View Full Version : OOTS #679 - The Discussion Thread

The Giant
2009-09-17, 03:27 AM
New comic is up.

2009-09-17, 03:27 AM
heh, funny, bird-that-miss-starshine-named, master of disguise!

2009-09-17, 03:30 AM
Sombrero wearing bird. Well that's a new one.

But a nice insight to V. Thanks for the new regular posts, Giant.


2009-09-17, 03:31 AM
Is Inkyrius the name of V's mate?
I admire Blackwing good sense.

Rustic Dude
2009-09-17, 03:33 AM
Well played, Blackwing, well played.

2009-09-17, 03:34 AM
Awww. Poor V, giving up hir entire marriage for the sake of the quest....I hope V and Inkyrius (what kind of name is that?) get back together at the end.

2009-09-17, 03:36 AM
Aw. I hope V gets a chance to make up with Inkyrius.

2009-09-17, 03:38 AM
I hate it when such things happen. Poor V. I somehow hope for a happy ending.

2009-09-17, 03:39 AM
hurray for baubles!

2009-09-17, 03:40 AM
Panel 4: Excellent I shall eat in the library, then, to take best advantage of the silence.

Having seen some very chatterish kids in my time, I can appreciate the sentiment of wanting silence.

On the other hand, V could have simply bought some item of silence.

2009-09-17, 03:41 AM
I hope V will send a message (via sending) to his/her mate to explain why and to apologise. If V only signs the form, his/her family may construe that as he/she not caring about them

David Argall
2009-09-17, 03:42 AM
Well, those of us arguing that the divorce was based on normal issues, not the earth-shaking events, seem to have won a point or two here.

This does close out one way to get the party involved with the previous generation, but perhaps that would have been too much complication anyway.

A possibility...
V will get involved with our two street kids as a substitute for the kids she has lost.

2009-09-17, 03:43 AM
And Vaarsuvius continues to prove that V really has developed as a character.

Blackwing has been pretty chatty as of late, I guess.

2009-09-17, 03:46 AM
V did the right thing. I feel sorry for him/her, but I totally agree with his/her decision.

I keep liking Blackwing more and more with every strip :smallsmile:

2009-09-17, 03:47 AM
"And one bauble" Nice! :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 03:48 AM
I was surprised that Blackwing didn't buy a dangly thing, too

2009-09-17, 03:48 AM
I love that we're getting further development on V's character. Blackwing and his insight into V is brilliant. He's shaping up to be a great team member.

2009-09-17, 03:48 AM
Awww, so sad :smallfrown:

But I have to admit I cracked up over the last panel :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 03:50 AM
i have to wonder, could V contest the divorce even if he wanted to?

anyhow, it's a somewhat noble gesture, though i have to wonder what his kids will think of all this.

2009-09-17, 03:51 AM
Its soooo sad, though at the same time, V is being very wise....... I don't see how (s)he can simply give up just like that:smallfrown: . At least cast some sending spells or something, if (s)he just explain, then maybe just maybe.

2009-09-17, 03:55 AM
V, no! Fight for your love just like you said you would! :smallfrown:

Turkish Delight
2009-09-17, 04:04 AM
Can't say V's decision is unexpected. The story can't exactly run off to Elf land for a long, tiring divorce trial, after all.

Ahhh, V. To save his family, he ended up losing it. Here's to hoping he can set things to right somewhat when the world has been saved and all...assuming he doesn't die horrifically, of course.

2009-09-17, 04:05 AM
He'll still blow up when prompted though

2009-09-17, 04:06 AM
Great comic, I laughed at the last panal quite a bit.

Poor V, I hope it works out for him. Putting the his family and the fate of the world before himself should hopefully redeem him in some peoples eyes.

2009-09-17, 04:08 AM
Nice Comic. I liked the last panel so much... a false moustache on a raven... awesome !

That really makes me wonder what comes in a disguise kit :-)

2009-09-17, 04:09 AM
romantic dinner with a burger? or are they kind of cake?
The disguised blackwing is priceless.
Most excellent again!

RMS Oceanic
2009-09-17, 04:09 AM
Hmm, Mood Whiplash, but the good kind!

This is the noblest thing V could have done. I only hope (s)he takes the time to explain h**self to h** family at some point.

2009-09-17, 04:12 AM
(what kind of name is that?)Vaarsuvius and Inkyrius. I think they fit rather well.

2009-09-17, 04:14 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

Killer Angel
2009-09-17, 04:15 AM
Poor V.
You are so reasonable when not provocked or under stress... :smallsigh:
(but seriously: do you have to learn wisdom from a bird? :smalltongue:)

NOTE: you're a friggin' wizard. Do you really need to stay alone, for having some silence?

2009-09-17, 04:16 AM
V,V,V...was it all worth it? Was it? :smallconfused:

2009-09-17, 04:18 AM
That seemed surprisingly painless. But I hope V will contact her family via something other than just the summons.

2009-09-17, 04:19 AM
A great decision, V! Good reasoning from Blackwing, too. It is hard to let go, but Kyrie seems definitive, a quick reconciliation is unlikely.

I just thought that Blackwing would return with the papers, thus giving a good explanation why he won't appear in the next few comics.

2009-09-17, 04:19 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

Not a bad call. Great comic too!

2009-09-17, 04:29 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

"Typical man" went through my mind instantly as well. But I still think they are gay lovers, so there's a slight contradiction...

V, no! Fight for your love just like you said you would! :smallfrown:

As a wise man said: "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.
Know when to walk away, and know when to run."

(I hear he also makes good chicken.)

2009-09-17, 04:36 AM
romantic dinner with a burger? or are they kind of cake?
The disguised blackwing is priceless.
Most excellent again!

As Inkyrius says, they are white truffle soufflés.

2009-09-17, 04:47 AM
That was a quick wrap-up to that issue, which is somewhat unlike V.

I've really been liking the active part Blackwing has taken [and, come to think of it, it's not that surprising that he's so chatty]. Wonder what he's going to do with that bauble... [well, stare at it, obviously. Hmmmm.]

Eric O'Really
2009-09-17, 04:49 AM
wow, seems like v has had a lot in common with eugene as a husband/wife in the past.

but its really sad, that he couldnt tell those words to hir mates face. i hope inkyrius wont see it as another prove, that v just lost interest in them.

2009-09-17, 04:53 AM
Poor V. Can I cry now? :smallsigh:

2009-09-17, 04:54 AM
Am I the only one who is dissappointed by the fact V and I speak common around each other?

I miss the little footnote *translated from elven...

But I did enjoy the comic as a whole ;-)

2009-09-17, 04:55 AM
:smallfrown: I'm sad. Poor V!

I wonder if he'll confide in anyone? Apart from Blackwing, I mean.

2009-09-17, 05:01 AM
Darn. That's sad.

2009-09-17, 05:03 AM
Vaarsuvius has lost his wife. That makes me quite sad...there is still a possibility for it not to happen, but we shall see. :smallfrown:

2009-09-17, 05:09 AM
Such a great strip, Giant; thanks.

We've got great dialogue, heartbreaking emotion (panel 11, so sad!), meaty character development and a raven with a false beard. Excellent.

2009-09-17, 05:16 AM
What!? Noooooo! Why did he even GET married if it was something he could write off so fast?

Also, I can't believe V's neglect is the whole story. Kyrie might not be a wizard, but didn't strike me as someone who would meekly accept being taken for granted for more than five minutes. Unless they were only in the same geographic area for a few days out of all those years, they would have either killed each other or worked out a lot of those kinks a long time ago.

The only thing that reconciles me to this... is that Vaarsuvius didn't heal his kids' broken legs before teleporting back to the party: didn't engage with them at all, didn't even think of taking the time to ease their pain. Conflict between consenting adults is one thing, but leaving your own offspring in pain because you can't be bothered to concern yourself with them, and then not even trying to contact home after he got back to normal.... that sticks in my craw, and doubtless in Kyrie's as well. I still think ongoing plottage about V's situation would be good for lulz fun and profit dramatic tension and character development, but those children are the real victims here and if V doesn't care about that, he deserves to lose them.

2009-09-17, 05:28 AM
Sad stuff.

But it makes me think about all elf lovers who are adventures. Like, don't they live really, really long? If V's mate's beef was that he or she is never around, that seem very petty. This is a people who spend 100 years or more just reaching adulthood. Using that as a basis for how they experiance time would deminish the realitive emotional need to be together to mantain a relationship, right? If it takes a human being 20 years to do become an adult (that's a very conservative estament; it's more like 15 for most of human history,) and an elf 100, then it takes about 5 human years to make 1 "Elf Year". If V has been traveling for 3 years, then he or she has only been gone for the human equivilant of 7.2 months, or 7 months and 6 days. Enough to grow apart, I suppose, but kind of silly considering that the growing old with an elf takes about 900 years, making the a commitment to "long hual" of marrige an incredibly long time. If you base "Elf years" on total lifespan, and say that a human lifespan is an abnormally long 100 years, V has only been gone the human equivilant to 3 months and 18 days. I think. :smallconfused:

My (somewhat belaboured) point is, 3 years should not be a very long time for an elf. :smalltongue:

My other gripe is that I have absolutley no idea what the last two panals mean. How can Blackwing be telaporting to buy something for V and be on V's shoulder at the same time? Why is Blackwing in a sombraro? And Is the joke supposed to be that Blackwing likes buables, that he is (rather badly) disguised as a Mexican or that he is buying buables disguised as a Mexican???

I don't get it. :smallconfused:

2009-09-17, 05:31 AM
Well, now we know that blackwing isn't imaginary (it was implied that the raven was a figment of V's imagination)

La dee da :smallamused:

2009-09-17, 05:54 AM
My other gripe is that I have absolutley no idea what the last two panals mean. How can Blackwing be telaporting to buy something for V and be on V's shoulder at the same time? Why is Blackwing in a sombraro? And Is the joke supposed to be that Blackwing likes buables, that he is (rather badly) disguised as a Mexican or that he is buying buables disguised as a Mexican???

I don't get it. :smallconfused:

Well, I think some time must have passed between the last two panels. As V has been barred from the shop for using magic, she needs to send in Blackwing, disguised (badly), to acquire the diamond dust.

The reference to baubles picks up on the previous strip, where Blackwing is distracted from talking to V by the shiny objects. It is a reference to the fact that real world magpies, ravens and crows are attracted to such items, and use them in building their nests. So, he takes the oppurtunity to satisfy his bauble needs while buying the diamond dust for V.

Dark Faun
2009-09-17, 05:56 AM
Oh, V, you sure were inconsiderate to your mate, but I know there was no malice behind it. You're still my favorite character. :smalltongue:

I loved the last panel. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 06:01 AM
If V's mate's beef was that he or she is never around, that seem very petty... If V has been traveling for 3 years, then he or she has only been gone for the human equivilant of 7.2 months, or 7 months and 6 days.

