View Full Version : The Five Shards-Eberron 3.5 (IC)

2009-09-18, 10:26 PM
The Five Shards.

The piercing light of dawn somehow finds it's way to glare into your eyes through the bars of your cell. A gritty taste is in your mouth and your head begins to swim as you stand. Staggering to the bucket of water nearby, you drink deep as your mind races. Where am I? How did I get here? Where is my stuff? These are just a few of the questions that run through your head. Looking out the cell door, you see a long stone hallway and several more iron barred doors. The sounds of groans and voices reach your ears. It seems you are not alone.

Hours pass before the sound of a door opening breaks the silence. Footsteps echo through the hall as a guard can finally be seen. He pushes a wheeled cart carrying food and more water. He pauses at several of the doors to pass out the rations. Many voices can be heard asking the guard why they are here. He ignores them as he continues passing out the meal. As he reaches your door, he quickly tosses in a half loaf of moldy bread and cheese roll. Before you can ask him anything, he looks at you and smiles, quickly leaving.

After a few minutes, the door opens again and a loud voice can be heard. "Listen up scum. There is a special visitor here to see you. He is willing to grant you your freedom in exchange for a simple service ot two." The doors to your cell open as the voice continues. "If you are interested follow me. If not, then the gallows will sing you to sleep tonight."

As you step out from your cell you can see several more people in the hallway. There are two doors at either end of the hallway. The guardsman can be seen clearly throught the open door. He is not alone. A large figure can be seen talking to him. The figure is of a portly man in what appears to be bleached silken robes. As you get closer, a long scar can be seen cossing his face. A ragged beard and hair the color of wheat frames his face. Entering the room, the man gestures for you to take a seat in one of the chairs, before he sits down behind a large table.

Taking a deep breath, he begins,"Well, well, well. It seems that my 'volunteers' are here. My name is Duke Artius d'Cannith. I am going to make you a very generous offer." An icy smile crosses his face, "In exchange for your release. I am needing some adventurous people to retrieve a minor artifact for my research. This item is a rare white Khyber shard that was stolen from me. The thief entered my laboratory last night, took the shard and murdered one of my apprentices. My magic has tracked the thief to the Docks District, from there I lost her. She is either well hidden from magic or dead. I want this shard back. How you get it and what happens to the thief is of no concern to me. Do this and you are free to go. Your equipment will be returned to you so you may complete this task. Now stop wasting my time and get me my shard back.'

The guardsman walks over to a side door and opens it. Pointing into the room, he says,"You will find your things in here. When you are ready, knock on the next door, three then two, and it will open and you can leave."

16 questions:

1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)? Dungeons and Dragons 3.5
2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)? Home-brew Eberron with FR influences.
3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many? 4-6 players. I will take alternates, but only up to three for now.
4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)? Here in the OOTS Forums.
5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)? All character are starting at first level with 300xp.
6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with? Max starting gold for your class plus 500gp
7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes? Any, but no home-brew. PrC's with deity requirements must use the closest Eberron deity.
8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species? Any without LA.
9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points? 34 point buy or roll 5d6 and take the best three. No score should be over 18 unless it is from racial mods. Hp is max first level.
10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so? All alignments welcome. If you choose to be evil you must work together in the group.
11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it? Multi-classing is allowed with no restrictions.
12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them? I will be handling passive rolls, all others use the forum's roller. Please do not edit your rolls.
13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules. All characters are allowed one(1) Trait and/or Flaw. Alignment restriction on PrC's are lifted.
14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)? Yes and no. All characters should have some history. A paragraph or two will be fine. However a truely clever background may get a reward.
15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above? I am going to try and keep it a balanced combination of all elements.
16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters? Psionics are allowed. Core, Completes, Races, PhB2, MIC, MoI, ToB, Eberron and Forgotten Realms. Pretty mych anything that is offical. No third party. Also, in the event that I do not have the source(s) for your feat/race/class/whatever please post a link to it or pm me with the info.

2009-09-18, 10:44 PM
One (1) free bonus feat. You must meet the requirements of the feat.

