View Full Version : K-B's D&D Game IC

2009-09-21, 07:56 AM
The world was as it has always been.
Dwarves argue with gnomes about mountain boundaries.
Elves and orcs squabble over each others beliefs.
And Goblins fight with everyone about everything, including each other.
While it may not be perfect, the world goes round with minimal fuss thanks to the Grand Council.

Appointed by the Gods themselves the Grand Council is made up of one representative from each of the destined races; Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes and Orcs. These form the High Council.
These representatives are chosen not by mortal methods as kings and chiefs are, they are chosen for their ability to give unbiased judgement by the head of each races pantheon; Corellon Larethian, Moradin, Yondalla, Garl Glittergold and Gruumsh. In the case of humans their representative is chosen by the god who at the time is the most widely revered, in this lifetime that is Pelor.

Due to divine riots among the lesser deities an era ago the Council is now attended by a representative from the other races that are recognised as sentient and societal; kobolds, goblins, pixies etc. These form the Great Council, which is not subservient to the High Council, but simply a second tier added to include those races not born at the start of time as the others were. One group noticeably missing from either council is the dragons. This is because neither Tiamat nor Bahamut would set their differences aside and allow a representative to sit with one of the others creations.
The Council is charged with upholding the stability of the world. It is of course impossible to prevent conflict outright, either between different races or indeed amongst themselves. But for the most part, through negotiation and sparing intervention, the Council generally keeps the world in balance.

Then the mists came.

No one is entirely sure what the mist is or where it came from. Diviner’s attempts to reveal their origins fail, and clerics receive no answer from the Gods.
All anyone knows is that if you are caught in the mists you vanish forever.
At first there was an outbreak of paranoia and blame laying. It looked like all nations were going to turn on one another and erupt in the first world wide war. However through mediation by the High and Great Councils the world slowly returned to almost normal. Within a year it became an unwritten rule that if you saw a mist cloud heading towards a settlement, you alerted them, regardless of who it was or how you felt by them.
And so life returned to its way of ebb and flow. Until the unthinkable happened.

The mists swept over the island base of the Grand Council and they vanished like everything else.

You are in the most infuriating forest known to mortal kind. Everywhere you look it seems that a clear path is available, but with every step a stray branch clings to you, or a camouflaged dip makes you lose you balance and fall against the detritus strewn on the floor.

Despite this, as you make your way through you can't help but notice just how beautiful it is. The canopy is a rainbow of green hues, with all manner of birds and tiny animals flitting between the trees.

As you continue on you can finally make out your destination. A natural clearing with The Gateway in its centre, the one entrance to the hidden city of Renston. As you enter the clearing it becomes clear that you were not the only one summoned to the kings aid. Others are already waiting or entering as you are.

Ok. Feel free to interact once you're in the clearing, describe your entrance etc. Everyone in the clearing is a player. I'll post after everybody else has at least once.

The clearing is an uneven circle about 20 feet across with The Gateway in the middle. Above you the tree tops are sparse allowing lots of sunlight through, but still poviding sufficient shade.

The Gateway is a stone circle, maybe 5 inches tall, on the ground about 6 feet in diameter. The top is carved with extraordinarily complex runes and patterns.

Strewn haphazardy around the clearing there are flattened and smoothed rocks that could function as seats.

2009-09-21, 09:05 AM
Aelyn slowly makes her way through the forest. She is delayed not only by the forest's hostility but also by her own pauses every few minutes to watch the glory of nature. Every bird that passes by catches a moment of her attention, as do the green sunlight on the ground, the occasional lightning-struck tree, hanging vines, particularly tall trees, the occasional animal...

In the face of the splendor of nature, she is hardly bothered by the branches and dips and whatnot. Vaugely she wonders if they might not be caused by a protective spell, but this thought demands no more than a hidden corner of her mind.

As she approaches the clearing, it seems almost as though she's looking for something while admiring nature's beauty.

Is it alright if I claim green for my IC speech?

2009-09-21, 09:45 AM
Slow going is the name of the game for the poor Tinkerer. And loud as well. The forest itself seemed hostile to his intrusion. When his cloak wasn't caught on a tree, his foot slid itself under a root; when he wasn't on his stomach trying to recover himself, he was on his bottom making sure his dearly cared for items were not damaged.

The Tinkerer was, in fact, far more clumsy than he would normally be. This was no doubt aided by the beauty that surrounded him. Wherever he looked, he saw wonders and beauty that he would never have seen in the city. The many colours hypnotized him, sending his thought careening with wonder (and shortly thereafter, sending his self careening as well, no doubt). The animals would dance and flit about the forest, almost as though they were curious of the bumbling spectacle that was the Tinkerer.

As he was about to take another break, feeling the tendrils of fatigue beginning to creep into his limbs yet again, he managed himself into a particularly spectacular fall. Walking on a fallen tree trunk he was using for a bridge over a short hedge, he didn't notice the sheen of loose moss and slipped directly onto a bramble bush, tumbling head-over-heels. The clatter and mettalic din sending birds flying and squirrles scrambling away.

Being somwhat inverted on what he suddenly realized was a bush at the edge of a clearing and realizing that he is somewhat more caught than usual, he considered himself fortunate to see a young woman wandering about the clearing.

"Pardon me, Miss" He managed between struggles with his caught clothing, "Would you be able to give me a hand? I seem to have found myself in quite the tangle."

Quandry is a young-looking Gnome with long white hair, tied back in a ponytail and a trimmed goatee. His clothing looks to be of good make, though it seems well worn for reasons that you could probably imagine. Various stains, tears and burn marks colour his dress.

Conversely, his equipment looks to be in top working order. Almost everything on his person seemingly painstakingly customized and tweaked.

Indigo good?

2009-09-21, 03:09 PM
"Oh... yes. That you have."

The elf made her way towards the gnome, tucking her long emerald hair under her clothes as she did so. Her silver eyes pierced the puzzle that was the bush for a moment before reaching in to snap off a bit of bramble that had become caught in the gnome's cloak. She looked at her hand for a moment before carefully placing the shoot on the ground near her and reaching in to untangle some of the rest of the bush.

After extricating the gnome, she walks back to the clearing - taking the shoot with her - and sits on a reasonably flat rock, picking a few berries off the plant. Though she continues to look at the wonders around her, she cannot hide her curiosity regarding the newcomer and soon speaks up again.

"I assume you are here because of the medallion, then?" she asks, pulling her own out of a pocket in her clothing.

2009-09-21, 03:21 PM
Gher slowly picks his way through the forest, stopping every few feet to keep his clothing from getting snagged. The place his new medallion was leading him to seemed to be determined to keep him out. That the forest knows how he got it, is the foremost thing on his mind.

"I really hope this king doesn't expect that other guy instead of me...", Gher mutters softly, as he thrashes his way through the next tangle. Up ahead, it seems there is a clearing, and maybe his destination, he hopes. There also seem to be people up ahead, if the noise is any indicator.

"Let's hope these folks don't expect the other guy...", he mutters again. It seems there's nothing left but to screw up his courage and push forward. He slowly works his way through the last few bushes and trees into the clearing.

The first thing apparent is a gnome, hanging upside down in a bush, and an elf maid who seems to be assisting him. He moves over to them, to possibly make some new friends, and find out what is going on. He sees the elf pull out a medallion, just like his. "Hmm, you got one of those too?", he asks.

Gher is a human, barely out of boyhood. His shoulder length brown hair is raggedly cut, tangled and matted in places. His piercing blue eyes dart this way and that, as if he's trying to take in everything at once.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-21, 03:58 PM
Anna is cautiously walking through what she thinks is a path until it ends. Crap... I have almost no idea where I'm going. Anna continues walking until something catches her leg and she trips, ...Ouch, that one hurt Anna says as she rubs her head.

Wait, I hear something from ahead. Hello, can anyone hear me? I seem to be a little lost. Anna continues walking towards the voices because they seem to be conversing about the Medallion.

I was wondering if one of you could help me find an entrance to Renston as I was given a summons. As Anna finishes her sentence she enters an area that is seemingly devoid of tree life but catches herself on a small outgrowth and falls. This is unfair, Anna says sort of pouting I'm not usually that clumsy.

Anna turns to face the closest voice and puts our her hand, Hi, I'm Anna. And you are?

Anna is a little taller than 5 feet and has entered adulthood a few years prior. She is wearing a black cloak with a hood that is covering her face. Under the hood she is wearing a blindfold over her eyes and her long blue hair is hidden under the cloak. Anna's cloak is slightly baggy giving her enough room to move comfortably and is tight enough to stick to her.

2009-09-21, 04:28 PM
Pleasantly surprised that, mid-exctrication, another friendly body appeared to help separate him from his floral hurdle, the Tinkerer quickly offered his thanks while brushing the last of the nettles from his clothing.

"Why, why thank you very much. I'm afraid I've had about enough of blundering through the forest for the moment, thank you."

He pulls his packs off and checks them all for rips and possible damage, cleaning away nettles and thorns.

Looking toward both of his compatriots he says,"Indeed I do, in fact! Are you the one to whom they belong?", and after a moment of thought, "Oh! I didn't steal it! I swear! I found it after falling off the worn path, shall we say, and was told that it would lead me where I needed to go."

In the middle of his explanation of his innocence and fully engaged in the conversation, you could imagine his surprise as a young woman suddenly appearing from the hedge. With a bit of a jump, he turned to face the new arrival and calmed visibly as she explained and introduced herself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Anna. And two the two of you as well, thank you greatly for giving me a hand with that. I've been told I'm a bit clumsy. My name is Conundrum Enigma Perplexivus. But please, since you helped me out of that situation, call me Quandary." He reaches up and vigorously shakes the proffered hand, bowing slightly to the rest. "And who might my two sapling saviors be?."

2009-09-21, 04:51 PM
"My name is Aelyn," the elf responds. "I didn't send the medallions, though. All I know about them is that the seal is of Renston - though the message made that obvious." She turns to the human female. "Anna, in this clearing, there's some sort of portal - I think it will take us to Renston." She backs away, a little shyly, from the crowd after shaking Anna's hand.

Not had a good point to bring it up yet, but her skin is a darkish tan, like most wood elves.

2009-09-21, 05:10 PM
"I'm Gher, pleased to meet you all.", Gher says, and offers his hand to any who'll take it.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-21, 05:17 PM
Anna Turns to Gher and bows. It is a pleasure to meet you, Gher.

2009-09-21, 10:01 PM
Isri walked through the forest, giving the forest an annoyed glare as he went. It irked him that he, a priest of the god of the elves and an elf himself, should have difficulty navigating a forest. He realised, of course, that he wasn't much of a woodsman, and his home town of Serestal was far more urban than most elven cities, given over as it was more to marble and moonstone and the like than to trees and wood, but it still annoyed him.

"Corellon, guide me. I can't possibly solve this mystery and restore peace to the world if I can't even get where I need to go." He prayed aloud, pausing briefly to glance skyward. He took a moment to take a deep breath and center himself, and pressed onwards. Soon he came to a clearing full of people. It seemed he had found his destination. He stepped into the clearing, blinking a bit against the sudden sunlight.

"I presume that you all were also summoned here?" He asks calmly in a clear tenor voice, surveying the people before him and clasping his hands in front of him. He nods to each in turn and smiles warmly.

