View Full Version : The Forgotten Mines

2009-09-21, 11:04 PM
The World
Welcome my friends, to the world of Etticka. A world of peace. A world of war. A world of harmony. A world of Chaos. In this world, one may find anything, it seems - provided one searches hard enough for it. From the simple human to the wild, powerful and exotic, chances are it has a home somewhere in this vast landscape.

This world has a legend, however. While there is a sizeable minority that like to think differently, the majority believe that yes, there are gods. And not only are there gots, but according to legend, once every thousand years, there arises a champion of the gods. Blessed with divine power, this champion even has the power to shape the continents as he sees fit, in order to better bring divine righteousness to the world.

Yet our story today is not of such epic conflicts. Rather, we turn our gaze towards a group of people just struggling to survive in this often-harsh world...

The Continents:
Elreen: This foreign continent lies to the north. The people here believe in a strict code of battle, honor and warefare. In this land, a warrior's code of honor is unbreakable - to break it is to be considered dead by all. In fact, after breaking their code with cowardice, their only comfort can be death. (Think Asian cultures)

Auria: This small, circular continent lies to the south of Elreen. It is rumored to have the most beautiful coastlines and beaches in the world - past that, however, there is little. A ring of mountains just inside the coast blocks most of Auria from the wind and rain, making it a harsh land of sand and desert. Yet the occasional tribe of humanoids call this place their home, traveling from Oasis to Oasis, struggling to make their living. Occasionally these tribes will be lucky to witness an epic duel of dragons of fire from considerable distances away, and some tribes even worship the scaled beasts of wonder.

Frostland:This barren landscape just touches the north pole, and extends a bit southward. It lies to the north and east of Elreen. Seeing an empty mass of land, many have tried to leave unfortunate situations to make a new life for themselves among the snow. A precious few have succeeded. Blizzards, icy terrain make even the southernmost parts of Frostland nearly inhospitable, whereas life near the north pole is impossible for most normal beings.

Bancroft: To the east of Aura and south of Etticka lies Bancroft. Bancroft is unique when compared to the other continents, as all of the countries within have something unique about themselves. For the most part, the seperate countries keep to themselves, dealing with others as little as possible. This is the continent where our story takes place.
Countries in Bancroft: Dalligar:This mountanous and hilly country at the very northwest is the home of most of the dwarves and gnomes. Their society is a very rigid one with harsh punishments for breaking the law.

Leppit:Just south of Dalligar, this forested country is the home of wild elves and many other forest creatures. They don't quite have a central government, but different tribes and families will gather together in the rare cases that something effects the whole "country".

Yinmel:This country is very focused on the dieties, often interpreting the word of the more good-aligned gods as law. They are most known for the Holy Order: An organization of paladins that seeks out injustice in Yinmel, crushing it with their swords. Their focus on the divine, however, means a slight distrust for the arcane. Mostly human-occupied, with dwarves being the largest minority. This is where our story takes place.

Idakee:This small country borders Yinmel to the east. A sharp contrast to its larger, divine-focused western brother, Idakee has a great love for knowledge and the arcane.

Monrith:This country is to the north of Idakee, filled with forests. Elves are the most common race here, with a central government that is fairly loose, adapting to things as they come.

Gelaersh: While there are pockets of 'savage humanoids' everywhere in Bancroft, Gelaersh seems to be home to the majority. To the east of Idakee, Gelaersh is filled with hills and deserts, and is home to many tribes of orcs and gnolls, and other savages.

Franc: This country, to the south of Gelaersh, has a difficult time dealing with the savage tribes. Another country of humans, and also halflings and some elves, Franc is well-known for its peaceful nature and chocolates. Mostly grasslands.

Foothill:A simple village at the base of the mountains that make up the eastern border of Yinmel. They get by with farming and with a bit of mining - however, their mine has depleted recently, and times are hard on the village. Now, though, their economy appears to have been saved - a new mine has been discovered! The mayor is a cautious man, however, and does not wish to send miners into an unexplored mine alone. He has started a search for body guards for these miners - ah, but if only there were a few able men and women in the village who were willing to plunge into the depths for a few coins!

2009-09-21, 11:23 PM
Now is the time that our story turns to our heroes. Fresh to the world, they believe themselve's ready to face all of the challenges out there. Time will tell, however.

Whether just passing through on their way to bigger, better things, or they have chosen to make a home for themselves in this quaint little village, coincidence - or is it fate? - has guided the group to this one spot, at this one time.

Hill's Foot Inn, 2100 hours

The strong smell of ale and the sound of merry chatter are strong in the Hill's Foot Inn tonight. Much of the focus in the common room seems to be at one table in the exact center - at it sit four men, each with a large mug in his hand. Old mining picks have been laid on the ground next to their chairs, forgotten in favor of the strong drinks in their hands. The largest of them stand and raises his mug into the air.

