View Full Version : [4e] The World of Vaxt [IC]

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2009-09-14, 11:29 AM
You find yourself in an odd room. The tile is a large mosaic. Upon the mosaic is six symbols surrounding a seventh. Above is a large black symbol.

A voice calls to you.

"Arise and state your name and color."

(Religion check to recognize the symbols on the floor and the ceiling.)

2009-09-14, 11:58 AM
Shaking his head, and rubbing his temples as the dwarf arises from the floor. Fengris (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=152143) blinks a couple of times as he tries to figure out where he is. Looking at the symbols filling the mosaic, he tries to remember what they are and do prior to answering the question called out when he awoke.


2009-09-14, 12:31 PM
Shaking his head, and rubbing his temples as the dwarf arises from the floor. Fengris (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=152143) blinks a couple of times as he tries to figure out where he is. Looking at the symbols filling the mosaic, he tries to remember what they are and do prior to answering the question called out when he awoke.


Result of 20 or Higher

The seven symbols on the floor and the one above all relate to the Prismatic Orders.
The red symbol, looking like flowing blood, is representative of rage, hatred, ferocity and violence. It is opposed by violet and green.
The orange symbol, like a caricature or a little demon, is related to greed, envy, theft and decadence. It is opposed by blue and indigo.
The yellow symbol, looking oddly like some sort of insect, is connected to fear, caution, and tyranny. It is opposed by violet and blue.
The green symbol in the center, looking like a shining light, is related to willpower to overcome any obstacle. It is opposed by black and red.
The blue symbol, looking like an angel or a hug, is representative of hope, faith and devotion. It is opposed by yellow and orange.
The indigo figure, two simple opposite arrows, is connected to compassion, empathy and mercy. It is opposed by orange and black.
The violet figure, made of two intersecting stars, is representative of love, greif, joy and happiness. It is opposed by yellow and red.
The black symbol above, made up of what looks like a claw or skeletal hand, is death and apathy. It is opposed by green and indigo.
It is said everyone has a dominate color, a default emotion.

2009-09-14, 12:39 PM
A half-elf smiles at the curious situation and says aloud, "I'm Celp, pleased to meet you... disembodied voice. What do you mean by stating my color?"


2009-09-14, 12:40 PM
"Ah, I remember now. Yes, I'm of the indigo variety, without a doubt."

2009-09-14, 03:02 PM
After looking over the symbols, and considering how his god would respond, the choice was between red and green. While to Fengris they don't seem similar, Clandeggin is a god of war. But being one of honorable battle. Thus leaving only one choice...
"My name is Fengris. The only choice is green."

OOC for alchemyprime:
I saw on your twitter you're on DDO, what server? I have several characters in Thelanis

2009-09-14, 04:06 PM
OOC Marscin

I can't log onto it. Do you know why that may be?

2009-09-14, 06:05 PM
The human, slowly rises from the floor, dusting his top hat, and at the same time adjusting his eyeglasses to ensure that they will stay on his face. Looking around he answers

"Hmmmm.... yes... you have the privilege of referring to me as Lord LaGouf. As for my colour? Orange..."

Got an 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6929075&postcount=2058)

Don the Bastard
2009-09-14, 09:01 PM
A rough looking elf stands from the floor, dusting himself off and looking around, he speaks sharply "Jamus, Red".

2009-09-14, 09:22 PM
Seems to be working for me, but as craptacular as DDO's forums are, you may want to try looking there for a way to fix it. I know there are a few prob's w/ Vista users.
OOC p2: do we need an OOC thread? I don't want to spam this one too much :smallsmile:

2009-09-14, 11:29 PM

IC thread is up (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6931067#post6931067)

The voices grunt. "Good. And of the remaining?"

The symbols named seem to start to glow somewhat, as if mentioning your connection to them has caused them to turn on.

2009-09-15, 12:20 AM
The halfling warily stands and looks at the others, I'm Karrik, Karrik Wayfinder. He looks around the room staring at the ceiling.
Religion check

2009-09-15, 12:44 PM
Kari looks around, noticing that most people have already stood up and said their name and a colour, the meaning of which she couldn't gather. "I am Kari" she says, coughing afterwards "and I would say that I'm sort of a red person."

2009-09-15, 12:47 PM
Forgot to roll religion. Whoops.

2009-09-15, 01:33 PM
The voice grunts. "Good, good... this is interesting, yes..."

2009-09-15, 01:57 PM
LaGouf starts to inspect the mosaic. Failing to make any sense of it, he gives a slight shrug. Seeing other people around, he gives a courteous bow and asks

"Greetings, might any of you gentlemen..." then casting a glance at Kari "... and Ladies... thousand pardons... know where we are? Or perhaps who is interested in our tastes of colours? "

2009-09-15, 02:51 PM
At the request of LaGouf, the black symbol above begins to move. lowering itself, hidden among the black lines, is a large, black creature that looks as if someone took a dragonborn's legs off and connected it to a spider made of dragon scales.

"Yes... I have an interest... you see... I need to know that you can retrieve... the Light... because the corruption has reached... the Silvers..." The large creature looks around and for some reason stares down LaGouf. "And you... will be more useful than you realize... All of you will..."

2009-09-15, 03:14 PM

"I'm always willing to lend a hand. But could you be a bit more clear about what you are asking of us?"

2009-09-15, 03:47 PM

A little wary as the creature had come down out of the black sigil, the dwarf looks up at it "And pray-tell what is this object that you wish us to retrieve?"

Not fully trusting the creature - insight check:

Before glancing over at the human (LaGouf) and wondering to himself why the creature has a particular interest in him

2009-09-15, 04:25 PM
The creature seems to have... good, if not pure, intentions.

The creature sighs. "It is a... Collection. Seven items and one remaining. Together they are AMAZING.... the one remaining... is difficult. But together, they can protect you from... the corruption... it is said it came from... Mavara, the land of bug...men... and the Light can stop... it... I'm told..." The creature speaks with a definite wheeze in its throat, and acts like it is winded.

2009-09-15, 04:30 PM

"Are you well? I have water if your... throat... is dry? If you have an injury, I may be able to help."

2009-09-15, 04:49 PM
A corruption you say? What sort of corruption? Karrik glances around at the others, trying to gauge their reactions to the black creature. Has anyone heard of this Mavara before?

2009-09-15, 04:52 PM
(Nature, Arcana, Religion or Streetwise checks can all be used to learn about Mavara.)

2009-09-15, 05:01 PM

Religion Check Got a 26 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6935159&posted=1#post6935159) (Dunno why it only works on the Dice thread)

All of a sudden, LaGouf seems rather interested in what the creature has to say

"Corruption eh? Well... I have a somewhat of a passing interest... in corruption. Please, elaborate further."

he says while stroking his chin.

2009-09-15, 07:43 PM

Waiting to see if the creature responds to Celp's question of aid, Fengris tries to remember anything about Mavara if he can.


edit: just fixing spelling error

Don the Bastard
2009-09-15, 08:59 PM
Jamus seems quite calm throughout these odd proceedings, even the draogn-spider does not surprise him, "So, is it knifework or skulldruggery you need?" he asks, knowing that the likely answer would be both.

2009-09-15, 09:37 PM
"Whatever... is requi...red..." The creature coughs and blood splatters onto the mosaic beneath you, seeping into the white separating the colored symbols.

The creature slumps on its spider legs. "I was... not always... like this. I was... a priest... of Khaz. Some... call him... Parkhaz. He is... the Spider... King. His... blood runs... through me... keeping me... alive. I am... fighting... the corrupt...ion myself. I do not... give into... it like... the Families... or the... Silvers and... others have... only one... Gold knows... I am here...

I was... cursed by... a Blacklord... he made me... like him... Sent me... to Mavara... to negotiate... with the Bug...men... and I was thrown... into a... Shadowland. The... corruption... is strong there. Oni... are immune. They live... in the wastes. Khaz... took pity... upon me. He made me... stronger... A drider... but the Taint... and the... Blackcurse... changed me... I am... now... part dragon... part spider... and filled... with darkness... but the Light... can cleanse the... Corruption... from me willingly... from those who embrace it... by force.

Seven lights... each light has an order... even the absence does. There are enough... of you... you each can wield one...

Please... I need at... least Blue... Green... and Indigo... to remove this... bloody taint from me..." The creature coughs and, as the congealed blood moves, what looks like a small arm is seen in the clotted ooze.

"It get... worse. I grow... limbs... parasites... inside me now... Only... Khaz protects... me from death... he wishes my aid... for you..." He motions to Celp.

"I... would appreciate the water... please..." He coughs up a bit in his hand.

"My name... was Cassidy... I was... half-Human... half-Dural... the Brasslord of Silver... City sent me... I am allied with him... the Silvers... corrupted... must fall... First... by lights.. then the... Spider Rings... gifts to Khaz... from a foreign... forgotten god... can also aid us..."

Cassiddy pulls up his legs to sit, after a fashion and bows his head. "Once... I am... cleansed... I will go out... and aid... you..."

2009-09-15, 09:46 PM
Celp walks forward and holds the waterskin for Cassiddy to drink from.

"I will do everything in my power to end your suffering. And if the world benefits as well, than all the better."

2009-09-15, 09:52 PM
Cassidy drinks deep and sighs. "Thank you... friend... Your name eludes me... but this did help some of the scratching... in my throat... I just wish those limbs... did not have claws..." Cassidy sighs and pulls a small cricket leg out of his mouth.

"It is disturbing... to wonder if this leg is... from me or my lunch..."

Cassidy then chuckles and wheezes. "Hm... an accidental haiku... the first bit of fun I've had... since my legs first out numbered my arms..."

