad.

2009-09-25, 01:14 AM
Misogyny aside, Stunt was one of the better written characters in the comic. He was very anti hero, and tended to create a neat dynamic. He'd be stabbin' Dominic one minute, but then forced to help him the next. He and Bumper were good foils for each other, with Bumper helping to soften Stunt's more homicidal tenancies. It all boils down to Stunt trusting and being loyal to no one except one person, to whom he is loyal to the death. There's the whole misogyny thing, which was badly handled, and probably just done so less people would like him, but he is probably the DD character who has experienced the most satisfying growth, and most of the interesting moral decisions have been centered around him. Like him or not, he tended to be one of the best things the comic had going for it.
No, it's true - Two Thief was really Stunt's Arc; Bumper was within the Protagonist Sphere and couldn't actually do anything.

I'm constantly amazed by the good writing that Mookie is capable of. Original Celesto and Stunt are two of his best developed characters; each had issues they were dealing with, and experienced a measure of personal growth.

Actually, Stunt's biggest trick was escaping the Neverending Arc without a Derailed character. Amazing :smalleek:

2009-09-25, 01:20 AM
No, it's true - Two Thief was really Stunt's Arc; Bumper was within the Protagonist Sphere and couldn't actually do anything.

I'm constantly amazed by the good writing that Mookie is capable of. Original Celesto and Stunt are two of his best developed characters; each had issues they were dealing with, and experienced a measure of personal growth.

Actually, Stunt's biggest trick was escaping the Neverending Arc without a Derailed character. Amazing :smalleek:

Though he was the butt monkey the entire time. :smallannoyed:

2009-09-25, 01:24 AM
Though he was the butt monkey the entire time. :smallannoyed:Which is perfectly in-character.

2009-09-25, 01:59 AM
New Comic. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-09-25) Now with an accurate link!

So... Melna, who is not the most stable person at the best of times, has been sent, alone, through raider invested badlands as the key diplomatic envoy to seek the aid of the Doma, the village that caused the most traumatic experience of her life.

This plan is foolproof.

2009-09-25, 02:03 AM
New Comic. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-09-24)

So... Melna, who is not the most stable person at the best of times, has been sent, alone, through raider invested badlands as the key diplomatic envoy to seek the aid of the Doma, the village that caused the most traumatic experience of her life.

This plan is foolproof.

Forget that.. I think this is the first time they've said 'Ilka tuk tak' in the 'speaking Orc' angle brackets, isn't it? Which means not only is it a nonsensical profanity in EnglishCallanian, it doesn't even mean anything in Orc?

2009-09-25, 02:08 AM
Irony, thy name is Mookie

Dark Reign has a similar problem with me. I have no choice but to watch Norman Osborn be devious and crazy across every single Marvel title being published, and it's been going on now for months and months with no sign of stopping. I've gotten bored with the revelation that "Osborn was behind the whole thing." Whoop de friggin' doo.
Now, the Death March isn't what I'm thinking of here; the Neverending Arc is!

Allow me to play with Mookie's words:

Around the World has a similar problem with me. I have no choice but to watch Dominic Deegan be showered with gifts and praise across every single nation in the world, and it's been going on now for months and months with no sign of stopping. I've gotten bored with the revelation that "Dominic gets to have a super-special prize." Whoop de friggin' doo.

His response of "you don't have to read this" is just as valid for his situation. He doesn't need to read Marvel right now - he can just pick up another title until the Crossover is finished. The fact that he thinks he doesn't have a "choice not to read them" is friggin' hilarious.

. . .

Also: Comic? What comic? :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 02:11 AM
Why, oh why, did I read the newspost?

2009-09-25, 02:18 AM
His response of "you don't have to read this" is just as valid for his situation. He doesn't need to read Marvel right now - he can just pick up another title until the Crossover is finished. The fact that he thinks he doesn't have a "choice not to read them" is friggin' hilarious.
Maybe he works as a Marvel proof-reader? :smallwink:

Also: Around the World introduced Bort, a character from Mookie's prior webcomic, which effectively made the arc a cross-over.

2009-09-25, 02:19 AM
Mmm... I don't know if I should be impressed about the Guards managing to notice someone more than 3 feet away, or be Facepalmy about said Guards ability to... well, stand Guard.

Or Maybe the Guards are just freaked out by Melnas weird face in panel 4?

______________Favourite/Least Favourite Chars:

Favourite Character(NS): Hard to say... The one's I've liked the most are Siggy and Stunt. It'd have to be Stunt, I guess, since I like Siggy in a snarkier way. I just liked the Two Thief arc, it gave us a nice look into Stunt characters, giving him more depth than most of the cast.

Least Favourite (NS): Momma Deegan. Just... just look at how characters describe her. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-03-01) That's just shameless.:smallannoyed:

Favourite All Around: Warlord(Captain) Moustache. He tried to get rid of the Pussiest Orcs Ever, and also thanks to him we have Siggy.

Least Favourite All Around: Luna. Good Merciful, Stolen Gods... Luna. Why? Read this arc. :smallannoyed:

2009-09-25, 02:22 AM
Is there a superstitious reason to not link to today's strip (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-09-25)?

....those are some scrawny orcs.

And uh. 'Crossover' and 'longlonglong boring arc' are not synonymous.

Also "How can you complain about these complicated, long, involved stories when you yourself have been writing one since January?""

2009-09-25, 02:26 AM
If you don't look at it it can't hurt you?

2009-09-25, 02:36 AM
Is there a superstitious reason to not link to today's strip (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2009-09-25)?
I see nothing wrong with the original link. :smalltongue:

And uh. 'Crossover' and 'longlonglong boring arc' are not synonymous.
However, you must admit it would be awesome if everything that happened in Dominic Deegan could be blamed on Norman Osborn.

Also "How can you complain about these complicated, long, involved stories when you yourself have been writing one since January?""
Well, if you replace complicated and involved with convoluted, maybe...

The Linker
2009-09-25, 02:41 AM
I like how the second orc in panel two isn't even remotely facing the same direction as the first guy, but still says "I see him." Either he has awesome peripheral vision, or Orc One is always going on about things he sees out in the desert.