"A TOAST!" He bellows, his powerful voice seeming to carry through the entire inn. With his free hand he grabs a much more slender man, pulling him close in a brotherly, drunken hug of sorts. The large man stumbles a bit, some of the ale sloshing out of his mug. "I say, a toast must be made! I thank pelor this day for his wonderful gift. A mine! A mine it was we found this day, with such precious stones! Alas, we could not explore the entirety of it... Our good mayor is a bit too cautious, demanding he hire some escorts for us first. But a toast! Foothill will be prosperous again, I tell you! A toast to Pelor's generosity!"

The majority of the patrons in the common room of the inn cheered, messily raising their mugs to make the toast. Many of them had already had a drink too many - ale sloshed over the mugs, making quite a mess over the tables and floor. But faced with such good news, even the innkeeper didn't mind.

2009-09-22, 07:28 AM
A tall figure, wearing a large hooded cape over it's head sits alone on one of the corners sipping a green tea.

When she hears the reasons of the toast, it takes a shlitly bigger sip from the teapot, and then stands up. The hood is lowered and the cape opened, revealing a tall and slender woman of great beauty. Her hair seems pitch black at first glance, but as she turns her head, the light sources of the bar produce bluish reflexes.

Her skin is palid, almost white, and her blue eyes are almost as dark as her hair.

She wears a tight leather armor that altough covering most of her skin doesn't leave much to imagination in the way of shapes. In her back it's now visible a longbow and quivers along a well stocked backpack. All the equipment is suprisingly clean and taken care off.

This mysterious woman walks to the center of the bar, before standing next to the man who had just made the speech.

Good sir, I think I just heard you mentioned looking for escorts to protect your mens investigating a dangerous mine right?

If this is correct then I would like to offer you my services. I'm Tymio, a traveling professional mercenary. I'm quite skilled with the bow and I also know one or other magic tricks.

Should the pay be fair, I would be very glad to assure your men's safety in exploring the unknown.

Bluff because Tymio is definetely not a professional mercenary, she also isn't that good with the bow, and does know more than one or other magic tricks:smallbiggrin:

2009-09-22, 08:22 AM

Listening to the man's toast Oskar raised his mug and cheered with the rest, not because he particularly cared about the town's fortunes, but because if he hadn't it would have been suspicious, and the man to his right might have noticed his hand reaching into his coin belt and lifting a handful of silver into his own.

As he leant back however he couldn't silence the little voice in the back of his mind. He should leave now before the man realised his weeks wages were gone, but that damned voice kept spouting rubbish about adventure and glory, two thigs he most definitely didn't need.

Hearing the leather clad woman's speech Oskar took the opportunity to drown the voice in a mouthful of ale, rationalising the endeavour as a chance for a quick profit. However he decided on a different tactic, head-on confrontations were not his thing. So finishing his drink he dropped one of the smelly man's own silver coins back on the table for his share of the tip, and departed.

As he reached the cold outside air he wrapped his cloak around himself, heading in the direction of the mayor's house.

Not actually stealing any money so no Sleight of Hand.
Know (Local) Take 10 = 14 to find the Mayor's house (I really hope he's not in bed :smallbiggrin:).

2009-09-22, 04:34 PM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

With a purposeful stride, Fenor heads directly to the bar counter. He needed some ale to relax himself a bit. He just endured a three hour trek on foot to Foothill and neglected to refill his waterskin before the journey, so the wizard was quite parched. He's quite surprised when a large drunken fellow intercepts him, yanking him close for a sweet smelly embrace. The big human stumbles about, dragging Fenor back and forth with him, the smaller brown-haired man making sure the recklessly spilled alchohol doesn't end up on his expensive crimson cloak. Fenor's green eyes stared longingly at the counter -- so close to his goal, yet so far!

His ears perk when the drunken man began rambling about the mine, however. Getting a job was exactly why he travelled here. Clearing his throat, he tries to speak, "Uh, hey, sir? Sir? Where could I find this -- this mayor you spoke of? You see, well, that is I'm interested in getting hired for.." His voice is lost in the sea of cheering and loud drunken banter.

Fenor watches as a charming woman approaches the man still absently clinging to him and listens to her eloquent proposal. Wow, what a way with words! And that's exactly what he wanted to say, too! Well, he's probably not as skillful as this woman, but the mayor probably needs more than one escort anyway, so he still might get hired! The young human pipes up, "I'd also like to lend my services too! My name's Fenor."

2009-09-22, 08:23 PM
The village of Foothill, 2100 hours

The large man stumbles a bit when he first heard the feminine voice. He turned around, the unfortunate little wizard still in his sweaty grasp. As she talked, however, he seemed to completely forget the smaller man was there. He looked the woman's body over - a more curious look than one of lust - skeptical, at first. It didn't take him long, however, to completely change his attitude. His look turned into one of respect as he listened to her. And then, when she finished, he dipped into a bow as low as his large, drunken form could afford. And then he kept going. The miner was nearly at the ground before he realized his fate. Then, all the windmilling his arms could do - accidentally hitting poor Fenor in the process - could not keep him up. He fell onto the ground, knocking over a chair and completely spilling his whole drink in the process.

