View Full Version : Awful classes

2009-09-12, 08:08 PM
This thread is for those of us who's classes in the past were plagued by bad apples. The kind that make staff go insane, you know what I mean?

I was being home schooled for several years before this class, and this class is why I still home school, my parents had decided to give a nearby catholic school a chance with me, I was practically the only complete angel in that class, almost every one else acted like the spawn of demons, talking to each other, falling out of chairs and tipping desks on purpose, and if our teachers merely turned their backs to write on the chalkboard, chaos would ensue, and leaving us unwatched for merely 30 seconds would turn the class into a battleground, it was so bad that I had to cover my head with books to avoid getting hit in the head by workbooks, notebooks, and even textbooks. And lunch was a disaster zone! I now avoid schools like the plague.

2009-09-12, 08:11 PM
Good lord! They TALKED to each other!? The devils!

I know a guy who punched a teacher in the face... But to be fair, he was drunk. Teacher deserved it too.

2009-09-12, 08:13 PM
Good lord! They TALKED to each other!? The devils!

I know a guy who punched a teacher in the face... But to be fair, he was drunk. Teacher deserved it too.

Talking was a big no-no. Wait, were you being sarcastic?

2009-09-12, 08:15 PM
The emphasis on the word 'talked' says so.

Jesse Drake
2009-09-12, 08:20 PM
Heh, when I was in 3rd Grade (Man, that's along time ago!) we were a demonic class who drove a teacher to slam a book down on a little girls desk, and cracking the desk, yelling "F^*% you!" to all of us, all in one swift move. Heh, we were young, not as used to it, so we all started talking and someone got up and told the principal. Luckily it was a substitute.

That's the worst I've seen.

2009-09-12, 08:34 PM
Back in sixth grade I had a teacher who kept a Victoria's Secret toy bear on his desk. SO creepy. I think he got fired after slipping his phone number into some girl's pocket.

2009-09-12, 08:48 PM
This didn't happen in my class but I heard about it.

There was an old teacher who seemed pretty cool and most people liked pretty well in the 6th grade. He was a veteran of some wars. One day, one class decided it would be fun to play a little prank on him by organizing everybody to drop their textbooks at the same time. What seemed like a harmless and fun joke turned into something of a disaster when he had some sort of war flashback at the loud crash. Apparently he dove to the ground and shouted "Take cover!" or some similar response.

Everybody felt bad.:smallfrown:

2009-09-12, 09:07 PM
You're upset about people talking in class? When I went to a Catholic middle school, people had crack and Ecstasy in their lockers and would surreptitiously fondle/grope their girlfriend or boyfriend in class. When they weren't going through the weekly dramatic breakup, that is. These involve screaming and Cluster F Bombs in the middle of class, bursting into tears in the middle of class, and people showing up drunk out of their skulls the next day.

Oh, and there was one incident where a couple of idiot 8th graders attempted to steal some bases during school. And not in the baseball sense, though other athletic activities involving balls might have been on the agenda. There were two classrooms per grade, arranged like this:
======== ========
l l ======= l l
l === === l
l D D l
l === === l
l l ======= l l
==D===== =====D==
Excuse my terrible ASCII. "D" is a door, the boxes on the left and right are classrooms, and the box in the middle is the planning room. It contains two identical individual bathrooms, one marked male and the other marked female (why? They're individual and identical...), as well as cabinets full of textbooks. The doors to the planning room had long windows, so anyone in either classroom could see in.

The happy couple were in separate classes and devised a plan to get their bone on without having to cut class. Basically, one got up to go to the bathroom, texted the other, and stood in the planning room waiting for the other. The other arrived, and clothes came off. In the planning room with windows, rather than the individual bathrooms with doors that lock. It was about fifteen minutes before a teacher wondered why all of her students were staring into the planning room, enraptured.

The guy got suspended for three days; the girl was given two weeks of in-school suspension during which she was to clean the school while being lectured about abstinence and read Bible verses by the custodian whose job she took over for the duration of her punishment. Gender equality aside, the sight of her cleaning toilets with a toothbrush while being told sex was evil was freaking hilarious. Looking back, it was when I realized just how entertaining it is to laugh at people's pain when it's their own fault.

For punishment context, I was suspended for a week for "hacking" that wasn't really hacking, did no damage, was not actually against any rules, and could've been prevented if anyone in the faculty understood computers at all.

2009-09-12, 09:27 PM
Guy in my school was arrested for...well, no, I can't just jump right in, can I? Got to start from the beginning.