"Hey, Keludak! A birdy! Look at the birdy!"
"Yeah, I see it."
"It's so cute! OOH! It just did a little dive! Didja see that!?"
"Yu-huh. Uh... pretty good diver, I guess."

2009-09-25, 02:48 AM
I can see where he's coming from, kinda. Imagine if Girl Genius suddenly had a crossover with Dominic Deegan for a few months. I'd be annoyed, and while I wouldn't quite feel "forced" to read it, I would probably do it anyways just to keep up with the general plot. If it was really bad, I suppose I could keep up by reading the wiki or something, but it's just not the same as actually seeing what happened.

Anyways, I find it absolutely hilarious that he's annoyed at hearing "Osborn was behind the whole thing.", given how often and blatantly he's done that in his own comic, most notable at the end of the Snowsong and Vacation arcs. :smallamused:

Edit: Also, apparently in the time it took for the two guards to finish being surprised that Melna was here, Melna had walked from however far away the orcs could see her well enough to figure out who she was. Are the guards are hopelessly nearsighted? Or does it just take them five minutes to get over the fact that Melna is coming? Or does Melna just walk at 10 meters/second?

Seriously though, the guards should have had more than enough time to spot her in the far distance, send someone to inform the chief that a lone traveler was approaching, and then have whatever amount of armed orcs the chief thinks is appropriate to greet an unknown person that may well be a magic user or advance scout for a larger force. If nothing else, there should have been time for a group of passer-by to notice her and gather around to see who this strange person is.

2009-09-25, 04:10 AM
I found todays comic decent enough, and also funny when you dont think to much about it.

2009-09-25, 05:30 AM
But if we didn't think too much about the strips, would we be discussing them on a forum? In fact thinking too much is the basis of the snarkdom - many of us were happy fans once, awaiting and analyzing every comic, as fans do. Had we not been, the Aardvark would have passed over us. Instead we latched onto it, and we took in every ounce of badness in that atrocity as it twisted us into these hollow mockeries of our once joyous forms.


2009-09-25, 05:36 AM
But if we didn't think too much about the strips, would we be discussing them on a forum? In fact thinking too much is the basis of the snarkdom - many of us were happy fans once, awaiting and analyzing every comic, as fans do. Had we not been, the Aardvark would have passed over us. Instead we latched onto it, and we took in every ounce of badness in that atrocity as it twisted us into these hollow mockeries of our once joyous forms.


But some of us have managet to remain moderatly amused fans by knowing when not to think to much about the comic :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 05:43 AM
I think panels 3-6 prove that Melna is a teleporter. There really is no other explanation.

2009-09-25, 05:51 AM
Or else the guards feel they are more than enough to handle a singel raider, and therefore cant be bothered to do anything before they see who it is thats actualy comming, it could also be one of their own scouts returning.

2009-09-25, 06:03 AM
Or else the guards feel they are more than enough to handle a singel raider, and therefore cant be bothered to do anything before they see who it is thats actualy comming, it could also be one of their own scouts returning.

Why would they be scouting on a featureless plain?
Are they expecting trouble?

They can't be hunting, since the only places where there is not total dessert have been made such by the chandraks and the Bikta.

So maybe it's a single raider. The traditional method would be potshots.

2009-09-25, 06:09 AM
Why would they be scouting on a featureless plain?
Are they expecting trouble?

They can't be hunting, since the only places where there is not total dessert have been made such by the chandraks and the Bikta.

So maybe it's a single raider. The traditional method would be potshots.

Well, personaly if i was stuck on a featureless plain, then i would send out scouts to find some features.

2009-09-25, 06:22 AM
touche, senor.

2009-09-25, 06:25 AM
I'd prefer a buddy-cop movie staring Celesto and Siegfried.
Siegfried is a heavy-handed Knight of the Realm who holds his honor above all else.

Celesto is a special agent from the Callanian Ministry of Magic who plays by his own rules and prefers subterfuge to violence.

They fight crime.

Now make me that poster!



*cough* (http://domochevsky.deviantart.com/art/Buddy-Cop-Movie-138169878) :smallcool:

Edit: Incidentally, i vote for "Sky Cat and the Plains of Tomorrow".

2009-09-25, 06:42 AM
*cough* (http://domochevsky.deviantart.com/art/Buddy-Cop-Movie-138169878) :smallcool:

Sweet! I'd watch that movie.

2009-09-25, 06:47 AM
Ugh, the news post hurts. It's exactly this "I hate it, but I haaave to do it." mentality that causes these crossovers to happen in the first place. Marvel/DC knows that they can publish these, generally without huge amounts of quality control, and a large chunk of fans will still buy them up because they have to. It's the same reason cigarette companies are able to hike up their prices; people complain, yes, but enough people will buy them because they have to that they still turn a higher profit. The best way to get through to comic book companies is simply not buy their product, vote with your dollar elsewhere, but... *Sigh*

2009-09-25, 06:59 AM
Melna must have the same charge power as Sir Lancelot in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Stand in place in the distance, stand in place in the distance, stand in place in the distan--suddenly right there past the guards!

2009-09-25, 07:52 AM
I think panels 3-6 prove that Melna is a teleporter. There really is no other explanation.

Either that or all orcs are very, very near-sighted, and Mookie forgot the "a few hours later...." timeskip caption in the 6th frame. :smalltongue:

What bugs me more is that these orcs 'just knew' who Melsheena is. I mean, they don't look much older than her, and their general naivety suggests that they might even be a little bit younger.

And yet and yet and yet.... They can recognise someone - who they thought was DEAD and probably hadn't wondered about in the slightest since - after 15 years despite her being physically very different from the last time they saw her.

Aged 25 years old (I'm not, but just for the sake of argument), I probably wouldn't recognise someone I last saw when I was 10. If I thought that they had died shortly after I last saw them and hadn't spared them so much as a single thought for them since, I'd have no chance. :smallconfused:

2009-09-25, 08:12 AM
Your wish is should be my command:

This is wonderful. And though the "principia arcanae" isn't that bad - if it was principia arcana it'd be correct - the "enchantus" made me see red.
And today's comic once again proves that fifth caste orcs have a mental capacity of a turnip - when confronted with something unexpected, they have to process it for a good while before doing something about it.
I don't think Dex's last name is Taggerty though.