You raise a valid point, though in fact V has been away from her family for 6 years (Strip 642).

But as this latest strip shows, it wasn't JUST the fact that V had been away that had upset Kyrie, but that she wasn't 'there' even when she was there, if you see what I mean.

Also, the whole Selling Soul to Demons thing...probably didn't help.

2009-09-17, 06:08 AM
And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

2009-09-17, 06:12 AM
And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

Sure it doesn't, but..Rule of Funny? Raven with Sombrero and False Moustache? Works for me!

Dark Faun
2009-09-17, 06:15 AM
Blackwing will simply store the jar in his inventory before giving it to V.

We're in D&D, never forget the hammer space that inventory is. :smalltongue:

2009-09-17, 06:16 AM
romantic dinner with a burger? or are they kind of cake?
The disguised blackwing is priceless.
Most excellent again!

No, a white truffle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truffle_(fungi)) soufflé (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soufflé) would be considered serious haute cuisine.

I was surprised that Blackwing didn't buy a dangly thing, too
Well, the baubles were dangling on strings, so I guess he sort of did.

It's very noble to sacrifice his marriage and family for the sake of the quest, but I do hope once everything's over there can be a reconciliation.

2009-09-17, 06:23 AM
Cute page, I really love all the development V's had so far, definitely raised my respect for the comic as a whole big time. :smallredface:

2009-09-17, 06:26 AM
And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

Encumberance only becomes an issue if you acknowledge it.

Or maybe the bird is going to pay by card or cheque?

2009-09-17, 06:27 AM
A disguised raven? Priceless! I loved the "bauble" comment at the end, by the way.

2009-09-17, 06:33 AM
Very good to see more of :vaarsuvius: and Blackwing.

However, I admit I don't get the last panel. What does the bird in the sombrero have to do with it?


Edit - Aha, now I see. After some time, :vaarsuvius: sends Blackwing to get the diamond dust after the process server got him/her thrown out of the magic shop. :smile:

2009-09-17, 06:35 AM

Well, okay. Good to get an actual look into V's head rather than just relying on interpretation of psychology and the like. Sad, really sad.... Just when he's starting to change into a potentially acceptable spouse, he truly CANNOT take up that role again. But V has learned a lot. Maybe when this whole thing is over, he'll have changed enough as a person to come back to Kyrie. Speaking of which, having cut off family ties does not bode well for V surviving the story... But I truly hope it won't go like that.

Alright, I can't hold it in any longer. Here's what I think is going to happen.

V is going to tell the Order that he has to return to his homelands for a family emergency, then find the nearest Wizard with a teleport spell to rush back home. He's going to march into his house to confront his spouse. And then...

He's going to settle it outside of court, and agree to let Kyrie take custody of the children.

V is under no sort of illusion towards the travesty of his actions. He KNOWS that he screwed up, that his mate will never, ever have him back. I'm pretty sure tying her hair into a ponytail somehow symbolizes that very fact. He also knows that he is a danger to his entire family, and completely unfit to be a parent to his children.

Therefore, the best course of action she can take is to leave them in the custody of Kyrie and never return to his family, lest they become the target of another vengance killing, or worse, that he personally brings all three of them into danger.

The fact that she was willing and eager to blast the process provider without a second thought will only compound V's guilt, and solidify his resolution to never see her family again. Then, at least, they will be safe.

Frankly, he should have gone back to his family long ago, but she has a duty now to protect the gate from the forces of evil, and going back on two promises is unacceptable. To save his family, he will give them up. It will be her most noble act ever.

All without casting a single spell.

...At least, that's my theory. We'll see what the Giant provides.

You pretty much called it. :)

2009-09-17, 06:46 AM
Saddest thing in this strip since Therkla. :smallfrown: V finally wants to do the right thing but can't - contrarily it would be self centred to fight for his family.

2009-09-17, 06:47 AM
Kind of a sad one this time. I've said it before: these simple stick figure characters can project a wider range of emotions that most actors in real life.
Good Job!

2009-09-17, 06:49 AM
Blackwing gets even more development which is a really good thing. Glad V isn't going to fight it (we really don't need more court time), but I agree with those that it will be interesting to see what happens with V and Kyrie once the journey is over.

2009-09-17, 06:50 AM
Sad stuff.

But it makes me think about all elf lovers who are adventures. Like, don't they live really, really long? If V's mate's beef was that he or she is never around, that seem very petty. This is a people who spend 100 years or more just reaching adulthood. Using that as a basis for how they experiance time would deminish the realitive emotional need to be together to mantain a relationship, right? If it takes a human being 20 years to do become an adult (that's a very conservative estament; it's more like 15 for most of human history,) and an elf 100, then it takes about 5 human years to make 1 "Elf Year". If V has been traveling for 3 years, then he or she has only been gone for the human equivilant of 7.2 months, or 7 months and 6 days. Enough to grow apart, I suppose, but kind of silly considering that the growing old with an elf takes about 900 years, making the a commitment to "long hual" of marrige an incredibly long time. If you base "Elf years" on total lifespan, and say that a human lifespan is an abnormally long 100 years, V has only been gone the human equivilant to 3 months and 18 days. I think. :smallconfused:

My (somewhat belaboured) point is, 3 years should not be a very long time for an elf. :smalltongue:

I don't really agree...
The "simple" fact that time for elves impacts on their bodies slower than humans doesn't mean that the perception of time passing gets slower too: it just makes them more reflective and less impulsive (with V's exception maybe :smallbiggrin: ).
So, V has been away for six years and Kyrie had the perception of six years passing.

2009-09-17, 06:54 AM
What!? Noooooo! Why did he even GET married if it was something he could write off so fast?

Well you see, if there is not a world to live in, that marriage is worthless.
Elves live a very long time. V can reconcile AFTER the state of the world has been preserved.

2009-09-17, 06:54 AM
What!? Noooooo! Why did he even GET married if it was something he could write off so fast?

Also, I can't believe V's neglect is the whole story. Kyrie might not be a wizard, but didn't strike me as someone who would meekly accept being taken for granted for more than five minutes. Unless they were only in the same geographic area for a few days out of all those years, they would have either killed each other or worked out a lot of those kinks a long time ago.

The only thing that reconciles me to this... is that Vaarsuvius didn't heal his kids' broken legs before teleporting back to the party: didn't engage with them at all, didn't even think of taking the time to ease their pain. Conflict between consenting adults is one thing, but leaving your own offspring in pain because you can't be bothered to concern yourself with them, and then not even trying to contact home after he got back to normal.... that sticks in my craw, and doubtless in Kyrie's as well. I still think ongoing plottage about V's situation would be good for lulz fun and profit dramatic tension and character development, but those children are the real victims here and if V doesn't care about that, he deserves to lose them.

Precisely how was V supposed to heal the kids? There is no healing under the umbrella of arcane magic, and, if you recall, he was specifically barred from using divine magic even with Wish.

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-17, 06:58 AM
Precisely how was V supposed to heal the kids? There is no healing under the umbrella of arcane magic, and, if you recall, he was specifically barred from using divine magic even with Wish.
Teleport them to someone who can heal, then. Or summon a healer to them. He was packing serious magic; it's not like he was short of options.

Dark Faun
2009-09-17, 07:04 AM
I absolutely adore Vaarsuvius, but I agree that V should have brought the kids to someone who could heal them.

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-17, 07:13 AM
I've just noticed a minor art mistake: the pattern on V's cloak in panel eight stops halfway along.

Mauve Shirt
2009-09-17, 07:16 AM
Aw. :smallfrown: Poor V.

King of Nowhere
2009-09-17, 07:16 AM
Poor V

Before he didn't realize he needed to go back home, and now that he wants to go back home, he can't because he needs to save the world.

I hope V can still manage to get things right when the whole Snarl stuff ends

2009-09-17, 07:22 AM
So... is that it? Is V officially and finally divorced?


Brian P.

Bowen Arrow
2009-09-17, 07:23 AM
I've never quite understood this line of thinking.

My mate does not pay enough attention to our kids. Or to me. They really deserve the love and attention of two parents. And the lack of attention makes me feel alone, unappreciated and unwanted. I wonder how I can fix the problem, or at least salvage as much as possible . . . I know, I'll get a divorce and take sole custody of the kids. That way everyone will be sure to get plenty of attention and I won't have to be alone with them anymore!

P.S. How do I change my picture? Monk Guy appears way too serious/grumpy.

2009-09-17, 07:30 AM
Well that was all noble and heartfelt and junk. (So in love with that last panel!)

2009-09-17, 07:32 AM
And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

He could grip it by the husks!

2009-09-17, 07:35 AM
A little sad, but nice to see V is finally growing up. :smallsmile: I did love the break up of the mood with the last panel. Quite clever and funny to me.

2009-09-17, 07:36 AM
I think I'm the only one who doesn't get the punchline in the last panel. Or is it just that birds wearing sombreros is hilarious beyond belief? :smallconfused:

Turkish Delight
2009-09-17, 07:40 AM
My mate does not pay enough attention to our kids. Or to me. They really deserve the love and attention of two parents. And the lack of attention makes me feel alone, unappreciated and unwanted. I wonder how I can fix the problem, or at least salvage as much as possible . . . I know, I'll get a divorce and take sole custody of the kids. That way everyone will be sure to get plenty of attention and I won't have to be alone with them anymore!

The problem you are hitting is that V's mate has hit the point where s/he isn't trying to salvage as much as possible or fix the problem. S/he's decided, after that last snub, that the issue is a lost cause, V will not ever be a source of love or comfort to the family, and is moving on to greener pastures. Maybe a few years/decades and s/he'll start dating around again, but for now V has blown it big time and V's mate isn't interested in trying to 'fix' things anymore.

It happens. Even with kids involved, unfortunately.

I do find it a bit interesting how little attention V seems to be paying to the kids, though. First ignoring them during and after the Dragon incident, and now they seem to be a bit of footnote to losing his mate as well. I don't think V has even said a single word to them or paid them a glance to date. Whatever his failings as a mate, he seems to be an even worse parent.

2009-09-17, 07:41 AM
Vaarsuvius probably did the right thing since V is unable to attend to his/her family because of the fate of the world. That means that V will be on the market in one week. It would be entertaining to see Belkar take a romantic shot at V even if only to make him/her uncomfortable.

Eran of Arcadia
2009-09-17, 07:41 AM
V . . . did the right thing here, really the only thing ve could have done to not make things worse. All the best for ver in the future, I don't know whether that should include I.

Also: raven in a sombrero < duck with a monocle (from that AFLAC commercial) . . . but just barely.

Undead Prince
2009-09-17, 07:44 AM
I hope V will send a message (via sending) to his/her mate to explain why and to apologise. If V only signs the form, his/her family may construe that as he/she not caring about them

This is a classic soap opera/soap movie situation, when the sympathetic main character stupidly hides his noble intentions so that his actions may be freely misinterpreted by his loved ones as ignoble.