"H-honored, I am! Really!" He stammered, from the ground. He pushed himself back onto his unsteady feet, refusing the help of anyone who offered. His face was red from embarassment, and he stood straight and tall as he tried to regain his composue. "I'm truly honored to be before such a skilled mercenary as yerself. "o'course, I'm not in charge of who gets chosen... but I'm sure the mayor'll take one look at ya and demand you join up. Pay's damn good, too! Somethin' like..." he paused, scratching his head as he thought. Then he snapped his fingers once it finally came to him. "Yeah, now I remember! A hunnerd gold for each person!"

Only then did he take notice of Fenor, "Whaaat, you?! Bah, if you went down there I'd likely be the one protectin' you! If you really WANT to make a fool of yourself..." He shrugged. "Mayor's house is in the center of the village. Can't miss it."

TECHNICALLY you can't take ten on knowledge checks... ;P!
Using his knowledge of various villages he has seen in his travels, it doesn't take Oskar long to track down the mayor's house. It is a simple, but very well-made and well-kept one story house in the center of the village. A soft glow of flickering light can be seen through one of the two open windows. A thin, light column of smoke rises from the tall, thick chimney. The wooden door is slightly ajar.

2009-09-22, 10:30 PM
Frederick Tanner

A tall man in relatively new looking armor bursts through the door of the inn. He sees the miners and sprints to their table, where he drops to his knees. I heard from patrons of the Eldritch Alehouse that you are looking for bodyguards. Please, hire me. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll do anything! Just please, take me with you, I beg of you!

If you think it calls for it,
Diplomacy [roll0]

Beren One-Hand
2009-09-23, 01:34 AM
Ol' Bolor

Sitting amongst the crowd, a craggy dwarf with golden eyes and a grizzled white beard to match the shock of white hair barely clinging around the back of his head can easily be seen drinking easily with the locals... for he has been one far longer than any of the humans can remember.

"Aye you may praise Pelor, Jarrod... just don't forget who it was that foretold where to start looking when you and the lads started having those dreams weekly. Listen to you men talk it's as if the very world was made for you to work and play in!"

With a twinkle in his eye, and a good natured laugh at the old jokes and banter with his fellow townsmen, the dwarf turns to the newcomers and adds, "If ye be wanting to join the expedition, I'll gladly take ya to the mayor myself. I told 'em when we started looking that I'll need help exploring the mine, the earth sings so of secrets and danger. Bolor's the name. Folks round here call me Ol' Bolor." With a laugh he adds, "or even Know-It-All! If'n yer willing to work hard and help where needed, I might even put in a good word fer ya."

rezplz, if I overstepped anything let me know and I'll change it. I just made up the name since he should know it, and as for the dreams... well that's one of the things he helps the community out with :smallsmile:

2009-09-23, 02:31 AM

A few hours rest turns into a few days...and then a few days nearly risks becoming a few weeks of jobless, restless days in some random village. Daylin was traveling as an assistant and body guard to a Snobby merchant when he suddenly became ill. Normally that would not affect a harden soldiers constitution. Fortunately Daylin was hardly a hardened Soldier. Feeling as though he had nearly completed his task, as they were only weeks travel from home at most Daylin took his pay, minus a small portion for leaving the Caravan early and took a room in the Village of Foothill.

This night had been far more then expected for him. Just as he started to feel better the Inn had become alive with celebration, drink and dance. Who was the simple man to say no? "Drink! Drink and be merry!" he shouted over the voices as he took large swigs of spirit. Dancing with ladies and talking with locals. As the night grows so do the number of empty Mugs of Ale. Singing and joking with locals as if they were long lost friends Daylin notices one of the men he had been enjoying several mugs with nearly toppling over and steps in to brace him, still half singing he catches word of the rest of the conversation. and suddenly it sparks <I get it...theres work> he drunkenly mumbles to himself <tomorrow..>"My friend, another mug on me!" he shouts, slamming his nearly empty mug down and calling over one of the Maids. "two more...At least!" Daylin shouts with a laugh and resumes the chorus.

2009-09-23, 11:12 AM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

Anger kindled in the mage's heart when he heard the drunken man's unflattering words. Bah, what did he know? Fenor would've liked nothing more than to snap his fingers and light the burly man's hair on fire, but he's just wise enough to know that would probably hinder his local job finding.

He smiles appreciatively at the white-haired dwarf and makes his way over to the old timer's table. "Nice to meet you, Bolor. My name's Fenor. Yeah, I'm willing to work hard for this job, especially when the pay is so good. One hundred gold coins would be a welcome addition to my empty pockets." The wizard grins.

2009-09-23, 12:00 PM

Walking through the night the town was quiet. Apparently everybody was in the tavern celebrating. At least that was one stumbling block he wouldn't have to worry about, he was confident in his abilites, but he knew from experience that he could mess up and wind up back in prison.

Seeing the well made homestead the mage prepared himself. Walking up to the house he held his hands slightly away from himself, palms open in case any hidden guards were watching. Reaching the doorway he couldn't help but take a peek through the gap.