Isri is short, even by elven standards, and wears gleaming silver-coloured chainmail under a sky blue tabard with a silver crescent moon embroidered on it in silver thread, with a sky-blue cloak. A large silver pendant shaped like a crescent moon hangs about his neck, and a silver circlet repeating the crescent moon motif is worn at his forehead. He appears to be your typical kind, friendly priest of Corellon Larethian, god of the Elves, which perhaps makes his black skin, red eyes and long white hair all the more unsettling. Quite obviously a drow, though he seems barely bothered by the sunlight. He's very short, even by elven standards, standing a mere 4'7.

2009-09-21, 11:00 PM
Instinctively, Aelyn stands and her left hand rises to her neck, but it falls before reaching the handle of her weapon. "You are... a drow? Serving the Protector?" She falls silent but raises her medallion into view once again.

Oh yeah, she's a lefty.

2009-09-21, 11:38 PM
Isri nods and chuckles.

"Yes. People are often surprised by that, I find." He smiles. "But we are all Corellon's children, are we not? I suppose in the end it really isn't that strange. I am after all an elf, just as you are." He removes his medallion from underneath his chainmail and holds it up for the group to see.

"Ahh, forgive my rudeness. I am Isri Arellan, a priest of Corellon Larethian."

2009-09-22, 12:28 AM
"Aelyn," the elven woman repeats simply. Despite her sudden silence at the newcomer's presence, her manner is not cold; she simply lacks the warmth the cleric has. "Aelyn Kiirnodel." She pockets her medallion again before passing her gaze over each of her new companions in turn. "And what now?" she whispers quietly in the elven tongue.

Thanks to the medallions, I guess everyone can translate the last name. It comes out to "moongem" or something like - "kiir" for gem and "nodel" for moon, plus the random switching of syllables that elven last names seem to have.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-22, 03:13 AM
A Drow, Anna said as her face lit up with excitement. I've never met a Drow before. Could you please describe yourself to me?

Anna turned towards the man named Isri and extended her hand as a sign of peace. My mother told me once that Drows are evil creatures, but you don't seem evil at all. If anything you seem very friendly. Anna started to walk towards the man Isri, realized she was being overly friendly and backs off slowly while retracting her hand. Sorry, its just I've never met a Drow before.

Anna started to collect her thoughts and said, So, who wants to lead into the magic portal?

2009-09-22, 07:29 AM
As you introduce yourselves to each other the portal in the centre of the clearing chimes a single sonorous note, and the intricate patterns upon it begin to glow red, light running across them like water through carved channels.

Once the symbols are covered in their entirety the light erupts upwards piercing the canopy. As it does so it turns dark; the colour of blood, and an enormous, vaguely humanoid shape begins to appear.

12 feet tall and truly horrifying to behold it's bat-like wings are wrapped around it like an monstrous cloak, it's horns and fangs the length of a human arm each. A forked tail whips around it, the crack igniting the air. It looks down at you, it's snarling growl seeming to burn your very soul.

Any manner of wildlife has long since evacuated the clearing.

Begins rolling dice. Grins like a maniac and laughs like an evil genius. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-22, 07:39 AM
Beginning to Re-introduce himself to the newcomer, his eyes immediately alight toward the activating portal, belying his usual inability to spot things. His curiosity running rampant he was about to approach the mystical device when he noticed the monsterous figure looming above it.

"...Conundrum Enigma Perplexivus, pleased to.... oh... Oh my..."

2009-09-22, 09:44 AM
Ok, here's the plan. Isri, you provide the deus; I'll reroll Al Bhed and provide the machina. We do some fancy stuff and win game. Sound good?
Aelyn stumbles backwards at the appearance of the newcomer. For the third time she presents her medallion and attempts to speak, but her mouth has gone completely dry.

"We... We are all here to see king Lexetrin Dal-Sayder at his request. Will you let us pass?"

2009-09-22, 09:56 AM
The monsterous being looks down at the Elf and laughs. "The Summons were sent to great heroes, you are nothing but children. Be gone from my sight mortals."

It's voice is so loud and deep it literally shakes you.

2009-09-22, 10:54 AM
Gher looks about frantically, for a second or two, before realizing there's nowhere to run. Mustering what courage he has, Gher moves forward and attempts to boldly proclaim, "So what if we're children? We're the ones who've been summoned, so perhaps we'll become the mighty heroes that are needed?" as he presents the Medallion to the beast.

Bluff [roll0] (to hide just how frightened Gher really is, and possibly to act like a potential hero)
Diplomacy [roll1] (to hopefully convince it that we really are the ones the king is looking for, +5 more if the medallion bonus applies)

2009-09-22, 11:06 AM
Isri snorts and looks levelly up at the figure, though a twinge of annoyance can be perceived on his face.

"Children, you say? I am hardly a child. Even if I were, or the others here were, what would that even matter? History is full of legends of children who saved their towns or countries or even their worlds. It is hardly arguable that they were not, in fact, great heroes. And I am already known as a hero among my people. I cannot speak for the rest of these people, but I am sure that they too are either already heroes, or have the potential to become heroes." He smiles.

"The gods and fate seldom do things for no reason. That we five are here is surely not a coincidence." He pauses and grins roguishly. "Whatever the reason, we are the ones who came here. Whether we are 'worthy' or not, I don't think it possible to judge yet, not by you or by any one. The proof will be in what we are able to accomplish." He pauses again and shrugs.

"Of course, we can just leave. I'm sure the king will be disappointed that no one answered his summons in that case, but, well, it's hardly my fault then, now is it? I will simply have to pursue a different course in my search for a way to stop the mists and determine the fate of the council and the others who have disappeared. You're hardly going to stop me from that. But if you prefer to stop this foolishness and allow us to do what we've come here to do, then stand aside and let us through to see the king. Either way, we do not have time to waste."

RoyalBlue for this post, bit easier to read for longer text lengths. :p
Diplomacy if you want it: [roll0]

Edit: Why in god's name am I incapable of rolling over a 9 lately? :smalleek:

2009-09-22, 11:20 AM
Looking at the booming creature that towers over him, it took more than a minute for the Tinkerer to gather his courage. For the most part, he sat back staring at the nightmare. That was until his companions spoke up.

Gathering strength from his companion's bravery he stood himself taller, his items making various clanking sounds as he straightened to his full three feet. He begins speaking rather quietly, but gradually builds up to a more full and serious tone as his confidence builds up.

"W..Well pardon me, sir, but but but while we may not be acclaimed heroes, it does seem as though the King is indeed in need of help. I mean, the medallion didn't say any names, if it had someone in mind, like you say. And I might not be the most towering of Barbarians or the most powerful of Sorcerors, but I have my skills and abilities, and I DID just trudge across a good deal of country to help, and I would like to be given the opportunity to do so!"

Can I try to identify what this creature is?
Knowledge: The Planes [roll0]

2009-09-22, 12:05 PM
I'd call that DC15, mostly because I feel like it.
For hitting the DC: It looks like a Pit Fiend, a powerful Outsider from the Nine Hells of Baator.

+1 info for beating the DC by 5: Pit Fiends are at the top of the diabolical hierarchy, often serving the Archdukes themselves.

+1 info for beating the DC by 10: Pit Fiends are notorious for their cunning and cruelty, often waiting decades before initiating a plan. They constantly seek ways to snare greedy mortals with impossibly complicated contracts and use their souls to fuel their bid to climb the ranks to Archdukedom themselves.

"You speak with unexpected fire. Perhaps you are worthy after all. Only time will tell."

With a second vertical flash the beast vanishes and is replaced with a human man in red robes. He looks to be in his 50's judging by his balding head. He bears a darkwood staff with a ruby embedded in its tip.

"It seems the Guardian has deemed you worthy. Present your Medallion and we shall continue on."

2009-09-22, 12:40 PM
Aelyn drops to one knee for a moment, her head bowed, but not in a gesture of respect. "I thank you for not harming the forest, sir." She straightens up and approaches the man, pocketing her medallion. "I am glad you have deemed us worthy, and as you have seen my medallion already, I await your next instruction." Her eyes flick momentarily towards the tip of the man's staff and the name of the Witch Goddess comes to her mind, but she says nothing more.

2009-09-22, 12:58 PM
The Tinkerer moves toward the older man and grasps the medallion hanging around his neck and pulls it forward, making sure it is fully visible.

"Hello, sir. My name is Conundrum Enigma Perplexivus. I am adept in the mental powers of Artifice and am here to help. Who might you be?"

His eyes scanning left and right as he approaches the older man he introduces himself with a bit of a flourish to the older man, bowing deeply and causing a few things to clatter around his person.

After approaching closer, his eyes are drawn toward the mage's staff and you can almost hear a whispered "Oooh" escape his lips.

2009-09-22, 02:07 PM
Visibly relieved by the monstrosity's departure, Gher steps forward with the medallion plainly visible as well. Looking to the newly arrived man, he fidgets a bit, shifting balance from one foot to the next. "I...I guess I'm ready to continue as well. How do we proceed?"

Kin Silvion
2009-09-22, 03:36 PM
Anna bows towards the man who just appears and introduces herself while bowing, I am Anna Maxell, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Anna says as she pulls up her sleeve to show the Medallion.

Anna steps on the portal nearly tripping herself as she does so but catching herself at the last second. I hope that we may meet again some time soon.

2009-09-22, 08:12 PM
Isri shows his as well, inclining his head in acknowledgement, a wry smile of amusement on his face.

2009-09-23, 09:18 AM
Apparently satisfied with the medallions the mage takes a step back to stand at the far side of the platform from you.

"Please join me on the teleportation circle and I shall grant you access to the city."

((I'll assume you all do it without a fuss, if I'm wrong let me know and I'll adjust.))

With everyone in position (it's a tight squeeze admittedly) the mage speaks a few incomprehensible words (even the power of the Medallions doesn't translate them) and taps his staff on the stone circle. Once again the lines beneath your feet fill with red light, and as it shoots vertically upwards the now blood red forest scenery shifts to stone walls.

When the light fades the mage invites you to disembark the stone circle. You are in a plain grey square room no bigger than the clearing you just left, with a wooden door on one side. There are two guards in highly polished silver armour, each bearing a shield with the Renston crest emblazoned on it.

"Please follow me, try not to fall behind."

With that the Mage taps his staff against the wooden door, and various locking mechanisms open and slide apart. In front of you is a similarly built corridor with torches lining the walls and an upward slope to it. As you follow up the corridor (it's wide enough for two to walk abreast) the mage addresses you without turning around or breaking stride.

"My name is Tayor, I am a Wizard in the service of King Lexetrin. It is an honour to make your collecive acquaintances, although I must profess a certain amount of curiosity with regard to your purpose here. I know the king had the Medallions forged to bring together those who could help him with an issue, but I'm too low down the chain to be told why. Could any of you shed any light on the matter?"

After a full minute of walking you reach the end of the stone corridor,which opens directly into an open air street. The passage behind the doorway seems to slope directly into the ground, a hinged metal gate is attached to it, and another, slightly less armoured guard greets the group with a salute.

"I am afraid that the King is fully occupied until this evening, so please feel free to acquaint yourselves with the city until then. You are requested to be present at the castle no later than sundown to dine with his Majesty. Thank you."