It is always a premise for proof of feelings from the main character and a teary reunion in the end. This is how it will end for V and the inkurios creature, I'm afraid. Banal and frustrating once you can see it coming a mile away.

i have to wonder, could V contest the divorce even if he wanted to?

V doesn't have much in terms of common sense, but his technical intelligence and especially eloquence would probably be enough to concoct a plausible defense scheme. Particularly considering that he was actually acting in the best interests of his family and the entire world. His refusal to participate in the hearings wouldn't have been much of a sacrifice otherwise.

anyhow, it's a somewhat noble gesture, though i have to wonder what his kids will think of all this.

I doubt the inkurius even asked them about it. Anyway, it's all part of the soap opera scheme, with V struggling against this self-inflicted misunderstanding until finally (probably after the main quest is resolved) everything is set to rights and he'll be reunited with his worthless "family".

I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

What kind of a sexist comment is that?

Women are just as likely not to notice men's efforts. It all depends on the person, not the gender.

2009-09-17, 07:44 AM
He could grip it by the husks!


It's not a question of where he grips it. It's a simple question of weight ratio. A ten ounce bird could not carry a two pound jar of diamond dust.

Turkish Delight
2009-09-17, 07:45 AM
I think I'm the only one who doesn't get the punchline in the last panel. Or is it just that birds wearing sombreros is hilarious beyond belief? :smallconfused:

It's just a paper-thin disguise for buying what he needs. A staple of the genre, as they say.

2009-09-17, 07:59 AM
Madre de dios....es el pollo diablo! (sorry, had to make that Monkey Island 3 reference due the mexican crow).
Good comic though, it's interesting to see how V'man is coming to his senses afterall.

2009-09-17, 08:02 AM
Great comic Giant. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 08:05 AM
Reminds me a little of that old quote: "The ways of the Lord are often dark, but never pleasant."

2009-09-17, 08:10 AM
Poor V. I hope everything works out for him/her.:smallfrown:

Love the sombrero though! :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 08:11 AM
This is a classic soap opera/soap movie situation, when the sympathetic main character stupidly hides his noble intentions so that his actions may be freely misinterpreted by his loved ones as ignoble.

Not necessarily stupidly, I think. It's just as classic for the character to deliberately leave their intentions cloudy to save their loved one the torments of guilt and uncertainty. By allowing their loved one to think that they're a lost cause and not worth any effort, they allow said loved one to move on to greener pastures with a clear conscience.

2009-09-17, 08:16 AM
Well, V DID once say to a drunken Sabine that if he saw his mate around the arms of another elf, he'd use every shred of his arcane might to fight for his love.

So maybe we'll see that coming in the future.

EDIT: There's one thing I don't understand. Why is V signing it? Wouldn't that mean he's saying "I will come to the divorce trial" to Inky and Co?

Dr. Simon
2009-09-17, 08:18 AM
I do find it a bit interesting how little attention V seems to be paying to the kids, though. First ignoring them during and after the Dragon incident, and now they seem to be a bit of footnote to losing his mate as well. I don't think V has even said a single word to them or paid them a glance to date. Whatever his failings as a mate, he seems to be an even worse parent.

Isn't it mentioned in one of the strips that the children are adopted? (I presume a response by the Giant to comments regarding their skin colour compared to the parents, although also leaves open the possibility that V and I and the same gender).

Anyway, perhaps the adoption was I's idea more than V's, who it seems views them as an inconvenient barrier to studying magic.

2009-09-17, 08:19 AM

It's not a question of where he grips it. It's a simple question of weight ratio. A ten ounce bird could not carry a two pound jar of diamond dust.

Actually according to D&D rules a raven (STR 1) can carry up to 5 lbs max, 2lbs would be a medium weight load... It still doesn't make sense, but at least it is within D&D rules... (Note also V can cast Bull's Strength to increase the cap to 25 lbs).

Although it was a nice Monty Python reference.

2009-09-17, 08:21 AM
OK, now THIS is better. :smallsmile:

I really haven't felt the old OOTS magic since the current "book" started. It hadn't been either really funny or inventive, not to my eyes. But this strip fixed it. The conversation between V and Blackwing confirmed a lot of things I was expecting, and V not contesting the divorce was the right thing to do (storywise); it fits his current state of mood AND saves us from another interruption of the main story. I'm NOT saying it was the best thing for him; in fact I'm half-convinced that the divorce summons may have been Kyrie's last, desperate attempt to bring V back to him. Sadly, V accepting the divorce will probably be taken by both as "the marriage is a lost cause". But I'm sure we will see Kyrie and the kids again sometime, and that things will end happily for them.

Oh and yes, I DID laugh out loud at the last panel. Thanks to Rich for ending such an emotionally heavy strip on a funny note. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 08:22 AM
V doesn't have much in terms of common sense, but his technical intelligence and especially eloquence would probably be enough to concoct a plausible defense scheme. Particularly considering that he was actually acting in the best interests of his family and the entire world. His refusal to participate in the hearings wouldn't have been much of a sacrifice otherwise.

i was thinking more in terms of "he's in the middle of the desert god knows how far from home" than the actual trial. V can't teleport.

Actually according to D&D rules a raven (STR 1) can carry up to 5 lbs max, 2lbs would be a medium weight load... It still doesn't make sense, but at least it is within D&D rules... (Note also V can cast Bull's Strength to increase the cap to 25 lbs).

Although it was a nice Monty Python reference.

iirc, winged creatures suffer more from weight.

2009-09-17, 08:26 AM
Actually according to D&D rules a raven (STR 1) can carry up to 5 lbs max, 2lbs would be a medium weight load... It still doesn't make sense, but at least it is within D&D rules... (Note also V can cast Bull's Strength to increase the cap to 25 lbs).

Although it was a nice Monty Python reference.

Nice catch! So even taking into account the weight of the sombrero, Blackwing should have no problems picking up the shopping!

Though what would be the weight of the gold needed to buy a jar of diamond dust? More than 5lbs I'd guess. Blackwing will probably need to use gems or a cheque, or V steps up with Bull's Strength.

2009-09-17, 08:32 AM
The only additional pentalty I know of is that they can't fly if they are carrying more than a medium load. (Blackwing is "Disguised" as a human and probably wouldn't be flying anyway).

2009-09-17, 08:32 AM
No, I actually don't agree with V. The whole point is that he has been too good at letting go for his work... doing it again is... wrong!

Never EVER give up! :smallannoyed:

Ok, give up a bit before you become a stalker, but except that! :smallsigh:

Epic comic anyways (or maybe because of) all this though. Love is hard to write about but our friend Rich pulls it of admirably.

2009-09-17, 08:37 AM
oh crazy señor cuervo! I think Rich found the secret to best sidekick ever.

2009-09-17, 08:49 AM
No, I actually don't agree with V. The whole point is that he has been too good at letting go for his work... doing it again is... wrong!

Never EVER give up! :smallannoyed:

Well, I kinda think V has made the right choice here. She now knows that her treatment of Kyrie and the kids has not been up to scratch to date. She also knows that she is not able to rectify the situation as they deserve; the importance of the Order's mission precludes her from making a proper reconcilliation. Her realization of her selfishness has come too late for her to be able to do anything about it but cut them loose. They are better off without her, at least for now.

'It all boils down to one quotable phrase/If you love something, give it away'.

Epic comic anyways (or maybe because of) all this though. Love is hard to write about but our friend Rich pulls it of admirably.

Amen to that.

2009-09-17, 08:54 AM
Now that V finally figured out what he's been doing to his marriage, I can't help but feeling sorry for him.

On a ligher note: Sombreo wearing birds are cool :D
But what is the average flight speed of a heavy loaded raven?

2009-09-17, 08:58 AM
Gotta say V is really insensitive about, um, Kyrie's intentions. Now I'm starting to wonder how K went on for so long with V. V must have redeeming qualities as a mate somewhere - !..

Now that we've spent a few strips on this subplot, is it to tie up loose ends on the results of the black dragon or is it the smaller part of something much more sinister....

Anyway, awesome strip. And I like Blackwing's more substantial addition to the party.

2009-09-17, 09:03 AM
Aww...V's finally starting to admit he has problems...

(reads last panel)

...Kleptomania not being one of said problems admitted to.

Ah well.

JT Jag
2009-09-17, 09:04 AM
I've already forgotten, what is the diamond dust for?

I assume the bauble is just Blackwing taking advantage of the situation to get something for himself.

2009-09-17, 09:09 AM
You pretty much called it. :)

I know. The sadness of the comic, however, is interfering with my ability to gloat. :smallfrown: Even when you do the best thing that you possibly can, you can still feel like you're doing the worst. Poor V...he really didn't have an easy way out of this one.

...On a lighter note, Speedy GonBlackwing is the fastest Raven in all of-Oh! Baubles! :smallsmile:

2009-09-17, 09:15 AM
Awwww... So V won't stop it after all...
Oh well, I hope Inkyrius understands why V did it.

2009-09-17, 09:18 AM
I do find it a bit interesting how little attention V seems to be paying to the kids, though. First ignoring them during and after the Dragon incident, and now they seem to be a bit of footnote to losing his mate as well. I don't think V has even said a single word to them or paid them a glance to date. Whatever his failings as a mate, he seems to be an even worse parent.

A definite possibility, but it may as well be coincidence. Back during the dragon incident, I don't think it's unreasonable that V didn't try to talk to them when it was obvious that they were utterly terrified of him and when he was quite busy arguing with Kyrie. And here, V doesn't explicitly mention them because they, as little kindergarteners, are intrinsically tied to the way he decides to deal with Inky. Besides, he does talk about THEM and how THEY will be safer without him.

2009-09-17, 09:19 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

Apparently, you've never dated a career woman. :smallconfused:

2009-09-17, 09:19 AM
I've already forgotten, what is the diamond dust for?

They haven't said. My best guess is that Durkon needs it for his research on a mass protection-from-negative-energy spell.

2009-09-17, 09:21 AM
I love that the raven can spontaneously acquire eyebrows when being sarcastic, as seen in panel 5 of this strip.


2009-09-17, 09:21 AM
Apparently, you've never dated a career woman.They actually date and get married?!

Anyway, good comic. The last panel came out of nowhere. :)

2009-09-17, 09:21 AM
As Inkyrius says, they are white truffle soufflés.

Which sounds pretty tastey, I could really go for one.

2009-09-17, 09:22 AM
I don't really agree...
The "simple" fact that time for elves impacts on their bodies slower than humans doesn't mean that the perception of time passing gets slower too: it just makes them more reflective and less impulsive (with V's exception maybe :smallbiggrin: ).
So, V has been away for six years and Kyrie had the perception of six years passing.

