View Full Version : Treasure Hunting in Xen'drik

2009-09-07, 06:13 PM

Sorry for the delay. I know this isn't going to give you much of an adventure hook, but one of our players will be supplying that.

You walk around on this fine summer day. It's midmorning and the sun is rising over the jungles of Xen'drik.

This is one of the most diverse establishments in the world: the city of stormreach. The only civilized location in all of the mystery continent of Xen'drik, you can expect to see all creatures of all races and professions walking around, though the vast majority are adventurers like yourselves, seeking out the mysteries and unknown riches that remain to be found in the deep jungle. Many of you have just arrived in Xen'drik, many of you are seasoned explorers, but all of you have one thing in common: You want to plumb the depths of the continent not only o reveal its mysteries and gain knowledge of ancient civilizations, but to make your living as adventurers.


You are free to act.

2009-09-07, 06:58 PM

A beautiful young woman with brown hair, dressed in wizardly garb of black, enters a local inn. She is carrying a long, weaponized scythe that some might recognize as a slashing blade from the region of the Talenta Plains. She smiles at the innkeeper who hurries over to her. "It is good to see you again, Miss Smyth... will you be staying with us for an extended period?" The young woman shrugs, "That depends on who is planning an expedition and to where, and I told you, you may call me Soranda." The innkeeper smiles, "Would you like a drink while your room is prepared?" Sorand nods, "I'll take some of that autumn ale you brought me last time if any is on tap... and a bowl of milk of course for Kit." She fishes a black cat out of a pocket in her dress that shouldn't have been able to hold such a large animal. The innkeeper hurries off to fill her order while she seats herself, apparently oblivious of the stir her physical beauty is causing. The cat hunches quietly on the table, purring while she strokes it absently.

2009-09-07, 07:57 PM
Kraggrin Mellolt

Kraggrin walks out of the leatherworker's shop, sighing as he puts his almost empty coinpouch away. At least he'd mended his gauntlets; according to Rithia, the job she had gotten them would require all of his gear and all of his mental faculties to be in working order. Toward that end, he had gone about mending armor and resisting the urge to go get drunk.

The dwarf sighs, scanning the marketplace for his companion. Where was the elf anyway? She was supposed to meet him here 5 minutes ago.

"Durn elf." the dwarf mutters as his eyes linger lustily on the front doors of a tavern. "Ach, blast it!" he kicks a rock into the ditch and sets about tightening straps on his backpack while he waits.

2009-09-08, 08:08 AM
Just another face in the crowd, Warnick saunters passed the leather shop and chuckles slightly at the dwarf looking for the “Durn elf.” His reddened face belies what must have been a long night of drinking the prior eve, however, is attitude is in stark contrast to what many would, visually, assume to be a man with the hangover of the century. Other than that and the slight twinkle in his eyes, that could just be the sun reflecting off of a tear, Warnick is entirely unremarkable, which actually makes him an oddity in this place.
Warnick walks casually across the street never flinching even as he in nearly run over by, not one but three, groups of horse-borne adventurers. Saluting each group kindly, as they curse him under their breath, he enters the tavern which the Dwarf had been eyeing. As the door swings shut behind him a slight murmur can be heard echoing from within, “NORM.”
Inside Warnick, aka Norm, tips his hat to the bartender, and strode to the far end of the bar nearest the men's room.

2009-09-08, 12:03 PM

Kraggrin hears his name shouted from somewhere in the square. Looking about he just sees her armoured hand appear over the top on the crowd. She'd got distracted in talking to one of the shop owners while stocking up on staves. They had had some interesting varieties there and so she had been asking on how they were made.

A few moments later she was standing alongside the dwarf. It was becoming a familiar place to stand and she was quickly coming to enjoy it, even in spite of the abuse he sometimes plied her with. "I've picked up a few extra travelling supplies, if you wouldn't mind carrying them for us, just a spare tent, bedroll, rope and the like. The artefact is still reacting the same way so our destination still lies at that temple. I asked about finding some hired help to travel with, apparently there's a notice board in the square where anyone can put up a sign." She glances around before she manages to place it's location. "That should be it there."

Kraggin a least knows that she hold two bits of the rod of 7 pieces. She's usd it's power to determine that a third lies in a Yuan Ti temple inland.

Yuki Akuma
2009-09-08, 01:52 PM
Charlotte Thuranni

Wandering along, seemingly minding her own business, is Charlotte, a half-elven woman with long, pink(!) hair and blue eyes. She's decked in leather armour, and carrying a rapier - although in Stormreach, this isn't particularly notable. She doesn't seem to be looking where she's going, reading a letter in her hands.

