View Full Version : KH freeform PBP. The Cycle of Eternal Rejeuvenation IC: Kobold Bard

2009-09-12, 04:31 PM
Avatar Kyuuka rode loftily above the clouds, white whisps passing underneath him like a turbulent sea of smoke, the crest of each cloud looking like waves on the background of a eternal blue sky.

Oham Rah, gives a roar of content as it preforms a barrel roll in the sky, tearing through the white sea, dew doplets pooling in the excess cloth of your robe.

The dragon gives a series of coughs mingled with growl's, that you think may be Oham attempting to laugh, as you wipe the droplets from your now drenched robe.

In all honesty, this was the only upside to this trip. Recently, a lot of Earth Kingdom citizens had gone missing, their bodies mangled in ways that were definitely not made by any natural animal, and everytime one would go missing, the entirety of all the Earth Kingdom machinery always stopped working. What this could mean, you don't know, but the other avatars are in agreement that this needs to be addressed.

2009-09-12, 04:56 PM

Bending the water out of his clothes and hair he addressed the Dragon. "Do that again and I promise you'll spend the rest of the summer barbecuing the Fire Lord's chickenfly steaks." He then laughed as the dragon looked at him grumpily.

His mind soon fell back onto the matters at hand though. Whatever it was had apparently managed to take down Deepwarden; a notable Earth Kingdom wrestler, meaning it was strong enough to kill a relatively powerful Earth Bender. What could it be?

Assuming a meditative position, he focussed himself. He hoped to avoid a battle, but if necessary he wouldn't hesitate to strike. Subconsiously he checked his water skin, his belt-pack of earth, and his sword, just in case one had fallen off inside the cloud.