View Full Version : WW and other RP- Favorite Kills

Andre Fairchilde
2009-09-10, 09:40 PM
This thread is for favorite kills, either from a WW game, or other role-playing games.

I have two from WW games that I've narrated, I'll try to post links in here when I get a chance.

One was when Shadow was Night Killed in Mafia IV - where he was destroyed by an Orbital Laser. For some reason I just love that image.

The other was one of the assassination attempts on Helgraf after he was elected mayor. Perhaps Mafia VII or VIII?

Feel free to add your favorite kill scenes, funny or scary, from WW games, RP games, or table-top games (you can even include WHFB or 40K). Anything where you or someone playing had a vested interest.

2009-09-10, 10:23 PM
I don't think I can link it, or even find it, but I loved Mountain Faerie's death scene in Llama, Llama, Duck, the first game. (That's not a corpse! That's my wife! :smallbiggrin:)

Innis Cabal
2009-09-10, 10:54 PM
We'd raided the inner sanctum of a vicious military run assasin's guild, the and the leader had myself and my friends character captive, both of us with enough explosive to cause a whole lot of people a whole lot of heart ache. It couldn't have been better that they were body doubles, and the characters themselves were at home drinking tea and laughing when the explosion happened.

2009-09-11, 12:13 AM
I can remember some good ones.

First there was WW V. I was the Devil in that one. My death scene was epic. If I remember correctly, we had half the players supporting the Seer and the other half supporting me. I typed up my own death scene and made it as epic as the debate leading to it. I got quite the reaction afterwards!

There was another WW game where my death scene involved a greatsword, a cake and Ink's corpse being dug up, but I can't remember exactly which game that was.

I also remember WW IV. I started a trend of Baners screwing up and letting the Seers die. Heheh.

The first Paranoia game. LONG LIVE 4TH DEGREE!

Winning the first game ever of Ready, Aim, Fire. The victories I got after that were achieved in highly amusing ways as well, and I'm more than happy to go into detail if anyone is interested. To my knowledge, I remain the grand champion of the original style of Ready, Aim, Fire that was played here. :smallcool:

Kingdom Hearts Showdown. My goodness, that was annoying! Definitely not a favourite, but this one gets a mention anyway because it's quite memorable to me. Anyone else who remembers should know what I'm talking about. Again, Ill be happy to go into detail.

I knew nothing about the KH series when that one was going on. However, in the past year (close enough, anyway), I've gained enough nowledge to rival someone who has played all the games. Having several people on your MSN list turn out to be total KH nuts is a good thing, folks! :smalltongue:

Now for my personal favourite: the first Advent Children game. I was Rufus Shinra. Being the most important role in the game got me quite exited. My Reno and Rude were both highly skilled players, which was awesome. After an awesome goose chase which started with me pretending to be Rude-that almost worked, too!-and ended in the Remnants eventually wiping out my protection, I got an even more epic death scene that ended with using my equipped materia to take Kadaj down with me.

Since Kadaj went down at the same time I did, Sephiroth's return was prevented, and the good guys weren't guaranteed to get slaughtered. They ended up getting slaughtered anyway, since Yazoo's player was pretty damn smart and sneaky and managed to avoid suspicion until the game was over. Learning that the last Remnant that everone was working so hard to find was the same player who had given Rufus the materia that killed Kadaj was quite the shock to everyone!

Those two paragraphs don't come close to describing how amazing the experience of the game was. Also, like the KHShowdown, this is another game that was running while I knew nothing about the material it was based on. I do now, though, which just makes everything that much more awesome.

2009-09-11, 04:18 AM
^ That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :smallbiggrin:

My favourite death scene that I've written was for Rinoa (Shadow) in Advent Children II, the chase through Balamb Garden, her eventual death at her own hand to prevent the Remnants from gaining her power, and them taking it from her departing soul anyway and using it to half destroy the garden. Good times.

