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View Full Version : making my first bard

Berserk Monk
2009-09-15, 08:58 PM
Any pointers? My concept was make a character with a crazy bluff modifier. Here's how:

18 cha
max out skill rank
skill focus
two other feats that give me a bonus to bluff (one's in the PHB and I think the other's in COmplete Scroundrel or Song and Silence)
the trait persuasive or dishonest (forget the name)
the trait illiterate (I'll just spend 2 skill points to become literate)
+2 racial bonus (changeling)

I'm going bard for he buff spells to increase this as well as the illusion ones. I'm just wondering if there are any pointers out there for people with experience for this type of build. The whole concept is being a great lier that can talk his way out of anything and con anyone. Also, what spells should I take and how can I manipulate them to their fullest? I'm not taking alter self. I'm a changeling with a +10 bonus to disguise who will be taking feats and other stuff to increase this so I don't have to worry about altering my physical image.

I'm not sure about what prestige class to take. Warshaper looks nice and I already have the shapeshift subtype. I like the general things it gives you (immunity to crits and stuns, +4 str and con, natural weapons). Those are nice for pretty much any PC, but I'm not sure if that's the direction I want to go. They don't get bluff as a class skill. Maybe I could work something out with my DM so they do. Also, thinking about taking some levels in rogue. I like the sneak attack damage and evasion. I'm thinking, 3 levels in that. Rogue is a changeling's favored class so no multiclassing xp penalty.

So, any tips from you playgrounders.

2009-09-15, 08:59 PM
Do you want 192d6 damage? Because I can do that.

If that's a bit much, it can scale down quite easily.

Also, for Bluff, Marshal and Warlock are looking at you with puppy-dog eyes.

Keld Denar
2009-09-15, 09:16 PM
Bluff is fun. Bluff is good. Bluff its not 100%. Sometimes the bad guys aren't gonna want to talk. Or they can't. Or they don't speak the language. Or they don't speak at all (outside of BRAINSSSS!!!!!!). So yea, you are gonna make sure you have something to do IN combat. The easiest thing to do is with moderately optimized Inspire Courage. IC is GREAT! and its not hard to invest in, either. You need 1 feat, one cheap item, and one spell. Bam, +3 over your normal bonus, 3 times a day. That'll be a huge help. Pick up a short bow and you can sit in the back and sing and plink away, even without any other investment in song or gear.

After a little bit of IC optimization and a little bit of bluff optimization, you still have a LOT of room. I'd suggest taking 1-2 levels of Virtuoso some time before level 11. Then, nab the standard 2 levels of Sublime Chord at 11 and 12 before jumping back into Virt for the rest of your career. This'll give you a HUGE spellcasting kick, which is awesome. Virtuoso requires 0 feat investments, and neither does Sublime Chord (although both are rather skill heavy, you got a lot of skills), so you have all your feats to play with outside of Song of the Heart and the couple you want to take.

Also, since SC only requires 3rd level casting, and a Bard gets that after 7 levels, you can, in theory, lost 2-3 CLs and not suffer a whole lot. 1 level dips in Marshal (for Motivate Cha, double Cha to skills) and Warlock or Dragonfire Adept (for the Beguiling Influence invocations, +6 Bluff/Dip/Int) would be worth it if you want to take it over the top.

Throw out a skeleton, and we can critique it. What level range are you planning for? Books?