You are granted the Random Roll. (The most powerful ability a DM can give.)
This roll is a bonus. You can add this bonus to a save, an attack, damage roll, skill check or what-ever you need the bonus for. If you are using it for an attack/save/skill check/what-ever then it is a d20. Damage is what-ever your damage roll is. You may only use this Random Roll once every level.
The random roll works like this:
1.) You are attacking a creature, you attack with a greatsword (If miss you may add the roll of a d20 as a bonus to the attack.) and deal your damage (Or you may roll the 3d6 again to add more damge to the hit.). You may also use the roll with critical checks.
2.) A wizard casts a spell at you. you roll your save (Again you may opt to use the random roll to add d20 to your save.).
3.) You may opt to use the roll for the results of a skill check. You are moving silent and roll low, you may add another d20 to the roll.
4.) You may add the roll to turn attempts, caster level checks and stabilization checks..
5.) Basically the Random Roll is a bonus with any die you are using.
6.) You may not add the random roll to Save DC's.

Hope that clears it up a bit.

Out of character talk - please spoiler any/all OoC talk.
Character speak - Please pick a color for your character's speach.
Thoughts - Italics in your chosen color.

Feel free to take the time and introduce yourselves. Repost links to character sheets at the start of your introduction. After all introductions are made we will begin the game......good luck!!!

2009-09-19, 09:49 AM
I move that we make an OOC thread for ... well, ooc stuff. It may get too cluttered here if we do everything within the game thread. Also, "Calling gray for Goh." http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=29854

"The dock district? ...Not AGAIN." the warforged thinks, suddenly pulling at the chains around his arms. He hasn't had the benefit of getting those removed yet; apparently the old man's guards were tipped off to his prowess without weapons in case he was going to renege on this deal early in.

But no, he gives his consent to the guard with a silent nod. Though before heading into the other room, the large 'forged then motions to the manacles around his wrists with a shake of the chains. He wants them off. It's something that may unnerve whoever was unfortunate enough to share a cell with the hulking dark metallic fellow since all he's been doing prior is silently brooding. It's the most animate he's been since let out of the cell.

Until he follows after the others into the next room, free of chains,
"This day is turning out to be full of new surprises, isn't it?"

Damn, he can speak too. Quite clearly, with a slight resonance to a serene yet baritone voice. It wasn't all too clear that he could talk, much less eloquently; he's obviously not the run of the mill 'forged. Most forges don't have the symbol for 5 etched onto each shoulder, and the more mysterious "5/13" painted onto his bare abdomen.

2009-09-19, 07:43 PM
Oraka accepts the deal with a smile and nod, then goes to get her equipment. She looks fondly upon the spiked armor before pulling up her sword and swinging it around in practice a bit. Looking much more ferocious in her battle gear, she shouts in the language of hobgoblins things that sound very violent. "Maybe I'll get to run the blasted thief through, HAH!" With the final shout, she makes a lightning-fast stab infront of her with her blade before spinning it around and re-sheathing it. She looks around, shrugs, and bangs on the door three times, then twice after a pause. "Lemme out!"

2009-09-20, 05:26 PM
Sylta follows the guard out of her cell, glad to be away from the wretched area. She hardly listens as Duke Artius gives her an assignment, already thinking of some sarcastic refusal, before she remembers that her life is on the line. She complies to him the same way a trapped animal might be herded around: so obviously unwilling. She quickly gathers her things from the chest, scouling when she findes her cloak thrown in a ball at the bottom. Under her breath, she says to herself, "Can't they have at least folded it? Gods forbid it should have ripped..." She takes out her suit of leather armor and dons it, brushing off the dirt from the bottom of the chest. In one fluid motion, she clips on her pouch of equiptment, including a sheathed, extremely deadly looking sword, and throws on her cloak, smoothing down the wrinkles. She knocks on the door: three times, then two, and walks in as it opens.
Sylta stands an impressive four feet, nine inches tall, and despite a few days of unwashed and dirty conditions, is a charming, beautiful elf, her small build giving her an air of frailty, looking like the armor and sword are solely for decoration. Her pure-white cloak falls to her feet, trimmed to flatter a feminine build. With her hood down, her white-ish blonde hair and round face is clearly visible, smiling out at the others. If she's surprised to see a warforged robot and ferocious woman standing in the room, she doesn't show it. With a light feel, enough to make you wonder if she's being serious or not, the first thing she says to the group is, "Anyone see a fox run through here?"