Well, in my own short time on earth, I have found that how long a span of time feels is inversely proportionent to the time I've been alive: when I was 10, a summer was an infitite length of time, far too vast to contemplate the end of it. 17 years later summers come and go and I barely notice them. If I live to be 70, I expect that a summer will mean barely nothing at all. Everyone I have discussed this shares this impression; that how "long" time takes depends on how old they are.

2009-09-17, 09:22 AM
No, I actually don't agree with V. The whole point is that he has been too good at letting go for his work... doing it again is... wrong!

Never EVER give up! :smallannoyed:

He's not really giving up. The crux of his decision was that his family is safer without him, an idea that is confirmed when Blackwing brings up the dragon and how it targeted the family only because they were V's family.

Besides, at this moment pursuing Kyrie is simply not an option. He has to help the Order solve the Gate issue now, while they still have the initiative, not engage in personal sidequests. So while he cannot give his family what they need, he sees divorce as really the best option for everyone.

2009-09-17, 09:38 AM
Now that we've spent a few strips on this subplot, is it to tie up loose ends on the results of the black dragon or is it the smaller part of something much more sinister....


I would have tio say that all possible subplots and loose ends with the black dragons have been quite efficiently killed off short of the entire species going on a blood hunt for V

2009-09-17, 09:39 AM
As far as V not being able to teleport, I wouldn't be surprised if the summons were enchanted to be able to return him to the court--it was capable of returning itself, after all. However, V simply doesn't have time to go back and attempt a reconciliation--the Order are on a clock which expires when Xykon finds his phylactery and heads for Girard's Gate. Therefore, V has taken the decision that the possible fate of the world and all it contains is more important than his domestic situation, for which he should be applauded.

Speaking personally, I suspect V and Kyrie aren't going to get back together. Not only would it be a fairly predictable cliche if they DID, we know at least one member of the Order won't get a happy ending (or else the Oracle wouldn't have needed to add "for you, at least" when Elan asked if he got one). Wouldn't surprise me if V fits that bill.

2009-09-17, 09:40 AM
It's starting to look like a running theme that Wizards don't have time for anything that isn't their craft.

2009-09-17, 09:42 AM
Sounds to me like V will see her beloved - Nevermore!

2009-09-17, 09:53 AM
This comic... part of me is still laughing, most of me will take a long time recovering from the sadness of it all.

2009-09-17, 10:09 AM
And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

It could grip it by the husk!
Edit: Dammit, ninja'd. I should have known there are a few Pythonites in this forum.

So, Blackwing's new Mexican name is "Ala Negra"? :smallbiggrin:

Berserk Monk
2009-09-17, 10:13 AM
Wow. I love the last panel giant. You rock. I love the last panel giant. I had to say that twice because it was so awesome.

V's been getting a lot of character development. You know what the next book should be called:

V for Vaarsuvius

2009-09-17, 10:16 AM
Aw! Sad. I like Blackwing, though.

2009-09-17, 10:39 AM
Sad comic. That blackwing á la Mexico twist was funny, but the overall sadness is still... well... saddening. Great comic, Giant.

EDIT: It seems as if the decorative line on V's mantle accidently has been broken in the 8th panel.

2009-09-17, 10:43 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

Please, none of that gender-arrogance here.

2009-09-17, 10:46 AM
It could grip it by the husk!
Edit: Dammit, ninja'd. I should have known there are a few Pythonites in this forum.

So, Blackwing's new Mexican name is "Ala Negra"? :smallbiggrin:

Yes! Alanegra! Faithful companion of Captain Alatriste! :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 10:55 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

You might try arguing that for humans, but remember, these are elves.

Scarlet Knight
2009-09-17, 11:00 AM
oh crazy señor cuervo! I think Brian found the secret to best sidekick ever.

"Hola, senor! I yam Jose Cuervo. Una tequila over la bauble , por favor!" :smallwink:

2009-09-17, 11:16 AM

Sad. Really, really sad.

Well, V's still married. With his profession. Which was the problem right from the start.

Blackwing wearing sombrero is a hilarious sight. And if our favorite raven fails to buy the diamond dust, there's still Durkon. Assuming V's not too ashamed to reveal he got thrown out of the store and the reason behind it.

2009-09-17, 11:24 AM
But what is the average flight speed of a heavy loaded raven?

An African or European raven?

2009-09-17, 11:33 AM
You might try arguing that for humans, but remember, these are elves.

Yep. "Gender equality! The right to be oblivious to the efforts of your mate no matter where you keep your crystal orbs!" :D

2009-09-17, 11:52 AM
Precisely how was V supposed to heal the kids? There is no healing under the umbrella of arcane magic, and, if you recall, he was specifically barred from using divine magic even with Wish.

He could Wish replicate the spell from the Bard's spell list.

2009-09-17, 12:02 PM
An African or European raven?


2009-09-17, 12:04 PM

European. African ravens are quite distictive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thick-billed_Raven).

2009-09-17, 12:05 PM
He could Wish replicate the spell from the Bard's spell list.

More like Limited Wish. Less XP intensive.

2009-09-17, 12:19 PM
Alternative final panel:

*Belkar steps out from behind rock looking angry*
:belkar:: Oh come ON! How can you talk about marriage without saying if its a guy or a girl! ARGH!

2009-09-17, 12:19 PM
oh, wow, v is continually maturing, and yet, (s)he makes the hardest, and some would say the most noble decision of all - to leave someone for their own protection.

i had hoped he would be able to resolve this now that (s)he is growing so much, but of the course, the party must stay together...

Elan's Modron
2009-09-17, 12:21 PM
I love Blackbird more and more with each successive strip.
And now he has proven his dramatic range as an actor - he can do character-work in a Sergio Leone spaghetti western.

Together, V. and Blackwing can play ALL the parts in the following:



2009-09-17, 12:29 PM
Nicely done. An excellent show of character development on V's part.

Warren Dew
2009-09-17, 12:33 PM
I hate it when such things happen. Poor V. I somehow hope for a happy ending.

But this actually is a happy ending! Vaarsuvius and Inkyrius are finally realizing they should never have gotten married in the first place! "Marry in haste, repent at leisure."

Well, happy for everyone except the kids, anyway.

2009-09-17, 12:36 PM
Poor V...:smallfrown:

2009-09-17, 12:42 PM
Dang it, Giant. You're not allowed to make me cry over stick figures.

2009-09-17, 12:44 PM
Three cheers for a return to plot development!

Warren Dew
2009-09-17, 12:49 PM
Just when he's starting to change into a potentially acceptable spouse, he truly CANNOT take up that role again.

Sure he could. In fact, given the soul splice deal, Vaarsuvius is much more of a liability than an asset to the order's "save the world" mission right now, story concerns aside.

2009-09-17, 12:56 PM
Sure he could. In fact, given the soul splice deal, Vaarsuvius is much more of a liability than an asset to the order's "save the world" mission right now, story concerns aside.

But HE doesn't know that. He thinks the Splice is his own problem only, a bit of suffering after he eventually dies...

2009-09-17, 01:00 PM
Heck, that might still be the case, but as we've seen, "After he dies" isn't necessarily that far in the future.

2009-09-17, 01:01 PM
Unless they were only in the same geographic area for a few days out of all those years, they would have either killed each other or worked out a lot of those kinks a long time ago.

In real-life humans (that I see, anyway), that's just not true. This kind of neglect can go on for many years. In elves, you'd think it would only take longer for one to get sick of it.

Conflict between consenting adults is one thing, but leaving your own offspring in pain because you can't be bothered to concern yourself with them

In all fairness, every second V spends doing that is another second of sold afterlife.

...and then not even trying to contact home after he got back to normal.... that sticks in my craw, and doubtless in Kyrie's as well....if V doesn't care about that, he deserves to lose them.

There I agree with you 100%. The least V could do is try to send them a letter. "I'm so sorry for how I've been to you, but we're trying to save the world, there's nothing to be done for it now." That would even fit in a Sending.

2009-09-17, 01:03 PM
Well V at least realises that his/her pursuit of power has atrophied the other parts of his/her life that should have mattered. Nice pick me up with the raven and the mexican at the end though. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 01:23 PM
V's gender: mage


2009-09-17, 01:43 PM
LOL! A Mexican Raven! Though I am surprised that the magic shop is still there, since there was a wizard's duel inside it.

David Argall
2009-09-17, 01:46 PM
It seems as if the decorative line on V's mantle accidently has been broken in the 8th panel.
If we want to be technical, the flashback happened before the art upgrade, and the decorative line can be argued to not belong there.

That was a quick wrap-up to that issue,
Which was likely the idea. V's family was a loose end like Samantha and so they were written out of the story.
I can't say I approve. Now with most characters, the story continuation has the character finding somebody else, but with V's uncertain sex such a central item, that seems unlikely. So it looks like all we have here is an interesting characteristic taken away from V, making the character duller.

i have to wonder, could V contest the divorce even if he wanted to?
Oh yes. Not only does the strip say she can, but recall here that adventurers are rich [or dead], extremely so. That means V can hire the expensive lawyers and afford the best of care for the kids. K must earn a living and can thus be challenged on these grounds. Even when we assume a major bias in favor of the caring parent [which is by no means present in all cultures], K could easily lose.

And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V?

That makes no sense at all.
It doesn't need to.

However, the difficulties are merely technical. Our bird need only make several trips to deposit the gold in advance, and can supply goods like gems that have more value per pound. And jars are merely difficult for a raven to carry, not impossible. Indeed, when the customer is paying several thousand gold, the merchant would be happy to supply a means for the raven to carry the jar.

It's a simple question of weight ratio. A ten ounce bird could not carry a two pound jar of diamond dust.
Ravens are 2 pounds, or larger, and a two pound jar of diamond dust might run $25,000,000. Even at the currently inflated $1000 an ounce for gold, that's a whole lot of castings. But the pictured jar is probably a good deal smaller than 2 pounds of diamonds. You want a very secure jar for something so valuable, and the merchant has every incentive to sell you air. So the bottle likely weighs in at no more than 1 pound.

2009-09-17, 01:48 PM
V's gender: mage


V's gender: elf.
No one can really tell the difference anyways.

2009-09-17, 01:49 PM
****Breaking News****

Birds Have Eyebrows!!

2009-09-17, 01:51 PM
If we want to be technical, the flashback happened before the art upgrade, and the decorative line can be argued to not belong there.

Psst! You're supposed to pretend they were always drawn like that!

2009-09-17, 02:07 PM
****Breaking News****

Birds Have Eyebrows!!

I already knew that from You Bet your Life.

2009-09-17, 02:37 PM
This comic and the previous one show the two sides of V's character quite clearly, although the new side is still unexpected when it shows up.

2009-09-17, 02:38 PM
This comic is excellent. :O Emotional, and more Blackwing awesomness.

2009-09-17, 02:47 PM
Panel 4: Excellent I shall eat in the library, then, to take best advantage of the silence.

