View Full Version : V's Bird...

2009-09-13, 08:25 AM
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that adding a new protagonist at this late stage in the game is a bit awkward? Not that I begrudge the character development it provides for V, mind you.

2009-09-13, 09:18 AM
Actually no... Having something act as V's conscience and possibly more reasonable half does give V a lot more depth.

2009-09-13, 09:21 AM
What are you talking about? Blackwing has always been around since the beginning.

Or at least was in strip #3. That's not exactly recent.

Turkish Delight
2009-09-13, 09:22 AM
Nah. It's good character development for V. It works precisely because the bird isn't really 'new'; it's just every time we've seen it before it vanished again the moment it ceased to be useful. V was always self-centered, and acknowledging the familiar shows he's moving away from that.

2009-09-13, 09:30 AM
Blackwing is pretty awesome.

The fact that he is acting as V's reasoning and, pretty much holding her back from going completely evil in every way possible. :smallamused:

2009-09-13, 09:57 AM
What bird :smallamused:

2009-09-13, 01:23 PM
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that adding a new protagonist at this late stage in the game is a bit awkward? Not that I begrudge the character development it provides for V, mind you.

It's just you. :smallconfused:

He's hardly a "new protagonist". Besides having been a recurring character all this time, he's also just another talking head. If he became the star of the strip, that would be iffy, but he's just another character. This would be like complaining that the turban guy is being introduced too late in the game. Or Girard, if he shows up.

2009-09-13, 01:35 PM
D: Guys, I'm serious. What's this stick-figure comic you keep talking about?

2009-09-13, 02:09 PM
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that adding a new protagonist at this late stage in the game is a bit awkward? Not that I begrudge the character development it provides for V, mind you.

Belkar got Mr. Scruffy not too long ago.

And no.

Olorin Maia
2009-09-13, 02:17 PM
I think that the added development for V far outweighs any oddities about adding in another protagonist at this stage.

Ted The Bug
2009-09-13, 02:21 PM
What bird :smallamused:

What gate?

2009-09-13, 02:23 PM
What gate?

What comic?

2009-09-13, 02:23 PM
Blackwing is not a new anything. Nor is Blackwing a protagonist. As a familiar, blackwing has gained higher intelligence and skills over time as V has gone up in levels. Blackwing has a bond with V that is based on V's power and personality. Anything Blackwing "speaks" to V is therefore, in a manner, as result of V's own mind. V has evolved in a way that allows Blackwing to express vocally certain thoughts and emotions that a "normal" person might have inside her own head. This is very different from having some other sentient bird just show up and suddenly start motivating V. V is motivating him/her self and using Blackwing as an external mental tool to do it.

2009-09-13, 02:27 PM
It's just you. :smallconfused:

He's hardly a "new protagonist". Besides having been a recurring character all this time, he's also just another talking head. If he became the star of the strip, that would be iffy, but he's just another character. This would be like complaining that the turban guy is being introduced too late in the game. Or Girard, if he shows up....Or the biggest protagonist in the comic, the Guy with the Halberd. If the Giant had thought he'd be showing up too late, he wouldn't have added him, and we'd still be moshing around in our miserable lives without guidance.

2009-09-13, 02:41 PM
I really doubt we're "late in the game" at this point; we might be in the second half of the story (or at least somewhere near that point) but we're only in the fifth book. Even if Rich somehow ended everything in the next two books (something that probably isn't going to happen), we'd still be only 2/3 of the way there at this point, and it's certainly not too late to add another major character to the mix. Heck, the fiends have only been important for a small percentage of the comic.

2009-09-13, 02:50 PM
I agree. It really sucked when Lando Calrissian was added 2/3rds of the way through The Empire Strikes Back. We already had plenty of established characters by this time in the saga. Why add a new person to the group? :smallmad:

2009-09-13, 02:53 PM
What comic?

What forum? :smallconfused:

The Extinguisher
2009-09-13, 03:25 PM
What forum? :smallconfused:

What internet?

2009-09-13, 04:47 PM
What internet?

Hey, you guys are totally ripping on my act! D:<

*Drawmij's Instant Summons!* (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0678.html)

2009-09-13, 05:04 PM
Actually I think his permanent reinsertion in the comic at this point is truly fantastic storytelling, in fact I think it's a genius move from a writer I have come to expect such moves from.

By his desire to become a better person in 672 V has brought into being an entity which (As we've now seen) can act as his conscience. Since Blackwing disappears and reappears at V's will, this is a sign that V, on a mental level, has changed for the better.

Yet is a mental level enough? S/he still owes his/her soul to three demons (Well, one demon, but you know what I mean) of inscrutable (But doubtlessly evil) purpose. Three entities which have show great interest in the 'task of literally universal significance.'

We are led to wonder, is V's desire to change enough to escape damnation? If s/he does not escape damnation, will s/he doom the world?

