View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 67: Chuck E. Cheese vs. Mr. Solus

2009-09-15, 09:49 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 67: Chuck E. Cheese vs. Mr. Solus


XP Award: 300xp
GP Award: 300gp

Chuck E. Cheese (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=150341) - Schism
Mr. Solus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=149117) - Hustlertwo

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases.

2009-09-15, 09:55 PM
Darn, hoping we could put this off a while longer. I hate to go to the loser's bracket so soon.

Init: [roll0]

I'm assuming that I can't buy a scroll or two of Shield, right?
In any case, I'll do my buying after I see what you're getting.

2009-09-15, 10:47 PM
You could... and then I could loot them off your corpse. :smallwink:

Initiative: [roll0]

No purchases, reserve right to reactionary, etc. Also note that I have 300 gp that I haven't updated to my sheet yet (obviously).

2009-09-15, 11:17 PM
Unfortunately, I'm kidding. Shield isn't in the Duskblade repertoire, so no scrolls. I shall have to make do with a potion of Sanctuary and two Smokesticks. And for added fun....how about some Drow Poison? Oh, and 1 potion of CLW, just in case it comes to that.

2009-09-15, 11:33 PM
Drow Poison? :smallconfused: Well, if we're playing that game...

Potion of Invisibility.

2009-09-16, 12:29 AM
What can I say? No tactic is too underhanded to be employed against Fell Drain characters. That invisibility potion is quite expensive, too.

Mr. Solus, Round 1

Start in Y-13 with my bow in my off hand and a smokestick in the other. I move north, out of sight,

to Y-7. Then I use the smokestick there to...well, y'know, do what a smokestick does.


Position: Y-7
AC: 19
HP: 9
Spells: Level 0 3/3
Level 1 3/3
Smokestick in Y-7
Equipped: Bow (off hand)

2009-09-16, 12:38 AM
Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. I encourage any and all tactics to dissuade me from this course of action.

Chuck, round 1

Ref question that will not hold up play:His readied actions can't be triggered until my actions go off if I'm invisible, right? Assuming that they pertain to me casting a spell on him and he doesn't beat the listen check/spellcraft check necessary, of course.

Starting in B-13 with a potion of invisibility in one hand, nothing in the other.

Standard: Drink the potion. Look, ma! I'm invisible!

Move: To C-5.


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: C-5

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-16, 02:20 PM
Probably need LoS after this.

Solus, Round 2

5-foot step to Y-6. Move action to draw a potion of Sanctuary. End.

So, how many times can you do Fell Drain, just the one?


Position: Y-7
AC: 19
HP: 9
Spells: Level 0 3/3
Level 1 3/3
Smokestick in Y-7
Equipped: Potion, Bow (off hand)

2009-09-16, 02:31 PM
Round of LoS:

No LoS.

No LoS, unless his readied action condition is 'he ends his turn' or soething else he would notice despite you being invisible, his action wouldn't go off. But if he notices you casting a spell, and his condition is 'he starts casting a spell' or the like, it would go off. Am I making sens here?

2009-09-16, 02:42 PM
I can, in theory, prepare two fell-drained magic missiles and a fell-drained sonic snap as my first level spells. Alternately, I can prepare two fell-drained sonic snaps as 0th level spells.

Turn coming tomorrow, probably. So tired...:smallsigh:

2009-09-17, 11:57 AM
Chuck, round 2

Move half-speed to C-1.

Move silently:[roll0]

Ready action:Fire a fell drained magic missile at Solus if he enters LoE with less than total cover.


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: C-1
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 2/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-17, 12:07 PM
Chuck:You see Solus in Y6, holding bow and potion.

Solus:No LoS.

2009-09-17, 01:42 PM
Solus, Round 4

Double move to U-12.

2009-09-17, 01:46 PM
Chuck:Solus moves to U12.

Solus:No LoS.

2009-09-17, 01:54 PM
Chuck, round 3

Run to W-1.

Move silently: [roll0] - including -20 penalty for running.


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: W-1
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 3/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-17, 01:55 PM
Refs:Listen for Solus: [roll0]

Chuck:Solus still in U12, of course.

Solus:You hear Chuck run to W1.

2009-09-17, 10:59 PM
Solus, Round 4

Ref Question
I figure this is likely not the case, but I'll redo my turn if it is; since the wall at U/V-12 stops short of the bottom right corner of U-12, does this give me LoE with cover at W-1? I figure it's probably supposed to extend all the way, but on the picture it doesn't seem to, and I'll certainly exploit that if I can.