Having seen some very chatterish kids in my time, I can appreciate the sentiment of wanting silence.

On the other hand, V could have simply bought some item of silence.

on my other hand, V is oblivious and must not have any sex drive...

Raging Gene Ray
2009-09-17, 02:54 PM
When I first saw the last panel, I thought Rich was making a Frito Bandito reference and Blackwing was holding someone up for their diamond dust.

One Skunk Todd
2009-09-17, 02:55 PM
Now that V is back on the market it's time for Belkar to make his move. :smallbiggrin:

The MunchKING
2009-09-17, 03:04 PM
Well, I think some time must have passed between the last two panels. As V has been barred from the shop for using magic, she needs to send in Blackwing, disguised (badly), to acquire the diamond dust.

I thought the idea was he did it on his own, to reward V for doing the right thing (in his opinion) or something like that.

And where exactly this bird has thousands of GP required, and how it will carry a jar to V? :smallconfused:

That makes no sense at all.

Hey he had enough GP to pay off the Oracle before. Diamond Dust has to be small potatos next to that...

2009-09-17, 03:06 PM
Ahh the fate of superheros -- to see ones loved ones hunted down and come to the conclusion that you have to be isolated or too severely endanger those who love you.

2009-09-17, 03:13 PM
Every comic that goes by, V seems more and more male to me. Problem is, the ideas are all based on our society, not necessarily an elves. Such as filing divorce due to your inattentive spouse.

2009-09-17, 03:25 PM
Psst! You're supposed to pretend they were always drawn like that!

No, that's for art _upgrades_ made to demonstrate more effort put in by the artist (or a simple improvement of skill, but Rich is way too awesome for the art upgrades in OotS to be indicative of his limits). V's new hairstyle, like Elan's new costume, is a plot-related changes, so the joke doesn't apply. We don't pretend, for example that I haven't already used, that Haley has always had short hair and her new so-called desert gear.

2009-09-17, 03:29 PM
Poor V, but at least (s)he is learning something. Maybe (s)he will have a chance to patch things up later... at least with the children.

2009-09-17, 03:41 PM
And one bauble... *g*

V,V,V...was it all worth it? Was it? :smallconfused:
Depends on whether or not the fiends use a few spare rounds of their takeover time to finish the job momma dragon started, just for good evil measure...

2009-09-17, 03:43 PM
No, that's for art _upgrades_ made to demonstrate more effort put in by the artist (or a simple improvement of skill, but Rich is way too awesome for the art upgrades in OotS to be indicative of his limits). V's new hairstyle, like Elan's new costume, is a plot-related changes, so the joke doesn't apply. We don't pretend, for example that I haven't already used, that Haley has always had short hair and her new so-called desert gear.

The trim on V's cloak was and art upgrade.

2009-09-17, 03:53 PM
Inkyrius (what kind of name is that?)

Inkyrius is incurious: the opposite of V.

2009-09-17, 04:13 PM
****Breaking News****

Birds Have Eyebrows!!


2009-09-17, 04:52 PM
Inkyrius is incurious: the opposite of V.

Really? I mean, besides phonetics, where do you get that from? o.o

2009-09-17, 05:02 PM
This strip was like a depressing sandwich. I laughed at the failed romantic dinner, V's deciscion made me feel sad for him/her, and then I laughed at Blackwing going shopping.

Anyone think that bauble might just distract Blackwing at an inconvenient moment sometime in the future?

2009-09-17, 05:25 PM
What is extra-relevant about this strip is that it confirms that Blackwing is NOT a figment of V's imagination... maybe we can finally stop with the "Blackwing got consumed by the snarl and V is crazy!" ideas :P

2009-09-17, 05:43 PM
on my other hand, V is oblivious and must not have any sex drive...

Definitely. If my husband sent our son to visit his parents for the evening and made me a special dinner and then I tried to go eat it alone in the computer room, we'd be having words.

2009-09-17, 05:57 PM
First off...ANGST!
secondly, poor V...
kinda made me sad. also, yay for ponytail

2009-09-17, 06:58 PM
Mmm, whitle truffle souffle sounds good. V was so insensitive! :smallfrown:

2009-09-17, 08:25 PM
I hope the bauble turns out to be really useful later on. Kind of like the Gender Changing Belt re-appearing hundreds of strips later. Perhaps it will be used to distract MitD at a critical point ? Still, even if it doesn't, it made me laugh.

aka Argent
2009-09-17, 09:00 PM
Well... good call, V - too bad you had to make it.

I suspect we'll see more twists and turns to this down the road. Way down the road. First V's got to deal with being a single ma... uh... wo... um... Elf again. I suspect we'll have many, many more monologues by V on this topic as this volume plays out.

Ted The Bug
2009-09-17, 09:22 PM

It's not a question of where he grips it. It's a simple question of weight ratio. A ten ounce bird could not carry a two pound jar of diamond dust.

The same way birds cannot carry coconuts across the Atlantic?
Sorry, had to make the MP reference.

2009-09-17, 09:34 PM
Psst! You're supposed to pretend they were always drawn like that!

I'll only believe that if it appears on the Cast Page in that way. :smallwink:

On a more serious note, I'm now feeling sorry for V. This decision is probably for the best of everybody, but it is still sad. Makes V a more tragic hero.

Psst. Someone post this on TVTropes. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 10:07 PM
It's sad.

I hope that after they save the world, V can go back home and things can get a bit better.
The problem is, the way he's talking about letting them leave the simple life of a baker's family... It feels like V isn't going to try to patch things up, ever :(
I hope at least they can stay in touch.


2009-09-17, 10:42 PM
V was just point-blank oblivious, huh.....

But his decision now is for the best.I think.

2009-09-18, 12:14 AM
Panel 4 is why I'm not married. Well, one of the reasons.

"What's wrong with me eating in front of the computer? What do you mean what about you? Your laptop works fine. I don't see the problem."

2009-09-18, 12:26 AM
Sad stuff.

But it makes me think about all elf lovers who are adventures. Like, don't they live really, really long? If V's mate's beef was that he or she is never around, that seem very petty. This is a people who spend 100 years or more just reaching adulthood. Using that as a basis for how they experiance time would deminish the realitive emotional need to be together to mantain a relationship, right? If it takes a human being 20 years to do become an adult (that's a very conservative estament; it's more like 15 for most of human history,) and an elf 100, then it takes about 5 human years to make 1 "Elf Year". If V has been traveling for 3 years, then he or she has only been gone for the human equivilant of 7.2 months, or 7 months and 6 days. Enough to grow apart, I suppose, but kind of silly considering that the growing old with an elf takes about 900 years, making the a commitment to "long hual" of marrige an incredibly long time. If you base "Elf years" on total lifespan, and say that a human lifespan is an abnormally long 100 years, V has only been gone the human equivilant to 3 months and 18 days. I think. :smallconfused:

My (somewhat belaboured) point is, 3 years should not be a very long time for an elf. :smalltongue:

In my opinion, you shouldn't base "Elf years" on total lifespan. This is an old, old, trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TimeDissonance), but one that I don't think is true: That long lifespans cause you to take life at a correspondingly slow pace. In fact, taken to the extreme, that troupe is saying that when Vecna (who I guess was already slowed down based on how many eons it would take his lich-body and phylactery to crumble) ascends to godhood and obtains immortality, he freezes in time!

Strawman arguements aside, My point is that how many years you have left to live in your life doesn't necessarily change the number of cold, lonely nights you can endure in a row. Life still comes at you in seconds and minutes and hours, with you taking mostly the same number of nanoseconds to go from stimuli to emotional response. The only difference is you have more time than ever to think about your life (and to seek forgiveness if you can manage any type of communication with the wronged person at all).

Then again, you also have more time to hear dire predictions of upcoming crises, watch them turn out to amount to nothing, and get very skeptical of any alarmist statements. So maybe the Elves genuinely can be thick-headed when you try warning them about the world-destroying demonic invasion.

And in another of my gripes, I don't know if Elves have childhoods that last 5 times longer or not, but in all seriousness, it shouldn't take them as long to master cantips and learn a handful of 1st-level spells as it does compared to other races. Even if your DM hasn't picked up on this, heed my advice: Be nice to the Elf toddlers. Not because their cute or out of some kind of pity for their low constitution modifiers, but because they might just have picked up a Character levels or two. Best case scenario: They Predisitatize your armor to the color pink.

2009-09-18, 01:25 AM
If we want to be technical, the flashback happened before the art upgrade, and the decorative line can be argued to not belong there.

Which is lovely, but the flashback is panel #4, not panel #8--and the decorative line is present and correct in that panel.

2009-09-18, 01:27 AM
Now that V is back on the market it's time for Belkar to make his move. :smallbiggrin:
Yes indeed, hahah!

Bring on the count down beer.

2009-09-18, 02:12 AM
I'd say this is certainly a very significant step towards the good end of the alignment scale. Not saying that V has suddenly become a saint, but a huge personal sacrifice like this certainly helps.

2009-09-18, 04:31 AM
So that's why they couldn't recognize the raven, it's a sneaky master of disguise.

It all makes Perfect Sense.

2009-09-18, 08:48 AM

It's not a question of where he grips it. It's a simple question of weight ratio. A ten ounce bird could not carry a two pound jar of diamond dust.

Ravens are actually a lot bigger than that. A common raven has a 4' wingspan and weighs about 3 pounds. The smallest raven is the Chihuahuan (from Mexico :smalltongue:), which has a 40" wingspan and weighs about 18 oz. I can't speak for why Blackwing is drawn so small, though.


Besides, at this moment pursuing Kyrie is simply not an option. He has to help the Order solve the Gate issue now, while they still have the initiative, not engage in personal sidequests.

Only because his ego tells him that he is irreplaceable as the team wizard. He's irreplaceable to us but not to the team.

Sure he could. In fact, given the soul splice deal, Vaarsuvius is much more of a liability than an asset to the order's "save the world" mission right now, story concerns aside.

also this ^

2009-09-18, 09:12 AM
Only because his ego tells him that he is irreplaceable as the team wizard. He's irreplaceable to us but not to the team.

I was talking about things from V's perspective, you know. XD Thus excluding details like him actually being a ticking time bomb and not all that crucial to the mission.

Anyway... maybe that's so, but I wouldn't be so sure. After all, this is the world where Haley hasn't even heard of any 17th level clerics and wizards making it above 10th level are supposedly very rare. Finding someone close to V's level to replace him - someone not just semi-competent enough to be part of the Order, but someone they could trust and work with, as well - may be tricky. It would certainly take valuable time.

Aarindarius would probably be a good replacement for V, since it's someone V already knows and trusts. But I don't think high-level wizards are a commodity as common as you imply.

Asta Kask
2009-09-18, 09:28 AM
i have to wonder, could V contest the divorce even if he wanted to?