2009-09-20, 07:37 PM
As the Duke ran through his speech thoughts like ‘What do they want from someone who could only emanate one page spells. There are still schools I do not even understand’ raced through Liku’s mind. ‘Wait what guarantees did he mentioned he wouldn’t just imprison us again’ thought Liku as she slowly shuffled to gathered her gear. It was evident that she shows strong pessimistic view of the “mission”.

“What do they expect an apprentice wizard like me to find a most likely dead and robbed individual” Liku whispered to the rest of the group as they gathered their gear but before she grabbed hers.

As she waited for a reply she watched the rest of the group she eyed her spell book, the most valuable possession she has. And before any word could be said she quickly rushes towards her spell book and quickly flipped through it to make sure no pages were ripped out.

2009-09-20, 09:28 PM
Sylta looks at Liku, already guaging her personality from the shuffle of her step, the hint of doubt in her voice. "Don't worry about it. The upside for us is that we don't have to stay in those horribly depressing cells, even if it means doing a favor for some pompous noble or whatever. Anyway, it looks like we'll be sticking together, atleast for a bit, so we might as well get to know eachother. I go by Sylta, and you all..?"

2009-09-21, 07:00 PM
“My name is Corwin, Liku Corwin, under the house… well that‘s not important it‘s not like my mark manifested yet anyway” Replied Liku just before she breathed a sigh of relief after finding out her spell book was still intact.

As the rest of the group introduced themselves Liku then searched for the rest of her items.

“Well I might make a formal complain as soon as I get back” said Liku after finding the rest of her items, as she stuffed them inside her backpack while strapping her spell component pouch to her side.

2009-09-21, 07:26 PM
I second the request for an OOC thread. In the meantime, here's my sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=153446

Well, at least this explains why I'm here., Torbal thinks while the duke prattles on about his Very Important Shard. They probably took me thinking I was some sort of mighty warrior. Idiots. Do your research next time.

When the duke finishes his proposal Torbal heads for his gear. He has no reason to believe that he won't just be tossed back into a cell - or killed - once the job is done, but at least this gets him out of the prison, and hopefully back in contact with the church.

Did he just pick people at random?, he wonders when he notices the young mage frantically rifling through her spellbook. She's barely out of her apprentice robes, and she's supposed to help track down a murderer.

Once his armour is secure, he joins the others by the other door.

"My name is Torbal; I'm an acolyte of the Silver Flame. Don't worry Miss Corwin," he says, doing his best impression of a reassuring smile. "we'll make sure you get home in one peice."

2009-09-22, 08:38 AM

Blast! A House scion? What're the odds? the wiry young man thinks to himself as he puts on a chain shirt and remainder of his gear. Tall and lean, he reminds most of a gazelle, with furtive bursts of movement, which he uses to subtly invoke a charismatic influence to boost his communication skills.

A sickle hangs on the left side of his belt and a heavy mace on the right. As he leans against a wall, he clenches his hands together so tightly in front of him that the knuckles are stark white. "Well, hello, all. You may call me Penitent. 'Twill suffice," the young man speaks with the cultured accent of nobility as he looks at each of the people in the room and smiles politely.

OOC:A bonus feat? Woo-hoo! I know just the one!

2009-09-22, 09:56 AM
The warforged remains silent after his own attempt to strike a conversation failed, though his roaming red eyes pass over each individual when they give a name. Picking up the smallest parcel among the collected gear, a burlap and cotton sack with a strap, it looks like all he's got to his credit are a pair of repair kits and a pair of nunchaku. Inspecting his massive four item inventory, it takes him a moment to realize he's the only on left without introductions. If anyone notices him. He's figured out that many people on the outside try not to.

"Unlike you, I have no name, only a number." he taps his shoulder paldron where the character for 5 ("Goh") is, making a slight clang."I have not... been out much lately so I hope it's not a failing upon my part in this venture."