2009-09-25, 09:14 AM
I don't think Dex's last name is Taggerty though.

Can't expect me to keep track of all of them, now can you. >_>
(Now that you mention it... was it Brad Taggerty? Then what's Dex' name?)

2009-09-25, 09:37 AM
Dex Garrit.

2009-09-25, 09:42 AM
Hmmmm. A massive crossover across every web comic inspired by and lead by mookie and his march across maltak arc... I think we've found the greatest idea ever!

Imagine every comic from OotS to CAD taking out about a year so their characters can fight against... uh... outrage chief I guess and talking about how incredibly powerful these DD guys are. Of course Dominic would be the central intelligence guiding them all until the finale where he saves the entire multi-verse.

Next arc: The march back to berthas!

2009-09-25, 10:09 AM
Dex Garrit.

Taggerty has now been booted last minute from the movie. According to his manager it definetly had nothing to do with him "beating up" a "faq". Film at 11. :smallcool:

2009-09-25, 11:33 AM
Taggerty has now been booted last minute from the movie. According to his manager it definetly had nothing to do with him "beating up" a "faq". Film at 11.

Im going to see it as long as Outrage chief is in it!

The Linker
2009-09-25, 12:04 PM
You people and your talk about Melna's teleporting skills or the guards' nearsightedness or what-have-you. Have you forgotten? This is Maltak! You can't see more than twenty feet in front of you no matter where you are! :smallcool:

2009-09-25, 12:19 PM
This is Maltak!Maltak?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :smalltongue:

Eh, I guess the guards' reaction is moderately realistic, considering they recognized her.
As for the fact that they recognized her in the first place, on the other hand... that's pretty much inexcusable.

2009-09-25, 12:25 PM
The joke is sufficiently amusing.

2009-09-25, 12:35 PM
It is. Of course seeing how the camera angle in the first panel suggest that she is merely 10 meter away when they notice her... time and space is horribly off, but that's normal in Maltak. The joke's ok. :smallsmile:

The Linker
2009-09-25, 02:03 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist. :smalltongue:

Eh, I was thinking the same thing when I wrote it. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-25, 02:07 PM
I'm guessing it's a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where two guards notice Lancelot charging at them from about 200 yards away and don't seem to care until he runs one through.

2009-09-25, 02:37 PM
I have another survey to get us through the weekend: Who is your least character in all of webcomicry? Additionally, if applicable, who is your least favorite character in a comic you otherwise enjoy?

I'd say Rayne Summers from LICD is my answer for both. I like the rest of the cast, but I can't stand Rayne. Author insertion at its worst.

2009-09-25, 02:47 PM
If we're doing this, I'm also going to vote Rayne for my most disliked webcomics character I know of (for identical reasons as Mechafox - dear lord, look at the last few comics), but since I don't like LICD in general I'm going to have to go off the beaten path for "least favourite characters in a webcomic I like" since I don't tend to like webcomics with annoying characters.
I guess.....Roy Greenhilt, from our very own OOTS. I don't dislike him or hate him, it's just that if I made a list of high-profile characters from the comic, he'd be my "least favourite." Possibly because I feel the whole "guy with a sword vs evil magic power man" thing is overdone (although in this case the guy with a sword at least has the decency to be smarter), possibly just... I don't know. I prefer the others more is all I can say.

2009-09-25, 02:59 PM
I'd say Rayne Summers from LICD is my answer for both. I like the rest of the cast, but I can't stand Rayne. Author insertion at its worst.

Huh, that's the first one i thought of as well, just couldn't remember the comic name since i don't read it. One archive binge was enough. :smallannoyed:
(Seriously, that guy... it's not even funny, just aggravating.)

I have to admit, i can't think of any least favorables in webcomics i like, though. Maybe the Author of the B-Movie Comic for all the padding. :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 03:12 PM
Huh, that's the first one i thought of as well, just couldn't remember the comic name since i don't read it. One archive binge was enough. :smallannoyed:
(Seriously, that guy... it's not even funny, just aggravating.)

I'm like thiiiiis close to stopping reading it, but I really like Noel.

Also, I take inappropriate amounts of joy from the occasional strip like this (http://leasticoulddo.com/comic/20071006).

2009-09-25, 03:23 PM
Seriously though, the guards should have had more than enough time to spot her in the far distance, send someone to inform the chief that a lone traveler was approaching, and then have whatever amount of armed orcs the chief thinks is appropriate to greet an unknown person that may well be a magic user or advance scout for a larger force. If nothing else, there should have been time for a group of passer-by to notice her and gather around to see who this strange person is.

In general this is one of the overwhelming problems Mookie has had. There are some dramatic things that just don't work on a vast featureless plain, but he goes ahead and uses them anyways.

I found todays comic decent enough, and also funny when you dont think to much about it.

I find things that ask me not to think to be problematic. Writing which doesn't bear thoughtful examination is bad writing. So far as I'm concerned, "...if you don't think about it," is pretty much always a bad review.

I have another survey to get us through the weekend: Who is your least character in all of webcomicry? Additionally, if applicable, who is your least favorite character in a comic you otherwise enjoy?

That's a tricky question. For the first, I'd have to say CAD's Chef Brian. I can elaborate, but I really hope I don't need to.

For the second I'd have to say Petra Grey (http://requiem.seraph-inn.com/characters.html) from The Phoenix Requiem. Besides being spunky and strong in a really annoying way, Sarah Ellerton's weakness for writing dialogue shows through most with this character. She speaks completely normally, with the occasional "ain't" or an -ing verb ending in -n' just to show she's less educated, but it doesn't work because the rest of her speech doesn't sound uneducated. Even if she didn't have annoying dialogue I'd probably still be annoyed by her. She's one of those supposedly strong women, but is in fact a fundamentally sexual creature and typically dependent on men. I haven't seen her accomplish much on her own.