As for a good D&D deaths, and old aspiring vampire of mine ended up meeting his end on the greatsword of the party paladin, at the end of an epic fight. My character had trodden darker and darker roads as the campaign went on, and had made the paladin doubt his own faith, as he had some kind of demonic graft thrust onto him which he used to smite evildoers or some such. My character spent a lot of time chipping away at his morals, making him doubt his own alignment, and the use of such a horrific graft to further his own gods coase. It was always going to end in a battle, and it was an awesome way to go out. :smallbiggrin:

Alair Koraius
2009-09-11, 06:23 AM
Favorite takedowns, huh?

There was that d20 Modern game where we levelled a 32-story building. It was infested with vampires, and we broke in Matrix-style ("Please remove any metal ob-- Holy ****!") Two of our group went down to the basement to place the charges of... what I forget, some high explosive. And another member went to the top floor. One group member and I were in charge of taking down security.

For the actual kill, prolly my favorite part was when the player who got to the top floor, with the package of high explosives, got there. The room was full of vampires. Most of us said "That sucks! You're gonna die." He said "I toss the package into the room, and shout "Special delivery!" while I close the elevator doors." He then proceeded to slide down the ladder in the shaft (after they cut the elevator's power) to the ground floor, where we then walked out of the building and detonated the explosives. It was such an epic day.

We also killed a rat god with a car and some explosives in that game, as well as me missing point-blank with a sawed-off shotgun.

But there have been fun kills in all the games I've played. It's just a matter of remembering the specifics.

Cristo Meyers
2009-09-11, 08:50 AM
Now for my personal favourite: the first Advent Children game. I was Rufus Shinra. Being the most important role in the game got me quite exited. My Reno and Rude were both highly skilled players, which was awesome. After an awesome goose chase which started with me pretending to be Rude-that almost worked, too!-and ended in the Remnants eventually wiping out my protection, I got an even more epic death scene that ended with using my equipped materia to take Kadaj down with me.

Since Kadaj went down at the same time I did, Sephiroth's return was prevented, and the good guys weren't guaranteed to get slaughtered. They ended up getting slaughtered anyway, since Yazoo's player was pretty damn smart and sneaky and managed to avoid suspicion until the game was over. Learning that the last Remnant that everone was working so hard to find was the same player who had given Rufus the materia that killed Kadaj was quite the shock to everyone!

I remember that one, it was epic.

Oof, so many to think about and all my narrations run the gamut...

There's the one that's an abject lesson in not combining Guitar Hero and writing narrations (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5658076&postcount=695)

The one that apparently kept at least one person awake at night (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5641706&postcount=668)

Ones that start weak but seem to finish strong (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4434021&postcount=225)

Some that were submitted by anonymous fans (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4491691&postcount=464)

Trying to make killing a talking LLama with the Camera Obsurca actually seem scary...and generally failing :smallbiggrin: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4496209&postcount=469)

We're both pretty sure alcohol was a factor here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5411023&postcount=836)

...and so many others.

2009-09-11, 09:15 AM
There's so many good ones. But I do remember being night killed in one of Emperor DemonKing's small games and saving the quote.

Some say that there at every choice there are two paths. In one world Reinholdt rose through the ranks of the police, married a supermodel, won the lottery (twice), discovered a cure for cancer, became president, married another supermodel and then just before dying solved the problems facing the world and caused world peace. In another world, he died.

I don't know why, I just found it positively hilarious.

2009-09-11, 09:19 AM
My first werewolf game was Memesville, where I was Shoop Da Woop, the Beast. My lynch scene (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96056&page=39) was hilarious, especially where Haruki edited my avatar. :smallbiggrin:


2009-09-11, 09:30 AM
My favorite death was my own actually, in SEU III. Everything had just gone horribly wrong. :smallbiggrin:

I mean, here I am, the SEU Commander, and at the beginning, I have not one, but two horrors in my first command group. After the first night I knew there was one and once I got rid of him, I had no reason to suspect the other until the very end. Of course, there are still the inside jokes about it all.

*is eviscerated by Happyturtle*

2009-09-11, 09:31 AM
The best part was how I convinced you to trust me after I scried as evil. :smallamused:

2009-09-11, 09:32 AM
The best part was how I convinced you to trust me after I scried as evil. :smallamused:

Only because I knew there was one more fail out there.

