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View Full Version : Spell Stich Warrior [3.5]

2009-09-16, 07:18 PM
I had this Idea for a PC but I do not know how to go about making it. The concept is a gish witch makes it harder.

The Idea: A friendly fighter goes off because the king sent him to investigate an evil wizard. He walks into find the wizard is doing horrible experiments to animals and people and gets caught. The wizard tortures him to find out what the kings know but to no avail. He uses the warrior to advance his experiments and infuses him with magic. The man is forced to serve the wizard and after a few years is finally able to leave his services hating the magic that turned him into a monster.

How do I build him? Never made a gish before so Spells, Feats, Items?

Key points

He Hates how he looks and wears a bird mask with a long beak (kind of like a toucan, maybe works like that blindfold that give blind sight?)

He uses a trident.

Can not speak (Wizard cursed him and he has his mouth stitched shut)

Any help would be great!

2009-09-16, 07:33 PM
Not sure if I'll be able help even if I know the answer, but what edition?

Also you should put the edition in the subject of your thread so that you'll attract the attention of the most knowledgeable people.

Keld Denar
2009-09-16, 07:35 PM
Gishes are easy...something simple would be Fighter1/Wizard5/Spellsword1/AbjurantChampion5/EK8. Thats not an issue.

The whole silent thing might be a lot harder though.

The easiest thing I can think of is to take Silent Spell, and then Practical Metamagic (its in a Dragon Magazine), which would essentially allow you to memorize all of your spells silent. If you don't get Practical Metamagic or some other metamagic reducer, you'll be horribly behind on spell levels, since everything will take a slot higher.

How does this sound so far?

2009-09-16, 07:43 PM
Very informative. Can I get books for all those PcR?

Also sense I said Gish I tought most people would think 3.5 as I have not herd of a 4e gish yet.

Keld Denar
2009-09-16, 07:53 PM
Spellsword is in Complete Warrior
Abjurant Champion is in Complete Mage and is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Eldritch Knight is in the DMG, and on the SRD

The Trident is cool, I'm assuming you are gonna 2hand it? You'll want Power Attack, and probably Arcane Strike (CArcane).

What else do you need? Do you know what starting level you'll have? Because I don't think you can pull off the silent spell combo thing before level 6 unless you are allowed to take MM feats without any spellcasting ability...

2009-09-16, 07:56 PM
Also sense I said Gish I tought most people would think 3.5 as I have not herd of a 4e gish yet.

*shrug* The first result I got googling "gish gleemax" was for a 4E gish, so I figured it was worth inquiring.

Also, I'd recommend against wearing a mask that blocks your vision unless it's absolutely crucial to your backstory. You're going to be pretty gimped if you can't *actually* see in combat.


Thrice Dead Cat
2009-09-16, 07:57 PM
Nonverbal Spell from Planar Handbook would also get around the issue of being unable to actually speak the verbal component. As long as you can grunt, you're good to go.

2009-09-16, 07:58 PM
Because I don't think you can pull off the silent spell combo thing before level 6 unless you are allowed to take MM feats without any spellcasting ability...

...they have no prerequisites. At all. Anyone can take them, at any level, at any time, as long as they get a feat slot to spend.*

*I'm referring to the core metamagic feats. Of course others have prereq's. It's just that actual spellcasting ability is not among them.

2009-09-16, 07:58 PM
As of right now? He is an idea that I am fleshing out so no real starting level.

Also that is why I would wear that blindfold that gives you blindsense.



More of the elite guards from Hellboy 2 meets the cleavers from skulduggery pleasant.

2009-09-16, 08:09 PM
Plague doctor? :smalltongue: Might not warrant much or any combat-related penalties, depending on how lenient your DM is.


My vote might be to reflavor Jade Phoenix Mage into something else, if reflavoring is allowed (mostly because I like ToB to an unhealthy level). Trade the level of Fighter for a level of swordsage/warblade and get into JPM quickly.

EDIT: Ninja'd by 15 minutes because I leave tabs open too long.

2009-09-16, 08:31 PM
Heck yeah, Plague Doctor is what I first thought when I opened this thread. Those masks are scarier than any face that could be underneath it.

For a high level campaign (with LA Buyoff) I recommend Spellwarped Lesser Tiefling as the race, take Otherworldly and use a flaw (for Mute status) to get Nonverbal Spell. It kind of balances it out, even though being mute will be more of a hindrance than what you got out of it. You don't actually have to be a lesser tiefling, but I'm using it to accentuate the horrific experiments done to the character by the wizard. Obviously mind expanding, but physically and emotionally scarring ones. Your character could potentially be any other race, aesthetically. Spellwarped (MM3) is for the major broken-by-magic thing. You get absorbant SR, and a lot of bonuses, and the creatures don't look all that hot either.

If you get a magic mask, you could potentially add on the blindfold for the cost of the blindfold itself, according to the Magic Item Compendium. I'm sure there's a mask that gives you Frightful Presence, too...

If you want to be a gish that's also a wizard slayer, a Psionic based gish might be more to your liking. Then you can take the Mage Slayer line of feats and be much more effective against wizards than if you were a magic based gish.

2009-09-16, 08:36 PM
Sorry but what is a Plague Doctor?

2009-09-16, 08:39 PM
Sorry but what is a Plague Doctor?

Doctors during the Black Death wore bird masks, believing the plague would be drawn out of the afflicted and into the beak. They also used special lenses on their eyes, and other than that looked vaguely like a Badass Longcoat (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassLongcoat), completely with bassass hat. Hahaha I just wasted your whole night.

See this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consequences_of_the_Black_Death#Other_effects).

2009-09-17, 05:16 PM
Looking into Abjurant Champion it says you can sack spells for bonus so would a sorcerer be better then wizard for this as he gets more spells?

Keld Denar
2009-09-17, 06:12 PM
That part of Abjurant Champion is...not as good. The highlights are the Quickened, Extended Spells and the huge buff to Shield and, in certain builds (not yours), the ability to set your CL equal to your BAB. You get a better return on your spell slots with Arcane Strike (CArcane) than AbjChamp's ability.