And with a low bow he departs back down the tunnel you just came from, the guard closing the gate behind him.

Renston is a relatively busy cityscape, lines of buildings (mostly stone with wooden roofs) separated by cobbled streets, people (mostly Human, but about 5-10% seem to be of various demi-human races) walking everywhere. The occasional guard can be seen wearing highly polished half-plate armour. A nearby sundial shows it to be approximately one o'clock in the afternoon, so you have about five hours before you are required to be at the castle, alhough you could probably just go there now if you wanted to.

2009-09-23, 09:41 AM
The Tinkerer walks around with a bit of a smug smile. The magical teleportation apparatus was intriguing, as was the Mage who guided them through it, and being back in a city makes him feel good.

"Well, my friends, it seems we are left to our own devices for the time being and that we're probably going to be together for some time. It also seems as though whoever was supposed to be summoned has arrived, so I think we might begin with some more thorough introductions? If we could find a sitting room or a delicous bakery we might be more capable of telling a bit about ourselves than out in this street. The extra bit of privacy couldn't possibly hurt. I mean, we really don't know why we're here. Do we?"

2009-09-23, 11:07 AM
"A good idea. It'd be good to get to know each other a little better, especially if we're going to be depending on each other. Let me see if I can find someplace private for us to talk."

Gher then looks for a likely passer-by to ask for directions to the nearest good restaurant or other similar establishment is. As he moves away from the group, it seems as if he's standing a little taller, his hair straightens, and his general look seems less like a runaway child and more like a man of quality.

Spot (to find a likely mark, err man to question) [roll0]
Using Hat of Disguise to look like new description above. Disguise [roll1]
I'll look around for a few minutes before picking someone, preferably someone who wasn't in the area when I changed my face. Also, I'm going to try to wait until none of the guards seem to be looking in my general direction.

"Pardon me, my good man, but I've only recently arrived in town and was wondering if you could direct me to a restaurant of quality. I'd make it worth your while, if you could.", Gher says as he offers the man three silver coins.

After the man takes the coin, I'll take note of where he puts them, because I intend to get them back, along with a few of his, as well. Once he's given me some directions and is getting ready to continue on his way, I'll make my play.
Sleight of Hand [roll2] to get my coins back, plus a few more (no more than 3)
Int Check [roll3] to tell what type of coin I'm grabbing by feel
Then I'll nonchalantly wander back to the group, making a circuit of the plaza, and changing back to Gher's regular look before I reach the rest.

2009-09-23, 11:47 AM
Gher quickly comes across a man who seems to know the area judging by his purposeful strides. Approaching him the man initially tries to ignore you, but seeing the coins he does indeed stop.

"Well that all depends on your tastes, although I suppose you can't go wrong with the Silver Talon, I sometimes see royal aides dining there so I assume the quality can't be called into contention."

He takes the coins and flips them between his fingers before depositing them into a purse in his pocket.

As he thanks you and moves off Gher knocks into him and reaches into his pocket, managing to sneak a couple of coins out, and move away, apologising profusely to the man.

Circling back to where the group was Gher subdues his magical disguise and checks his winings, only to be dismayed when he sees one of his silver coins, plus a pair of copper. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. At least he knew better for next time, the cheaper forging methods of copper coins left an uneven rim on the coins.

-3sp +1sp/2cp = -1sp/8cp from your funds. You did roll a 4 after all, but jail seems a bit harsh so soon.
On the plus side you rolled a 19 on your Int check, so the DC just got lowered as a reward :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-23, 01:43 PM
Gher gets back to everyone else, having taken a circuitous route back, asking others along the way about the pricing, accommodations, and more general information about the Silver Talon.
Gather Information [roll0] to get details.
I'll wait till I get the details to actually report back to the group, so we can decide if this is where we want to have our chat or pick someplace else.

2009-09-23, 02:16 PM
"Hey, I've found just the kind of place we're looking for. A restaurant called the Silver Talon. Seems a bit pricey, but it should have the right amount of privacy for us."

2009-09-23, 03:12 PM
Aelyn bites her lip, but nods at the suggestion. "I admit, I would not mind the food, and I am sure some of us" - here her eyes flick almost imperceptibly towards the gnome - "would not mind sitting willingly at least once today. Lead on, then."

2009-09-23, 03:26 PM
"I certainly wouldn't. Not at all.", the Tinkerer happily states as he begins following Gher.

2009-09-23, 03:36 PM
((If you don't want to follow Gher feel free not to. I'll post for you afterwards.))

Moving off the restaurant is pretty easy to find. It is a stone building, the bricks painted a pale blue. An emblem bearing a large silver eagle's talon is above the door. There are a pair of large windows, one on either side of the door that let light pour into the building.

At the entrance you are greeted by a Human woman, in her mid 20's by the look of her. "Welcome to the Silver Talon, how big is your party?"

2009-09-23, 03:39 PM
"Hello Miss. My name is Conundrum Enigma Perplexivus, it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance." say's the Tinkerer as he bows slightly. "Could we have a table for five? Preferably a booth with a bit of privacy."

Kin Silvion
2009-09-23, 06:14 PM
Four, actually. I'm sorry, but I will have to decline on this offer. As Anna says this she turns and leaves to go find a street that sounds fairly busy and creates a sign that reads "Fortune Telling 1sp per fortune" and sits down to wait for customers.

Profession check:

Fortune Check:

2009-09-23, 06:24 PM
"Ah..." The elf pauses, unhappy to see Anna go but unwilling to speak up to someone she doesn't know very well. "Alright. See you later, I guess." She turns to the drow. "Isri, you will stay?" There is a very slight edge of desperation to her voice.


2009-09-24, 03:33 AM
"Of course. I should see if this city has a temple devoted to Corellon, but it can wait a bit, certainly." He smiles and joins the others in the restaurant.

2009-09-24, 08:54 AM

Setting up shop a few streets away things alternate between children wanting a fortune with no money to pay for it, and people who seem to be debating whether you're homeless or not. A couple of people sound like they're considering it before moving on. A pair also listen to their fortune and then run off without handing over payment, laughing like a pair of Feebleminded Kobolds.

Eventually you do get a couple of legitimate customers. The first is a girl in her 20's who hands over a silver piece on the condition that she can stroke your "pet bat" because she's never seen one before.

The other is a man late on in life by the sound of his voice. Though he listens to you're words he seems to be in a hurry to move on.

You get 2sp for an hours work. Which is why I think so many people become adventurers :smalltongue:
Everybody Else

"Four it is. That will be a silver piece each to be seen to your table. And while gratuities are discretionary, 15% of the bill is considered appropriate."

Assuming you pay she walks you to a square table on the right hand side of the establishment. There are a dozen tables of varying sizes within, most of them currently in use. Your table and chairs are highly polished darkwood, and a heatless torch on the wall combined with the huge windows give plenty of illumination.

Before you sit down she speaks to Quandry. "If you wish sir, we have more ergonomically designed seats for patrons of shorter stature."

Either way once everyone is sat down she produces four menus, takes everyone's orders, and ten minutes later you each have your meal in front of you.

"I hope you enjoy yourselves." She gives a slight bow and departs.

Feel free to make up a meal as long as its a little bit fancy.

2009-09-24, 10:01 AM
"Why yes, I'd appreciate one of those chairs, thank you."

After having sat down and ordered from his menu, the Tinkerer begins to speak. "So, I suppose I'll start first, having recommended this course of action. I introduced myself earlier, but please, call me Quandary as we'll be working together, it seems."

"I am pretty good with my hands. I personally created just about everything I'm carrying with me. I can create Arms, Armor, Alchemical items and tools. I'm also a bit of a gemcutter and sculptor, but that's more of a hobby."

He digs through his pack and pulls out what looks like a pulp magazine with the title being "The Minds Eye" and detaches a small pyramid that was hanging from his shoulder.

"I don't know if you'd exactly say that I'm Psionically attuned, but I definitely harness the energies of the mind in my work. I can infuse certain abilities into things, such as weapons or armor. It takes some time, but if we have an idea of what is waiting for us, it can be quite useful."

"I can also create Power Stones which I can use to channel powers and I can scribe tattoo's on myself and any willing compatriots. The benefit of this being that anyone can benefit from them, it doesn't require me to activate.

Semi-oblivious during his rambling, the Tinkerer was surprised to find that not only had his seafood dish arrived, but it had apparently also been lit on fire.

"Oh my... I may need to brush up on my local cuisines. How about you introduce yourself next, Miss Irsi, was it? Or you Miss Aelyn? My food seems to be on fire."

2009-09-24, 02:27 PM
Isri's lips quirk into a wry smile and he raises an eyebrow, chuckling.

"Isri, and I am not a female. My life would have been very, very different if I had been." He clasps his hands in front of him and ponders his salad for a moment. "Indeed, human food I often find to be quite strange. An elf would take these vegetables and enjoy their flavours as-is, but the humans feel the need to douse them in some kind of sauce and dairy products. As well as, apparently, setting their food on fire." He shrugs.

"Different cultures do things differently. Well, you were asking me about myself. I am, quite obviously I imagine, a priest of Corellon Larethian, the Protector and Creator of the Elven people. I have served at a temple devoted to him in the holy Elven city of Serestal for several decades now, though I'd been on the surface for a couple of decades before that. Before that I lived in the underdark, unsurprisingly. It is something of a long story, but perhaps I shall tell it to you sometime."

"We've been concerned in Serestal for some time about the disappearances, especially once the council disappeared. I am something of a wanderer normally, as I tend to try to forge peace between my people and the other races, and to try to find fellow drow to lead to the light, so when this medallion came, I volunteered to come here, along with several others, and I was chosen to make the journey, since it was felt that I was qualified. Though, a rival of mine who has never trusted me was my strongest supporter in that, presumably he finds me... Expendable." He smirks. "Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"

"Ahh, do not hesitate to ask me for healing should you become injured. Corellon grants me spells as a priest, and they are of course intended to protect and preserve the lives of others."

2009-09-24, 02:39 PM
Aelyn squints at her menu for a moment, attempting to make out the Common translation of the dish she is interested in. By the time the waitress takes her order, however, she has deemed the word nigh-unpronounceable and is wondering how the human patrons might order the dish.

"I would like the Çeldõrnma, please," she tells the waitress, and listens to the gnome's yarn.

What she receives is a noodle-type soup with "pillows" of noodle stuffed alternately with bite-sized fish and berries.

Think udon noodles + ravioli + broth. Didn't want to use those words, but I'm not sure I described it well without them.

At the gnome's invitation she begins to speak. At first she is a little hesitant, but she seems to gain momentum as she continues.

"My strength lies with my weapon. I don't know if any of you know of the Sublime Way, but I was instructed in the way of the Diamond Mind, wherein one learns to turn a duel of strength into a duel of wills. A victor on the mental plane must naturally best her opponent on the physical plane. I have also learned some tricks from the Stone Dragon and Iron Heart disciplines, which teach strength of body and skill of weapon."

"I don't know that I can offer so much to everyone as Quandry can, but I learned a little about the Art from my father. It could perhaps be useful to us in the future - though I'm sure Anna is better at this than I."

"I guess you could say I'm good with my hands as well, but not quite in the same way," she smiles.

It looks as though she's considering saying more, but instead falls silent.

