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2009-09-20, 04:23 PM
Along the Coast
The trip had been long and tiresome, with nothing but counting birds or listening to the sounds of the ocean to keep oneself occupied. As the ship approached dry land the first sight was of a long plain filled with reeds of tall, green grass. In the distant horizon one could see the mountains from which the peninsula took it's name. Along with the group one other had accompanied them on the long trip. The pilot of the boat, a man named Spinner.

He wore a blue shirt and white slacks that hung loosely from his lanky frame. In addition to a pair of half-rim glasses a solid blue bandanna was worn atop his head, its loose fabric hanging down along his back to the waist. Now with nothing left to do until the team's mission was finished he had taken to sitting along the back of the boat, reading a text on "Veldt Migration Patterns" besides two caged messenger pigeons.

It was no matter, however, as the team was ready to be on their way. Map in hand, it was time to start.

Before leaving for the Doma Peninsula a Map was given to Ardel detailing the directions to the supposed outpost. To find it's location a Navigation Roll will be needed. The map provides a +20 Modifier to anyone who makes an attempt.

2009-09-20, 05:38 PM
Ardel looked about, unconciously tugging at the Bracelet Command had sent to him. He still wasn't used to wearing it. But he was a Soldier, and that meant doing things he didn't like sometimes.

"No use standing here. Any of you good with maps?"

Ardel's voice was gruff, pulling out the map he had been given, and waiting for a volunteer. He could do it, if nobody else, but there had to be somebody who was better at such things then him.

2009-09-20, 05:56 PM
Vidana peered over from her own seat on the boat, hearing Ardel's statement. She raised a hand slowly, and spoke, her voice timid, but thankfully, only in tone.

"I could... Um, well, I could take a look if you wanted... I'm fairly good with maps..."

She said this as she gazed out over at the horizon, after looking over at Ardel. It wouldn't be long now, then they'd be on dry land again.

2009-09-20, 06:28 PM
Ardel passed the map to the Black Mage carefully.

"Good. Find out which direction we need to head in, and then we can get going."

2009-09-20, 08:34 PM
Rereading the note the he had received before departing yet again he could on chuckle to himself. How nice of them to send me this musical instrument....a comb they call it....but I really don't see how it has anything to do with my apparent uncleanliness or odor.

Onward and upward I say, off into the deeps....no that can't be right....hmmm. Ah yes you gather a good starting direction and I can double check as we progress. Places not of the nature way of things tend to make a rather large imprint on the feel of the land and the more inland we get the stronger a feel I will be able to procure the earth. Yes indeed. Adrian pulls out the comb he had received and blew across it. Well, call me a purple toad, but I do believe this instrument happens to be defective. Either that or perhaps I am the defective partition of the ensemble. Indeed, indeed.

Gathering his things Adrian prepares to disembark the vessel. Up, up, and away my friends!!!! Do be a dear and point us in a nice steadfast direction, so that we may get a good leg in before tea!

2009-09-20, 09:30 PM
Coralie had been sitting with her feet dangling idly, rereading the note she had and looking at the silver bracelet around her wrist with an unpleasant, if resigned expression. Now though, she hopped to her feet and stretched her arms back over her head with a sigh of relief. She looked back at "Spinner," the captain of the boat and tossed him a very un-military salute which morphed into a wave.

"Thanks for the lift Captain!" She said with as much cheer as she could manage, before trotting over to the rest of the group. A quick glance told her that they were still deliberating on where to go. The black mage girl - Vidana, was it? currently was in possession of it, though Coralie dubiously wondered if she was going to just cast a spell or something to transport them there.
"So, any idea on where we're heading?" She asked unhelpfully.

2009-09-20, 09:36 PM
Vidana blinked a bit at Adrian's slight eccentricity, but chuckled slightly. He was a funny guy to have aboard. He helped relieve tension a bit when all was bleak. Truth be told, she rather liked the guy, even if he didn't carry the air of sophistication that many others of the Gestahl Empire did... but that's what she liked about him. Even if things were truly grim... Ah, but she was getting lost in her thoughts.