((Assuming he sees nothing of interest. If he does let me know and I'll adjust.))

Satisfied he knocks sharply on the door and begins whispering a spell under his breath.

Ready Action to use Charm Person on the person who answers the door.

2009-09-23, 01:58 PM
Tymio releashes a small chuckle seeing the man literally fall to her knees, then replies:

Thank you very much for the compliment and the information good sir. Now, where would the mayor's house be, so I could settle the details tonight? Then I could come back here and celebrate my new contract with you all nice people and tell you of my many adventures!

(assuming that I get the mayor's location, I go straight there.)

Beren One-Hand
2009-09-23, 08:57 PM
Ol' Bolor

"Well said, Fenor! I like those with initiative."
Standing up and letting his rough woven clothes settle on his thin frame, Bolor leans upon his sturdy cane.

"Come on then, let's go. This lot'l be here long after we're in bed this night. On the way you can regale me with the tales of your travels."

With a slow, shuffling gait he leads the way to the mayor's house for all those wanting to go.

2009-09-23, 09:23 PM
The Village of Foothill, 2100 hours

The Mayor's house

Assuming that a middle-aged man reading a book isn't particularly of interest... If it is, lemme know and I'll edit accordingly.
As Oskar looks inside the window, he sees a middle-aged man in a chair, oblivious to the world. A soft smile is on his face as he holds up the book, warm and comfortable in the glow of the fireplace. Once Oskar knocks on the door, he hears the closing of a book and a few grumblings by the man who was reading.

"I got the door, daddy!", a feminine voice calls out from somewhere in the back of the house.

"No, no, no... I've got it. Already up anyway." The door opened and the middle-aged man stuck his head out. Just then, Oskar's spell went off. The man widened his eyes in surprise, taking a step back before he shook his head, fighting off the arcane effect. After a short while, his eyes narrowed with anger - the opposite effect that Oskar seemed to want. The man did not look to be much stronger than Oskar, yet oddly enough he was not afraid.

"What. Did you just try to do to me?" The man clenched his fists as he spoke in a low growl.

The Hill's Foot Inn

"Eh?" The large man looked down, taking an unsteady step back as the strong fighting man threw himself at the heavyset man's feet, begging for a job. At first, the drunken man wasn't completely sure how to respond. He scratched his head as he tried to come up with a quick answer. "Uhhhhhhh..." Okay, he needed a better answer.

"Yeah, sure. You seem like a man who could punch a guy's lights out. I'm not in charge of who goes or not, so ya might want to go to the mayor's house. In the middle of the village, can't miss it. I think he was planning on hiring 6 people? If ya hurry, the spots might still be open. Maybe."

Jarrod then turned to look at Balor, and once more he laughed, bringing his ale to his lips. "Ah, if it isn't Ol' Balor! Of course I'm glad you're around, my dwarf friend. Wouldn't 'ave found the mines without ya! Of course, if you truly had faith in the gods you would know that it was Pelor himself that let you guide us, am I right?" He gave the dwarf a good-natured laugh, as while he professed his love for Pelor above all else, he did admit - grudgingly - that other gods had influence, too... he supposed...

"But yeah, you should all go off to the mayor's house, let him know you're all joining. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to set off as soon as tomorrow! Hahahah!"

In front of the Mayor's house...

Those that leave the inn to head to the mayor's house find it with no trouble, especially with Ol' Bolor leading the way around the village he knows well. When the mayor's house is in sight, they can already see a man in front of the house, talking to the mayor. You are currently too far away to tell what exactly they are talking about, however.

2009-09-23, 09:55 PM
Frederick follows Balor so closely it is almost rude. Sir, thank you so much for this opportunity. I do not possess the words to express my gratitude other than to say that you are unto my family as the first rains of spring were unto my leek crop.

2009-09-24, 03:37 AM
Tymio doesn't feel like interrupting their conversation, but doesn't resist trying to get a peek out of it. She aproaches slowly, trying to catch their words.


2009-09-24, 03:54 AM

Seeing his spell fail Oskar reflexively assumes a look of wide-eyed horror, interlocking his fingers and immediately begins babbling.

"Pelor's Mace! Forgive me sir. I only recently discovered my magicks, and I have trouble controlling them sometimes. I swear I didn't mean to cast a spell, it just sort of happened, I was muttering to my self and I didn't know it was a spell I thought it was nonsense."

Breathing in his words were still rushed, but intentionally clearer to the ear.

"I merely came to seek employment from your grace. A man named Jarrod at the inn said you were looking for escorts, although after this icident I fear I'd be a danger." He looks down, seemingly almost in tears. "Dammit I thought I could use the mission to practise my control, I'm so sorry sir."

His head is bowed and his shoulders are slumped.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2009-09-24, 11:50 AM
''ah crudebucket.'' Daylin swore drunkenly as he heard the adventuring party preparing to leave. He needed the money and while still feeling a bit under the weather he was getting bored. ''effin hell wait for me a second won't ya!'' he shouts after them. Tossing a few coins towards the bar as he stumbled out as quickly as he could.

