View Full Version : About the "totally powerful" boots of speed.

2009-09-08, 01:31 AM
So the boots of speed are no longer going to be lime green, but they'll still be totally powerful. I browse the forums quite often and I would like to pose the idea that they could be the 2nd edition version of boots of speed. If this were the case, Haley could act as if constantly under a haste spell as opposed to the 3.Xe version that require you to click your heels together and then be hasted for only a short period of time.

Now I realize this could just be a topic that she brings up to make new female/fashion savvy friends, but the 3.Xe version doesn't strike me as "totally powerful" like the AD&D version does. It seems like something she may have inherited from her dad as he may not have cared what he looked like with them on. If this were the case, he would have used them before 3.Xe and they would be the constant haste kind.

2009-09-08, 01:40 AM
Even the 3X boots are pretty handy. Activation is a free action. Sure, the 2E ones are better, but a lot of 2E items would be massively overpowered if brought into 3X (imagine the Ring of Vampiric Regeneration in a world of two-handed power attacking fighters and TWF sneak attacking rogues.)

2009-09-08, 02:28 AM
... but a lot of 2E items would be massively overpowered if brought into 3X (imagine the Ring of Vampiric Regeneration ...
Um, the Ring of Vampiric Regeneration was hopelessly overpowered in 2nd ed as well.

I can remember a certain combat that occured once where someone was unaware how much damage a fighter can put out in a single round.
Player: "That's 135 points of damage in total. Is it dead?"
GM: "Is it dead? Is it dead? Of course it's F***ing dead!"

Hokay, this was a paladin smiting a CE dragon, but I had a fighter that was not too far behind in damage potential (especially when he hasted himself: 6 attacks at +17 damage per hit and a thac0 of around 2...). Giving either of us a RoVR would have made us virtually unkillable.

Have Fun!

2009-09-08, 02:57 AM
Remember when Haley said that she was like level 7 or so. When she used those boots she was a teenager, so probably level 2.
At those levels what seems "totally powerful" is different than what the term means when you're level 16 :)

2009-09-08, 04:34 AM
Remember when Haley said that she was like level 7 or so. When she used those boots she was a teenager, so probably level 2.
At those levels what seems "totally powerful" is different than what the term means when you're level 16 :)

This is true, but that was also sort of my point, she likely wouldn't have gotten boots of speed at that time from any kind of thievery/adventuring, so they could definitely be 2nd edition boots!

2009-09-08, 04:45 AM
We can asume that Haley were Lv 14 when the Azure City battle; after that, she had many adventures with two non-combative members, she is at least Lv 15, but wouldn't be unlikely she have reached LV16. If that's so, then whith the boots of speed, she would be shoot 3 arrows (base hability: +11/+6/+1) plus one more of the Boots of Speed hability (+11/+11/+6/+1).

If she uses Rapid shot, then it can become a flurry of five arrows, (+9/+9/+9/+4/-1)

The other way is to use Manyshot, she can "double" her first two arrows, and that would be shotting the frightening of SEVEN arrows in a round (+7/+7+/7+/7/+7/+2/-3)

She will ruin herself buying arrows!

2009-09-08, 04:59 AM
She probably has a quiver of unending pointy sticks in one of her bags of holding :)

And yeah she's unlikely to have gotten them from adventuring thats right. But her dad was a thief too, might have been a gift.
Or she stole them herself, maybe her initiation rite into the thiefs guild or something.

2009-09-08, 07:55 AM
Everybody's gear got revamped when they made the change over (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html) so I kinda doubt it...

2009-09-09, 07:09 PM
Everybody's gear got revamped when they made the change over (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html) so I kinda doubt it...

That's true, but Zz'dtri also had the 3.0 fly spell, so not EVERYTHING changed.

2009-09-09, 07:31 PM
I too think those boots missed the conversion. Have we seen anything else from her bags that were converted?

2009-09-09, 08:19 PM
Another question is are they 3.0 Haste or 3.5 haste. They can still be powerful if they are still the 3.0 Haste

2009-09-10, 08:34 AM
I'm going with the 3.5 version. Still quite useful though in comparison to leather boots.

2009-09-11, 05:53 PM
This is true, but that was also sort of my point, she likely wouldn't have gotten boots of speed at that time from any kind of thievery/adventuring, so they could definitely be 2nd edition boots!
3.XE was in use in the days of baby Xykon.

2009-09-11, 05:59 PM

What's wrong with the explination that Haley was just using Valley Girl (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ValleyGirl) speech? :smallsmile:

I mean, like, as a Californian, it's totally believable to me that Haley would, like, occasionally speak that way. You know. :smallwink:

2009-09-11, 06:25 PM
Also, OOTS seems to be a low-magic universe, at least in terms of magic items. (How this stops spellcasters from being even more overpowered is beyond me; perhaps a lot of generous house rules.) So 3.5-haste boots would still be useful to 15th-ish level Haley, and definitely like, totally powerful to a 7th level Haley.

2009-09-11, 09:39 PM
Ya know, with the nerf Haste got in 3.5, they could allow the boots to haste you all day long. I mean, +2 to AC (was +4), no bonus to Initiative ( I think it was a +4 too), +2 to reflex, and only a single extra attack (that you can only use when full attacking), and a move speed increase. Not too strong, considering what it used to do before.

2009-09-12, 12:21 AM
I bet we will find out just how good Haleys boots are quite soon... Any takers?:)
After all, the Giant wouldn't show them unless he intended for Haley to actually use them IMO. (provided of course the don't have an embarrasing color! So lets hope the dying process don't destroy their magic.)

2009-09-12, 12:25 AM
I dont think OOTs is a lowmagic setting in respects to magic items at all, its just that most of the time (and rich commented about this) we dont get to know all the details of their gear because its too much detail when theres only one page to further the story and tell a joke, and well, frankly its boring unless you are a number cruncher.

So we only really see gear that is directly plot related, haleys +5 bow of minty freshness (+5 and icy burst crits isnt exactly low magic), crystals +5 dagger, xykons ring of immunity to meteorswarm (and god knows what else), etc..

As for haste nerfs... the speed bonus alone is sweet, at least in actual games. Its of course nothing compared to 3.0 haste, but then again that spell was massively broken.

Olorin Maia
2009-09-12, 02:53 AM
Nah, Crystal's sword was only +4. But you forgot all her magic jewelery, the likely band of intelligence of V's, Elan's rapier +3 (i think), as well as other supposed items by the geekery people.

2009-09-12, 11:12 AM
Honestly? I've played a bow woman before, and having Boots of Speed is, in fact, insanely useful for Haley. Even if she has to click her heels together to use it, that's still a ton of extra attacks she'll be getting per encounter. Heck, they'd be good on any sort of player, but it just happens that having them on an already high-reflex character is an even better deal.