2009-09-25, 03:26 PM
I hate "whacky" characters who just say annoying random things that are passed off as punchlines. It's a fairly common character trope for webcomics, sadly. Examples: Ethan and Chef Brian from that webcomic I really hate, probably Rayne from that other webcomic I hate. Elan sometimes.

2009-09-25, 03:42 PM

Now regarding Mookie's newspost, he is unmistakably a "pot calling the kettle black", however there is certainly nothing wrong with that. He can argue his reasons are justifiable, but the same can be argued against him. If he finds the length of this arc to be essential to properly express his story, then so be it. Like an opinion, a style is neither right nor wrong.

2009-09-25, 03:46 PM
Like an opinion, a style is neither right nor wrong.

What about a lack of style?

2009-09-25, 04:02 PM
What about a lack of style?
That wouldn't make any sense...

meaning it's true about Mookie. :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 04:21 PM
What's brilliant about the most recent strip is that the Orc's conversation doesn't even allow for any sort of timeskip to be possible.

And as The Linker said, the Orcs aren't even looking in the same direction, creating a hilarious single-panel stupdity.

If we're doing this, I'm also going to vote Rayne for my most disliked webcomics character I know of (for identical reasons as Mechafox - dear lord, look at the last few comics)

I don't read Least I Could Do, but I've heard of the recent babble that's being preached by Rayne, I don't know how the hell the writer thinks that is a good idea.

Mind you last time I thought ill of those guys it turned out to be a joke, so I'll reserve my expectations of possibly being trolled somehow. Or atleast something of a decent idea comming out of it.

2009-09-25, 04:38 PM
Chef Brian.

2009-09-25, 04:48 PM
I don't read Least I Could Do, but I've heard of the recent babble that's being preached by Rayne, I don't know how the hell the writer thinks that is a good idea.

Mind you last time I thought ill of those guys it turned out to be a joke, so I'll reserve my expectations of possibly being trolled somehow. Or atleast something of a decent idea comming out of it.

Given that the author has endorsed the thing being extolled itself on his little soapbox outside of the comic, he probably isn't joking - or if he is, it's joking to further his soapboxing. Jokeboxing, if you will.

2009-09-25, 05:10 PM
And yet and yet and yet.... They can recognise someone - who they thought was DEAD and probably hadn't wondered about in the slightest since - after 15 years despite her being physically very different from the last time they saw her.

Aged 25 years old (I'm not, but just for the sake of argument), I probably wouldn't recognise someone I last saw when I was 10. If I thought that they had died shortly after I last saw them and hadn't spared them so much as a single thought for them since, I'd have no chance. :smallconfused:

That's not stupid at all.
See, she is recognizably not 3nd caste (maybe 3rd, she hits Domnic a lot...), so the orcs, who have only produced a single such individual in their entire existence, would recognize her as the most important Doma who ever lived.

Least favourite character?
Toss up between Richard from that webcomic I want to burn the author of on top of a massive pile of his works, and Rayne from the same writer.
Seriously, is he chronically insecure or something?

2009-09-25, 05:30 PM
Now regarding Mookie's newspost, he is unmistakably a "pot calling the kettle black", however there is certainly nothing wrong with that. He can argue his reasons are justifiable, but the same can be argued against him. If he finds the length of this arc to be essential to properly express his story, then so be it. Like an opinion, a style is neither right nor wrong.
The core of his argument appears reasonable, but I had to reread the newspost several times before I got it. Since I'm not a comic book reader, I'm guessing his beef is that he's a die-hard fan of only some of DC and Marvel's series, but the crossover is so complicated he feels he has to read the whole current company library to fully understand what's going on. If he'd phrased his argument as "you don't have to read all of Comic Genesis to understand what's going on in my comic", then I'd have understood it on the first read through.

Incidentally, that's similar to one of my gripes with video game webcomics. An awful lot of them rely on a wide variety of current games, so most of the time I won't have played the reference.

New poll question...

My least favourite webcomic character is.. hard to assess. If a webcomic has a prominent character I hate, I generally stop reading them. Luna's still probably my top candidate because she really irritates me. Ignoring DD, it's probably those four player characters or Ethan from Ctrl+Alt+Del. I think I stopped reading before Chef Brian had more than a few cameos (is he a regular now?). Rayne from LICD seems awful, but I've never read more that a few isolated strips of that comic.

Least favourite character in a comic I otherwise enjoy: probably Belkar (OotS), although he's improved a lot lately. The Heroic Sociopath characer archtetype tends to fall flat for me as they make the story world implausible, but they're oh so common in webcomics.

2009-09-25, 05:35 PM
I don't read Least I Could Do, but I've heard of the recent babble that's being preached by Rayne, I don't know how the hell the writer thinks that is a good idea.

I demand links. And an explanation.

And more on-topicness. Really, the worst guy in any webcomic ever is Brew from Shredded Moose. No links are provided because Shredded Moose is so utterly vile that if you haven't heard of it before you really should just take my word for it. This conversation is now over.

So, Melna's finally arrived at the Doma camp. A woman who is so violent and angry that she brutally abuses her own ostensible friends is about to enter crucial diplomatic negotiations with the people who murdered her family and had her raped as a child.

There are too many ways this could go wrong for us to guess Mookie's next move. Instead, I suggest we take the high road and speculate on how this could go right.

Right now, all I've got is that Melna could march straight up to the Doma Chieftain and challenge him to a Test of Taking in front of the entire clan.

2009-09-25, 05:38 PM
Why is the Shredded Moose guy STILL making comics?! It's ridiculous.

EDIT: I just checked the site and it's on hiatus. I swear I didn't know when I made this post.

2009-09-25, 05:52 PM
There are too many ways this could go wrong for us to guess Mookie's next move. Instead, I suggest we take the high road and speculate on how this could go right.
Melna kills the Doma Chief, thereby becoming the Doma Chief, then leads them to wipe out the Bikta Clan without help. The Doma are so effective they kill eveyone before they can mention where Luna and Grench are - not that they would care.