2009-09-24, 05:42 PM
When Bolor indicates which house is the mayor's, Frederick runs the rest of the way. Upon arrival at the mayor's side, he snaps to attention, throws his best salute, and stares at the man, trying his hardest not to blink.

2009-09-25, 11:30 AM
Holding onto the dwarf for support as the other man who he had been leaning off runs and in his drunken state he nearly loses his balance. "What a maniac. I hope he has more composure then that in a fight." Daylin says, staring at the man sprint towards the house.

2009-09-27, 08:57 PM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

Fenor walks with the dwarf making small-talk as they go. He's quite cheerful at the moment, happy with the idea of having a job interview lined up on the very first night that he arrived at the village. Peering ahead he notices the two people speaking to each other at the house's entrance. "I guess there's a bunch of people looking for this position huh?"

Beren One-Hand
2009-09-27, 09:14 PM
Ol' Bolor

Smiling, and shaking his head at the eagerness of the young ones, Bolor replies, "Aye it looks like we'll have a full contingent without much effort."

A brief look of worry crosses the old dwarf's face for a fleeting instant as he adds, "The Earth Mother's been a bit unrestive, so I'll be going along to make sure nothing untoward happens."

2009-09-29, 12:16 AM
The village of foothill, 2100 hours

The Mayor's house

As you approach, you are now able to hear everything they say.

The mayor looked down on what seemed to be an innocent, inexperienced spellcaster. He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes, clearly not impressed. Once he finished his little sob story, the bulging muscles in the mayor's neck told of his anger.

"I find it appaling that you expect to fool me with such a ridiculous LIE!" His fists were clenched; his knuckles white. "Why, I should have you -" But then the unexpected arrival of Frederick. The mayor raised an eyebrow, confused - there was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments as the mayor stared at Frederick. Finally, he spoke.

"What do you want?"

2009-09-29, 07:22 AM
Deciding it's best to present herself before a battle starts, Tymio steps forward with a calm face and says in her best calm voice:

Good evening mr.Mayor. I'm Tymio, a traveling mercenary, and I caught word that you would be needing strong and skilled hands to help explore the mine you recently discovered.

I'm here to offer my services to you. I'm quite skilled with the bow and I also possess some magic tricks. I assure you I'll keep your citizens well protected from any dangers that may lay down in those tunnels.

2009-09-29, 09:35 PM
Sir! I am here to secure the mines. You will need someone experienced in combat. I am ready to depart at a moments notice. No challenge is too great. I will do whatever it takes to get this job, sir! Uh... please?

Beren One-Hand
2009-09-30, 12:39 AM
Ol' Bolor

Leaning heavily on his cane, Bolor's slow shuffle is made even slower by the drunken weight of his companion. Upon hearing the Mayor's raised voice, Bolor pauses a second while he adjusts his thick brown robe and reaching into its depths grips a ring of black stone, shot through with quartz veins, that hangs around his neck from a good leather thong. Closing his eyes, the dwarf stands briefly still before speaking to Daylin.

"Aye, he's a quick one. Very eager... not that that's a bad thing to find in youths. Of course eagerness in a fight is whole 'nother bucket of slag."

Using Earth Sense to sense the number of beings touching the ground within 20' of him (and the direction of each one) to see if there are any other malcontents hanging out of sight.

2009-10-01, 01:29 AM
The village of Foothill, 2110 hours

"...Get out of my sight." The mayor folded his arms and glared at the spellcaster. Despite his average-at-best muscle build, his simple willpower gave him an intimidating air. At a loss for what else to do, the stunned caster complied, perhaps intending to try again some other time...

The mayor brought a small hand to his mouth, giving a few loud coughs before turning to face the man and woman in front of him. He gave them both a curious, suspicious look as he rubbed his chin in thought. "So... you both want to come into this mine, protect my miners for me, is that right?" The mayor turned his head to the side a bit, looking past the two would-be adventurers to see the others, standing farther back. "I suppose you are all here for the same thing then!" He called out, loudly enough for him to hear as well. He paused for a moment, silence dominating as he gave them a brief look-over. Then, he nodded and turned towards his house, gesturing over his shoulder that they should all follow him.

"Well then. Some of you I've never seen before, and others I know well enough to trust their judgement. Come in, and we'll discuss the terms of your contract."

Once inside, the mayor noticed with a sigh that his daughter was still awake - she was a girl in her late teens with a slender frame, her blonde hair put into a somewhat careless ponytail. She was standing by the window - apparently, she had been spying on their conversation. The mayor sighed. "Go to bed, Janet. We have business to discuss."

"Never get to watch you do anything fun," Janet pouted, before she started to walk down the hall. Before she went out of sight, she turned back to the group. "Don't let my dad scare you. He's all bark and no bite, really." The mayor, already irritated, gave Janet a stern glance. She stuck her tongue out at him and imitated a small dog's bark before hurrying off.

Soon afterwars, she crept around a corner and tried to spy on them, trying to use the shadows of the dimly lit shadows to her advantage - trying being the key word.