2009-09-22, 10:08 AM

The young man stands upright from the wall and moves towards the warforged, a sympathetic look on his face. "No name? Then it seems you have an opportunity to make your own place in the world. You're held back by nothing. Choose a name for yourself, I'd say, and move forward into a brave new world, unburdened by past or expectations." His gaze seems a bit distant as he speaks, but when he finishes, he looks straight at the warforged and smiles broadly.

2009-09-22, 04:59 PM
OoC: Ok, I will set-up the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6979850#post6979850) shortly.

As the final knock echoes through the tiny room, small motes of dust come drifting down from the ceiling. A feeling of motion seems to come over each of you. Just as it started, it stops and the door slides open.
Inside you can see a tall warforged pouring wine into one of several goblets that line a long table. On the table can be seen a modest meal of various meats and cheeses. The 'forged walks to the head of the table and says,"Come and be seated. The Lord Baron has wished that you be fed a decent meal before you embark on your journey."
Reaching behind it's back, the warforged brings out a small disk with an emerald shard in the center. It looks at you, and you feel as though it is waiting for you to sit at the table.
During your meal, the warforged taps the center of the disk and speaks a word of arcane nature. Slowly the shard begins to glow with a dim light and a small image appears above the disk.
"Enhance.", says the 'forged. The image grows into the size of a horse and figures can be easily seen.
The image is of a well-stocked laboratory, with tables and bottles of various liquids and colors. A portly man is working with his back turned to you. However, you can see a small white shard glowing before him. It is held in place by a three pronged stand. Every now and then, it seems to pulse with energy.
Slowly another figure enters the room, this one a young human female with short cropped brown hair and eyes. Her clothing is non-descript and form fitting. Sensing her approach, the man turns and greets her warmly. His arms wrap her in a quick embrace. He gestures to the shard and seems to be saying something to her, though you cannot hear the words.
Here the image wavers and when it returns to normal, the woman is gone and the man lays in a pool of blood. The room looks as though it has been ransacked and the shard is now missing. Slowly the image fades away.
The warforged stares at the disk before speaking, it's voice is hollow but the tone is clearly a commanding one. "My name is Sixx. As captain of the guard, I wished to show you who you are looking for. I have made copies of her likeness and you will recieve one." He passes a copy to each member of the group before continuing, "Now that you have eaten, is there anything else you need to know?"

Feel free to ask any questions you wish, also can I get Knowledge(Arcana) and Spot checks?

2009-09-22, 05:10 PM

Dabbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Penitent nods to the warforged. "Who is the woman? She clearly knew the older man? And who was he?" he inquires with a tilted head as he laces his fingers together and rests his chin on them.

And was that image edited or something? The waver was odd... he thinks to himself.


2009-09-22, 05:55 PM
Sytla looks at the new warforged curiosly. I never remembered there being so many warforged around here... During the time the image is playing, she pays close attention to the two people, even through the man dies, and the woman is presumed to be dead. Afterwards, she looks at the expressions on the others, her plate only touched a little. Adding on to Penitent's questions, she asks in a calm tone, "That flicker... it's too convinient for her to be a coincidence, unless it does that all the time. Is she a magic weilder, do you think? It would certainly account for the way she finished the man off so fast. Plus, she went so quickly that something tells me she was too confident about it; if she just wanted to take the white thing, whatever it was, she probably could have done it without killing him. This way... I don't know, it sends a message, doesn't it?"

2009-09-22, 08:41 PM
"Waitwaitwait...why are we so sure it was this young lady? There's obviously a portion of the record missing. Did you edit it, or was the diviniation magically blocked? I guess what I'm asking is: under what basis are you inferring that she is the killer?"

2009-09-22, 11:41 PM
Predictably avoiding food and drink, the warforged is content to sit back and study the entire scene displayed from the emerald, and to watch his new found compatriots some more. Or he would, had the inclusion of another forged not been in this meeting; the Fifth Warforged pays attention to his fellow living construct.


As for afterward: They know...knew each other; these two in the images." he taps a finger on the table, a sudden habit. "In terms of theft and committing murder, this man knew the woman and trusted her obviously, or found her no threat. Such a situation would make it easy for her to be the culprit, but the fact remains, we see nothing in this to confirm it. This lady is involved, this is correct, and she must be questioned; at the very least if it is a horrendous misunderstanding her input shall reveal this."