The Doma take over Sanctuary as their new home. When Stonewater, who got lost in Maltak's non-Euclidean plain, finally turns up, Melna makes a point of how much better the Doma are than Stonewater's non-existent tribe, and then kicks his ass.

Dominic arrives at Sanctuary to find all his friends waiting for him - impaled on spikes at the village outskirts. Melna declares him too weak to be a threat, and casts him back to Callan in disgrace. Melna conquers all of Maltak, then leads the orcs on a genocidal rampage in Callan. Dominic tries to stop them, but the orcs are so single minded on bloody revenge his crazy mental powers can't do anything. When the last of Callan is in flame, Melna makes Dominic her jester who she keeps in a cage next to her throne of skulls. End of comic.

2009-09-25, 05:55 PM
Right now, all I've got is that Melna could march straight up to the Doma Chieftain and challenge him to a Test of Taking in front of the entire clan.

Yeah, in any reasonable story the only way this episode could end is by Melna beating the crap out of the chief and possibly also some guards, and either killing them or making them see reason through physical violence or some kind of warrior race honor code thing.

2009-09-25, 05:55 PM
Melna kills the Doma Chief, thereby becoming the Doma Chief, then leads them to wipe out the Bikta Clan without help. The Doma are so effective they kill eveyone before they can mention where Luna and Grench are - not that they would care.

I can see this happening. Oh, and the Doma chief is probably the guy that killed her dad.

2009-09-25, 05:58 PM
I can see this happening. Oh, and the Doma chief is probably the guy that killed her dad.

That guy is dead.

2009-09-25, 06:05 PM
Sorry, I though that Melna's dad was the Doma chief and that the title passed to his killer, who I forgot had died.

2009-09-25, 06:29 PM
Dominic arrives at Sanctuary to find all his friends waiting for him - impaled on spikes at the village outskirts. Melna declares him too weak to be a threat, and casts him back to Callan in disgrace. Melna conquers all of Maltak, then leads the orcs on a genocidal rampage in Callan. Dominic tries to stop them, but the orcs are so single minded on bloody revenge his crazy mental powers can't do anything. When the last of Callan is in flame, Melna makes Dominic her jester who she keeps in a cage next to her throne of skulls. End of comic.

Warlord Mustache, in hell, sees all this and it makes him so angry he kills Karnak Rambo style, breaks into the world and kills all the orcs as a giant crazy demon thing.
He is left alone in a barren wasteland with nothing but death.
Rillian sics Punchy McStonefist on him, and the world explodes due to over-plot contrivance.

2009-09-25, 06:34 PM
Sorry, I though that Melna's dad was the Doma chief and that the title passed to his killer, who I forgot had died.

Although, since "dead" in Maltak apparently just means you hang out in the cave-metro...

2009-09-25, 06:41 PM
Warlord Mustache, in hell, sees all this and it makes him so angry he kills Karnak Rambo style, breaks into the world and kills all the orcs as a giant crazy demon thing.
I don't think Warlord Moustache is dead or in hell. As Runcible Spoon has repeatedly shown us, it's fine for guys with moustaches can detach their own heads.

2009-09-25, 06:43 PM
I demand links. And an explanation.
As the avatar of off-topic, I hearby fulfill your (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20080510)demands (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20090924). Two incidents of preachiness, with the latest ongoing. And as for it, I declare that no cause, no matter how good, is going to be appreciated with that tone. Really, Rayne avoids preachiness most of the time. It's just that he's the smuggest smugger that ever smugged his way out of smugtown. And he's got a name disturbingly similar to his author, and he's a loony toons lovable sex maniac that also has perfect business sense and can become serious enough to give wonderful advice one moment before in the next suggesting shaving a kangaroo. These moments of straight-from-the-author's-mouth are just the icing on the cake.

And more on-topicness. Really, the worst guy in any webcomic ever is Brew from Shredded Moose. No links are provided because Shredded Moose is so utterly vile that if you haven't heard of it before you really should just take my word for it. This conversation is now over.
No argument. I've paged through a few tens of it once. Never again.

So, Melna's finally arrived at the Doma camp. A woman who is so violent and angry that she brutally abuses her own ostensible friends is about to enter crucial diplomatic negotiations with the people who murdered her family and had her raped as a child.

There are too many ways this could go wrong for us to guess Mookie's next move. Instead, I suggest we take the high road and speculate on how this could go right.

Right now, all I've got is that Melna could march straight up to the Doma Chieftain and challenge him to a Test of Taking in front of the entire clan.
I honestly can't imagine how this could go right, and I doubt we should - raising your hopes deliberately knowing that they will be crushed is the mark of a seriously disturbed and depressed individual. SEEEK HELP!

2009-09-25, 06:49 PM
The whole last week of Least I Could Do is soapboxing on the evils of materialism. It's insane.

2009-09-25, 06:53 PM
That's not stupid at all.
See, she is recognizably not 3nd caste (maybe 3rd, she hits Domnic a lot...), so the orcs, who have only produced a single such individual in their entire existence, would recognize her as the most important Doma who ever lived.

Ah yes, the Caste System trumps all....

....Using your own logic against you, however, she was publically "married" to Stonewater.
If she isn't simply overshadowed by the Glory of a 2nd Caste member, she's in a relationship with a high ranking Caste member - a male one, no less - and therefore has no personality of her own worth remembering.
See also: Dominic/Luna, Milov/Jayden, Gregory/pre-Mayor Pamela. Even Dex's estranged wife was just "some b****" who had no role other than to turn up and spout dodgy moral justifications at our favourite not-really-a-Jock character.

The only subversion of this rule is Miranda/Donovan, and let's face it; even with a few quirky jokes and a tattoo or seven, Mister Deegan Senior is probably *the* single most over-shadowed other-half in the comic. :smalltongue:

The whole last week of Least I Could Do is soapboxing on the evils of materialism. It's insane.

Hosted by a company that makes a living by selling graphic novels of their webcomics, t-shirts of their webcomics, figurines of their webcomics, posters of their webcomics, comics of their webcomics and cartoons of other peoples' webcomics, no less!