The mayor lead them into what appeared to be a living room. There was a chair, which he sat in, and a couch that could comfortably fit three people. There was a large fire blazing in the fireplace, filling the room with light and warmth.

"Now, the first thing I want to talk about..." he glanced behind him, to where you can all see Janet trying to hide and watch, "is how my daughter will be severely punished if she doesn't go to bed." With an innocent smile, she left. Once she was gone, the mayor turned to the group again.

"Now that that's taken care of... Earlier this week, as you should already know, we found a mine. It was old rock, and it had been worked before - but the miners didn't have to go in too far to find some more precious ores."

As the mayor talked, everyone except Frederick and Tymio can see Janet reappear again, watching and listening to the conversation.

"Micheal, one of the miners, convinced the others that they should report back what they found before working the stone, or going in deeper. Micheal also voiced a concern of his with me that he was wise enough to not share with anyone else. You see, they all knew the mine had been operated before. And it's also an old mine, and it didn't make sense that we wouldn't have known about it, since we've been here for a while. Long story short, I'm worried that something's down there. I'm lucky that you people showed up, because I'm not sure if I could have stopped Jarrod from going down there for much longer... But I'm willing to pay each of you 100 gold to go down there and escort my miners, and make sure that nothing's going to happen to them. Understood?"

2009-10-01, 01:54 AM
"Ah...Looks like he's happy to see us eh!" Daylin says, his good spirit partially due to the drunkness but also excited for the sake of something new happening "Buck of Slag? I like that...Haha I like it. I suppose we should go over" He says nearly reluctantly.

2009-10-01, 06:51 AM

Tymio sympathized with this man. Harsh, but trying to give a proper education to her daughter. Smiling at the teenagers provocations to is parent, she listens carefully to the mayor's words and then answers.

Perfectly understood, mr.Mayor. Just a small doubt. Would it be possible to ask Jarrod to wait some hours before entering the cave tomorrow morning? It would make our job much easier if we could scout the caves and search for traps whitout needing to worry about civilians trigering something on acident. Once we deal with whatever imediate dangers may be lurking in there, we'll let the miners enter and protect them from whatever better hidden problems that may apear.

2009-10-01, 07:18 PM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

Fenor lets out a small sigh of relief as he plops himself down on one end of the couch. It was, after all, his first chance to sit this entire evening. He listens to the mayor intently, getting giddy with excitement when the man mentions the pay. A hundred gold! The novice wizard could take a nice vacation with that gold. Maybe visit the acclaimed arcane library of Zithra just beyond the mountains to the east. Days upon days of endless reading from musty arcane tomes... The excitement was getting almost unbearable for him. "Understood, sir! When do we start? Now?" He flashes an awkward smile. He's quite eager to start. But too eager? Too eager might be bad. He frowns at the thought. Not really sure what to do to fix the situation, he coughs awkwardly. That probably didn't help either. Fenor decides to shut up unless spoken to.

2009-10-05, 01:37 AM
The village of Foothill, 2110 hours

The mayor listened to Tymio's concerns, and stroked the stubble on his chin, thinking it over. "I agree. Your concerns are valid. However..." He glanced to the window, as if trying to make sure that Jerrod himself was not listening in. Satisfied, he paused again as he looked back to Tymio. "You see, here's the thing. You've met Jarrod - he's a passionate man who doesn't take 'no' for an answer. Don't get me wrong, he's a good man... just, a bit over-eager. It was difficult enough to get him to wait until we could find an escort for him. If I let someone else explore the beauty of those mines before him... well, he just wouldn't take it very well at all." The mayor smiled, chuckling for a bit as he shook his head.

"As mayor, of course, he would have to listen to me. And I could get him to listen too, if I really tried. But with how he's been looking forward to his, and how dissapointed he'd be if I made him wait more..." he shrugged, and leaned back in his chair. "I don't feel like it's my place to keep him back. If you can pursuade him to wait, though, then more power to you."

The mayor raised an eyebrow and glanced at Fenor, laughing a bit at his eagerness. "Look outside! Would you want to go exploring in the dark? No, no... wait until sunrise. The exact time that you leave is up to you."

Beren One-Hand
2009-10-06, 09:49 PM
Ol' Bolor

Throughout the Mayor's speachs, Ol' Bolor was sitting comfortably glancing between his companions, gauging their reactions, and pointedly ignoring Janet after giving her a surreptitious wink.

At the mayor's last comment, he couldn't help but chuckle and reply, "Well it doesn't matter one way or the other to me, being able to see in the dark and all... And as for everyone else... well torch-light is torch-light, day or night."

2009-10-08, 04:45 PM

Frederick stands at attention across the room from the mayor. Sir, I will gladly take on this mission. Are we exploring to see what dangers might be present, or to... deal with any dangers we might find? Frederick does not seem phased in the slightest to be discussing possible encounters with creatures that could rip him rimb from limb.

