View Full Version : How big a web can spiderman spin?

2009-09-14, 10:16 PM
Im not familiar with the comics, but i must know. What is the longest or most volumeous thing he has crafted with his webbing? What is the upper size limit? How much does that stuff weight?

2009-09-14, 10:35 PM
The simple answer is as much as he wants, up to some arbitrary limit, demanded by plot.

The longer answer: Depends on which version of spiderman. In his original incarnation, his web shooters were wrist devices, so he could shoot as much as he wanted provided he brought spare cartridges (its like asking how many bullets a gun can fire, it can keep firing as long as it has ammo).

In later versions where his webs were innate abilities, it would largely depend on his physical state.

2009-09-14, 11:31 PM
You should note that there is another limit: The time limit. Spidey's webbing is strong, but it's not very long-lasting (hence why he's never just patented the stuff and made a fortune in textiles). It's got about an hour or so before it starts to disintegrate.

At least, that's the artificial webbing. I've got no idea how the freaky organic stuff works.

Mando Knight
2009-09-14, 11:38 PM
You should note that there is another limit: The time limit. Spidey's webbing is strong, but it's not very long-lasting (hence why he's never just patented the stuff and made a fortune in textiles). It's got about an hour or so before it starts to disintegrate.

Two notes:
1.) He made it so that it would disintegrate so that he wouldn't have to deal with NYC being one big sticky mess. JJJ is annoyed with him enough as it is.

2.) If he patented the stuff, there would be cheap knockoffs using his stuff. Don't patent the formula, and no one knows it (it has to go on file in order to be patented). Several secret formulas and technologies work that way. Iron Man does the same thing for the same reason. Armor Wars were bad enough. Imagine if everyone with access to a shop and a million dollars could look up the blueprints to make a suit of Iron Man armor.

2009-09-14, 11:59 PM
Plus Petes identity would kind of ya know, be revealed if he patented any of the stuff he uses.

Kris Strife
2009-09-15, 06:40 AM
According to the theme song he 'Spins a web, any size'.

2009-09-15, 06:45 AM
According to the theme song he 'Spins a web, any size'.

Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus

Kris Strife
2009-09-15, 06:52 AM
Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus

I have $5.13 that says they will do that or have done it before...

2009-09-15, 06:56 AM
Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus

That's amazing, however, what would the gravitational "realistic" effects of such a web be?

2009-09-15, 09:17 AM
That's amazing, however, what would the gravitational "realistic" effects of such a web be?

We are talking about spinning a web from the Earth to the Moon to catch a galactic being that is older than the universe and you want to know what the realistic effects of gravity would be on it?

2009-09-15, 09:27 AM
We are talking about spinning a web from the Earth to the Moon to catch a galactic being that is older than the universe and you want to know what the realistic effects of gravity would be on it?
The catgirl corpses caught in it should make the calculations somewhat more challenging.

2009-09-15, 09:28 AM
We are talking about spinning a web from the Earth to the Moon to catch a galactic being that is older than the universe and you want to know what the realistic effects of gravity would be on it?

It should be do-able. We could look up the density of the matter of a spider's web, calculate the necessary radius of the web, as we know how far away the moon is. We could then calculate it's overal size and with it, its mass. We could estimate the mass of Galactus and his average speed and decide in what angle he moves towards the earth.

2009-09-15, 09:33 AM
Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus

Actually, something like this did happen, sort of, in the climax of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men:

There was a massive bullet that was accelerated to faster-than-light and aimed at the Earth--comic book science at its best--and it had a magic spell placed on it that would put anyone who tried to stop it into a hallucination that they were singlehandedly solving the problem. Spider-Man hallucinated, pretty much, this. He was the only one to break free because he realized how ridiculous it was.

2009-09-15, 02:03 PM
Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus
Happened in a issue of Marvel Adventures Avengers *Which is sadly not cannon, StormxThor is a much better pairing than StormxPanther* when the Avengers challenged Galactus to baseball. It was awesome.

