View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 66: Numa Numa vs. Malla Yor

2009-09-10, 10:02 AM
Arena Tournament, Round 66: Numa Numa vs. Malla Yor


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Numa Numa (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=146348) - Schism
Malla Yor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=125806) - Gigz

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2009-09-10, 10:34 AM
Reporting in.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-09-10, 12:15 PM
Malla Yor

Purchasing a Scroll of See Invisibility and 2 Scrolls of Magic Missile

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-09-10, 12:31 PM
Purchasing a Scroll of Mirror Image.

2009-09-10, 06:01 PM
No further purchases here.

2009-09-10, 06:09 PM
Alright. Nothing on my end either, then.

Numa Numa, round 1

Starting in N-2.

Move action: Move half speed to R-3.

Move silently: [roll0]

Reactive listen: [roll1]

Attempt to cast spell from scroll. DC 4 CL check. [roll2]

If successful: [roll3] mirror images.


Edit: Statblock.

Stats:HP: 3/3
AC: 13 full, 13 touch, 11 ff
Currently in: R-3

Abrupt Jaunt uses left: 4/4
Silence SLA uses left: 5/5
Ghost Sound SLA uses left: 1/1
Mage Hand SLA uses left: 1/1
Message SLA uses left: 1/1

Buffs/rounds: Mirror Image 1/30

Spells prepared: Sonic Snap, Sonic Snap, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Invisibility

2009-09-11, 10:44 AM
Malla Yor, Round 1

Starting in M25, moving to J24. Readying an action to cast Hail of Stone if LoS is established within 120 feet. Scroll of See Invisibility in other hand.



HP 7
AC 12 (t12, ff 10)
Spells Memorized: Acid Splash x3, Summon Monster I x2, Hail of Stone x2, Summon Monster II

2009-09-11, 02:48 PM
Observers Only:Oh my gods I am stupid. Of all the spells to forget to prepare versus magic missile, I would leave out Shield. *facepalm* I deserve to lose this for stupidity alone.

Numa Numa, round 2

Cast a spell:Mage Armor


Stats:HP: 3/3
AC: 17 full, 13 touch, 15 ff
Currently in: R-3

Abrupt Jaunt uses left: 4/4
Silence SLA uses left: 5/5
Ghost Sound SLA uses left: 1/1
Mage Hand SLA uses left: 1/1
Message SLA uses left: 1/1

Buffs/rounds: Mirror Image 2/30, Mage Armor 1/600

Spells prepared: Sonic Snap, Sonic Snap, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Invisibility

2009-09-11, 03:30 PM
Malla Yor, Round 2

Real quick, do summoned creatures speak the associated language? I can't find a solid yea or nay, but admittedly my selection is lacking. So if I summon a celestial / fiendish creature, do they speak celestial / infernal / abbysal?


Malla will run from J24 to J12

Likely unneeded, but Listen and Spot checks
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Done. LoS?


HP 7
AC 12 (t12, ff 10)
Spells Memorized: Acid Splash x3, Summon Monster I x2, Hail of Stone x2, Summon Monster II

2009-09-12, 01:04 PM
Since Numa's spell is verbal, I guess that would be Malla's 16 in Listen vs. a DC of 7 for the distance between them. Want to make sure that's right before LoS is given, since if the DC is 6, Malla gets more info and a chance to identify the spell being cast.

Psionic Dog
2009-09-15, 06:56 AM
High Ref PsiDog

At time of Numa's casting in R-3, Malla was still in J-24 for a +11 or so distance modifier. Simple hearing. Speech to East.

On that topic, Malla isn't quite on the movement. Say, take 5 for 7-5 = 2

Numa Listen [roll0] DC 8 (2 +6 distance)
Simple success. Movement to west.

No LoS.
You heard movement west-ish east-ish of you.

No LoS.
You heard speech east-ish west-ish of you.

LoS check corrected. Thanks to Scorer for filling people in.

2009-09-15, 09:13 AM
@refs:West? I don't see how he could have gotten west of me in one round. Do you mean east, by chance?

2009-09-15, 10:05 AM

So he's behind me? Hmm... Could I also get an answer on my original question above? Danke.

2009-09-16, 10:49 AM
High Ref Scorer


Psidog is well known for his dislexia, he meant West-ish

@Numa Numa

Psidog is well known for his dislexia, he meant East-ish

2009-09-17, 11:08 AM
Apologies for the delay.

Numa Numa, round 3

Attempt to cast Invisibility. CL check versus DC 8: [roll0]



Edit: Statblock:HP: 3/3
AC: 17 full, 13 touch, 15 ff
Currently in: R-3

Abrupt Jaunt uses left: 4/4
Silence SLA uses left: 5/5
Ghost Sound SLA uses left: 1/1
Mage Hand SLA uses left: 1/1
Message SLA uses left: 1/1

Buffs/rounds: Mirror Image 3/30, Mage Armor 2/600

Spells prepared: Sonic Snap, Sonic Snap, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Invisibility

2009-09-17, 11:26 AM
Malla Yor, Round 3

Actions and a ref question:

Malla will move to K9, and attempt to summon [roll0] Celestial Dogs, instructing them softly in celestial to find her opponent.