She suddenly looks up as she approaches the elf and the dwarf, and tilts her head to one side. She then trots over to them. "Excuse me!" She tucks the letter into her pocket. "Please excuse me! Would the two of you happen to be adventurers?" She pauses for a second. "...That was a stupid question. I apologise."

2009-09-08, 02:13 PM
Kraggrin grumbles something about the extra weight, but takes her bundle and begins strapping it to the bottom of his backpack.

He hovers over the woman protectively, paranoid that someone is aware of the treasure that she carries, and that violence is about to befall them. Then he sees movement off to his side and turns to face the half elf with pink hair. His hand rests upon the handle of his warhammer at his belt, "Aye." Then he turns to Rithia, "This one of your recruits?"

2009-09-08, 05:33 PM
Picking up on her companions increased tension she turns around to look at the girl making sure to being her bow between herself and the stranger. She lets it hang by her waist but pointedly so and responds to the dwarf.

"No. I've not directly asked anyone yet." She turns to the half-elf. "Let me guess, your one of the pirates working out of this bay? You must have seen at least ten groups like ours today. Why are you approaching us?"

Yuki Akuma
2009-09-08, 06:34 PM
"I can quite honestly say that I haven't seen a single group just like you, no." The woman gives a slight smirk, and then gives a flourishing bow. "Charlotte Thuranni, of House Thuranni, at your service, sir and madam." She pointedly doesn't answer the question.

"So, you're looking for recruits? Venturing further inland, are you? Sounds like fun."

2009-09-08, 06:59 PM

A few moments later the nondiscript, strangely unarmed, human man approaches the growing group. The smell of beer strong on his breath to such an extent that the even a dwarf might be awestruck.

Addressing Kraggrin "Looks like you found your Elf, hum." from the sound of his voice it is obvious that his tongue is not properly functioning, however, it is equally obvious that his mental acuity is unaffected.

Norm, waits momentarily for an answer before headding in the direction indicated by the elf. (err, tword the square rather than the temple)

2009-09-08, 07:08 PM

The innkeeper returns himself, rather than sending a barmaid and smiles as he places a tankard of ale and a saucer of milk on the table. "So... Soranda, have you given any thought to my offer?" The woman smiles, "I would make a poor innkeeper's wife, as you no doubt are aware... not to mention, if I were yours, you'd drive half your customers away out of jealousy." He chuckles, "You're probably right. Can I get you anything else?" She nods and hands him a small scroll, "Could you have one of your people post this on the board outside?" He takes the scroll, "Certainly, I'll do it myself." The innkeeper goes outside and posts a notice on the board.

For those who wish to read it:
Soranda Smyth, Arcanix trained Transmuter, available for expeditions in Xen'drik. Wide ranging knowledge and focused spellcasting. She can be contacted in the inn. Have sharrash... will travel.

2009-09-08, 10:02 PM
Kraggrin looks dubiously to his companion, "You have enough to pay a growing group of hirelings? Or you think we will have that much when we get there?"

2009-09-11, 12:01 PM
this thing dead already?

2009-09-11, 01:05 PM
Rithia looks around the flourish of faces and questions and feels a little overwhelmed. She smiles through it and starts adressing them as a whole. "Yes we'll be heading inland. We have knowledge of an artifact and are on the path to it's retrieval." She look at her partner as she continues. "Any accepties will be taken on under the adventurers contract- an equal share of the findings, not including the target of the expedition. That of course doesn't mean your accepted as of yet, can you tell us about yourselves?"

I had a couple of busy days- sorry. I didn't expect it to grind like this.

2009-09-12, 07:53 PM
Kraggrin just grumbles something about high expectations, and then harrumphs with his arms folded across his chest.

2009-09-14, 05:05 PM
ooc-going once, going twice...

2009-09-14, 08:19 PM
I figured I'd walked off tword the square looking to be recruited but...

Norm, hearing elf mentioning an adventure into the wilds, spins on his heels.

If you'ld be willing to take on another? I'm Normand Warnick, for now just call me Norm. I'm a collector of what are known as power stones. Any opportunity to enhance my collection. I'm not much of a warrior but I've never actually needed to take up a weapon to resolve conflicts.

Yuki Akuma
2009-09-15, 06:31 AM
"Oh, an artifact, huh?" She doesn't seem to believe the elf, but she claps her hands together anyway. "Sounds fun! You can count me in, if you need an extra blade. Or someone to help you survive all the traps you're going to find in whatever Yuan-Ti temple you end up in."