She looked over the map for a bit, trying to figure out a route to get to the encampment. She could do this, right?

Vidana's Navigation roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6968443&posted=1#post6968443)

2009-09-20, 10:18 PM
The Boat
With a half-hearted wave Spinner returned Coralie's sentiment, returning to his reading immediately afterward.

The Map

Though worn and faded, Vidana is able to clearly decipher the details of the map. It shows that the Outpost was located deep within a system of caves found to the northeast at the base of a river. Oddly, on the map it isn't labeled as an outpost but something else. Unfortunately it's written in Ancient and requires some further translation.

2009-09-20, 10:26 PM
Vidana nodded slightly, looking to the others. ""Well, I hope no one's afraid of dark places, because we're going through some caves it seems." She said with a slight sigh, mentally plotting a route. She peered at the faded letters in Ancient. With a careful eye, she tried to decipher the text.

Just watch, I can prove that I'm good at things just like anyone older than me, I can do it! she thought as she perused the words.

Language Roll: Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6968697&postcount=5)

2009-09-20, 10:32 PM
The Map
Like the rest of the map the letters are faded from age and difficult to decipher. Translating this portion of text will be difficult. Looking closely it appears to read "5 Midst of Delving " or something like that.

-20 to Skill Check

2009-09-20, 10:48 PM
Randolph, looking over Vidana's shoulder at the map, notices the faded Ancient writing.

"Excuse me, but I happen to be an expert on the Ancients. I can assist you, if you require it."

((What would the groupwork bonus be in this case?))

2009-09-20, 10:54 PM
Vidana nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Randolph's words, as she looked around quickly, spotting the man behind her. "S-Sorry for jumping there, you startled me," she said, peering off to the side for a moment, then back to the map.

"Well, perhaps a bit of help would be nice... All I can get is something about 'Five midst of Delving' or something like that," she said after her hands had stopped shaking.

2009-09-20, 11:03 PM
Ardel sighed, looking over at the two of them. He made a point of avoiding the Geomancer who seemed a bit... off, and Coralie. Coralie... he still wasn't sure how to deal with that situation. Best just finish up, and then hand her off to where ever she would go.

"Vidana, are we more then a day away from the Outpost?"

2009-09-20, 11:15 PM
Vidana looked over at Ardel, then held up a finger. "Um, just a minute Ardel, I'm trying to figure something out here," she said calmly, then looking back to Randolh, then back to the map.

"Alright, let's take a look at this," she said, as, with Randolph's promised help, she started to re-decipher the words shown.

Language (Ancient) with the +10 skill help from Randolph: Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6969031&postcount=6)

2009-09-20, 11:18 PM
The Map
Between Vidana and Mars the meaning of the faded words becomes clear. The text reads "Research Center 5".

2009-09-20, 11:19 PM
Coralie peered over Vidana's shoulder as she stared the map with interest. A second later though she stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, obviously she had no idea what it said. Secretly she wondered why the heck would someone give them a map that they couldn't read? Stupid Empire.

As she turned away she caught a glance at the tall gloomy fellow called Ardel. She grimaced mentally. That fellow was on the creepy side, and she just knew that out of the rest of the party members, it was likely he who was holding her chain.
"Well, even if we are more than a day away, it just means a little camping, right?" She said optimistically, trying to at least be civil to the dour faced man.

2009-09-20, 11:30 PM
Vidana scratched her head a bit. Research Center 5... Strange... She then looked back to Ardel, then the map, doing some mental calculations, nodded, and then looked back to Ardel. "Well, um, we should be at our location about an hour or two before nightfall," she said, folding the map up and putting it within the folds of her robes, stepping out and staring at the horizon.

She mulled the words she had seen over in her head. Why were they going to a research center? She decided though that perhaps it would be best to keep the location a secret. Maybe it meant nothing after all.