2009-09-16, 12:16 AM
"I have some small skill with healing if it will be of help to you Cassidy?" said Karrik, stepping forward to examine the creature, quickly thinking about what he knows of the anatomy of spiders and dragons, as well as trying to recall what he know of Mavara.
Nature- 24 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6937771&posted=1#post6937771)
Heal- 23 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6937771&posted=1#post6937771)

"I will embrace the blue light"

2009-09-16, 07:51 AM
"And what is in this for us? Assuming we agree to help you in the first place that is. I mean, helping others is fine and dandy, but alas! Good deeds will not fill an empty stomach."

Says LaGouf not even moving to help the creature, nor the others who were trying to comfort it. Waiting for an answer, LaGouf starts to fiddle with his scythe.

2009-09-16, 08:50 AM
Looking at LaGouf, and responding "His fight seems worthy enough, better to strike now while we have the strength. Or would you rather become corrupted like him and end up in a worse condition as well. As I said earlier, Green is my choice and I will aid you in this endeavor"

2009-09-16, 09:03 AM
Turning to the human and glancing at the dwarf. "I agree. Surely fighting corruption in what ever its form is a worthy cause. What is there to gain from allowing it to flourish? He turns back to administer any aid he can to Cassidy, but throws an extra comment over his shoulder, "Besides if you yourself become corrupted, surely any interest in wealth will fall by the wayside!"

2009-09-16, 09:59 AM
LaGouf raises an eyebrow at the Halfling. "Indeed... what can be gained by allowing corruption to flourish... I wonder..."

Then hearing the comment thrown at him he says

"Gentlemen, and I do use the term loosely, wealth is indeed beyond my notice. I've had my share of it, and it now means little to me. No, I seek something less tangible than money or food..."

Then he says smiling

"But, if the creature formerly known as Cassidy wills us to run errands to the end of the world, then I might as well ensure that the objective will either suit my purpose, or I will gain something from it. So once again I ask you Cassidy... the others may be willing to aid you from the goodness of their heart, but what is in it for me?"

2009-09-16, 10:29 AM
Cassidy looks LaGouf over. "Yes... the powers of orange... do run deep in you... very well... look beneath the orange... tile you. All of you... look under... your colors. And then... you will find... your first payment..."

Cassidy starts coughing again and then sighs. "As well... perhaps... some elixers... I have gathered... can lace... your palms?"

Cassidy looks up and a small spider lowers a bag on a web thread to him. Cassidy reaches in the bag and produces many clear potions with little black flecks in them. Some have a reddish tint, others are clear. There are six of each.

2009-09-16, 10:50 AM
"Hmmm... let us see..."

With that LaGouf goes over and lifts the tile with his Scythe. Of course LaGouf wasn't going to bend down and lift the tile himself.

2009-09-16, 10:54 AM

"Advance payment, and a suprise at that. I think I'll enjoy helping you out."

Celp walks over to the indigo symbol and gently lifts it up.

2009-09-16, 11:38 AM

Under the symbol is a simple ring.
"Wear this, and forgotten and lost riches shall be yours."


Under the tile is a small sphere with a hole in it and a cloth.

"Use the cloth to stave off death and the sphere to understand your enemies and let them understand themselves."

Under each symbol is 10 gold.

2009-09-16, 11:50 AM
Waiting for the other two to look under their specific tiles, the dwarf kneels down and lifts off the green symbol covering, "Thank you"

2009-09-16, 12:22 PM

Within are 3 small stones. All glow a faint green.

"Nothing shall keep you from the light with these."

2009-09-16, 12:31 PM
LaGouf places the ring on his right hand, and starts to inspect it trying to judge its value.

"Not bad... very well, a deal is a deal... and you have brought my services... for now..."

During that time he had somehow managed to swipe up the gold as well.

2009-09-16, 02:55 PM

"Something to let me bring enlightenment to others? This is a powerful trinket for accomplishing my goals. And the protective cloth is appreciated. Thank you."

Don the Bastard
2009-09-16, 07:09 PM
"hmmm..." Jamus walks over to the red stone, bending down to lift it, then hesitates a moment, instead he turns to the centre, the black stone and lifts it, leaving the red symbol for Kari.

2009-09-16, 08:43 PM

Inside is a small crown.

"Death is not your worry. Your allies must still."

2009-09-16, 09:43 PM

Rising up from the floor, Fengris places the 3 green glowing stones left to him into a pocket (and the 10 gold into his beltpouch), with the intent to study them later and try to determine their use. Waiting for Kari to look under the last symbol prior to speaking again.

Don the Bastard
2009-09-16, 10:24 PM
"hmmm... shiny" Jamus picks up the crown and turns it round a few times in his hands, tracing the patterns on the crown with his fingers, he then places it, along with the coins, into his pack. "Cassidy was it, when and where do we start"

2009-09-16, 11:47 PM
Bristling at the thinly veiled insult from LaGouf, Karrik pulls a dagger from a sheath and studies the blue symbol, "Hmmmmm" before prizing it up. "Thanks Cassidy"

2009-09-17, 11:52 AM

Underneath the symbol, you find a small bracelet.

"Hope shines bright. And it floats from what I've heard."

2009-09-17, 11:57 AM
Cassidy starts coughing again, and begins pounding on his chest.

"The lights can be... sensed... the spiders... can show the way..."

A swarm of spiders appears and begins spinning a web together. In the end they draw a small map, with odd staricase mountains and the blue symbol on it. One odd shape looks kind of like this.


2009-09-17, 12:56 PM
Karrik lifts the bracelet up and slips it into his pack for later study. At the same time, he slips the 10 gp into his pouch. "Thankyou Cassidy, you're most generous" He glances at the bundle of potions clearly intending to inspect them and try to determine their purpose, but is startled by mass of spiders spinning the map with blue symbol. "Is this first of them? Where is this place? he asks.
Nature roll to see if I recognise it?

2009-09-17, 01:15 PM

You can tell it is not Silver City or the surroundng area.

2009-09-17, 06:56 PM

Looking down at the spiderweb map, he shrugs his shoulders "I don't recognize the mountain range there. Nor do I have any idea what the dancing thing is" Pointing at the dancing cactii.

Looking up at Cassidy, "Is that over the ocean to that desert land you mentioned earlier?"

2009-09-18, 03:20 AM
"Of all... the places... for the blue... to be... it'd be... in the Blue... Desert... just to the... south of here... how interesting..." Cassidy begins to cough again, this time blood coming from his nose after he does so.

2009-09-18, 05:14 AM

"Please, if you are not well, try not to speak more than you need to."

2009-09-18, 12:09 PM
"So the Blue is the first and the closest, and over the Blue Desert you say?" Karrik studies the map, committing as much of it to memory as he can. "Has anyone else heard of this place?" he asks, looking around to the others in the room. "Maybe you could share any knowledge, to spare Cassidy if at all possible" He sheaths his dagger and waits.

2009-09-18, 02:01 PM
"Thank you... for your kindness... he of in...digo... but if I do not... speak... I will have no... chance of being... purged of... this corr... corr... taint." Cassidy utters one more cough then prays. A mystical white light pours out of his nose and mouth.

"Ah... there... a few more minutes... of respite from... the pain. Praise... be to Khaz. The Blue Desert... is the domain of the Bluelords... but the Brasslords... also hold a larger piece...than the remaining... colors..." Cassidy has a long coughing fit, green ichor flinging itself from his mouth to the floor.

"Beware. It is filled... with temples of dead... gods and kings... and the land... has very little law outside... the Cyan City... That is all I know. Perhaps... some of you know more?"

2009-09-18, 03:17 PM

"I'm afraid I don't the history of that place very well. I may be able to remember something about those dead gods though."

[roll0] = history
[roll1] = religion

Celp turns to LaGouf, "From your words I take you to be a seeker. I know what it is to seek things of personal importance, tangible or otherwise. If you do not mind revealing, would you tell me what it is you hold of great value? I may be able to help you find it."

2009-09-18, 04:18 PM
LaGouf listens intently as Cassidy speaks of temples of the dead, and considers his options.

(History roll) [roll0]

LaGouf turns to Celp and takes a moment to carefully consider his words, an idea comes to his mind

"Hmmmm yes, you can call me a seeker I suppose. Very well... Celp was your name I presume? I guess there is no harm in telling you. I seek power, because there is a certain Lich that I have to settle a score with, and by that I mean killing him once and for all"

He says in a matter-of-fact tone.

2009-09-18, 06:03 PM
Celp sighs, "A grudge of mortal importance. This, I understand. It does not appeal to my ascetics, but I understand."

2009-09-18, 06:23 PM
"Excellent! So perhaps you may understand why I wish to visit these 'temple of the dead' that our dear friend Cassidy has mentioned. I may not know much about the Blue Desert, but I am always open to new knowledge."

LaGouf scratches his goatee as he tries to remember

"Hmmm.... Cassidy also mentioned something about temples of dead gods as well... I wonder..."

Religion Roll: [roll0]

2009-09-18, 06:58 PM

The dwarf looks over the map some more trying to make heads or tails over what Cassidy talks about. For the mention of dead gods and such he thinks to himself:


With the coughing up of Cassidy's lungs or such, Fengris asks towards Celp "Is there nothing more you can do for him? I'd help but I know nothing of healing."

2009-09-18, 07:07 PM
"Recent injuries, cut, and bruises I can help with. Unfortunately our friend Cassidy's ailment seems to be inherent to his current state of being," Celp answers before turning to Cassidy. "However, I would be remiss if I did not try. Would you mind if tried to help you?"

heal check

2009-09-18, 07:47 PM

You manage tp remember that, before the Rage was calmed, there was a pantheon of desert gods worshipped by a desert race long gone, of whom Axul, Eldath and the Guardian are all that remain.
They built large step pyramids, and practiced ancient magics none today can copy.
Perhaps most fearsome of their legends was that their king held the blood not only of their chief god (a sun god somewhat similar to Amatersu, but was either a feathered serpent or a bird headed man) but also a primordial of the sands.
Some say that his body was perfectly preserved and he lies beneath a sandy tomb. He waits for one to find him and release him, so that he may become the new sun god and revive his people.