2009-09-24, 03:22 PM
Gher takes his seat, and looks at the menu for several minutes, somewhat confused by all the fancy names. "I don't know what most of this stuff even is supposed to be. I guess I could try this beef bourguignon, that's gotta be safe, right? Yes, I guess I'll give that a try."

After his food arrives, he digs in as only a teenage boy can, cleaning up every last speck of food from his plate. Once he finishes, about ten minutes after his food arrived, he leans back and listens to everyone's stories.

"I guess it's my turn. My strength is in my wits and skill with my hands. I could manage to be a decent scout for us, if needed as well, I suppose, but I'll have to admit, I'm not much of a warrior."

"In towns, I could probably find useful contacts and all sorts of information. I have no idea if we're going to have that kind of opportunity, aside from while we're here."

"I wonder what they serve for dessert around here?"

2009-09-25, 04:43 AM
The woman does indeed bring over a set of dessert menus as your used crockery is taken away by a par of barely visible humanoids.

DC21 Spellcraft:
A pair of unseen Servant spells. That seems a bit high to me, but if you're reading this then you obviously passed. If you didn't, and just like peeking in spoilers, then you're a very naughty boy/girl, shame on you and a pox upon your family.

2009-09-25, 08:12 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

Just because I hate not being able to open spoilers.

Should be +2, but still not enough.

2009-09-25, 09:24 AM
Being stuffed from the feast which was placed before him, the Tinkerer was at first hesitant to order any dessert. After opening the menu, however, he found his tastes wandered to a few different styles.

"Well, it's great to get to know you and I certainly hope that we'll have plenty of adventures together."

As his order of Chocolate Mousse Tart arrives with his Mint Julep, he offers his services to those at the table.

"I think we're a bit better off now than we were not an hour ago. And on the note of getting better, do any of you need equipment made for you? As I've said before, I'm more than capable of creating decent equipment."

With that and a long draw from his drink, he lays himself back and basks in the biting warmth of the cool drink.

2009-09-25, 09:26 AM
Double Post.

2009-09-25, 11:44 AM
"Hmm, peach cobbler and ice cream. Yes, I'll try that."

"Oh, better equipment... I could probably use a more effective weapon. I never really expected to need to use the one I've got, so anything you could do would be appreciated."

A few moments after starting in on his dessert with the same voraciousness he did his meal, Gher suddenly grabs his head. "Owwww, that's cold. Maybe I should eat it slower or something..."

2009-09-25, 12:08 PM

You have another customer. He sounds gruff, and a little annoyed.

"Fortune Teller you say. You think it amusing to mock my profession girl? I am a Savant, trained in the art of Divination by masters of the skill. And you think some cheap trick worthy of the title you give it. Were you not blind I'd teach you some manners."

You hear the sound of a coin clatter to the floor and a mocking laugh.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-25, 03:44 PM
I apologize if I have mocked you, Sir. But I can guarantee as Anna says this she stands that I could hold my own in a fight. However, it seems I am late for a meeting. I hope we can continue this sometime. When Anna finishes she smiles towards the man.

Anna then turns towards the area that her allies went to to eat and says under her breath, Baleful Transposition and with that, Anna starts walking towards where her comrades would be.

Anna looked towards the furthest person away that was in the direction of said eating establishment.

2009-09-25, 04:32 PM
Isri skips dessert, finding everything too processed for his tastes and still slowly working on his caesar salad.

"My equipment is in order for now, but thank you for the offer." He says, finishing his salad and pushing his plate away to fold his hands on the tabletop and bow his head.

"Corellon, we thank you for strengthening us with this food. May your grace grant us the courage and strength to face the troubled times ahead of us, and may you protect us and guide us to a successful outcome." He keeps his eyes closed, his lips moving in silent prayer a moment longer, and then looks up at the others.

"Forgive me if I have offended any of you, but it is among my duties as a priest to ensure that I perform the proper prayers and rituals at the proper times."

2009-09-25, 05:19 PM
Aelyn also skips dessert, but for a different reason - it is a luxury she simply has not indulged in for some time.

"It is nice to hear prayers to the Protector again. I have not had that luxury in... some time."

"As for equipment, I think I, also, am fine for the moment."

2009-09-26, 04:20 PM
"I regret to hear that you have not been able to hear them in a while. Well, at least that has been rectified now, though I dare say I'm probably not what you expected to hear them from." He laughs softly. "The gods always act in mysterious ways."

2009-09-26, 05:35 PM
Aelyn smiles a bit grimly as she spears the last of her food with her fork. "It is an unfortunate consequence of living among some of the perhaps less educated high elves." She chews her food momentarily, her face blank save the hint of disgust in her eyes. "Apparently, in the city of Selnœŕ, a sylvan elf is but a step away from the grugach, if even that, and thus a menace to society," she says, using the elven word for the wild elves. "Well, to most, anyway," she amends contemplatively. "Some in the various clergies based there seemed to think differently. But overall, that is not a decade of my life I would like to repeat."

2009-09-27, 01:05 AM
Isri shakes his head sadly.

"It is greatly distressing to hear of such things. Corellon's children should not fight amongst themselves and look down on their fellows, we should rather all work together and rejoice that Corellon and the gods of the Seldarine have seen fit to bless us by giving our race so many variants. The differences in viewpoints and in where we are adapted to live best make for a better race, if you ask me." He smiles. "Well, that's one of the things I work to improve upon. Trying to teach the elves of this world that it doesn't matter what sort of elf any of us are, we're all Corellon's children and he loves us all equally, and that we should therefore show that same love to each other. Though I must admit that sadly, sometimes it feels as if the rifts are too great to overcome. But I know that surely Corellon saved me and called me to his service for this reason, and I am determined not to fail him."

2009-09-27, 05:01 AM
Everybody Else

Since you seem to be finished the waitress comes over, and once again your used dishes are taken away by the invisible force.

"I hope everything was to your satisfaction. I'll leave your bill here and you can pay at booth by the door. Have a lovely day."

She places a folded slip on the table, bows, and departs.

Meals cost 3sp each, those who ordered dessert also owe an extra 2sp.

A little, cursively written note at the bottom says that the traditional gratuity is 1sp each, but this is of course at your discretion.

It ends with a small smiley face.


As you jump forward you can hear the confused noises of the person you switched places with from behind you. Following the empathic link of your familiar, you find your way to the restaurant, the door manned by an older man this time.

A moment later your companions exit the building.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-27, 11:51 AM
Ah, perfect timing. I was just coming to get you. Anna says with a sort of forced smile.

I assume we should head out then, it would be best not to keep people waiting, and we should be a bit early so that in case there are any difficulties we can still be there on time. Anna joins the group and continues walking.

2009-09-27, 04:51 PM
"Indeed, it is usually seen as bad manners to be late. I have an inquiry to make, but I can make it as we move." Isri states, nodding his head.

"Ahh, I believe that before we were interrupted back in the clearing that you had asked me to describe myself to you, Anna." He says, remembering. "Well, drow are elves, basically, despite the ancient rifts between them and the surface elves. The skin, hair and eye colours are different, though depending on when you lost your sight, such things may have no meaning to you, but drow have black skin, white hair and red eyes. Drow are also typically short even for elves, with males shorter than females. You may have noticed that I am quite a bit shorter than Aelyn, for example." He pauses in walking to allow her to compare his height to hers should she wish to and then resumes.

"Generally they can see in the dark and are blinded by bright light, and possess a few innate abilities similar to spells in their effects, but whether by way of spending as much time as I have on the surface or through the grace of Corellon permitting me to function as any other surface elf, I have lost those traits and resemble my original subrace in colouring alone." He frowns. "And yes, sadly, the drow tend to be evil, which is reinforced by the worship of Lolth, the evil goddess that most of them follow. There I suppose is where the greatest break between me and my original people lies, in that I have become good rather than evil, and worship Corellon."

After the explanations are finished, he begins attempting to query some of the passerby, especially any elves he finds, as to whether the city happens to have a temple devoted to Corellon or the Seldarine in general.

Streetwise: [roll0]

Edit: *facepalm* Nice 1 there. Also hurrrr Gather Information, too much 4e, though the mod is right. At least Isri has a built-in reason to chalk up social skill failures to, lulz.)

2009-09-27, 05:06 PM
Perhaps it's the way you look, perhaps there simply isn't a temple, but people really don't want to answer you. After 10 minutes of asking a guard begins giving you funny looks?

2009-09-27, 05:10 PM
Isri notes that he's beginning to draw attention and ceases his efforts.

"Ahh, perhaps later tonight I'll have another of you ask for me, I seem to be attracting unwanted attention from the guards, and the locals seem off-put by me. It happens." He shrugs and falls silent, used to this sort of reaction from those who don't know him.

2009-09-27, 09:18 PM
Having feasted well in preparation for his upcoming adventure, the Tinkerer leaves a gold piece as payment, gratuity included.

"Well, that was a fantastic meal, if I do say so myself. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to find one's way to castle beforehand. I'm certain there's plenty to entertain someone visiting it while they await an audience with the king."

2009-09-28, 09:38 AM
Gher leaves a gold in payment, but asks for 3 silver change. He then asks the hostess, "Could you possibly point the way to a bathhouse? I have an important appointment in a few hours, and I think I'd like to look somewhat presentable for it. Thanks for the excellent meal, by the way."

2009-09-28, 01:44 PM
The waitress takes your pooled coins and deposits them in a small metal box, that clanks once shut, like the sound of a jail cell locking.

She seems puzzled by Gher's inquiry. "I'm afraid there are no "bathhouses" that I know of in Renston. If you like I can point you to an excellent inn where a room will allow you use of their facilities." She also hands over Gher's change.

2009-09-29, 09:18 AM
"That could work. Where is it?"

If people want to fast forward to the meeting, go for it. I just want to make it so Gher is halfway presentable. Just lemme know if this costs anything via PM or something.

2009-09-29, 10:43 AM
After getting instructions on how to get to the inn, Gher says, "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit, once I've taken care of this mess. Although you all might want to take advantage of the time we have left to do the same."

2009-09-29, 11:47 AM
"Hrm... getting a room seems like an eminently good idea. I don't suppose it would do to have traipsed across the countryside and go straightaways to see His Majesty."

He'll ask for a room with a washroom and show off his medallion in case anyone thinks he's a stranger.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-29, 12:00 PM
Actually, now that you mention it Anna says while feeling her hair I could use a good wash. I think I'll join you.

2009-09-29, 02:19 PM
"Perhaps showing up in one's full combat gear to a meeting with royalty isn't the wisest of moves," Aelyn concedes, following the others.

Aelyn will also ask for a room with a washroom and use her medallion if it's necessary. She'll put her combat-type gear in her haversack (removing everything else to make room), but will carry the haversack with her to the king. She'll also take a bath and etc.

2009-09-29, 04:25 PM
"Indeed, I could use a bath as well. I haven't had one yet today." He surveys his clothing. "Thankfully my clothing has not become too dirtied from the road, I neglected to bring my ceremonial robes with me." He follows the others to the inn and inquires after getting a room and a bath.