2009-09-20, 11:35 PM
Ardel shook his head, still not looking at Coralie.

"It means at least two, if not more nights spent in possibly hostile territory. Something to be avoided, if possible."

Ardel looked back toward Vidana, nodding at her words.

"We will make camp inside the Caves then. We can begin exploring them tomorrow. Best that we get started."

2009-09-20, 11:44 PM
"Roger that boss!" Coralie said heartily, shrugging off his previous pessimistic appraisal. As much as she didn't mind staying in the boat, Coralie was a mover, and at least going somewhere was better than standing here. She checked the small bag on her back to make sure it was in good order and then offered a thumbs up.

2009-09-20, 11:48 PM
Indeed, our man in black does have the right of things. Hitch up our skirts and tally forth, you know. Perhaps I can get this confounded musical instrument to work here soon and we shall dine with some fine musical entertainment. My treat of course.

Picking up his gear Adrian heads off in a random direction and takes several steps before pausing.

Oh I do say, I seem to be lacking a heading for our little adventure, if you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction my fine lady. Adrian directs toward Vidana with a flourish and bow.

2009-09-20, 11:57 PM
Vidana blinked, and flushed slightly at being called a 'fine lady,' - especially by Adrian - and pulled her hat down slightly to cover her face as she fumbled in her robes, pulling the map out again, looking over it.

"Well, if we're... Here," she said, putting her thumb around the coast, and looking around a bit. "That way... I think," she said, pointing off towards what she was certain was the right direction.

Navigation Result (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6969248&postcount=7)

2009-09-21, 12:06 AM
Ah, most appreciated I assure you. With a sharp 180 degree turn Adrian starts off again.

Don't be gone long be back sooooon, well I don't know why we're waiting. We got a trip to make before we take a a break..... Adrian beckons the group to follow him as he continues humming his little tune to himself.

Yes, yes I did just steal the tune from a musical.

2009-09-21, 12:09 AM
Ardel nodded at Vidana, and picked up the small pack of things he had brought along with him.

"Let's go then. Keep a keen eye. I have little doubt that the beasts in this place are as dangerous as those of the Empire. It would be best if we were not caught by suprise."

Especially as I don't know if any of you will be worth anything in a fight.

2009-09-21, 12:48 AM
Enroute to the Outpost
They walked for a few hours through the tall underbrush of the plains. So far there had been no sign of any wild beasts and the journey had gone mostly uninterrupted. A soft, cool breeze could be felt as they traveled northeast toward the caves. Though the mountains were far closer than when they had landed it would still be several hours before they reached their destination.

It was then during the routine trek that Coralie and Adrian noticed an oddity amongst the terrain. A dozen meters or so ahead of the group several sets of vine-like stems could be seen swaying back and forth above the surrounding mass of grass and reeds. Moving against the wind.

2009-09-21, 01:47 AM
Coralie grimaced and grit her teeth, starting to wonder if perhaps this mission was going to be more dangerous than the Empire had cooly let on. She kept her eyes on the moving grass, but raised her voice a little, so that the rest of the team could hear her.

"Umm, hey guys? Looks like something's comin' our way..."

2009-09-21, 01:54 AM
Ardel nodded. His hand went to his Sword, but he didn't draw it.

"Keep walking, and don't let it know we have seen it. What is it, Coralie?"

2009-09-21, 02:05 AM
Coralie squinted a little but then shook her head, reaching over her shoulder to feel the safety of her boomerang in her hand.
"I'm not sure, probably some kinda animal. Pack." She said correcting herself. "I see some vines moving over there. I'm not sure if it's coming at us though." She said as she pointed towards the swaying vines. Honestly monster hunting was not on her list of expertise.

2009-09-21, 10:24 AM
Vidana stared forward, spotting the strange vines. "One moment," she said calmly, looking over the beings. Perhaps she could figure out what they were. After all, she didn't spend all those hours studying in her own room for nothing after all!