Before the Blues took over, the Blue Desert was where an ancient desert civilization lived. Their capital was filled with lush grenery, though all else was desert. They built grand step pyramids to forgotten gods, and did human sacrifices.
This civilization figured out construct making, potion craft and metal work earlier than most other peoples. It's said that the Gold Dwarves are descended from this place.

2009-09-18, 07:49 PM
Celp (about the Heal check)

Though you can't do much, you do manage to excise a small growth from Cassidy. Upon closer inspection, this growth was actually a dire leech. You found a few others, and upon their removal and cleaning of the wounds, Cassidy seems much better, if only from stemming some blood loss.

2009-09-19, 01:25 AM
Kari, who had been silent for most of this exchange realises that she should probably take the Red Symbol. She attempts to prise it up with her battleaxe but failing, asks to borrow a dagger. With the borrowed dagger, the tile comes up easily and she takes the Red Symbol. "Thank you, Cassidy."

2009-09-19, 01:15 PM
The halfling scratches his head. These areas, this talk of Temples of the Dead and of gods and kings, are not my areas of expertise, although I have travlled far and wide for my people. I may remember something.
History- [roll0]
Religion- [roll1]
I would add my own small knoweldge of healing, but I fear I know less that our friend Celp here. He turns to LaGouf. I may have misjudged you at first sir, I am not at ease with new people. However, a vendetta I understand all too well. It took me many years to repay this. He points to the jagged scar running along the left side of his face. And when I did, it was most satisfying. He turns back to Cassidy. Who are these Bluelords? Do we have anything to fear from them? Or should they fear us?

2009-09-19, 02:18 PM
"The Bluelords... are just what... they are. Blue Dragonlords. They... rule Blue City... strictly but... the villages... are less... controlled. They are called... lawless...

The... Divine Marksmen... live there. If one follows... Khaz... he may be of some... help...

Also... the Blue Brotherhood may be willing to help... find the Blue Light... but the other Orders... may not be so... willing to give... up such artifacts..."

Cassidy coughs slightly and sighs.

"And thank you. I... did not notice... the leeches...

As for... the dead gods... sometimes... remnants remain... Now..." the room lights up upon Cassidy saying now. You can see a door with a color wheel like the mosaic upon it. "I can let you... back into Silver... City. Then... you may... find some... riding lizards... They can take you... straight to... the Desert if... you take the Sapphire Pass. Take... horses or riding... birds if you wish... to avoid the pass..."


Underneath the Red symbol is a sheath.
"Rage is a great weapon too. Try this."

2009-09-19, 02:35 PM
"I've never ridden a lizard before. I say we try the Sapphire Pass. How about the rest of you?"

2009-09-19, 07:14 PM

Letting out a single loud laugh "Lizard or horse. I can't say I've ridden either. There's no use for em in the mines of my homeland. Well other than to pull carts and wagons. I don't even know if my legs would fit down to the foot straps of the saddle. But for Cassidy's sake, whichever is quickest is the way we should go."

2009-09-20, 12:19 PM
LaGouf really doesn't pay attention to the question if he rode a horse before. For him, that's a trivial matter. Instead he focuses on Cassidy

"Wait... you are suggesting that we may want to avoid the Sapphire Pass... I'd like to know... is there a reason why we should avoid it?"

2009-09-20, 03:20 PM
"Bandits. Many... bandits. They are not... as violent as... barbarians are in Van... Jhal, but... they are... known for... taxing the... people with either gold... goods... or lives." Cassidy nods.

"Also... I doubt... we can afford... passage... by airship... to the... desert. Besides... that is... risky. I would... like you to... avoid Blue City... and it... is the only... air harbor... in the desert..."

2009-09-20, 04:52 PM

When Cassidy mentions 'we', Fengris balks slightly, "Cassidy, while I think that all of us would appreciate your knowledge and experience. Do you feel that you are well enough to even move out of this room let alone a journey to the deserts? I would feel extremely guilty if something happened to you worse than you already are going through."

2009-09-20, 11:22 PM
Karrik's eyes light up at the mention of the riding lizards! Now they sound like fun! I second Celp's vote for the Saphire Pass. He glances at FengrisWhile I share Fengris' concern over your well being Cassidy and agree we cannot dally, I would like to know why you would want us to avoid Blue City?

2009-09-21, 12:07 AM
"Fengris... I meant... even with... what gold I... have we could... not afford... all of you... passanger tickets. And... Carrick... for what you... are tasked... to do... I do not want... to see the Light lifted by... some arbitrary... tax or some... bandit calling... himself a guard..."

Cassidy slumps. "Please... I wish to aid you... if we can... get green..., blue and... indigo, I can... at least... cleanse myself... then I can aid... you with the... remaining five..."

2009-09-21, 10:51 AM
"Right... well... I do beleive that we have spent enough time with idle chit chat. Perhaps its time we hit the streets to find the most convenient means of transportation?"

Says LaGouf as he points towards the door which apparently leads to Silver City.

2009-09-21, 11:05 AM
"I agree, let us make haste and find these riding lizards." Karrik glances around the room and notices the sack of potions hanging from the ceiling. "Although I think we should probably take them with us!" Karrik adjusts his gear to ensure he has everything with him. and Looks around at the others, eager to be gone.

I can't remember how many potions there were, or if we even discovered what types of potions there were.

2009-09-21, 11:33 AM

Looking a little more relieved that Cassidy is staying gives a nod to the others, "Very well, let's be off. I've no objection to the lizard thing, just hope I can stay on it." Giving a wry grin at that before finishing his statement more seriously, "By Clandeggin's beard we'll be successful and back with the first Light."

Later when the party has time, Fengris will study his item and try to figure out what it is/does. [roll0]

And if the party wants, the potions too. [roll1]

(edit: or not as the rolls may be :smallredface:)

2009-09-21, 11:51 AM
There are six red potions and six clear potions with black flecks in them.

You could always... I dunno... ask Cassidy what the potions do. He brewed them...

2009-09-21, 01:03 PM
"Very well, let us meet here again tomorrow at dawn and see what we have found. Until then, farewell gentlemen."

With that LaGouf walks into the city, trying to find the cheapest means of transportation available.

Streetwise Roll [roll0]

2009-09-21, 01:05 PM
Some guy tells you, straight faced, that asking a Dragonlord himself would be cheap.

He also offers you a bridge in Gold City for REAL cheap, and a horse that will get you anywhere. A drakensteed for yourself for 5 silver.

(Try a Nature check. It seems it may be stronger for you.)

2009-09-21, 01:10 PM
"A bridge eh... might make for a fine investment for the future... tell me more..."

Transportation could wait... after all he had a full day.

Insight roll [roll0]

2009-09-21, 01:12 PM
"Yep! 20 gold, and the main bridge over the Southern River in Gold City is all your mate!"

(Dude... this guy seems legit.)

2009-09-21, 01:21 PM
Well then, we shall meet again tomorow morning.
Karrik heads off into the Silver City with one mission in mind, to find one of these giant lizards, he may have his heart set on it in fact! While searching he slips the blue bracelet from his pack and puts it on his wrist, hoping to figure out what it is.
Nature- [roll0] to help find a giant lizard he can purchase quite cheaply.
Arcana- [roll1] to figure out what the bracelet is.
If he finds a lizard seller,
Diplomacy- [roll2] to see if he can get a discount.

2009-09-21, 01:24 PM
"Hmmm.... 20 gold you say... that is too expensive! I may seem rich... what with my boyish charms and my fancy dressing, but I too need to be careful with my spendings! At such a price you will be sending me to sleep on the pavement tonight!"

Diplomacy roll to haggle [roll0]
Bluff roll [roll1]

2009-09-21, 01:29 PM
"Fine mate. I give it to ya for 10."


The bracelet will light up in the dark. It will make you boyant and float when you land in water, and once per encounter gives you Feather Fall, like the Wizard Utility 2.

In addition, you can use it to open the door to the Blue Light.

2009-09-21, 01:34 PM
"10 gold! I had to sell my grandmother into slavery to gain 10 gold! You may as well ask me to sell my other grandmother as well.... 8 gold..."

Once again:

Diplomacy roll [roll0]
Bluff roll [roll1]

2009-09-21, 01:36 PM
"Alright... alright... 8 gold and 2 silver and 5 copper. No lower."

2009-09-21, 01:39 PM
"SOLD!!!!!" Yells LaGouf as he slams the money on the table.

2009-09-21, 01:42 PM
LaGouf is handed a "deed" that was hastily scribbled on a cocktail napkin in what we really hope was ink.

"This is one deed for the Southern Gold Bridge. Really.

Mr. Brij Bilder."

2009-09-21, 01:46 PM
LaGouf takes the 'deed' and inspects it. Mainly just to be sure that there is no fine print on the bottom.

Insight roll [roll0]

2009-09-21, 01:48 PM
LaGouf has the sudden insight that he's been had!

But the man is nowhere to be found.

Might as well find that guy selling the Drakensteed.

2009-09-21, 01:56 PM
"No good thieving son of a... wait till I get my hands on him... get my scythe... rip him a new one..." he continues to mumble curses under his breath as he goes to see the Drakensteed seller that was suggested.

2009-09-21, 02:01 PM
As LaGouf goes into the stables, he sees a small, withered old man. There is a drakensteed in one stable with matte white scales, the sort that seem like they'd just blend into the snow in the mountains.

But, considering that bridge thing, maybe LaGouf should see what he knows about Drakensteeds.

2009-09-21, 02:06 PM
Whistling about, LaGouf starts to inspect the Drakensteeds. He opens one's mouth to take a look at it's teeth.

Nature roll [roll0]

2009-09-21, 03:18 PM
The white one seems a bit old, but other than that its okay. Nice and healthy.

A few blue ones are well kept, and LaGouf can see that they are very strong, even compared to a normal drakensteed.