There's this guy, who's known as a bit of a character. Not in the charming-ribald-little-scamp sense, so much as the polite-way-to-say-he's-a-lowlife-DGAF-punk way. His hobbies included playing transsexual prostitutes in Spanish-class roleplays, super-gluing coins to the ground, and not bathing. He had a curly, unwashed golden 'fro and the funk of 40 thousand years about him.

Also, the guy always carries around a Cheerios box. Nobody stops and questions this fact, for reasons they would later be unable to explain.

So, one day, the spineless milktoast of a Spanish teacher is replaced by a levelheaded sub. She doesn't like his smirking, arrogant attitude from the outset, but she keeps her aggression in check in the way only someone who knows they'll never have to look at you again can.

At one point, he asks to be excused to the bathroom. People later would reflect that this was something he often did. Anyway, she allows it. He leaves the Cheerios box.

After he's left, she asks the class, "So...what's in that box, anyway?"

The students stop, look at one another, and kind of shrug.

She upends it...stares at the contents for a moment...then announces:

"These are the severed heads of kittens."

Well, okay, no. She says, "This is Marijuana."

The students, as one, do a double take. "Are you sure?" they ask.

She replies--and this is true--"I lived through the 70s. Trust me, I'm sure."

The police are called, the guy is arrested, and he's never seen again. Except, a week later, someone goes around and superglues all the locks at the school shut...they claim to have caught the guy, but his identity was never disclosed...


Eh. Probably.

2009-09-12, 09:36 PM
They didn't just talk, my OP clearly stated that they did a wide variety of chaotic acts, including using highlighter pens and glue as improvised explosives. Also some of the the other boys messed one of the bathrooms up, severely. Amongst them was a kid who had severe temperamental issues and used aforementioned glue to great effect, including flinging it across rooms, and it wasn't just this one class that was bad, every single class was bad, you could always hear the other teachers shouting at the classes.

Mauve Shirt
2009-09-12, 09:46 PM
When I was in 5th grade, I was in a DODD school, and our class was simply awful. There were at least two kids I remember who were allowed to use the computer or make paper snowflakes or whatever instead of participating in class, because the teacher just didn't want to deal with their rowdiness.
Most of the teachers in that school were giving up on the students anyway because they'd been teaching there so long and didn't care. Our teacher retired in December and for the rest of the year we had a string of subs, no one staying longer than a week, until one woman stayed the entire last month.

2009-09-12, 09:46 PM
He kept weed in a box of cheerios... How... Why... Did he really thing that that was inconspicuous? Also, your classmates were surprised? Why?

2009-09-12, 09:49 PM
He kept weed in a box of cheerios... How... Why... Did he really thing that that was inconspicuous? Also, your classmates were surprised? Why?

Three things:

1.) Technically, it wasn't my class, it was my sister's.

2.) I don't know if I've impressed this sufficiently upon you, but this guy? Was an idiot. Was an idiot. Was an idiot. Was an idiot.

Worse, he was the kind of idiot who thinks everyone around him is an even bigger idiot, which leads to hubrilicious decisions like let's stick my controlled substance in a bright yellow box.

3.) As for their reaction...these guys weren't exactly the brain trust. With the exception of my sister, who was essentially shanghied into the class, they were pretty damn thick as well.

2009-09-12, 09:57 PM
well... erm... how about the class that used a belt sander and blocks of wood to make spikes they went round stabbing each other with? (quite hard)

or the class that had a student who cut his own pubic hair with scissors then put it in an oven and turned it on?:smalleek:

or the class in which the teacher came in stoned every lesson? oh wait, thats the teachers fault not the classes....

or the class that re aranged the tables and used mp3 players and speakers to make a mini-moshpit?

or the class... you know what? i give up, theres too many.

2009-09-12, 10:03 PM
Some of these are hilarious!

2009-09-13, 07:16 AM
I've had some phenomenally awful yet (in hindsight) hilarious classes during my school years. Most of these come from one and the same school: some kind of puritan, moderately/high conservative school with rules for everything and where infractions were not tolerated at all. From what we've heard, everything went fine until they decided to add a few courses to their repertoire which resulted in a new influx of students, most of which proved to be rather... uncontrollable. Chaos ensued.