To be fair, it didn't always used to be as bad. About the same time that LICD changed artist to Lar de Souza and began to aggressively push Blind Ferret as a brand, I think, was the turning point where Ryan started taking a harmless little flight-of-fantasy Author Insert and turned it into a Wish Fulfillment Extravaganza-come-Soap Box.
It might just be me, but when Chad Porter was the artist I found myself laughing at more of the jokes, and more characters were introduced to vary the situation rather than just give Rayne a reason to show off how awesome he is.

This opinion may or may not be biased, as I help Moderate the LICD forums, so I'll leave it there for you to decide amongst yourselves :smallwink:

2009-09-25, 07:29 PM
The whole last week of Least I Could Do is soapboxing on the evils of materialism. It's insane.

As someone on the VgCats forums pointed out, it isn't actually materialism, which is the idea of valuing ones life by thier possesions*, that he's criticising.

Its the idea of.... enjoying things that you own.....

*More that happy to be corrected by someone who is an expert on the matter.

2009-09-25, 08:01 PM
As the avatar of off-topic, I hearby fulfill your (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20080510)demands (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20090924).


Seriously, how can a webcomic author write a webcomic about the evils of webcomics? And regarding the second, I just have to say: Mallard Fillmore called. He wants his concept back. :smallannoyed:

2009-09-25, 08:51 PM
On the first one, LICD very seldom misses or is late with an update. Ryan Sohmer just decided to, without provocation, insult almost every other webcomic creator on the internet for not holding that same standard, though of course there are several that are even better at keeping their schedule than LICD, like anything by the Foglios or that one thing that's never missed an update in over a decade.

tl;dr Sohmer takes valid arguments and states them in the most obnoxious way humanly possible.

2009-09-25, 08:59 PM
Especially by bringing Bill Watterson in as his newspaper comics example. He sort of ignored that for every daily newspaper comic that's a Calvin and Hobbes, there's eight Beetle Bailys, five Hi & Loises, and twenty Dagwood and Blondii.
Also, and this may just be me, talking trash on schedules when you don't do the drawing for your webcomic (which, unless I miss my guess, is the most time-consuming portion of creating it) seems to make it look even worse.

2009-09-25, 09:04 PM
Also the fact that a child could write a LICD strip in five minutes.

2009-09-25, 09:08 PM
And about half of my favourite webcomics update like clockwork. If Rayne really tried this stunt (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20080509) against someone dedicated enough to have a convention stand, I suspect there would be quite a good chance he'd end up a lot poorer.

Man, skimming back through that archive makes me realise why Rayne was nominated for least favourite character. He's got a personality even a pacifist would want to punch.

2009-09-25, 09:13 PM
Hey, I'd love to keep a consistent updating schedule, even post pages with a higher frequently. However, unlike Ryan, I DON'T MAKE A LIVING from my comic, that's what my job is for, you know, my job that makes me work more than 50 hours a week? Does he expect webcomickers like me to quit my only income and survive just by breathing in the air or basking in the glorious rays of the sun?

2009-09-25, 09:23 PM
For the first question set:

Favorite DD Character: Runcible Spoon, for his sheer entropic mouth.

Least Favorite DD Character: Luuuuuuuna.... *Scrapes nails across desk*

For the second question set:

Least Favorite Webcomic Character: Of those I've seen? Rayne again. There are few characters that literally make me want to yank them out of fiction and beat on them, but Rayne is one of them.

Least Favorite Character in a Webcomic I Like: Abe the Wizard from El Goonish Shive (although "webcomic I like" is becoming strained with EGS). I want him to go away and die. There are more interesting villains in the comic's history compared to the Typical Templar.

2009-09-25, 09:29 PM
Least favourite character in a comic I otherwise enjoy: probably Belkar (OotS), although he's improved a lot lately. The Heroic Sociopath characer archtetype tends to fall flat for me as they make the story world implausible, but they're oh so common in webcomics.

To be fair, this is basically how a lot of RPGers act, and the consequences are roughly the same.

2009-09-25, 09:33 PM
To be fair, this is basically how a lot of RPGers act, and the consequences are roughly the same.

Yeah, I think the commonality of this archetype is because we have all played with someone like this at least once in our lives.

2009-09-25, 09:33 PM
Hey, I'd love to keep a consistent updating schedule, even post pages with a higher frequently. However, unlike Ryan, I DON'T MAKE A LIVING from my comic, that's what my job is for, you know, my job that makes me work more than 50 hours a week? Does he expect webcomickers like me to quit my only income and survive just by breathing in the air or basking in the glorious rays of the sun?

Yes? (says the person with a full-time job and a rather insane posting schedule)

2009-09-25, 09:34 PM
Favorite DD Character: Original Celesto. Collateral Damage Man can take a hike, though.

Least Favorite DD Character: Hm. Tough one. I've been ignoring this arc so I don't hate Luna as much as the rest of you do. I think I'm going to say Dominic just for having gone the most downhill.

Least Favorite Webcomic Character in general: I'm going to say Richard from Looking For Group, just to be different. (Rayne's the more honest answer though, at least I can get a guilty chuckle out of Richard once in a while).

Least Favorite Character in a Webcomic I Like: Let's see...I hated Tarvek Sturmvoraus for a while, but now he's entertaining again. Tough to say.

2009-09-25, 09:40 PM
Also the fact that a child could write a LICD strip in five minutes.

And that is what separates the Ryan and Mookie.
Anyone could write Least I could Do, but it takes a very special sort of Mind to write Domnic Deegan.

I have liked exactly one LiCD strip. Noel beat the hell out of Rayne with a smile on his face.

Lord Seth
2009-09-25, 09:41 PM
I have another survey to get us through the weekend: Who is your least character in all of webcomicry? Additionally, if applicable, who is your least favorite character in a comic you otherwise enjoy?Celia, from our very own Order of the Stick. I'm desperately hoping she never comes back. Miko at least was a character you loved to hate; Celia, I simply hate.

(If there did indeed exist a horrible webcomic that was called Shredded Moose, and there was a character in it named Brew, that would likely count as the worst from a webcomic I've read. However, thankfully, there is no such comic!)