2009-09-21, 04:54 PM
Celp wanders around with a smile, looking for a good ride and musing over his new trinkets.

arcana check for the cloth
arcana check for the orb
streetwise check for finding an affordable lizard
nature check for determining quality of lizard (if I find one)

2009-09-21, 11:28 PM
Feeling a litle bewildered in the city, Karrik heads off in another direction, still searching for a lizard steed, hoping he will not be disappointed.
Streetwise check this time as Nature failed me-
Perception to see if I notice anything like large lizard droppings- [roll1]
Nature to check out the lizard if I find one- [roll2]
Diplomacy to haggle- [roll]1d20+2

2009-09-21, 11:31 PM
Sorry for double post, Diplomacy went a bit wrong- don't know why.
Diplomacy- [roll0]

2009-09-22, 05:44 AM

At a slight loss on how to proceed, as he said earlier he knows nothing of quadrupeds and not wanting to warn the city of the dangers of the tree army come from the forests to crush everyone with their horrific branches after pelting them with pine-cones of death (ooc: oh wait that's Durkon, never mind :smallbiggrin:) the dwarf finds his way to the nearest tavern for a bite to eat and see if the rest of the party are more successful.


2009-09-22, 07:22 AM
"I honestly have no idea about these lizard thingies. Would one of you mind purchasing one for me too? I'll pay you back, of course!" says Kari.

Goshdarn it! I can't access my sheet since I'm at school. If anyone else can and is so inclined, feel free to make any streetwise rolls and whatnot

2009-09-22, 04:14 PM
LaGouf considers his choice "I beleive the white will go smashing with the colour of my cape."

Turning to the owner

"My good man, how much would you ask for this white one?"

2009-09-23, 10:52 AM

"3 Gold mate. He's a bit older than a normal Drakensteed, but I think this should be a bit cheaper than even that. I can tell you've been cheated lately." The horns on this man and his eyes betray him as Kalashtar.


Enough wandering around leads you to a drakensteed merchant. LaGouf is seen at the counter.


You come upon a lizard vendor. He has mostly cave lizards however, and you need mountain or desert lizards, as watering can get costly otherwise.

2009-09-23, 04:20 PM
"Hmmm.... 3 gold you say.... well... being somewhat knowledgeable with Drakensteeds from my youth..." he is lying of course "I'd say that considering it's current condition, it probably won't last that long.... 1.5 gold...."

Diplomacy roll [roll0]
Bluff roll [roll1]

Don the Bastard
2009-09-23, 08:48 PM
Jamus has been quietly tagging along behind Kari, trying to seem... inconspicuous.

2009-09-24, 12:29 AM
Karrik wanders up to the Lizard Vendor, a look of hopeful anticipation in his eyes! Excuse me, he says, I'm looking to do an excursion into the mountains, possibly skirting the edge of a desert and I am looking for a suitable mount. He glances around the crowd of lizards in their stalls. I can see here that you have many a fine specimen of lizard, bur it would seem most of them are cave lizards. I am looking for a mountain, or even a desert lizard however. Do you have any such beasts, or can you recommend a colleague who specialises in mountain or desert lizards? I have good gold here, burning a hole in my pocket.
Diplomacy- [roll0]- for a bit of sweet talking
Insight- [roll1]- in case he tries to pull a fast one
Nature- [roll2]- to check out the lizards to see if I can spot one I want/see if they're healthy

2009-09-24, 11:35 AM

Having no luck hearing any gossip in the tavern, the dwarf departs and unsure if any of the other party members are lucky at finding transportation goes down the road too look himself.


"There has to be a place. Even one that caters to dwarves"

Edit: OOC: Retconning due to my previous post being answered

2009-09-24, 12:57 PM

The cloth will keep a person from dying. The orb... it seems to react to whatever is near.

You do manage to find a man selling good Lizards. He says he'll charge them out for 15. These are some nice quality lizards.


The man explains that he has bu one small Riding lizard, and it is a mountain lizard. He shows it off, and talks about how great it is. It seems like he is telling the truth.


You manage to find a good tavern and they sit you at a nice table.

Today's special is a mug of Dragonmead, and a shank of beef, and some slices of rare Mapled Ham.

After hearing for some time, you listen in on one man talking about some "hidden god treasure in the blasted desert." And how he lost his leg looking for it.

2009-09-24, 01:17 PM

"Well... how about 2 and a half? I'm already giving to you for a steal. Most drakensteeds are 50 gold! Do you want me to be able to eat tonight?"

2009-09-24, 01:18 PM
LaGouf doesn't care about if the vendor will eat tonight. He is more concerned about keeping as much money as possible to himself.

"SOLD!" He yells, as he slams the 2 and a half gold on the counter. He then goes to take his new mount.

2009-09-24, 01:49 PM
Hmmmm says Karrik, walking round the small mountain lizard. He lifts up the tail, checks its claws and opens its mouth to count its teeth, just to make sure all is healthy. He takes a deep breath. Soooooo. How much are you asking for this lizard? I reckon this one's worth about 5 gold!

Diplomacy- [roll0]

2009-09-24, 02:00 PM
"I'm going to be honest with you, Mr. Salesman. I have no idea about these Drakensteeds." says Kari, "However, it looks like they're not worth the price you're charging. Seems like 3 gold is reasonable."

2009-09-24, 02:01 PM

"15 and not a copper less. 5 is barely enough to feed lizard, much less buy." This merchant has a thick accent, like he's from another City.

2009-09-24, 02:33 PM
Celp smiles at the lizards' owner, "15 sounds alright. Gold, silver, or copper? Ah, I'll give you gold. It's been too long since I haven't had a coin to my name. Do you have any lizards that'll match the sunset of a desert? I know I should be more concerned with their legs than their colors, but I'm a romantic."

2009-09-24, 04:21 PM
The halfling beams up at the lizard wrangler.Well now! 15 is it? That seems mighty steep for a small lizard, how about we split the difference and call it 10 gold? Karrik bounces his pouch up and down temptingly on his hand. I couldn't help but notice you have an accent, sir. Where abouts are you from?

2009-09-24, 04:50 PM

After ordering a mug of dragonmead and a slice of beef, turns to the man and says to him "Sorry for inturrupting, but can ya tell me more about this treasure? It sounds facinating. Was it gold or gems you were looking for?" hoping that his racial stereotypes will help get some info out of him.


2009-09-24, 09:12 PM

"I be from Green City. And I'll have ye know, I won't go a cop under 14 for such a lizard! A mans gotta eat!"

Kari and LaGouf

"Yes, the 3 is a good price. Normally 50. But you.. you need it. You have a large bridge ahead of you..."


"A fabled weapon, me lad! And the wapon is said to be the key to a greater treasure in the ancient ruined city of Ch'Talla! Tha tancient capital of the Gaunt Empire!" This man was obviously a great adventurer back in his day, but he's a little past his prime.

2009-09-25, 01:40 AM
Karrik ponders the man's offer of 14, How about 12? My pouch is a little light at the moment, and let's be honest this lizard is too small for many of your potential clients, whereas I am willing to take him off your hands for good sum of gold. While saying this, Karrik wracks his memory for any information he might have gleaned about Green City on his travels.
History- [roll0]
If that fails he'll try and bluff his way through
Bluff- [roll1]
So, what made you leave Green City? Anything in particular?

2009-09-25, 07:11 AM

Giving an impressed nod "I'd heard that Ch'Talla was full of undead creatures and such" putting together the info that Cassidy mentioned "How far past the mountains was the place?"

2009-09-25, 11:20 AM

"Look, it is a supply and demand thing. Every small person wants one. No one else in town has them. You're lucky, you just missed the caravan. This is really good price, yes? How about... 14, like I said?"


"Aye. Undead upon undead. But they say there is a weapon that kills em off. Half of it is near Ch'Talla. In a temple, they said. But Ch'Talla itself is only a few bells ride from the temple.

As for the mountains... its closer to Salt Flats than to Red Water. You take the pass, you end up in Red Water. THen its three days to Salt FLats, and a half day to the ruins. Bring holy water and alchemist fire, or a decent mage and some sort of priest.

And for all this... if you make it back... please show me the weapon. So I can see it again. And so I know that the damn guardian was killed."

The adventurer takes a long chug of ale from his drought and puts the empty mug down on the table. The foam soaks his beard.

2009-09-25, 11:20 AM
Having paid for the mount, LaGouf turns towards the white Drakensteed and pointing at it declares

"You there! Beast! I hereby declare myself your master, and you are to serve me eternally!"

With that LaGouf climbs on the Drakensteed and going towards Kari, salutes her with a tip of his hat and says

"... under normal circumstances, my servants only serve me, but to leave such a beautiful damsel high and dry would also be against my principles... so in this case... I'll make an exception..."

Seems LaGouf was offering Kari a ride.

2009-09-25, 12:39 PM
"Thank you very much, good sir. I shan't forget you. Would you mind telling me your name?" says Kari, as she hands over the three gold happily.

2009-09-25, 01:02 PM
"My name? My name is Lord LaGouf, but you may call me Cedric. As for your money, I cannot accept it from such a fair one!"

Of course Kari can't know that LaGouf's reward will be having Kari holding tightly to him as he leads the Drakensteed.... yeah tightly...

Extending his hand to Kari he says

"Well? You getting on or what?"

2009-09-25, 06:39 PM

"Aye. Undead upon undead. But they say there is a weapon that kills em off. Half of it is near Ch'Talla. In a temple, they said. But Ch'Talla itself is only a few bells ride from the temple.

As for the mountains... its closer to Salt Flats than to Red Water. You take the pass, you end up in Red Water. THen its three days to Salt FLats, and a half day to the ruins. Bring holy water and alchemist fire, or a decent mage and some sort of priest.

And for all this... if you make it back... please show me the weapon. So I can see it again. And so I know that the damn guardian was killed."

The adventurer takes a long chug of ale from his drought and puts the empty mug down on the table. The foam soaks his beard.