Caster check (DC8): [roll1]

Appearing in H9, I9, and J9. Do I need to adjudicate where they go or does a ref?

Done. LoS?


HP 7
AC 12 (t12, ff 10)
Spells Memorized: Acid Splash x3, Summon Monster I x2, Hail of Stone x2, Summon Monster II

HP 8
AC 15 (t14, ff12)

2009-09-17, 12:24 PM
@Malla Yor:
You will be in control of them, and if needed they will get separate LoS checks as well, though that's not needed if they stay near you.

2009-09-17, 12:32 PM
Malla:Just to clarify, you've got control of them as long as they can hear your commands. If they can't, then a ref takes over.

2009-09-17, 12:36 PM
Refs:Listen check for Numa: [roll0]

Numa:You hear spellcasting to the northeast. DC17 spellcraft to identify:Summon Monster II.

Malla:You hear speech to the southwest.

2009-09-17, 12:51 PM
Refs:Spellcraft: [roll0]

2009-09-17, 11:49 PM
Numa Numa, round 4

Move to S-3. Use Ghost Sound SLA at U-7. Full volume, emulating the sound of a running gnome.


Stats:HP: 3/3
AC: 17 full, 13 touch, 15 ff
Currently in: R-3

Abrupt Jaunt uses left: 4/4
Silence SLA uses left: 5/5
Ghost Sound SLA uses left: 0/1
Mage Hand SLA uses left: 1/1
Message SLA uses left: 1/1

Buffs/rounds: Mirror Image 4/30, Mage Armor 3/600

Spells prepared: Sonic Snap, Sonic Snap, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Invisibility

2009-09-18, 10:43 AM
Malla, Round 4

Malla moves K7 and readies an action to cast Hail of Stones if the location of her opponent becomes known. She instructs the summoned dogs to bark and attack if they find anyone else other than themselves.

Dog 1 moves J9- K8 - T8 - X4

Dog 2 moves I9 - I6 - K4 - Q4 -T1

Dog 3 moves H9 - E9 - E6 - C4 - F1 - I1

Done. Los?


HP 7
AC 12 (t12, ff 10)
Spells Memorized: Acid Splash x3, Summon Monster I x2, Hail of Stone x2, Summon Monster II

Dogs: (round 2/2)
HP 8
AC 15 (t14, ff12)

2009-09-18, 02:13 PM
Refs:Listen for Malla: [roll0]
Listen for Numa: [roll1]

Malla:You hear speech from the south-southwest (DC15 spellcraft:Ghost Sound, then running to U7. One of your dogs barks from the south-southwest.

Numa:A dog runs up to R3, then barks.

2009-09-18, 02:16 PM
LoS This is fun! The dog runs right into Numa, so I don't think we need any checks but listen checks for Malla, first to here the "gnome" then to disbelieve it, then to hear and pinpoint the dog's bark.
hear gnome[roll0]
Will save (I believe) [roll1]
hear dog [roll2]

Edit: since I was ninja'd we just gonna let Sallera handle it?

2009-09-18, 02:27 PM
Refs:Immediate action: Abrupt Jaunt to T-1

2009-09-18, 02:28 PM

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2009-09-19, 05:21 PM
Numa Numa, round whatever-it-is

Activate Silence SLA.

Move to W-5.


Stats:NOTE: Currently emanating a 20-ft radius area of silence.

HP: 3/3
AC: 17 full, 13 touch, 15 ff
Currently in: R-3

Abrupt Jaunt uses left: 3/4
Silence SLA uses left: 4/5
Ghost Sound SLA uses left: 0/1
Mage Hand SLA uses left: 1/1
Message SLA uses left: 1/1

Buffs/rounds: Mirror Image 5/30, Mage Armor 4/600, Silence 1/10

Spells prepared: Sonic Snap, Sonic Snap, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Invisibility

2009-09-19, 09:20 PM
Malla Yor, round 5

Malla moves to N6, then summons a fiendish cold Hawk in Q4 and tells it to search and attack any enemies it finds, and to screech if it finds anything. It will move from Q4 to S2 (where I'm assuming the bark was coming from). If he doesn't find anything, he will continue on to T2, U2, V3, W4, W5, V6, U7, then T8.

Done. Los?


HP 7
AC 12 (t12, ff 10)
Spells Memorized: Acid Splash x3, Summon Monster I x2 x1, Hail of Stone x2, Summon Monster II

Fiendish Cold Hawk: 1/2
HP 6
AC 17 (t15, ff14)

2009-09-21, 11:23 AM
Malla:No LoS.

Numa:A hawk flies into W4, attempts to screech, but fails due to the silence. It then attacks you, although it provokes an AoO due to having 0 reach. Provided it survives said AoO...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] cold
Concealment: [roll3] - miss on a 1

2009-09-21, 11:36 AM
@refs:Before the hawk attacks, Numa Numa Abrupt Jaunts to V-7 as an immediate action.

2009-09-21, 11:53 AM
Malla:No LoS.

Numa:No LoS.

2009-09-24, 11:29 AM
High Ref Scorer

Malla Yor gets the victory for absence of opponent!