Lore (Monster) Result: Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6970897&postcount=8)

2009-09-21, 11:58 AM
The Plains
Though swaying back and forth it appears that the group of vines are stationary, and it is difficult to tell whether they are hostile or not. Sadly, despite her training, Vidana is unable to identify them beyond the fact that it's some sort of plant-like creature.

2009-09-21, 12:14 PM
Looking shakily from side to side, Vidana gulped. "Er, um, move carefully everyone," she said tentatively. "I'm um... not sure what those are..." she added, pulling out the map and looking over it to confirm their heading,before putting it back in the folds of her robes.

2009-09-21, 01:04 PM
Vine soup is mighty tasty I do have to say not to mention various other fine attributes our most delicious roadblocks tend to bring along with them. Adrian piped up not bothering to be stealthy in any way, but also not bothering to make his presence know to the plants. Mmmm, yes. A little bit of garlic, a nice chunk of rock salt, maybe some of this dried jerky. Yes a most delicious soup indeed.

Entranced with the thought of vine soup, Adrian grasps his spear with both hands and starts walking towards the vines.

Adrian will continue on his path, unless someone gets his attention of course.

2009-09-21, 02:10 PM
Randolph grabs Adrian's shoulder and interjects. "These plants appear to be stationary. We're wasting time here trying to identify them. A fight would be pointless."

"Come now, Mars, you never let your guests have any fun." The markings on Randolph's arm writhe as a large black snake extends from his left arm. "You'll have to forgive him," it says, as though Randolph can't hear it, "he doesn't get out much." "Young man, I urge you. demonstrate to us your prowess," the snake coos.

"That's enough out of you. I say we find a simpler way around them."

2009-09-21, 03:04 PM
Ardel eyed the... thing coming out of Randolph's Arm with barely hidden annoyance.

"Randolph, please restrain your pet. I agree with you, however. There is not reason to risk ourselves in a confrontation."

Ardel looked about, trying to find some way around these Vines. They were here for a purpose, not to play with the wildlife.

Besides... I don't think Vine soup would taste that good.

2009-09-21, 04:38 PM
The Plains
The surrounding area is nothing but tall reeds of grass. Judging from the number of vines there are five of these creatures spaced out over the area immediately in front of the party. Navigating around the space immediately next to the plants could alert them to your presence while making a large detour would only add time to your overall trip to the caves.

Usually this wouldn't be much of a hassle, but unfortunately when night falls the more nocturnal, not to mention hungry, creatures come out to hunt.

2009-09-21, 04:54 PM
Ardel sighed. Avoiding them might mean that the group would meet something nastier. Trying to sneak past might get them attacked.

"Alright, decision time. Adrian, Randolph, Vidala, do you guys think we can sneak past them?"

Ardel omitted Coralie, for a number of reason. The kindest one was that he was certain she could do so.

2009-09-21, 04:59 PM
Vidana raised a small hand. "Sneaking would take time - but I think I can help a bit in clearing the way," she said timidly, putting her hand back down.

2009-09-21, 05:12 PM
Ardel looked at the Black Mage curiously. She really needed to learn to be a bit more aggressive.

"Is this the kind of clearing that will make those... whatever they are notice us?"

2009-09-21, 05:27 PM
"Only one group at a time, hopefully - They look like plants, yes? Well, then why not use fire?" she stated to the group. "If it doesn't clear them away, it'll at least leave them weakened enough that you others could destroy them after all... right?

2009-09-21, 08:45 PM
Coralie crossed her arms and shot Ardel a sullen look before turning away from the group huddle so she could watch the plants and the surrounding area. If they didn't want her input then fine. Stupid Imperials.

2009-09-21, 09:49 PM
Harrumph! I do not sneak. Unless of course there happens to be a pie cooling in a window, but then that really isn't sneaking as much as it is getting as close as I can before someone notices me and then making a mad dash in an opposing direction. Adrian says with a slight note of snobbishness, before thinking about Vivana's comment. I would highly suggest against fire, as that would most assuredly ruin any chances of making Vine soup in the aftermath. Although I suppose your thoughts on making things easier would definitely be the case, but still think of the lack of soup.