Calling the barmaid over to order the man another ale should he accept "I'd not heard any stories of a guardian, do ye know what it is? Any information would help me and my companions greatly, and I will do what I can to show you a little of what we find if and when we return."

2009-09-25, 07:55 PM

"A big mean beast it was! Like nothing I've ever seen! Twas like a giant tiger, made of flame and spitting acid! Some bygone remnant of the lost ages, it was! Like a dragon, but full of the rage!

But that was just one guardian. They say three others were in the city. I just hope the died off..."

2009-09-25, 08:04 PM

The dwarf considers the old adventurer's words carefully, trying to figure out the type of creature he speaks of

"I can't thank you enough for this information. I'd best pass this news on to the others."

2009-09-25, 09:45 PM
Fengris does not know what manner of beast the adventurer described, but perhaps the others can have better luck.

2009-09-26, 04:48 AM
Karrik sighs as he realises he is not cut out for this haggling lark, reaches into his pouch and pulls out 14 gold and hands it over to the Lizard Seller. Thank you good sir, he seems to be a fine specamin of lizardness With that, Karrik turns to look at his lizard, Well then, what she we call you? The lizard looks at him and flicks out a forked tongue.Hmmmm karrik strokes his chin and ponders,Ah yes! I shall call you Lump! Karrik, swings up onto the back of the Lizard. Hi ho Lump...AWAY! and careers off into the busy street narrowly missing 2 or 3 rather startled looking persons.

2009-09-26, 07:01 AM
"Ah, you misunderstand, Mr. LaGouf, I was not addressing you, but the kind salesman here. I appreciate your offer, but would it not be more sensible for us each to have our own steed just in case we are seperated?"

2009-09-26, 07:43 AM

Thanking the man, the dwarf rises up from his spot and heads out onto the street once again. This time to look for the rest of the party and see if they succeeded on finding transportation into the desert. "I hope there's something that'll carry a dwarf, he thinks to himself.


2009-09-28, 10:25 AM

Fengris spots a large dusty colored riding bird at a vendor's, as well as a nice blue drakensteed and, of all things, a green scaled large cat tha is already saddled.

2009-09-28, 10:33 AM
"Ah, you misunderstand, Mr. LaGouf, I was not addressing you, but the kind salesman here. I appreciate your offer, but would it not be more sensible for us each to have our own steed just in case we are seperated?"

"Oy! The rest of the Drakensteeds are 50g a head. The one he bought was injured at a young age. Can't fly as well as it should, but for what he paid its a steal. Still tougher than any horse. Nah, you want one of my blues or blacks, you pay full 50."

2009-09-28, 10:39 AM
LaGouf turns to Kari with a grin

"You heard the good man, you can pay 50 gold... give or take a little... or you can ride with me for free... choice is yours...."

2009-09-28, 03:12 PM

Stopping at the animal vendor, he starts looking over the animals. Particularly the bird and the cat, sizing them up to see if they could carry him and his shorter legs. Thinking to himself, That bloody winged horse'd never hold me.


And looking around for the vendor running the place as well.

2009-09-29, 02:48 AM
Woohooo yells Karrik as he rides Lump around Silver City, getting a feel for the mountain lizard. When suddenly he spies a figure he recognises! Woah! he pulls Lump to a halt and swings down fromthe lightly puffing lizard! Fengris, he calls, Good to see you again, how goes the search for a suitable mount? As you can see I have acquired myself a rather fine looking lizard, he pats the lizard on the nose. Can I be of help at all? I do know something about animals.

If Fengris accepts Karrik's help.
Nature- 1d20+8
Although I should warn you I am not a haggler and actually may hinder you getting a good price for a mount!

2009-09-29, 02:50 AM
Sorry, let's try the roll again. Nature [roll0]

2009-09-29, 07:08 AM

Seeing the large lizard coming down the road and stopping at the stall jumps back slightly when he looks up and sees Karrik riding on top, "Well hello, Karrik! Yes, yes I think I need some help. I was looking at the cat thing and the bird thing here but I don't know if they'd hold me or not." The dwarf pointing down at his short stubby legs, "My kind isn't exactly built to ride. We usually just use em for pack animals"

2009-09-29, 08:11 AM
Celp pays the fifteen gold for his lizard and decides to wait around until it is time for the party to meet up.

2009-09-29, 09:23 AM

Seeing the large lizard coming down the road and stopping at the stall jumps back slightly when he looks up and sees Karrik riding on top, "Well hello, Karrik! Yes, yes I think I need some help. I was looking at the cat thing and the bird thing here but I don't know if they'd hold me or not." The dwarf pointing down at his short stubby legs, "My kind isn't exactly built to ride. We usually just use em for pack animals"

The vendor snorts. "Look, dwarf. You need a mount a bit lower to the ground. The cat may be a good idea, nothing like a good drakentigre. Rarest of the rare beasties it is. But if I could suggest one... me brudder's got some riding boars ifn' you don't mind walking away from here. But I think the 'tigre has a likin to ye."

At this the Drakentigre starts nuzzling up to Fengris and purring. "60 gold for it. It's got faster legs and wings, and travels easier than a drakensteed even. I'm thinkin' this can be the mount for ye, my friend."

2009-09-29, 09:39 AM

Hesitantly petting the cat, careful to watch for it to snap at his hands, shakes his head to the dealer "It's a fine beasty, but 60 gold is way outside my price range. I don't need a rare thing, I need something that will get me from point A to point B. Thanks for the offer, but I probably will be better off with the riding boar or even one of those lizard things."


Looking to Karrik, "Where'd you get yours?"

2009-09-29, 09:40 AM

Hesitantly petting the cat, careful to watch for it to snap at his hands, shakes his head to the dealer "It's a fine beasty, but 60 gold is way outside my price range. I don't need a rare thing, I need something that will get me from point A to point B. Thanks for the offer, but I probably will be better off with the riding boar or even one of those lizard things."


Looking to Karrik, "Where'd you get yours?"

(ooc: Oooh, critfail!)

2009-09-29, 10:04 AM
Weeeeellllll. There's a dealer up the street who gave me a great deal on this Lizard here. I only paid 5 gold for it! (lying through his teeth) My Dwarven friend here could easily take his business elsewhere if you're not inclined to lower your price a little. Besides this Drakentiger looks a little off colour to my expert eye! I'm sure you can do a better deal than 60 gold! Karrik makes a show of checking out the cat to see if it is healthy etc.
Nature- [roll0]
Diplomacy- [roll1]
Bluff- [roll2] Let's try everything and see what happens!

2009-09-29, 10:44 AM
Good news, the cat is healthy.

Bad news, so is the big goliath guard of the vendor. And he's angry.

Acrobatics check from Fengris please.

2009-09-29, 11:19 AM
ooc: thought it was a 0, was mildly surprized to see a +1. And expecting a low roll too ;)

Edit: If things involve being tossed to my butt. I get a save for going prone ;)

[roll=Pronesave]1d20 dc10

2009-09-29, 11:22 AM
urf, no dwarf tossing ;)

[roll0] dc10

edit: LOL fail!

2009-09-29, 12:02 PM
Fengris lands prone on the street, face down in the mud. At least, you hope its mud. There were some riding birds outside after all...

2009-09-29, 12:30 PM
LaGouf turns to Kari with a grin

"You heard the good man, you can pay 50 gold... give or take a little... or you can ride with me for free... choice is yours...."

"Ah, I apologise for spurning you... this is not exactly the course of action I was looking to take, but okay, I'll ride with you. For now, at least."

2009-09-29, 01:02 PM

Picking himself up out of the mud, using his staff as support, it would look like the dwarf is almost ready to throw down at the goliath, but instead he lets out a hearty laugh as he flings the mud from his face and beard.

"Tis not worth the trouble, them beasties probably got fleas anyway. Better ta find a lizard." he says loud enough that the shop-keep and anyone passing by the shop could hear. Also resisting casting a spell at one of the animals including the goliath.

2009-09-29, 03:00 PM
Grabbing Kari's hand and helping her get on the Drakensteed, LaGouf takes the mount for a ride.

"Well, we seem to have concluded our buisness rather fast, and we still have some time before we meet up with our companions... so... fancy a drink?"

2009-09-29, 04:18 PM
A man walks up to Fengris. Upon his chest is a symbol of a black spider upon a red and blue web.

"May Khaz be with you. Are you Fengris? Fengris of Clandeggin?"

2009-09-29, 09:21 PM

Briefly looking over the stranger and at the same time trying to clean himself up as best he can; gives him a nod, "Aye, I'm Fengris Rockhammer. Are you a friend of Cassidy? Please take no offense if I don't offer you my hand, I'd not want to get this mud on you by accident." Also making a hand gesture to his companion Karrik up on the lizard, "This is Karrik, one of my compatriots. How may I or we help you?"

2009-09-29, 09:49 PM
"I am Brother Edward. I noticed you needed some help. I have been aiding Cassidy here for some time. And I wish to help you with... your mount problems." He points to a small chapel down the road in the midst of a small garden. Its window is the same as his symbol, but in a large circle.

2009-09-30, 12:44 AM
Karrik's eyes widen as Fengris flies past his eyes and lands in the street. He spins and his hands go to his twin short swords, only to find his eyes facing the belly of a much taller being. He looks up....Gulp! and slowly moves his hands away from his weapons and backs out into the street. He is just in time to hear a stranger address Fengris by name and to hear the dwarf's reply. Hello... Brother Edward was it? How can we help? Karrik peers at the man hoping to get a sense of his purpose, or even what type of a man he is.
Insight- [roll0]

2009-09-30, 06:57 AM

Nodding a little bit "I would appreciate any help you might be able to give, Brother Edward. But I would not want you to put yourself out too much. First I'd like to try to clean up a little better." And starts following the man towards his chapel.

