View Full Version : KH: The Cycle of Eternal Rejuvenation: Vespe Ratavo

2009-09-12, 01:51 PM
John, Ringo, Paul, and George desecend from a stairwell, having just left a party due to complications with a particularly violent man who refused to calm down until "Those god damn commie hippies." left his 'muther****in party.", being relatively peace loving (Gasp), they had left willingly.

As you descend the stair well, the lights seem to flicker around you, nothing out of the ordinary in this part of town, as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear a scream from down the street, and a scrabbling of something... against rock.

When you do get out of the building you emerge into a dank alley, the whole path smelling of a myriad of old garbage, and somewhere underneath the morose sight, a hand, that of a girl in her early 20's extended from a pile of garbage, her fingers turning to dust, as her form was warped, and bent in a malign fashion.

((Right now, John, George, Ringo, and Pauly are standing outside, they heard some screams, and some scrabbling of.. something.. against stone, but they haven't seen anything.))

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-12, 03:57 PM
John and Paul stumble down the stairs, arms locked around each others backs, drunkenly singing Get Back. Sweet Loretta fat, she thought she was a cleaner, ah, BUT she was a frying pan! They laugh uproariously, as George and Ringo follow, slightly less inebriated. They chuckle slightly at their friends.

The laughing stops as a scream pierces the air. ...did you all hear that? The others nod, and nervously turn towards the direction the scream came from.

Do you all think we should...
Well, maybe we should call the police...
Well, it could be nothing, too. Let's just take a look.
A very quick look. Then we'll go home.
Of course.

They start to walk slowly and quietly towards the general area the screams came from.

2009-09-12, 04:17 PM
John, Ringo, Paul, and George, all walk forward, their footsteps ringing hollow in the suspiciously empty alley. Something that was rather uncommon in this part of town, especially after a party.

The group eventually finds it's way to the source, the screams now a muffled yelp as you view the source, a group of 4 young girls, each looking to be in their early 20's, spread eagle in pools of blood, looks of panic, and agony carved on their faces.

Over the one to the right... Paul think's he sees a black, shadowy figure, with luminescent yellow eyes, and two crooked black antenna similar to that of a Ant's. In it's hand it holds... what looks to be a glowing sphere of some undisecernable color. It doesn't seem to have noticed you quite yet, so you have the element of being unknown if you choose to do something.

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-12, 05:08 PM
The four stare in horror at the bloody scene, before they come back to their senses. John and George run over to the girls, checking them for signs of life. Ringo starts sprinting back to the home where the party was, hoping to use their phone. You get the feeling they've practiced for things like this.

Paul, on the other hand, takes his bass (I told you not to ask where he keeps it) and swings it forcefully at the Ant-thing with a bit of a scream.

2009-09-12, 05:21 PM
One of the girl's is still alive, and had obviously feinged fainting to avoid getting mauled like the other girls. She gives John a weak smile, and you notice a daisy in her hair, the hair now matted from the blood that pooled around her, and the edges of the petals beginning to turn crimson.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Ringo finds the party still raging on, any normal man would have been impeded by the masses of dancing, and raving people doing their own things, while their friends bled out on the streets, but a accomplished partier like Ringo, navigated it flawlessly, finding the creamic colored phone giving you a busy signal when you dial 112,and the house SHAKES as the lights go out again, a girl dropping her drink, the tinkle of glass breaking, and a gasp, as it STAYS off this time. The party now bathed in darkness, you hear static, and a white glow fills the room as the man who had forced you out earlier turns on the television, static on every single channel.

Investigations, done by several party members, finds the Lightbulbs having literally melted in their sockets, the glass welded inside of it to the metal... The TV had been saved by a surge protector, but everything else... even the Electrical Stove, had fried itself.

When Paul swings in his wide arc, the heavy bass impacts on something almost gelatinous, the guitar seeming to stick into it, and only being removed with a grunt of effort. When it IS removed.. You find the actual heartless still alive, one of the luminescent yellow eyes glowing malelovently as the other is sloughed off, replaced with yet more black shadow. With a beastial screech it then leaps at Paul, tiny claws swishing through the air.

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-12, 06:01 PM
Paul stumbles backwards, swinging his bass upward like a broadsword. George springs to his feet, and, gauging that this thing, whatever it is, is obviously not human, quickly reaches the decision to help Paul. He pulls his guitar out and slashes downward from behind the creature.