2009-09-15, 02:12 PM
Actually, something like this did happen, sort of, in the climax of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men:

There was a massive bullet that was accelerated to faster-than-light and aimed at the Earth--comic book science at its best--and it had a magic spell placed on it that would put anyone who tried to stop it into a hallucination that they were singlehandedly solving the problem. Spider-Man hallucinated, pretty much, this. He was the only one to break free because he realized how ridiculous it was.

Well, more the fact that he knows nothing can ever go right for him.

And lower powered heroes (Or frequently underestimated ones) got less of a dose of the whammy. Meaning Spidey was out a lot easier than Reed Richards.

Also, Vic?
It is canon. Just not for the main 616 reality. It's Earth 20051.

2009-09-15, 03:11 PM
You know what I meant :p

2009-09-15, 04:48 PM
Going for an example I believe an unused trailer for the Spiderman film had him spinning one between the twin towers, so pretty big. Obviously not when compare to the Galactus net, but there we go :smalltongue:

2009-09-15, 04:56 PM
He can spin a web large enough to hold a helicopter. About 100 metres, I should say. But it'll take up most, if not all, of his web fluid.

2009-09-15, 05:15 PM
Since Galactus is apparently not made of matter in the conventional sense I doubt spidey-web would do much to It, unless It wanted it to.

Mando Knight
2009-09-15, 05:36 PM
Happened in a issue of Marvel Adventures Avengers *Which is sadly not cannon, StormxThor is a much better pairing than StormxPanther* when the Avengers challenged Galactus to baseball. It was awesome.

You would rather have the Marvel Adventures Avengers be a large-bore weapon? :smalltongue:

2009-09-17, 12:08 AM
Now all I can imagine is a web between the moon and the earth built to catch Galactus

Thats kinda what i was considering when i asked the question.

2009-09-17, 07:23 PM
You know as long as were on the topic of Galactus vaguly.
I have to ask, I recall there being a fight that was basically everybody Vs the Big G, where he eventually got knocked to his knees by Mr Fantastic "fast ball specialing" the Thing at him.

Dose any one know if this happend?
Or is it just a cough surrup induced vision?

2009-09-17, 07:29 PM
You know as long as were on the topic of Galactus vaguly.
I have to ask, I recall there being a fight that was basically everybody Vs the Big G, where he eventually got knocked to his knees by Mr Fantastic "fast ball specialing" the Thing at him.

Dose any one know if this happend?
Or is it just a cough surrup induced vision?

Galactus was in really bad shape at the time.

90% dead type bad shape. Reed Richards saved him, and then Galactus went off to eat Skrulls and everyone was happy.

Except the Skrulls. And Reed, because he was put on trial for saving Galactus.

2009-09-17, 07:38 PM
Galactus was in really bad shape at the time.

90% dead type bad shape. Reed Richards saved him, and then Galactus went off to eat Skrulls and everyone was happy.

Except the Skrulls. And Reed, because he was put on trial for saving Galactus.

You happen to know what issue that was?

The Wiki entry doesn't mention it at all.

And as most wikis these days are cut/pastes of Wikipedia, it seems like i cnat find it anywhere :(

2009-09-17, 08:11 PM
Galactus was in really bad shape at the time.

90% dead type bad shape. Reed Richards saved him, and then Galactus went off to eat Skrulls and everyone was happy.

Except the Skrulls. And Reed, because he was put on trial for saving Galactus.

...and everyone on Earth 20 years later when the Skrulls decide they want revenge on Earth and start Galactica Cylon style infiltration before getting bored and having an outright battle and getting their asses kicked. Yay superdickery!

2009-09-17, 08:13 PM
...and everyone on Earth 20 years later when the Skrulls decide they want revenge on Earth and start Galactica Cylon style infiltration before getting bored and having an outright battle and getting their asses kicked. Yay superdickery!

No, that was because there god loves humans :)

they specifically targeted Reed to kill because he was a superdick