2009-09-23, 03:30 PM

Your Spellcraft(I switched it to Knowledge arcana, but spellcraft will work fine for this little tidbit of info.) check results:
You notice the patterns on Sixx's body form the words Magus #6. His ease in using the device, either has come from experience or practice.
Your spot check results:
Before the flicker, you think you see a figure in stained white robes hiding in the darkness of the hallway. But the poor quality of the image leaves you with doubt.

Goh:Your check fails to notice anything.

Liku: Your Spellcraft(I switched it to Knowledge arcana, but spellcraft will work fine for this little tidbit of info.) check results:
You notice the patterns on Sixx's body form the words Magus #6. His ease in using the device has come from experience. Also you notice that there is an Arcane Eye spell hiden in the marks on it's body.
Your Spot check results in you seeing a robed figure hiding in the hallway, but the poor quality of the imager keeps you from identifing the person.

Torbal:Your Spellcraft(I switched it to Knowledge arcana, but spellcraft will work fine for this little tidbit of info.) check results:
You notice the patterns on Sixx's body form the words Magus #6. His ease in using the device has come from experience. You notice an Arcane Eye Spell has been cast onto the warforged's body.
Your Spot check results in you seeing a robed figure hiding in the hallway, but the poor quality of the imager keeps you from identifing the person.

Sixx looks at each person while answering,
"I cannot say who she is. But Reginald, the man killed in the imager, was often speaking of a young woman. Her name is Caithlyn, or Caylin, I do not remember exactly. He was always chasing some young lass, so I do not know it this helps any.
The flickering is not normal. I have researched into it and found that there was a dis-spelling magic used to block the veiwer for a short period of time.
I believe that she is either the killer or knows who it is. Until she is found, I have to assume that she is. My first captain, a priest, has informed me that she was also wounded due to the blood trail left behind."
Feeling the gaze of the other warforged, Sixx turns his attention to Goh. His eye and soul crystals flash a silver color breifly. "You 'forged, I noticed that you go unarmed. Is this by choice or has your equipment not be returned to you?

2009-09-23, 04:34 PM
The warforged flexes his hands. "Of fist and foot am I proficient in fighting, though my former landlord did supply me with a pair of nunchaku. You needn't worry about me."

2009-09-23, 04:48 PM
I think you may have me confused with someone else. I did make a Know(Arcana) roll.

As he listens to Sixx's responses, Torbal reaches into his bag for a sheet of parchment, upon which he begins to quickly make notes in a neat, functional hand.

2009-09-23, 09:44 PM
Liku slowly blinks as she observed the image with great detail hoping to see any clues, and just then her eyes widen after spotting something unique.

“Could you play the image again, I thought I seen a hidden figure image” Asked Liku as she noticed the warforge hasn’t mentioned the hidden figure in the image.

Liku then slowly stood up and walked towards where the image played so she could point out the shadow figure.

2009-09-24, 09:19 PM
The warforged bows towards Liku and reaches out to the device. Before his hand touches it, a pattern begins to glow on his chest and the lights dim slightly. With a flash, the device vanishes and a scorch mark is left in it's place.
A large clank is heard through-out the room as the warforged named Sixx is flung against the nearby wall. A smoking hole can be seen in his chest. His soul crystal is shattered, but his eye crystal still emit a silvery randiance.
"Seargent!", it yells.
Suddenly, a dusky grey skinned half-elf appears beside the 'forged. His white hair is pulled back into a tail and several tattoos, shaped like a scorpion, cover his bare arms and face.
"Tell the Lord Baron that it happened again and he needs to start copying the other one.", states Sixx.
Without a pause, the half-elf runs towards the door and rapidly knocks a quick sequence of raps. The room shudders and then the door opens. Stepping inside, the half-breed turns and knocks again. He stares at the group as the doors close, his steely gaze is the last that you see of him.
"Forgive me a moment", asks Sixx, as he puts his hand to his chest. Without a word, his wound begins to close. After a few seconds, he climbs to his feet and walks over to the blackened spot on the table.
"Ever since the death in the lab, the imagers have been doing this. After playing back twice they explode. This was the first time for that stone. It should not have done that.", his voice is emotionless.