2009-09-15, 11:30 PM
Kraggrin wrinkles his nose at the one claiming to not have needed a weapon in past conflict resolution incidences. Not that he doesn't believe that it is possible, but that it isn't his style.

"How do you solve yer conflicts then?"

Then to Rithia while looking at the girl, "We could use a trapsmith, but I'm not too sure how to judge her usefulness. We never really had any luck with them..."

2009-09-16, 01:35 AM

The innkeeper returns to Soranda's table. "There was a group of people talking about hiring for an expedition... don't know if they saw your ad, but they were all talking around the board." Soranda nods, "Thank you, perhaps it's worth checking out." She pockets her cat again and stands, taking up her sharrash. Walking out to the square, she sees the group standing by the board and strides over to them. "Good day to you... I was told by one posting my ad that you are hiring for an expedition?"

2009-09-16, 07:42 AM

I generally prefer wit and guile to physical confrontation. Even physical confrontation is made easier when you enemies strengths can be wielded against them. First and foremost a diplomat of no small skill, however failing speech, I've also the ability to magically dominate the minds and souls of those whom would wish to do me or my companions harm. I'm not saying that there is no place for mindless slaughter, actually that is the best place for it. Mindless, Soulless creatures do not deserve the physical forms they possess, however, when I encounter them I'm usually best served by hastening in the other direction.

2009-09-17, 11:33 AM
Kraggrin finally harumphs, "Let's get this circus on the road. I for one do not want to hang out here any longer. We have plenty of hands here. Let's put them to use; if they prove themselves incompetent during the trek, we'll ditch 'em on the side of the road."

2009-09-17, 12:04 PM
Hex nods, "A bit sudden for a hiring practice, perhaps we can go over the details as we travel then. What is the objective?"

2009-09-17, 06:20 PM

Okay... the "leader" hasn't posted for 6 days. Bushwacked, if you get on before anyone else posts, or even if they have, just post what you would actually do to amend what I'm about to type. Okay?


Rithia nods. "Alright, everyone. I agree, let's move out before the sun gets any higher in the sky. This way." She starts walking towards the south edge of Stormreach and calls back, "Now, I know what temple it's in and the approximate location of the temple, but, as this is my first time here, I'm not sure precisely where it's at."
She tells everyone the region of Xen'drik it's in, and that it should be about a day's travel by foot.


Make a knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Geography) check.

2009-09-17, 08:00 PM
know history: [roll0]+3.

2009-09-18, 07:20 AM
Relig [roll0]+4
History [roll1]+4
Geo [roll2]+4

As the menagery moves from the public square, Norm reaches into his pack and retrieves two pieces of black sheep skin. Norm shakes put each piece in turn, causing the fine grain black leather to unfurl completely reveiling them to be finely crafted elbow length gloves which appear to be sized for a halfling. As he dons the gloves they streach in unnatural ways, finally ending up fitting snuggly arround his hands and wrists and tapering elegantly to an almost cape like droop just past his elbows.

Would you permit me to examine the object that guides your way to this artifact that you seek.

2009-09-18, 07:49 AM
Hex looks thoughtful, "Ah... so that answers one question. They seek an artifact. One that is within a day's travel of Stormreach?" She frowns, "That seems unlikely... but I suppose it could have been well hidden."

Knowledge (geography): [roll0]
Knowledge (history): [roll1]
Knowledge (religion): [roll2]

2009-09-19, 05:18 PM
Kraggrin hikes his pack up higher on his shoulders, tightens his straps, and then follows Rithia out of the city. His load is heavy, but nothing that this soldier is not accustomed to, and he bears it well, armor creaking and clanking as he marches along, weapons hanging low on his belt. As he goes, he sings a tavern song under his breath, this one about a drunken, blue-scaled dragon brawling with a wily halfling that eventually escapes with the dragon's purse.

2009-09-20, 10:33 AM

Okay, guys... I hate taking over people's characters, but I miight have to pretty soon. Bushwacked hasn't posted in 9 days, Yuki hasn't posted in 5. I understand RL gets in the way, but can you at least notify me?

Who thinks I should get a replacement for Bushwacked, at least? And maybe Yuki? If either of you read this, reply immediately.

2009-09-21, 09:02 AM
It would seem fair to give the others whom put fourth so much char gen effort a shot to run them, In case they don't come back. If they do come back we'll rhen have further insulation from the interference from life.