2009-10-08, 05:41 PM

Very well, I guess I'll try to talk some sense into him...-chuckles Tymio to the Mayor's answer.

Then, looking at Ol'Bolor

I would prefer going on the morning, since it's better if we have a safe iluminated place to fall back if needed.

2009-10-09, 10:20 PM

looking a little disappointed as the most attractive girl he has seen in weeks disappears his mind briefly focus' on the task at hand. "Mr Mayor...Your secret is safe with me. I will not speak a word to Jarrod. however if you could not tell." he says, stumbling in place and quickly recovering "I am not quite in the best of shape to be fightin' much other then a toliet or a mug" He finishes with a happy laugh, although drunkenly.

2009-10-10, 03:37 AM
The village of Foothill, 2130 hours

The Mayor's House

The mayor chuckled, and looked over to Frederick. He clasped his hands together in his lap as he spoke. "Naturally, the mines are within the boundaries for our nice little town here, if just barely. And, since they are on our lands... I would expect you to clear out any possible dangers you may find in there. Naturally, I expect none - but with a case like this, one can never be too careful or too thorough.

"Good luck with that one!" The Mayor gave a short laugh and leaned back in his chair, looking at Tymio. "Jarrod is... a passionate man. Very hard to convince of anything he doesn't like. A good man... but a stubborn one. If you can get him to wait, I will certainly be impressed."

Towards Daylin, however, he frowned slightly. "Hm... Well, I would recommend that you find some way to sober up by morning. Exploring an unknown mine is dangerous enough while sober - doing so while drunk or hung over is incredibly reckless at best.

"Now," the mayor said, as he stood, rubbing his hands together. "If you have no more questions, then I wish you luck. Those of you that return after exploring the mines will be paid the hundred gold each. I don't think it would take any more than a day, max... but just in case, I'd bring extra rations for a few days. I've heard terrible stories of miners getting lost, and starving to death, with nobody but the darkness to comfort them..." he sighed, shaking his head, and then abruptly gave them a cheerful smile.

"Well! Have a good night, and get a good night's sleep. And needless to say, that does include my daughter..." You all hear panicked footsteps as the mayor's daughter hurries off to her room.

The Village of Foothill, 0700 hours

The Hill's Foot inn

The innkeeper frowns as he cleans a glass behind the counter, shaking his head at the mess being made on his tables. Jarrod, much more sobre, has an excited smile on his face as he rummages through his pack. Travel and mining gear seem to be scattered everywhere on a few tables - apparently, Jarrod is not the only miner getting ready to leave this morning. A thinner man with dark shadows under his eyes that always seemed to be complaining that something wasn't right with his gear, and a man with a thick mustache that seemed peacefully silent, only speaking when spoken to. Through overheard conversation, newcomers to the town learn soon enough that the quiet man is named Thomas, while the thinner man is named Samuel.

2009-10-10, 04:01 PM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

Fenor wakes up a little before dawn. He had trouble sleeping, far too excited at the prospect of making so much money in such a small amount of time and effort. This job was too good to be true! After carefully studying and selecting his spells for the day and packing up some supplies for the mine, he heads downstairs to the inn's main room. Taking a seat at the counter and smiling he asks, "Hey, barkeep, could I get a dish of your best breakfast meal? I can afford to pamper myself a bit today. Landed a big job, you see."

2009-10-10, 11:35 PM
Frederick Tanner

Frederick bursts through the door with the stride of a man on a mission. Alright, if we're going to do this, let's do it well. Most importantly, let's do it fast!

2009-10-15, 09:32 PM

Stumbling into the main room of the tavern he tries, and fails to look more then slightly coherent at this time of the morning. His Armor half on as he slowly struggling with the belts and snaps it eventually resembles the proper donning, still slightly off in some places. His hair disheveled, his eyes red and glazed. He has a meager amount of equipment, just a few bits of adventuring gear, basic at that. "Morning guys..Drank way too much last night, didn't expect this." He mumbles as he slumps into a chair and chews on some bread he had brought down. Most notable about his appearance, other then that he could hardly dress himself that morning was the total lack of weaponry.

2009-10-16, 09:07 PM
The Village of Foothill, 0700 hours

The Hill's Foot inn

The barkeep looked up from the glass he was polishing off, and gave Fenor a smile, as he laughed. "Well. So you're one of the guys they're sending off into that mine, huh?" He shook his head, putting the cleaned glass on the counter. "I think the things are death traps, myself. Couldn't pay ME a hunnerd gold to set foot in one, I'll tell you that!" He then brought two fingers to his lips, whistling rather loudly. He turned his head back over his left shoulder, and shouted into the kitchen, "Need another meal out here!"

Within a minute or two, a young barmaid came out with a plate piled high with steaming hot food, the smell of which makes those that are hungry nearby drool, nearly able to taste the food just by looking at it. This innkeeper apparently has a reputation for being generous with his meals, and has not failed to live up to expectation this morning.

Jerrod, laughs with delight as he sees Frederick burst his way in. "Hahah!" He said, clapping the other man on the shoulder. "You see, that's what I like to hear! Once we get back from this journey, we must have a drink together, you and me."