This is the kind of class that, when left unchecked, would do (read: destroy) just about anything. Lots of it involved windows, for some obscure reason.
For example, there was this time when a few of our classmates were pretend-fighting (remarkably distinct from real fighting which happened rather frequently as well), and it didnt take long before a few windows were broken. Despite the fact that everyone involved was clearly present and there were dozens of witnesses (the window that was broken wasn't our own...) we ended up pinning the blame on someone else, without too much success.
Another time was when the local schmoe in our class decided to remove the rubber isolation from all the windows in our classroom and use it to make a gigantic catapult. We used said catapult to bombard the chalkboard with broomsticks and whatnot, and 'to repel intruders' (after locking a couple of other classmates outside).
Then there's the time we threw all sorts of stuff out of the window (from the fifth floor) or to the roof across the street. When the schoolboard took notice of this, we of course denied everything vehemently.
We barely paid any attention in class (just enough to pass the year) and during any IT-related course we were mostly playing Counterstrike or using various messenger services, if we weren't busy messing the computers up in all sorts of ways or frying (or looting!) key components. Whenever we went on a school trip we'd mostly end up embarassing our school by wandering off, wandering off to destroy anything or being generally disruptive.

But we mostly fooled around with eachother: there were times during those IT classes where we tricked eachother into clicking all sorts of bad links and then, as they rushed to close all pop-ups displaying either something pornographic or suggesting they were fans of the Third Reich, we would ask the teacher to help us with some sort of problem (a lie, of course) just so the teacher would come over and catch the person next to us in the act.

Actually, that kind of thing happened a lot. For example:
- One of our classmates was an absolute god at pretending to have been the victim of (basically anything) and blaming the responsible party for it (the most frequent one being his claim that a classmate had hit him). Nearly half the times anyone got detention, it was because of him. None of us seemed to mind simply because he was so good at it and it was hilarious anyway.
- As a group effort, we convinced the entire school that there was another student in our class, but that whenever a teacher would arrive he had just left for some reason or another. It took the school more than six months to find out said student actually didn't exist at all.
- For my part, I convinced the school for more than two years that my jacket had been stolen. The same jacket I pretty much wore to school ever single day, including the time after these ridiculous claims. They never caught on, even as I gave detailed descriptions that my jacket still hadn't been returned yet while blatantly wearing said jacket in blazingly-hot June.
- We destroyed numerous computers, chairs, tables and dressers. Some of us made it a habit to pretend to be absent, then hide inside a dresser and then make 'ghost noises' during class. We kind of started a hoax there, but by that point none of the teachers took us seriously anymore.
- We convinced most teachers that they weren't supposed to be teaching us due to a change in management they hadn't been informed about. This trick, or any variation thereof, resulted in us skipping a ton of classes.
- We routinely played poker (or any other card game) during class. Some teachers didn't mind. Some even joined in.
- And lots of stuff more I've probably forgotten by now.

All in all, we were pretty damn bad and I think the school was real glad to see us go after a few years.

2009-09-13, 08:03 AM
My grade six/seven Japanese class literally drove the teacher to quit.
They tried their damned hardest in grade 8, too, making fun of the teacher when somebody she knew died in a car-crash.

2009-09-13, 09:11 AM
My school was plagued with the usual drunk/stoned/violent/rebellious just because they can a**hats.

One that particularly stands out is the kid who in Year 9 got so many detentions (the school could only allow a child to sit 3 separate detentions/week) that at the end of the year he still had 45 to work off. So they made him come back during the summer (council ordered after his family refused the first 2 times) and do extra lessons.

He set fire to a science lab gas tap that caused an explosion. Needless to say he wasn't allowed back in September.

2009-09-13, 09:33 AM
Three things:

1.) Technically, it wasn't my class, it was my sister's.

2.) I don't know if I've impressed this sufficiently upon you, but this guy? Was an idiot. Was an idiot. Was an idiot. Was an idiot.

Worse, he was the kind of idiot who thinks everyone around him is an even bigger idiot, which leads to hubrilicious decisions like let's stick my controlled substance in a bright yellow box.

3.) As for their reaction...these guys weren't exactly the brain trust. With the exception of my sister, who was essentially shanghied into the class, they were pretty damn thick as well.
Hold on...

1.) Technically, it wasn't my class, it was my sister's.


it was my sister's.


my sister

The fact that Rutskarn has a sister vaguely scares me. o.0

2009-09-13, 11:32 AM
I'd chide you, but...no, it's about as bad as you can imagine.

2009-09-13, 11:34 AM
Wow, I've been in some good schools. :smalltongue:

Worst I've had was a year or two ago, when we had no teacher. So we sat in lesson doing nothing. Well. One kid kept trying to get out the room to go get a teacher, and the jocks in our class basically kept dragging him back in by the arms. Was quite amusing.

2009-09-13, 11:43 AM
My school time in California was horrific. True, no school is a 50s sitcom ideal of perfect angels, but... They chewed gum in class. Chewed gum! And the teachers allowed it!

