View Full Version : [Music Project] "Komm Susser Tod" Scoring

2009-09-11, 11:45 PM
I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Arts & Crafts. Anyhow...

Some of you may be familiar with Komm, Susser Tod (the rest of you can give it a listen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVW7ahL6p9s&feature=related)). For any NGE fan, this song probably has some sort of resonance (it does for me) but the lyrics make it... awkward to share with others.

Today, I thought about doing an acoustic version of the song and realized that, without the voice part, it became rather hollow. Now, I know SRW did a version of this already (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha7UwROSzW8) but I wasn't satisfied with it. Mainly it's because I'm trying to envision/create a jazz combo version of it (Electric Organ, Electric Base, and Drums for sure) and I worry that a single flute won't be able to fill out the layered voice work in the original - and that multiple flutes wouldn't really work either.

My thinking is to use a saxophone for the lead vocals (alto, I guess?) and have a violin or two provide the choral bits. Now, the violin is helpful since (I believe) the comping in the end utilizes violins, and the sort of sound you get out of the violin should match nicely with the choral work.

So why post? Because I am not much of musician, and my music knowledge is sorely lacking. Do my instruments sound like good choices - and what alterations would you make? Additionally, how would you score the final piece? I can't find a copy of the original scoring (though I'm sure it's out there) but you probably could reverse engineer it just by listening.

Well... any thoughts?

EDIT: I guess the initial song link might be NSFW (Anime Anatomy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnimeAnatomy) mainly) and some would argue that NGE is NSFH. Anyhoo, consider yourself warned?

2009-09-12, 12:22 AM

I'm poor at composition, but I am enough of a music nerd I wanted to give Bach a plug for composing a piece with this same title.

I also think it would have been just as effective in the movie, but it's not quite as catchy I admit.

2009-09-12, 02:02 PM
And if they had used it in the movie it would have kept the theme that came with using Ode an die Freude in episode 24. I'll admit that i don't think this is Bach's best piece though.

2009-09-12, 04:42 PM
Picking out Bach's best piece is like determining what's best between true love and spiritual enlightenment, though. They're both so good that who cares?