2009-09-30, 01:19 PM
Fengris and Karrik
Once at the chapel, a man in blue robes runs up to Fengris. "Oh yes, yes, this is the Clandeggian Brother Cassidy told us about. Prestidigitation." With but one word from the man, most of the mud has bee wiped away, except for a few small stains on the boots of Fenris.

"Ah, thank you Brother Reed. Yes, now then, Reed could you fetch Fengris here a mount? He needs it to aid out Brother in Khaz." Reed nods to Edward's request and runs off.

"There are but five of us here. Brother Reed, his wife Sister Sue, Brother Cassidy, myself, and Sister Felicia. We are allied with the Church of Illumine down the road and the Enclave of the Green Order and the Enclave of the Blue Brotherhood here in town. The Church of Grand Kal in the North District is also a friend to us. And we are no stranger to Clandeggians from the Gold City either! Good mates, me and Lutka of Clandeggin. If your journeys ever take you there, I'll be certain to send a message ahead of you to prepare you a room there." Edward kneels at a small pond and feeds the koi in it.

"Cassidy was a crusader, going out and fighting the ills of this world, and because of it, he became cursed, much like when Khaz fought the Yuan-Ti god of magic, long forgotten. Now he is a drider, and dying. And we are so great full for your help. It's been taking all of our care and Khaz' power to keep Cassidy from dying or being seen as a monster by those Zealots of Neyaw-Urceb, who would lock him up quick and probably leave him to die.

"Thank you so much. We are in your debt." At this point, Reed returns with a large spider in tow.

"Tell me, Fengris, do you think you could ride this?"

2009-09-30, 02:01 PM
Karrik starts at the sight of the giant spider and quickly glances at Fengris to gauge his reaction to the giant beastie!

2009-09-30, 07:12 PM

The dwarf upon seeing the riding spider, looks a little leary but cannot refuse such a gift. "How can I say no to your generousity. I wish I had something for which to repay you, but I will do what I can to find the items that Cassidy has sent us out to look for so he is healed again."

Stepping up to the spider as Reed still holds it he tries to climb on top and gripping the reigns looks a little unbalanced but seems not to fall right off.


"I don't know if or when we will be in Gold City but if I see members of the clergy I will be sure to pass a message of greeting and thanks to them for you"

2009-09-30, 08:29 PM
Reed nods, as does Edward. The spider seems like it wants to obey Fengris with even the slightest command.

It waits patiently for Fengris' command.

Edward smiles. "The spider likes you, Fengris. Now then, I hope you find everything alright. And I beleive the Blue Brotherhood may help you recover the Blue Light. They just wish to make sure someone of their philosophy has it, and I beleive that Karrik here fits the bill perfectly."

2009-10-01, 02:48 AM
Karrik swings up onto his lizard and at Brother Edward's words, glances down at the braclet on his wrist. Well then my spider riding friend, shall we try and track down the others and go visit this Blue Brotherhood?

2009-10-01, 09:13 AM

Before departing with Karrik, asks one last question to the Khaz brother "I met an old adventurer just prior to encountering my little trip, (ooc HAHA get it :smallbiggrin:) he mentioned a weapon and treasure in the ancient city of Ch'Talla, and of a tiger beast that guarded it. Could this be part of what Cassidy needs?"

2009-10-01, 10:45 AM
Edward and Reed think for a minute. "Reed, fetch Anthony. I think he should help us too."

"And the sisters?"

"Yes, them too. Maybe we can pool our resources."

Sue and Felecia run us. Both are near pinacles of beauty, Sue a tall, slender human woman with blonde locks, Felecia a tall, voluptuous halfling beauty with platinum hair. Anthony himself is in a suit of armor, and nods when he hears the question.

"Hm... I see... Ho-Mar, you were once upon a Ch'Tallan warrior. What do you know?" Anthony nods a few times. "Yes, yes. An ancestor of modern Drakentigres, a primal variant so to speak. The ancient Ch'Tallans were able to bound an elemental beast in to the form of a tiger and a dragon. Think of it as a raging black dragon from one of the more savage continents being bound on an elemental level to a tiger, conencted with pure chaos. Thank you, Ho-Mar." With that a small, low whistle can be heard. Anthony nods to Fengris under his helmet. "This will take a peculiar strategy. Fire will not be your ally here. As for helping Cassidy... No more so than any magic sword would help you retreive the lights. But Ch'Tallan magic is peculiar, stronger than most modern day magics. It was said that, back in those days, all a mage had to do was ask for reality to bend beyond anything we can imagine and it could happen.
One legend even spoke of the first noble kobold, who was granted his power by a primordial and a handful of efreeti. He and his familiar were said to be infinitely powerful. His name was lost to the ages."

Reed just stares down Anthony. "I thought I was supposed to be the long winded one..." to which Edward and Sue laugh, and Felicia offers a small chuckle.

"Any other way we can help?" Felicia asks, getting incredibly close to Karrik, nearly uncomfortable, though her assets could change one's mind.

2009-10-01, 12:21 PM

Listening to the description, he shrugs to himself and isn't sure that it was connected to their initial quest "Hmm, I had thought that perhaps the light was in Ch'talla, and thus my reason for asking about the place. It may still be there, but I guess we'll have to go to Blue City and see if the brotherhood there has some more information as you initially suggested." Fengris doesn't look to interested in the women flirting with Karrik, but doesn't look like he'll rush the fellow if he wants to flirt back.

2009-10-02, 07:12 AM
Karrik's eyes show appreciation of Felecia's 'attributes' as he swings down from his Lizard. Fair Felecia, you could help in any number of different ways, but alas, I fear your friend Cassidy's condition will not wait for us to become better aquainted He sweeps a low bow over Felecia's hand, However, if you are amenable, once we have helped your friend, I would gladly spend some time to get to know such a beautiful woman as your self. Karrik looks up at her and smiles his most charming grin. I have never been in the presence of one so attractive and graceful as yourself, and it will be a difficulty to tear my self away, but perhaps next time?... He lets go of her hand and swings himself back up onto Lump.

2009-10-03, 06:08 AM
In response to OOC results of Insight Roll

After he has swung up onto Lump and said farewell to the ladies, Karrik glances again at Felecia...and pauses... There's something not quite right about her, he thinks. Addressing Felecia againMy Lady, I think you are more than you seem to be. I am curious why you have chosen this form, not that it isn't unappealing I assure you? He looks at Brother Edward and the others in the room, glancing last at Fengris on his giant spider to see if he has noticed anything unusual about the halfling woman.

2009-10-05, 10:50 AM
Felicia comes up to Karrik's ear and whispers.

"I'm whatever form you WANT me to be, tiger. I'm any form you can imagine..." With that her eyes change colors and her skin turns to a golden complexion before turning back. "And you always have a nice warm bed here in Silver City..." she says while her hands come dangerously closing to touching Karrik in some... compromising situations.

2009-10-05, 11:30 AM

[roll0] To see if Fengris can notice what Karrik did &/or hear the whisper (unlikely)

The dwarf waits patiently for his companion to finish with the woman. Coughing slightly to get his attention when she moves closer to Karrik, "Best we were on our way. We'd not want to keep the others waiting."

2009-10-05, 11:57 AM
Grabbing Kari's hand and helping her get on the Drakensteed, LaGouf takes the mount for a ride.

"Well, we seem to have concluded our buisness rather fast, and we still have some time before we meet up with our companions... so... fancy a drink?"
"Yes, a drink would be nice. As long as you're paying" she says with a grin.

2009-10-05, 01:30 PM
"Me... paying... hmm.... well... I guess... that's fair enough..."

With that, LaGouf proceeds to search for the dirtiest, seediest... and also coincidently cheapest pub in the city.

Streetwise check [roll0]

2009-10-05, 01:33 PM
LaGouf does manage to find a pretty cheap pub. Simple menu: ale, lager, Geheimnisbrau, and Smorg. Also, there is something called Blackbile Ale. A city specialty perchance?

2009-10-05, 01:40 PM
LaGouf studies the menu...

"Hmmm... this "Smorg" sounds interesting..."

As he tries to remember if he has ever heard of this drink

Insight roll [roll0]

2009-10-05, 01:41 PM
It seems to be much like a Bloodbeer from back home, but with the pungent smell of Blacklightwine, a great drink from LaGouf's homeland.

2009-10-05, 01:47 PM
"Yes, that will do nicely..."

Snapping his fingers at the waitress he says with an air of full authority

"You there! Yes you! 2 glasses of Smorg... and make sure the glasses are not dirty... and don't take your sweet time, or else no tip for you!"

Then looking at Kari he says...

"Cute establishment isn't it?" as he gives a look around the pub

2009-10-05, 01:51 PM
The drinks are retreived quickly. The drink bubbles and smokes, and smells like some died, got reanimated, wallowed through a sewer, was coated in rotten eggs, was killed and then had brimstone rained upon it for two weeks before being ground up, fermeted with durians, and then served to you.

Its not pleasant.

Tastes worse.

And the alcohol content isn't too great.

2009-10-05, 02:01 PM

Fortitude Attack to see if LaGouf vomits from drinking the Smorg.

2009-10-05, 02:02 PM
LaGouf just stares at his drink... bloody waitress must have gotten the wrong drink. Still last thing LaGouf wanted to do was to cause a fuss and make himself known. So hosting up his glass he says

"Ah... the smell... the texture alone... delightful! Must be... from the south... Mavara...just slightly acidic and full bodied dry... just the way we drink it at home... in one go..."

Naturally LaGouf was trying to save face... hoping Kari doesn't notice


and in order not to have to smell the vile drink, LaGouf does the unthinkable... he takes it down with one gulp.


And slamming the glass on the table, he just stares at Kari. All of a sudden LaGouf starts to sweat profoundly, and his face turns pale... as if he could become any paler. Feeling the drink coming back up, he manages to say a quick

"... 'scuz me..."

as he goes off finding the nearest toilet.