2009-09-29, 04:33 PM
Finding the inn is easy and you are greeted by a cheery Dwarf at reception wearing white and gold robes. His voice is typically deep and has a slight gruffness to it, less so than most Dwarves you may have met.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm afraid we don't have enough rooms for you to have one apiece, but I can offer you one each fer men and women at 11 silver per head. If one or maybe two of ye want individual rooms that can probly be taken care off, but it'll cost ye more to cover the circumstances."

2009-09-29, 09:24 PM
"I'm fine with sharing rooms if nobody else objects." Isri says, nodding towards the others.

"Ahh, I don't suppose you would happen to know if there's a temple devoted to Corellon in this city?"

2009-09-30, 09:11 AM
"Sharing a room, huh? Well, I guess it's still better than a lot of the places I've had to sleep in the last year or so."

Gher pays his share for the room, then heads up to clean up.

2009-09-30, 12:38 PM
As the Tinkerer walks into the inn, he approaches the dwarf and introduces himself.

"Good day, friend innkeep. My name is Conundrum Enigma Perplexivus, what would your name be? I'll looking for a room. Possibly for a while, possibly for a night. Summoned here by the King himself, don't you know?"

As he says this, he pulls the medallion out a bit to make sure it can be seen.

After hearing the price, he nods his head toward the innkeeper.

"That sounds like it would suit me perfectly. I have no problem sharing a room. A third of a room is still twice as large for me than it is for them!"

At this joke he lets loose a short but goodhearted laugh. He places his money on the counter before the dwarf and begins to walk toward his room. Before leaving the room, however, an idea strikes him.

"My good innkeep. Your establishment looks wonderful and well kept, however, I would like to offer my services should you need anything repaired or created. I'm a better than passing artisan, if I do say so myself, and would be happy to aid our proprieter. We have an appointment with His Majesty in a handful of hours, so if you need anything easily fixed or made for you, I'd be happy to help!"

And with that bit and a large grin, he begins walking away, a spring in his step, making a fairly loud clatter as all the items he carries on him rustle about. The promise of a warm wash makes him feel very happy.

2009-09-30, 01:40 PM
((Anyone plannin to do anything that you'd prefer not to gloss over? Or should I get straight to the meeting?))

2009-09-30, 02:45 PM
You each clean yourselves up, and do whatever you do for the next few hours.

As the sun begins to grow dim you decide it's time to move on to the castle, easily noticeable being that it's a huge castle and all :smallwink:

Two guards in full plate question you, but the medallions are enough for them to allow you through, where you are greeted by a semi-transparant butler. Bowing silently it motions you to follow it, leading you through corridors and into a room with a semicircular table, with 5 chairs around the curved edge (one of which is obviously designed for someone smaller than the average human).

The illusory butler bows before vanishing and you are left alone.

The room is a standard square stone room, but with lavish tapestries across the walls, and a great piece of shaped metal behind the flat ede of the table, depicting Renston's royal crest.

After a moment you hear a deep voice. "Please be seated." The voice is familiar, it is the same one that crossed your mind when you first handled the Medallion of Summon, although looking around you can see no-one.

2009-09-30, 07:30 PM
Isri seats himself, inwardly annoyed by the size of human tables and chairs. They always make him feel like a child, designed as they are for someone a good foot taller than he was. His slight elven build is no help at all. Still, he seats himself in as dignified a manner as possible, and waits expectantly.

Kin Silvion
2009-09-30, 10:55 PM
Anna feels around for a seat, stopping to feel the various things around the room. After feeling around the table for a little bit, Anna notices that it is round and quickly tries to find where her allies are located so that she can search around there for a chair to sit.

After around a minute and a half, Anna finds herself a comfortable seat in which she stares in the direction that she heard the voice coming from.

2009-10-01, 07:37 AM
Noticing some trouble on the part of his blind companion, the diminutive Tinkerer offers his assistance to the young lady. He pulls the chair out and assists her in sitting down. After doing so, he finds his own specially-sized seat and sits down with a bit of a clatter; Even without his weapons, he's still got plenty on him to make a loud noises.

2009-10-01, 09:17 AM
Aelyn pulls out a seat as well, but places her haversack on the floor before sitting. After a quick glance around at her companions, she waits quietly for future happenings.

2009-10-01, 10:28 AM
Gher takes the remaining seat, shifting uncomfortably while waiting for the disembodied voice to continue speaking. His appraising eyes flicks from tapestry to tapestry, calculating their worth.

Appraise [roll0] for the tapestries
Not that I'm planning on stealing any, just sort of judging what kind of first impression of his wealth and power he wants to give us

2009-10-03, 06:01 AM
Each of these tapestries probably cost more than every member of staff in the Silver Talon combined would earn in a year. They are weaved so flawlessly that they might as well be one big sheet, not something that comes cheap.

As you all sit down two men appear at the other side of the table (the flat edge). One wears red robes similar to the ones worn by the man who brought you into Renston, however his are adorned by various symbols and sashes, obviously symbols of superiority. He has long grey hair, and a beard to match, tapering to a point around the bottom of his rib cage.

The other wears simple dark trousers and a white shirt. However despite this he almost seems to give off an aura of authority. You would know this was the king even without the sceptre in his hand or the simple gold circle of a crown on his head.

"Thank you for coming. As you can no doubt guess I am Lexetrin Dal-Sayder, King of Renston and the man who sent out the Medallions that brought you here. You have my sincere thanks for coming, however the situation that I hoped you might aid resolve has deteriorated somewhat since I sent them. But first allow me to introduce you to Yen, my primary magical consult, and de facto second in command of the city."

He points to the man to his right (left from your viewpoint) and he bows slightly, the pair of them flickering briefly and becoming faint, before returning to their full bodied form.

"Ah I must apologise. Yen is currently focussing on maintaining the spell that is allowing me to communicate with you. I will explain the situation, but I must have your assurance that you will either assist us, or submit to a relatively painless magical procedure to remove the knowledge from your mind if you do not."

He falls silent and places his hands behind his back, apparently waiting. Occassionally the image flickers again, each time it does a brief look passes across the Mage's face, he's obviously focussing intently, even as he stands almost perfectly still and silent.

2009-10-03, 01:42 PM
Token spellcraft roll to identify the spell. [roll0]

ed. Nice. The nicely tanned female elf gets the nat 20 while the black male elf gets a nat. 1. There's definitely a conspiracy here.
Aelyn's eyes linger on the spellcaster for a few moments. It was fairly obvious he was a man of some power, just as it was obvious that the situation - whatever it was - was dire.

"I can agree to this," the elf says, almost without thinking, as her attention turns back to the simply-dressed king.

Kin Silvion
2009-10-03, 06:56 PM
Anna moved her head from side to side, as if looking from the king to the mage.

I think... Anna said while thinking of what to say I think I am ready for this. I believe I can do this and will try my best.

2009-10-03, 09:04 PM
Also spellcraft: [roll0]

"I shall do what I can, within the bounds of the tenets of my god and my loyalty to him."

2009-10-03, 11:28 PM
"I guess I wouldn't want to break up the gang, I'll help with whatever it is you need help with."

2009-10-04, 08:59 AM
Psicraft, just in case he's throwing the lot of you a curve ball. :smallcool:

EDIT: Ooh, and a FANTASTIC Psicraft check it was. :smallsigh:

"Well, it was the reason that I came here in the first place. It would seem unintuitive to back out just when you're about to learn they 'Why' of a journey. I'm certainly up for a little adventuring, especially since you don't seem the morally dubious type.. er... sir.. er... Majesty."

2009-10-04, 04:06 PM
You can't think of a specific spell, but it seems to be a cross between the Sending and Astral Projection spells. They are visible to everyone present, but they're obviously not completely real.

"Thank you, I just had to be sure. Very well I shall tell you the truth. As you almost certainly know I ordered the city removed from the Prime plane to protect it from the Mists that plague our world. It was Yen's magic that allowed this to be possible.

However, recently the boundaries of the city's demiplane have begun to fail. Yen and his assistants have discovered that it is the Mists crossing across the areas that are still connected to the world proper that are causing the weaknesses.

When I initially planned to send out the summons they were to request people to seek the reagents necessary to reinforce the spell. However a minor shift in the multiverse has trapped the pair of us at the centre of the the city with no feasible means of escape. So the Medallions were re-enchanted, and now you are here. And now I must employ you to collect not only the reagents, but a unique crystal artifact that will refix our position enough to let us out.

I know this is a lot to ask, but the Medallions were enchanted with a powerful Divination spell, so they would not have come to you if you were not capable."

The King then places a leather bound folder on the table, sealed with a red wax circle.

"This folder contains our best idea of locations to find the necessary reagents, as well as the probable location of the crystal. While expediency would be appreciated we are in no immediate danger, and since I will not be providing you with anything more than the Medallions you already possess, so occassional sidetracks are to be expected.. For security reasons nobody can know about the problems the city is experiencing. Be safe on your journey allies of Renston."

He then bows, and unless anyone says anything the pair of them will fade from view, although the leather folder remains.

2009-10-04, 05:18 PM
Aelyn reaches across and pulls the folder towards her, but hesitates before opening it, realizing she might not be able to understand the significance of its contents. She makes a strangled half-motion towards Anna before offering the folder to Isri. "Perhaps you could decipher its contents for us?" she asks.

Kin Silvion
2009-10-04, 08:57 PM
Anna hears the sound of something going closer then moving past. Its good to see you're considerate of my blindness before you hand me something.

Anna turns towards Isri, waiting for his response. Her hands in her lap as if something was on her mind.

Anna is wondering how long they would have to find the crystal before the King is trapped forever. As without their mage, there is a good possibility that the town would return to its normal area and could possibly be targeted by the mist.

2009-10-04, 11:42 PM
"I shall try my best. It seems that this would lean towards arcane magic, which is of course not my area of focus, but I'm sure that between Anna and myself we can figure things out."

He accepts the folder and begins to look through its contents.

2009-10-05, 06:50 AM
The folder is tanned leather, slightly larger than A4 in size (not that you know what A4 is of course :smallwink:), with a red wax circle bearing the Renston crest holding it closed.

Breaking the seal you find enclosed three sheets of parchment.

Sheet 1:

Yen's Genesis Reparation

Required Components for completion:
Dragon Blood, Chromatic. 1 Vial.
Dragon Blood, Metallic. 1 Vial.
Tooth, Basilisk. 1 Unit.
Vapours of the Ethereal Plane. 1 Flask, Full.
Astral Silver. 1 Vial.

All other necessary Components are currently available within the city limits.

All Reagents must be fresh to be viable.

Sheet 2:

In order to reinstate the Multiversal co-ordinates of the artificial demiplane within which the city of Renston resides, the internal presence of an artifact known most commonly as "The Eye of Chronoepsis".

The artifact is known to be a spherical ruby, approximately four inches in diameter. The sphere bears a draconic slitted eye, which through magical means always appears to be faced towards the individual viewing it.

The effects and abilities of the artifact are mostly unknown. Caution is advised.

Most recent intelligence states that the artifact is located due North of the Renston entrance teleportation device. It was believed to be in the ownership of a Feudal Lord by the name of Iayawen, a Halfling.

The artifact must be returned to Renston as soon as possible, specifically placed within a pre-existing magical atunement device beneath the castle.

Sheet 3:

I, King Lexetrin Dal-Sayder,
Do by possession of this parchment,
Grant permission for entrance the any restricted area,
Of Renston Grand Castle.