Not only that, but... Drinking water in class, I can understand. Hydration is key, even in cold weather environs, so it's important to keep up on your fluids. Energy drinks and sodas, though?! Has the world gone Mad?!

2009-09-13, 12:30 PM
My school time in California was horrific. True, no school is a 50s sitcom ideal of perfect angels, but... They chewed gum in class. Chewed gum! And the teachers allowed it!

Not only that, but... Drinking water in class, I can understand. Hydration is key, even in cold weather environs, so it's important to keep up on your fluids. Energy drinks and sodas, though?! Has the world gone Mad?!

What horrible awful children! Oh wait, I do that. :smalltongue:

Jesse Drake
2009-09-13, 12:40 PM
Oh, oh, I've got another one. This was in 6th grade... IT was in band, and our teacher was a pill popper drunk with a missing finger. That wasn't the premise.

My best friend was late, and the guy got pissed. He told my friend to bend over... Then kicked him, and laughed. Not hard, but a kick in the butt no less. And right in front of a camera!!! Yeah, that teacher never came back and our band class sucked with sub after sub.

2009-09-13, 01:19 PM
My school time in California was horrific. True, no school is a 50s sitcom ideal of perfect angels, but... They chewed gum in class. Chewed gum! And the teachers allowed it!

Not only that, but... Drinking water in class, I can understand. Hydration is key, even in cold weather environs, so it's important to keep up on your fluids. Energy drinks and sodas, though?! Has the world gone Mad?!

Are you kidding? That really isn't that bad. Why is chewing gum so bad if you can still concentrate. Same for sodas.

2009-09-13, 01:21 PM
I had a math teacher shatter a yardstick on a girls desk for talking in class, and this isn't hitting the desk and breaking the yardstick in half, the largest remaining peice had three inches on it.

Friend of mine was told by a different math teacher she had no head for numbers, and if she could find a scool to accept her after highschool she should be an art major because she probably wouldn't be able to do anything else. On my friends defence every math teacher i've met in our district has the same way of helping, disscussions usually go like this:
Student: I'm having problems with this can we go back over it?
Teacher: It's in the book, go back over it
S: Can you show me again?
T: It's on the board
S: Board's identical, can we do a different problem so i can see how it goes?
T: There's problems in the book, do one.

isn't it great? Every math teacher I've encountered has been like that.

2009-09-13, 01:24 PM
Are you kidding? That really isn't that bad. Why is chewing gum so bad if you can still concentrate. Same for sodas.

My Internet Sarcasm Detector is out of order, so all I can do is hope you're joking.

When I first started my education, gum was a prohibited item in the class room and we learned about Moneras and Protistas.This went along for a long while, until BANG! Suddenly we're learning about Eubacteria and Archebacteria and kids and chewing their gum like cows chew curd and my entire world went upside-down :smalleek:

2009-09-13, 01:25 PM
My school time in California was horrific. True, no school is a 50s sitcom ideal of perfect angels, but... They chewed gum in class. Chewed gum! And the teachers allowed it!

Not only that, but... Drinking water in class, I can understand. Hydration is key, even in cold weather environs, so it's important to keep up on your fluids. Energy drinks and sodas, though?! Has the world gone Mad?!

My Internet Sarcasm Detector is out of order, so all I can do is hope you're joking.

2009-09-13, 01:30 PM
Really? I remember our math teacher... when we started Analysis and integration, he started making progressively simpler examples until everyone got it. I remember that the last one, when he was losing patience a little, contained houses, trees and clouds instead of numbers, including drawings on the blackboard in amazing detail.

2009-09-13, 02:12 PM
I took this science class, it was supposed to be a bird course. Figure I'd take it and get an easy 3 credits, seeing as I needed 6 sciences credits.

I went to the first class. Damn, there was this one weird as **** part. The teacher is trans, and gave us a 15 minute biography of herself, all the way from birth to the present. The thing is, part way through we got an earful about her transition from a male to a female, including pictures of her former male self with a beard! I don't care whether or not someone is trans, it wouldn't even make me not date someone, but I felt like the entire thing was overwraught and inappropriate for the class; we're here for science lady, I don't care where you were born.

She then proceded to play a video movie for us and introduced it with "I think it's narrated by [some guy]" and the first line of narration is "Hi, I'm [some guy]." The room burst out laughing.