Well balls, I manage to pinpoint him and I'm behind a wall. Didn't think that through, but then, I never expected to do good enough on a listen check for it. At least this should make it easier to guess where he'll be next, based on what I know about his move speed. Assuming the answer to my query is no, I double move to M-8, which breaks LoS, and then continue on to M-9


Position: M-9
AC: 19
HP: 9
Spells: Level 0 3/3
Level 1 3/3
1 Smokestick used
Equipped: Potion, Bow (off hand)

2009-09-17, 11:11 PM

I believe its supposed to go right to the corner

2009-09-17, 11:22 PM

I figure it's supposed to as well, but it doesn't, and I don't know what the rules are on something that's supposed to be in the picture but isn't. If I can get a free poke at the punk, it's worth a little lawyering. Not like there's any other viable tactics against this, the mother of all shenanigans builds. I'd continue my argument against Fell Drain, but I have realized that as unstoppable as he is at level 1, after that he becomes much less significant. So it's more or less four guaranteed wins, and then he becomes just another mage.

2009-09-17, 11:24 PM

It's like the glass arena where it extends past the corners. It's just a glitch of the map, but it does extend all the way to the corner.

Besides, Fell drain MM characters are easy to beat.

2009-09-17, 11:32 PM
When you're done with the discussion, could you be so kind as to let me know it's my turn? It's sort of hard to infer whether you're done or not from all the green lines.

2009-09-17, 11:33 PM
Mav (Schism, you can go, the question was answered)

Sounds good, just checking. And of course it's not hard, when you have shield, or if you go for one of those few feats that blocks neg levels. But in my current situation, and especially given his invisible nature, all signs point to defeat. Even the stuff I have, like the Sanctuary potion, is a big gamble.

2009-09-17, 11:36 PM
Ash, round 4

Double move to T-16.


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: T-16
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 4/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-18, 11:40 AM
[roll0] which turns into 10 since he's not moving silently...
That's a no go.

Solus is in M9

No LoS

2009-09-18, 11:41 AM
Lubirio:If someone doesn't say they're moving silently, they're not.

2009-09-18, 11:42 AM
Hold up.

So I assume he rolled what?

2009-09-18, 11:47 AM
Lubirio:I believe it's 0 - ACP + distance modifier.

2009-09-18, 11:50 AM
I'll do that then. :smallwink:
Still no success though...

Keep going, the LoS from the previous post is good to go

2009-09-18, 01:38 PM
Move action to put back the potion. Free to shift the bow to both hands. Free to wish he hadn't drank that potion so every turn wouldn't have to be in spoilers and necessitate ref input. Obviously I'll need to think of a way to pay him back in kind. Ready action: To attack with the bow if I pinpoint his location and he's within LoE/range.


2009-09-18, 02:00 PM
Chuck, round 5

Move to S-8. Ready action:Fire a fell drained magic missile at Solus if he enters LoE with less than total cover.


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: S-8
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 5/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-18, 02:01 PM
@refs:Forgot Move Silently roll.

MS: [roll0]

2009-09-18, 02:07 PM
Refs:Solus' Listen: [roll0]

Solus:You hear Chuck to the east.

Chuck:Solus stows his potion and readies an action, still in M9.

2009-09-18, 06:33 PM
Isn't a listen check that exceeds the DC by 10 or more enough to pinpoint the exact location? (13 beats DC 3 (distance) by 10 exactly.)

2009-09-18, 08:08 PM
Lubirio:Beating it by less than 10 is north, northeast, east, etc.
Beating it by 10 is north, north-northeast, northeast, east-northeast, etc.
Beating it by 20 is pinpoint.

2009-09-19, 04:08 AM
I think he would then get east-northeast, east north east reaches to S7, east reaches to S9, and he's in S8...

2009-09-19, 05:08 PM
Solus, Round whatever

East eh? Then westward ho! I double move to E-11, which should break LoS with him if he's east of me

2009-09-19, 05:11 PM
Chuck:You lose sight of Solus as he enters E12.

Solus:No LoS.

2009-09-19, 05:14 PM
Chuck, round 6

Free: Shout "Come back and fight me, coward!"

Double move to V-4


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: V-4
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 6/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-19, 05:34 PM

Free: "Using an invisibility potion means you permanently lose the right to call anyone else a coward, my friend. But thanks for the free Listen check fodder."

Move to C-6, ready an action to fire my bow if he comes into LoE and I pinpoint his location or he's visible for some odd reason.


2009-09-19, 06:10 PM
You just... opened my spoiler? :smallconfused:

2009-09-19, 07:03 PM
Hi Ref Scorer

@refs only

It would seem that Hustlertwo indeed opened Schism's spoiler without having LoS. I see no Edits. The only way it could have been legal is that a Ref gave LoS and then deleted the message, however it is quite unlikely.

2009-09-19, 08:18 PM
GM Kyeudo

You just... opened my spoiler? :smallconfused:

I too would very much like to know the answer to this question.

2009-09-19, 11:10 PM
The hell? If that's in a spoiler, why does it show up when I look at your most recent posts on your profile?

2009-09-19, 11:12 PM
Spoiler tags don't show up in recent posts, but their contents do. It's a good idea not to look at the recent posts of anyone you're in a match with.

Edit: As an aside, I just went and checked, and the entirety of that spoiler plus some of my statblock shows up in recent posts. At the very least I'd like a rewind of a turn or two.