This parchment grants access to it's bearer,
Along with at maximum four additional persons,
As well as any possessions they may have.


I, Archmage Yen,
Do by possession of this parchment,
Grant permission for entrance the any restricted area,
Of the Renston Magical Research Building.

This parchment grants access to it's bearer,
Along with at maximum four additional persons,
As well as any possessions they may have.

((Each section bears the appropriate signature, as well as an inked on symbol of authenticity.))

2009-10-05, 10:35 AM
Piping up while the others pass the folder around,"Pardon me, sirs, but you mentioned a time limit. Now, while I understand that it's not immediately pressing, I personally have many ways to bleed away time to better prepare myself for the future. Could I get an estimate, if not an exact date, of what we're working toward? Are we looking at weeks? Months? A year?"

He begins to fidget slightly as curiosity over the contents of the folder begins to gnaw at him.

2009-10-05, 10:39 AM
Gher maneuvers himself so that he can look at the parchment's contents. After a few moments, his eyes go wide. "Fresh blood from two different dragons? They're not asking for much, are they? This other stuff as well, who the hell knows how we're going to find it all. I guess we'll have to ask around discretely or something."

2009-10-05, 11:25 AM
Addressing the Gnome before the folder is opened the pair begin to flicker rapidly as the Mage surrenders his focus to answer directly. His voice is deep, but hoarse.

"The spells sustaining us are not likely to break unless something monumental happens as I have my best apprentices with us, and at the current rate the need for the reparation spell will not become dire for at the least five weeks. However the conditions down here are not exactly pleasant, and without outside contact morale may become a greater threat than destruction, so while I would suggest preparedness, I would request a general attitude of haste."

2009-10-05, 12:21 PM
Nodding toward the apparition, the Tinkere replies, "That can be left without saying, of course. Any time a problem as serious as this comes about, it's no doubt better to be finished with it earlier rather than later. At least now we have a basic timeframe to work with."

After he waits a few moments as the folder is passed around, "Well, it does seem our quest has begun to impress itself upon us. I suppose I could prepare items and such to help us against any Dragons we might face. But where to find them? And a Basilisk as well? Let alone the other two exotic items, I think we'll have our hands full."

2009-10-05, 06:42 PM
"We should probably do some research into precisely what 'fresh' means in the case of these components. That will allow us to figure out what sort of time limit we're dealing with between gathering the first component and the last component. And it does seem to lead towards going after that artifact first, since Yen can't very well cast the spell if he's trapped." He leans forward with his elbows resting on the table, resting his chin on his clasped hands.

"At least that's my immediate observation, anyway. Research is called for regardless of what we go after first."

2009-10-06, 02:41 PM
"Where would we do this kind of research, though?" Aelyn asks. "I think we might draw unwanted attention if we started checking out books on" - she glances at the list -"various dragons, halfling lords, and other planes... Though if this lord is friendly to king Lexetrin, we may have some luck there."

2009-10-06, 03:57 PM
"Well, as far as finding out about this Iayawen and his domain goes, we could probably visit a cartographer in town, and buy a map. Maybe while buying it, we could ask about this halfling's general attitude towards Renston and the king. As for the other things, I'm no scholar, so I'd have no idea where to start with that."

2009-10-06, 04:10 PM
Forgot about my ranks in Know (Local), I would have added this to my last post, but rolls don't work when you add them in an edit, so here goes.
Know (Local) [roll0] (if applicable) for knowledge about rumors and legends of dragons living near the outpost I grew up in
Know (Local) [roll1] (if applicable) for knowledge about Iayawen, his little kingdom, and general attitude towards Renston
(I'm honestly not sure if I can use it for this, but, it's the only Knowledge skill I have, so I may as well try!)

2009-10-06, 04:41 PM
There was a tale of a Green Dragon that once held dominion of the area around the outpost. However the story goes that it was removed by the King when he established his trade networks. Whether removed means killed, or just driven out is up for debate however as is the story's timeframe, you never listened that closely to the it.

2009-10-06, 04:56 PM
Gher stares off into space for a while, lost in thought. A minute or so later, he exclaims, "Wait, maybe I do know something useful! There was a story from back around my home, about a Green Dragon that was killed or driven off by the king a while back. I never listened that closely, but it's a place we could start, once we're ready to."

2009-10-06, 08:06 PM
The Tinkerer pipes up after reading over the document, "Well, according to the file we have free reign of the Magical Research Building. It might not be a bad place to start if we're looking for information on ingredients for a spell."

2009-10-06, 09:00 PM
"The tinkerer makes a good point. While we are making use of these documents, perhaps we should find out about your dragon, Gher," the elf says, nodding to the boy. "If the king was responsible for its disappearance, there might be a record of what happened. If it's still alive, perhaps we could assist your home." She looks down at her hands, one atop the other, on the table. "If that's ok, I mean," she adds, suddenly quiet.

2009-10-06, 11:40 PM
"That's fine. I just don't even know that much about it, since I didn't pay that much attention to the story. I don't even remember when this happened, much less which king dealt with it."

2009-10-08, 12:39 AM
"Well, we are already here, so perhaps asking around the castle first would be prudent."

2009-10-08, 03:39 PM
"Well then, perhaps that's what we should do now," Aelyn says, sweeping up the parchment, replacing the sheets in the folder and placing the folder in a side pouch of her haversack. She also takes out her medallion. She then stands up and exits, assuming the others follow, and looks for a guard or guide of some sort.

Not sure how we want to do this. Should everyone make a gather info check and see what happens?

Generic roll in case it's needed: [roll0]

2009-10-08, 04:30 PM
"Hmm, perhaps it is time to get started. I'll start with whatever I can find out about Iayawen and his lands. Does anyone want to come with me?", Gher asks as he gets up and heads for the door.

Gather Information: [roll0]
Probably asking the first guard I meet where I can find a cartographer, and hopefully I don't get directions to a cart of gophers (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0676.html) instead.

2009-10-09, 12:03 PM
You leave the room and head for the courtyard, the medallions satisfying the curiosity of anyone that questions you. The Mage's building is out of the gate to the right, recognisable by the fact that it changes colour every thirty minutes and is currently a pale green. The town is obviously all around you.

The people Gher questions are a bit lacking in any real information about Iayawen, having been enclosed for months. One man does recommend paying a visit to a woman called Laya, the primary record keeper for The Outpost (the place used to watch the area around the forest you entered through).

2009-10-12, 01:33 AM
"I suppose we should pay a visit to this Laya person, then." Isri says, pondering. "And of course check out the magical research facility at some point... Perhaps it might go faster to search for things if we split up, though sometimes it's not a good idea. Up to you all, of course."

Gather information to see if I can find where to find her:

Let's see if the dice like me this time, I'm so not the person to do this. XD;

Edit: Nope. <_>; Forgot the +5 again, but dice still hate me so nyah. Blonde moment.

2009-10-13, 03:16 PM
"I think we should start with the record keeper," Aelyn offers. "While I am not opposed to splitting up, but I would rather stick as a group. It saves on confusion when reporting findings."

She also begins to ask for directions to a temple of Corellon, given as someone failed at it earlier.

Gather Info for a temple of Corellon: [roll0]

2009-10-13, 03:18 PM
She's at the outpost which is a tower near the entrance you came through.

There is no Temple to Corellon in Renston.

2009-10-13, 04:42 PM
"Yeah, I guess staying together would be a good idea. Let's go see Laya, and find out what we can about this Lord Iayawen and his domain."

Kin Silvion
2009-10-13, 10:07 PM
I plan on visiting the Magical Research Building, however I would require a guide. Hopefully someone else has plans on going there so that we may find objects of a magical nature to help us on our quest.

2009-10-14, 02:20 PM
"I'm afraid that, as far as magical research is concerned that I will be found a bit lacking in ways to aid you. My specialty knowledge is limited to Psionics, Engineering and the Planes themselves. However, if anyone needs someone to assist them in their research, I would be happy to try."

2009-10-15, 11:03 AM
Quandry leads Anna towards the Magical research building while the rest of you head towards the Outpost.
((I've decided that the two signatures granting access are on separate pieces of parchment purely so you don't have to tear he other one in two.))

As you approach the building Quandry notices it is starting to turn vaguely blue. As you approach the two guards raise their weapons, but the parchment with Yen's signature is enough to eventually convince them to let you pass.

Inside the building is similar to all the rest. Grey stone with torches in brackets, though a soft red carpet runs along the floors in here. The occasional red robed person walks by, though hey are few and far between.
(Where in particular are you going; library, lab etc.)

It's a ten minute walk to reach the outpost, though initially the guards refuse you access. However after a inute to authenticate the King's signature they reluctantly step aside.

Unlike the Mage's building this place is a hive of activity, made up of one large room and three further areas with open doors. A man walks over to you as you enter carrying a clipboard and a pen.

"Please sign here. You are forewarned that the paper is enchanted, so if you break any rules whilst in here you will be subject to a psionically powered curse."

He doesn't sound like he's joking.

2009-10-16, 10:53 AM
Aelyn takes the clipboard and skims it briefly. Assuming there's nothing unreasonable, she signs.

2009-10-16, 10:44 PM
"And what, may I ask, are these rules? Are they written on this sheet of yours? If so, I must insist on reading them before I sign, and if not, I must then insist that you inform me of them beforehand. Forgive me if I seem curt, but I find it wise in legal matters to be fully aware of what one is agreeing to before one agrees to it." Isri gives the man a friendly smile to reassure him that he does not mean to be rude, merely thorough.

You know I have no idea how to spell thorough, now that I think about it.

Kin Silvion
2009-10-18, 10:18 PM
Um... Excuse me Anna says to someone walking in the building Could one of you point me in the direction of the lab?

Anna Looks at Quandry Do you have any idea where we could find some help in creating some minor magic items to aid in our quest?

2009-10-19, 04:44 AM
Clipboard rules
1. Anything you see/hear etc. within the Outpost is strictly confidential. Reporting it by any means to anybody outside the building is prohibited.
- 1a. The rightful Sovereign of Renston is the exception to this rule, and may be reported to at any time.
2. Everything within the Outpost is the property of the Reston royal family. Attempting to remove anything from the Outpost without consent is prohibited.
3. All signatures imply consent to a maical scan to determine if the signer is not under any magical, psionic or otherwise influence.
- 3b. As a side effect the scan will also detect any poisons or diseases and report these findings to the Primary Record Keeper to do with as they see fit.
4. Aggression against any employee within the Outpost is considered in severity of punishment to be equal to treason.

There are a couple of dozen or so other rules, but I can't be bothered to make them up. Needless to say it's three pages long.


The Mage you ask is in his mid-20's, and to begin with he is surprised to see such a young girl in the building. However he does answer our question, telling you that the generic lab is on the first floor, second door on the right hand side.

2009-10-19, 08:08 AM
Isri carefully reads all three pages, memorizing them, before signing; he spells his name in common below the signature for the benefit of the humans and their beaurocracy, finding that humans very rarely speak or read Elven worth a damn.

Isri is a dork and dots the lowercase i in his name with a crescent moon when he spells it in common.

2009-10-19, 09:42 AM
Gher looks over the rules as well, then signs. Then he asks, "Could you possibly direct us to where the records are kept?"