Samuel, the thinner man, smirked to himself as he shoved a mining pick into his pack, looking at Daylin. "Heh. Looks like somebody doesn't know how to hold his alcohol very well... What're you even coming with us for? Thought you were hired to protect us against imaginary goblins or whatever. You don't even have a weapon!"

2009-10-18, 02:54 PM
Fenor Small AC: 12 HP: 5/5
Lvl 0 spells: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1 spells: Magic Missile, Lesser Orb of Acid x2, Kelgore's Fire Bolt

Fenor begins salivating when the plate is placed in front of him. He immediately begins devouring the meal at an incredible pace, as if this slim human hadn't eaten in days. In between mouthfuls he says, "Excellent! This'll get me through the day."

He frowns at Daylin, beckoning him over with a hand gesture. "Come over here. I know some home remedies that might fix you up. Barkeep, another meal and an empty bucket if you mind?" As the meal is prepared, he rifles through his spell component pouch and pulls out a small hemp sack from it. Fenor removes a pinch of salt from the sack and hands it to Daylin. "Virimian salt. Not a stylish solution, but it's guaranteed to flush out your system in a hurry. Put it under your tongue." It'll make him feel better -- by puking himself silly, of course.

Beren One-Hand
2009-10-19, 10:01 AM
Ol' Bolor

Nodding to locals and newcommers alike, the old dwarf wanders slowly into the tavern. He is dressed in a suit of studded leather that is definitely not new, with a sack over his shoulder and a large mace at his hip. His cloak billows freely and his lodestone holy symbol rests gently against his breast.

2009-10-19, 12:22 PM
Tymio enters the bar, cursing herself for leting herself sleep past time. But the bed was so uncofortamble...

Seeing Samuel ask what she can do, Tymio puts her bow over an empty table where she sits, as if stating that she has a weapon and knows how to use it.

Trust me, caves atract all kind of dirty creatures who don't like the sun. If they catch your family will be very sad. So, why take the risk? Let us make sure the caves are clean, and then you can do your job.

Now, barkeeper, another serving of that nice-smelling breakfast you gave to my companions please!

2009-10-21, 11:14 PM
The Village of Foothill, 0700 hours

Hill's Foot Inn

The innkeeper looks at Fenor, raising a curious eyebrow - apparently, whatever kind of salt that was, the innkeeper doesn't recognize it. He shrugs, however, rummaging around for a moment before pulling out a bucket. Reaching over the counter, he hands it to Fenor. "Whatever you're doing, don't get anything on my floors, and clean up after yourselves. Okay?"

Samuel looks at Tymio, his eyes not seeming to care a great deal either way. After a moment, he shrugs, and sits back down in his chair. "Aight, sounds fair enough. Hey, barkeep! 'nother ale!"

Thomas takes a moment to think about it, and after a bit, nods. He sits down, and mutters, barely comprehensible. "we'll await your return". Jarrod, however, is not convinced. Apparently a bit upset, he grabs his heavy pick, standing a little straighter. "What're you talkin' about? Why, we're the ones who first discovered the mine!" He glances at Ol'Bolor, and shrugs, "Well, with a little help and all. But still! We were there first. Just wouldn't be right if I didn't get to be there when we explored its beauty, if you know what I'm saying."

"But Jarrod!" The voice is that of a teenage girl, having just entered the inn. Indeed, you all recognize her as the mayor's daughter. "If you go, I'll be bored back here. Besides, it's not like the mines are going to be any less beautiful if you wait like, a day."

Jarrod frowns in thought, and finally sighs. "Alright, fine, Steph." He turns around to his pack, fussing with a few things, while Stephanie tosses a friendly wink Tymio's way. "But try not to bring the caves down on yourselves or nothing like that. Would ruin the beauty, you know."

Soon afterwards, one of the barmaids comes out with another meal, this one for Tymio.

2009-10-23, 11:30 AM

Slumped over in his chair trying to catch a few more minutes of rest before he has to begin his duties he hears Jarrod goading and mists a fist and shakes weakly at Jarrod for a moment when a searing toxic green translucent blade begins to slide out of his knuckles. "I'm ready.." He mumbles, forehead still resting on his forearms.

After Tymio had began her meal he finally sits straight up and yells out for his own meal. "Alright!" he shouts, slapping his hands together as if he resolved not to be hung over. "No thank you Fenor, my mother used to give me that when I ran off all day and would come home without dinner to try and figure out what I had been eating. The stuff disgusts me, I'd be sick all day from that." He says laughing

2009-10-28, 10:44 PM

"Ah yes, it does have side effects for some people. Nausea, upset stomache... Hm, just about all the things it's supposed to cure." The wizard places the salt back into his pouch and resumes eating. He glances at the mayor's daughter between bites. Lucky Jarrod. He frowns as he looks down at his own scrawny arms. "Well, at least I can impress with my brain..." He mumbles under his breath.

After he's finished with his meal, Fenor rises from his seat."I'm ready too."