2009-10-06, 02:37 AM
Sweating slightly at the offer made by Felecia, (and definitely making a mental note to remember her/him/whatever when they come back to Silver City), he reluctantly breaks away and looks up at Fengris, Ahem..umm yes, we really shouldn't keep the others waiting, time is of the essence you know, and swings back up onto the lizard. He turns to Fengris,Right, where are the others do you think? I have an inkling they might be in a pub! And knowing Legouf, the seedier the better. He pauses and leans back down to Felecia, Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where a really seedy pub is would you? We need to find our companions, and that seems like the best bet.

2009-10-06, 11:53 AM
"Seediest pub I can think of is just down the main road into the trade district. Just, if you drink anything, drink the ale. Half the time the lager tastes like piss." Sue shoots Felicia a dirty look. "What? It's true. Just ask Anthony."

Anthony nods. "If anything, I'm halfway convinced that the barkeep uses it as a chamber pot. The only clean thing in there is the ale."

2009-10-06, 12:12 PM
Kari, having kept away from the drink during LaGouf's escapade calls after him "Mmm, delicious!" while pretending to down the drink, and secretly pouring it onto the floor. She barely manages to keep her laughter in while LaGouf is in the toilets.

2009-10-06, 12:17 PM
LaGouf returns to his seat, wiping his brow he says

"My taste buds must be a little off today... so then Kari... since we are going to be travelling together, we might as well get acquainted a little more... tell me a little about your self..."

Of course he was trying to change the subject.

2009-10-06, 12:34 PM

The dwarf atop the spider gives a hearty laugh at the answers the two give Karrik, "Ale it is, aye! Com'mon Karrik, the bar's a'waiting." he cries out and with a flick of the reins, causes his spider to lead off to the tavern.

2009-10-06, 03:20 PM
Celp sings a little song while he walks the streets,
"The bar, the bar, they'll love my
lizard, lizard, have some feed
gently, gently, from my hand,
new friend, new friend, let's get drunk!"

Celp then looks for a nice bar to hang out in.

2009-10-06, 11:48 PM
(Celp, make a Streetwise check)

2009-10-07, 02:18 AM
Waving good bye to Felecia, Karrik urges Lump to catch up with Fengris on his spider, Okay, so down the main road to the pub. When we get there, let me buy you a drink to make up for the fact you got chucked out into the street by someone twice our size!

2009-10-07, 06:13 AM

2009-10-07, 07:46 PM
Celp happens to find two taverns: A peice of poo pub with his other party members, and a nice, affordable, clean pub with a Guild stamp of approval and attractive servers just down the road.

2009-10-08, 06:00 AM
Celp pokes his head into the bad pub and tells his party members, "I know a much better place than this one. Shall we head there?"

2009-10-08, 07:25 AM
"Well, Mr. LaGouf, there's an awful lot about me to tell. Why dont you ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them?" says Kari, hoping secretly that she will be able to avoid most of them.

2009-10-08, 07:30 AM

Arriving at the pub, he spots Celp going into the bar and saying to Karrik, "Well it looks like the party's starting to gather together again. Just need to find the other three." not knowing of course that LaGouf and Kari are already inside. (ooc not sure what happened to Jamus aka Don tb)

2009-10-08, 08:21 AM
LaGouf looks at Kari and says

"Oh please... no need for formalities... you can call me Cedric... and I..."

All of a sudden he is interrupted by Celp requesting for a relocation

"Dammit I'm kinda busy here..." he yells back

before slipping up and muttering "Kataramene..." in his local dialect. All of a sudden, LaGouf looks around to make sure that no one heard him.

2009-10-08, 08:35 AM
Listening to Fengris, Karrik agrees, That did look like Celp didn't it, shall we join him for a pint? Although I'm not sure about the choice of location. Karrik brings his mount to a halt and swings down, waiting for Fengris and preparing to enter the dodgy looking pub.

2009-10-08, 11:45 AM
Everyone near LaGouf, make a Perception Check and a History check.

2009-10-08, 12:48 PM
Perception: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2009-10-08, 06:14 PM

Agreeing with Karrik, "Aye, it did look like him. But, please remind me again why you wanted the seedy bar?"

Entering into the tavern and stopping behind Celp who's still standing at the doorway, "Are you going inside?"

Not sure if the rolls apply to myself or Karrik, but give it a good heave-ho!

2009-10-08, 08:12 PM
"Aye. The best bar is the one with friends in it. Or if you don't see any of those, then friendly people you just met will work fine. Hope none of you mind that I don't join you in drinking tonight. My lizard set me back a few."

Celp walks in and sits with the party.

2009-10-09, 01:40 AM
Well, seedy bars can be fun Fengris, you never know who you might meet, in fact there was this one ti... As he follows Celp and Fengris into the bar, Karrik is hit by an interesting smell. He leans over to Fengris, Remind me never again to go for the seedy pub! He strolls over to join the others at the table. My dwarven companion, I promised you a drink, and for the rest of you, what takes your fancy? He backons the serving girl over again and orders a pint of ale, (as suggested by Felecia).
Perception- [roll1]
You've got a fine lizard out there Celp, have you named it yet?

2009-10-09, 05:18 AM
"His name is Liz." Celp leans forward and whispers, "Don't tell him it's a girl's name. He's just a lizard so he doesn't know better."

Celp leans back and laughs.

"So what have you and Fengris been up to?"

2009-10-09, 08:50 AM

The dwarf retells his encounter with the old adventurer as well as his luck (or failure as the case may be) with the first vendor and the discussion with the priests of Kahz, "Needless to say, it's been an eventful day. Oh, and Celp, don't worry about not having the copper tonight for an ale or two, we'll cover ya."

2009-10-09, 12:21 PM
LaGouf seems to be a little frustated that the rest of the party barged in... considering that it ruins his plans to get Kari drunk

"Oh... its you guys... well? Found anything useful? And by the way I strongly suggest the Smorg..."

2009-10-09, 01:03 PM
"Thanks Fengris. I'm afraid my day has been rather uneventful LaGouf. What about yourself?"

2009-10-09, 01:11 PM
"Well... I secured my financial future by buying some prime-time real estate, and I suckered a poor sap into selling me a winged mount for peanuts. Other than that... nothing else... so... I also assume you have been successful in finding some means of transportation... so if you have, we should then decide when we are to depart."

2009-10-10, 11:21 AM
Great name for a Lizard, Celp. Karrik then recounts his experiences leading up to meeting up with Fengris and his interesting chat with Felecia. So, who's up for some drinks and then setting off tomorrow?

2009-10-13, 02:05 PM
The day is now upon our heroes. They have ventured out of the city and set off. Brother Edward made for them a small pack of travel foods.

But a large problem has arisen. The road forks. One road goes toward a canyon, another up the mountain and through the pass. Off the beaten path is another path that leads through the woods, and there is a path near the canyons that leads through the Underway.

There are two caravans, one heading for the pass, one for the Underway. So those ones will at least have more people. But is that a good thing?

2009-10-13, 02:13 PM
LaGouf tries to remember which is the quickest path to their destination.

History roll[roll0]

He decides which course to suggest and says

"I beleive the quickest rout will be via the mountains..."

2009-10-14, 12:29 AM
I agree with LaGouf, Cassidy wants us to avoid towns and cities, so the mountain path seems to make the most sense. Riding with a caravan should not cause any problems either. He scans the ground and sky, trying to see if there are any clues as to who has passed this way before and if anyone is still lurking around.

Nature Roll- [roll0]

2009-10-14, 04:08 AM
Celp looks at the caravans and tries to figure out their general intent. "I wonder what those friendly looking bunch are up to?"


2009-10-14, 08:31 PM

Thinking a moment, "He did mention bandits along the way, but if the caravan is friendly enough, there is protection in numbers, and it may help to avoid trouble. So I agree with Karrik."

2009-10-16, 12:21 PM
"Well, personally, I'd suggest going through the woods. It'd be much easier to set up a hidden camp or an ambush if needs be, plus I... umm... I don't like people" Kari says, trailing off at the end. She's not speaking to anyone in particular, and shortly after saying it hopes that no-one heard. "So... I'd say we go through the mountains then?" she says, with a note of uncertainty.

2009-10-18, 01:47 PM
"Hmmm... so we take the mountain road... or we go with the caravan? Both have their pros and cons.... the mountain road is faster... but with the caravan... there is at least safety in numbers..."

2009-10-19, 12:24 AM
I still say the mountain road. It is faster, as you say LaGouf, and will avoid unwanted questions and enquiries. The caravan will just ask us questions!

2009-10-21, 08:25 PM
The night draws near, and the caravan wishes to get a move on. Make your decision now!

(Discuss in OOC, then I'll post what's next in IC.)

2009-10-23, 11:14 PM
The party bids the caravan adeiu, but the caravan decides to give them at least some hardtack, smoked fish and saltpork for their journey, so they will be well fed.

Days pass and eventually the forest becomes quite thick.

However, after some time, the forest becomes filled with fog, and it is now hard to see.

Until Karrik hears a twig snap and a bear roar behind the party.

Roll initiative.

2009-10-24, 02:30 AM
Need more text to post. More Text!

2009-10-24, 07:12 AM

2009-10-24, 08:27 AM

"What's that sound?"

2009-10-25, 12:19 PM


2009-10-26, 03:40 PM
Battle Order:
La Gouf


Before you, hidden within the fog, are seven figures. Three are tall, three are about the size of Karrik with huge ears and one is taller than even LaGouf.

Imagine the set up being somewhat like this:

Colors and first letters, black S is small shadow, M is medium shadow, B is the Big shadow.

2009-10-26, 04:07 PM
LaGouf decides not to make any threatening moves. He refuses to unsheathe his scythe... in fact LaGouf tries to pretend that he is impassive about the whole situation

Bluff Roll [roll0]

However, LaGouf seems to be whispering to himself in his native dialect again

"Pigene... Skullduggen... anafere ti vlepis..."

