View Full Version : Crimson Mantle Speculation [SoD Spoilers]

2009-09-23, 03:46 PM
I have an admittedly complicated (unnecessarily so, even) theory regarding the Crimson Mantle and, more specifically, the magical virus in Lirian's Glade.

The Crimson Mantle has the well-known benefit of slowing down, even arguably stopping the aging process. Since I haven't seen any evidence against the possibility that it stops it altogether (Redcloak says it only slows it in SoD, but Redcloak also didn't know that the mantle would protect him from Lirian's virus), my theory elaborates on the point.

Lirian's virus incapacitates Xykon, explaining that the virus is shutting down the part of the brain that deals with magic. When they are sent to the prison, Redcloak says that his cloak seems to have made him immune to the virus, even though he breathed it in. The Giant doesn't really elaborate more than that.

My theory is that the aging process is slowing if not completely freezing the virus. This would be significant because it means that, if Redcloak were ever to lose his cloak, even temporarily, the virus might come back in full force.

This may even be how Xykon plans to stop a potential uprising by Redcloak, if he has thought of it.

Biologically speaking, this theory isn't very sound when considering the virus moving through the bloodstream. However, if the Guardian virus is more magical than biological, it could simply be a timed virus, giving visiting magic-users time to be inoculated if they prove themselves to be no threat.

There are a lot of "if"s and "maybe"s, but I don't think it is unsound.

2009-09-23, 03:51 PM
An interesting idea that even makes real world sense, but its way too catgirly methinks for the ootsverse. As well, its far too complicated a plan for xykon as far as stopping redcloak insurrection. Xykon uses fear and humiliation to keep his lackeys in place, and if that fails, healthy doses of innervation. Keeping it simple seems to be his way.

B. Dandelion
2009-09-23, 04:12 PM
He took the cloak off in 149 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0149.html).

2009-09-23, 04:16 PM
Redcloak had to take the cloak off for his hobgoblin initiation ritual, and he still slew living the crap out of the hobbos' former leader. And presumably he bathes sometimes. It's not like he wears the thing constantly.

If Lirian's virus were going to take effect, it would have done so by now.

Besides, Xykon doesn't need to take the cloak away to control Redcloak. Redcloak can't beat him in an open fight unless he gets a lot of backup from some other faction (I doubt Redcloak, Jirix and Tsukiko would be strong enough together, frankly), and no threat is going to prevent Redcloak from stabbing Xykon in the back if he wants to. Xykon is counting on Redcloak not wanting to.

2009-09-23, 10:05 PM
Redcloak's immune system has probably driven out the virus by now if that is the case, which would effectively inoculate him. Xykon already has a different plan to stop redcloak from rebelling. If Xykon ceases to exist than everything that Redcloak did in SOD like killing his younger brother to save Xykon would be for nothing, which Xykon knows that Redcloak "doesn't have the balls" for. The Giant said in the introduction to both prequel books that you would not need to read them to understand anything that will ever happen in the main comic. So this won't happen.

2009-09-24, 01:34 AM
He took the cloak off in 149 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0149.html).

QFT. That pretty much kills this theory stone dead, because if Lirian's virus would activate when Redcloak took off the mantle, it would have activated then. Alternatively, you have to assume it takes a goodly while for the virus to kick in--in which case, removing the mantle is not a good way to stop Redcloak, because he retains his magic for some considerable time after you do so. Either way, theory dead in the water.

2009-09-24, 11:27 PM
I also doubt it would happen simply because Rich has said that SOD and OOPCs are supplemental to the webcomic. The stories in them are nice to know, but you don't have to read them to get anything. This means that nothing in them will impact the storyline in a major way. Rich might have a brief flashback or mention of events, but he's not going to kill off Redcloak in that way, because saying, "Hey, remember that time we were stuck under Lirian's Forest?" would cheat readers who only read the webcomic.

2009-09-24, 11:40 PM
QFT. That pretty much kills this theory stone dead, because if Lirian's virus would activate when Redcloak took off the mantle, it would have activated then. Alternatively, you have to assume it takes a goodly while for the virus to kick in--in which case, removing the mantle is not a good way to stop Redcloak, because he retains his magic for some considerable time after you do so. Either way, theory dead in the water.

What he said. If Xykon wanted to kill Redcloak, he would just do what he normally does to casters he doesn't like, cast energy drain on him until he either dies, or can't cast any more useful spells then strangle him to death.