He's a 13th-level wizard (at least) - he can contest any divorce he wants.

edit: I think Inkyrius will marry Belkar. Yes, he stabs people - but in a caring way.

Scarlet Knight
2009-09-18, 10:07 AM
When I first saw the last panel, I thought Rich was making a Frito Bandito reference and Blackwing was holding someone up for their diamond dust.

"Ai yi yi yiiii! I am the Raven Bandito!
Give me diamond dust jar & I'll be your friend!
The Raven Bandito , you must not offend!"


2009-09-18, 10:16 AM
He's a 13th-level wizard (at least) - he can contest any divorce he wants.

edit: I think Inkyrius will marry Belkar. Yes, he stabs people - but in a caring way.

No. No no no no no.

Vaarsuvius will marry Belkar. :smalltongue:

2009-09-18, 12:47 PM
Dammit V, can't you at least send a letter or something?

2009-09-18, 01:04 PM
Dammit V, can't you at least send a letter or something?

I have to agree here. There's no excuse; even if V can't send one by magic for some reason - such as not having the required spell - they're in a town. There has to be some way of communicating, even if it's by conventional mail. :smallannoyed:

But of course, that would require V to get her head out of the clouds and realize that I IZ TEH UBER WIZARD doesn't mean other people can't think for themselves too. Still, maybe there's some hope if the character development continues.

2009-09-18, 01:13 PM
I have to agree here. There's no excuse; even if V can't send one by magic for some reason - such as not having the required spell - they're in a town. There has to be some way of communicating, even if it's by conventional mail. :smallannoyed:

But of course, that would require V to get her head out of the clouds and realize that I IZ TEH UBER WIZARD doesn't mean other people can't think for themselves too. Still, maybe there's some hope if the character development continues.
It's a little funny and sad. V and his husband/wife are so bad at communicating.

I guess they are just too different.

2009-09-18, 01:15 PM
I think it's a little funny and sad. V and his husband/wife are so bad at communicating.

Ex-husband/wife. *rubs salt into the wounds*

2009-09-18, 01:16 PM
The deep irony to me is that s/he did send a letter. But even when V was saying that s/he'd like nothing more than to beg forgiveness from Inkyrius, and had a pen in hand and a piece of paper magically enchanted to reach the elf in question, it didn't even cross hir mind to do anything but sign it and send it away.

2009-09-18, 01:16 PM
I have to agree here. There's no excuse; even if V can't send one by magic for some reason - such as not having the required spell - they're in a town. There has to be some way of communicating, even if it's by conventional mail. :smallannoyed:

But of course, that would require V to get her head out of the clouds and realize that I IZ TEH UBER WIZARD doesn't mean other people can't think for themselves too. Still, maybe there's some hope if the character development continues.

While it's a mistake for V not to have tried communication before the divorce paper, right now he may simply be trying to spare Inky from additional turmoil. It may be easier for her to get over it if she believes V is truly beyond all hope.

2009-09-18, 04:56 PM
To all the people wondering how that unknown mexican looking raven is going to carry diamond dust, I have a hypothesis.

I beleive that this strange raven will team up with one known as BlackWing, thus carrying it between them with a piece of string.

Now let the epic battle for the string,
between two ravens and a cat begin.

2009-09-18, 06:01 PM
To all the people wondering how that unknown mexican looking raven is going to carry diamond dust, I have a hypothesis.

I have another one (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0331.html).

2009-09-18, 06:19 PM
I liked the sumbraro :D Good comic Rich

2009-09-18, 11:31 PM
If Elvish divorces are anything like human divorces, V's divorce could have gone a long time. I thought that this was a very nice episode and showed V's personal growth.

No one promised V a happy ending.

2009-09-19, 12:06 AM
I am now more convinced than ever that V is going to die horribly and/or awesomely.

Turkish Delight
2009-09-19, 03:43 AM
I am now more convinced than ever that V is going to die horribly and/or awesomely.

I've seen this sentiment expressed elsewhere in the thread, and I'm going to agree with it, too.

V will shimmy his way off this mortal coil before the comic has reached it's bitter conclusion. Almost certainly in some way which is connected to Belkar in either a direct or an insanely convoluted way. The divorce simply does a nice job of severing any ties which would make the situation excessively tragic, though I suppose V could reconcile somewhat with his spouse before kicking the bucket, perhaps in a Redemption Equals Death kind of way.

2009-09-19, 09:19 AM
I was talking about things from V's perspective, you know. XD Thus excluding details like him actually being a ticking time bomb and not all that crucial to the mission.

So was I. From my perspective, I don't want a new wizard. Even though I do want V to get a happy ending with his family.

Anyway... maybe that's so, but I wouldn't be so sure. After all, this is the world where Haley hasn't even heard of any 17th level clerics and wizards making it above 10th level are supposedly very rare. Finding someone close to V's level to replace him - someone not just semi-competent enough to be part of the Order, but someone they could trust and work with, as well - may be tricky. It would certainly take valuable time.

Aarindarius would probably be a good replacement for V, since it's someone V already knows and trusts. But I don't think high-level wizards are a commodity as common as you imply.

I don't think they're falling out of trees or anything, but there is the whole Warthog's school of Magic. It must have teachers. and there's always the Finklestein family. lol. And A. of course, as you said.

I have to agree here. There's no excuse; even if V can't send one by magic for some reason - such as not having the required spell - they're in a town. There has to be some way of communicating, even if it's by conventional mail. :smallannoyed:

They're on the same continent now, so even a messenger on horseback (camelback?) would suffice.

The divorce simply does a nice job of severing any ties which would make the situation excessively tragic, though I suppose V could reconcile somewhat with his spouse before kicking the bucket, perhaps in a Redemption Equals Death kind of way.

If V is going to die, he has to reconcile first. Precisely because it would be less tragic if they are split up.

Of course, this line of thinking may be colored by my experience with the Whedonverse.

2009-09-19, 12:12 PM
It's a little funny and sad. V and his husband/wife are so bad at communicating.

I guess they are just too different.
That's not it. The problem is, they're not communicating at all with each other.

Earlier, someone said "If my husband sent the kids away and cooked me a nice dinner, and I went off to eat it in the computer room, we'd be having words."

It's not fun, arguing, but it is communication. Primitive, but it's better than nothing at all.

My brother-in-law has just gotten divorced because he's away a lot for long periods for work (he's in the Navy) and he and his former wife of 11 years apparently "grew apart" during his absences, and apparently no one tried to bridge the gap while he was home, or indeed inform the other that a gap was present and widening. She just dropped this on him that she wanted a divorce, and at that point there was nothing much to be done, as she had made up her mind and he discovered he wasn't all that interested in changing it.

It's just wrong (if you've gone to all the trouble of marrying someone and building a life with them for over a decade, you'd think that at least some effort ought to go into resolving issues before they become irresolveable), and it's because nobody seems to remember that other people, including the love of your life, even your "soulmate" for whom you have searched so long blah blah blah, cannot read your mind.

Myself, I just started working full time; I have 5.5 hours at home weekday evenings, if I want to maintain my schedule and go to bed on time. When I started, one day at work out of the blue I had a panic attack related to the fact that my partner was now alone for the vast majority of the day-- meeting people I would probably never know, and "anything could happen", if you know what I mean. It was dumb, and ridiculous (I'm really not like that normally, which is why I noticed it when I had this panic), and mad improbable, and I put it aside. Later that evening, though, the conversation happed to swing in a direction where it was appropriate to mention that I had had those feelings, so I did. Because my partner cannot read my mind. I got reassured (both in words and deeds, which deeds might or might not have occurred had I not said anything), and it's all good, but what if I hadn't said anything, and left that stupid, ridiculous, mad improbable seed of doubt there untouched? That's the kind of thing that comes back to bite you in the butt in a month, or a year, or .... 6 years.

We know that V didn't have the ability to heal the children, and couldn't afford to "waste" a teleport on moving them (shi's not a sorceror, after all), but shi didn't say, and there's no way that K, a baker, could possibly know the details of how even ordinary magic works, much less the additional complications of soul-spliced spell slots.

We know that V "had to go", while shi still had the power, to try to resolve some outstanding issues related to saving the world, which remains in imminent danger of annihilation, but shi didn't say, and K doesn't even know that the world is in danger, much less how V is involved in saving it.

We know that V isn't contesting the divorce to both save the world, which remains in imminent danger of annihilation, and to protect the family from further harm-- because shi loves them-- but shi hasn't said any of that--- all K and the kids have is a signed legal document saying that shi won't argue their desire to exclude hir from their lives forever.

I hope Blackwing makes her send a letter.... something. Because hir family can't read hir mind, and people (and elves) can decide the truth must be... whatever they like... in a total vacuum of information.

I wonder if the shopkeepers are really going to fall for that (charming) disguise on Blackwing :smallsmile:. Hope he-- is it a he?-- gets the bauble at least, though I guess we're going to keep an eye on him if he does.... :smallsmile:.

Dark Faun
2009-09-19, 12:28 PM
Very wise words motub. :smallsmile:

is it a he?
Vaarsuvius called Blackwing a he in #154 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0154.html) and #155 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0155.html).

2009-09-19, 12:53 PM
Very wise words motub. :smallsmile:

Vaarsuvius called Blackwing a he in #154 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0154.html) and #155 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0155.html).

And Blackwing seems like the kind of bird guy person to correct people if they got it wrong.

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-19, 01:57 PM
We know that V "had to go", while shi still had the power, to try to resolve some outstanding issues related to saving the world, which remains in imminent danger of annihilation, but shi didn't say, and K doesn't even know that the world is in danger, much less how V is involved in saving it.
V didn't have to do any such thing.

When Qarr first showed up on the island, V didn't say, "Perfect, an imp! You can help me sell my soul in order to find Haley and defeat Xykon!". He chased Qarr away, proclaiming him useless.

He only decided to sell his soul because his family was threatened. Once his family were safe, he didn't have to use his powers to solve any of his other problems. He hadn't considered it worthwhile before he took the deal, at least.

2009-09-19, 02:09 PM
Very wise words motub. :smallsmile:

Vaarsuvius called Blackwing a he in #154 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0154.html) and #155 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0155.html).

And he is introduced as a male raven in the W&XPs Cast of Characters.

2009-09-19, 02:13 PM
You make a good point, but Vaarsuvius may have done that just because s/he did not think Qarr could offer him/her much of anything.

2009-09-19, 02:16 PM
You make a good point, but Vaarsuvius may have done that just because s/he did not think Qarr could offer him/her much of anything.

Is that not what tempters of his ilk do? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0631.html)

Carnivorous M.
2009-09-19, 03:32 PM
The first thing I felt reading this strip was very, very sorry for V. The first thing I thought was "NO DON'T DO EET!"

Then I saw Blackwing in a sombrero, and all else fled my mind.

2009-09-19, 03:54 PM
V didn't have to do any such thing.