(Forgot to say, LaGouf's familiar switches to active mode)

2009-10-27, 06:58 AM

Seeing the party surrounded, the dwarf briefly tries to figure out what the creatures are and backs slowly until he's right behind LaGouf before pointing his staff at the smallest one and saying "The light of Clandeggin upon you"

(Actions in spoiler)

Minor Act to figure out what they are (use appropriate type/ignore others)
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

Move act: 3 squares to stand directly north next to LaGouf
Standard act: Sun Strike at the smallest one [roll3]
[roll4] and small one is slid 1 square south

AC: 16, Fort: 14 Ref: 13 Will: 16
HP: 27
Action points: 1

2009-10-27, 10:33 AM
Skull is Skullduggen
X is a dead enemy

2009-10-27, 04:26 PM
Celp sees the big shadow and tries to direct its attention away from his allies.

Minor Action - Divine Challenge on Big Shadow
Move Action - Move 10 feet towards Big Shadow (straight line)
Standard Action - Fearsome Smite(encounter power) on Big Shadow (2w+cha(4), on hit it takes penalty of wis(3) for attack until end of my next turn).

to hit:

Ac: 20, HP 37, Fort 14, Refl 14, will 15, AP 1

2009-10-27, 04:52 PM
The big shadow, a large bear, looks horribly hurt, but is still standing. It looks like its dizzy.

Karrik draws his bow and fires off two strong shots. Both shots, however, bounce off the bear.

The fog clears somewhat, revealing two humans in leathers, two goblins in chain, one dead goblin in burnt leathers and a human in robes. The human in robes fires a bolt of fire at Fengris.
If it hits, ongoing 2 fire damage.

The other humans aim slings at Celp.

The Goblins fire crossbows at Fengris and La Gouf.

The bear swings a mighty paw at Celp, trying to take his head off.

Kari's turn. You may well need it. RP your taking damage if need be, folks.

2009-10-27, 05:26 PM
Kari shouts to Celp "Hang in there!" before taking position next to him and hitting the bear with her shield, paving the way for another attack.

Minor - Inspiring word on Celp: Bonus HP gained [roll0]
Move - One square left of Celp
Standard - Furious Smash on bear [roll1] vs fort. +2 on Celp's next attack and damage vs. bear

2009-10-27, 05:59 PM
LaGouf manages to sidestep the bolt that was shot at him.

"... you little bastard... you tried to actually hurt me... allow me to show you how we deal with your kind where I come from..."

Minor action: Unsheathe his scythe
(LaGouf is attacking the Human which is to his front right side)
Cast Poisonous Burst:

2009-10-27, 06:06 PM
The human and goblin buckle under from the poison and vomit, eventually leaking blood from their faces.

Fengris's turn.

2009-10-27, 09:55 PM

Laughing as the fire does nothing to him "So ye like to play with fire eh?! Well, Clandeggin likes thunder!" Pointing his staff at the robed man and shouting "May the thunder of Judgement be upon you!" as a bolt flies from it at the robed human

Standard: Thunder of Judgement [roll0]
[roll1] thunder damage and target is pushed 3 squares back & dazed until the end of my next turn (this is Encounter power) (EDIT: Sorry add 1 more point of damage if hit, forgot about +1 on staff)

Hp: 27/27
AC/Fort/Ref/Will 16/14/13/16
AP: 1
Enc: 0/1
Daily: 1/1

2009-10-27, 11:15 PM
The thunder strikes the man, who spits blood onto the ground and swears at Fengris.

"Clandeggin? Really? By Morintu, you are daft! That god has no power!"

2009-10-28, 05:15 AM
Celp gets knocked around by several blows and mutters, "Sorry furball, but it seems I've no time to be joking around today."

Standard Action- Enfeebling Strike vs AC (1W+Cha(4), it takes -2 penalty to attack rolls till end of my next turn if I hit). Added bonus given by Furious Smash.

to hit- [roll0]
damage- [roll1]

Ac: 20, HP (max 37): What was the second stone's damage?, Fort 14, Refl 14, will 15, AP 1

2009-10-28, 09:42 AM
Celp gets knocked around by several blows and mutters, "Sorry furball, but it seems I've no time to be joking around today."

Standard Action- Enfeebling Strike vs AC (1W+Cha(4), it takes -2 penalty to attack rolls till end of my next turn if I hit). Added bonus given by Furious Smash.

to hit- [roll0]
damage- [roll1]

Ac: 20, HP (max 37): What was the second stone's damage?, Fort 14, Refl 14, will 15, AP 1

The stone did 4 damage.
The bear just shrugs off the blow and roars.

Karrik fires off two arrows at the bear.

The remaining human in the robes, fires another blast at Fengris.
[roll5]+2 ongoing if hits.

The last leathered human fires another sling stone, this one at Fengris.

The final goblin fires a bolt at La Gouf, yelling something about Vendeeeeeeta!

The bear again tries to take Celps head off.

The bear is hurt by the arrows, but still refuses to go down.

2009-10-28, 01:30 PM
Kari puts all her might into attacking the bear again, trying to make it mis-step to open an opportunity for Karrik.

Standard action - Warlord's Favour [roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage on hit
If hit, Karrik gets +4 to all attack rolls until the end of my next turn

2009-10-28, 04:18 PM
The bear still lives! Kari missed.

2009-10-28, 04:30 PM
LaGouf grunts as he is hit by the arrow, and watches as the bear refuses to go down

"Oh for Maiarla's sake... must I do everything?"

Cast: Death knell on the bear


2009-10-28, 04:31 PM
The bear keels over from the bolt of dark energy released by LaGouf.

2009-10-29, 06:57 AM

Grunting as the blast of fire hits the dwarf, he wastes no time in retaliating by returning fire from his staff, and then trying to pad out the fire burning on himself

Sun Strike (at will) [roll0]
[roll1] & target slides 1 square closer to Celp


Hp: 18/27
AC/Fort/Ref/Will: 16/14/13/16
AP: 1
Enc 0/1
Daily 1/1

2009-10-29, 11:01 AM
The man in the robes crumples, but is still breathing.

The goblin looks around.

"Screw the vendetta!" He yells with a thick gobish accent and drops his crossbow, running for the forest, too far into the fog to even see his shadow.

2009-10-29, 11:28 AM
LaGouf watches as the surviving Goblin runs away.

"What the heck was that all about?" Then seeing the robed man is still alive he adds

"Perhaps this distinguished gentleman might enlighten us... who volunteers to interrogate him?"

But first... LaGouf wonders if the corpses have anything of value... its not as if they needed it any more

Perception roll [roll0]

2009-10-31, 02:35 PM

Taking a breath after the robed man collapses "Whew. That was sudden. Didn't see or hear 'em comin."

And looking around to see if they dropped anything

2009-10-31, 06:03 PM
"Well, seeing as it's the done thing to look for treasure, it seems, I might as well join in"


2009-11-01, 08:58 PM
After Fengris and Kari both find a pouch with 13 gold in it (totally 26 between the two of them), the party continues onward.

About another day down the path, they decide to camp out. Everyone is sleeping bar Karrik, who is on watch.

However it is Fengris who hears the rusting through his bag (I'm just assuming you have a little knapsack, even if you said you didn't). And it is he who wakes up to the rather unremarkable theif taking the 13 gold from his pouch.

Mr. Mud, this is your cue!

Mr. Mud
2009-11-01, 09:06 PM
Ott, who is currently appearing as a changeling, is taken back when he sees Fengris staring at him. Knowing winning 4 on 1 fight wouldn't be probable, he

My apologies. He offers his right hand to Fengris, and in his left he attempts to hand him the compensation coins.

I am Ott.

2009-11-01, 11:50 PM

Shaking his head at the changeling doesn't put his hand out just yet "Ott, hmm. And your reason for theft from us?" using the end of his staff to tap awake Celp sleeping.

Listening for any more people around

2009-11-02, 01:50 AM
Ott works alone.

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 07:14 AM
Simple survival my friend. I've only this money in my left hand to offer you as compensation. Please, take it, or the honor of my homeworld will be undermined.

He looks at Fengris hopefully, and waits his reply. He also makes a listening check for anything else.


2009-11-02, 07:53 AM

Taking a 10 for insight not fully believing the changeling (that makes insight = 20) but the dwarf accepts back the money.

"There are better methods for survival, and stealing in the first place isn't too honorable. Why don't you tell me the whole sorry tale that put you out in the middle of nowhere in the first place."

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 10:13 AM
Well, the long in short of it is, I was exiled. and I need to find able comrades to help me gain back my place in my homeland...

He looks as if he's masking a strong longing for his homeland, and refuses to say more.

2009-11-02, 12:05 PM

Nodding in understanding about one finding ones place in their homeland, "Very well, if you can stay on the up and up; You may be able to find some help with us. But that also means no stealing. Think you can handle that?"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 12:07 PM
You have my word, to protect myself, yourselves, my honor and our honor, with my life.

2009-11-02, 12:14 PM
LaGouf stirs in his sleep

Perception roll [roll0]

"Some of us are trying to sleep here... just what is going on..."

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 12:20 PM
Ott pauses a moment before replying. You've caught, and befriended a thief. I am Ott.

2009-11-02, 01:01 PM
"So a thief got through while we were sleeping then.... great... I feel much safer knowing that the half-pint of a halfling can't even do proper guard duty... surprised I haven't woken up with a slit throat yet..,"

LaGouf then eyes Ott

"Wait a minuite... if you passed by our guard... then how did you get caught... and more importantly who befriended you?"

Mr. Mud
2009-11-02, 01:05 PM
Your Dwarven ally must have heard me rummaging through his gold. Mr. Mud looks ready, and alert.

He then accepted his gold, and some of mine as reparation. And I have sworn my allegiance to him, and the rest of your party.

2009-11-02, 01:09 PM

Nods somewhat "Aye, I said we'd try to help him out, if he watched his step. And someone who could sneak into camp could be useful for where we're going."