2009-09-22, 01:06 AM
Ardel sighed. If the team wanted to launch an attack on the creatures, then he wasn't going to over rule them. Of course, the one flaw to their plan was he was the only one of them that was armored enough to take a few hits, but he doubted that was their idea of a flaw.

"If we are going to attack them, let's do it quickly. Vidana, strike first, then I and Adrian will charge. Coralie, and Mars provide support."

Ardel looked about.

"Anybody disagree?"

2009-09-22, 01:23 AM
"Question!" Coralie announced, raising her hand. "What happens if there turns out to be a bunch of these things?"

2009-09-22, 03:49 AM
The Plain
While discussing the next course of action Ardel, Vidana, and Coralie suddenly realize that several of the plant-like vines are now about two meters closer. Yet upon noticing this the vines simply shake serenely and innocently in the breeze as if they'd been there all along.

2009-09-22, 03:04 PM
Well if there are a lot of them, then maybe enough unburned vines will survive the battle. Soup will be had!! Thinking over Ardel's proposed attack plan for a bit, and not seeing any immediate flaws in the plan Adrian decides to toss-in his two-gils worth.

I don't generally charge anything, the waste of energy is usually counterproductive in my experience with monster hunting. However, I also don't generally hunt in a party either. Hefting his spear into 'javelin position' Adrian declares, Onward to victory or let my rotting corpse give my enemy indigestion!!! Adrian makes ready to charge-in head first, just as soon as the fire is let loose.

2009-09-22, 03:07 PM
Ardel shrugged at Coralie's question.

"Then I hope Vidana burns them all. It appears that they are moving, so I treally think we should get started."

2009-09-22, 03:17 PM
Battle Start! Cue battle music...


2 of the plants are within melee distance. 3 are considered at range.

2009-09-22, 03:19 PM
Vidana nodded, taking a few steps forward and muttering a few words of power under her breath, and then finally, throwing her hands forward, a few arcane sigils appearing here and there in the air as she let loose with Fire on one of the strange plants.

Fire Acc. Casting Result (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6979146&postcount=9)

Unknown when Reptilus will be on, so here is my turn in battle when it comes up.

2009-09-22, 03:35 PM
Ardel sighed, drew his Sword, and turned to attack the closest of the Creatures. He hoped that Adrian would take care of the other close one. He levered an attack, swinging the Sword at the Creature.

Normal Attack. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6979261&postcount=10

2009-09-22, 04:36 PM
The Battle, Round 1
The blade easily cuts through the creature, cleaving it in two. Defeated, it falls to the ground with a *thud*. Nearby another of the creatures bursts into flame as Vidana's spell hits it's mark. Flailing it's vines back and forth it inevitably falls as well.

Due to the slow nature of PbP games generally when a group of people are set to act before an opponent in initiative, any of them can post their actions. This is simply a means to keep things moving. If anyone dislikes this policy let me know and I'll revert to the standard method. :smallsmile:


There is now 1 enemy in melee range and 2 enemies at a distance.

2009-09-22, 05:39 PM
Leaping with a forward thrust of his spear Adrian proclaims, "For Aardvarks and Vine Soup!"

Ooooh a Crit. I likey. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6979996&postcount=11)

2009-09-22, 09:13 PM
"I can't think of a better cause!" shouts Wrexsoul, as Randolph channels the energy for a simple Poison spell at the closest plant.

BAM (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6981327&postcount=12)

2009-09-22, 10:39 PM
The Battle
Bubbles of toxic liquid materialize about the creature, bursting to release a rain of acidic poison. Instead of melting into a pile of goop the plant seems unaffected by the attack and continues to wave it's vines about carelessly.

