View Full Version : Mind Flayer Madness II: Prologue

2009-09-14, 05:08 PM
Mind Flayer Madness II: Prologue

It has been a light-less day like any other. You awoke to the hum of resonance stones, washing you with familiar emotions. The distant beat of the elder brain ever-present in the back of your subconscious, you went about your duties: eating, cleansing yourself in a fountain, seeing to your thralls, contacts, debtors and superiors. A few hours ago you received a telepathic message.

<Report to the Training Hall for mandatory Outer Planes Training Session in three hours. No spells, powers, or other effects with durations shorter than hours per your level of mastery permitted to be active at the beginning of the exercise.>

You are used to these training sessions. You've been through countless psychic simulations of all manner of different combat environments. The elder brain officially sanctions these activities to keep the inhabitants of Ungoliar sharp. With little else of pressing importance to attend to, you make your way to the training hall at the alloted time.

There you see four other fellow illithids, whom you've trained with before. It would seem the elder brain has designs of forming an official inquisition out of your group of five. You acknowledge each other's presence with telepathy and a few wriggles of your tentacles. As you take your place in the center of the cavernous, slick, humid training cavern, several other illithids begin to file in, taking their places on the periphery of the cave, near the walls. They link hands, and wispy strands of luminescent psychic power begin to pulse and hum between them, connecting their minds in a potent training-dream. Just as the psychic static reaches a crescendo, the door to the elder brain's chamber opens, and a massive pillar of blinding psionic light punches into the chamber, overwhelming your senses.

For a while, all you can feel is the crackling, humming energy of all these linked minds. You too, allow the slightest drop in your mental defenses, so that you may enter the simulation-dream fully, and allow your senses to experience the fictional situation.

You find yourselves standing on a small disc of dirt or stone, spinning within a maelstrom of chaos. Massive blobs of elemental energy fluctuate, writhe, spin, and collide in an endless infinity of pure change.


You've experienced Limbo's environments before, either in training or first-hand. The light here is unpleasant, primarily coming from the gouts of flame that swirl around you. The noise is also almost overwhelming: shrieking winds, grinding rock, crashing waves, and roaring fires fill your ears. The silence and coolness of Ungoliar is gone: only the madness of this virtual Limbo exists now.

Peering through the elemental storm, you spot your foes: the hated githzerai. Five gith can be seen, waiting for you in fighting stances. They are clad in nondescript, brown robes. However, judging from their equipment, you can tell that two of them are less physically adept than the other three. However, appearances can be deceiving in these training simulations, and the githzerai themselves are unpredictable and wily foes. There's no telling what powers they possess.

<Defeat these foes, and your training session will be complete.>

Two pairs of githzerai, one in the northwest, and one in the southwest, standing on discs of stabilized rock, surrounded by swirling winds, and a lone monk standing on a large chunk of elemental earth to the northeast. Several areas of swirling water lie to the southeast, whilst fire seems to dominate the northwest. However, you know that the combination of elements will not remain for long, not here. Gravity is whatever direction you think it to be. You must adopt your tactics to suit your environment, and your foes.

2009-09-14, 06:58 PM

Ki'kilela is, by Mindflayer standards, extremely heavily built. His wiry frame is still lanky and fluid, but there is a certain fortitude which he carries that is uncharacteristic of his kind, demonstrated partially by his propensity to wear a suit of exquisitely crafted full plate armor inscribed with psionic and incarnum runes that glow with a malevolent red hue. His companion, Ω, is a large draconic-shaped construct inscribed with the same psionic and incarnum runes as those on Ki'kilela's armor. He is rarely seen without being in Ω's company.

Ki'kilela spent the better part of his downtime in his workshop, mentally plotting how he would sculpt a particularly rare sample of red-veined quartz crystal. As the telepathic message arrives, Ki'kilela slowly shakes his head and glances at Ω. <I suppose I won't be getting to finish this sculpture today after all.>

His concentration broken, Ki'kilela abandoned the crystal in disgust and spent some time carefully shaping his incarnum into seven different forms which glowed a dull, malevolent red as he finished shaping them. He mentally instructed Ω to assist him with his armor, strapping on the myriad sheets and plates of mithril that he had so carefully sculpted to conform to his body. Once that was done, the nebulous form of three soulmelds suddenly coalesced out of the ether, replacing his mundane pauldrons with the dull grey of adamantine and a strangely crystalline structure.

Next, with a short movement, a small amount of ectoplasm coalesced about Ki'kilela's arms in the form of red, crystalline vambraces. At the same time, a great amount of ectoplasm forms itself into the shape of brooding wings as Ki'kilela bestowed upon himself the wings of his Astral Constructs.

Beneath his armor, the midnight blue leather of his Impulse Boots coalesced, appearing to merge with his legs.

Ki'kilela took another moment to shield his mind from hostile influence while ensuring that he obligingly left a backdoor through which the Elder Brain could access his mind.

Satisfied, Ki'kilela made his way out of the workshop, absent-mindedly waving a hand at Ω to remain where it was; the training would not affect a mindless automaton anyhow, and this was a test of his own skills, not that of his creation.

As the training begins, Ki'kilela nods a brief greeting to the others. Rapidly assessing the situation, he sends out a message to the others: <I shall summon a construct beyond the normal bounds of my abilities to occupy the two to the south of us.>

Ki'kilela fights against the chaotic energies of the plane, attempting to slip into his own personal time stream for some time to allow him a chance to prepare, consuming his vitality in the process. If successful, he will craft two Astral Constructs, lovingly shaping them into twisted, gargantuan versions of githzerai with massive ectoplasmic claws. The two constructs appear out of thin air by the southwestern Gith and begin to attack, while Ki'kilela wraps a cloak of ectoplasm about himself before flying to the bottom right corner of the stone block to the northwest.

I'm assuming that the Wild Magic trait of Limbo is in effect here? -- If so, the only thing that should have failed was Greater Concealing Amorpha. In which case:

Ki'kilela: HP 133, AC 32, Sickened 1 Round, Buffs: Personal Mind Blank, Acid Resistance 10, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, 50% Fortification, DR 4/good, Flight Astral Construct ability, DR 2/Magic, Ignore first 2 points of ability damage each instance.
Astral Construct 1: HP 118, AC 33
Astral Construct 2: HP 118, AC 33


Both Constructs are 8th level Astral Constructs with the following traits:
Menu C: Rend
Menu B: Extra Attack
Menu B: Improved Fly
Menu B: Heavy Deflection
Menu A: Power Attack
Menu A: Trip

Once time returns to normal, Ki'kilela then manifests Greater Concealing Amorpha.


Meanwhile, assuming the Constructs are in position to full attack, they do so, one attacking the Blue Githzerai, the other attacking the Green one.

1st Construct on Blue Githzerai



2nd Construct on Green Githzerai



EDIT: Forgot the Rends. If two or more claw attacks hit, automatically rends for 2d6+21: 2d6+21=26, 2d6+21=26 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2252847/)

If they aren't in range to full attack, they will both charge if they can, attacking the closest enemy and using the values for "Attack 1"

Spent: 42 power points, possibly another 4 for Greater Concealing Amorpha, depending on what happens.

EDIT: Also, the Constructs each have durations of 15 minutes because Ki'kilela is Psionically Focused for his Extended Construction ability.

EDIT 2: Ki'kilela automatically succeeds on the Craft: Sculpture check to make the Astral Constructs look exactly like twisted versions of the two Gith they're fighting.

2009-09-14, 07:07 PM

Vhess narrows white eyes. There was no reason to mess around here- the enemy represented was a foe to the illithids, and everyone was watching. This wasn't a time to hold back- no, this was the time to shine. With the speed of thought, Vhess streaks forwards, ignoring the twisting gravity with a strength of will and the help of its heavily enchanted cloak.

Determined to end this before it began, Vhess focuses its psionic might, an eerie whine growing in the corner at the northwest. With a mental trick, Vhess overlays its psychic processes twice more- it was not a matter of concentrating harder or faster, but simply multi-tasking and repetition; of course, the feat was hardly natural, or even understood by most of the other illithids...

A riotous whirl of energies scream over the northwest corner as Vhess projects not one, but three gyres of ectoplasmic energy, intertwining fire with ice and electricity in an attempt to overwhelm the gith.

Vhess has a perfect fly speed equal to land speed due to Phoenix cloak, so Vhess will use a move action to move 35ft northwest, not even bothering to work with or against gravity.

Once there, Vhess will manifest an Energy Wave (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyWave.htm) of fire, augmenting it once for a total of 14 power points (after that, I get to subtract one for my Torc of Power Preservation, so I only spend 13). The illithid will also expend one inspiration point to add +13 to the damage roll.
[roll0] +14 (fire) +13 (competence). DC 30 reflex save for half.
Vhess then will spend three inspiration points to use Cunning Surge to gain an extra standard action, and will manifest Energy Wave again, except using Cold instead of fire. I'll spend another inspiration point to add +13.
[roll1] +14 (cold) +13 (competence). DC 30 Fortitude save for half.
Then repeat the above process again, except with electricity.
[roll2] +13 (competence) DC 32 reflex save for half.

Edit: also, spending 4 extra inspiration to ignore any spell resistance the two gith in the northwest corner may have.

Spent: 39 power points, 13 inspiration points.

2009-09-14, 09:31 PM
Even by Illithid standards, Alator is scrawny, almost nothing but skin, bones, and tentacles. Sunken eyes protrude from a skull only barely covered with rubbery skin, and his arms and legs are almost skeletal. His clothing doesn't help much, a shapeless robe of navy blue that hangs from his form. The overall effect is somewhere between "feeble old man" and "starved corpse." His mental "appearance" is equally odd, though harder to put into words. Something like a dry, slithery sensation, combined with an oppressive weight.

And currently, he stares blankly into the distance, watching the roaring fires and maelstroms. The wind buffets his robe, making him look somehow insubstantial and ghostly. And suddenly, with no ceremony whatsoever, he steps forward into a patch of shadow and vanishes from casual sight.

Hidden by shadows, the flayer silently wills himself aloft and takes flight. He heads southwest, half flying and half falling, to assume a position above the vile opponents.

Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis grants the Dark template, which grants Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) as long as not within an area of full daylight, a daylight spell, or a similar effect. Presumably since the area is only lit by the patches of fire, it doesn't count as full daylight. If I'm mistaken, please tell me and I'll edit.


Alator manifests Psionic Fly, and attempts to manipulate his personal gravity to fall roughly southwest and stop when he's about 20 feet above the Githzerai. If he fails his Wisdom check, he'll just fly 60 feet southwest.


Eternal Kanus
2009-09-14, 10:53 PM

Watching the growing chaos, K'thzt simply shakes his head. <Rather flashy, don't you think?> Despite the shifting gravity, a shimmer from his anklets keep him stable, if not 'upright', whatever that may be. K'thzt lowers his head briefly, before advancing towards the nearest Gith and striking swiftly, his tentacles crackling with electricity.

Manifesting Psionic Lion's Charge, augmented to 11 pp for a +8 damage boost, charging at enemy 5 east/2 down, full attack.

Attack 1- [roll0]
Damage 1- [roll1] bludgeoning + [roll2] lightning

Attack 2- [roll3]
Damage 2- [roll4] bludgeoning + [roll5] lightning

Attack 3- [roll6]
Damage 3- [roll7] bludgeoning + [roll8] lightning

Attack 4- [roll9]
Damage 4- [roll10] bludgeoning + [roll11] lightning

Wild Magic-
Manifester Check- [roll12] (DC 22)
Wild Magic Result (if necessary)- [roll13]

PP Spent- 11 Psychic Warrior

2009-09-14, 11:03 PM
As Zaerkholl strides into the Training Hall, his psionic presence pushes lightly on your minds, a sussurus of whispers in a thousand dead languages tinged in barely restrained malevolence and a deep, icy hate. Zaerkholl nods to you, the only other Illithid of the sept he has spent extended periods of time with.

His lanky form proves difficult to make out in the miasma of ever present psionic defences, but Zaerkholl is exceptionally tall for a mind flayer, and appears perpetually gaunt. However, unlike Alator, Zaerkholl stands out all the more because of it, clad in intricately woven spider silk of deepest purple, his unusually black mucus coating every patch of bare skin. He reaches out to your minds as he joins the circle <Once more unto the breach, as the thralls say>

Upon recovering from the blinding flash of the Elder Brain's power, Zaerkholl assesses the scenario almost as quickly as his inspired companion. Seeing the damage wrought by Vhess' initial assault, he decides to attend to the only untouched Gith in the Northeast. Time seems to slow for an instant before Zaerkholl disappears! Then, as everything reverts, he focuses his mental energies into a maelstrom of screams and points a single invisible finger at the lone Githzerai, sending a green beam of pure destruction towards it.

Zaerkholl is manifesting a normal Temporal Acceleration, followed by Greater Invisibility. Then, on his normal round he focuses an overchanneled Disintegrate for a total of 16 power points spent to do 32d6 damage, Fort DC 29 (provided Greater Invisibility succeeds).

Wild Magic DC 26: [roll0]
Wild Magic DC 24: [roll1]
Wild Magic DC 26: [roll2]
Touch Attack: [roll3]

Damage if Fortitude save fails: [roll4]
Damage if Fortitude save succeeds: [roll5]

Power points spent: 27
Spell slots used: One 4th level
Damage to self: [roll6]

Active powers: Psionic Overland Flight, Personal Mindblank, Inertial Armor, Adapt Body
AC: 38
hp: 124

2009-09-15, 04:45 PM
Seizing the initiative, Vhess unleashes a torrent of elemental energy in massive waves at the two northwestern githzerai. Unfortunately, due to the chaotic nature of the virtual plane, Vhess loses concentration for a split-second, and the wave of electricity flies harmlessly off to the side, dangerously coming close to scorching K'thzt in the process. One of the githzerai seems to weather the worst of the storm of cold and fire. Her robes are rimed a bit by frost and smoke slightly, but she otherwise seems no worse for the wear. Her male companion turns and flips, completely avoiding the tongues of ravenous flame, but he fares much worse against the potent blast of cold. Blades of ice cut at his flesh, and a lesser (or perhaps real?) specimen would surely have been killed, but the monk remains on his feet.
Just as he lands, he rockets from the chunk of stabilized rock, passing by Vhess and grabbing his shoulders with both hands. Vhess shrugs him off, but as he leaves he presses a cluster of nerves and stuns his foe before 'falling' into a pool of swirling water nearby. Almost simultaneously, the northeastern gith alters his personal gravity and rockets past the temporarily helpless illithid, this time twirling Vhess around in mid-air and throwing him right through the rest of the gathered inquisition. His body ricochets off his companions like a ragdoll, though K'thzt is spared from the collision. Finally, Vhess splashes into the pool of water that the first gith landed in. Vhess's thrower lands on a chunk of rock close to the rest of the party.
Then, to complete the impressive zero-g martial arts formation attack, the southwestern monk plummets into the pool, passing by Vhess' limp body and spearing a powerful thrust with his bare hands into a vital pressure point. Vhess is wracked by hideous pain; although the wound is not real, the pain is. He can feel his connection to the simulation beginning to falter: any more strikes like that and he'll be ejected!
Zaerkholl looks down on his companion's plight from behind the cover of invisibility. He points a cold finger at the lone monk by the rock, and fires a sickly green beam of destructive energy towards it. However, some sort of sixth-sense alerts him to the danger, and he twirls in the air in the nick of time, dodging the ray completely.
The two remaining distant gith display a potent array of psychic might, their eyes flashing with light. They are both covered by a film of ectoplasm that obscures their position. Finally, they too release a pair of green beams. The deadly disintegrate spells find their mark upon Ki'kilela and Alator. Alator's innate resistance to psionics causes the beam to dissipate harmlessly, but Ki'kilela's defenses are overcome by the crafty githzerai. However, the meldshaper's potent bodily fortitude easily protects him from the deadly beam, and he takes only a minor amount of damage, leaving his armor smoking softly.
In the shifting light provided by the sections of elemental flame, Alator becomes one with the shadows flickering through the battlefield. Lost to any but the most trained eyes, he silently floats above the southernmost githzerai manifester. Alator's keen perception allows him to notice subtle clues in the gith's expression and body-language. Although she's trying to mask it, it appears the githzerai is somehow aware of Alator, despite his stealth.
Ki'kilela, knowing the wounds to be illusionary, sacrifices his own bodily health to channel his mighty psionic power to greater effect. Two large githzerai monks, hideous mockeries of their foes, assemble themselves out of raw ectoplasm. One goes charging towards the southwestern female githzerai, but the crafty foe seems to predict the construct's movements seconds before it can execute them; she easily sidesteps the furious column of solidified ectoplasm meant to cleave her in twain. The second astral construct manifests itself within the swirling bubble of water containing the two githzerai monks and the stunned form of Vhess. It unleashes a barrage of attacks, and while it is difficult to perceive what is transpiring in the water, the gith seem unfazed by the attack. Indeed, they seem to be extremely difficult to even see.
Finally, K'thzt charges across the gap between the elemental chaos, lashing his tentacles out at the monk closest to the surface of the water. The water provides his foe with adequate cover, however, and all his attacks miss. However, a few seem like they should have connected: it was like they were passing through open air (or in this case, water).
The elements begin to shift, altering their positions as the githzerai prepare their next wave of attacks...

2009-09-15, 05:42 PM
Noticing the evasive nature of the Githzerai Monks and the psionic powers of those holding back, Zaerkholl changes his strategy. The psionic wails of his aura lose focus but grow in volume as a cold wind begins to swirl around the platform. With a thought, Zaerkholl brings order to the madness, and sends a wave of numbing cold towards the monk that had evaded his Disintegrate and also towards the female psion.

Zaerkholl's current status: hp (91), AC 38, PP 173, shaken

Zaerkholl is manifesting an overchanneled energy wave (cold). Fort DC 31 for half damage. It costs a total of 16 power points to do 16d6 damage.

Wild Magic DC 27: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Overchannel damage: [roll2]

2009-09-15, 07:11 PM
Alator closes his eyes briefly, feeling the shadowy reflections of the mental energy that pours off of both of the female gith. Silently, he finds the ripples caused by the second mind that the female gith partitioned off, and pulls that reflection into himself, splitting his own mind just as she split hers.

Then the Illithid relaxes, surrendering himself to the flow of destiny.

Alator will cast a Quickened Echo Spell to copy the female gith's Schism power on himself. With his standard action, he manifests Synchronicity for 1 pp. He readies an action to use Dispel Psionics (fully augmented), but he doesn't have to specify a condition. So if someone within counterspelling range targets Alator with an offensive power, Alator will use his readied action to attempt to counter. If nobody does, after everybody else has acted he'll use his dispel on the gith woman that he's floating above to try to dispel her buffs.


2009-09-15, 09:50 PM

Ki'kilela's eyes narrow as his constructs fail to harm the gith. <It would appear that the rules have changed. This encounter must have been... enhanced.>

Ki'kilela orders the Astral Constructs to continue attacking with a brief mental thought before turning his attention to the two psion gith. He once again accelerates time to provide him with time to work, being more conservative with his vitality this time.

In his accelerated time frame, he crafts yet another construct to provide the
southwestern one with assistance.

Then, returning to the standard time stream, Ki'kilela throws up a temporary buffer to aid him in lasting longer; so far he had done more damage to himself than any enemy, but that wouldn't last long.

Manifesting Temporal Acceleration as a swift action, no augmenting for 1 round of apparent time.

Ki'kilela: HP 97+65 temporary HP, 151 PP, AC 32, Sickened 1 Round, Buffs: Personal Mind Blank, Acid Resistance 10, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, 50% Fortification, DR 4/good, Flight Astral Construct ability, DR 2/Magic, Ignore first point of ability damage each instance.
Astral Construct 1: HP 118, AC 33
Astral Construct 2: HP 118, AC 33


Manifesting an Overchanneled to ML 15, fully Augmented Astral Construct.


Manifesting a 13 PP Vigor after returning to normal time as a standard action.

If the Construct gets built without a problem, it is an 8th level construct with the following abilities:
Menu C: Constrict
Menu B: Muscle
Menu B: Extra Attack
Menu B: Improved Flight
Menu B: Heavy Deflection

Then, all 3 2 constructs attack, beginning with the newly created one:


If a grapple is successful, then instead of continuing to attack, just use the Grapple check to constrict.



SW Construct:





E Construct:





Then, Ki'kilela attempts to alter his gravity to send him to the stone to the northeast of his current platform. [roll36]

2009-09-16, 10:33 AM

Vhess hisses at the pain, but decides to turn it into an advantage, moving around and slightly below the two gith fighting the construct nearby, then sending arcs of energy towards them in an attempt to make its wounds theirs.

If I move southeast diagonally one square, then east two squares, I think a 20ft radius burst will overlap the two gith and the construct, but not K'thzt. The construct won't be affected, since it is Mind Affecting.

Using Empathic Transfer, Hostile. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/empathicTransferHostile.htm) Augmented 6 to make it a 20ft burst, and 3 to add 30 points of damage to it.

Roll a manifester level check:
[roll0] vs. DC 23.

DC 26 will save. 80 damage on a fail, 40 damage on a success.

PP: (209/261)
Inspiration: (8/21)
HP: 84/114 (will have increased by at least 39, but I'll wait and see what I've accomplished)
AC: 36

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-16, 07:06 PM

K'thzt scowls as his tendrils pass harmlessly through the water, and as he sees two monks draw close to each other, attempts to enclose them in a sphere of ectoplasmic energy. He then gazes inward, bringing up a shield of the same, turning his sight toward the lone remaining monk.

Manifesting Wall of Ectoplasm as a 9-ft radius sphere enclosing the two southeastern monks, followed by a Quickened Force Shield augmented for an additional +1 AC.

Wild Magic-
Wall of Ectoplasm- [roll0] (DC 24)
Wild Magic Result- [roll1]

Force Screen- [roll2] (DC 21)
Wild Magic Result- [roll3]

2009-09-16, 08:25 PM
Training Simulation, Round 2

Suddenly, the water surrounding Vhess, the astral construct, and the monks washes away, floating off into open space. Channeling the pain within its body, Vhess unleashes a field of telepathic backlash, sending wracking pain through the minds of the monks nearby. Vhess' body recovers a great deal of its stamina, and soothing relief floods the telepath's mind.
One of the monks attempts to deliver a decisive blow against Vhess, but his concentration seems broken by the pain, and he lands a less deadly, though still painful, blow. He then steps into a nearby shadow, emerging within a swirling vortex of water nearby. The monk closest to K'thzt likewise attempts to strike his assailant, but the soul eater's defenses are more than a match for him. The githzerai follows his fellow warrior into the water via a quick shadowy jaunt.
The northernmost monk appears next to Ki'kilela, emerging from out of the illithid's own shadow. He then strikes Ki'kilela in a vital pressure point in the abdomen, sending piercing pain coursing through its body. The illithid's adamant pauldrons glow with power, protecting their wearer from what could have been an even more critical strike. Finally, with an acrobatic flourish, the gith goes leaping off the tiny bit of stabilized rock onto a larger plane of spinning earth nearby.
Zaerkholl, from the safety of his invisibility, unleashes a powerful wave of deadly cold, enveloping the northern monk and the distant female githzerai to the northwest. Like before, the female seems all but unaffected by the blast, and while the monk seems to steel himself against the worst of the cold, he still seems notably more hampered by the attack.
The two female githzerai focus their minds, and with a flash of psychic energy the southernmost astral construct dissipates into globs of ectoplasm before evaporating into nothing. The construct closest to its creator resists the psionic barrage, retaining its form and beginning to swim through the maelstrom of water towards its prey, the pair of monks. The southernmost psion points a finger at the hidden form of Alator, sending a deadly disintegrate beam skyward. Fortunately, the ray misses the illithid by mere inches, and it remains unscathed.
The northern female gith lobs a solid ball of violet crystal southward, and the orb strikes Ki'kilela with cannonball-force. The instant it strikes the shaper's armor, it shatters into a million razor-sharp pieces, catching Zaerkholl in the blast. Both the beguiler and the meldshaper are injured by the attack, but they manage to keep their minds focused on the task at hand.
Alator mimics the prudent power-selection of the githzerai below, and partitions its mind. It then uses the power of its potent brain to peel back the psychic defenses protecting the gith with surgical precision, and while she still remains coated in the ectoplasmic sheen, she appears to lose track of her foe's location. Alator is hidden once more, the way it should be...
Ki'kilela struggles with the chaotic nature of the virtual plane, and fails to harness enough ectoplasm to properly construct new reinforcements. Frustrated, it supplements its own pain threshold with the power of psychometabolic enhancement, buffering its strength for further attacks.
K'thzt seizes the opportunity presented by the two waterlogged monks proximity to each other, and encapsulates them both in a bubble of hardened ectoplasm. Then, unlike its ally Ki'kilela, the chaotic nature of Limbo assists in the manifestation of a disc of psychokinetic force, completely eliminating any taxation on the soul eater's mental reserve of power.
Once again, the elements begin to shift and weave...

2009-09-16, 09:31 PM
Irritated with the woman shooting at him, even if she wasn't real, Alator concentrates for a moment and buys himself some time. Time frozen, he releases a torrent of shadowy energy that twists most magic and psionics, but empowers that which draws from the Plane of Shadow. Then, as he rejoins the timestream, he conjures a blast of shadow from his hand and fires at the gith woman. His partial mind attempts to reinforce his body psionically, but it is overwhelmed by the chaotic energy of the plane and succeeds only in further warping the gravity around them.

Swift action: Temporal Acceleration, rebounds on caster.

--Accelerated turn
Attempts to manifest Defensive Precognition as a swift action. Base pp: 1 +6 (swift action manifesting time) +3 (increase bonus by 1). Total cost: 10 pp. If successful, gives Alator a +2 insight bonus to AC and all saves for 12 minutes.
[roll0], DC 21

Attempts to cast Flood of Shadow centered on himself as a standard action. If successful, spells and powers cannot be cast/manifested in or into the affected area without a Spell/Psicraft check (DC 15+spell/power level), and all mysteries or spells of the shadow subschool that originate within the area are automatically empowered for free.
[roll2], DC 26
[roll3] (Rebounds on caster, which means it has a normal effect)

--Normal time resumes

Schism action: Attempts to manifest Vigor, augmented to 6 pp for 30 temporary hit points.
[roll4], DC 21
[roll5] (Reverse Gravity)

Standard action: Attempts to cast Umbral Touch, using his metashadow rod of Maximize and the Reach Mystery feat. If successful, will make a ranged touch attack against the gith manifester for 30 plus half of 5d6 damage.
[roll6], DC 23
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9], divide by two and add 30 for a total of 39. Target must make a DC 24 Fort save if struck or be slowed.

2009-09-16, 11:09 PM

Ki'kilela gasps in pain as the monk's blow impacts. <This is absurd! No escaped slave can strike with that much force!>

The hail of crystals serves to further knock the wind out of Ki'kilela, but as the crystal globe shatters, the Incarnate's Impulse Boots flash in a combination of azure and red, and he completes a spectacular bout of aerial acrobatics, completely unscathed by the exploding shards. And a good thing, too--that would have taken him out of the fight.

In all likelihood, Ki'kilela is "dead" by the time it gets to be his turn. On the off chance that he survives...

Once again, more time than is readily available will be needed. Ki'kilela attempts to accelerate his time frame once more, repairing his vitality in the process.

Upon returning to the normal time stream, the air fills with the sound of shattering glass as Ki'kilela attempts to crystallize the Gith psion to the north.

Manifesting Temporal Acceleration for 11 PP.

Regardless of whether or not Temporal Acceleration is successful, Ki'kilela's next action is to manifest Body Adjustment augmented to 13 PP.

If that was only for Temporal Acceleration, Ki'kilela then manifests Crystallize on the northern gith for 11 PP.

If successful, Fortitude save DC 29 or be permanently crystallized.

The remaining construct will attack anything it can reach.





2009-09-17, 12:49 AM
The exact details of Zaerkholl's action will depend on whether Ki'Kilela survives the Githzerai round. Either way, the flavor text applies.

Stymied once again, Zaerkholl decides to abandon external assaults. However, his injuries must be delt with first. Time begins to slow as Zaerkholl's wounds begin to close. As the time stream returns to normal, Zaerkholl peers into the mind of the northern Gith. Examining its brain in excruciating detail, Zaerkholl sends out a single, razor though, attempting to sever the thrall's mind from its body.

If Ki'Kilela lives after the Gith round, Zaerkholl will target the un-trapped monk with the decerebrate. However, if Ki'kilela has been ejected from the simulation, the northern psion will be the target of Zaerkholl's wrath.

Temporal Acceleration -
Wild Magic DC 26: [roll0]
Power Points: 11

Body Adjustment -
Wild Magic DC 23: [roll1]
Power Points: 13
Amount Healed: [roll2]

Decerebrate -
Wild Magic DC 27: [roll3]
Power Points: 13
Fortitude save DC 30 negates.

Stats as of now: hp 92, Power Points 136

2009-09-17, 09:00 AM

Noticing the plight of Ki'kilela, Vhess abandons the fight for a moment, quickly moving across the battlefield to aid the fellow mindflayer. The movement takes time, but Vhess mentally prepares itself, working on its desired goal even as it moves. With bizarre insight, it reaches out and siphons away divine energies as if it were a priest, or perhaps it simply generates it like some minor deity- but either way, when it reaches Ki-kilela, it will simply brush away a few of its fake wounds, hopefully enough so that it can last to heal itself.

Taking a run action! It looks like I might actually have to fly straight through some water, but I have freedom of movement and Deepdweller armor, so I should be fine.

Vhess runs right up to Ki'kilela, and then will spend 4 inspiration points- one for an extra action, and another to use that action on Opportunistic Piety to heal Ki'kilela for 39 HP.

PP: (209/261)
Inspiration: (4/21)
HP: 84/114
AC: 36

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-17, 08:41 PM

As K'thzt watches the lone remaining monk lose his mental faculties, he looks over at the female gith and attempts to shift the chaos of Limbo to his advantage, forcing a swift descent while shielding himself from the fall, but cannot center his mind properly. Cursing in his head, he hastens himself and rushes toward the pair.

Manifesting Inertial Barrier and attempting to shift personal gravity to fall into one of the manifesters, turning off my Air Walk. If it seems like I'm going to fall past/hit a rock, I'll reactivate it. If the gravity manipulation fails, I'll manifest Hustle and take two move actions to advance 60 ft. toward the manifesters.

Gravity Manipulation- [roll0]

Wild Magic-
Inertial Barrier- [roll1] (DC 24)
Wild Magic Result- [roll2]

Hustle- [roll3] (DC 23)
Wild Magic Result- [roll4]

2009-09-17, 09:49 PM
Vhess flies across the churning rock and swirling water, deftly landing near the injured form of Ki'kilela. The illithid casually goes through the motions of a divine caster, mimicking the supplications enough to channel positive energy into her companion's 'wounds.'
No activity stirs from the bubble of solidified ectoplasm, but the remaining free monk leaps from his perch, rocketing past Ki'kilela, his fist ablaze with dark fire. However, at the last second a shift in the chaos sends the githzerai flying past his target, and he spins off into the void.
Wasting no time, Zaerkholl flies closer to the wayward monk, and with but a single thought teleports the simulated githzerai's lower brain-stem off into the ether. The monk slackens, drifting off helplessly into the churning chaos of Limbo, to be crushed or burnt to a crisp or worse.
As Alator watches the remainder of the inquisition mop up the monks, the second female githzerai appears out of thin air on the disc of rock below. Like before, the gith seems capable of detecting Alator's presence, and with a flash of psychic power the other female regains the use of her touchsight power. Simultaneously, they attempt to alter the fabric of Alator's virtual avatar. Though his innate power resistance protects him from one of the deadly crystalize powers, his meager fortitude fails him on the second, and the illithid's body turns into a statue of beautiful pinkish crystal, floating harmlessly in the air. Alator's mind is not freed from the simulation however; it is as if the illithid is in a deep, dreamless sleep.
Ki'kilela's mind reroutes the blood-flow in his body, clotting internal bleeding and damping his pain receptors with a thought. He then mimics his simulated foes, turning the previously northernmost githzerai into a perfect crystalline statue of herself.
K'thzt has trouble altering the pull of gravity, instead trudging through mid-air towards the remaining hostile foe. The remaining Astral Construct bursts from out of the water, flying to join him. Suddenly, they are both encapsulated by a wave of icy water, and a cloud of swirling winds churns the elemental soup into a fierce froth.
The elements shift and weave, and it would seem that the battle is almost won...

2009-09-18, 08:29 AM

This had gone on long enough. These enemies were risky and powerful, and Vhess wanted no more of it. Vhess attempts to dominate the last two gith monks, crush their minds with double the force, not giving up even if she's repulsed once, continuing to try and worm her way into their minds with psychic power.

Attempting to use Psionic Dominate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dominatePsionic.htm) on the two who I managed to Empathic Transfer last time.
Augment for additional target, and for extra duration (1/day per level). 13 pp (and increases the save by three).

Caster level check, DC 24: [roll0]

Also, I'll use three inspiration to get another standard action and try it on them again.

Caster level check, DC 24: [roll1]

Two DC 30 will saves for both.

PP: (183/261)
Inspiration: (1/21)
HP: 84/114
AC: 36

2009-09-18, 02:10 PM
Echoing Vhess' frustration, Zaerkholl seeks to eliminate the last of the psions. <They may have learned our arts, but their bodies are still weak> he thinks as he withdraws the monofilament of thought from the brain of the drifting Gith. Whipping around, he sends out an identical thought of razor clarity at the mind of the psion. At the same time, he notices the body of Alator and sends out a telepathic message<Ki'kilela, Alator's condition seems tied to your area of expertise. Can you free him?>

Zaerkholl will fly withing range (95 feet) of the remaining Psion an manifest a second Decerebrate.

Wild Magic DC 27: [roll0]
Fort DC 30 negates

Status: hp 92, Power Points 123

2009-09-18, 03:20 PM

Upon receiving healing from Vhess, Ki'kilela sends a brief emotional pulse of acknowledgement. It wasn't a "thank you," but it was about as close to thanks that an illithid got. Upon seeing the escaped slave crystallize, Ki'kilela noted to himself that had this been an actual combat, he would have taken great pleasure in manipulating the statue. As it was, however, no amusement could be had from that, and so he turns his attention to Alator.

<It is... probable.>

Ki'kilela directs the construct to continue attacking the monks while flying slowly towards Alator. He knew well that his abilities would have to exceed that of the gith who crystallized Alator to have any hope of undoing the condition; he was confident that his skill exceeded that of the illusory escaped slaves, but he preferred to not leave it to chance.

Ki'kilela will manifest an overchanneled Dispel Psionics on Alator, augmenting the power to 8 PP.


Eternal Kanus
2009-09-20, 11:54 PM

K'thzt advance toward the remaining psion is abruptly stopped when the image vanishes. Turning his head to search, he sees the two monks break free of their ectoplasmic prison and attempt to hide in the water, but to no avail. Cursing again, K'thzt quickly hastens himself, attempting to reimprison the two, before once more trying to shift the chaos of Limbo to his advantage, redirecting himself toward the psion.

Manifesting Burst, moving in range to use Wall of Ectoplasm on the two monks, then taking a free action to adjust my personal gravity to fall into the psion, breaking my fall with my air walk if I'm going to miss/hit rock.

Wild Magic-
Burst- [roll0] (DC 21)
Wild Magic Result- [roll1]

Wall of Ectoplasm- [roll2] (DC 24)
Wild Magic Result- [roll3]

Gravity Manipulation- [roll4] (DC 16)

2009-09-21, 12:26 AM
The outside of the bubble of ectoplasm forming the two githzerai monks' prison visibly bends and buckles before bursting like an enormous, foul boil. Vhess, knowing that they were likely to escape, unleashes a readied storm of dominating thought. However, the gith's innate resistance to psionic power protects their minds as they dart into a nearby mass of turbulent water, attempting to conceal themselves.
Zaerkholl, still safe in the comfort of his invisibility, watches the monks make good their feeble retreat, and attempts to rend the mind of yet another foe. However, the monk seems to reinforce his body's strength with that of his disciplined mind, and he keeps his brain stem from being teleported.
The last remaining psion, seeing her friend turned to crystal, teleports away, materializing on a chunk of churning earth across a gulf of Limbo space from Ki'kilela and Vhess. She unleashes a pair of razor-sharp crystals, fabricated from hardened ectoplasm out of thin air. The projectiles rip through Ki'kilela's simulated flesh, sending excruciating pain through his mind. The shaper remains standing, however, and orders his astral construct to close the distance between itself and the new target prey. He then focuses on the helpless form of Alator, attempting to reverse the crystallization process with his own force of will. However, Alator's flesh refuses to return to normal.
K'thzt turns his keen eyes on the two monks, instantly returning them to an exact duplicate of the prison they had just escaped. This time, the opaque ectoplasmic capsule is filled with water, and if the githzerai were less powerful, perhaps all that would be required would be to wait for them to drown. However, they were likely to escape again soon. They would need to be dealt with in a more permanent fashion soon enough. He then lets himself 'fall' toward the last free psion, his tentacles tingling with murderous intent.
A swirling cloud of storm winds collides with the chunk of earth K'thzt and the female gith stand upon, and where they overlap the chaos negates itself, producing terrible noise as the opposing elements rip each other apart. A massive gout of searing flame joins the chaos, and the heat of it can be felt by all nearby.

2009-09-21, 08:08 PM

Irritated with general lack of success, Vhess decides to focus on simpler actions, and instead of attacking simply attempts to keep Ki'kilela alive, channeling divine energy into her fellow once more.

Using a standard action to use Opportunistic Piety to heal Ki'kilela for 39. Vhess will attempt to move to put some of the floating element of stone between her and the two trapped monks.

PP: (183/261)
Inspiration: (0/21)
HP: 84/114
AC: 36

2009-09-21, 11:26 PM
Vhess once again channels positive energy, using it to repair some of Ki'kilela's simulated wounds. Barely 30 seconds into the simulation, and Vhess feels considerably taxed mentally... however, it is not like the sensation of being out of psychic power: her mind is all but drained of the super-genius inspiration she uses to draw upon increased physical and magical aptitude. Prudently, the illithid factotum puts some distance between herself and the soon-to-be-free monks.
No sooner does Vhess make good her retreat when the ectoplasmic bubble bursts again. One of the githzerai monks teleports out of the water in a burst of shadow, then leaps the distance between one chunk of rock to another, landing near K'thzt in a defensive fighting stance, coming to the aid of his false female friend.
Zaerkholl once again seeks to end the mind of the female githzerai with one fell mental assault, but he lets his guard down for a split-second, and the chaotic energy of Limbo rebounds the decerebrate power back on its manifester! Taken by surprise, the invisible illithid has only a moment to feel the sensation of his own brainstem being teleported away...
The remaining female githerai backs away cautiously from K'thzt's intimidating presence. She turns to the weakened Ki'kilela, intent to finish her foe off in one final salvo of ectoplasmic crystals. The first crystal shard flies off, then turns around in mid air and flies towards the gith! However, the sheen of concealing amorpha surrounding her protects her from her own attack, leaving her unscathed. The gith then sends two more razor-sharp crystals at Ki'kilela, and these two find their mark. The shaper blacks out, his body floating limp in the chaotic void...
The astral construct continues to obey its last command, and lands near the female gith. It swipes out with a massive claw, catching the psion by the leg and pulling her to the ground.
K'thzt takes advantage of the drop in the psion's defenses, lashing out with all four of his deadly tentacles. The concealing film surrounding his target hampers his accuracy, and three of his tentacles miss outright. One, however, latches onto the head of the hated foe, channeling crushing strength, raw electricity, and soul-draining hatred through the blow. Although the simulated enemy isn't nearly as satisfying to drain, K'thzt can feel the githzerai weakening, and he holds her fast in his slimy grip.
The elements continue to shift and weave. The rock upon which K'thzt struggles suddenly moves out from under his feet. It begins to blow apart in a tremendous elemental storm as the patch of raw wind struggles for dominance.
The crystalized form of Alator, Zaerkholl's limp body, and Ki'kilela's bleeding form disappear from sight.

Alator, Zaerkholl, and Ki'kilela come to their senses, in the familiar humidity and gloom of the training chamber. The circle of illithids still have their hands joined, energy pulsating and crackling between them and the still-unresponsive forms of K'thzt and Vhess. Filling the space near the ceiling of the cavern, a projected image of the simulated battlefield can be seen. But for whom would such a display be needed? You realize that there are three new forms standing near the outskirts of the circle of illithids, not participating in the massive mental link:
You recognize two of them easily: Quorlix, high priest of Ilsensine, and Nessahalith, a high-ranking illithid and one of the personal attendants of Ungoliar's elder brain. However, your attention is mostly drawn to the stranger, who makes a striking display.
Standing close to ten feet tall, a statuesque, decadently-robed ulitharid watches the proceedings. Its flesh is a dark, glistening shade of purple, and its white, pupil-less eyes watch dispassionately. The four tentacles found on most illithids are joined by two more tendrils, incredibly long and almost reaching the floor. They twitch and writhe absentmindedly.
You sense Nessahalith's telepathic voice:
<Come join us outside the circle. Let us see if the remainder of your inquisition can manage without you...>

2009-09-22, 12:17 AM

Ki'kilela absolutely seethes with anger, storming into the upper gallery to watch the remainder of the exercise, remaining telepathically silent.

2009-09-22, 01:42 AM
Zaerkholl stands for a moment, his milky eyes visibly darkening in the shadow of his rage. For a moment, the calm sussurus of whispers around him turns to tortured shrieks and moans before dying out completely. Entering the upper gallery is the single thrall Zaerkholl is notorious for keeping, an elf woman who by thrall standards might be called "beautiful." Those not concentrating on the simulation notice a faint psionic ripple around her, and catch a few faint whispers before Zaerkholl finishes transplanting his psychic turbulence into her mind. That done, Zaerkholl slowly floats to the gallery, taking a seat left of Ki'kilela. As the thrall approaches to massage his head in soothing oils, he whispers to Ki'kilela <And so the intent of the Elder Brain is confirmed.>

2009-09-22, 08:44 AM

Calm, calm...
Vhess thinks to herself. Outwardly, she does indeed remain calm, but in her mind she rages against those who managed to get themselves killed, rages against the absurd level of difficulty in this task. Fighting enemies in an area chaotic as this, who have inexplicably potent defenses, was simply ridiculous, and the simulated death of no less than three of her companions proved it.
Quickly, she streams to the west, moving around the zone of fire as she once more attempts to dominate the minds of her enemies, and also place further protection over herself.

Move up and around the stone and fire until I can see the others. If I can't get that far without a double move, I'll use Energy Adaptation instead of Dominate.

If I do see them, I'll attempt to use Dominate on the Psion and the Monk closest to K'thzt, having augmented it by 2 points for an extra target, 4 points to affect any Type of target, and 1 point to make it an hour duration. Total is 14 points. Will Save: DC 30.

Either way, I need to make a Manifester Level Check of 24 to successfully use one of those powers. [roll0]
77 result on wild magic. Functions normally. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6977000&postcount=108)

After that, I'll attempt to use Temporal Acceleration.
DC 26: [roll1]
My extra move action will go over the fire or around it, depending on whether I used Energy Adaptation or not.
My standard action will be used to manifest Force Screen, augmented with 12 points to add +3 extra armor.
DC 21: [roll2]

PP: (155/261) -7 points if I used Dominate.
Inspiration: (0/21)
HP: 84/114
AC: 43

2009-09-22, 09:00 AM
Slightly disoriented after having been crystallized, Alator glances around. Realizing that he has been ejected from the simulation, yet apparently not particularly perturbed about this fact, the Illithid does as requested, and joins the three observers outside the circle. He seems utterly dispassionate as he watches, shrugging off the insult of defeat with more ease than his peers.

<My compliments on the simulation> comes his own mental voice in response.

2009-09-22, 01:27 PM
As Zaerkholl and Ki'kilela head off to the upper gallery in silence, Nessahalith nods her head towards the emaciated form of Alator. Nessahalith is dressed in fine spidersilk, weaved by her personal drow seamstress thrall. Glittering moonstones and amethyst drip from her necklace and the rings on her fingers and tentacles.
<Well fought, Alator.> She turns to the ulitharid, gesturing to the shadowcaster with a great deal of showmanship. <This is Alator, student of shadow magics. Though frail of body, this one is strong of spirit.>
The ulitharid does not respond, its eyes locked on the projected image of Vhess gliding through the simulated chaos of Limbo. Nessahalith shoots Alator a dark look, but continues to speak, showing as little emotion as she can.
<Alator, this is our honored guest, recently arrived at Ungoliar. He is the ulitharid Loktyde, High Prophet of the Dying Sun, hailing from our distant sister colony Mexurno.>
Again, the ulitharid does not respond.
<He wished to watch some of our finest warriors in a training exercise. I am confident in the victorious resolution of the simulation.>
Nessahalith sends a private telepathic message to Alator, her fury now evident.
<At least you had the manners to greet our honored guest! What are your two idiot comrades doing, storming off like freshly whipped thralls? I was going to say that all that time you waste on other planes was hampering your judgment, but perhaps next time you take a field trip, bring those dolts with you! It might do them some good!>
Quorlix turns his withered head towards Alator, speaking dispassionately to his mind. The priest is one of the oldest living illithids in Ungoliar, and he looks absolutely skeletal beneath his flowing dark green robes of office.
<Weather the storm, Alator. The Elder Brain does not act without purpose.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-22, 01:36 PM

In mid-grapple, K'thzt sees one of the monks approaching out of the corner of his eyes. Within the brief moment of distraction, the psion teleports away, freeing K'thzt to charge forward, psionically boosting his momentum as he does, his tentacles lashing wildly.

Assuming the psion teleports away successfully and the monk isn't subdued by Vhess's Dominate, manifesting Psionic Lion's Charge, fully augmented for +8 damage, and charging toward the monk with a full set of attacks. If either of these conditions aren't true, I'll redo my action.

Wild Magic-
Psionic Lion's Charge- (DC 22)
Wild Magic Result- [roll][1d100

Attack 1- [roll1]
Damage 1- [roll2]

Attack 2- [roll3]
Damage 2- [roll4]

Attack 3- [roll5]
Damage 3- [roll6]

Attack 4- [roll7]
Damage 4- [roll8]

2009-09-22, 02:44 PM
Vhess maneuvers around the roiling fire and rock, accelerating her timeframe and improving her already potent defenses even more. Then, she attempts to bend the wills of the female githzerai and her monk guardian. However, the monk's will is strong, and he resists the attack. The female completely ignores the attempt, as if there were no mind there to dominate...
The monk nearest K'thzt, finding himself with no ground beneath his feet, redirects his gravity and plummets away, wreathed in shadow. The astral construct takes a swing at him, but comes up too short. The gith grabs onto the rocks near Vhess, holding on for dear life. The other monk ducks into a shadow, and reappears behind Vhess. Cloaked in darkness, the hated gith wreathes his fist in pure shadow and sends it towards his target, only for his fist to connect with a pane of psychokinetic force.
The psion in K'thzt's grip concentrates for a moment and disappears, an outcome not unexpected by the soul-eater, and reappears on the stabilized section of earth to the south. She then sends a blast of psychic energy towards the astral construct, causing it to dissipate into harmless globs of ectoplasm. The female githzerai is visibly winded: her eyes are glazed over, her breathing heavy. She begins to look around the chaos around her. You get the feeling she is about to make good an escape attempt.
Ignoring the female, K'thzt redirects his gravity and makes an impressive diving charge attack at the monk clinging to the rocks to the east. He gets the feeling that he should have struck the gith, but the weaving shadows surrounding it cause his attacks to strike only air.
Again the chaotic terrain shifts, leaving K'thzt's target suspended in mid-air for a split second...

<It would seem the enemy psion has all but expended its powers. With her in retreat, the remaining monks are in dire straights indeed. I'd say things are still sporting at least, would you not agree, Nessahalith?> Quorlix bends over to peer at his companion on the other side of the prophet.
<Hmph. Anything less than total victory shames our colony, priest. If it were me in there, I wouldn't let anyone escape, and there certainly wouldn't be any casualties on our side.> Nessahalith's tentacles writhe impatiently.
<That seems a little unrealistic. Given the power level of the opponents and the environment, which heavily favors the natives, I'd say the results of this exercise have been relatively unsurprising. Anything can occur on the field of battle. And don't forget, they are fighting githzerai controlled by illithids, far more deadly than any githzerai found in the field. Would you not agree, honored guest Loktyde?> The priest looks to the Prophet. The ulitharid remains unresponsive, locked in the same position, staring at the simulation with blank eyes.

2009-09-22, 03:17 PM
Alator bows politely to Loktyde when introduced, despite the Ularithid's indifference. To Nessahalith, the Illithid replies with the stoic nature of one whose self-confidence manifests itself not with bragging but with infuriating calmness. <Perhaps they are simply drained from the encounter and do not wish to appear before our honored guest in such a state> Alator suggests patiently, though he actually finds himself agreeing with Nessahalith's assessment of the pair.

When the conversation turns to the fight again, Alator elects to remain silent, watching. It was a rather entertaining fight, especially when observed from an outsider's perspective rather than that of a participant. A bit flashy, for his taste, but nonetheless quite impressive.

2009-09-22, 03:23 PM

Anger melts away before logic and a measuring gaze, and Vhess finally takes the new situation in stock. The monks had mastery over shadow- directed attacks against them had a chance of failing due to the confusing nature of it. Vhess knew for a fact, however, that they were affected by things that influenced the mind, even though their wills were strong. They were also dextrous, though perhaps their fortitude was lacking...
However, any mental powers Vhess attempted had a chance of simply failing due to the wretched nature of this simulated plane. Only the simplest mental powers had a good chance of succeeding.

Vhess whirls away from her adversary, attempting to leech the strength from its mind.

Use Tumble (DC 15, I have +21 mod to do it, so I won't bother to roll) to move 15ft back and away from the monk so I don't provoke AoOs, and so he won't get a full attack against me without spending power points or something.

I'll also try and move out of sight of the psion and the other monk if I can.

That done, manifesting Ego Whip (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/egoWhip.htm) on the monk attacking me, augmenting it twice.
DC 22 ML check: [roll0]

If it succeeds, the monk needs to make a will save DC 29 or be stunned for one round and take [roll1] charisma damage. A successful save deals 3 charisma damage and does not stun, as normal.

PP: (138/261)
Inspiration: (0/21)
HP: 84/114
AC: 43

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-22, 03:34 PM

Once more fuming as his attacks pass harmlessly through empty space, K'thzt moves out of the way of the monk's strikes and thinks. I'm never going to hit them if they keep to the shadows... His eyes flash briefly as he attempts to see beyond his eyes, and find the true location of his foes.

Taking a 5-foot step back and manifesting True Seeing, Psionic.

Wild Magic Check- [roll0] (DC 25)
Wild Magic Result- [roll1]

2009-09-22, 04:34 PM
Vhess nimbly tumbles around her foe, placing her feet on the solid rock. Then, a mental lash of hostile thought assaults the nearby githzerai. However, his innate resistance to psionic attacks protects him. He wreathes himself once more in shadow, approaching the factotum with caution. He unleashes a powerful kick, connecting with Vhess's torso, but the beads of sweat accumulating on the monk's forehead imply that he fumbled the attack somewhat. Nevertheless, the blow sends pain coursing through Vhess's mind, but she has certainly suffered worse.
The second monk grabs K'thzt by the waist before he can fall, and uses the illithid's body as a platform to jump to the safety of the rocks behind him. K'thzt takes advantage of the drop in the monk's defenses, however, and slashes him with a crackling tentacle. The color fades from the monk's face as his soul energy is drained. The monk manages to prevent himself from being entangled by the tendril, however, and lands a few feet away, once again cloaked in swirling shadow.
The female githzerai psion takes one last look at her companions before vanishing off into the chaos with a final Dimension Door.
Frustrated, K'thzt focuses his mind on revealing things as they really are. However, the cruel madness of Limbo twists the mental desire into one of cloying confusion. Suddenly, K'thzt finds himself in complete darkness and silence. While it feels strangely comforting, not unlike his home of Ungoliar, he loses sight of his target in the mishap.
Vhess sees a massive sphere of darkness emerge behind her monk adversary. The monk too seems taken aback by this, not sure of the safety of this new area of supernatural shade.

The projected image of the simulation continues to swirl and churn as the chaotic landscape dances without logic or purpose. K'thzt and his adversary are lost in the sudden darkness, leaving the audience to guess at what is transpiring within.
<These githzerai monks are performing simulated techniques from what the surface races call 'The Sublime Way,' a form of martial arts.> Quorlix says to the gathered company. <While some of the maneuvers utilized are supernatural in nature, such as the shadow-based techniques favored by these simulations, the vast majority of the practice is pure martial and mental skill. We've normally dismissed the pathetic martial lore of the surface races, but this 'Sublime Way' is rather promising. We've recently begun collecting thralls knowledgeable in these arts, and are beginning to experiment with programs teaching these skills to young illithids. While they no doubt pale in comparison to the proud tradition of the Psychic Warrior, these martial arts may be useful in an anti-magic or anti-psionics environment, perhaps even in Limbo. The curse that is wild magic is plain to see in this exercise alone...>
<Silence. Your babbling contains nothing I do not already know, priest.> The ulitharid's mental voice is booming and authoritative. <Allow me to watch the exercise in peace.>
Both Quorlix and Nessahalith quickly bow, backing off a few paces from the prophet. Nessahalith, her tentacles twitching with irritation, levitates up to the observation seating, keeping a cool distance from Ki'kilela and Zaerkholl.

2009-09-22, 08:17 PM
A heated battle transpires over the next 42 seconds, held on a single piece of wildly spinning rock careening through the virtual chaos. Vhess transfers her own pain to the monk nearest her, and in a moment of weakness the monk's will gives way, wracking his body with pain. Defeated, the monk 'falls' directly upward as fast as possible, attempting to flee. In the darkness, K'thzt successfully manifests True Seeing, and watches his quarry in the darkness exit into the light.
Vhess flies around the blot of shadow, letting the other monk flee. She sees the monk emerge from the shadows, and pummels him telekinetic force. K'thzt charges outwards, managing to land a blow against the monk and draining his energy further. The githzerai stands his ground, and lands a mighty kick square in the soul-eaters face.
As Vhess continues to rain down telekinetic blasts, K'thzt and the githzerai exchange blows. The nimble gith is able to avoid most of the soul-eaters attacks. At one point the illithid smacks the monk and grabs him, but the gith uses the soul-eaters own shadow to teleport out of his iron grip. Two more solid blows from the monk leave K'thzt reeling, but suddenly he feels relief...
One of Vhess' telekinetic attacks backfires in the insane energy of Limbo, and she winds up healing herself, K'thzt, and the monk of nearly all their wounds. However, the energy drain remains, and taking advantage of the monk's weakness, Vhess maneuvers herself safely away from K'thzt before once again attempting to empathically force the gith's brain to overload with pain. At the critical moment, the monk's diamond-hard mind fails him, and the overwhelming pain of the single attack leaves him lifeless, his body beginning to float off into the ether...

Suddenly, 84 seconds after it all began, K'thzt and Vhess find themselves once again in the cool dampness of Ungoliar's training chamber. The energy and static filling the room subside, and darkness and silence once more reign supreme. The circle of gathered illithids immediately begin to file out, to attend to their duties, although a few of them stay to stare at the ulitharid for a moment.
Nessahalith levitates down from the observation gallery, addressing everyone telepathically.
<Well fought, well fought. You all have an hour's leave to do with as you please, but return here afterwards for a tactical evaluation and further instructions. Now, honored guest Loktyde, let us move on...>
<I wish to be present at the debriefing, Nessahalith. Quorlix, take me to the shrine of Ilsensine. I wish to pay my respects.> The ulitharid turns, its motions elegant and controlled. The old priest follows the prophet to the threshold of the chamber, but before leaving the ulitharid turns, addressing the inquisition. <You had best arrive punctually at the debriefing. I will not be suffered to wait.>
Loktyde and Quorlix glide silently out of the chamber, immediately joined by a small group of attendant thralls.
Nessahalith simmers for a moment in the middle of the training chamber. The air around her seems to crackle with rage, but it subsides. She straightens her spidersilk gown, and two hobgoblin thralls scuttle to her side, immediately applying a wet sponge to her glistening head.
Despite the pain and strain of the training exercise, in a few moments you all feel as if you never partook of the challenge. Still, you feel slightly more experienced... and hungry.

(Everyone gets 5000 XP! Congrats!)

2009-09-22, 09:39 PM

In a flash, it was over. Vhess instantly feels relief, and then snaps up her mental wards so fast that it might feel like a slamming door to any even still partially connected to her. Touching her mind now is like touching a wall of unyielding adamantine.

Her white eyes betray no emotion as the ultharid- apparently named Loktyde- states that he will be joining them. She does, however, silently display signs of deep respect with her body and tentacles, indicating her acceptance of his desires for punctuality and presence at their debriefing.

Anyone who knew her- which would be precisely no one, incidentally- would know that her respect was almost entirely feigned. It wasn't that she did not respect the power that the ultharid wielded, but that she did not believe someone should truly hold a position so high above her. Arrogant, perhaps, but long hours learning just how much potential her mind held in comparison to other illithids had ground her own importance and potency into her. An ultharid was special, but so was she...

Still, respect is what she shows, and what she wishes to show. Arrogance would not serve her. Her fear and paranoia overrode her desires to be superior and flaunt it- she did not truly know the ultharid's power, and had no desire to test it by provoking his anger by being rebellious or insubordinate. She'd follow his desires to the letter, and desperately avoid garnering any displeasure.

No thralls follow her as she leaves- Vhess did not desire them, though she could have easily afforded and mastered many. One slip... one slip and one mistake, and a disobedient thrall could cost her her life, and she did not want to risk that. As such, Vhess moves alone, slowly exiting the training chamber and pausing outside for a moment while she considers a course of action.

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-22, 10:14 PM

As K'thzt emerges from the combat simulation, coming down from the illusory combat high, he glances at the mysterious ulitharid as it turns and walks away. As he trails out of sight, K'thzt glances around and sees that every member of the inquisition, saving Alator, had moved out of sight.

K'thzt takes a few steps forward, then paused briefly, a pang of desire bursting in his mind.


K'thzt quickly shook his head, shrugging off the sensation. Turning his thoughts toward the simulation, something still didn't seem right. It obviously wasn't simply training... the presence of the ulithard proved otherwise. It doesn't seem to just be a simple exhibition, a foreign diplomat, an ulitharid, wouldn't spend his time watching what he invariably thinks of as lesser beings... so what was his purpose here?

K'thzt glanced at Alator once more, before sending a private psychic message. <Alator. What is your impression of the ulitharid dignitary that was here? Did anyone say anything of the purpose for his presence?>

2009-09-23, 12:34 AM
As Vhess and K'thzt exit the simulation victorious, Zaerkholl begins a slow, wet clap that echoes through the vast training hall. Telepathically, he contacts the two: <Thank you, companions, for saving us from further embarrassment>. Upon hearing Nessahalith's orders, he whispers to Ki'kilela <In an hour then>.
Standing, Zaerkholl strides out of the chamber, his thrall following close behind. Proceeding to his quarters, Zaerkholl calls forward an older thrall, stroking the skull with his tentacles before slowly tasting of the elder human's life, piercing the veil of thralldom and reaching into the deepest memory of the grey matter. Behind him, tears stream down the female thrall's face as she is forced to experience the slow death of a fellow mortal.

2009-09-23, 09:28 AM
Alator politely nods to the others, after giving them a moment to catch their breath. He is unsurprised when Vhess and Zaerkhol take their leave, and directs his attention instead to K'thzt.

<Loktyde was quite silent, I am sorry to say. I was unable to draw much of an impression of it. It was extraordinarily interested in the simulation, though, despite apparently being already familiar with this Sublime Way>

2009-09-23, 09:55 AM

Ki'kilela murmurs a brief burst of telepathic acknowledgment to Zaerkholl.

<Something big is happening. That simulation was far more... unusual... than any we've had before. And for a Ulitharid to be present... hm.>

2009-09-23, 11:42 AM
After a moment of thrall-pampering, Nessahalith approaches the door to the Elder Brain's chamber, giving those who remain in the training cavern one last scathing look before exiting, her thralls in tow.
All activity in the training chamber, and also the halls outside, ceases. You receive no words of congratulations or encouragement, or even criticism or dismissal. Another training exercise come and gone, and the participants in the simulation seemingly couldn't care less.
Word around the enclave mostly consists of the usual news: a small cadre of illithids returned successfully from a small brain raid, some thralls began excavation on a new chamber, there was a brief riot among the fresh prisoners in the holding pit, Yi'grith deposited a cluster of eggs into the Elder Brain's pool this morning, etc. Some of your fellow inhabitants mention the arrival of the ulitharid with interest, but it seems the general consensus is to leave the creature a wide berth. While ulitharids are rare and impressive, it is best to not give them any reason to dislike you, or even notice your existence, if one can help it.
The silence and darkness set in like a familiar blanket of comfort, but your minds are counting the seconds as they turn into minutes... your future debriefing will be upon you soon.

2009-09-23, 08:35 PM
The hour is almost more of a punishment than a reward or a privilege. It's not enough time to get any serious work done, and the imminent debriefing weighs heavy on your conscience. It's more of a pointless hoop to jump through, yet another token of your obedience to the mechanizations of the inscrutable Elder Brain.

With little else to do, you all arrive more or less on time near a small antechamber adjacent to the training hall. A large circular stone table dominates the center of the moist, pitch-black room, surrounded by smooth, moss-covered stones for chairs. A small fountain bubbles in the center of the table, turning the dark water it spews into a fine mist. Nessahalith sits with her arms crossed on the far side of the table, her tentacles drumming on the table in boredom. The domed ceiling is a little too small for the looming form of Loktyde, but the ulitharid remains standing, slightly hunched over. You have doubts as to how comfortable the position is, but it remains silent and motionless, apparently unwilling to sit on the no-doubt too small chairs.

<Enter,> says Nessahalith telepathically, irritation ever-present in her mental voice. <The debriefing and analysis of your performance in the simulation will commence now.
The ultimate consensus of the gathered minds, including the Elder Brain, is "Acceptable Victorious Outcome." You may have noticed that the simulated githzerai were much more powerful and tactically canny than your average githzerai encountered on the field, in Limbo or elsewhere. This was intentional, as any simulated training exercise should prepare its participants for situations likely more lethal than actual combat scenarios.
That said, my personal opinion is that you fought quite sloppily. Yes, Limbo impedes the reliability of magic and psionics. Yes, the shifting terrain provided its own dangers and inconveniences. Yes, you entered the scenario surrounded, without adequate preparation in comparison to your foes. However, you assumed that the foes were easier than you expected, foolishly unleashing a haphazard glut of raw offensive power instead of taking a defensive position, analyzing the situation, preparing yourselves, developing a battle-plan, and executing it.
The Elder Brain's recording showed a marked lack of communication within your party. How do you expect to survive as a functional inquisition if you do not communicate your strategies, plans, and intents? You all have telepathy! Use it! It's a marked tactical advantage over 90% of your likely foes!
It seems your defensive strategies were lacking... While stealth may be a useful tactic against less skilled foes, you were obviously far from safe relying on stealth or spells alone! Granted, Zaerkholl, your expulsion from the simulation was somewhat of a fluke, but you should know that the psions were aware of your presence the entire time, but decided to focus on a single target instead of spreading out their offensive powers!
This should not have been a battle of attrition! Your performance was an embarrassment to this colony. Why the Elder Brain has tolerated your eccentricities for this long is beyond me.
...But I suppose it is not my position to judge the actions of our leader. It makes no difference to me whether you get yourself killed abroad. You might actually be doing me a favor.>

Nessahalith's anger fills the room like a foul radiation. She stands as if to leave, assuming the meeting to be over, when the ulitharid's potent mind addresses you.
<I was quite intrigued by the unique set of 'skills' selected to supplement your psionic abilities. You make a most unorthodox inquisition... I can't help but wonder why the Elder Brain decided to place you all in such a group? Tell me, what made you decide to pursue the paths you have selected? I've always been intrigued by the younger generation...>
Nessahalith sits down again, her tentacles twisting nervously.

2009-09-23, 09:22 PM
On entering the chamber, Zaerkholl sends out a psychic nod to his companions. When he sights Loktyde, Zaerkholl steeples his fingers and bows deeply to the Ulitharid. <Forgive me, Loktyde for not introducing myself in the training hall. I did not wish to trouble you with meaningless chatter.> Zaerkholl's milky eyes flick almost imperceptibly towards Nessahalith. His psychic aura shifts from whispers to faint laughter for a split second before returning to its usual sussurus.

<While I cannot speak for my companions, I myself was drawn to the path of deception after my first years on the surface. As you likely know, I have dedicated my life to the study and destruction of surface world civilizations. Early on, I learned that despite our innate power, even a goup of Illithid could be quickly overwhelmed by the nigh endless parties of adventurers the thrall races produce. Thus, I chose to augment my mastery of the elements,> at this point, Zaerkholl holds out a hand and solidifies a razor icicle from the humidity of the room, <With the shrouding powers of illusions, both physical and mental.> With a flick of his wrist, Zaerkholl causes the icicle to vanish into a wisp of black mist that quickly rejoins the fountain. <The path of the deciever allowed me far greater success in my...studies. Studies, and eccentricites, that have resulted in a far greater understanding of our mortal foes, and how to prevent our inevitable empire from falling to the same foibles.>

Zaerkholl turns his attention towards Nessahalith That is why the Elder Brain allows my eccentricities. They are far more useful than vague anger.>

2009-09-23, 09:32 PM

Vhess enters the room and does not sit, mimicking the ultharid. She had no desire to be caught sitting down, especially in a place someone had specifically prepared for her. Such a situation could be easily taken advantage of... it was bad enough that she needed to enter the room at all. She wouldn't position herself in a vulnerable way. Deciding that if the ultharid wanted her dead, he could have easily arranged something- and that the ultharid was least likely to be attacked out of anyone here, she arranges to be closest to Loktyde, though not close enough to be impolite.

She is not appreciative of Nessahalith's critique of their performance... partially because she recognizes how much truth there is to it; but Vhess keeps her outrage to herself, her paranoia ensuring that her mind was absolutely closed to outside intrusion. They must not learn her real feelings. She was a loyal, obedient servant. Allowing no trace of her anger to surface, Vhess feigns subservience and faint humiliation as she replies to Nessahalith.
<Apologies, Nessahalith. Truly we erred. Perhaps in the future we can perform more as our leaders expect of us.>

When Loktyde addresses them, Vhess is quick to respond, keeping up her facade.
<I have only chosen to study the psionic arts that come to us naturally. The rest of my talents are innate, and simply seem to improve as I improve the rest of my powers. It is not something I have to study, though I do seek to train myself so that I might realize my fullest potential.>
Vhess explains humbly.
<While I am capable of using divine and arcane powers, the former of which you observed in use, neither of these stem from training, but instead from my mental prowess. My adeptness at psionics and mental abilities is far more broad than most of my fellows, and allows me to work in ways that are denied to others. I theorize that there is an innate difference in me, much as there is for one such as yourself, though doubtless your kind have stronger talents.>

Vhess actually believes the ultharid is naturally inferior to her, though he's probably had longer to train and learn than she has. They might naturally possess greater psionic skills, but she had a breadth of mind that he could not match without decades of training. She could catch up to him in terms of psionics... and who really cared about the physical differences?

2009-09-23, 10:19 PM
Loktyde's two longer tentacles idly sway as he listens to Zaerkholl. <I had heard of your forays into the surface world. Tragically, for one of my stature, the option of disguise is made that much more difficult. 'Tis a fascinating dance that transpires above us, that cannot be denied. I'm in the business of trying to help insure our glorious future as well...>
The ulitharid perks his pronounced eyebrow ridges as Vhess explains her 'gifts.'
<Hmm. Fascinating. Well, being one of the two survivors of the simulation, you're certainly getting results. It should be noted, however, that for as much good as your mental... 'agility' did you, it was psionics you fell back upon in the end. One could mark that up to simple inexperience, I suppose... I do hope your compatriots here at Ungoliar keep good tabs on you. I'd like to keep track of your progress...>
Nessahalith maintains a tone of respect when addressing the ulitharid, but there is disdain in her mental voice whenever she mentions the other illithids in the room.
<Honored guest Loktyde, I could certainly see why you find this group... quaint. But do not take anything they tell you purely at face value, especially from Vhess. She's just as much an illithid as myself or the rest of them. She wouldn't dream of comparing herself to you realistically.>
<There is nothing wrong with pride in one's abilities, Nessahalith. Confidence before blind obedience. Caution before ambition. I am no elder brain, but I believe an inquisition could be formed out of this group yet...>

2009-09-23, 10:29 PM
Alator enters the room third, his movements slow and stiff. He takes a seat as soon as he enters, resting his frail body. He was not particularly paranoid right now, nor was he worried about seeming vulnerable. If the Elder Brain ordered him dead while he was in the city, there would be little he could do to stop it. And if it didn't, he doubted anyone, Illithid or Ulitharid, would try to kill him. Nor does he seem particularly angered by the criticisms directed at them. Garnering Nessahalith's approval was not particularly high on his to-do list, and as for the Elder Brain... well, as long as it wasn't ordering them all killed Alator considered that a success.

Once the other two had given their explanations, Alator provided his own. <As you can no doubt see, I am familiar with the treacheries of the physical form. The body is weak, it betrays you. Light fades, flesh fails, and life gives way to death. And darkness consumes what is left.>

Pausing momentarily to gather his thoughts, the Shadowcaster finishes. <That is why I have chosen to study the power of darkness itself. With psychic power, I overcome the failings of the body, and with darkness, I brush aside the fleeting power of others.>

As if as an afterthought, he shrugs. <But then, one cannot always be successful. I have not yet mastered either the power of mind or the power darkness, but I continue to study both.>

2009-09-23, 10:37 PM

<Mental communication cannot be used as an attack- at least not conventional attacks- yet as Nessahalith quite aptly reminds us, it is one of the most useful tools in our arsenal. Likewise, my talents are not well suited to direct attacks, but aid me in other ways. You noted, no doubt, my ability to manifest multiple psionic effects at once. This is the way my power aids me. Yes, in the end, I do rely on my psionics as my primary weapon- and my traditional psionic strength is more enduring- but that does not discount the rest of what I am capable of.>

Asserts Vhess quietly.

<Your point is well noted, however. I will see to it that I give more focus and thought to my other talents. If you wish, I would be willing to further explain them, and even keep records of my training and endeavors in this area should you desire to study it in more depth in times to come.>

She gives Nessahalith a polite mental 'smile' as she replies to her.

<I have already admitted that my analogy was flawed in some respects, but if the ability to assemble arcane spells from their basic principles and siphon divine energies are innate aspects of our kind's mental prowess, I admit such a fact has gone unnoticed by myself- and these are but the least of my capabilities, as you well know.>

Vhess's mental tone is masterful. On one hand, she sounds extraordinarily polite, and sticks merely to the facts, adding in a note of humility. However, there is an almost unintentional tone of condescension and dismissal, as if she wished to imply that Nessahalith were speaking childishly. To blame Vhess openly, or to rouse to anger, would simply look uncalled for in the face of it, yet at the same time, it leaves a lingering feeling of insult.

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-23, 10:49 PM

When it came time for the debriefing, the soul eater quickly drifted into the antechamber and took a seat, keeping his gaze focused on the swirling mists, to keep from staring at the ulitharid... since he saw him he'd begun to feel a desire to consume... all it would take is a touch... but he couldn't. He would be destroyed.

As the others introduced their talents, K'thzt spoke in turn. <Unlike the others, my talents are not the result of a life of study, rather, I know not their origin, I simply use them for the cause of the Elder Brain. They were acquired as a result of a... failure...> The illithid projected as close to shame as possible. <I was captured during a raid by a mage with powers far beyond what we had expected in resistance. My ability- the power to siphon souls away from living beings, and use them to strengthen myself- manifested shortly before I would have died. Aside from this power I have followed the path of the psychic warrior, and the power to siphon the will from an enemy with my strikes has proven immensely useful, as you saw during the simulation.>

2009-09-23, 10:55 PM

Ki'kilela remained silent during the summary of the combat. As infuriating as Nessahalith was, her assessment was fundamentally true. They had not coordinated well, Ki'kilela had been lax in seeing to his psionic defenses; his Incarnate defense was in top form, but the abuse of metacreativity had exploited a gap in his defenses. He disagreed with the assessment that an initial offensive onslaught was unwarranted; however. Had the illithids been more focused in their efforts, Ki'kilela did not doubt that they would have been more successful in dividing and conquering their opponents. He had also been guilty of underestimating the capabilities of the psions.

But no matter. His anger over the situation had subsided, replaced instead with the calm of the sculptor: the performance he exhibited was a rough outline of the true grotesque beauty that lay beneath. Now was the time to re-evaluate, to redistribute, and to move the final product closer to perfection.

When it is Ki'kilela's turn to respond to Nessalith's assessment, he is silent for a brief moment. <Only intense pressure can turn mundane rock to crystal. I view the exercise as an opportunity for growth. Such shortcomings will be hard-pressed to manifest themselves once again.>

As the Ulitharid poses his question, Ki'kilela's mind begins racing. Any personal interest in the individual paths of what the ulitharid inevitably viewed as a "lesser" being couldn't be good, but what good was there to do? Nearly everyone knew the story, and if Ki'kilela wasn't honest about it, then the ulitharid could certainly find out through other means.

<My path in life is based fundamentally around the specialized mental acuity which I hold for seeing true forms and my skill in drawing those true forms out of potential and into reality. My fundamental skills in metacreativity make me something of a curiosity in the sept as it stands; we are typically skilled at manipulating the minds of the lesser races; I am skilled in manipulating their forms.

<My true mastery lies in the construction and optimization of Astral Constructs; a function which you no doubt observed in the simulation; ineffective though it was. The environment was not particularly conducive to my standard selection of capabilities, and the mobility of my constructs was an issue, but the sheer adaptability of Constructs leads to more versatility than one might expect; the chaotic nature of Limbo prevented me from demonstrating the point.

<I do not know myself exactly why it is that such a powerful propensity for creation exists within me; I simply know that I have a gift for seeing things as they should be, and I have talent in... coaxing them... into meeting my expectations.

<I am sure that Nessahalith has already informed you that there have been multiple... ideological clashes... between myself and the prevailing atmosphere of Ungoliar. I am less... rigid in my means. And therein lies an extent of the second area of my singular talents within Ungoliar. I am unsure of what it is you know about the concept of Incarnum, but I will be brief regardless. Whereas almost the totality of our inevitable empire has specialized itself in the perfection of the mind, I have divided my efforts in seeking to perfect both the mind and the soul.

<The fundamental difference between incarnum and psionics is relatively insignificant on a grand scale, but essentially, I am able to draw upon the soul energy of all life to enhance my own powers. It is my belief that this nearly limitless source of energy is a source of great power that we as a race must harness and claim for ourselves. It is that purpose which I strive towards.>

The passion that pervades Ki'kilela as he begins talking about incarnum momentarily becomes quite evident for a moment before he mentally withdraws.

<My apologies. No doubt you already know everything I have told you.>

2009-09-24, 12:01 AM
The ulitharid begins to silently pace as it listens to each of you in kind, hands behind its back, tentacles writhing, deep in thought. With each telepathic message, Nessahalith seems to grow more tense, worriedly fiddling with her tendrils and hands in fear that someone will say something stupid. She restrains herself; you have no doubt that in the ulitharid's absence she would quickly dismiss your babbling. The prophet's responses are polite, and seem to reveal his deep interest in all of you.
That's quite a generous offer, Vhess, but you needn't inconvenience yourself for my sake. I can only hope that your future exploits leave you... unspoiled, lest the retelling of your accomplishments be lost to the ether...
Alator, for the first to 'fall' during the simulation, I really must laud your spirit. You may be weak of body, but your mind is ripening into a fine engine of power. Nessahalith tells me you too are well-traveled, though of a more extraplanar nature then our compatriot Zaerkholl. There are many mysteries beyond this dimension... I must say, I was disappointed to not witness more of your shadow-talents during the simulation. Though, I have heard it is a rather subtle magic... any gaudiness would seem rather counter-intuitive, would it not? Have you any opinion on this 'Sublime Way' the priest was droning on about? There seems to be some innate ties to shadow in that primitive martial art... perhaps this source of power is easier to tap than most. Or am I mistaken? Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Ah, yes, Ki'kilela, I understand your passion for the arts. I personally prefer a good performance eating, but then again I've always had a soft-spot for the dramatic... And do not view your defeat in the simulation with shame. The psions marked you for death for a reason. In many ways, it was a compliment of sorts. Your willingness to learn from your mistakes is the first step on the path to power.
This whole incarnum business is rather strange, though... I understand the theory behind it, but rarely have I witnessed it in action, even if only simulated. It seems well-suited to defensive tasks, but I question its potential as a weapon. Does the impurity of this soul-stuff not disturb you? If I'm not mistaken, the souls of past, present, and future beings are utilized in this 'meldshaping' process. Why rely upon the souls of weaker beings? ...I suppose all of Illithid-kind's souls came from somewhere... but we know our destination, do we not? Does the existence of our wondrous elder brains break the cycle? Hmm... I see a possible study in the making. Do let me know if you develop a dissertation on the subject.
Yes, K'thzt, was it? I've heard of your past. It seems you've had every reason to succumb to weakness and defeat, yet adamantly refused to give up. That is an admirable trait. It seems the simulated foes underestimated your threat. I won't deny that I was pleased to see our first weapons put to good use. For we can never forget what we are. We are, as the surface races call us, mind flayers, feared not for our psionics or magic, but first and foremost for our naturally-bestowed gifts. That which marks us as superior to all other life; for what diet is more perfect than the minds of lesser beings? Perhaps the development of your soul-hunger is the natural evolution of a deeper need within us all. Survival of the fittest. It's what we learned, from our first day in the pool as a tadpole, and continue to learn, with each brain consumed.

Yes, I believe I'm beginning to see why Ungoliar's Elder Brain has decided to sanction your unique studies and talents. Our enemies use their diversity as a source of strength; perhaps we, too, need to adapt if we are to conquer what is rightfully ours. It seems within each of you a fundamental Truth of Illithid-kind is embodied, whether it be our social guile and political aptitude, our innate artifice and strive towards perfection, the conquering of the weak flesh and even of Death itself, the embracing of our higher status on the food chain and predatory cunning, and even the evolution of our ever-increasing genius. In you I do not see an eccentric inquisition, but rather one full of potential... one that future inquisitions should strive to match. I will personally recommend your official sanction as an inquisition to the Elder Brain, and put in my vote of confidence, for what it's worth. >

Nessahalith looks almost as if she's going to vomit. <Your analysis and insight are most generous and insightful, honored guest Loktyde. Truly, your words of wisdom and encouragement are as comforting and enriching as the finest resonance stones.> It seems she is requiring all her strength to not let her telepathic words convey dripping sarcasm.

2009-09-24, 04:47 AM
Zaerkholl watches Nessahalith's discomfort with great joy. He despised those members of his race whose only achievment was blind subservience underground. He was glad to see Vhess put the servant of the Elder Brain in her place.

<Thank you for your kind words Loktyde. I merely hope our skills gow to compliment each other.> Bowing once more to the ulitharid, Zaerkholl turns to the obviously strained Nessahalith. <Nessahalith, you do not look well at all. Perhaps you would prefer to return to your quarters? I'm sure we would find some way of carrying on in your absence. This sentence is masked behind the closest thing an illithid can call a smile.

<However, ambassador, I believe I could shed some light on this Sublime Way. While I'm sure Alator would be far more knowledgable on that particular martial style, I have been unfortunate enough to observe almost all of them in relative detail.> After this offer, Zaerkholl gives the room a pass with his eyes. <But, before we begin a discussion on the finer points of surface combat, would you be so good as to tell us the purpose of your esteemed visit? I assume that a personage such as yourself would not travel so far simply to see our inquisition take shape.>

2009-09-24, 08:04 AM

Once again, Vhess finds herself in an uncomfortable agreement with Nessahalith. She was most certainly not used to these sorts of compliments, especially from one so much more powerful and lofty in position. Between the antagonism of Nessahalith, and the flattering interest and compliments of Loktyde, she saw a potential synergy... perhaps this wasn't really a conflict between them at all, but a method to try and pry more out of each of the potential inquisition. Such tactics were hardly unknown, after all.

Even if that were mere conjecture, Loktyde's words put her on edge. It was possible that he was so secure in his position of power that he felt more comfortable flattering others, but in the end, she knew that arrogance drove her kind- and advanced as he was, Loktyde was still among her kind. What was the purpose behind his actions and words? Did he seek to lull them into complacency and garner their favor? She saw a clever trick on his part as being all too likely...

<I am sure that with your recommendation, the formation of this inquisition will be a bygone conclusion.>
Vhess says diplomatically. Her attention focuses on Zaerkholl and his question, for she very much agreed with his assessment...

2009-09-24, 12:24 PM
Nessahalith bristles at Zaerkholl's suggestion. <I am fine, Zaerkholl. You would do well to mind rank, here. This is a debriefing, not a gala luncheon.>
Loktyde stops pacing, directly behind Nessahalith's chair. He places one of his long tentacles on her shoulder, causing her to visibly flinch. Such contact is a rare violation of personal space... yet the ulitharid's confidence in his own position does not stop his actions. He only lets the tentacle linger for a moment before it slides off.
<Do not fret, Nessahalith. I have not forgotten my status as guest here, nor your esteemed position in the community. It would be highly uncouth for you to be absent at a meeting such as this. Let there be no more talk of her leaving. She has her duty to attend to, as do you all.
I am not in the habit of having my actions questioned, Zaerkholl. I was under the impression that my visit was rather self-explanatory. I chose to visit Ungoliar for my own reasons, largely because I can. Most of our sister colonies are not quite so blessed as mine, to harbor amongst their ranks an ulitharid such as I. It behooves me to spread the knowledge of my existence, to help spread the confidence and pride my very presence brings to our people. This is, of course, one of the least of my duties, but it does provide a means of escape, no matter how brief or trivial; not to suggest I buckle under the yoke of servitude. Quite the opposite. But there is no shame in taking pride in one's duties.
Just as it is my duty to embark on these diplomatic visits, so too is it my duty to witness the advance of our society and maturation of the younger generations. I may not look it, but I am old. We ulitharids are blessed, and perhaps cursed, with much longer life spans. It makes up somewhat for our rarity, but it prolongs my service and delays my inevitable joining of our ancestors within the all-knowing elder brains.
So there is your answer, Zaerkholl. I am visiting because I must, because it is my duty, because I choose to do so, and because I can.>
Nessahalith daintily picks up a straitor (a four-pronged illithid writing utensil) and begins writing something down in Qualith (the written language of the mind flayers). She does not look up from her tablet as she addresses the room.
<With a victorious outcome to the simulation, your group's simulated combat record remains undefeated. I see that you are all about due for an officially sanctioned hunting trip soon. Perhaps the lack of a good, fresh brain in your diets explains the relatively poor performance earlier today. Very well. Tomorrow you will all have a week's leave to plan and organize a brain raid. It is my, and the Elder Brain's recommendation that you maintain party cohesion and execute this hunt together as an inquisition. You will have tactical command: the location and means of acquiring your targets will be yours alone. If you wish, you may ask Ungoliar's Seers for viable targets before disembarking. I will need to know who among you owns or currently possesses a brainmate; those who do not will have one bestowed upon them before departure. You will receive any pertinent updates telepathically before the end of the day. Unless you have any other matters you wish to discuss, this meeting can adjourn.>

2009-09-24, 08:15 PM
Alator shrugs in response to Loktyde's question regarding Shadow Magic. <Shadow magic comes in many forms. Some learn to use it through study, while some possess a more... intuitive connection. In addition to the users of the Sublime Way, among the surface-dwellers, there are also those known as Shadowdancers. For some reason, they possess a powerful connection to the Plane of Shadows. These are phenomena I have been researching whenever possible.>

When Nessahalith informs them of their next mission, a brain raid, Alator thoughtfully twitches his tentacles. <I do not own a brainmate, I am afraid. But I thank you and the Elder Brain for this opportunity.>

2009-09-25, 12:11 AM
Zaerkholl smiles inwardly at Nessahalith's outburst. While she obviously reveled in her authority, she apparently lacked the self control Zaerkholl so valued. Seeing Loktyde violate her privacy merely sweetened the moment. However, mention of the brain raid put him slightly on edge. While Zaerkholl was accustomed to trips to the surface, he usually traveled alone. Such a large group of Illithid, many of them inexperienced in the world of light, could draw a great deal of unwanted attention.

Turning to Nessahalith, Zaerkholl sends his final jab <I apologize if you misinterpreted my concern Nessahalith. I merely wished to ensure your continued health. We all know how much the Elder Brain relies on you.> Masterful sarcasm fills Zaerkholl's last sentence. Not overt enough to be obviously insulting, it still bore the shadow of Zaerkholl's feeling of superiority towards the other Illithid. With that, Zaerkholl turns his attention to his companions.

<If we are to undertake a brain raid on our own, there are many factors to consider. I recommend we reconvene in my chambers to discuss our plans; I have many maps of the surface that could prove useful.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-25, 10:53 AM

As the ulitharid praises each of the inquisition in turn, K'thzt turns his head to face the being. <I thank you for your words, noble one.> Despite the relative oddness of his compliments, K'thzt was pleased to see that the inquisition would be formed, despite Nessahalith's annoyance.

He watched the barbs between Zaerkholl and Nessahalith carefully. Though he enjoyed seeing the higher-ranked illithid taken down, he still knew that provoking someone close to the Elder Brain was not in his best interest. <I will require a brainmate as well. We shall begin our planning without delay.> Rising, K'thzt turns to face Zaerkholl. <Lead on, then.>

2009-09-25, 08:19 PM

<We will attempt to conduct this endeavor to your satisfaction, Nessahalith.>
Unlike the others, Vhess decides not to mention that she does not have a brainmate. She does not see it as particularly necessary, and decides it might be beneficial to attempt to go without an elder brain's influence for a while... that, and she doesn't want to appear dependent on them. If they notice she does not have one, she'll obviously not refuse, but otherwise...

Her attention focuses on Zaerkholl, and she instantly becomes paranoid again. His chambers? She didn't want to go onto another mindflayer's personal territory, let alone one who was powerful enough to be assigned to an inquisition with her. He might actually pose a threat, especially on home ground. Swiftly, she attempts to think of an excuse.

<A wise suggestion, Zaerkholl. However, might I suggest we meet in the library instead? There may be resources there that will also be useful to us, and your maps can be transported there.>

((Assuming there is a library or something similar...))

2009-09-25, 09:51 PM
Nessahalith stands, taking the tablet and straitor with her. <Well, that's that. If you have any further questions, ask dispatch or High Command. Take up any inquiries about equipment in the bazaar. Brainmates will be prepared and ready tomorrow, likewise to be picked up in the bazaar. Honored guest Loktyde, you are free to do as you please, although I imagine the Elder Brain would have words with you if you are not busy.>
The ulitharid seems a little disappointed that the meeting is coming to an end. <Thank you, Nessahalith. I will accompany you to the Elder Brain's chambers forthwith. It has been a unique treat, comrades. I wish you luck on your future missions.>
The prophet crosses his two long tentacles to you all in what you take to be a sign of respect, before bowing under the door and gliding out of the room along with Nessahalith.

(Ungoliar harbors several areas that could serve as a slightly more 'neutral' grounds for discussion, for the more paranoid among you. The library, the labs, the auditorium, the atrium, the 'gardens'... pick your pleasure.)

2009-09-25, 10:01 PM
Zaerkholl is pleased to see Vhess' paranoia appear. It would not do to have companions so willing to step into unfamiliar territory. Once again, he bows his head to Loktyde when the Ulitharid departs, glad to be free of Nessahalith's crudely constructed insults. With the chamber free of superiors, Zaerkholl turns to Vhess.

<Indeed, there may be resources in the library that I cannot match. However, I spend so little time in Ungoliar, I do not wish to wile away the hours in a library. May I suggest we all disperse for an hour, gather what information we have on the surface, and reconvene in the gardens? It seems a much more...private location.>

2009-09-26, 12:33 AM

Ki'kilela broadcasts his assent to the general plan and briefly considers that which he knows about communities ripe for raiding among the plains, but decides that his odds of learning something are much better if he were to consult the Seers. To assist, he unshapes the Planar Chasuble and shapes his Truthseeker Goggles, pulling essentia from various soulmelds into it to give him the best chance possible of finding that which he looked for.

Knowledge: Planes [roll0]

Using Rapid Meldshaping to unshape the Planar Chasuble and shape the Truthseeker Goggles, investing 4 essentia in them for a total of +10 to gather information, then, [roll1]

2009-09-26, 10:57 AM
Alator nods, agreeing with the general idea. <I will be in either the library, or my home.>

After a moment's hesitation, he mentally speaks again. <I do not know how open you are to the idea, but in my travels I have often found it necessary to feed from extraplanar entities. While potentially hazardous, I can assure you, the practice has its benefits.>

Leaving the others to ponder that and make their own decisions, Alator quietly takes his leave.

2009-09-26, 11:19 AM

<Then we will meet in the gardens.>

Vhess gives a sign of respect to the others, then withdraws, instantly heading towards the gardens. She had no need to research at her home, or at the library- her own mind contained more insights and information than any of them. However, ensuring that the gardens were not prepared with traps, and locating a more private area within them would be time well spent.

She does stop by her home, just to make sure it had not been broken into or had anything stolen from it, or was otherwise in need of attention, but she does not linger there for long, just giving it a cursory look over before moving to the gardens and carefully combing through it, eventually settling in a private location of her choice.

2009-09-26, 11:27 AM
Over the next cold, silent, light-less hour, you all consult your sources and delve deep into your nigh-godlike minds. Where to hunt? The world, nay, the multiverse is yours to plunder, like a massive buffet of possibilities. The hardest part of this hunt might be simply choosing where to get a meal.

You decide to meet in the gardens, a relatively private and neutral place to convene. Only accessible via flight or levitation, the gardens occupy a large, beautiful cavern above the rest of the colony. Thralls are thus quite spare in the gardens, and since few illithids frequent the place, it's unlikely that anyone will eavesdrop.

The gardens drip with moisture, as the mists from the colony below slowly rise and condense on the stalactites and stalagmites of the mostly-natural cavern. It is not completely dark here, which might offend certain sensibilities; various luminescent fungi softly glow in tastefully arranged patches. The ceiling of the cave is covered by a permanent illusion of an alien night sky, where dim stars slowly burn red with age. It is an artist's rendering of what the universe will look like some day, when the ancient Empire of Penumbra has once again risen to power.

Various bizarre subterranean plants grow in the gardens, all of them gray and fungoid, having never known sunlight's touch. In the dark, crystal-clear pools and artificial streams, sightless fish and nematodes scuttle and swim. A few illithidae live here; a few of the local illithids feed the saltors and kigrids scraps, or watch them devour slaves and thralls for amusement. The illithidae are kept in line by a pair of urophions, who stand a constant vigil here. The illithid-ropers acknowledge your arrival with a blink of their singular blood-red eyes that simmer in the darkness. The creatures are beneath you; it is said that urophions are just as intelligent as other illithids, but the freakish things earn nothing but servitude.

A few dromite thralls water the plants and maintain the aesthetics of the garden. They shuffle about performing their duties, ignoring your presence entirely. They give your group a wide berth, and move their chores elsewhere should they find themselves too close to you. The garden is scattered with small stone gazebos, rotundas, pavilions, and decks. You find a nice spot next to a tinkling waterfall, complete with moss-covered stone chairs and a tastefully carved stone table with Qualith inscriptions speaking of the glory of the illithid race. One of Ki'kilela's crystal sculptures, donated to the gardens a few years ago, can be seen shining in the distance behind a patch of glowing fungus. The facets of the crystal reflect and refract the light in a hypnotizing display; the statue itself is an abstract piece, its shape twisting and curving in thought-provoking angles. A modest resonance stone in the center of the table completes the scene, radiating emotions of calm and peace.

You find your way here one by one, and eventually your inquisition has gathered. Your minds are abubble with thought... and hunger.

2009-09-26, 11:43 AM

Vhess, obviously, was the first one to arrive, as she did not wait to show up. She does not sit, as usual, but paces about the table, her hands folded behind her back. Now well rested from her earlier exertions, the full strength and potency of the illithid's mind can be felt, though that power is thinly veiled by a polite facade, like a sheath concealing a deadly sword- one knows the weapon is there, it is simply not being used at the moment, and its blade is hidden, though not unmarked.

She politely greets the others as they arrive, and once they have all gathered she sits down, waiting for one of them to begin. Thousands of facts and ideas hung in her mind, but she wanted to see what they would suggest first.

2009-09-26, 12:12 PM
Alator arrives at almost exactly the agreed-upon time, one hour after having departed. As usual, he immediately takes a seat; one could almost imagine that they actually heard his bones creak as he did so.

<Have you given any thought to my proposal?> he asks, once the group has assembled.

<I would understand, of course, if you were reluctant to risk travel to such an... exotic location. But I maintain that the multiverse is a vast place, and to confine one's experiences to only one corner of it is needless.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-27, 05:39 PM

As K'thzt ascended to the gardens, he debated whether or not to share his discoveries. Though he was more knowledgeable than the lesser races, by illithid standards he was no scholar, while his allies were far more interested in study. Taking a seat among the others, he waits momentarily before replying to Alator.

<I have no objections to hunting the planes, if you have a specific target in mind.> K'thzt pauses briefly before sharing his other information. <Though if we would rather remain on the Prime Material, there is an archipelago a distance to the west with common seafaring travelers, it could be possible to hijack a ship and bring back those onboard.>

2009-09-27, 07:21 PM

<I do not see it as wise to journey through the planes to sate our hunger. It seems to be inviting unnecessary difficulty for only potentially more savory meals. We have long perfected the art of conducting raids on the surface, and if our earlier performance told us anything, it is that we need to stick to what we know and to something we can more easily plan for.>

Vhess directs towards Alator, politely dismissing his plan.

2009-09-27, 09:53 PM

<Alator is correct in that there are certain advantages to hunting among the planes for food. Demons are more difficult individually to contain and capture, admittedly, but their infinite numbers mean that there is little possibility of their disappearance causing any form of a fuss. I have already pinpointed multiple layers of the Abyss that would be acceptable to invade.>

<Alternatively, the Seers have informed me of a caravan of Halflings on the surface whom are ripe for the plucking. Three separate tribes of the small creatures have just joined with one another, meaning that none of them know who the others are or how many of them there are. It would be very simple to assist some of them in going missing, and it seems as though there are not many who are actually skilled in combat among their ranks.>

2009-09-27, 11:13 PM
Zaerkholl finally strides into the pavilion during K'thzt's explanation of the archipelago, a trio of slender metal tubes in his hands. Seating himself, he puts down the map cases on the graven table. Steepling his fingers, Zaerkholl waits to hear the opinions of his other companions before joining the conversation.

<While I admire your willingness to travel the plains Alator, it seems far too much effort for too little reward. Not only would we be subjecting ourselves to the uncertain conditions of the outer plains, but I would prefer not to risk my health for a simple meal.>

Zaerkholl turns, looking at each member of the inquisition in turn. <It seems the purpose of this mission is for the Elder Brain to observe how we interact as a unit in a real world situation. Hence, the brain mates. Therefore, I believe a material plane target where we would be forced to utilize discretion would be ideal. While the idea of hijacking a ship or a caravan have merit, they present a very limited pool from which to draw prospective meals. I have another suggestion...> At this point, Zaerkholl opens one of the map cases and unfurls a piece of fine vellum. Drawn on the map with exquisite craftsmanship is a large city. <The Great City of Justengrad, the largest city in the north. Its size is only matched by its instability. Were we to choose this location for the brain raid, I could contact my agents there and have the city in a state of martial law, if not open war, within days. With our abilities, we would then have the run of the place, and from noble to pauper, any flavor or quality of mind would be ripe for harvest.>

Zaerkholl sets down his two other maps alongside the first. <While Justengrad is of course my first choice given its size and my familiarity with it, there are two other options that came to me. One,> Zaerkholl motions to a map of a large mountain range, is located in the Northeast, where an alliance of gnomes is currently battling a large tribe of Kobolds. A great many of these humanoids could go missing with none the wiser. Alternatively, we could delve into the swamps.> the final map is motioned to, <A great many Lizardfolk are located in the depths of these marshes, and though bland entire tribes could be harvested with little trouble.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-28, 05:52 PM

Overhearing the others go over their options, K'thzt addresses each in turn. <Out of the options that have been suggested, I am still favor the planar travel, though that stems more from my... particular... tastes. If we would prefer to stay on the Material Plane, I believe that assaulting the warring gnomes and kobold would be the best target, even if we were to err and be noticed, they would not have the resources to pursue us. The halfling caravan is also tempting for similar reasons, but they are not already distracted with a foe, and may be willing to retaliate.>

<The communities of lizardfolk you mentioned, while easy enough to claim, seem like far too little reward for the time of illithid of our skill. And while destabilizing Justengrad would yield the greatest reward, it is also by far the most risky. It would give us a large supply of minds to claim, but once the chaos dies down, someone may try and investigate what happened, and if we made any mistake at any point, they could trace it back to us.>

2009-09-28, 10:18 PM

Ki'kilela's tentacles twitch contemplatively. <I find myself in agreement with K'thzt. The warring lesser slave races and the halflings seem to be the best options presented so far. Vhess, do you have any other suggestions?>

2009-09-28, 11:17 PM
The mention of kobolds does seem to pique Alator's interest, if the momentary blip of activity in his thoughts is any indication. His mental voice is as flat as ever, though, when he replies.

<I agree, the feuding races to the northeast would be a satisfactory target.>

His agreement was motivated not by rational analysis of the targets, but more selfish reasons. In truth, the wizened Illithid had something of a taste for the draconic, making the occasional "gifted" kobold a welcome treat. He had been fortunate enough to sample the mind of a kobold sorcerer once, a creature intensely in tune with its dragon heritage, and found the experience quite inimitable. Even the average kobold was more flavorful than their frequently dreary lives would suggest, spiced with pride and a touch of savagery. He doubted he would ever be so fortunate again, but it was always possible.

2009-09-28, 11:22 PM

<Consider, though, that both kobolds and gnomes possess some form of superior vision in the dark, while halflings lack any such faculty, making a night attack against a disorganized caravan of halflings at night extremely effective, especially given our telepathy.>

2009-09-29, 02:02 PM

Vhess breaks her silence at Ki'kilela's question to her.
<There are a few targets I could suggest, though I admit I had also heard of this halfling community and was considering it as a worthy target. I could offer others, but they are more or less equal to the halfling caravan, so it really matters little which of them we use. I suggest we simply go with that which has already been suggested.>

2009-09-30, 09:39 PM
The mental conversation transpires over the next few minutes, and to those without the gift of telepathy one might not have realized that an exchange even occurred. The silence is broken only by the tinkling streams and fountains, and before long the gathering has dispersed, apparently having come to some unspoken conclusion.

You all ultimately agree to hunt amidst the chaos of the warring kobold and gnomish communities. The mountainous terrain should provide ample cover and places to hide, and the battlefields should be strewn with staggered, barely coherent survivors. Failing that, ambushing lone patrols should prove easy enough.

As the next 'day' approaches, you all receive various missives and messages from various sources: certain interests and debts have matured, and you find yourself with a modest amount of negotiating and trading power in the bazaar. (Everyone has 8000 gp to effectively spend within Ungoliar. This is added to any remaining gold you may have had at the end of character creation. Again, this is not actual money, but the ability to gain more resources using the illithid bartering system. Also, save for Zaerkholl, who already has one, and Vhess, who avoided mentioning she does not have one, everyone else is to receive a brainmate, complete with 10 ranks in two knowledge skills of your choice. These items, and anything you want to 'buy,' will be ready at the start of the next day.)

2009-10-02, 12:33 PM

Vhess is quite content with her current gear, and so simply saves up her wealth in case she needs it later. With nothing to do, she simply roves about the gardens, waiting for the others to contact her, or for something else to occur.

2009-10-02, 01:41 PM
Alator bargains for a vest imbued with protective magics, but is otherwise willing to rely on his magic and psionics. He needs only an hour or so to make preparations for his home, since he's away as much as he's present. He stops at the library for a map as well, to guide his teleportation attempt. Once his affairs are in order, he returns to the garden and the others.

<Are we ready to depart? I will handle the teleportation, if there are no objections.>

2009-10-02, 09:51 PM
Life in Ungoliar functions like a well-oiled machine. The constant presence of the elder brain and the psychic sensors of its servants necessitates a rigid, structured behavior. Everything is sanctioned, everything is submitted and approved and guaranteed. For some of you, this is mildly maddening, although for most illithids it is quite comforting. You are anxious to leave on your assignment, where you will have the relative freedom to determine your own actions.

Using the favors, debts, and contacts within the colony, you all acquire the supplies you seek. The next day, your inquisition meets in an isolated section of the gardens, to prepare for the journey ahead. Those of you who recently acquired a brain mate can sense the tiniest mote of awareness from it, as the tiny speck of brain-matter from the elder brain itself absorbs the sensations of the world around it. They are the perfect tool for reporting one's activities back to the central authorities of the sept.

The garden is quiet, as always. It is early enough that the dromite thrall caretakers are still sleeping. The urophions, however, remain ever vigilant. One even has the audacity to greet you telepathically as you arrive.

A curious kigrid crouches behind a large mushroom, quietly gazing at your group, perhaps curious if you've brought it any morsels.

2009-10-02, 11:12 PM

Ki'kilela had spent his week experimenting with new Astral Construct combinations and procuring some new defensive enhancements in the form of a +3 Death Ward Heavy Mithral Shield, a Lesser Crystal of Adaptation, and a Greater Crystal of Arrow Deflection. He also procured a Bag of Holding Type IV, which was carefully bound to the hulking frame of Ω, who had accompanied him to the garden.

Ω was relatively useless in terms of stealth, but Ki'kilela had some ideas about diversions that would be able to make good use of the golem's heavily fortified body.

<I trust we are prepared to begin?>

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-02, 11:36 PM

As K'thzt entered the garden he simply ignored the thrall that overstepped its boundaries. After all, discipline was not his job. Over the last week he had used his resources to acquire a pair of rings, and opted to swap one of them on, placing his unused two in his bag. <I am prepared. Though...> K'thzt glanced up at the behemoth behind Ki'kilela. <I was under the impression that we were to rely on stealth. This project of yours may be powerful, though may I deign to ask what use he would be on this sojourn?>

Swapping out my Ring of Healing for the Ring of the Darkhidden. I'll mark on my character sheet which items are worn.

Also, how many targets can Alator teleport?

2009-10-03, 10:05 AM

<I am ready.>
Vhess states, nodding to Alator in acceptance of the teleport. She simply waits for the others to ready themselves and to be teleported to the target.

2009-10-03, 12:59 PM
Zaerkholl is the last to arrive in the gardens, strolling along luxuriantly, his favorite thrall in tow. It's obvious he won't be taking her along, but it seems that when not on a mission the slave must follow her master everywhere. Ki'kilela's large, dragon-shaped construct squeezes into its master's portable hole, it being beyond the capabilities of Alator to safely transport with his mind alone. You all link hands, and Alator focuses his mind on the information gleaned from maps and missives with the seers and other sources. One moment you are all standing in the cool dampness of Ungoliar, the next you can feel the gaping void of the night sky above you, the fresh air of the surface world uncomfortable against your glistening skin.
You have timed the teleportation such that it is a few hours before sunrise in this out-of-the-way mountain region. The sun, while it causes no physical harm or debilitation to you, is nevertheless a dreaded, hated thing. Nothing is quite so uncomfortable as the feeling of sunlight on your skin. It sickens you all to the core, not unlike how an unbroken thrall might feel about being immersed in a vat of its own filth. Zaerkholl has learned to at least tolerate it, having spent so much time on the surface, but even he finds the prospect of trouncing around in the daylight less than appealing.
The rocky terrain around you is not unlike some of the rougher areas of the Underdark, only with open sky above. The mountains themselves are mostly void of plants, although the valleys between the peaks sport thick coniferous forests. This particular range is rich in precious ores, which the kobolds mine, and vast deposits of gemstones, which the gnomes covet above all. Thus, the two races began to compete for territory and resources, the racial hatred only adding fuel to the fire. The teleportation landed you on a large, flat area high up on one of the mountains in the disputed region. Using the stars for your bearings, you know that the gnome community lies to the east, and the kobolds occupy a series of hills to the west. The major mountain passes, and the valley in-between, have been the primary battlegrounds. Indeed, through the gloom you can spot the occasional distant plume of smoke, but whether they originate from battles, homes, or funeral pyres it is impossible to tell from this distance.
The terrain is treacherous; loose scree and sharp rocks could make one wrong step your last. The cunning kobolds have also no doubt set many traps in the area. Primarily used as defense, in times of war the tiny dragon-kin use traps offensively as well, to harry enemy patrols and lower morale.
The whole scene reeks of everything that makes the surface world so unsavory: the open, endless space, the little scuttling noises of living things wallowing in their filth, the unsightly brightness of the stars above, the dryness of the air, and in general the nonsensical chaos of the untamed natural world. One day, perhaps, this will all be brought to heel. But for now, this is a world of danger, even for a group as powerful as yourselves. Your inquisition is anathema to the very air you breathe, and if you are not careful, countless enemies will take any opportunity they can to end you before you can return to the safety of the darkness below.

2009-10-03, 05:00 PM
Zaerkholl takes a step forward on the rocks, his head swiveling slowly from east to west. Suddenly, his flesh begins to writhe, the familiar bruised purple replaced by repulsive pink. Hair begins to sprout from his head, and his emaciated form growing bulkier. When he turns, you see an impressively tall human, clad in stately purple robes, whose black hair and goatee shine in the light. The only hint of Zaerkholl's true nature are the eyes, which are such a pale shade of blue they appear almost white.

<I recommend we approach the Gnome community first. They are far more welcoming of humanoid outsiders that the Kobolds, and there should be a few among their number who know the lay of the land.>

2009-10-03, 05:05 PM

<'Lay of the land?'>
Vhess's mental voice is contemptuous.
<We are far from needing their assistance in such matters. I know everything we need to know, or will know with but a moment's thought. What is more, lingering among such communities, even in disguise, invites too many prying eyes. It will be better if we make our way in, strike, and leave without attracting any notice whatsoever.>

2009-10-03, 10:18 PM
Alator considers Zaerkholl's suggestion for a moment, but shakes his head. <I agree with Vhess here. This should be a fast raid, so there is no need to even let our prey know of any foreign presence.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-03, 10:51 PM

Nodding in approval, K'thzt turns toward his allies. <I concur. We act swiftly and unseen, no slower infiltration. Though if you wish to turn the eyes of our targets away, allow me to drain away the soul of one. Most would believe it to be the work of a necromancer of some sort, not a being of our status.>

2009-10-03, 10:53 PM

<Extra muscle never hurts, and if need be, Ω will make an excellent diversion when working in concert with constructs.>

After the teleport, Ki'kilela shudders slightly, though he takes comfort in the protection afforded by his armor crystal.

<I don't think that it would hurt to at least size up the situation. We don't necessarily need to infiltrate the slave races, but if we learned anything from our most recent simulation, it should be to not simply assume that our adversaries are unskilled because they are of an inferior race.>

2009-10-04, 04:23 PM
A slight smile plays on Zaerkholl's now human face at Vhess' obvious contempt.

<And of course, the first group we come accross will have the most delicious brains. No, while I agree that a quick insertion and exit would be ideal, we should not have to rush ourselves at such an inviting buffet, but rather select the mind most suited to our tastes. Even if we were lucky enough to find the perfect meal right away, I think this mission is a little more than the average brain raid; I believe the Elder Brain is testing us. We are meant to show how well we can infiltrate the surface races and wreak as much havok as possible without being seen. Why else send so many powerful Illithid away from the sept at the same time? As a reward? I think not.>

2009-10-04, 08:54 PM

<Apologies if my stance confused you. I never spoke against investigation, merely asking for geographical knowledge and investigating in plain sight. It will be better if we remain entirely unknown. I recommend oracular powers and divination, as well as stealth, to determine the best targets.>

Vhess does not sound apologetic at all. In fact, she sounds faintly exasperated, though the level of emotion is different than the contempt she expressed towards having to ask lesser races for information.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-06, 01:46 PM

Shaking his head, K'thzt turns away. <We will accomplish nothing if we simply bicker. Zaerkholl, celerity aside, attempting to infiltrate them will give them someone to blame when a number of their tribe goes missing. It simply seems unnecessarily risky. I am not opposed to performing psionic surveillance to gauge their capabilities, but we should not spend too long waiting, or it may reflect poorly on our abilities to act decisively.>

2009-10-06, 01:55 PM

<Efficiency and celerity are indeed important.>
Vhess agrees with K'thzt.
<In that vein, does anyone have abilities they would like to volunteer in order to begin our investigation? I advise that we leave investigating in person for last, and use what other resources we have first.>
The milky white eyes of the mindflayer flick over the group, squinting a little in the harsh sunlight. While speaking, Vhess is analyzing the situation- the absence of any connection to the elder brain, the feel of the outside... the openness was disconcerting, and the light played harshly across her skin. Still... it was survivable.

2009-10-06, 02:24 PM
The sun has not yet risen; it's presence is merely a deep red suggestion glowing in the eastern sky. Several of you, possessing keen telepathic awareness of the presence of living minds, detect the simple thoughts of animal life within 100 feet or so. As far as you can tell, you appear to be alone. If divination or clairsentience abilities are to be pursued, you know that it might be wise to seek some manner of cover or shelter, if not from sight, than at the least from the hated sun that shall soon be upon you in full force.

(You can make Survival checks to find a cave, dale, or other more hidden location, if you wish to move on. Knowledge (nature) or (geography) might help as well.)

2009-10-06, 02:49 PM
<Although I am a Nomad and not a Seer, I am capable of extending my consciousness across great distances and viewing remote locations. It is... taxing, but I will do so if needed once we find shelter from the sun. Failing that, I am also quite capable of physically observing while being myself unobserved.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-07, 06:02 PM

Glancing eastward, the soul eater's tentacles shudder unpleasantly. <Those of you who can spy on the lesser races do so, those who cannot should work to find shelter from the sun. I am in the latter group, and I shall return here if I find anything.>

Survival- [roll0]
Knowledge: Geography (from Brainmate)- [roll1]

2009-10-07, 09:12 PM
Zaerkholl observes the movements of his compatriots. Already accustomed to the surface, he seems hardly affected by the impending sunlight.

<Oh, Vhess, I should apologize for the human colloquialism. Whenever I feel the vast above me, I alter my speech pattern to be more...imprecise. I find it puts the thralls at ease.>

Closely observing the alien forms of his illithid kin, Zaerkholl interrupts the activity. <Before you set out into the countryside, you might wish to alter your forms. The last thing we need is some keen eyed scout reporting our arrival. If you are unable to change your appearance, I can accommodate you.>

Zaerkholl can cast Veil on the rest of the inquisition if necessary

2009-10-07, 09:38 PM
Alator shakes his head, but seems unconcerned. <I am not able to change my appearance, no. You may provide an illusion or transformation if you wish. But I do not plan to be seen.>

Backing up his mental speech with action, Alator engages his formidable powers of stealth, shifting sideways and nearly vanishing into a nearby shadow.


2009-10-07, 09:49 PM
K'thzt is not even beyond the range of the rest of the inquisition's telepathy when he finds a suitable hiding spot. Half-concealed by a pair of boulders, a shallow cave gapes before the soul-eater. It appears large enough to accommodate everyone, even Ki'kilela's construct. It is not as deep as you would like, perhaps only going into the mountain 80 feet or so. The sunlight will be more tolerable in the considerable shade, but it's presence will still be felt.
K'thzt tentatively takes a few steps, letting his darkvision scope out the cave for him. It appears deserted. There is no garbage or evidence of previous tenants, save for some small bones and dried animal dung; perhaps this cave was once used by a bear or mountain lion. However, it appears like it currently is uninhabited, and even if it was, the presence of the inquisition should likely be enough to scare animal life away.

2009-10-08, 01:15 PM

<A disguise would be appreciated.>
Vhess joins K'thzt in searching for a place- or simply pointing out a place she already knows, if that applies...

I'll spend on inspiration point on my survival roll.

Survival: [roll0]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll1]

2009-10-08, 03:30 PM
Vhess watches K'thzt's poking around in the rocks with a certain degree of pity. The soul-eater was no pathfinder, that much was certain, but was it so difficult to notice the weathered remains of a stairway heading up the slope of the mountain forty yards to his left? Did nobody else assume, with near absolute certainty, that there must be some manner of artificially constructed temple or mine not but a few hundred yards away? Sure, it might be inhabited, but wasn't that the whole point of this trip?
...Maybe nobody else noticed these things. But not everyone was so gifted... perhaps it would be better to sit in a tiny cave, but Vhess catalogs her deductions nevertheless.

2009-10-09, 10:44 AM

<If I might be so bold, there appears to be the remains of a staircase here. It most likely leads to a suitable location for either preliminary hunting or shelter. We are isolated at the moment- so if we need to kill to ensure we are alone, it should present no issue, as we have no risk of discovery.>
Vhess points out the staircase to them.

2009-10-09, 12:07 PM
<Very well. Any place with a roof is sufficient for now. I will check it for occupants.>

Still hiding, Alator makes his way to the staircase, hoping to check it for any signs of inhabitants without being seen himself.

2009-10-09, 11:51 PM
The 'stair' could barely be considered such, it has eroded so. The smooth, rounded, dirty rocks barely help in the ascent, but it is not too terribly difficult a climb. As your elevation increases, so too does the sunlight in the east. After ten minutes of following the path, you come to the entrance of an ancient, apparently abandoned temple or keep of some kind.
The architecture is spartan and efficient, the size of the few windows and doors suggesting it was constructed by smaller creatures then yourselves. A few draconic embellishments identify it as an old kobold structure. While your senses detect nothing more intelligent than small animals nearby, the ruin could still potentially be trapped by its old inhabitants.
There are three entrances to the compound: two of them are barely three and a half feet tall, and only three feet wide, but the center entrance is larger. You would still need to crouch slightly, but it is wide enough to accommodate a small cart pulled by draft animals.

(Knowledge (architecture & engineering), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (arcana), and Knowledge (history) can all reveal more information)

2009-10-10, 09:40 AM

Quietly and hopefully stealthily, Vhess stalks up the remains of the staircase after Alator, keeping distance between them for a multitude of reasons, the primary one being so he can alert her if there are watchers that he notices.
Once she reaches the building, she pauses to analyze it as best she can.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (History): [roll1]
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): [roll2]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll3]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll4]

2009-10-10, 06:53 PM
Prior to Vhess' departure, Zaerkholl cloaks her form with an intricate illusion, causing her to appear as a bland, barely noticable human female. If Vhess has any requests as to the appearance of the Veil, he complies. Then, when Vhess begins to follow Alator, Zaerkhollnoticeable disappears from view, with only the slight sigh fo shifting fabric to indicate his presence. Floating inches off the ground beside Vhess, Zaerkholl also delves into his memory for information on the ruins.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge History: [roll1]

2009-10-10, 07:40 PM
Alator is very careful as he enters the room, slowly peering around. He chooses to save his incorporeal form for later, but manifests a telekinetic field around himself to help him probe for any concealed devices or traps.

Manifesting Defensive Precognition, augmented up to 4 pp then -1 from Torc of Power Preservation (3 pp total). Alator gains a +2 insight bonus to AC and saves for 12 minutes.

He then manifests Touchsight, -1 pp cost from Torc of Power Preservation (4 pp total). The touchsight extends 60 feet, and its duration is also 12 minutes. Alator does not have Trapfinding, sadly. He's mostly just poking at things.


Eternal Kanus
2009-10-10, 10:37 PM

After searching the small cave he had discovered, K'thzt grudgingly stepped out and followed the others to the temple. <Very well. I defer to your observations in the matter. This would make a much better base of operations than the cave I had noticed, far more suitable for us, even if it was built for substantially smaller beings.> As he crouches and walks into the ancient shrine, K'thzt remains annoyed at his lack of knowledge, having paid little attention to the workings of the material races. Once he enters, the soul eater remains still, slowly gazing about the building, keeping still.

What exactly is the lighting inside the temple? Considering it was built by kobolds is it sealed from all light?

2009-10-11, 01:31 AM
You cautiously approach the seemingly abandoned structure. Vhess studies the mountainside in which it is built, and concludes that this particular mountain must be some kind of long-dormant volcano, probably of the plug-dome variety. The empty caldera probably created enough open space to make the construction of a temple relatively simple.
Zaerkholl recognizes the decadent Kobold architecture as the work of a long-dead tribe, probably the ancestors of the kobolds who currently live in this region. The temple's old Draconic inscriptions mark it as a temple primarily dedicated to the dragon deity Io, Father of Dragonkind. Certain kobold tribes paid a great deal of homage to Io, almost as much as to their patron, Kurtulmak. While the practice is in decline, the kobolds nevertheless still respect and honor the dragons, and their gods as well. While the temple is primarily dedicated to Io, it seems the entire Draconic pantheon is represented, from noble Bahamut to the greedy and cruel Tiamat.
As you cross the threshold, entering the cramped, dark hall, you notice the area is pockmarked with murder holes, arrow slits, and old, nonfunctional pressure plates and spent tripwires. The path forks 30 feet in, forming a rectangular loop of sorts, and all the while the kobold-sized holes are present, suggesting that if the ancient inhabitants wished it, pushing through the main entrance would have been a hell of traps, arrows, darts, boiling oil, poisonous vermin, and worse. The ground here has somehow been reduced to a fine sand, and those of you walking on the ground find it tiresome and slow to slog through.
Those of you possessing the gift of mindsight detect something unusual just beyond the little passage: three minds, each of above-average intellect (INT 12), belonging to beings of a draconic nature. You also hear what sounds like the giggling of children. You make out a few words in Draconic: (I'm assuming Alator and Ki'kilela understand Draconic. You might want to fill out languages on your sheets!)
"Ha ha! You're too slow Lommary!"
"Not fair, Sorrabelle! You cheated!"
"She did not, Lommary."
"She did too, Baylienne! She skipped Astilabor on the way to Chronepsis! That run doesn't count!"
"It does too! You have to start by Tiamat this time and beat Baylienne to Falazure from Io's wing."
Alator's psychically resonant senses begin to pick up the location of the chattering creatures. They seem rather small...
Suddenly, you all hear a booming, deep, yet somehow merry voice emanate from a carving of a dragon in the ceiling. It seems to be a Magic Mouth spell.
"Welcome, visitors, to the Temple of Io! Please leave your offerings at the foot of the altar. Any donations greatly appreciated!"
You see an end to the tunnel, with the dim morning light shining through from beyond. There is a sound in the distance of running water. At the sound of the magical voice, the chattering of the children has stopped, and they quickly grow more distant, almost to the edge of mindsight...

2009-10-11, 04:40 PM
Had Alator been a more vocal person, he might have sighed out loud. The last thing they needed right now was witnesses, even children, running to warn someone. But he certainly wasn't going to waste any more firepower than necessary on them. Psychically lifting himself into the air to avoid the sand below, the Illithid flew calmly toward the now silent voices, remaining perfectly hidden as he followed them.

Stealth plane mode, activate!

Standard action: Manifests Psionic Fly, 6 pp (7 base - 1). Duration is 12 minutes.
Move action: Flies 60 feet toward the three creatures, taking a -5 penalty to Hide and Move Silently for moving more than 1/2 his speed.


2009-10-11, 07:20 PM
Sticking to the shadows, Alator silently glides to the mouth of the tunnel, and sees before him a scene of great beauty (by surface world standards). A large, natural land bridge spans between the small kobold keep and the mounting slope of the dormant volcano. Sheer cliffs are to the left and right, several yards away. However, this space is dominated by a series of stone statues in a circular depression, with large, wide steps leading down into the space. A ring of thick pillars surrounds the collection of statues, topped by long, smooth stone slabs. One pillar has crumbled with age, breaking the otherwise perfect circle.
The statues all depict dragons, each carved from a different type of stone; marble, granite, obsidian... the list goes on. There are eleven dragons: two groups of five face each other on opposite sides of the circular depression. In between them, farthest from Alator, is the largest statue: a massive dragon looks down upon the rest from a high pedestal. In front of this large dragon is an altar of a greening metal, perhaps copper.
Closest to Alator is a statue of a prostrate kobold, kowtowing to the dragons in a deep sign of respect. Many smaller kobolds surround the larger one, and they all kneel on a massive pile of stone skulls. This statue has seen the most weathering, and perhaps even vandalism: several of the skulls seem to have been knocked loose, and litter the lush grass in between the dragon statues.
Behind this large, impressive temple can be seen a waterfall, gushing from a natural spring in the volcano. It gathers in a pool before trickling away and turning into an even larger waterfall that careens off the left-most cliff.
Alator's psychic sensitivity to disturbances in the air fails to detect the presence of the children... they can't have gotten far...

Map of the Area

2009-10-12, 11:11 PM
Swiftly, Alator soars over to the pile of skulls, his robe nearly brushing the ground only a few feet below him.

<I suppose the one good thing about this interruption is that we'll at least have a light meal to satisfy us while we seek more nourishing fare...>

Flying approx. 35 feet forward to the pile of skulls. Still hiding.


2009-10-13, 12:44 AM
Still under the effect of his invisibility spell, Zaerkholl drifts nearly soundlessly to the center of the chamber, such that his mindsight should hopefully be able to pinpoint the Kobolds.

<Indeed Alator, this interruption could prove fortuitous. Who knows what secrets these children possess.> Zaerkholl then turns his attention to Vhess. <I do not mean to impugn you formidable mental abilities, but Kobolds are a suspicious, secretive race. It is possible, however unlikely, that these children come from some secret enclave we would otherwise have no knowledge of.>

Zaerkholl finally reaches out his mind to K'thzt and Ki'kilela. <It would be best to minimize our surface presence. These children had to come from somewhere nearby. I recommend you leave the construct to guard the entrance to this place and join us inside.>

2009-10-13, 08:51 AM
As Alator and Zaerkholl approach the grouping of draconic statues, a shining rune begins to appear on the breast of the largest idol. Alator recognizes the rune as a Symbol of Persuasion. However, his (and his companion's) innate resistance to magic protects them from the spell, never mind their mental defenses.
Neither Zaerkholl nor Alator can sense the presence of anything unusual from the center of the temple. The grass here has been trampled in specific paths that lead between the various statues, and the placement of the stone skulls suggests that perhaps the children were playing some sort of game here.
The disappearance of the children is rather puzzling... They couldn't have gotten far enough to get outside the range of your enhanced sensory abilities... The presence of the Symbol is likewise of interest. The presence of the Magic Mouth suggests the area is rigged with magical sensors. This whole place might be some manner of trap.
Suddenly, above the din of the waterfall, Alator can make out what sounds like the casting of a spell. It seems to be a Ventriloquism effect.
A voice emanates from somewhere north of the circle of pillars. It is deep and rumbling, and speaks words of angry Draconic.
"Leave this place, creature. You do not belong here."

The Symbol of Persuasion failed to penetrate anybody's SR (I rolled in advance), so there's no need to worry about it.

2009-10-13, 10:33 AM
Frowning, Alator concentrates. Focusing his gaze, he starts to pick out psionic and magical auras, searching for any more unwelcome surprises.

Manifesting Detect Psionics (1 pp) and looking around.

2009-10-13, 04:18 PM

Ki'kilela hangs back during the initial scouting; his plate armor was too noisy for stealth, and he could always send constructs up ahead of him to back up the party. Upon hearing the kobold children, he begins preparing himself for anything that might occur within the next two hours. At Zaerkholl's mental signal, Ki'kilela sends back an impulse of agreement, dumping out the contents of the portable hole.

<Guard the entrance to the temple and petrify anything that tries to enter unless it is an illithid. If you cannot petrify it, kill it, but if it proves to be a formidable opponent, retreat and find me as soon as possible.>

His astral construct then lifts him into the air and begins flying into the next room with the other illithids. Ki'kilela will Detect Good, just for good measure, glancing all around.

2009-10-13, 08:05 PM
Suddenly emerging, carried by glistening ectoplasmic wings, Ki'kilela joins Alator and Zaerkholl at the temple. In its own way, the surface-world aesthetics of the various dragon statues are rather interesting, if somewhat boringly representational. They remind the shaper of his own masterpiece, the obedient, dragon-shaped construct currently guarding the entrance to the temple.
His innate ability to sense the presence of the hated forces of Good sense a complete absence of anything good within 60 ft. towards the direction of the voice. Likewise, Alator's initial sweep with Detect Psionics reveals the presence of psionic and magical auras, but nothing more detailed than that. A few seconds later, Alator determines that the auras emenate from the Symbol of Persuasion and his allies.
At Ki'kilela's entrance, the disembodied voice speaks once again, with increasing impatience, and perhaps a hint of apprehension.
"Again, I suggest you leave. Return to the light-less warrens from whence you came. Do you not understand Draconic? LEAVE!"
The voice then shouts 'leave' in Common, Elven, Undercommon, and Sylvan.

2009-10-13, 08:40 PM
<A ventriloquism spell. Clever children, I'll give them that. Hold fast for a moment, and allow me to exercise stealth in this matter. They may have access to the remaining defenses of this temple, which could be troublesome.>

Continuing to concentrate on the detection of magical auras, Alator slowly and covertly advances once more, toward the largest dragon statue.

Moving forward again toward the dragon statue. Still hiding, and continuing to concentrate on Detect Psionics. He's facing away from the rest of the group, so if he detects anything besides the Symbol of Persuasion he'll take note.

2009-10-13, 10:29 PM
Under cover of shadow, Alator silently creeps past the largest dragon statue with the glowing Symbol on its chest. His psychometabolically enhanced skin begins to detect a discrepancy in what he feels and what he sees... Something is very wrong with this place. Suddenly, he 'feels' the presence of something... something very large.
Zaerkholl and Ki'kilela's sensitivity to psychic presences also pick up the presence of a draconic creature of genius-level intellect (INT 20). A booming voice utters some gibberish, which Alator and Zaerkholl recognize as an Antimagic Field spell. At that moment, the presence is gone, both from mind sight and touch sight.
Suddenly a shadow falls over the area, as a majestic dragon with shining copper scales swoops down from the rubble-strewn slopes of the volcano to the north. It seemingly has appeared from nowhere; perhaps there was an invisibility effect in place that obscured it from view.
The dragon lands on the ring of stone supported by the pillars surrounding the temple. Its massive muscles flex impressively underneath its scales, which are tinged just slightly turquoise near the edges. Its wings immediately fold close to its massive body, and it looks down at Ki'kilela with angry, turquoise eyes. It speaks in rumbling Draconic, though the voice is different from the disembodied one you previously heard. This one is closer to that of the Magic Mouth, though its tone is less jovial.
"Leave this place, mind flayers. Your trickery cannot avoid my vigil, and your magics will not harm me. You should know better than to disturb a Dragon in his home."

2009-10-13, 11:10 PM
<I must admit, I did not expect the temple's defenses would be quite so... spectacular.>

Alator's telepathic voice to manages to convey dry wit, perhaps inappropriate to the situation at hand, as the dragon soars overhead. Quickly, he floods the minds of the other Illithids with mental communication, communicating multiple trains of thought at once with impressions and images more than actual words.

<That spell is designed to suppress all magical effects within ten feet or so. It will last for a considerable length of time, and cannot be dispelled by anything less than the most powerful of arcane magic. I am quite incapable of penetrating it. It may be prudent to take advantage of the opportunity given to us and leave.>

There is a momentary pause, as the Illithid considers the situation and the dragon speaks. <On the other hand, this fight is not impossible, and may be worth the effort. First, while our foe is obviously powerful, it may be possible to deprive him of his advantage. If we can force him to drop his antimagic field, the odds might shift to our favor. The missing children could be useful for this, if we can find them.>

<Failing that, there are other possibilities. Ki'kilela's constructs should be unaffected by the field, and any part of the dragon that extends past the radius will be vulnerable. If one of us could lure it into lashing out at someone several yards away, the rest of us could prepare ourselves to attack it at the moment its limbs or head extend beyond the safety of the field. I doubt that it would fall for such a trick more than once, though.>


2009-10-13, 11:18 PM

The moment the dragon appears, Ki'kilela barks a mental command to Ω. <Disregard your previous orders and come to me immediately!>

He drops to the ground after giving a curt mental command to the Astral Construct to take up a position in front of him.

2009-10-14, 06:38 PM
A furious telepathic conversation transpires between the members of the inquisition in scant seconds. As darkness begins to engulf the southern entrance to the temple, the dragon's glowing turquoise eyes narrow.
"You've had your warning. With the Gods as my witness, I gave you every opportunity to vacate this sacred place. I will now force you to leave. Whether in physical or spiritual form, it makes no difference to me. I shall return you abominations to the Hell that spawned you."
The dragon's massive muscles tense as it prepares to leap down upon the group among the statues. Zaerkholl and Vhess seize the initiative, sizing up the situation faster than the speed of thought...

2009-10-15, 04:27 AM
<Alator is correct. Ki'kilela, have your constructs draw out the beast. When it exposes itself, we shall strike.> Zaerkholl's mental voice is terse, but otherwise calm. He drifts backwards ten feet and 30 to the right, coming close to the cavern wall. As he goes, he twists his mortal mouth to form the syllables of draconic.

Great dragon, despite our nature, we are merely seekers of knowledge. Would you deny scientists and sculptors the opportunity to learn of your great race?

Bluff Check: [roll0]

Once in position, Zaerkholl readies an action to manifest an Overchanneled Fire Wave.

2009-10-15, 04:38 AM
And relevant combat stats...

Current hp: 135
AC: 38
Current PP: 200

Result of the Fire Wave (DC 30 Reflex for half):

SR check: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Damage to Self: [roll2]
PP Cost: 16

2009-10-15, 04:13 PM
Round 1

Vhess hangs back in the shadows, observing the dragon and her allies, her mind racing to formulate an effective strategy.
Zaerkholl puts some distance between himself and the formidable adversary, still under cover of his invisibility, but relatively certain it is not a fool-proof defense. He readies to unleash a surge of deadly power, as soon as the dragon drops its defenses.
The dragon snorts at Zaerkholl's bluff.
"You wish to learn more of my kind? Allow me to show you a first-hand demonstration."
The copper dragon leaps down from the stone pillars, landing with the grace of a predatory cat in front of Ki'kilela's astral construct. The construct swings a hardened limb towards the dragon, but it glances off the creature's scales.
"What is this... thing?"
The dragon seems puzzled that it does not dissipate as it enters the antimagic field. He then takes a massive bite out of the shimmering ectoplasm of the constructs body. As it spits a wad of the astral goo onto the ground, it instantly dissipates. The dragon's eyebrows arch; it seems surprised at the construct's durability.


(Alright, everyone else is good to go. The astral construct is currently at 62 hp. Wow, these maps go a lot faster when the environment isn't constantly shifting around.)

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-15, 07:59 PM

K'thzt had been standing in entryway, simply observing the developments with the monumental beast. He felt safely cloaked in shadow, but refused to simply stand still and watch. He hastens himself and circles around the beast, watching for an opening, letting his curtain of darkness fall. At the end of his movement, however, feeling exposed, K'thzt opts to throw a bubble of protection about himself to keep himself safe.

Not concentrating on my Control Light, so the effect ends, but manifesting Hasten and moving twice times for a total of 80 feet, assuming I'm psionically focused, 60 feet otherwise, keeping my distance from the dragon but trying to get behind it, and manifesting Wall of Ectoplasm as a bubble around myself at the end of my movement.

And a Spot check to notice the end of the AMF, should I get close enough:

Spot- [roll0]

2009-10-15, 08:44 PM
Alator's demeanor was as cold as ice, completely unmoved by the fact that they were about to attack a powerful dragon. If anything, he seemed faintly amused by the novelty of killing something so grand, and curious about whether its brain would be intact when they finished it off.

With his psionically-enhanced sense of touch, the Illithid was capable of feeling everywhere except inside the magic suppressing field, which stood out to him as a large blank spot. A large blank spot from which the dragon's tail conveniently protruded.