John leans next to the girl, whispering. Are you all right? Can you walk? We need to get you out of here...

Ringo gulps as the phone is busy, then again when the lights go out, as the TV shows nothing but static...everything melting itself...he stands up on a chair. Is there a doctor in the house?

2009-09-12, 08:08 PM
The two Beatles, George, and Paul, bludgeon the creature into paste, his guitar smashing into the side of the gelatinous creature, sending it flying into the wall... It looks like Paul has strength that he had nary realized before, and, after a good whack from George, the creature dissolves into a sort of... black smoke..

The Girl meanwhile, gives another weak smile, and a short nod, holding up the peace sign on her right hand. For someone who had just had all of her friends killed, things were going remarkably well. Near by, you see the Biolumiescent orb floating casually towards one of the fallen girls... when it touches her, if John doesn't stop it, a gasp of air from the girl directly opposite her... She seems to be bleeding, but otherwise fine.

In the party room, a man, easily in his late 30's steps forward, a pair of bifoucals on his face, and a book in his right hand.. A thought idly passes through your head about why the hell he was reading at a party, but when he shows you his medical ID, a Dr.Peterson at the Our Mother of Mercy hospital, his reason for coming forward is obvious.

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-12, 09:46 PM
Ringo steps off of the chair. Oh, thank goodness. You see, we were just leaving, and we heard screaming, and we found these girls all bloody and hurt. We need your help.

Paul and George's eyes lock. ...what the hell was that thing?
Don't ask me. Whatever it is, I'm just glad it's gone. They put their instruments away.
So the girls are... George nods.
Not this one. The girl across from her gasps. Or that one, either. Nice to see you breathing. I like a girl who breathes. John gives a nervous smile.

Ringo tries to urge the doctor out towards the girls.

2009-09-16, 04:01 AM
The girl, still coughing up blood, manages a sick attempt at a chuckle, small spurts of blood spewing from her mouth as her body attempts, and fails, at the otherwise humorous, and jovial action.

Meanwhile... The shadow behind them begins to reform, a lot of the globules, stay where they are though, and the thought dead shadow makes away like a thief in the night, as Ringo, and the Doctor emerge from the dingy apartment building into the dank alley.

================================================== ==========

The Good Doctor, gives a curt nod, as you (presumably) lead him outside, and you regroup with everyone else. The most notable change is the lack of the Shadow like creature, and the sputtering of a girl you KNEW was dead when you checked her.

Vespe Ratavo
2009-09-17, 08:09 PM
Ringo decides not to question the girl's sudden breathing. After all, she could have been holding her breath. Or something. He's not a scientist. So yeah, we just came out here and... He looks at the others, wondering if he should mention -
There was this thing. Black. And...
Not black like, um, you know, African-Americans, like it was made of darkness.
And then it dropped this...ball thing? On to her, and she started breathing...
Can you help them?

((Please note that for this world, a creature made of shadow attacking four young girls would sound unusual, but not completely insane, especially coming from the Beatles.))

2009-09-20, 01:57 AM
As you speak, and wait for the doctors reply... It simply doesn't come.. He seems to be staring blankly off into the distance, somewhat like what you once saw when a voodoo lady tried to experience Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds at the same time as the zombie drug.

You wave your hand in front of him, who seems entirely unresponsive, any attempt at contact seems repulsed by a millimeters thin barrier that is not only impreciptible to you, but to all the other Beatles as well.

As you likely move to find another method of doing things, and hopefully breaking this curse, EVERYTHING stops, the lights go out, the steam from the coffee stops mid air, even the rise and fall of your own breathing, and the steady rythm of your heart beat seems to cease.

Then... The alley begins to fill with a maddening, complete, darkness. some just so completely and unalienably WRONG that it seems to wrench your insides into a ball, and freeze your blood. This is something no one of them have ever seen, and it is most certainly worse then even the Wars you used to protest, you just knew in some deep part of your body that this simply should not be.. As it crept inexorably forward, darkness, not that of the encroaching monstrosity that seemed to be incorporating everything it touched into it's own being, writhing, contorting, and FEEDING on almost everything it could, began to feed into the edges of your vision, and the first faint touches of unconsiousness touched your minds, and the group known as the Beatles fell to the ground unconsious.

((Will be continued in the interlinked thread, and I apologize for the rather rail roading nature of this, but things have extended well beyond their stay, and I believe everyone wants to get this show on the road.)