2009-09-13, 05:10 PM
Okay, seriously. This isn't some unheard of, unbelievable adding of a character. Anybody who's read anything other than crummy internet fan fiction shouldn't be surprised at new characters coming on scene in the last part of a story.

There's no oddities. This is how stories work. Honestly, what are you people reading that this amazes you?

Warren Dew
2009-09-13, 05:28 PM
Actually no... Having something act as V's conscience and possibly more reasonable half does give V a lot more depth.

Huh? What would give Vaarsuvius more depth is to have this kind of thing happen internally. Externalizing his thoughtfulness does the opposite.

What this does provide is the opportunity for more punch lines, which is always good.

And it does give blackwing some character development.

2009-09-13, 05:47 PM
What internet?

What universe?


David Argall
2009-09-13, 05:49 PM
There will be new characters in each of the next three books who will have substantial parts of perhaps 50 strips. And we have been told that O-Chul and Lien will reappear in book 7. So it's not really a big deal.

2009-09-13, 07:21 PM
There will be new characters in each of the next three books who will have substantial parts of perhaps 50 strips. And we have been told that O-Chul and Lien will reappear in book 7. So it's not really a big deal.

I like the sound of this.

Also, I concide defeat. You were right on the return of the fat turban man.

2009-09-13, 07:23 PM
There will be new characters in each of the next three books who will have substantial parts of perhaps 50 strips. And we have been told that O-Chul and Lien will reappear in book 7. So it's not really a big deal.

where was this said?

2009-09-13, 07:39 PM
I agree. It really sucked when Lando Calrissian was added 2/3rds of the way through The Empire Strikes Back. We already had plenty of established characters by this time in the saga. Why add a new person to the group? :smallmad:

Same with villains, why add Boba Fett?

Burlew's probably been waiting for a while to pull Blackwing out as more than a peripheral character to give V some character growth. I like how the burd is getting some "personality"

2009-09-13, 07:44 PM
where was this said?

Nowhere, he just posts stuff like that so that people think he has some sort of inside information. It's usually obvious enough that he can claim he was right and things "changed" if he's off by a little. And we have NOT been told that they will reapper. You can see that by looking at the Giant's post history yourself. But obviously they will, they're going to the last gate.

Because seriously, of course there will be new characters, and 50 strips is about how long a lot of characters last. We do not know that there will only be three books, though.

Same with villains, why add Boba Fett?

Burlew's probably been waiting for a while to pull Blackwing out as more than a peripheral character to give V some character growth. I like how the burd is getting some "personality"

Considering he has the basic plot planned out, I doubt he was "waiting" so much as "he planned to have Blackwing take a larger role after V is humiliated".

David Argall
2009-09-13, 08:54 PM
where was this said?
Where was what said?
The post you refer to makes a number of statements, and so you need to make it clearer which statement[s] is under question.

Now if you wonder about the reappearance of O-Chul, we have 671, which tells us they will be at the Nothern gate. We also have the writer's statement that he has enough material for seven books. We have started the 5th, which looks to be full of non O-Chul events. The contents of book 6 look uncertain [tho I am betting on a visit to the Snarl world], but we are most unlikely to get to the Northern gate before book 7. If we do not see O-Chul then, it will be because there is going to be an 8th book.

2009-09-13, 09:03 PM
Where was what said?
The post you refer to makes a number of statements, and so you need to make it clearer which statement[s] is under question.

Now if you wonder about the reappearance of O-Chul, we have 671, which tells us they will be at the Nothern gate. We also have the writer's statement that he has enough material for seven books. We have started the 5th, which looks to be full of non O-Chul events. The contents of book 6 look uncertain [tho I am betting on a visit to the Snarl world], but we are most unlikely to get to the Northern gate before book 7. If we do not see O-Chul then, it will be because there is going to be an 8th book.

I forgot to add "obfuscates the obvious when directly confronted.

2009-09-13, 09:22 PM
It seems to me Blackwing serves a role similar to Haley's self-loathing.
And he's not a new character, he was introduced a long time ago.
And it all makes sense in the story, too.

This is a party of adventurers, who are going to various places of the world to save it. There will be new characters up till the end, I'm pretty sure.

2009-09-13, 10:06 PM
And it does give blackwing some character development.

The only thing that has given Blackwing any dev is a shiny bauble.

And he has been on V's shoulder the entire time. I don't get it....some of you can't see him?

2009-09-13, 10:42 PM
It really sucked when Lando Calrissian was added 2/3rds of the way through The Empire Strikes Back.

Actually, yes, it did. There is NO reason why Lando should have led the assault on the Death Star. Han had already been established as the best pilot in the rebellion. This is just further proof that George Lucas is evil - Han Solo went from ultimate badm-f- in the original Star Wars to comic relief by Jedi and was completely emasculated with "Greedo shoots first and misses twice" in the revisionist history.

A better story would have built Han Solo up more, instead of tearing him down, and allowing him to be the leader and hero he was meant to be.