When Qarr first showed up on the island, V didn't say, "Perfect, an imp! You can help me sell my soul in order to find Haley and defeat Xykon!". He chased Qarr away, proclaiming him useless.

He only decided to sell his soul because his family was threatened. Once his family were safe, he didn't have to use his powers to solve any of his other problems. He hadn't considered it worthwhile before he took the deal, at least.

Well... just because he wasn't willing to do that ONLY to find Haley doesn't mean he wasn't obgliged to go try and find her if he's already sold his soul for unrelated reasons.

I don't really get this sort of... clinging to past decisions, for lack of a better expression. Accepting fiendish power and giving up fiendish power are two separate decisions and must be examined separately from each other. Just because, when V was making the deal, he was too panicked about the idea of his family being tortured to death and soul bound to even think about Haley, doesn't release him from the responsibility to pursue the Haley problem - which he, at long last, has the capacity for - after the more pressing problem has been dealt with.

2009-09-19, 05:26 PM
Well... just because he wasn't willing to do that ONLY to find Haley doesn't mean he wasn't obgliged to go try and find her if he's already sold his soul for unrelated reasons.
Now, obligated...? No, can't go there with you, sorry. I mean, yeah, it's a huge temptation (and that's part of the point, given that it was provided by a deal with fiends and all), but I'm still sticking to my 'superweapon' thesis-- if you have to use a superweapon (and obviously the soul splice must count as a superweapon), use it for whatever the original purpose was, then put it down. Whether it worked or not. Especially if it worked.

Yes, of course there's probably "just one other thing" you can use it to "solve". But of course, there will always be just one other other thing after that, and every further use does little more than increase the probability of disastrous consequences, most likely for little or no real gain.

I put that V "had to go" in quotes for a reason. V believed quite firmly that shi had to continue to use hir superweapon to resolve other issues that shi believed were irresolveable without that superweapon; in both cases shi was wrong. Haley was reunited with the team without any intervention from V at all, and hir attempted assassination failed completely in its stated purpose, though it succeeded in incidental goals. And even the incidental goals that shi did succeed in were really child's play in terms of not needing a superweapon costing you your soul to resolve. I mean, it's really nice that the Azurites got to settleable land much sooner than otherwise possible, but I strongly doubt that the Azurites would be happy to know the price V has paid to accomplish that (and they'll be less happy when the other shoe drops and it's V's "fault").

Shi had a lot to prove; from the simple and clearcut goal of protecting hir family from hir previous mistakes (whatever you consider those mistakes to be, whether killing the young dragon, to not killing mama on hir own terms beforehand rather than on mama's terms in a panicked rage, to not protecting innocent bystanders who just happened to be unlucky enough to be related to hir from revenge killings by hir enemies, mistakes were made on V's part which led to the situation becoming so dangerous to all concerned and making the superweapon a necessity), to the desire to prove magic as supreme and hirself as the supreme magic user, to the need to do "enough" to make such a costly deal ... if not profitable, let's say.... cost-effective. I do get it why shi found the temptation quite impossible to resist.

But it was a temptation, and it was the wrong thing to do (not put the weapon down, even when specifically requested to by the person dearest to your heart, who you're supposed to listen to-- or what was the point of marrying them?-- or at least hear out and consider their viewpoint), given the cost-to-benefit ratio.

The cost is just starting to tote up now and already it's putting the benefits in the red, unless we manage to off Xykon (and any other of the 9 factions necessary) due to the incidental benefits we've got to hand, at some point in the future.

And all it would have taken is 30 seconds and less than 5 sentences (if you were being hasty, and frankly, V and K spent more than that arguing wastefully) to let Kyrie know why V couldn't help the kids, and that shi felt shi had "just this one thing" of supreme importance to do and that's why shi really, really couldn't put the superweapon down and stay... even though shi wished shi could (nice touch that would have been, wouldn't it? A kiss would have as well).

You'd be amazed (or maybe you wouldn't) at how much leeway a spouse and family will give you if you just try to connect to them. Even if you do it badly. Hell, even if you fail miserably. Just as long as they see you care enough to try, or care enough to explain to them why you can't, right now ("yes, I'd love to cuddle you, my sweet little 2-year old, but both my arms are broken. I'll get better, though, and we'll cuddle for a month straight" type of thing).

And V hasn't tried at all. Not at all. All hir words of love for hir family are said to others, not to hir family (who are the only ones who give a hoot whether or not shi loves them, anyway). Yes, shi has to make huge amends to them (not contesting the divorce is only the start of what shi owes them in emotional restitution), and now shi knows it, which is good, and no, shi doesn't have time to do so right now (universal annihilation and all that, which is important, and yes, V's the mage on the spot, so shi is important to that effort), but her family doesn't even know that shi knows that shi needs to make them.... all of hir guilt and sorrow is all locked in hir own heart, and shi has not yet opened it to those who most desire and need to see it.

Blackwing wasn't wrong when he said that perhaps the apology directed at him would be better sent home.... he was only too mild, expressing it as an implicit suggestion, rather than a more forcefully explicit one.

The MunchKING
2009-09-19, 06:14 PM
The deep irony to me is that s/he did send a letter. But even when V was saying that s/he'd like nothing more than to beg forgiveness from Inkyrius, and had a pen in hand and a piece of paper magically enchanted to reach the elf in question, it didn't even cross hir mind to do anything but sign it and send it away.

Probably wouldn't have gone to Inky directly. It was a court summons. It probably went back to either the lawers or the judge or something.

The MunchKING
2009-09-19, 06:18 PM
We know that V didn't have the ability to heal the children, and couldn't afford to "waste" a teleport on moving them (shi's not a sorceror, after all), but shi didn't say, and there's no way that K, a baker, could possibly know the details of how even ordinary magic works, much less the additional complications of soul-spliced spell slots.

Why not? Spell craft or Knowledge (arcana) are just cross class skills. He could have +2 even he's only level 1. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-19, 06:35 PM
Maybe Inkyrius could, maybe s/he could not. That argument goes either way.
Anyway, I do not think it would make that much difference in the first place because Vaarsuvius made his/her decision.

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-19, 11:59 PM
Well... just because he wasn't willing to do that ONLY to find Haley doesn't mean he wasn't obgliged to go try and find her if he's already sold his soul for unrelated reasons.

I don't really get this sort of... clinging to past decisions, for lack of a better expression. Accepting fiendish power and giving up fiendish power are two separate decisions and must be examined separately from each other. Just because, when V was making the deal, he was too panicked about the idea of his family being tortured to death and soul bound to even think about Haley, doesn't release him from the responsibility to pursue the Haley problem - which he, at long last, has the capacity for - after the more pressing problem has been dealt with.
I'm not passing judgement. I'm just saying, he had options. If V values his quest to save the universe so much, it may have been an idea to keep his debt to an absolute minimum, what with him having already been told what the fiends were working towards and all. I mean, obviously he had know way of knowing it, but if he'd released the splice there and then he'd have been rewarded with the return of Haley very shortly afterward anyway.

2009-09-20, 12:10 AM
Man. Some really nice character development with V. Never would have thought that about his/her marriage, but it seems perfectly in character for him/her. Nice job, Giant.

2009-09-20, 01:12 AM
I want to say, first, because this could look dismissive in a way it's really not meant to be, that I agree with nearly everything you said. However, I have to nitpick.

We know that V didn't have the ability to heal the children, and couldn't afford to "waste" a teleport on moving them (shi's not a sorceror, after all),

But one of his/her splices is. And even if, somehow, Jephton never manifested teleportation spells, Ganonron specialized in teleportation. I find it insupportable that Vaarsuvius couldn't have teleported the children. S/he chose not to, for...reasons best known to him/her, about which my speculation would likely be less kind than yours.

I wonder if the shopkeepers are really going to fall for that (charming) disguise on Blackwing :smallsmile:. Hope he-- is it a he?-- gets the bauble at least, though I guess we're going to keep an eye on him if he does.... :smallsmile:.
If they don't fall for it, I imagine they'll pretend they do--there's immediate money in not being a stickler for the store's rules here, after all. If Blackwing even really needs a disguise; it's not like he broke the rules and got kicked out of the store.

Dark Faun
2009-09-20, 04:10 AM
You know, before this strip, I surprisingly didn't care much for Inkyrius despite her encounter with the dragon and evil V (I cared about the kids though). But the fourth panel actually made me feel sorry for him and I can't help being disappointed by V.

I really hope her family's suffering will end soon.

2009-09-20, 04:24 AM
You know, before this strip, I surprisingly didn't care much for Inkyrius despite her encounter with the dragon and evil V (I cared about the kids though). But the fourth panel actually made me feel sorry for him and I can't help being disappointed by V.

I really hope her family's suffering will end soon.

The fourth panel makes me wonder how they ever got together in the first place.

...could VxInky count as a crack pairing? I suddenly have an urge to make up some humourous contrivance about how they met. :smalltongue:

2009-09-20, 04:43 AM
The fourth panel makes me wonder how they ever got together in the first place.

The forces that bind two people together are among the most chaotic and unpredictable in the universe. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0223.html)

Panels two and six of that comic apply in equal measure.

Dark Faun
2009-09-20, 04:48 AM
I suddenly have an urge to make up some humourous contrivance about how they met. :smalltongue:
"So, Varsoviana-"
"So, Vaarsuvius, since you're completely incapable of cooking without turning the kitchen into a radioactive crater and I'm too busy reading porno mags smartly disguised into spellbooks to do it myself, I decided to hire an apprentice baker-"
"-they cost less. Say hello to Incoming-"
"Say hello to Inkyrius."
*romantic music starts to play*

Probably something along those lines.

2009-09-20, 07:40 AM
The fourth panel makes me wonder how they ever got together in the first place.

...could VxInky count as a crack pairing? I suddenly have an urge to make up some humourous contrivance about how they met. :smalltongue:

I'm just hopeful that you don't believe their original getting together was in a manner similar to your avatar... Perhaps you ought to let Discord write that pairing.....

2009-09-20, 07:43 AM
I think this is the best evidence so far that Vaarsuvius is male. Men are more likely to be oblivious when their mate is making an effort.

Oh no no no and no...

Don't ever think that again.

2009-09-20, 07:59 AM
"So, Vaarsuvius, since you're completely incapable of cooking without turning the kitchen into a radioactive crater and I'm too busy reading porno mags smartly disguised into spellbooks..."
It's either that or he's reading bad fanfic.

Remind me to include something about that in my Aari x Inky fic for when I need to lighten the mood.

I'm just hopeful that you don't believe their original getting together was in a manner similar to your avatar... Perhaps you ought to let Discord write that pairing.....

Actually, Discord's fics have so fan been more disturbing than mine, or at least more sadistic. Her Undead!V one, for example.

2009-09-20, 09:18 AM
Really? I figured all fan fiction was horrible and stopped reading.... Maybe if one of you guys gives me a link I will check it out...