2009-09-11, 10:02 AM
I don't have favourite death scenes, but I do have favourite games.

My absolute favourite WW game I've ever played was Rebellion, where we had Undead Llama afflicting Shadow and my Kitten. Undead Kitten being the prince FTW.

Meow meow braaaaiinnsssss...

2009-09-11, 10:04 AM
I don't have favourite death scenes, but I do have favourite games.

My absolute favourite WW game I've ever played was Rebellion, where we had Undead Llama afflicting Shadow and my Kitten. Undead Kitten being the prince FTW.

LLama made that game. I love him so much. =3

On an unrelated note, I am the worst game host EVER. =P

2009-09-11, 10:35 AM
I liked my death in Spytrap 4. Both of them, in fact.

2009-09-11, 10:43 AM
I don't have a favorite for WW, as I haven't been around long enough.
No, I forgot about this from Paranoia III:
Designed to remove 110% of all bacteria from a surface, Bac-B-Gone is the last word in cleaning!

Warning: Bac-B-Gone is highly corrosive. Do not touch Bac-B-Gone. Do not touch Bac-B-Gone with a stick. Do not inhale Bac-B-Gone. Do not stand within 10 feet of a cup of Bac-B-Gone. If Bac-B-Gone comes in contact with your skin/eyes/internal organs please report to the nearest termination booth for not listening to these instructions. Do not read Bac-B-Gone's label. If you read Bac-B-Gone's label please report to the nearest termination booth.

Outside, I was running an oWoD Vamp game, and the group were driving away from a failed attempt to destroy a Section XIII stronghold(so I mixed some Hellsing in, sue me:smalltongue:). The car they stole wasn't big enough for all of them, so they stuffed the Malk in the trunk. He then proceeded to cut open a hole in the top of it with his sword, stick his head out, and use Dementation to, eventually(shudder), cause a five-car pileup. Need I also mention that the pursuers were mainly armed with what amounts to flammable chemicals?

The Malk Turret is still infamous in my old group.

2009-09-11, 12:49 PM
My favorite death scene is from way back in WW III. I'd been watching that stupid 'Let's bake a cake' Lazytown thing (don't ask me why) And so the subject of the pm where I sent in our kill order was 'Let's bake a cake!' I was just being silly, but Kantur baked the lovers we killed that night into a cake as their death scene, which I thought was great. :smallsmile:

Uncle Festy
2009-09-11, 03:22 PM
There's so many good ones. But I do remember being night killed in one of Emperor DemonKing's small games and saving the quote.

I don't know why, I just found it positively hilarious.

Don't worry, you're not the only one. :smallbiggrin:

Zar Peter
2009-09-11, 03:34 PM
Well, speaking of death scenes my absolute favourite game was Pirates III: At Forums End.
They all were hillarious written and mostly based on Silly Message Board Games. I had two and the second I wrote the idea and Indurain made the final death scene of the game here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2976252&postcount=773)

Andre Fairchilde
2009-09-11, 05:45 PM
What was the one Alarra wrote about Shadow hitting somone with a fish? Wasn't that in Pirates also?

2009-09-11, 10:24 PM
My favourite death has got to be from Witches and Warlocks II

It was night in Munchkin Country. Despite the mysterious disappearance of Happyturtle during the day, most of the munchkins were still confident that the witch was dead and all was well. In Oddity's house, all was quiet. No one stirred. Oddity himself had fallen asleep, exhausted after the merriment and singing, as well as the appearance of the girl Dorothy and her decision to go to the Emerald City. Oddity didn't even notice the appearance of a black-robed figure, capped with a pointy black hat, in his bedroom. Until she shrieked madly and stabbed him with a knife.
Then he noticed.
And then he died.

Oddity died a very stabbity and unpleasant death. He was a munchkin!

2009-09-12, 03:53 AM
In an actual live game of Mafia at Wayfinder, we had an absurdly epic game: for one thing, the numbers were ridiculous. The Baner (Totoro!) protected someone something like half the time...anyways.

