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View Full Version : Looking for new games (tabletop rpg)

2009-09-15, 06:55 PM
I already play

DnD 3.5, 4.0 and well thats about it lol

what other games are out there? i'm currently looking at GURPS though...

also i would like to find BESM 3.5

any help would be appreciated :)

warty goblin
2009-09-15, 08:03 PM
The group I've played with has had a lot of fun with the Serenity RPG. It's got a pleasing sort of top down rules light interpretation for doing stuff. Your attributes and skills are all represented by dice values- d2, d4, d6 and so on, and when trying to do something you roll your attribute dice, your skill dice, add them together and see if it's high enough. There's a couple checks that are attribute plus attribute, and the ship piloting rules are a bit different- your skill plus ship's attribute, but it's nice and simple. It's also very flexible, since there's no set rule saying 'this check is Strength + Unarmed' or anything like that. If the GM says it's Strength + Unarmed, it's strength plus unarmed. It could however be Agility + Unarmed.

It makes quite a change from the rather bottom up 'a rule for every action' method that D&D uses. The combat is insanely lethal though, and grenades are well capable of ending all life.

2009-09-15, 09:34 PM
sounds good though i'll look into it :) thanks

warty goblin
2009-09-15, 09:55 PM
It's worth looking at, particularly if you like Firefly, as the entire book is written in the dialog style of the show, making it about the most flavorful to read RPG book I've looked at.

I'm really not kidding about the lethality of combat though. I've had reasonably tough characters go from perfectly healthy to completely dead in a single enemy turn. Said enemy was armed with a dagger. The effects you can obtain by concentrating assault rifle fire are frankly terrifying- a couple moderately competant enemies can put you down fast, particularly if they're using burst fire.

Mystic Muse
2009-09-15, 10:03 PM
shameless plug of my own thread regarding the same question.


Thane of Fife
2009-09-15, 10:17 PM
What kinds of games are you interested in? Sci-fi? Western? Horror? Fantasy? Generic?

2009-09-15, 10:47 PM
all of the above? i would like to play a game based around the d12 (i've always had a soft spot in my heart for them ...just not enough to play a 3.5 barbarian >.>)

i'm liking the idea of BESM but it seems to be overly complicated >.<;;;

of course MECHA D20 reminds me of old school gundam :D

the setting is not so much a priority as game play ... western would be fine as long as the game play is not everly complicated...

i would love to play a final fantasy version of DnD 4e (i've been making character classes based around it) or the d20 version if the rules aint to insanely complicated ( i saw a FF7 d20 game... hmm wonder if they have a ff12 )

2009-09-16, 05:23 AM
all of the above? i would like to play a game based around the d12 (i've always had a soft spot in my heart for them ...just not enough to play a 3.5 barbarian >.>)

i'm liking the idea of BESM but it seems to be overly complicated >.<;;;

of course MECHA D20 reminds me of old school gundam :D

the setting is not so much a priority as game play ... western would be fine as long as the game play is not everly complicated...

i would love to play a final fantasy version of DnD 4e (i've been making character classes based around it) or the d20 version if the rules aint to insanely complicated ( i saw a FF7 d20 game... hmm wonder if they have a ff12 )

BESM may seem overly complicated, but the turn and combat mechanics are quite simple. Everything is done with 2d6+relevant bonus - it's just making the character which may appear challenging (because the huge range of abilities/attributes).
Personally in regards to that, I find it's a creation system that is hard to use only if you don't have a clear idea for what you want your character to be. Even then though, it's a lot of fun and I recommend it =) Got hooked on it by a game in progress here.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, I did come across an FFTactics D20....
Wasn't aware there was a Mecha d20 until you mentioned it - had to pick it up now too xD

2009-09-16, 05:51 AM
I recommend, with no particular order or agenda in mind:

Mutants and Masterminds for superhero action.
Spirit of the Century for pulp action.
Exalted for supernatural demigods in a world gone bad action.
Burning Empires for something different and awesome. (Scifi)

Those are all well worth a look.

2009-09-16, 08:30 AM
d12? There's a system called "Dominion Rules (http://dominionrules.org/)" based off of the d12.

I've done a lot of hunting-about for free systems, you may want to check out Fate (http://www.faterpg.com/dl/), Risus (www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm), and/or Wushu Open (http://wiki.saberpunk.net/Wushu/WushuOpenRules). Those all tend to be on the more rules-lite side of things, if you want to try that. Wushu particularly can be incredibly fun if you're willing to cut loose and not pull punches.

2009-09-16, 09:15 AM
GURPS is good, even though a bit dated.

There is a battletech rpg that is also out there.

2009-09-16, 06:38 PM
I heard FATAL was worth checking out.

2009-09-16, 09:22 PM
I heard FATAL was worth checking out.


You'd better be joking.

Alex Knight
2009-09-16, 10:40 PM
Champions beats M&M for tabletop superheros RPGs.

Beats GURPS too.