2009-10-19, 11:04 AM
Keeping close to Anna, the Tinkerer inquisitively looks into rooms and various magical items as they walk toward the laboratory. He pays special attention to any obviously magical items that seem utilitarian rather than ornamental."Magical devices are not my forte but I would assume that there might be a store room or a workshop that may specialize in creating magical materials. There is likely also a research library, although I'm afraid I would be fairly lost in there. The mysteries Arcane are.. well.. not my strength. I do wonder if they have a Psionic's branch here, or perhaps know of a local place that specializes in that.

We may wish to speak to a headmaster, if this is an institute. We could inquire about ways to deal with the Dragons without actually saying what we're doing, and insodoing remaining as vague as the King requested of us."

Once he arrives at the lab with Anna he asks a nearby researcher about Psionics and if there's any resources for that nearby. If there are, he will note them but continue to aid Anna in the lab instead of following up those leads

2009-10-19, 11:26 AM
Mage Building:

There is indeed a psionics wing, it makes up about 1/3 of the building. Archmage Yen is the leader of the institute, but he left a few weeks ago and informed them that he would be incommunicado until he returned. He knows that there is someone within the institute who has a speciality in Draconic research, but he unfortunately can't recall their name.


"Door 1, room C, on your left. If you want records older than seven days you'll have to submit a written request and they'll be sent up, though this will take approximately an hour, depending on the date of the records requested."

2009-10-19, 12:19 PM
Gather Info: [roll0]

EDIT: Heh... gotta get me the psionic equivalent of a GPS unit or Hitchikers Guide.

2009-10-21, 06:53 PM
Aelyn finds the appropriate door easily enough, but pauses in front of it. "Lead on, Gher. You're the convincing one, and it's your dragon anyway."

2009-10-22, 12:45 PM
"Erm, the dragon? I thought we were coming here to find out about the halfling... I guess we could try and find out about both, though."

Gher then enters the records room, looking for someone at a desk to assist with the search. When he finds someone, he'll make sure the medallion is in plain view, and motion for Aelyn to bring out the credentials we got from the king.

"Excuse me, we need to make a few inquiries. First, we need to find any information about a green dragon that dominated the area near the Kosdol trading outpost on the western border. It was driven out of the area or killed at about the time that the kingdom established trade networks in that area. Second, we'd like access to any information available about a halfling feudal lord named Iayawen and his domain. Last, if at all possible, the suspected locations of any metallic dragons in the kingdom and how they might best be approached."

Diplomacy [roll0] to attempt to convince them to help

2009-10-22, 06:04 PM
Aelyn presents the parchment in question for inspection, and also makes sure her medallion is visible.


2009-10-22, 11:18 PM
Isri also makes sure his medallion is visibile and does his best to look unthreatening.

Not that he even *could* if he tried. The whole 4'7 90 pounds soaking wet thing, lulz. Isri has like negative ranks in Intimidate.

2009-10-23, 05:08 AM
A young woman comes over seeing the Medallions. "Hi there, my name is Laya and I'd be happy to help you with whatever you need. Please follow me."

She leads you into an office with her name emblazoned on the door. She offers you each a seat and then arranges a couple of files in front of her.

"Now then. You are obviously here on royal authority judging by those coins you bear. Unfortunately tactical information regarding Iayawen is strictly classified, so I can't help you there I'm afraid. As for Dragons however I blieve I can be of more use." She pulls out the first folder.

"While most believe that the Kosdol Dragon is a legend it was in fact very real. We have detailed reports from our thankfully organised ancestors that show it was killed and reduced completely. However because of various factors that I won't bore you with it's lair was never found. There were suspicions about various possible locations, which I can pass on to you if you wish. But I'm afraid that any information regarding Metallic Dragon's locally is also considered classified by tangent. I'm sorry I'd like to help you, but I'm afraid rules are rules are rules."

She leans back in her chair slightly and curls a piece of her long hair around her finger.

Magic Lab:
You hear a loud curse in a deep, flowing, but very angry language and immediately everybody is dragging the pair of you out of the room as a noxious green gas begins to fill it.

Draconic Speakers:
Boccob's Staff I dropped the vial! Seal the room!!

((Fort Save each please :smallbiggrin:))

2009-10-23, 09:52 AM
Being pushed and shoved out of the room, the Tinkerer braces himself against whatever it might be that he was exposed to.

Fort Save: [roll0]

If conscious, in Draconic

What in Heward's name was that?! Is everyone ok?

He looks around to make sure the other scholars got out and is particularly interested in his travelling companion.

Kin Silvion
2009-10-23, 10:37 AM
Stumbling out of the room with the help of the staff, Anna hits the ground and lays there a minute
Fort save: [roll0]

If fort save made
Anna looks around a bit while still on the ground, then gets up and asks "Could someone explain to me what was in that vial?" while dusting herself off.

2009-10-23, 10:48 AM
An ashen-faced Mage replies in common."Greenblood root. Ground down it's a potent poison, we were attempting to come up with a way of administering it via Magic Missiles. So sorry about that, but it looks like everybody's ok."

Yay, everybody lives.

2009-10-23, 12:15 PM
"Is there any unclassified data about Iayawen and his domain available for us to peruse? Anything you could provide would be extremely helpful to our mission, which is after all quite important to the security of Renston. Also, we'd like to see any of the information gathered about possible locations for the Kosdol dragon's lair."

More Diplomacy! [roll0] trying to convince her to share what she can about the halfling

2009-10-23, 12:41 PM
Gathering himself and his wits, the Tinkerer goes to Anna and offers her help in getting up amidst the small group of people in the hallway.

"My dear Miss Anna, I think it would be in our best interests to stay outside of the active laboratories as much as possible. Perhaps we should peruse the libraries they have. It would seem less life-threatening. Additionally, they did mention a Psionics wing to this organization and that may warrant some attention. What do you think?"

2009-10-23, 01:12 PM
"The Kosdol Dragon information will be released to you as you request, but unfortunately Iayawen is currently under military surveillance and so anything we know about him or his dealings with Dragon is restricted."

She then writes a note, stamps it, and hands it to an aide who scurries off as she speaks. "Quick as you can dear." She goes back to twirling her hair.

Kin Silvion
2009-10-23, 05:01 PM
Anna takes Quandry's hand and replies to him.

Yes, Quandry. We should move from this area lest we be harmed. However, I do not know how much help I could be in a library, so I think that it would be a much better idea to move on to the Psionics wing.

2009-10-24, 11:02 PM
Isri fidgets in a manner deliberately chosen to make his armor scrape annoyingly against itself and comments despite his better judgement lest the hair-twirling drive him mad.

"I will never understand the need humans seem to feel to place everything behind sixteen layers of secrecy and red tape*, rather than letting it be where it can actually be of use to people." He sighs. "No offense intended, of course. Just culture clash, I suppose." He tilts his head. "So is there anything else you might be able to tell us you think might be useful that isn't buried in secrecy? I think I can infer a few things simply from the secrecy, but of course our mission is far likelier to suceed the more we know... And I'd rather it didn't fail, of course, I don't want to disappoint your king." He sounds probing and concerned.

Sense Motive, for trying to read her words and habits to this point: [roll0]
Diplomacy, for trying to get something out of her/not have Isri come across as a jerk: [roll1]

*Isri is actually using the D&D world equivalent of red tape, but since I can't think immediately of what that would be, modern RW version it is.

2009-10-25, 01:05 AM
"Is there nothing you can tell us pertaining to Iayawen? Why he's under military surveillance, who might be involved, what level of importance the surveillance is, even street gossip? This is, after all, the king's business."

I don't dare make a diplomacy check here. I really don't. If you need one, K-B, roll the damn thing yourself.

2009-10-27, 06:52 PM
"Is there nothing you can tell us pertaining to Iayawen? Why he's under military surveillance, who might be involved, what level of importance the surveillance is, even street gossip? This is, after all, the king's business."

I don't dare make a diplomacy check here. I really don't. If you need one, K-B, roll the damn thing yourself.

((Fine then I will :smallcool: Diplomacy (-1 for making me do it): [roll0]))

2009-10-27, 07:01 PM

"We use the bureaucracy to prevent Renston's enemies from skulking in and claiming it to use against us, Master Drow." There is ice in her words.


"The king is welcome to come down whenever he pleases and will be given full access. However our orders are not to give our surveillance to anybody else. Ah here are the Kosdol Dragon files. Will there be anything else?" Her voice is once again very polite as she whips the file out of the clerk's hand, and the more observant of you notice he poorly suppressed a yelp, obviously he had just received a paper cut for his troubles.

Mage Building:

The Psionics wing is similarly designed to the rest of the building, except for a distinct increase in the amount of crystal being used. ((Where you heading?))

2009-10-27, 08:36 PM
"I prefer the term 'dark elf', madame human. And I'm beginning to think that, were I in fact actually one of Renston's enemies, that I would have a far easier time getting information I needed." He smiles cheerfully at her and stands.

"I rather believe I can be of more use elsewhere. Excuse me." His voice, despite his cheerful smile, is also icy. He pauses long enough to cast a Cure Minor Wounds spell on the papercut clerk's hand and shows himself out of the outpost, having had quite enough of humans and red tape for the day. He heads in the direction of the magical research lab where Anna and Quandary went, figuring that they won't let him in as he doesn't have the paper with him, but that he can at least wait for them.

Converting the Light spell he has prepared to spontaneously cast CMW.

When he gets there and is presumably told he can't join his companions, he decides to go shopping while waiting.

"Forgive me, Corellon, but I couldn't stand that woman a moment longer. You'd think I would be more patient by now." He sighs. "And of course this city would lack a temple devoted to you. I'd try to start a shrine after all of this was done, but it would probably take me the next four hundred years to get through the red tape." He looks around for a shop that looks likely to sell parchment and ink and a pen, realising that he doesn't have any on him.

2009-10-28, 02:53 AM
There is a rather nice stationary store in town. The solitary employee is friendly and helpful, if a little bored with his work. ((Roll me 3 seperate d20 rolls please.))

2009-10-28, 03:44 AM

2009-10-28, 06:34 AM

Whilst making your purchases (work out how much they cost and deduct them from your sheet) you happen to catch a fragment of conversation outside the partially open side door (Nat 20 on a Listen check will do that :smalltongue:).

"Do you have it?"
"Three folders, as promised. Now pay up."
"Fine take your money and get out of here."
"Pleasure doing business with you. Keep me in mind for the future?"
"Not likely to need it but sure."

The words trail off and you notice the clerk is waiting for you to hand over your payment, your purchases are wrapped and ready to go.

2009-10-28, 09:14 AM
The Tinkerer finds research library and delves into finding out any information he can find about the reagents needed for the spell and where one could find them.

Just looking up the items for the spell and where we can find them.

Out of curiosity, you mentioned that the psionics wing was 1/3 of the building. Is Arcane the other 2/3 or is there more stuff strewn about?

2009-10-28, 10:06 AM

Looking through various tomes you manage to locate all the things on your list. Ethereal vapours unsurprisingly come from the Ethereal Plane, where they make up the majority of the Plane's form. ((Int check please))

Astral Silver is harder to find, but fortunately one of it's biggest sourcs is actually a race of Psionic creatures call the Githyanki, who reside exclusively on the Astral Plane, except for those who come through as adventurers occasionally.