One of the first lynchings was a mob of citizens showing up at the door of the target, with a laser which shoots swords instead of photons. Our narrator made very apt sound effects.

2009-09-12, 02:12 PM
My favorite death scene ever was written by Death your friend the reaper. The funny thing about it...I didn't die.

Still, it was great crossover to the Graklok the singing Orc, member of the Backplayground Boyz, in Faerwain's Valentine's Day Tournament, in which many a suitor went to battle for their fair maiden.

And many, many of the scenes from Pirates 3 that had the common theme of SMBG games were awesome!

2009-09-12, 02:42 PM
I enjoyed Happyturtle's death on night one in Super Paper Werewolf. I laughed out loud when I got the kill PMs. You see, both sides had a sniper role, and both sides had decided to target her. She died a doubley deathy death. I still owe her a Motifake for that, in fact.

2009-09-12, 02:43 PM
:smallbiggrin: Yes, I loved that one!

Eldritch Knight
2009-09-15, 03:08 PM
I'm still fond of Joosbawx's death back in the first WW. Drinking his bodily fluids with a straw produced just the right feelings of Squick and Cool!

2009-09-16, 02:03 AM
My favorite character death was my Eisen in a 7th sea game. We had been playing this game for 2 years, I was an original character and had really roleplayed this character into many interesting situations, had a great background and had a truely fleshed out character. At the end we were running from the big bad with his unseelie supporter trying to get to a place where we could take the artifact of doom to the seelie court to keep it way from them. We probably were not going to make it and the big bad could probably kill us all by himself without the help of his almost god like supporter. I told everyone else to run and I turned back to face them and hold them off. At this time I was moderatly powerful and very good at melee combat. So I wait the few min for the BB to catch up and chalange him to a duel (I have a snowballs chance in you know what). Calling his courage into question to make sure that the unseelie stayed out of it. So we procede to sword fight. He can not miss me but I, somehow, am making all the damage saves. I mean rolling greater then 60's on only keep 4 d10's, then when I did fail I would not fail by enough to take more than one dramatic wound so very very slowly I am dieing. I hit him a few times only causing flesh wounds. Needless to say the fight took 1 hour game time, not just all rolling dice because I was describing some pretty heroic activities and things I was doing to delay this guy and last as long as I could. Finally when my flesh wounds were up to the 60's again my dice failed me and I took enough dramatic wounds to drop me. But just before that I hit him very hard and caused him to take two dramatic wounds, which seriously pissed him off. Well here I was at the feet of the BB, dieing, but my friends got away and secured the artifact with the seelie where he could never get to it. All because I held him off, me a piss ant little noble. The GM turned to me and said "sorry but he reaches down with his sword and runs you through, finishing you off". My only reaction was "NO kidding, (actually I said a cuss word) if he didnt I would be disappointed"

So my loved character that I had spent a lot of time making completely human and fully fleshed out died on a hill, with no friends near, and I could not be happier. It was a great end.

2009-09-17, 08:51 AM
My favorite deaths from WW games?
Lets see... in my first mafia game I ended up lynching Raiser B1ade, because he had the jade dragon (I think thats what it was called) and I wanted it. I was the seer. He was a villager. Good times.

Another favorite in a WW game was ACIII. I was the lead wolf Sephiroth. And we were working with a neutral, who needed to help kill me. So I used my personal kill on one of the three villager beasts, got posioned by the neutral, and then I got killed by the beast. The wolves won at that point. I thought it was hilarious the villager beast helped team evil, and that I was working with a someone who wanted me dead. And that the alliance worked.

2009-09-18, 01:30 AM
I think my favorite kill was from a dungeons and dragons campaign. My DM Decided to run tomb of horrors as a sidequest, and after the entire party making it to the final dungeon intact, my kobold sorcerer and the party psion managed to put the lich out of commission by trapping it in a sack and having a level 9 astral construct dance upon it. It broke the mood, but it was worth it. :smallbiggrin: