View Full Version : My FLGS is closing

2009-09-14, 07:46 PM
Okay, I've went to this store for years now, and I love everyone there. But, now, my brothers girlfriend has bought it out! I mean, seriously, that's messed up. She is turning it into a Cafe, and we have three of those on that street. This sucks! I live in a very redneck town and there is nothing to do around here. I just thought I'd post it. Sorry if I'm spamming.

Moff Chumley
2009-09-14, 07:49 PM
No, this is worth posting. :smalleek: Do something! Have all of the store's resident geeks protest! Get your brother to, I dunno, blackmail her or something! DON'T LET IT CLOSE!

As MY FLGS owners put it, "Unemployed gaming store owners generally know how to use swords. And have lost any reason not to."

2009-09-14, 07:51 PM
My brother is for it! he loves it there but he is whiiiiiiiiped

2009-09-14, 07:52 PM
Have you asked about why it was sold in the first place? Maybe they had a rather severe sales slump. As enjoyable as gaming is, it's definitely a lower priority in these tough economic times. The store may have just stopped being worth running.

2009-09-14, 07:55 PM
As MY FLGS owners put it, "Unemployed gaming store owners generally know how to use swords. And have lost any reason not to."

That's quotable.

On a related note, have you threatened to commit seppuku on the cafe's front steps yet? If that fails threaten to commit kabuki.

2009-09-14, 07:55 PM
There is a very small gaming community where I live, It's all about sports down here

2009-09-14, 07:57 PM
That's quotable.

On a related note, have you threatened to commit seppuku on the cafe's front steps yet? If that fails threaten to commit kabuki.

Maybe kabuki, but not Seppuku, I like my live

2009-09-14, 07:57 PM
There is a very small gaming community where I live, It's all about sports down here

Well, different strokes for different folks and all. Some like sports, some like gaming. *Shrugs*

I mean, it sucks that you're losing your FLGS.

But...I can easily imagine things getting to the point where it's better for the store's owner to sell, rather than attempt to keep things going.

2009-09-14, 07:58 PM
Well, different strokes for different folks and all. Some like sports, some like gaming. *Shrugs*

I mean, it sucks that you're losing your FLGS.

But...I can easily imagine things getting to the point where it's better for the store's owner to sell, rather than attempt to keep things going.

He had the money but the landlord wants him out

2009-09-14, 08:05 PM
I agree this sucks and agree you should try to do something.

Also, don't hit me, but what does FLGS mean? I know I should know what it means because I live close to Moff Chumley, but I don't. Is it Game Stop by chance?

2009-09-14, 08:06 PM
Friendly Local Gaming Store.

2009-09-14, 08:07 PM
He had the money but the landlord wants him out

Well, not knowing the contract with the landlord, there's not much more I can give perspective on.

Definitely stinks, though.

2009-09-14, 08:15 PM
I agree this sucks and agree you should try to do something.

Also, don't hit me, but what does FLGS mean? I know I should know what it means because I live close to Moff Chumley, but I don't. Is it Game Stop by chance?

Game stop sucks, sorry, had to say it

2009-09-14, 08:21 PM
Well then, what is FLGS if it's not Game Stop?

2009-09-14, 08:22 PM
Game store, As in DnD books, where you can play and such

2009-09-14, 08:27 PM
Thank you, so like GameScape, but better it sounds like. :)

Renegade Paladin
2009-09-14, 08:53 PM
Once the cafe opens, set up there, order the cheapest thing on the menu to make your presence legitimate, and game right there. :smalltongue:

Magnor Criol
2009-09-14, 09:01 PM
Once the cafe opens, set up there, order the cheapest thing on the menu to make your presence legitimate, and game right there. :smalltongue:


Though, actually, on a serious note, if you go in and make legitimate, reasonable customers of yourself whilst you game, the cafe could even come to appreciate your presence, and not just allow you to game but encourage it, even. Sort of working with the enemy to turn them into your ally sort of thing?

(Plus, if you actually make it so you're a contributing presence to the store, your brother's girlfriend will mostly -have- to let you stay, from a business standpoint...as much as she might not like it. Score! =p )

Moff Chumley
2009-09-14, 09:17 PM
Thank you, so like GameScape, but better it sounds like. :)

GameScape is more or less a text-book FLGS. They just don't happen to run D&D games. Gamestop is more or less the opposite thereof. :smallamused:

Moff Chumley
2009-09-14, 09:18 PM

Though, actually, on a serious note, if you go in and make legitimate, reasonable customers of yourself whilst you game, the cafe could even come to appreciate your presence, and not just allow you to game but encourage it, even. Sort of working with the enemy to turn them into your ally sort of thing?

(Plus, if you actually make it so you're a contributing presence to the store, your brother's girlfriend will mostly -have- to let you stay, from a business standpoint...as much as she might not like it. Score! =p )

I like this idea. Maybe ask if they want to set up a rack of books to support their gaming clientele? :smalltongue:

2009-09-14, 09:33 PM
Heh, something like that happened around here recently, albeit it on a less geeky level. The only decent local nightclub was closed down by the landlords, not liking the impression that it sent out about the surrounding area (the owners of the property were a swanky hotel).

Basically it closed down for a month, while the place was converted into a chillout-type lounge. Opened up again with new wallpaper, framed paintings around the walls, more furniture (less dancing space, blech), etc.

...and the only people who come to it are all the clubbers who were already there, still acting like they always did in the old club. The owners can't kick them all out, cos they want to turn a profit, but its amusing to see the place slowly morphing back into the old club with better decor. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-16, 04:44 PM
Friendly Local Gaming Store.

Is it pathetic that I'm proud of myself for guessing this? Never seen it before I don't think.