2009-09-20, 09:46 AM
Really? I figured all fan fiction was horrible and stopped reading.... Maybe if one of you guys gives me a link I will check it out...

Lira's first post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6929963#post6929963) on the Crack Pairings thread lists all our wacky pairings. It's hit and miss whether or not they're cute or disturbing (and the length of the stories varies greatly; most are short 100-ish words, but some are a couple of thousand long), but I highly recommend Water-Smurf's VxRedcloak story as a starting point.

Discord has her own thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111604)on the Arts and Crafts board.

There's also an OOTS section on Fanfiction.net, but there's less stuff there.

2009-09-20, 11:40 AM
V+Redcloak was okay, I guess. It did not make sense to me, though. I will check out more later if I feel like it. I could tell from chapter one that it was going to be weird. Thanks for the links.

2009-09-20, 12:00 PM
V+Redcloak was okay, I guess. It did not make sense to me, though. I will check out more later if I feel like it. I could tell from chapter one that it was going to be weird. Thanks for the links.

None of them make sense. :smalltongue:

2009-09-20, 07:17 PM
What is the point of crack pairings if it is a ridiculous romance fan fiction thread? I am surprised it has so many posts....

2009-09-20, 11:01 PM
And all it would have taken is 30 seconds and less than 5 sentences (if you were being hasty, and frankly, V and K spent more than that arguing wastefully) to let Kyrie know why V couldn't help the kids, and that shi felt shi had "just this one thing" of supreme importance to do and that's why shi really, really couldn't put the superweapon down and stay...

Except every time V tried to speak, K cut him off. No way to communicate on those terms. Teleport away and come back when K's cooled off. Makes sense to me. V didn't know V'd lose the ability to teleport before V'd get the chance.

2009-09-21, 12:05 AM
None of them make sense. :smalltongue:

Nah. :D Making them make sense is exactly what the challenge is. :)

2009-09-21, 01:13 AM
Nah. :D Making them make sense is exactly what the challenge is. :)

Okay, they all make some sense, but of wildly varying degrees.

2009-09-21, 10:39 AM
Except every time V tried to speak, K cut him off. No way to communicate on those terms. Teleport away and come back when K's cooled off. Makes sense to me.
You give up too easy. After all, this is your spouse, and kids. And this set of events is important enough to make them listen to you, because they certainly can't afford to be operating with only half (or less) of the story. And you can't afford for them to be operating with only half (or less) of the story, either-- not if you want to have a hope of keeping them.

If V doesn't know enough about hir spouse to know how to get through to them even when they don't want to listen, in this specific case I'd "authorize" the use of a Calm spell, if that's what it took.

But we like to hope that a clear and forceful "Kyrie, I need you to calm down and listen to me" would be just as successful in a partnership that had some hope of surviving (not that this turned out to be one of those, despite the fact that the day they married was "the finest day in (V's) long life." Whatever).

2009-09-21, 10:58 AM
You give up too easy. After all, this is your spouse, and kids. And this set of events is important enough to make them listen to you, because they certainly can't afford to be operating with only half (or less) of the story. And you can't afford for them to be operating with only half (or less) of the story, either-- not if you want to have a hope of keeping them.

If V doesn't know enough about hir spouse to know how to get through to them even when they don't want to listen, in this specific case I'd "authorize" the use of a Calm spell, if that's what it took.

But we like to hope that a clear and forceful "Kyrie, I need you to calm down and listen to me" would be just as successful in a partnership that had some hope of surviving (not that this turned out to be one of those, despite the fact that the day they married was "the finest day in (V's) long life." Whatever).

Exactly. It seems pretty out of character to me for V to just roll over and say "oh, gee, ok. You know enough already." When has V ever let anyone shut him up before then? If he had wanted to explain, he could have.

Also, it is unfathomable to me that V could just leave his kids there with broken legs. So what if Kyrie could carry them to a healer? If those were my kids, leaving them wouldn't even occur to me.

Fortunately, I think V has hit bottom, and is working his way back up.

Wind d8/d12
2009-09-21, 07:44 PM
I may have missed something but could the last Raven shown be from the Linear Guild? It's been awhile since we've heard from them. And everyone knows facial hair is EVIL.

2009-09-21, 08:03 PM
I may have missed something but could the last Raven shown be from the Linear Guild? It's been awhile since we've heard from them. And everyone knows facial hair is EVIL.

That was V's familiar incognito.

The MunchKING
2009-09-21, 08:04 PM
I may have missed something but could the last Raven shown be from the Linear Guild? It's been awhile since we've heard from them. And everyone knows facial hair is EVIL.

You missed something. (http://http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PaperThinDisguise)

2009-09-21, 08:30 PM
I, personally, do not see why the familiar would be from the Linear Guild because 1. why would the familiar be alone to purchase a trinket, and 2. why would the Linear Guild have need of a familiar if they needed to spy on the order when they could do that by a divination of a sort.

2009-09-21, 08:40 PM
Now, obligated...? No, can't go there with you, sorry. I mean, yeah, it's a huge temptation (and that's part of the point, given that it was provided by a deal with fiends and all), but I'm still sticking to my 'superweapon' thesis-- if you have to use a superweapon (and obviously the soul splice must count as a superweapon), use it for whatever the original purpose was, then put it down. Whether it worked or not. Especially if it worked.

Give a good reason of why she should have given up the power right there.

Yes, of course there's probably "just one other thing" you can use it to "solve". But of course, there will always be just one other other thing after that, and every further use does little more than increase the probability of disastrous consequences, most likely for little or no real gain.

False premises.

I put that V "had to go" in quotes for a reason. V believed quite firmly that shi had to continue to use hir superweapon to resolve other issues that shi believed were irresolveable without that superweapon; in both cases shi was wrong. Haley was reunited with the team without any intervention from V at all, and hir attempted assassination failed completely in its stated purpose, though it succeeded in incidental goals. And even the incidental goals that shi did succeed in were really child's play in terms of not needing a superweapon costing you your soul to resolve. I mean, it's really nice that the Azurites got to settleable land much sooner than otherwise possible, but I strongly doubt that the Azurites would be happy to know the price V has paid to accomplish that (and they'll be less happy when the other shoe drops and it's V's "fault").

Judging whether something was wise or not by the results alone doesn't work.

But it was a temptation, and it was the wrong thing to do (not put the weapon down, even when specifically requested to by the person dearest to your heart, who you're supposed to listen to-- or what was the point of marrying them?-- or at least hear out and consider their viewpoint), given the cost-to-benefit ratio.

Not a good reason to put the weapon down.

The likely benefits would have greatly outweighed the costs.

2009-09-21, 11:24 PM
The likely benefits would have greatly outweighed the costs.
Right... "I wouldn't have sold my soul to (find Haley/kill Xykon), but since I've sold it anyway, I might as well..."?

And you think there are "likely benefits" accruing to that base construction? Let us just say... I don't agree.

2009-09-21, 11:41 PM
Yeah, but V would. Given that hir primary sin during the soul splice is pride, if s/he knew hir limitations, they wouldn't be limitations anymore.

2009-09-22, 03:37 AM
You give up too easy. After all, this is your spouse, and kids. And this set of events is important enough to make them listen to you, because they certainly can't afford to be operating with only half (or less) of the story. And you can't afford for them to be operating with only half (or less) of the story, either-- not if you want to have a hope of keeping them.

You seem to be ignoring the "ticking timebomb" part of this equation. After the third or so interruption mid-sentence, it's clearly going to just continue like that until Kyrie cools down a bit, and waiting around right there for her to cool down is accruing time as a soul-toy for the interdemontional trio. Best to do the waiting part and the using the splice part simultaneously then arrange for some sort of transport back to the group (maybe hire a wizard who *can* teleport and bring him as a sort of "return taxi service"), teleport to Kyrie, release splice, pay the wizard to keep the meter running, and THEN spend hours trying to get her to open her ears and close her mouth for five seconds.

He expected the rest of what he was doing with the splice to be quick and easy. Obviously he was wrong, but if he'd known that, well, he wouldn't have made the choices he did.

2009-09-22, 04:31 AM
Right... "I wouldn't have sold my soul to (find Haley/kill Xykon), but since I've sold it anyway, I might as well..."?

And you think there are "likely benefits" accruing to that base construction? Let us just say... I don't agree.

The initial reasons don't matter.

The likely benefits? Solving the entire plot right there. She definitely had enough magical power to do so, but she was too stupid to use it correctly. V's only mistake was her idiotic battle tactics.

2009-09-22, 09:20 AM
good development for V. Hey what can we say, crows love shiny stuff.

Warren Dew
2009-09-22, 10:17 AM
If V doesn't know enough about hir spouse to know how to get through to them even when they don't want to listen, in this specific case I'd "authorize" the use of a Calm spell, if that's what it took.

You think effectively binding someone up against their will - or even just yelling louder at them - is a way to get them to listen sympathetically? My experience says otherwise.

2009-09-22, 11:08 AM
You think effectively binding someone up against their will - or even just yelling louder at them - is a way to get them to listen sympathetically? My experience says otherwise.
I'm sure it does, and so does mine. But listening sympathetically was not the issue; listening and getting the facts about all the factors in play was. As others have said, V was on the clock. Sympathy would have to come later in any case-- but there is no hope of that whatsoever in an absence of knowledge. And the absence of knowledge is urgent enough (on both counts, that of time, and that of marital rescue) that it is worth doing anything necessary in order to combat it.

"You can be mad at me later (and I'm sure you will), but you have to know what's going on to know what happened here, and what's about to happen in 2 minutes (i.e.. I'm leaving), and why. So... I'm sorry sweetheart, but calm down and listen."

2009-09-23, 08:30 AM
Yelling louder was the part that actually did for V with Kyrie.

http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0642.html Panel 4, V shouts and shuts Kyrie down. Panel 5, conversation. Note this is after "I believe I understand just fine, thanks." (Panel 2).

But when Kyrie asks V to put down the power he doesn't even bother to try to explain. Kyrie has completely stopped talking by that point. But V just stands there and watches K pick up the kids. Then he gives a half-assed apology, mumbles something about fixing everything, and leaves Kyrie standing there holding the broken legged children.

V absolutely had every chance to explain, but instead he just gave up and left.

2009-09-23, 04:52 PM
Perhaps you do not remember that the splices only last so long. Perhaps it would have been better if Vaarsuvius teleported his family, but if he did I do not think he would have had enough slots to help save the Order.

2009-09-24, 06:42 AM
The splices were indefinite, as long as he could hold onto them. He only lost them because he lost his concentration. So unless something at the elven healing center caused his concentration to fail, I don't see how a 30-second transport (or a two-minute explanation and a show of concern for his family) would have affected the splices.

Also, the Order didn't need saving. But I do appreciate that V's actions led to O-Chul's rescue by MitD.