<It seems our antagonist is less careful than I feared. How fortunate.>

Move action: Flies 30 feet toward the left side of the map, and 30 feet up. Still hiding, with a -5 penalty for moving more than half his speed (if the dragon decides to look for him).
Swift action: Uses a quickened Flood of Shadows, centered on himself.
Standard action: Readies an action to zap whatever part of the dragon is poking out of the AMF with a maximized Shadow Storm (+50% damage from Flood of Shadows, no SR since it functions as a supernatural ability, reflex DC 27 for half) as soon as someone else shoots.

Once that happens, he'll use an immediate action to manifest Anticipatory Strike, letting him take his next turn immediately (at the cost of not being able to act on the turn that he borrowed against). He'll use that turn to shoot another maximized Shadow Storm at it, and fly another thirty feet up.

PP spent: None, or 8 if/when he does manifest Anticipatory Strike.
[roll0]; [roll1]
[roll2] -- cut this in half and add 78 (95 damage total, half cold and half electricity).
[roll3] -- same deal (97 damage total).

2009-10-15, 10:03 PM

Ki'kilela quickly backs away from the massive dragon, hugging the western pillar while quickly conjuring and hurling a blob of ectoplasm that rapidly expands as it soars towards the dragon.

Meanwhile, the astral construct takes a five-foot step backwards and swings twice at the dragon.

Moving to the SW of the big column, 20' west from where Ki'kilela is currently standing.

Ki'kilela keeps line of sight on the dragon and manifests an augmented Entangling Ectoplasm to 5 PP (2 steps of size increase for creature size). Since Entangling Ectoplasm is a Creation power, the ectoplasm is real and shouldn't be affected by antimagic. The attack roll will be in the OOC thread.


2009-10-16, 12:48 AM
Round 1, into Round 2
Dropping the cover of darkness, K'thzt hastens himself, speeding around the stone stairs of the temple. Unable to spot a good weakness at his final angle, he surrounds himself with a protective sphere of opaque ectoplasm.
Ki'kilela backs carefully away from the hostile dragon and produces a large glob of sticky ectoplasm, pulled straight from the Astral Plane. The projectile strikes true, impeding the dragon's movements. It roars in outrage. He then orders his astral construct to attack, and it lands a lucky blow, pummeling the dragon's lower jaw.
Waiting for an opportunity such as this, Alator flies upwards and becomes a living battery of shadowy power. Icy tendrils of pure darkness descend from his outstretched, desiccated hands, sapping the life force of the dragon away from its exposed tail.
Zaerkholl follows Alator's cue and pushes his mind to the limit, damaging his own body as he sets a massive swathe of the temple alight. The flames curve around the antimagic field, engulfing the dragon's tail in ferocious tongues of pyrokinetic hostility. Much to K'thzt's surprise, half of his protective bubble is incinerated, though he remains unharmed.
Vhess, who has been observing the proceedings, notices the weakpoint of the tail as well. Quickly moving boldly in front of the dragon, so as not to catch her allies in the forthcoming firestorm, Vhess focuses her god-like intellect into the perfect offensive maneuver: in less than two heartbeats, Vhess blankets the temple again and again in waves of psychic fire. The grass is burnt to a crisp, and the once-beautiful stones of the temple are charred black. Alator, floating mere feet above the maelstrom, feels the heat beneath his feet. Ki'kilela's astral construct, which had miraculously survived Zaerkholl's blast, is instantly incinerated by Vhess' fury. Zaerkholl manages to focus his mind once more, and joins Vhess in the orgiastic display of pyrokineticism, damaging his body even more, but heedless of the pain in comparison to the wild ecstasy of the terrifying inferno.
After the flames settle, the dragon is somehow still alive. Its tail is almost burnt to the bone, and it howls in pain. It is truly a strange sight: the dragon looks otherwise untouched, save for his roasted nightmare of a tail. Without a word the dragon unfurls its wings and flies between the blackened pillars of the temple, careening directly into the mountainside... and disappearing from sight.

Barely eight seconds since the dragon dropped from its perch, and now silence dominates the battlefield. The dragon's mind, and the blank spot left behind by the antimagic field, are beyond the range of any of your senses. Steam hisses from the baked earth, and bits of stone fall and instantly turn to ash in the wind.

(Woah! Okay... Zaerkholl takes 30 damage, and spends 32 power points. Vhess blows every last one of her inspiration points, and spends a whopping 56 power points. Everyone else spent what they said they spent, etc. The dragon has fled. You can step out of initiative order, but depending on what you wish to do, time might still be of the essence. The dragon flew directly north, right into the mountain, and apparently kept on going...)

2009-10-16, 01:28 AM
Mentally broadcasting his admiration of the horrific display of power, Alator slowly circles around in midair.

<...I do not believe I wish to let our new friend escape so easily. Not without a more substantial parting gift, at the very least.>

<If there are no objections, I can attempt follow it to its lair. If it is far, and I prove unable to keep up with it, I can simply locate it mentally, though that would take some time.>

With that, Alator moves over to the mountain wall, feeling it with his touchsight to determine if there is a concealed entrance.

2009-10-16, 01:33 AM

<By all means. It would be best to press our advantage, but I fear I lack the requisite speed to keep up with such a beast, even in its hobbled state.>

2009-10-16, 03:18 PM

<Neither am I capable of moving so swiftly. Do we have another way of tracking or following it?>
Vhess queries.

2009-10-16, 03:23 PM
<Yes... since our singed acquaintance was kind enough to leave us a souvenir, I would almost certainly be able to observe it remotely. But as that would take some time, I would rather see if I can physically follow it first.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-16, 04:23 PM

What could only be described as a smirk comes over the soul eater's face. <Hmph. Fool dragon thinks it can escape. Link your minds to mine and I shall pursue the beast, so that we may properly rendezvous once it stops at its lair.>

K'thzt's gonna run after the dragon. He's waiting for someone to manifest something like Mind Link to allow for long distance communication, before taking off after dragon, manifesting Hustle for an extra move action and running as a full action, for a total of 200 ft covered, with 160 of that being in a straight line. Air Walk allows me to stay in the air after the dragon, so obstacles shouldn't be an issue.

2009-10-16, 10:46 PM
After Alator's brief moment of psychic disorientation fades, he silently glides closer to the mountain face that the dragon so recently seemingly melded into. His psychic sensitivity reports back many inconsistencies with what his eyes observe. Patches of brambly weeds and boulders appear to not exist at all... and most unusual is the area the dragon disappeared into. Alator's touchsight claims that a large, open space exists where dirt and solid rock apparently stand. The space proceeds to the limit of his extrasensory range. In all likelihood, many aspects of this mountain must be illusory.

2009-10-17, 12:15 AM
A bit too distracted to pay full attention to K'thzt's request, Alator notes with satisfaction that his suspicions were correct.

<That may be unnecessary. Perhaps the dragon's lair is not as far off as we have assumed...>

Closing his eyes and navigating entirely by touch in order to filter out the distracting illusion, even remanifesting his telekinetic sensory field to cover a wider area, Alator weaves a veil of shadows over himself and begins infiltrating the cave, stealthily.

First, Alator will use 10 pp to manifest Touchsight again, but this time with a 90 foot range. Then he'll use Sight Obscured to give himself a +5 bonus to hide checks for thirteen rounds. And then he'll fly on in, at half speed. After he's gotten past the illusion, he'll open his eyes again. If he actually feels the dragon within 90 feet, or a sudden gap in his touchsight indicating an Antimagic Field, he'll immediately stop advancing.


2009-10-17, 04:21 AM
Zaerkholl narrows his eyes at Alator' suggestion before reciting a quick incantation. For an instant, his human eyes flash white before he disappears from view again.

<Come Alator. Let us pierce this veil of illusions. The rest of you should remain here unless you can manage our level of stealth.

Zaerkholl will cast True Sight, Zone of Silence, and finish with an Invisibility. He will then follow Alator, keeping his location via Mindsight.

2009-10-17, 12:27 PM
As Alator cautiously disappears through apparently solid rock, Zaerkholl carefully smears a precious ointment over his eyes and casts a potent divination. Confirming his and Alator's suspicions, a great deal of the mountain face is veiled by an illusion. A gaping cave mouth and tunnel plunge deep into the dormant volcano. Zaerkholl quickly shrouds himself in further illusions before flying after Alator, who blindly lets his psychometabolic senses guide him down the dark, illusion-shrouded tunnel.
The pair of stealthy illithids silently float down the middle of the tunnel, scanning the darkness ahead to the best of their ability. After a hundred and fifty feet or so, Alator detects a solid obstruction in the path ahead, and Zaerkholl sees what appears to be a wall of white mist blocking the path.

2009-10-17, 10:58 PM
Alator frowns, and strokes his tentacles curiously.

<Solid fog, covering a dead end. How unusual. The dragon clearly came this way, though, and I cannot imagine that it would be so foolish as to place a fog barrier here for no reason. I would guess that this wall was created by magic only moments ago, and the fog cloud only a temporary blockade.>

The Illithid easily drifts through the bank of fog, thanks to the ring on his finger, physically probing it as if to be sure of its presence, then returns.

<I could simply remove it, but I would rather not draw such attention to myself. I believe I will attempt to teleport to the other side. You are welcome to accompany me, if you do not mind risking some discomfort, should I prove to be wrong.>

After Zaerkholl decides whether to take Alator's hand or not, the Nomad concentrates briefly, attempting to teleport himself ten feet beyond the surface of the wall behind the fog bank.

Manifesting Psionic Teleport, 8 pp. If Alator's suspicions are correct, he should end up in another section of cave past that wall... if he's wrong, he'll get shunted somewhere. Zaerkholl's choice if he wants to come or not.

2009-10-17, 11:45 PM

Back outside in the scorched temple area, Ki'kilela's dragon-shaped golem obediently emerges from the southern entrance, having apparently been delayed by the difficult terrain within the tunnels.

2009-10-18, 10:56 AM

Ki'kilela gives the golem a glance to ensure nothing has happened to it in the intervening time it took for Ω to arrive. If he doesn't notice anything, he orders Ω to now guard the entrance to the area they're standing in.

He will then wander around the immediate area of the dais, searching for the kobold children. He suspects they were merely an extension of the illusory defenses established by the dragon, but checks to be sure.


2009-10-18, 11:56 AM
After Alator's and Zaerkholl's confirmation that much of the northern mountainside is an illusion, the rest of the inquisition outside has an easy enough time seeing past it. Certain aspects of the area, however, are very real, including the waterfall to the northeast. The morning sun threatens slightly higher, beginning to cast a dark red glow on the upper slopes of the volcano that is slowly creeping downwards.
There are no signs of the children. Whether they were real or illusions is hard to say, though certain members of the inquisition did detect three thinking minds before reaching the temple proper.

Back in the Cavern

(I don't see any reason why Zaerkholl wouldn't accompany Alator, so let's say he does)

The two scouting illithids join hands, and Alator instantly teleports 10 feet beyond the apparent wall. His suspicions are correct, for the pair emerges in a dark tunnel, the stone wall behind them. Floating in the quiet darkness, they are reminded somewhat of Ungoliar. However, far in the distance, a reddish glow can be seen at what appears to be the end of the tunnel. There is also a certain dry heat here, suggesting that the volcano might not be as dormant as initially thought.

2009-10-19, 12:32 AM
As a precautionary measure, Alator quickly alters the structure of his own body before continuing ahead, enabling him to harmlessly diffuse away most types of energy.

<We should tread lightly... our prey has obviously dismissed its antimagic field in order to create that fog and wall, so it may be better defended this time. I will not be surprised if it is expecting pursuit.>

But despite his cautionary advice, Alator's mental voice is tinged not with anxiety, but anticipation.

<I have never seen the inside of a dragon's lair before. So far, I am less than impressed...>

Manifesting Energy Adaptation, giving Alator resistance 20 to energy. Costs either 7 or 6 pp, depending on if Alator's torc is retconned out of existence or not.

2009-10-19, 11:12 AM
<Indeed Alator.> Zaerkholl's mental voice betrays a hint of amusement at the other Illithid's excitement. <However, the lack of an Antimagic Field means the full range of our powers may be unleashed without concern. Should we find our enemy though, I recommend teleporting back to the others and gathering our strength. Even a wounded dragon is still a mighty foe.>

2009-10-19, 11:56 AM

Vhess would have followed, but spent the majority of her energies on that massive volley against the dragon. Therefore, she waits outside, attempting to refocus her mind and recuperate. It shouldn't take long, but with a dragon nearby, every second is precious...

As in, she has invisibility, but needs her inspiration points back to get it. :smalltongue:

2009-10-19, 12:22 PM
Alator and Zaerkholl proceed to float cautiously down the tunnel. As they near the glowing chamber beyond, Zaerkholl can see by the power of his truesight that the pool of lava covering the floor is actually an illusion; it is probably a deterrent to less talented infiltrators. Upon relaying this to his companion, both illithids are able to ignore the worst of the illusory heat and light.
The lava chamber is large, with many branching tunnels leading to unknown chambers beyond.
One of the branching tunnels is sealed by a wall of stone. The previous wall of stone was at least somewhat disguised: this one is quite blatantly a recent addition to the cave. Zaerkholl's sensitivity to telepathic auras begins to pick up weak signals from behind the wall. There seems to be five thinking minds somewhere beyond the wall, but it is difficult to determine their nature with the obstruction.
Aside from the mental presence behind the wall of stone, no other tunnel betrays the presence of living things.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-19, 11:16 PM

As the two pierce the illusion, K'thzt begins to see through the deception himself. When the two vanish, K'thzt creates a bubble of darkness to shield his allies from the rising sun. <Is stealth really the best method in this situation? The dragon is already most likely aware of our pursuit, and we cannot approach him without him becoming aware as it is... And we should not remain idle as it is. Either we should assist with the dragon or track down those children that were here earlier. Or, if you simply wish to let the two make their attempt and turn our sight back towards our original goal, there is the cave I had discovered. It would certainly not contain an ancient dragon, and we could wait until nightfall to begin our surveillance of the gnomes.>

2009-10-21, 01:26 PM
Zaerkholl's eyes narrow behind the veil of invisibility. His mental voice is colored by both curiosity and caution.
<Alator, there seems to be a small group of minds beyond this artificial wall. They are the only consciousnesses I detect. However, we should proceed with caution, the thickness of the wall is preventing me from discerning any details about the minds.>

2009-10-21, 02:10 PM
Alator seems contemplative, and sighs.

<I would suggest we return to the others, then. It may not be possible to avoid combat upon passing this point, so we should not go alone.>

Taking Zaerkholl's hand, the Illithid teleports the pair back to the temple, safely shielded from the sun by its roof.

<Our target is not alone, it seems. It might be prudent to find more information before pressing our assault.>

2009-10-23, 09:32 PM
As Alator and Zaerkholl appear back at the temple grounds, the inquisition finds itself whole once more. The sun is just beginning to peek over the outer rim of the old volcano, reflected by the shimmering waterfall to the northeast. The glowing Symbol of Persuasion continues to shine on the face of the blackened statue of Io, impotently radiating its enchantment to nobody in particular.
The other statues, in various states of disrepair, seem to represent the rest of the Draconic pantheon. Chronepsis, Garyx, Tiamat, Falazure, Aasterinian, Astilabor, Hlal, Bahamut, Tamara, and Lendys form the outer ring of the circle of statues, and directly across from Io is the statue of Kurtulmak and his followers on their pile of gnome skulls. Each statue is carved from a different stone: soapstone, limestone, sandstone, granite, marble, obsidian... all are accounted for, and many more. The statue of Io himself is a conglomerate of many different stones, minerals, and long-faded precious metals. Perhaps precious gemstones were once inlaid in them, but they have long since been stolen by looters, perhaps before even the dragon chose to make his lair here.

2009-10-25, 09:51 AM

<Do you have any detail on the dragon's companions?>
Vhess asks, finding it a bit odd that they wouldn't elaborate on that.

2009-10-25, 11:56 AM
Alator shakes his tentacled head.

<Sadly, no. We detected them from the opposite side of a wall, and were only able to make out five consciousnesses in total. It is possible that three of them might be the vanished children, but even so, that leaves one unaccounted for. If the dragon has a mate, that would complicate matters.>

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-25, 08:52 PM

Maintaining his effort on the darkness, the soul eater turns to the returners inquisitioners. <If we do not know what to expect, we should turn away from this for the time being. We turn our attention back to the task at hand, feed for now, return to Ungoliar, and arm ourselves for facing such a beast. I am aware of enchantments that would render us undetectable to dragonkind, including their normal sense for the invisible. Then, when prepared, we return and destroy the insolent beast, and any that would ally themselves with it.>

2009-10-25, 09:36 PM

Ki'kilela considers this and nods in agreement. <Provided we take due care to conceal our presence from the dragon -- who should not be in any hurry to assault us -- I agree. We must act swiftly though. The sun rises.

It would be quite the twist of the knife in Nessahalith's wound if we were to successfully capture the beast and bring it back for a performance eating. It would be quite the challenge, but we can consider that possibility in the future.>

2009-10-25, 10:37 PM
Alator seems slightly disappointed, but acknowledges the sense of this suggestion. <Very well. I doubt we will be pursued while the dragon is licking its wounds.>

2009-10-27, 12:09 PM

<So. Where do we go from here?>

2009-10-27, 02:59 PM
<There are sure to be scouting parties and border guards, if we simply take the time to look. We could fall upon a small group and disable them within moments, with almost no risk.>

2009-10-27, 03:02 PM

<Such a plan sounds agreeable to me. We have risked enough already.>
Vhess asserts.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-27, 11:24 PM

<Very well. It may reflect poorly on us if we go for the simplest targets, but if we act quickly enough to claim the mind of the dragon afterwards it should dismiss any doubts as to our abilities.>

2009-10-28, 05:56 PM
Leaving the dragon to lick its wounds, you depart from the scorched temple, heading out the way you came, and returning to the small dell you first teleported into. You begin to pick your way down the mountain. Unfortunately, K'thzt's ability to maintain a soothing cover of darkness is limited, and the sun steadily rises higher in the sky.

The valley below is mostly a blur of green, with a few stripes of silver marking the few streams and rivers that flow down from the surrounding mountains. A few wisps of smoke rise from the distant woods and fields, though again it is hard to tell whether they are from domestic fires or the aftermath of a battle.

As far as you can tell, you are alone in this desolate wilderness. It seems the local wildlife cannot stand your presence: small mammals and birds flee as you approach, or else go into hiding.

2009-11-01, 10:30 AM

Vhess points out the smoke in the distance.
<I would suggest we head in that direction. Whether settlement or battlefield, we're likely to find something of interest to follow in that direction.>

2009-11-01, 11:12 AM
Alator nods his agreement, and alters his course to now head in that direction. <A sensible idea.>

2009-11-04, 04:49 AM
Zaerkholl sends a single glance towards the dragon's cave before turning his attention to the others.

<I agree with Vhess. This wilderness holds nothing of interest for us save the dragon, and its kind is long lived. However, it would probably be best if one of us scouted the area before we approach - walking into a battle, even between weak creatures such as Gnomes and Kobolds, would serve no purpose but to advertise our presence.>