As the avatar of off-topic, I hearby fulfill your (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20080510)demands (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20090924).I thought the comic before the first you linked, this one (http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20080509) was pretty funny, and would've worked as a standalone; there just was no need for the comic before it and the one after it.

2009-09-25, 09:50 PM
Yes? (says the person with a full-time job and a rather insane posting schedule)
The good thing about my job is that its workers get very lenient internet privileges. I can pretty much surf whatever I want while working, except porn of course. :smalltongue:

2009-09-25, 09:56 PM
To be fair, this is basically how a lot of RPGers act, and the consequences are roughly the same.
Oh, I understand why he's here. Given the original premise of the comic as a vehicle for a bunch of DnD jokes, it would be amiss not to have a sociopath like Belkar in the team. I just have an aversion to heroic sociopathy in general, and that weighs down his character for me.

I generally enjoy or at least don't mind that kind of character when the world is silly and cartoony, like with Max in Sam and Max or Mel Kelly from Narbonic. And if that's just one part of a complex personality then it works too, like how Dr. McNinja borders on the archetype in parts. It's when a character's main shtick is his whole attitude is "I knife the innkeeper in the kidneys and set fire to the building, lol i'm awesome" that I start to roll my eyes. It can still work with enough skill, but unfortunately it seems that's the raison d'etre of half of all the webcomic's protagonists out there.

Belkar's generally better than most, otherwise he'd dominate the whole comic with his unfunny antics and I wouldn't rate him as my "least favourite character in a comic I enjoy" :smallwink: And I think he's a heck of lot better now he's faking social skills.

2009-09-25, 09:57 PM
The good thing about my job is that its workers get very lenient internet privileges. I can pretty much surf whatever I want while working, except porn of course. :smalltongue:

I have internet privileges too (goes with the job: I do web page validation for a government agency), though they do tell us we're monitored, and there's a filter for some topics, like games. Still, I can read most of my leisure sites on lunch or breaks, and hey, it's steady work anyway, so :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-25, 09:58 PM
(If there did indeed exist a horrible webcomic that was called Shredded Moose, and there was a character in it named Brew, that would likely count as the worst from a webcomic I've read. However, thankfully, there is no such comic!)
I'm amazed anyone could read that (theoretical ;)) webcomic long enough to remember the main character's name.

2009-09-25, 11:30 PM
I have another survey to get us through the weekend: Who is your least character in all of webcomicry?I think it's probably Luna yet again for me. Which is not to say I think she is the least likeable character in webcomicry period; it's just that I read no webcomics with even less likeable characters. Judging by what I have read about it, I imagine the protagonist from Ctrl+Alt+Del might beat her, if I was actually reading it.

Additionally, if applicable, who is your least favorite character in a comic you otherwise enjoy?I'll take "enjoy" as "enjoy in a non-snarking sense" here, because otherwise I would have to say Luna for a fourth time.
I think I'll go with Thief from 8-bit Theatre (yes, I still enjoy 8-bit Theatre). He is almost as big a jerk as Black Mage and a lot more smug and arrogant about it, yet he doesn't get his comeuppance nearly often enough (as Black Mage does, which is the one thing that keeps him likeable). In fact, he is often the one moderately unharmed when much more likeable characters like Fighter get hurt.

Dominic arrives at Sanctuary to find all his friends waiting for him - impaled on spikes at the village outskirts. Melna declares him too weak to be a threat, and casts him back to Callan in disgrace. Melna conquers all of Maltak, then leads the orcs on a genocidal rampage in Callan. Dominic tries to stop them, but the orcs are so single minded on bloody revenge his crazy mental powers can't do anything. When the last of Callan is in flame, Melna makes Dominic her jester who she keeps in a cage next to her throne of skulls. End of comic.That was pure awesome. :smallbiggrin:

Sorry, I though that Melna's dad was the Doma chief and that the title passed to his killer, who I forgot had died.In fact, the killer was the son of the Doma chief. That's why all of Korik's (Melna's dad) fame did not help him in that situation.

2009-09-26, 05:59 AM
Least favorite character in a webcomic I follow that is not DD: Pintsize from Questionable Content. I suppose all the "real-life in more zany" sitcom-like webcomics need that kind of sidekick (Choochoobear in S*P, McPedro in GWS, etc.) but I find their antics more annoying than endearing a lot of the time. Pintsize is the worst in that category.

Least favorite character in all webcomicry that I ever cared to read: Richard made me stop following LFG.

2009-09-26, 06:09 AM
In fact, the killer was the son of the Doma chief. That's why all of Korik's (Melna's dad) fame did not help him in that situation.

Thats why i imagine she will challenge the chief to a fight over the Doma clan, in that case it would actualy make sense to send Melna.

2009-09-26, 06:38 AM
Favourite DD Character:

Hmm... maybe Karnak? Bit odd considering I only read DD 'non-snarkily' for the comedy moments (even if they aren't all that funny, but I like Mookie's puns sometimes) and all Karnak ever does is rip and tear your guts, but he's quite cool, in the way that TIM no longer is. I prefer not to think about origin stories, though. Just get back to the ripping and/or tearing of said guts.

Least Favourite DD Character:

It's Dominic, people. It'll always be Dominic. No matter how annoying or self-contradictory or unfathomable Luna or Melna or Nimmel or any of the other common hate-beacons become, it'll always be Dominic.

People say he used to be a good character, and people say he was derailed by Luna, and maybe that's true, but I wasn't reading this comic when it was good, so I prefer to judge Dominic on what he is now. Can you think of a few words that might describe Dominic as he is now?

Least Favourite Character in all Webcomics:

One of the Questionable Content ones. They're all basically the same character. I'll say Marten because he's the male self-insert.

Least Favourite Character in a Webcomic I Like:

Probably Little Nephew, from Achewood. He's not a bad character, I just don't like him much, or find him that funny. Ray's funnier because he has the same gangsta lexicon while also having a paunch and a thong.