2009-09-21, 10:13 AM
either way is fine with me.

2009-09-21, 10:28 AM
OOC: Whatever you think best.

2009-09-28, 01:43 PM
[/spoiler]People keep leaving, so if you're interested in continuing, post here asap. Also, we have Samb coming in with an artificer to replace Rithia (Probably) And another person to replace Yuki. I'm sorry it's taken so long, I had a pretty severe family emergency that led to my inability to post.[/spoiler]

2009-09-28, 08:45 PM
i'm here still. good luck with family issues and all.

2009-09-28, 11:01 PM
ooc: I'm here, I check nearly every day - at least once a day. Real life is always job 1... hope it wasn't too bad.

2009-09-29, 04:22 PM
Ooc: I too am here. I've been traveling for work. My checking frequency is down to once every two days but will revert to 3/ day once activity is detected.
Ps any chance of giving the guy with the gloves of object reading a look at that artifact?That might stimulate things a bit...

2009-09-29, 07:43 PM
Alright, you know what? Screw it. We're doing this with three. Ahus, you have the artifact. You bought one section from an unknowing merchant in Sharn, and you already went on an adventure to get the second. Let's get this show on the road.

2009-09-29, 09:57 PM
ooc: ready to go... where shall we take this from... exactly where we started with the others, or restart with the billboard, if the latter, my ad was just put up. :)

2009-09-30, 12:13 PM
Alright, I happen to have the perfect solution to this situation...

Yuki is skeptical of the artifactiferousness of my artifact.
Wiz, you've just arrived and introduced your self...

Stycol you and Bushwacked 've done whatever it s that ya'all did to get one of the artifact pieces.
I did whatever I did to get the other.


With your permission in my next post Rithia (Bushwacked) might be about to forget a whole lot... and Norm is about to start looking a lot like a hot elf chick.

Norm removes his gloves and folds them neatly before stowing them in his pack.

Addressing Yuki : Ma'am any one can stumble upon an artifact of great power at any time. I can tell by your tone that you do not believe that these two seek an artifact and as such you are under no ob... <hicup> ligation to accompany them on their journey.

2009-09-30, 10:16 PM
Kraggrin merely mutters something about wanting to be outside of the city gates before sundown and then kicks a rock at a group of human kids across the road that were making fun of his stature.

2009-10-01, 10:34 AM
Hex looks at the others, "So three of us are going to find a hidden artifact within a day's march of Stormreach. Normally, I might be reluctant to hire on to such a venture with only two others who I've not assessed the skills of, but since it is so close to town it seems reasonable." As the group begins walking she looks thoughtful, "I'm assuming that this artifact you seek will be your primary goal and therefore is not counted in the normal treasure - in terms of splitting for equal shares. However, since you do have such a stipulation I'd like to add one of my own. I'm looking for a written work, a book called the Sanguenous Tome. I'd like to have first crack at reviewing and identifying any written materials because if we find the tome I would like to claim that exclusively. Any problems with my request?"

2009-10-01, 01:19 PM
Kraggrin shrugs, "I don't care about a book that I've never heard of." Then he responds to the first question, "Supposedly our smaller numbers will help us when we need speed, maneuverability, and stealth. But I'm warning you all: I'm not very stealthy." He smacks his creaking and clanging armor.

2009-10-10, 11:37 PM
going once, going twice...

2009-10-11, 07:21 PM
The woman smiles, "You can call me Hex, by the way, and if you're not stealthy then we'll just have to make them fear the sound of your approach."

2009-10-12, 01:10 PM
Kraggrin smirks, "They'll fear it soon enough, whether when I'm coming, or when I'm already there and swinging..."

2009-10-12, 02:26 PM
Hex smiles, "Good, I like some healthy egotism in warriors fighting alongside me."

2009-10-16, 02:42 PM
Kraggrin gives a wide, large-toothed grin, "Then you're going to love fighting on my team."

2009-10-16, 10:07 PM
Hex nods, "As I'm sure you will appreciate some of the support I can provide." She winks and smiles.

2009-10-18, 10:43 AM
"That depends," Kraggrin says, "Can you hold your own, or am I going to be scrambling to save you every time we get into a scrap?" It is obvious that he is teasing, though there is probably some lingering chauvinism in there somewhere.

2009-10-18, 07:12 PM
Hex smiles, "Respective roles... you keep them busy and I'll boost your efforts or hinder theirs."

2009-10-22, 03:56 PM
we gonna start, or is this dead before it starts?