View Full Version : My Webcomic: Awesomeness and Such

Chaos Nerd
2009-09-20, 08:40 PM
As a fairly-long-time reader of OotS, I figured this would be a good place to advertise my webcomic! The art style is a combination of the style used in OotS and my hand-drawing art style. The plot.....well, you'll just have to read and see :P

Oh, and one last thing: you'll have to register on the site the comic is hosted on (DrunkDuck.com) in order to leave comments and rate pages. I am hoping to get Awesomeness and Such it's own site soon, though >_>


Let me know what you think, and I hope you like it :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Oops, the original link had a typo somewhere I guess >_>

This one works. I checked.

2009-09-20, 09:42 PM
Well, I'll give anything a shot once...

Okay, first thing that strikes me is that the art is poor. Very much so. It's one thing to do a simplistic style, but it's another to do it well. In short, each strip looks like it was done in five minutes in MS Paint. You can see the rough pixels in the curves, there are almost no backgrounds, and copy/paste'd characters with only nominal changes from panel to panel. It just comes off as lazy and amateur-ish with no real effort put into it, which is a big turn-off.

Good story can make up for poor art, but the story is nothing to write home about either. Hero buys superpowers to fight crime or some-such, finds feisty girl to team up with while being attacked by mysterious assassin. These are all stock plot basics, but there is nothing to set them apart from any other story. That synopsis can apply to dozens of stories, and if you don't have anything to make it unique, it will be forgotten. It's generic, like a cake with no frosting. Of course, the plot hasn't kicked into gear yet, but even so, there's little here making me want to come back for more.

Overall, if you're hoping this comic to be successful, it will not be able to stand on its own merits. If you're doing it just for fun, that's fine. It may get a chuckle or two from your buddies, but it's nothing that's going to appeal to a broad audience.

Chaos Nerd
2009-09-21, 09:30 AM
Well, thanks for being honest. Truthfully this comic won't likely last too much longer anyway, since I only have it planned a bit further.......

2009-09-21, 10:07 AM
Then why did you make this thread?

Chaos Nerd
2009-09-21, 11:29 AM
I was originally planning on coming up with more ideas >_>

Plus I figured getting opinions on how good this comic was could help me out with future comics.

2009-09-21, 09:56 PM
If you want to make a successful comic, you'll need to do a lot of planning. You'll need a solid story, and professional looking art. The story needs to be well thought out, with a good idea where it's going to go. The art mainly needs to look clean and consistent. You can use a simplistic style as long as it doesn't look sloppy.

Basically, put a good amount of effort into this. This isn't something you can just throw together.

2009-09-30, 10:02 PM
Chaos Nerd you posted on the site that Awsomeness and Such would not be ending soon, but here you say it is. I know this is probably a recent decision, but since you have not updated your post, it does conjure a few questions, atleast from anybody that noticed.