What does this have to do with Blackwing?


Remember, Blackwing isn't a new character. Blackwing in PART OF V'S CHARACTER. Blackwing is the growth of V that V needs to finally be a hero, to finally be a force for good against evil. Blackwing is Han Solo leading the rebel fleet instead of storytelling with teddy bears.

2009-09-14, 11:18 AM
Actually, Lando was supposed to die in the final assault. That's why he led it, so Han would stay alive for potential future endeavors and Lando could be redeemed. You can see it in the movie, they make references to how they'll never see the Falcon again.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-14, 02:35 PM
And he has been on V's shoulder the entire time. I don't get it....some of you can't see him?

it's a joke that's been going around for a while. at the start it was "what gate?" like the MITD says and now they're just branching out.

2009-09-14, 03:24 PM
Now if you wonder about the reappearance of O-Chul, we have 671, which tells us they will be at the Nothern gate. We also have the writer's statement that he has enough material for seven books. We have started the 5th, which looks to be full of non O-Chul events. The contents of book 6 look uncertain [tho I am betting on a visit to the Snarl world], but we are most unlikely to get to the Northern gate before book 7. If we do not see O-Chul then, it will be because there is going to be an 8th book.

Taking into account that we so far only have seen six pages of the fifth book (presumeably), there is a lot of room for numerous O-Chul and Lien appearances. After all, Rich likes to swich scenes whenever the character has to do some boring off-panel stuff (like crossing hundreds of miles of desert and there are no good jokes left on that topic), so we will both see the Order, Team Evil, the Linear Guild and most likely O-Chul and Lien in the next book.

And I honestly can't see any problem with adding another character to the strip if it's done good (especially if that character is V's familiar).

2009-09-15, 11:16 AM
What I love about Blackwing is that s/he is sort of the personifercation of V's mind. What Blackwing says is a way of seeing what Vaarsuvius is thinking in an awesome way. What Blackwing says are things that have been going on in V's mind for the entire comic, we just couldn't see them.
In other words, BLACKWING IS AWESOME!!!

Turkish Delight
2009-09-15, 11:38 AM
Actually, Lando was supposed to die in the final assault. That's why he led it, so Han would stay alive for potential future endeavors and Lando could be redeemed. You can see it in the movie, they make references to how they'll never see the Falcon again.

Test audiences hated it, or so I hear, so it was cut. Frankly, the whole thing would have seemed dramatically out of place; probably a good decision.

But on subject, I'm not really sure why people are calling V's bird a 'new character' being introduced. Blackwing is a very, very old character now getting more screen time and personality. Even then, as mentioned and given what we've seen so far, it could just as fairly be said Blackwing isn't even really a character so much as V's better side given voice, keeping him on the right track so he overcomes his recent slide into Neutral Evil.

2009-09-15, 12:43 PM
But on subject, I'm not really sure why people are calling V's bird a 'new character' being introduced. Blackwing is a very, very old character now getting more screen time and personality. Even then, as mentioned and given what we've seen so far, it could just as fairly be said Blackwing isn't even really a character so much as V's better side given voice, keeping him on the right track so he overcomes his recent slide into Neutral Evil.

This is especially true if the current Blackwing really *is* all in V's head (barring the occasional illusion).

2009-09-15, 01:17 PM
It becomes even more true if all the Order are in Vaarsuvius' head.

--And Xykon, too.

David Argall
2009-09-15, 03:57 PM
Taking into account that we so far only have seen six pages of the fifth book (presumeably), there is a lot of room for numerous O-Chul and Lien appearances. After all, Rich likes to swich scenes whenever the character has to do some boring off-panel stuff (like crossing hundreds of miles of desert and there are no good jokes left on that topic), so we will both see the Order, Team Evil, the Linear Guild and most likely O-Chul and Lien in the next book.

Our best example here is the linear Guild flying off in 458. We have seen them once since, and that was only technically. O-Chul and Lien are in the same class and will not be seen for a book or two. They have a destination and there is little need for us to learn about what they are doing until they encounter the party again. We have had switch scenes to Team Evil or the Guild to tell us they were going to be meeting the party again. With LG and O-Chul now, we know that, and so there is no need for a switch scene to show them.
The current book has plenty to keep the party busy and O-Chul will be on the sidelines for the entire book.

2009-09-17, 09:38 AM
I agree. It really sucked when Lando Calrissian was added 2/3rds of the way through The Empire Strikes Back. We already had plenty of established characters by this time in the saga. Why add a new person to the group? :smallmad:

In the case of Lando, he was added as a possible replacement for Han Solo since Harrison Ford wasn't confirmed for the third film yet. If you watch the movie with this in mind, it's pretty apparent. Han says that Leia "would like him", he's shown as being on good terms with Chewie, he has a past claim to the Falcon. Everything was in place to kill off Han and replace him with Lando if needed in the Third film.