2009-09-26, 09:15 AM
Least Favourite Character in all Webcomics:

Hmmmm. Tough question. I haven't read many really bad webcomics. Richard from LFG probably takes the cake, being pretty much a character played by a 13-year-old who somehow managed to minmax him and his GM can't keep him in check. Failing that, Cale from the same webcomic, being pretty much a walking cliche. Who also massacres enemy soldiers by dozens after moping how he hates killing.

Least Favourite Character in a Webcomic I Like:

Arachne from YAFGC, before she was humiliated repedately, which redeemed her. That, or Hinjo in OoTS. He's just bland and up until some point I was convinced he's not going to play any big role.

2009-09-26, 10:40 AM
Least favorite character overall: I'll go with Luna. There are probably worse comics with worse characters out there, but I don't read them.

Least favorite in a webcomic I like: Elf from Schlock Mercenary. I guess it's just that she's already developed and seems to have gone stagnant.

2009-09-26, 11:13 AM
Going to disagree with Richard, he's the best character of LFG. Even if he is a Mary Sue infallible version of Black Mage (who I love by the way, maybe I just have an immature sense of humour), he was still the only character to actually entertain me ocassionally.

Least Favourite Character in a Webcomic I Like:

Probably Little Nephew, from Achewood. He's not a bad character, I just don't like him much, or find him that funny. Ray's funnier because he has the same gangsta lexicon while also having a paunch and a thong.

How can you possibly hate someone who initiated the rap battle with Ray? Every strip of that arc was golden.

2009-09-26, 11:16 AM
My least favorite character from LFG (at least of those introduced before I stopped reading) was Ray'd Bull. Mostly because of his name.

I hate Sohmer.

2009-09-26, 11:25 AM
Yeah, I hate Sohmer too. The artist seems like an ok guy though.

2009-09-26, 11:39 AM
Yeah, I kind of feel bad for Lar. He's a pretty decent artist, but he's got terrible source material to work with.

Lord Seth
2009-09-26, 11:50 AM
Why all the Luna hate? I liked her in the earlier years (which is kind of an apt description of the entire comic for me) but even now I don't see why she gets all the hate even now.

2009-09-26, 11:50 AM
Can you think of a few words that might describe Dominic as he is now?Sure. What's so difficult about... ohhhh, you mean words that would not get one banned from the forum. I see. Uh... cannot help you, then. :smalltongue:

Why all the Luna hate? I liked her in the earlier years (which is kind of an apt description of the entire comic for me) but even now I don't see why she gets all the hate even now.Well, I think I explained my reasons for hating her sufficiently here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6992072&postcount=1331).

Regarding the new thread: A brief skimming over the last couple of pages seems to indicate A Scanner Snarkly and Save the Last Dance seem to have the most votes. The former is slightly ahead, but it can be used for any arc, the latter is specific to this one, so my proposal is we roll with Save the Last Dance now, go with one of the other great Maltak-related proposals if the arc is still not over when we create the next thread, and use A Scanner Snarkly for the very first thread we start once we are out of this arc (if ever).

2009-09-26, 12:50 PM
Least Favourite Character in all Webcomics:

One of the Questionable Content ones. They're all basically the same character. I'll say Marten because he's the male self-insert.

That's because Marten and Dora are the control group. They're the most bland main pairing on purpose to differentiate between all the other character(s). (Or so i've been told) :smallwink:

Edit: 21 days to fill this thread... damn. New record? :smalleek:
(Of course it hangs on Winterwind again to make the new thread. Hassle and all that. >_> )

2009-09-26, 02:30 PM
Edit: 21 days to fill this thread... damn. New record? :smalleek:

Not just that, but the creation of the next thread will mean that fully half of our created threads ever will be involved with this Maltak business. That figure is a little deceptive because of the epic thread, but still...

2009-09-26, 02:44 PM
How exactly did the thread reach 300 pages anyway? Were the rules simply different then or did a mod just not notice?

2009-09-26, 02:49 PM
How exactly did the thread reach 300 pages anyway? Were the rules simply different then or did a mod just not notice?

He didn't noticed at the time. And was surprised by the size of it.

2009-09-26, 02:49 PM
How exactly did the thread reach 300 pages anyway? Were the rules simply different then or did a mod just not notice?

I suppose "didn't notice" was the explanation, the 50-page limit rule is mostly aimed at high-traffic forums such as the Play-By-Post ones.

2009-09-26, 02:52 PM
That, plus I'd guess that he was quietly fascinated by it, like a doctor by a tumour that's apparently benign yet has reached a mass exceeding quadruple its host's weight.

2009-09-26, 03:05 PM
So, has anything been decided as to what the new thread's gonna be called?

2009-09-26, 03:06 PM
I like either Save the Last Dance, Snark the Last Dance, or Mary Sue's Last Dance.

2009-09-26, 03:09 PM
Last dance of the Sue?

2009-09-26, 03:15 PM
Last dance with Mary Sue
One more time to kill the fools
Feel those powers creeping in...
We're all tired of this arc again

2009-09-26, 03:22 PM
Regarding the new thread: A brief skimming over the last couple of pages seems to indicate A Scanner Snarkly and Save the Last Dance seem to have the most votes. The former is slightly ahead, but it can be used for any arc, the latter is specific to this one, so my proposal is we roll with Save the Last Dance now, go with one of the other great Maltak-related proposals if the arc is still not over when we create the next thread, and use A Scanner Snarkly for the very first thread we start once we are out of this arc (if ever).
That sounds good. At the rate we're going, we'll probably be able to do both 'Save' the Last Dance and Last Dance With Mary Sue before the arc ends.

2009-09-26, 03:34 PM
... Another thread gone by, geez you people are monsters. :smalleek:

2009-09-26, 03:40 PM
... Another thread gone by, geez you people are monsters. :smalleek:
Aww, you know you love us. :smalltongue:

Also, totally still all in for 'Save' the Last Dance. Because the last dance will likely be withheld from us anyway.

2009-09-26, 04:30 PM
I personally like The Save-ty Dance, but maybe that's too awful, so Save the Last Dance is just fine.

2009-09-26, 04:56 PM
Alright, then. Initiating thread creation sequence... now.

Thread creation sequence... completed.

Linking new thread... here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126357).

Setting up End-of-the-Thread picture: