View Full Version : Save our Superheroes. My latest comic on Da.

2009-09-13, 04:07 PM
check it out here http://chibibumps.deviantart.com/art/Save-Our-Superheroes-Pg-1-136851294 and let me know what you think :D

Oh and in case you did like it heres the 2nd one

currently Ive posted all the way though pg. 10 of the comic.

2009-09-13, 09:15 PM
First off good for you that you're trying something like this, and don't take this too critically as I'm giving you my honest opinion/advice. First off advice if you can go for the hand drawn route. It will be hard to do, but with practice you should get to be better. Second pacing, in your first comic you had six panels, of which you didn't need them all. Clipping it down to three panels might allow better focus in terms of the narrative. Setting up a punch line in it is important, but having a long time until one is very hard to pull off. KISS is the formula to go with (i.e. Keep It Simple Stupid).

Third referencing other material can be quite funny if done correctly, but again it is not easy to pull off. I suggest trying to avoid lifting your favorite parts of things, but if you do don't make it so they scream, "HEY I'M A NOD TO SUCH AND SUCH LOOK AT ME". I'd say to go look at a few superhero webcomics such as anti hero for hire, or others (webcomiclist is a good place to look), and go from there.

As for the actual comic it's going to take some work. It isn't the prettiest thing to look at, but I can't say my art is either. Which is why practice will be important for you if you want the comic to do well. Even if the characters are stick figures having some anatomical perspective to make them believable is important. As it stands your main character looks more like frosty the snowman then a superhero. Your first comic dragged on to me, with the whole of rorschach's speech not really needed, and takes a way from the comic in my opinion. Also I had a bit of trouble discerning who the second character was until the second comic. Making it so the whole of your characters can be seen would help to avoid this, so perhaps expanding the world around them, while going for a bit smaller characters could allow you to have the room to do that.

With work you should be able to improve your comic. Good or bad though, at least you're trying to do something you like so good for you on that, and I hope you can do well on the comic.

2009-09-23, 11:44 PM
I just want to thankyou for alot of those tips that I have put to good use, especially by using smaller characters and by focusing on the detail of the art. Ive also given more thought to the story as a whole rather then just a blow by blow of jokes. Ive done comics by hand before though and while my artwork improves durasticly I just don't have the time for that, but Im noting the more I draw using paint the better I'm getting. Hopefully that will suffice. ANywho just thought I'd say thanks :)