I never went to the class again. The final exam was worth 100% because I obviously missed all the in class quizzes and didn't write the paper. I studied for an hour and a half from 6 to 7:30 the day of the exam and got a C in the class. ;\

2009-09-13, 02:30 PM
My music teacher in private school said we were all going to jail for being such horrid creatures after one kid was talking to another. She then proceeded to cry for the class.

James taped it all on his phone. :smallamused:

2009-09-13, 02:35 PM
I've been in about a half dozen classes that made the teacher break down in tears for various reasons.

There was the one time a student in a shop class **** in a trash can. In his defense, when you gotta go you gotta go.

We had a small scale race riot when a white student stood up and yelled "KKK! White Power!". But I'm not sure if that counts since it was at lunch.

2009-09-13, 02:51 PM
James taped it all on his phone. :smallamused:


2009-09-13, 02:54 PM
Friend of mine was told by a different math teacher she had no head for numbers, and if she could find a school to accept her after highschool she should be an art major because she probably wouldn't be able to do anything else.

I find this offensive. Whoever that teacher was clearly had no idea how hard art majors are, or how much math it requires just to get to the second year.

Jack Squat
2009-09-13, 03:10 PM
I find this offensive. Whoever that teacher was clearly had no idea how hard art majors are, or how much math it requires just to get to the second year.

On the flip side, it's pretty much the only college in our University that doesn't require getting through Calc II (yes, even business degrees require it). I know Architecture, which is in the Art department requires you to take basic calculus, but I don't believe being getting an art degree even requires that.

It's still a stupid statement though.

2009-09-13, 03:13 PM

A dude with a cellphone capeable of tapeing conversations.

Emperor Ing
2009-09-13, 03:20 PM

I believe 'James' would be the name of one of his fellow classmates.

BTW, wouldya mind having it uploaded to youtube for all to enjoy? :smallamused:

2009-09-13, 03:31 PM
Twas' a recording and I don't know him anymore, we both moved schools.

2009-09-13, 03:44 PM
My compared to you guys, my school career has been extremely boring...

Heck, I can't even remember a time when my class pulled a prank on the teacher. :smallsigh:

Uncle Festy
2009-09-13, 06:28 PM
- As a group effort, we convinced the entire school that there was another student in our class, but that whenever a teacher would arrive he had just left for some reason or another. It took the school more than six months to find out said student actually didn't exist at all.

Wow. *shakes head*
That's… that's hilarious. :smallbiggrin:
*Quote of the week's*

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2009-09-13, 07:23 PM
Man, all of the pranks I remember where either pulled by the teacher, or inspired by him. He was awesome.

Prank 1
Had had just told the class a story from when he was little, when his big brother and a friend spent an entire afternoon when his parents were out talking about how bad it was that he was dead now, and how much he'd miss him. The next day, we did that to a kid who was absent for the story. We got a little bit of a telling off, but also smiles from the teacher

Prank 2
We must have wasted so much classtime on this one. One person in my class was absent for a couple of weeks, on a trip somewhere, and when we got back, we pretended that, in her absence, our teacher had learned how to teach us telepathically. We would sit perfectly straight in our chairs, and he would just point and glower at us, and the chosen student would make an answer to the telepathic question of the top of her mind, and say it. He would look thoughtful a moment, and then nod slowly, and repeat. Eventually, he came to a friend of mine, who was chosen to give a wrong answer. For that, he got force-choked, and slammed onto his desk. He actually fell onto the floor, and bruised himself. By now, the former Absentee is thoroughly spooked. Teacher points at her. She turns to the girl next to her, and whispers "What on earth's happening, this is creepy", at which point Teacher can't keep it up anymore, and breaks down laughing. So worth it.

2009-09-14, 08:07 AM
My dad did one, where he recorded exactly what happened in one of his classes, and gave tapes of the first 15 minutes to everyone else in the class bar one person. The next day, the whole class duplicated exactly what happened word for word, until one of his students wrecked it by cracking and laughing.

Worst class I've ever been in?
Well, I picked the Language that all the derro's picked in year 8 (German) and as several of the classes were Language sorted rather than English Sorted, which would have been preferable by far, PE was a nightmare for me. But that's probably because a lot of the aggression was directed at me personally, rather than the class itself being that awful.
I know a teacher that accidentally broke a table when she smashed a chair on it to get the classes attention. She's pretty crazy, but she's also a pretty nice person, except when she gets the classes attention.

2009-09-14, 08:10 AM
Oh, on the subject of pretending strange things towards new teachers: we are in switzerland, where french loanwords and french first names are much more common than in germany. Now, we had a german substitute teacher, who, of course, didn't speak a single word of french and couldn't even pronounce it. The logical solution? The entire class had french first names for those two weeks. Seeing her struggle with pronounciations whenever she tried to call on a student was hilarious.

