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View Full Version : [V:tM] Need some explanation on taking multiple actions

2009-09-20, 07:33 PM
So, I was looking through my old Vampire: the Masquerade books for the first time in years and idly considering running the game for my current gaming group. Now, I bought a bunch of these books in high school because they were a great read, but I've never actually played the game before.

Here's what I don't get: I understand the basic concept of splitting your dice pool to gain multiple actions in one turn, but a few things seem unclear to me.

A) How does it work when you have different dice totals for the actions you want to take. Let's say I want to roll Dex + Dodge and then Dex + Brawl, and my Brawl and my Dodge have different scores. Is my limit on total dice for the round the higher of the two? Or what?

B) What about when one of the actions I want to take doesn't require any dice? Like if I want to run towards my opponent and then roll Dex + Melee to hit him with a lead pipe, for example. Does running actually reduce my dice pool? By how much? Am I supposed to arbitrarily declare how many dice the running action will cost me? I don't get it.

Also, just to clarify, things like damage and soak rolls are completely independant and unaffected by how many actions you take, right?

2009-09-20, 08:52 PM
A) How does it work when you have different dice totals for the actions you want to take. Let's say I want to roll Dex + Dodge and then Dex + Brawl, and my Brawl and my Dodge have different scores. Is my limit on total dice for the round the higher of the two? Or what?

It kinda depends on edition, but it works easiest if the limit is the higher of the two. Especially since you can declare a dodge later and take dice out.

B) What about when one of the actions I want to take doesn't require any dice? Like if I want to run towards my opponent and then roll Dex + Melee to hit him with a lead pipe, for example. Does running actually reduce my dice pool? By how much? Am I supposed to arbitrarily declare how many dice the running action will cost me? I don't get it.

Also, just to clarify, things like damage and soak rolls are completely independant and unaffected by how many actions you take, right?

2009-09-20, 09:34 PM
It kinda depends on edition,

The book I have is for Vampire: the Masquerade Second Edition. I suppose I should have mentioned that originally. :smallbiggrin:

but it works easiest if the limit is the higher of the two. Especially since you can declare a dodge later and take dice out.

That's probably what I would have decided on my own as well. It really doesn't give us a specific rule for this??


Makes sense. So if I want to move and make 2 attacks in a turn, would it be one third? Or do non-dice actions always take half your dice pool? Otherwise, what's to stop someone from moving twice in one turn?

I've been going over the combat example in the back of the book, but all the characters use Celerity when taking multiple actions. Interestingly, I just noticed that the NPC actually divides his last Celerity action to grab both his friends so he can run away the next turn. I didn't realize you could do that, either.