2009-09-19, 11:33 PM
Yet again we see that this place wasn't exactly built with PvP in mind. I know the person who mentioned battle by chat wasn't quite on the mark given the problems it would bring, but it'd be nice for this information not to be anywhere I can see it. I don't even need your spoilers; either you're stomping around like an elephant, or my Listen checks are draining all my good rolls, because I pinpointed you once and already know your general direction (in the interest of fairness, though on a conscious level at least the remark was the only thing I noticed as I was giving a quick scroll through to see where you were posting, saw it and felt the need to throw some smarm your way). And since my plan's less about offense and more about just being where you ain't, more than that isn't necessary. Or at least, that was my plan. Not sure if I should still keep going or not. Seems kinda wrong, but forfeiting isn't really in my nature. I think instead, I'll just stay where I am, let you come to me. Maybe I'll hear you and get a shot off, more likely I'll sit there oblivious until I die.

Free: Shift bow to one hand
Move: Draw potion
Ready action: Drink potion of Sanctuary if I hear him cast a spell.

Edit: Oh, you edited. Well, I'm good with that too. Work it out how you want.

2009-09-19, 11:51 PM
GM Kyeudo

It seems that no undo impropriety went on, so no punitive action is required on my part. I am fine with allowing a rewind to Chuck's Round 6 action.

2009-09-19, 11:56 PM
Count it as my cheating warning anyhow, so next time anything of this nature happens I get a match DQ. I should have known better. I think I even warned someone else about this a couple months back, but I kinda forgot about it since. Too much non-board stuff going on the last few weeks.

2009-09-19, 11:59 PM
Chuck, round 6, redux

Free: Shout "Come back and fight me, coward!"

Double move to G-14

Move Silently:[roll0]


Stats:HP: 9/9
AC: 14 full, 14 touch, 10 ff
Currently in: G14
Buffs/rounds: Invisibility, 6/30

Prepared Spells

0th: Fell Drained Sonic Snap**, Sonic Snap, Ghost Sound,

1st: Fell Drained Magic Missile**, Mage Armor, Shield

Notes: Spells marked with a single asterisk have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus; spells marked with two asterisks have been prepared with Metamagic School Focus and Midnight Metamagic.

2009-09-20, 12:38 AM

So I'm in E-11 again from the rewind? Barring any info from a Listen check, I'm going to do the same thing I said above. Free to shift bow, move to draw a potion, ready action to drink the potion of Sanctuary if I hear my opponent cast a spell.


2009-09-20, 01:33 AM
@RefsListen check for Solus [roll0] DC4

@SolusYou hear something to the south east

2009-09-20, 01:44 AM
Redoing turn, hold up.


If I'm getting that specific of directions, he's got to be seriously close. Could Color Spray...but if he isn't in the radius, I'm boned. But to hell with it, I like the opponent in the loser's bracket better than the one in the winner's one; getting the money for a nice composite bow isn't very meaningful when your opponent can break it. Free to shift bow to one hand, moving to F-13, casting Color Spray to the southeast. If I need a specific square, I guess it would be H-15, or I-16 if diagonals don't matter on spell distance. Or whatever the panel would be that gives a southeastern direction to the cone burst. If F-13 is his panel, then...well, I don't know what then. SRD doesn't seem to say anything about sharing a panel with an invisible guy.


Position: F-13
HP: 9
AC: 19
Spells: Level 0 3/3
Level 1 2/3

Known: Kelgore's Fire Bolt
Color Spray
All level 0

2009-09-20, 02:30 AM
Init Ref Strangie

Diagonals do count in terms of areas of effect, just an FYI. The only time they don't count 2 diagonals as 3 spaces is when you are determining reach, I believe.

2009-09-20, 02:38 AM

If concealment rolls are needed for a non-targeted spell:


1 fails

And as per what Strangie said, I guess the target panel is H-15. Not that I understand why light has trouble moving diagonally.

2009-09-20, 02:42 AM
If Chuck has LoS, read this spoiler:

Make it the Magic Missile. Sonic Snap is a degrading way to go.

If not, turn's over.

2009-09-20, 11:15 AM
Init Ref Strangie

Refs, Solus:
I don't think Concealment check is needed for such a spell. If it was a targeted spell, then yes, he would need it, but since it's an AoE, I do not believe it is required. Also, hustler, it's not that light has difficulty travelling diagonally, it's just that it's an object in motion like a character is when he is moving on the field and 2 squares diagonally still counts as 15' (3 squares) no matter what you're regarding except in the case of weapon reach. :smalltongue:

2009-09-20, 11:19 AM

From a logical standpoint, you're right. Which is why I'm pretty sure from a RAW standpoint, you'll be wrong. Just in my short time here I've acquired the general cynicism that everyone seems to have about D&D's love of contradicting logic or physics at every turn.

2009-09-21, 11:13 AM
Chuck:Solus moves to F13 and Color Sprays your general direction. Take your AoO if you're armed, then make a Will save.

Solus:No LoS, naturally.

2009-09-24, 10:52 AM
High Ref Scorer

And something did beat Drain Fell after all. Cheese gets DQ and Souls is victorious!