2009-09-14, 05:03 PM
I had a math teacher shatter a yardstick on a girls desk for talking in class, and this isn't hitting the desk and breaking the yardstick in half, the largest remaining peice had three inches on it.

Friend of mine was told by a different math teacher she had no head for numbers, and if she could find a scool to accept her after highschool she should be an art major because she probably wouldn't be able to do anything else. On my friends defence every math teacher i've met in our district has the same way of helping, disscussions usually go like this:
Student: I'm having problems with this can we go back over it?
Teacher: It's in the book, go back over it
S: Can you show me again?
T: It's on the board
S: Board's identical, can we do a different problem so i can see how it goes?
T: There's problems in the book, do one.

isn't it great? Every math teacher I've encountered has been like that.

Sounds like the Math teachers I know... :smallsigh:

There is a kid in my home room who I've been in classes with the last 3 years.

He has:
- Bitten 3 people
- Pulled out his hair, eaten it, coughed up hairballs, and then thrown them at people
- Spit in a girl's face
- Smacked another girl in the butt
- Collected his dandruff and thrown it on people
- Chewed the hair off his legs and repeated the hairball incident
- Brought Legos to school, made a ball launcher, and shot someone in the eye
- Gone 2 years without brushing his teeth and breathing on people
- Smashed a trumpet against the well
- Screamed a horrible primal wail until our Sub cried
- Jumped on someones back and clung to them

Oh, the list goes on for ages...

2009-09-14, 05:13 PM
This thread is for those of us who's classes in the past were plagued by bad apples. The kind that make staff go insane, you know what I mean?

I was being home schooled for several years before this class, and this class is why I still home school, my parents had decided to give a nearby catholic school a chance with me, I was practically the only complete angel in that class, almost every one else acted like the spawn of demons, talking to each other, falling out of chairs and tipping desks on purpose, and if our teachers merely turned their backs to write on the chalkboard, chaos would ensue, and leaving us unwatched for merely 30 seconds would turn the class into a battleground, it was so bad that I had to cover my head with books to avoid getting hit in the head by workbooks, notebooks, and even textbooks. And lunch was a disaster zone! I now avoid schools like the plague.

I didnt read this all yet but I just wanted to post with my opinion against home schooling. Every home schooled person ive met might as well be labeled socially retarded. Not all of them but most of the five I know have anxiety problems and cant deal with confrontation at all. If you were to walk up to one of them and say "HEY THIS IS MY ****ING LAPTOP YOU STOLE IT FROM ME!" In a loud voice they would cower and let you take the damned thing.

ANYWAY thats all i wanted to post.

2009-09-14, 05:44 PM
During one of my year ten physics classes, a few of the guys up the back of the room decided to screw with the teacher by throwing chairs out the window. Every time he turned around to write something on the board, one of them would get up, run to the window and drop their chair out, then run back and pretend to be sitting down. Eventually one of the teachers from the classes downstairs started to wonder why chairs had been falling past his windows and came up to ask.

2009-09-14, 05:44 PM
I didnt read this all yet but I just wanted to post with my opinion against home schooling. Every home schooled person ive met might as well be labeled socially retarded. Not all of them but most of the five I know have anxiety problems and cant deal with confrontation at all. If you were to walk up to one of them and say "HEY THIS IS MY ****ING LAPTOP YOU STOLE IT FROM ME!" In a loud voice they would cower and let you take the damned thing.

ANYWAY thats all i wanted to post.

If I remember correctly, this thread is for complaining about students in classes that are just plain nasty not the anti-home school thread:smallannoyed:

2009-09-14, 06:12 PM
In a high school biology class, we were given scalpels to dissect plant material. There were these guys who were usually the bully types.

One of the guys reaction to receiving said scalpel was to promptly get up, walk over to his friend (who was looking into a microscope) and stab him in the ass.
The second guy barely reacted until he saw the blood, first guy laughing all the way.

An ambulance was called, and the poor victim was carted out on a trolley with his ass in the air. :smalleek:

Highlord Cryss
2009-09-14, 06:28 PM
In a high school biology class, we were given scalpels to dissect plant material. There were these guys who were usually the bully types.

One of the guys reaction to receiving said scalpel was to promptly get up, walk over to his friend (who was looking into a microscope) and stab him in the ass.
The second guy barely reacted until he saw the blood, first guy laughing all the way.

An ambulance was called, and the poor victim was carted out on a trolley with his ass in the air. :smalleek:

Wow, that's brutal.... I mean... Really.... That's just horrible...