Moving forward another meter, a bit of a hop in it's step, the creature comes into full view. Four long vines protrude from a bloated, green sac supported by several root-like feet. At the top of the sac are several broad petals surrounding the creatures mouth.

Waving it's arms back and forth the plant begins to exude a light mist that falls over the party. A drowsy feeling begins to come over various members of the group, but fortunately they are able to quickly shake it off. Before it can attempt another attack, Adrian's assault pierces straight through the plant. Within moments, it's vines stop shaking and it slumps to the floor.


Two plants remain at a distance.

Sensor Results
Name: Grat
HP: 0
Immunity: Bio, Sleep, Poison
Weakness: Fire

2009-09-22, 11:04 PM
Coralie grimaced and then stepped into a loose stance, eying the party mages. She shook her head to clear the dizziness as she eyed the two remaining plants.
Getting near those vines didn't sound like a good idea though.
"Okay you oversized weeds, let's see if this will do!"
Briefly getting a feel for the wind, she hurls her boomerang at one of the two remaining plants at the distance.

Attack Roll! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6981951&posted=1#post6981951)

2009-09-22, 11:21 PM
The Battle
The boomerang flies swiftly through the air and immediately clonks one of the plants squarely in the mouth. Caught off balance it staggers backward slightly then topples over, completely defeated.

Outraged at it's allies defeat, the fifth and final plant hops forward. Waving it's vines in a frenzy, a familiar mist begins to fall over the party. As the fog surrounds the group, Ardel feels his eyelids getting heavier as he drifts off to sleep. Satisfied, the plant hops backward into the foliage.

Ardel: Sleep(3)

Initiative, Round 2
Ardel, Asleep

1 Enemy remaining, at a distance

2009-09-22, 11:34 PM
"Hey there now, this is a most inappropriate time to take a nap. Anywho one plant zapper coming right up." Adrian says as he conjures the power of the plains to his aid.

Zappp! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6982149&postcount=14)

2009-09-22, 11:51 PM
The Battle, Round 2
Beams of pure energy erupt around the Grat. Though stronger than it's fellows it cannot stand against the force of Adrian's assault and crumples to the earth, defeated. With that the last of the plants are defeated, ending the battle.

Da Da Da Dun. Dun. Dun. Da. Dun Dun
XP Reward: 115 each
Item Rewards: Players who wish to salvage any of the creatures remains for CP spoils must say so before items are revealed.

Ardel, Sleep (2)

Congratulations on completing your first battle! :smallcool:

2009-09-23, 12:02 AM
Well then, now that those things are out of the way time to wake up the sleepy-head. Adrian wanders over to Ardel and gives him a light 'tap' with his foot. Up and attum you bum.

Adrian will not scavenge this go about unless someone asks him about the soup or some other such thing having to do with scavenging.

2009-09-23, 12:36 AM
Coralie tosses her boomerang up into the air playfully, and then snags it out of the sky with a grin.
"Simple, simple!" She says in satisfaction. Her amused grin changes to surprise, and then briefly disdain before returning back to amusement as she looks at Ardel.
"Come'on sleepyhead! This is no time for a nap!" She says, squatting down and poking him on the nose with her index finger.

Coralie isn't interested in salvaging either~

Also, are you keeping track of our XP totals in the OOC thread?

2009-09-26, 09:49 PM
The Plains
After scavenging the Grats' remains for usable items, the team continued towards the caves. Having lost little time from the battle, they continued onward to their destination.

Hiking for several miles they eventually reach a river flowing southward. The water flows smoothly along the banks and appears to be quite deep. The distance to the opposite shore appears to be at least 4 meters wide.

Following Items were found amongst the Grats. Feel free to distribute them as you please.

Brown Beetle x 3: Restores 5 HP. A base component in some types of potions.
Grat Flower x 2: Cures Poison. The Nectar produced by Grats is known to remove many forms of toxic chemicals from the user's system.

If anyone decides to cross the river here, there is a +40 conditional modifier to swimming. +20 if the player is wearing Armor.