2009-09-25, 01:41 PM
Oraka stares at the unfolding events, sitting mostly still and focusing intently on the image and her new allies. "So... Who was the researcher? The guy she supposedly killed. Why does anybody care that he's dead? If he let his killer get that close, how can he be smart enough to matter?"
Spot [roll0]

2009-09-25, 11:15 PM
Torbal continues making notes. It would take some pretty powerful enchantments to set this up...whoever did this, they're pros.

2009-09-27, 03:20 PM
It was my understanding not all humanoids were bred for combat... the warforged admonishes Oraka openly. Almost harshly, but he was stunned into dull silence by the sudden damaged taken by the other forged until now. Suddenly he feels the urge to leave this place as fast as willing.

Is there any speculation we are making here that could not be made on the road, as it were? If there are powerful figures we do not yet recognize involved, then time is an important factor.

2009-09-27, 03:31 PM
Oraka shrugs, impatiently crossing her legs back and forth, "Yeah, I figure anyone important should keep track of who's trying to kill 'em, though. Whatever - I agree with the 'forged, we should get movin'. Longer we wait, the further she gets from us."

2009-09-27, 04:49 PM
“Is it possible that someone view this playing image before us without your knowledge? Also I’m curious as to why a wizard has yet to complete her apprenticeship” Liku asked as she rushes towards the where the door the half-elf left from, only to pause to allow the rest of the group to catch up and hear an answer.

2009-09-27, 06:18 PM
Slyta jumps up from the table as the others get ready to move. "Well, we still don't know where that woman might have gone after that. Maybe the best way to go is asking those around town if they've seen someone like her, and where, so we can get a solid lead." Maybe Leviculus is waiting outside...?

2009-09-27, 10:02 PM
Torbal folds his notes quickly and slips them into his bag before following the motley collective that now constitutes his companions.

Oh yeah. Absolutely nothing can go wrong with this.

2009-09-29, 01:01 AM
"No one. This device has been in my ownership, since this morning.", states Sixx.
As the group reaches the door, it knocks three times on the table. The door slides open revealing the sunlit outside and fresh air.
Once outside, the familiar wonders of Sharn come to you. High towers, some floating in the air, glare golden or bronze in the noon sun. Several people can be seen, some walking and others riding self-propelled carriages. Many are of human decent, but here and there throngs of other races mingle quietly in the crowds.
Looking around, you each begin to notice that the group is in a large market-place. Strange that a prison would be located here, but glance back towards the door all you see is a blank wall.
The noise of the crowd is almost deafening. A distant yelp, turns you to look at a pair of young boys as they knock an elderly dwarf down and steal his purse. Cursing loudly, the dwarf climbs to his feet yelling for the watch. The sounds slowly disappear as they move further away towards the left.
To the right, is a long anvenue of shops offering all manners of goods. A pair of taverns can be seen in the distance, both facing each other. One is named: The Hammer and Anvil. in freshly painted letters, the other is called: Dox's it's sign is tattered from the wind and rain.

2009-10-01, 11:28 PM
Oraka points at the wind-battered sign, "I for one, think Dox's looks like a fine place to start our search. Anybody else agree?" She looks around at her allies.

2009-10-02, 10:43 PM
Oraka points at the wind-battered sign, "I for one, think Dox's looks like a fine place to start our search. Anybody else agree?" She looks around at her allies.

"Uh...all right.", Torbal mumbles, trying not to let the apprehension creep into his voice. He's no stranger to visiting sketchy dives in search of questionable people, but he's used to having a holy warrior next time him when he does it.

2009-10-05, 04:24 PM
The 'forged doesn't pay attention to Oraka.

Not out of any rudeness, but he's a few strides behind the others, his red optics bearing down towards those no-good kids making off with the dwarf's wallet. You almost get the feeling he's torn between doing something about it or moving on.

Looking back at the others galvanizes him to abandon the aide for the moment, hurrying up and looking between the two bars. "This is hardly the time for you to become inebriated...." he offers, at entirely the wrong time.

2009-10-25, 11:04 AM
"Hey, hey, I don't want get to drunk. I just think it looks like a good place to start searching, is all."