Jack Squat
2009-09-14, 06:33 PM
In a high school biology class, we were given scalpels to dissect plant material. There were these guys who were usually the bully types.

One of the guys reaction to receiving said scalpel was to promptly get up, walk over to his friend (who was looking into a microscope) and stab him in the ass.
The second guy barely reacted until he saw the blood, first guy laughing all the way.

An ambulance was called, and the poor victim was carted out on a trolley with his ass in the air. :smalleek:

The fellow with the scalpel is deeply disturbed, but I still let out a chuckle at the mental image of guy #2 being wheeled out.

2009-09-14, 06:37 PM
I almost forgot about the one time I was a disruptive student. It was a study hall where almost everyone was silent all the time. The only exceptions were two friends, one guy and one girl, and myself.

We would talk loudly for the whole forty minutes every day. About orgasms and periods and sexual fantasies. For some reason I didn't realize at the time how rude this was while everyone around us was trying to study.

At least it probably educated the freshmen more than sex-ed did.

2009-09-14, 07:17 PM
My mother used to work at the school I went to. I was having a bit of trouble with a group of bullies, getting in a fight pretty much every week. At one point, my mother walks into class to give a message to the teacher and while I'm distracted one of the guys hits me with a chair (which I blocked) and decked me in the face (which I didn't block because of the chair.) Regardless, it is a testament to their lack of intelligence that they did this in front of a teacher AND my mother.

The problem was at least one person from this group was in every single one of my classes and on the soccer team that year (both the school team and the club team I played on). Let's just say, it was a good thing a guy 3 years older than me kicked the crap out of me the year prior to that and taught me what it meant to be in a real fight.

We also had a teacher go to jail for sexually molesting some kids in his youth group, but nobody like him.

2009-09-14, 07:58 PM
I guess I can say I have two classes that were/are a bane to me. Last year, I had this teacher that hated me for some odd reason. This resulted in me failing the class, now, let me tell you the story of why the teacher failed me and I'm not an idiot. The first test in his class, I got a 67%, this year, the same test and I did nothing differently, I got a 87%.

But, this math class this year also has problems, mainly being I'm the only good kid, or one of the only good kids. My "bad" classmates talk over the teacher, interrupt constantly, get up out of their seat for no reason (Which isn't allowed), and their conversations aren't that nice either. This doesn't mean anything and please don't hate me, but all of the "bad" kids are "black".

2009-09-14, 08:03 PM
In general, if the race isn't pertinent to the situation in any way, it's a good idea not to bring it up.

2009-09-14, 08:07 PM
A couple years ago, we had a trainee teacher from the local teacher college getting some experience in our maths class. He had the most boring voice I have ever heard. He spent an entire term trying to teach us one area of maths - I forget what, but none of us understood it. He was sick for a day and our teacher from the year before took us. By the end of the period, we'd all got it.

And for contrast, my electronics teacher is awesome. He forces us to take a break halfway through our double periods, blows up capacitors, and teaches us how to ignite pencils with an electric current, while saying "If you get it to blow up, that's great!"
A few weeks ago, we came into the class and he had written "V/I = futile" on the board. When the class all got in, he started explaining that voltage divided by current was equal to futile. The class idiot said, "But, I thought V over I meant resistance?"
"YES! So resistance is futile!" And he literally fell over with laughter.

2009-09-14, 09:01 PM
Wow. After reading some of these stories, none of my classes seem that bad. I just have the usual talking in class, although one girl in a class I have in my Algebra 2 class is the type that creates conflict needlessly and feels like every comment the teacher (well... extended sub) makes is aimed at her and only her.

This year in English though, I have possibly the most awesome teacher ever. He pulls more pranks on the students then we'd ever attempt on him. The best one was when he let a kid go out to the bathroom. There is a table right next to the classroom door, so he stood up on it after the other kid left. The kid came back in, and the teacher jumps down, grabs him, and screams bloody murder in the kid's ear. Well, let's just say that the kid hadn't completely emptied his bladder in the bathroom:smallamused:.

I remember one kid in third grade who seemed to not know how to interact with other people at all. I don't even think he was trying to be bad or annoying or funny, he just had no idea how to act. Now, by then, spanking had been banned, but the teacher was fed up with him. The teacher grabbed him by the wrist, and the kid POOPS HIS PANTS to avoid getting spanked. I nearly died laughing.

