View Full Version : Mirror Universe Characters

2009-09-13, 02:02 PM
Well, I remember this board had-a very long time ago-a thread where you inverted the alignments of your favorite characters from media and give a basic idea of how they would act.

For example, Gil Grissom, if evil, would act like a combination of a mad scientist and a corrupt cop, becoming a cold, unflinching force of heartless law that views perps as mere test subjects that are guilty until proven innocent.

For my own actual entry, I'll do this to some of the baddies from Metal Gear Solid-some, because I'm not sure about the alignment of many of them.

Psycho Mantis: In this scenario, Mantis had a halfway decent upbringing, and as a result, turned out a lot less screwed up. He still wears a mask to control his powers, but he takes it off in the presence of people he trusts-since he knows what they think will only be mildly squicky to him. He hates using his abilities to control minds, but really doesn't see the point in not reading them-he is a soldier looking for intel after all.

Gray Fox: Fox joined the army as an adult, volunteering for the Perfect Soldier project. As Null, he was allowed to keep his memories by the Philosophers, acting far more human then in the main canon. He sacrificed himself to save Solid Snake, although he was later rescued and put in the Cyborg Ninja suit. He went on to assist Solid Snake in neutralizing Metal Gear in Shadow Moses, although he died for good when REX stomped on him.

Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, Decoy Octopus:....Read the Last Days of FOXHOUND, and imagine what would happen if the always acted like that.

Mando Knight
2009-09-13, 02:15 PM
Evil Optimus Prime would totally be purple.

...Oh, wait. He is (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Optimus_Prime_(SG)).

2009-09-13, 02:33 PM
Mirror Horatio Caine would say incredibly bad one liners at the end of episodes.

Mirror Wonderella is exactly the same.

2009-09-13, 04:36 PM
Mirror HK-47 is a good samaritan, and loves all meatbags (except his master, whom he despises), and hates killing. Real HK-47 would shoot him on the spot if he ever encountered him.

2009-09-13, 05:00 PM
MacPirate, Attorney at Law, is a Pirate who is also a Lawyer. He was born to a clan of Scottish Pirates and trained by Robot John Adams. He has an elephant legal assistant named Jude and a Canadian mountie sidekick named Chubby.

Night Monkey
2009-09-14, 06:57 PM
Mirror Rorschach...
"I saw a couple of guys smoking joints on my way to the Democrat rally and chatted to them a while. They were no doubt breaking the law, but I felt no need to investigate further; when one walks into the darkness one has to learn to compromise.
Maybe I should get a journal to write these kinds of thoughts in... nah, no point."

2009-09-14, 07:13 PM
Mirror Rorschach...
"I saw a couple of guys smoking joints on my way to the Democrat rally and chatted to them a while. They were no doubt breaking the law, but I felt no need to investigate further; when one walks into the darkness one has to learn to compromise.
Maybe I should get a journal to write these kinds of thoughts in... nah, no point."

"You don't get it; I'm stuck in here with you!"

2009-09-14, 07:17 PM
Mirror Joker= everything in the world is logical, when properly examined. Also the notion of humor is a subjective quality among humans. Upon further examination humor itself is generally a low form of entertainment designed for those with a lower mindset, often taking delight at the distress and displeasure of others.

And point to Averagejoe

2009-09-14, 08:13 PM
More mirror Rorschach goodness:
October 12th, 1985: Almost ran over dog today. It made me think of how scary the city seems. It makes me so sad I want to cry and cut myself until my arms bleed and scab over. I think I need some sex, maybe I should find a prostitute. Or become a politician! They are popular, and popular people get lots of sex. And the people will be all like "Save us!" and I'll whisper "With my latest stimulus plan, I sure will!"

Night Monkey
2009-09-14, 08:45 PM
Mirror Data, "Life forms, you tiny little life forms, you precious little life forms; time to die!"