I'll assume you know that Dragon's blood comes from Dragons, and Basilisk teeth come from a Basilisk in general :smalltongue:

Yes the rest is Arcane, though there are small sections devoted to both Truenaming and Shadow Magic, but these a tiny and more of a personal interest established by a few Mages/Psions interested in alternative Magic.

2009-10-28, 03:51 PM
Gher reaches for the file, as Isri leaves.

"I suppose it's OK if we copy down what we need?"

2009-10-28, 04:04 PM
"My dear that is the copy. You thought we'd let you have the originals. Oh my word ho foolish you must feel."

A feeling of hatred for this woman is developping I assume :smallwink:

2009-10-28, 04:14 PM
"Since it's just a copy, are we allowed to bring it with us, then? I'd assume so, since you're actually allowing us to look at it, rather than claiming it's 'classified' as well.", Gher says, with just a hint of irritation in his voice.

At this point, after her answer, Gher is going to look for a table to sit at, so he can peruse the copy. That is, assuming he's allowed to keep it.

2009-10-28, 04:16 PM
"Of course you can keep it dear, that's why we made it for you. Will you need some help reading it, there are a lot of big words in there."

She smiles, and seems to consider the offer a valid one.

2009-10-28, 05:49 PM
"I'm perfectly capable of reading it myself, thank you. I'm heading back to the inn now. Coming, Aelyn?"

With that said, Gher leaves the Outpost, and returns to the Inn to peruse the dragon file while he waits for Anna, Quandry, and Isri to return.

2009-10-29, 09:43 AM
Isri pays for his purchases and puzzles over what he overheard. He looks out in the direction the voices went to see if he can see anything, then goes to wait for Anna and Quandry, keeping an eye out for anyone who looks to be in need of assistance.

Isri is presumably too late to see anything, but for the hell of it:
Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
I keep trying to write Perception. Too much 4e.

2009-10-29, 10:02 AM
((First part around the time Isri stalks out; second part when Gher leaves.))

"You know, there are other ways to protect vital data than a bureaucracy. Other, more efficient ways that allow people qualified to access the information to actually get to it... and don't rely on the approval of the petty to get things done." Her lip twitches, but hoping to find more on the subject of the dragon, she says little else, both verbally and non.


Aelyn shrugs, minorly annoyed at the woman's unhelpfulness but missing the bigger picture except for what she perceives as the woman's racism. "Sure. Thanks, uh, for your help, Laya." She hefts her haversack onto her back, wincing a little as she feels a metallic something scrape against another metallic something, and follows the boy out.

((Yes, she thinks Laya is being racist towards Isri while herself not having the highest opinion of drow. Isn't 8 wisdom great? She's forgotten that not everyone knows Isri as she does, or maybe assumes the medallion should be its own evidence towards his character.))

2009-10-29, 10:06 AM
Int Check:


2009-10-29, 11:43 AM

"Well I'll keep that in mind the next time Outpost methodology comes up for review. Please feel free to come back any time." She smiles at the Elf right until she leaves the office.

You sign yourselves out and leave, the air outside being obviously less musky (crowded offices tend to leave a certain...aroma in the air).


There is nothing out of the ordinary in the alley behind the shop, however you do come out in time to see a short individual in a dark brown cloak walking down the alley away from the castle (so in the general direction of the Outpost, the exit portal and the Silver Talon).


The fact that the book states that Ethereal Vapours make up the material of the Ethereal Plane, it makes sense that Ethereal creatures such as Ghosts or Phase Spiders would most likely incorporate the same material into their manifested forms.

In theory even a creature under the effect of a Power or Spell that turned them ethereal temporarily would qualify, although the effect that such a collection would have on any of these creatures is obviously debatable.

2009-10-29, 02:18 PM
Having dug through the research and discovered this information the Tinkerer shares what he has discovered with his teammate.

"Well, it looks like we have a place to start, at least. Do you have anything else you'd like me to look for, specifically?"

Do we have an idea of what "fresh" means for the ingredients?

Kin Silvion
2009-10-29, 02:57 PM
Well... no, I don't think that there is much more we could attain from being in this place. I feel that if we leave, we would be leaving with enough information to suffice for what we came looking for.

Anna starts to "search" for the exit.

I'll take 10 on this, simply because we're not in a combat situation. However, if I take too long, I'll simply ask Quandry for help.

2009-11-01, 03:12 PM

The exit is easy to find, anything else you want to do while you're in the Magic/Psionics building? Fresh = as if newly obtained, so congealed blood won't suffice etc.

2009-11-05, 03:12 AM
You all meet up at the inn after your various field trips and trade information. You share an evening meal and spend the night in relative comfort.

The next morning you wake up to a beautiful sunrise (sorry Isri, majority rules :smalltongue:). What do you do?

2009-11-07, 11:18 AM
Isri takes a bath and dresses, then sits quietly in morning prayer before going to sit in the main room waiting for the others to wake up.

2009-11-07, 02:58 PM
As you take your morning preparations, there is an crash followed by a dozen screams from the breakfast area.

Whether you're upstairs still, or already downstairs you see three Halflings, one of whom is holding what looks like a thick red candle, but not made of wax. The others are holding rapiers, gathering people into one corner.

"Turn out your pouches, we don't have all day."

2009-11-08, 06:04 PM
(("Morning preparations" includes, for Aelyn, getting weapons on person and equipping armor.))

Aelyn makes her way to the breakfast area from her room, having taken about forever to wake up. She pulls her shield and sword to her hands as she makes her way to the scene.

"What's all this, then?" she calls, hoping to distract people for a moment to get a feel for the situation.

((A map would be cool. Always handy to know how many movement options one has to slice people up.))

Kin Silvion
2009-11-09, 12:00 AM
Anna starts moving towards the "bandits" exclaiming I can't see. Perhaps you could help me get my money.

Readied action: When a "bandit" gets withing 5 feet of Anna, she will cast Obscuring Mist.

2009-11-09, 05:55 AM
Isri draws himself up to his full height, a massively imposing 4'7, and puts on his best 'utterly insane drow who will rip your face off if you look at him wrong' face, well-practiced from his youth in the underdark.
"I will not allow you fools to bring harm to these people in any way. Leave now, or I shall rip you all limb from limb and take your useless heads as trophies, for the wrath of Corellon will be upon you, and none of you imbiciles will ever return to your homes, for I'll be spending tonight tanning your hides for shoe leather!" He gives them a threatening, feral smile that shows off teeth that are entirely too white against his jet-black lips, his brilliant red eyes glittering with menace.

Intimidate: [roll0] I assume they count as citizens of Renston, if not knock 5 off of that.
And yes, for Isri getting dressed involves his armor and gear since, lulz, he doesn't own anything else to wear.
Also initiative since we're going to need to roll it eventually, I'm sure:

2009-11-09, 12:33 PM
To Aelyn one of the Rapier wielders simply says "Shut up and sit down."

Anna receives a slightly more eloquent "Oh blind are ya. So if I came over there to have my way with ya there'd be nothing you could do about it?" ((Yeah when it came to Wisdom and Charisma, this guy had run out of points....true story.))

Isri's performance however seems to have a much more potent effect, the leader addressing you directly. "N..now calm down mate. There's no need to be talking about turning us into shoes. We're not gonna hurt anyone, are we lads."

2009-11-09, 12:38 PM
Arriving late to the common room, the Tinkerer seems oblivious to the current goings-on and greets everyone in the room.

"Good morning everyone! I was pondering the most incredible ideas just recently! Such as..."

He is taken slightly aback noticing that there seems to be a confrontation starting.

"Is trouble brewing?"

That's what -6 to spot and listen will get ya!

2009-11-09, 01:03 PM
Gher gets dressed and heads downstairs for breakfast, after having been woken up by Isri's early morning prayers. At the first sign of trouble, he readies his sap and attempts to hide, whether it's under a table, around the corner, wherever is available.

Initiative [roll0]
Hide (if allowed) [roll1]

2009-11-11, 05:40 PM
Anna 22
Isri 19
Aelyn 16
Leader Halfling 14
Quandry 13
Rapier Halflings 10
Gher 6

Retro (= crappy) Map

Anna's Turn

Kin Silvion
2009-11-11, 09:09 PM
Anna looks towards the "bandit" who said he was going to have his way with her, gives him a coy smile and says, Sorry, but not today. and casts Web on him.

Since I have to, but I don't see why. I'm pretty sure I can succeed any listen check.

Listen to find him: Because of blind, 10+26=36.

2009-11-14, 12:52 AM
"Of course you won't hurt anyone, you'll be too busy being dead. Scum! Surrender or prepare to feel the Protector's wrath!" Isri snarls, drawing his sword.

Ready action to attack the first person who attacks him. Isri has not had his morning coffee yet. :P (Not that he drinks it, but.)

2009-11-17, 10:38 AM
"How about no," the elf hisses, moving forward with her weapon drawn.

Not entirely sure who I can reach, so I'll prioritize the leader if I can reach him without provoking an AoO (I don't trust these guys to not have combat reflexes, though their initiative is kinda lol). If that's not possible, I'll try to reach the guy by the groupies (W, W, SW, S?), and if I can't do that, I'll move SE, S, SW and end up in G7. Whoever I end up targeting, I'll use Disarming Strike for nonlethal damage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Critical hit: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Disarm roll (if hit): [roll4]

I'm assuming the disarm roll takes the same -4 penalty the attack rolls take for dealing nonlethal damage.

2009-11-20, 12:35 PM
Anna's spell manages to ensnare some of the civilians, but the Halfling slips right through it, though he still has to struggle to be free of it.

Though Aelyn's strike at the back of the Halflings hand strikes true, his grip on his blade is too tight, and he keeps hold of it.

Infuriated by Isri's taunts The Halfling leader throws snaps his fingers against the wick of the "candle" and hurls it at the Drow. It hits the floor next to him and explodes with a bang shattering the bar next to you. ((Isri and Aelyn take 4 blast damage, 1 damage from debris, and 7 fire damage, with a DC15 Reflex save to reduce the fire damage to 3))

Quandry's turn

2009-11-20, 02:35 PM
[roll0] Reflex save

2009-11-20, 02:36 PM
[roll0] Reflex save

:smallbiggrin:I love Characters getting Nat1's. Fun for me.

2009-11-20, 05:11 PM
[roll0] Better reflex save

2009-11-21, 12:45 AM
Deciding that questions regarding the source of the disagreement should perhaps wait for a later time, the Tinkerer pulls his crossbow to the ready and fires a bolt at what he considers the most dangerous of the lot, the one that exploded the bar and his teammate.

"It would seem we've already discovered trouble and we haven't even initiated our decided courses of actions yet!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit Confirmation: [roll2]
Damage: [roll]1d6[roll]
Edit: Ah well, didn't crit anyway

2009-11-23, 01:31 PM
As Quandry's bolt soars past the halfling's head the two rapier weilders retaliate, both heading straight for Aelyn. One misses her completely, but the second pierces her and draws pale blue blood ((8 damage)).

Gher's turn (finally)

2009-11-23, 01:45 PM
Gher slowly moves in to flank one of the halflings attacking Aelyn, and attempts to sap him.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Crit Confirm (if needed) [roll1]
Subdual Damage [roll2]
Extra Crit Damage (if needed) [roll3]