Moff Chumley
2009-09-14, 09:20 PM
I guess I can say I have two classes that were/are a bane to me. Last year, I had this teacher that hated me for some odd reason. This resulted in me failing the class, now, let me tell you the story of why the teacher failed me and I'm not an idiot. The first test in his class, I got a 67%, this year, the same test and I did nothing differently, I got a 87%.

But, this math class this year also has problems, mainly being I'm the only good kid, or one of the only good kids. My "bad" classmates talk over the teacher, interrupt constantly, get up out of their seat for no reason (Which isn't allowed), and their conversations aren't that nice either. This doesn't mean anything and please don't hate me, but all of the "bad" kids are "black".

Erm, you can edit out the text instead of crossing it out. FYI.

2009-09-14, 09:28 PM
I didnt read this all yet but I just wanted to post with my opinion against home schooling. Every home schooled person ive met might as well be labeled socially retarded. Not all of them but most of the five I know have anxiety problems and cant deal with confrontation at all. If you were to walk up to one of them and say "HEY THIS IS MY ****ING LAPTOP YOU STOLE IT FROM ME!" In a loud voice they would cower and let you take the damned thing.

ANYWAY thats all i wanted to post.

And I went to public school my whole life and it broke me. I was the kid all throughout school that the bullies, and most of every school I went to most of the kids were bullies, would just love to pick on. I never got physically attacked, with few exceptions, but the mental scars are still there. If I had been homeschooled, I'd probably have some self confidence.

Inhuman Bot
2009-09-14, 09:56 PM
My school has a reputation for violence, but usually people can get along fairly well, with usually only a few serious fights a week.

For a reason I don't know, 2 people had gotten really angry at each other, 1 of them being in my class.

A common enough occurence, until one day guy #1 came into guy #2's class, with a knife, and tried to stab guy 1.

Guy #1 dodged and broke a chair on the other guys head. The class stood there in awkward silence, as isn't unreasonable when something like this happens, so I took out my cell phone and called 911.

The principle walked in, and I got detention for using my cell phone in class. (:smallsigh:)

2009-09-14, 10:00 PM
And I went to public school my whole life and it broke me. I was the kid all throughout school that the bullies, and most of every school I went to most of the kids were bullies, would just love to pick on. I never got physically attacked, with few exceptions, but the mental scars are still there. If I had been homeschooled, I'd probably have some self confidence.

This. Except replace 'self-confidence' with 'less hatred towards people and a little more empathy instead of wanting to hurt people.'

Slaanesh: What. The. Smeg. Detention? >_<

2009-09-15, 07:11 AM
This. Except replace 'self-confidence' with 'less hatred towards people and a little more empathy instead of wanting to hurt people.'

Slaanesh: What. The. Smeg. Detention? >_<

Well, that too. But I still have some empathy remaining, since that is still a large part of who I am. Or used to be. I'm bitter now, half the time.

2009-09-15, 01:38 PM
I didnt read this all yet but I just wanted to post with my opinion against home schooling. Every home schooled person ive met might as well be labeled socially retarded. Not all of them but most of the five I know have anxiety problems and cant deal with confrontation at all. If you were to walk up to one of them and say "HEY THIS IS MY ****ING LAPTOP YOU STOLE IT FROM ME!" In a loud voice they would cower and let you take the damned thing.

ANYWAY thats all i wanted to post.

Sir, I find that extremely offensive. I have been home-educated for most of my life and do not behave in that way.

I am, frankly, insulted.

2009-09-15, 02:48 PM
Well, since pretty much all "common knowledge" of homeschooled people is anecdotal evidence and therefore of debatable accuracy, you should be careful not to make comments complaining about them. It's always the worst cases that stick out in your mind.

Back on topic, our art classes were widely considered rather boring (art history! yay!), but some of our teachers were scary and amusing. While unfortunately I was never taught by him, one teacher built a Tesla coil out of salvaged parts and promptly caused the school's electricity to short out.

Mr. Mud
2009-09-17, 06:39 PM
(Is this what thread Necro is like :awe:... It's on the second page. Who replies to stuff, THERE...)

Anyway, my AP Calculus C teacher doesn't consider a "red pen" to have red ink. So, this is not a red pen, (http://images-cdn01.associatedcontent.com/image/A2850/28503/150_28503.jpg) Regardless of it's ink color. The handle, or grip part of the pen, as well as the ink, has to be red. When the first day of school rolled around, and I saw sitting there with my "black pen that writings in red", I got my first grade... a 0/5 on my first assignment. Of the entire school year. Because my pen was a different plastic color, when she never specified... :smallfurious:.

2009-09-17, 08:32 PM
That is rather harsh. :smalleek: