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2009-09-24, 07:53 AM
So, everyone seems to be doing it... and this semester, I have three day weekends.

Let's Play: Shivering Isles

While randomly walking through a shop, I got my hands on the expansion pack Shivering Isles for Oblivion. After trying it for a little, I must say I like it very much: the locations are more exotic and the quests quite interesting than in Vanilla Oblivion, were these two things kept me from ever finishing the main quest. That said, I haven't got that far into the story, even if I already know the ending.

I will start this game with a new character who has just decided to explore this strange new land. I will also let the playground decide what kind of character it should be. Surprise me.

Character Race:

Breton (French/celtic people), Imperial (romans), Redguard (africans) or Nord (obviously from spain, duh)

Dunmer (Dark Elves), Bosmer (Wood Elves), Altmer (High Elves), Orsimer (Orcs)

Khajit (Catpeople), Argonian (lizardmen)

Character Specialization

Stealth, Combat or Magic

Character Motivation

Heroism: the character goes on his quest to save the world and slay bad guys. (Booooring.)

Villainy: the character goes on his quest to gain power, rule the world and take revenge on all who ever slighted him.

Greed: the character is a mercenary and, similar to the villain, out for money and power, but won't necessarily do evil things once he has them.

Science! Oooh! Look at that mushroom! I wonder what happens if I brew a potion with it. That tree looks like it might not be immune to lightning spells. What is the effect of Skooma on the people of Dementia? Someone should interview Nocturnal on her favourite brand of cheese. And why is there no decent map of the interior of this vampire-infested lava cave?

Other notes:
I will make a weekly update every Friday evening. I should also add that I have modded the hell out of my Oblivion, and will most likely continue to do so.

2009-09-24, 08:28 AM
Mhm an orc mage visiting the Shivering Isles in the name of science? Sounds like something refreshing new. :smallamused:

2009-09-24, 08:37 AM
Mhm an orc mage visiting the Shivering Isles in the name of science? Sounds like something refreshing new. :smallamused:

I like this idea.

2009-09-24, 09:42 AM
I second the orc-mage idea. Do some crazy Alchemy shenanigans with those mushrooms.

2009-09-24, 11:17 AM
A Orc Mage? Whos also a Scientist? Awesome. I third the idea.

Miss Nobody
2009-09-24, 12:02 PM
The orc mage does sound like an awesome and unique idea.

2009-09-24, 12:09 PM
The scientist orc mage gets my vote as well.

2009-09-24, 12:26 PM

Sounds good, and the orc mage would be fine, but part of me wants to see a poor Imperial tax collector trying to collect a long unpaid fine from the daedra lords of madness.

2009-09-24, 12:47 PM
I like the orc mage scientist idea. I did one like it. Orc majored in havey armor, blunt weapons, alchemy, destruction, restoration, mysticism, and conjuration. Main attributes were strength and intelligence. Born under the sign of the Apprentice (orcs have a bit of magic resist so that lowered the weakness to magic I would have suffered.)

2009-09-24, 02:57 PM
Ork Scientist, then. I think that's enough votes to start tomorrow.

I'll go check the Elder scroll nexus for a monocle and top hat mod...

Edit: I'm disappointed. It has neither.

2009-09-24, 03:20 PM
Heroism: the character goes on his quest to save the world and slay bad guys. (Booooring.)

Villainy: the character goes on his quest to gain power, rule the world and take revenge on all who ever slighted him.

Greed: the character is a mercenary and, similar to the villain, out for money and power, but won't necessarily do evil things once he has them.

Science! Oooh! Look at that mushroom! I wonder what happens if I brew a potion with it. That tree looks like it might not be immune to lightning spells. What is the effect of Skooma on the people of Dementia? Someone should interview Nocturnal on her favourite brand of cheese. And why is there no decent map of the interior of this vampire-infested lava cave?

This is the Shivering Isles we're talking about. Where the motivations for entering are things like "Some bones told be to go" or "I'm in love with the Daedra Prince of Madness" or "I'm looking for a fork." :smallbiggrin: Of those motivations, "Science!" comes the closest to capturing the spirit of the Shivering Isles, I think.

Not voting for anything else. "Science!" is all I really care about.

2009-09-24, 03:26 PM
Voting seems to already be over. "Science!" won, though.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-09-24, 03:36 PM
The scientist orc mage gets my vote as well.

This, this so hard.

2009-09-24, 03:40 PM
I'm still trying to make a sophisticated looking orc face. I think I might give up.

2009-09-24, 03:44 PM
Do a Mad Scientist! (considering where he is going) Have him smile a lot.

2009-09-24, 03:49 PM
Hmm. My current character idea is Sir Orgruk, Senior Mage of Orsinium.

2009-09-25, 07:47 AM

Journal of Sir Orgruk-gro-Korgal, Archmage of Orsinium, the 25th of Last Seed

It must have been during my time as a student of the Arcane University, when I last wrote a journal... ah, I fondly remember these times, when I was but a young orc, uncaring about the greater challenges of the world, only intent on learning the arts and, whenever my time permitted, consuming foolish amounts of mead and certain ingredients I acquired from the alchemical labs.
But I am digressing once again. If I am ever to finish this entry, I must focus on the matter at hand: my expedition.
Deciding that the end of my week-long and arduous journey from Orsinium to the Imperial city would mark the beginning of the important parts of this expedition, I began writing this journal.
Strange dreams had plagued me for days, dreams in which I saw a head with three faces upon it, made from stone, and a deep voice, calling to me:
"Come, come to the Niben Bay, my Champion." I did, of course, recognize the swirling energies in the stone head's mouth as a magical portal, and, not without a certain satisfaction, recognized that this meant that I had finally gotten the kind of attention from the divine powers I had always deserved.
Finally, after having the same dream for an entire week, I sat down and composed a letter to my dear colleague Traven, the archmage of the Arcane University of the Imperial City, asking him for his support in finding the source of these strange dreams, and for his support in outfitting an expedition.
I do not think I did ask for too much, at the time: a squad of imperial battlemages for my personal protection, some Khajiti or Argonian servants for carrying my books and alchemical equipment, scouts and guides to see us through the wilderness, food for two weeks, enough pack mules and horses to carry all these supplies and two ships to bring us to our starting point in the Niben Bay.
Not content for an answer from dear friend Traven, I set out myself, taking with me only the most necessary essentials: my robe of office, several pieces of jewellry I had inherited from my dear departed grandparents and intended to wear in the city to signify my importance and a few books to read on this journey, content in my knowledge that all else would be provided for me at my next destination. I rented a cabin on a small freight ship bound for the Imperial City, a journey which, the captain assured me, would take us two weeks at the very least. He has informed me, just know, that we will arrive the day after tomorrow. A bretonian he is and, as is only natural for one of his folk, given to the consumption of large quantities of wine and large meals, judging by his considerable girth,


I'm writing chapter one as soon as all the pictures are uploaded, which seems to take quite some time.

2009-09-25, 03:52 PM
Chapter 1: Wherein an Expedition is delayed due to Unforseen Complications

Journal of Sir Orgruk-gro-Korgal, Archmage of Orsinium, the 27th of Last Seed

The day began as promising as days can, pleasantly warm for the time of year and sunny. The quiet sounds of the Niben river, constant companions on the last part of our journey, died down as we moved into the more quiet waters of lake rumare. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/7328/oblivion200909242245346h.png
I glanced around my narrow cabin, certain that this would be the last time I would see these narrow quarters. I had spent much of my journy in here, reading, as the sailors were quaint folk and not much to my liking with their rough humour and endless racist jokes about my people. The captain, assuring me that we would arrive at our destination in less than two hours, had brought me a large scroll of papers, legal documents regarding my immigration and the reason of my journey.
Taking a quill from my supplies, I happily I obliged, not willing to obstruct imperial bureaucracy, entering data about my race, sex, age, distinguishing features, profession, specialisation and many others. Strangely, I was asked about my star sign, drawing a small, but quite successful representation of the Mage. I wondered, though, if these imperial bureaucrats were honestly believing in the popular superstition that star signs carried magical power.
Glancing at my hourglass and discovering I had still more than an hour left before our arrival, I decided to lie down for a little bit, to be well rested when I would meet my old friend Traven.
After what seemed to me to be mere moments, I awoke from a strange dream: I had seen the Emperor himself, Uriel Septim, walking through some dark tunnel, only to be assaulted by hooded figures in summoned armor, struck dead. In my dream, he held out his hand, clutching the amulet of the kings and giving it to me, muttering a name I could not understand. A most silly dream, for we all know that the emperor is most safe in his palace, surrounded by guards and his blades.
Finally, we landed at the waterfront of the Imperial City. I had not been here for more than thirty years, but the familiar stench of rotten fish, unwashed sailors and the offal of the world's largest city still assaulted my nostrils. Shouldering my bag of equipment, I made my way up to the city proper.
I made haste, wanting to avoid both the stench of the waterfront and it's unsavoury population, longing for the cleaner streets and better guarded parts of the city. Several of these characters passed by me, more than one giving me a disrespectful glance or openly lusting after my purse and expensive robe. I was certain that, were the city only in the hands of more capable hands, these thieves and criminals would all hang. I, for one, would certainly do a better job of it, if I were to be put in charge. Another thing I should mention to my dear friend Traven.
I passed through the temple district quickly, pleased to see that there were so few changes made in my long absence from our fair capital city. The buildings and major streets were almost entirely untouched, the white stone glowing in the sun. With all due reverence to the nine divines, I felt that I had more pressing concerns to attend to.
Wandering through the city, the signs of corruption became more evident: guards I passed turned their heads when I explained to them my position and importance, requesting them to serve as my bodyguards until such time as I safely reached the university and muttering about "Bloody orcs." I let this past for now, for even though such a treatment was not what I deserved, the day was pleasant and I had enough confidence in both my magical powers to resist any pickpocket or mugger and the safety of cyrodiil: it had been long since the last serious conflict had shaken the empire, and it would surely stay that way a little longer.
Finally, I reached the University itself, standing there for a moment, admiring the view. The sight was as impressive as ever, the walls and towers standing proudly erect, the bridge leading to the small island marvelously clean. It brought back many memories of my time as a student and of the many antics Traven and me had engaged in during our stay.
A group of students stood in the yard of the university, engaged in merry conversation. They paid me no mind, obviously engrossed in their idle discussions of the magical marvels imparted upon them by the university. Slightly annoyed that I was still ignored by those who should greet me with a procession and applause, I turned to the next battlemage.
"Hey, you!", I said.
"Go tell Archmage Traven that Sir Orgruk-gro-Korgal, his old friend and Archmage of Orsinium is here. I will wait for your return."
He stared at me for a moment, an incredulous expression on his face.
"Sir? Orsinium has no Archmage. Traven is the only one with this title. And he said that he will not be distrubed today."
"Nonsense. Who would know the wonders of Orsinium's magical University better than me, it's founder?", I said, beginning to lose my patience. "Go fetch him, now."
"I'm affraid I can't do that. I have no permission to..."
I must admit, at this point, I was close to losing my temper and blast this ignorant fool to ashes where he stood. Clenching my hands to fists, I turned away from him, set my jaw and said:
"So be it, then. I will go myself. But mark my words: you will pay for this when I tell Traven how you dared treat me."
I left him standing there, entering building by opening the doors with what seems, now that I'm reflecting on it, to be more force than necessary.
Several faces turned towards me, all belonging to mages of the order. I turned towards one who seemed more intelligent than most creatures I had seen today, hoping to finally make my points clear.
Without waiting for me to adress him, he spoke:
"Ah, a visitor. Listen, dear orcish fellow:
My patience was finally spent at this point.
"I have no wish to join your guild, for I am already Archmage of my own. Where is Traven!"
His eyes shifted for a moment towards a glowing Sigil in the corner of the room and it was all the information I needed. Bristling with anger now, I stepped into the magical teleporation system, only to be greeted by yet another mage:
To this day, I was prided myself on never having struck a woman, and I would not change this today. Ignoring this self-important cow, turned to Traven, who I now saw behind her.
"Ho, Traven old Friend! You should get better guards, they wouldn't let me in here to see you."
Traven seemed flustered, glancing to either side and scratching the back of his head.
"Uhm, do I know you?", he finally said.
I was flabbergasted, understandably.
"Stop the stupid jokes, Traven. It's me, Orgruk!"
Still he gave me this strange, puzzled look.
"Come on, Traven! We used to study together! You stole Argon-weed from the lab and we smoked it together on the north wall! I got you these Akavirian mushrooms you had to try. I told your girlfriend you had an important surprise exam with Ol'Silverbeardwhen you spent the afternoon in a broom closet with another girl. You hid me in your wardrobe after I had "accidentally" set the librarians beard on fire! Most weekends, you were so drunk you couldn't even find the door!"
His cheecks turned red as he heard me talk.
"I do not know this orc!", he proclaimed as the younger wizards in the room hid their smiles behind hands raised to their faces.
I finally snapped. All day I had had to endure racist jokes, irreverent guards and a treatment that was in no way appropriate for an important personage such as me.
I raised my hands, lighting crackling around my fingers as I shouted:
"You will not defy me, Traven! I am Sir Orgruk-gro-Korgal, Archmage of Orsinium and will get the respect I deserve!"
My defeat was embarassingly swift. Somehow, my magic was dispelled and a summoned Atronach swiftly transported me out to the courtyard.
"You will pay for this humiliation, Traven!", I cried my defiance at this site of corruption and treachery, over the crude laughter of the students behind the nearby bushes.

2009-09-26, 03:02 PM
A promising start. Yes, I think that Ogruk gro-Korgal will fit right in with the locals of Sheogorath's realm... :smallbiggrin: Oh, and given his personality, I assume he'll take the Mania route? He's certainly colorful enough.

By the way, are you using a mod that lets you start out on a boat instead of those sewers?

2009-09-26, 03:43 PM
Probably Mania, yes. Or I could let people vote on that. But I think the quote: "Well, I'm certainly not demented, so I should go to Mania" seems fitting.
I have about as many more pictures left as I posted there, so I think I'll write part two tomorrow.

Oh, and yes, I use the boat mod. Made for a better start for the story.

2009-09-27, 06:21 AM
Chapter 2: Wherein an Expedition is Outfitted

Stumbling out of the university, I was suddenly hit by the gravity of the situation. Here I was, in a city I hadn't seen for thirty years, with only a handful of Drakes in my pocket and a few books and alchemical tools I was not willing to part with.
My senses must have almost left me for a time, for I barely registered where my feet carried me back inside the walls of the city. The brightness of the day, with colourful trees and singing birds now seemed to be mocking my despair. I stood outside the grand arena now, a building which, even in the wildest times of my youth, had never held much attraction to me. After all, whatever transpired there was only violence, a thing which never took much sophistication to perform.
There was a scandalous sight outside the building: in the shade of a nearby pavillion, I saw a young Argonian, almost naked, obviously in the process of seducing a young woman, also in the more advanced stages of disrobing, to join him in an unspeakable act of debauchery. My shock at what transpired was enough to wake me from my depression-induced state of shock, just in time to see the woman turn in my direction and say to her companion:
It is a testament to the depths of my grief that I did not even flinch at this new racist slander towards my people. Moving on and away from the joyous cheering of the crowds inside this temple of senseless brutality, I reached the marked district.
Faced with these places of commerce, I came to the conclusion that, in order to continue my expedition, I must first acquire funds. A nearby jeweller soon gave me the idea what I must do. With a heavy heart, I took my inherited jewellry from my bag and entered the store.
The jeweller was a north, much to my surprise, for I did not think that these uncivilized people had any gift for such fine craftsmanship. He paid me a fair price for my jewellry, enough to outfit myself later, and even gave me advice, albeit useless one:
I had long ago sworn to myself that the day I would rely on staffs over my own magic would never come, for a true magician does not rely on such crutches.
Moving on, I soon came upon shops providing armaments for those inclined towards the more martial activities. Since I had always prided myself on my physical fitness, mens sano in corporum sanis (or something of the kind, my ancient imperial was never the best), as I always said, I was well able to move in such protective outfits. Deciding that now, when I wouldn't get the bodyguard I deserved, I would have to find whatever protection I could, I went inside to acquire a suit of mail.
Strangely, the shop had two keepers. It seemed that one of them cared for heavy, the other for lighter armor. Even though the use of so many candles on a bright afternoon seemed slightly wasteful to my eyes, even in a shop as dark as this one, I saw that they had a cuirass of good steel and several other pieces of gear of decent quality.
The one shopkeeper, introducing himself as Vanardo, seemed to share my opinion on what types of armor were appropriate for one as myself, even if I did not quite see why he had to tell me this so openly, or insult his business partner in the process.
After I had acquired a satisfactory suit of armor, the shopkeeper explained to me that certain corrections would still have to be made and that I should come back tomorrow while he would fit the armor to accomodate my imposing orcish physique.
After leaving the building, I moved along to the next shop down the alley, which, from the sign above the door, seemed to be selling weapons:
The shopkeeper inside was, to my dismay, an orc who seemed deterimed to prove every racist cliché about our race complete:
Unwilling to spend more time than absolutely necessary with this brute, lest his stupidity and crudeness rubbed off on me, I acquired an axe and left the shop behind.
I was surprised by the next shop, the so called Mystical Emporium: in this humble, small shoproom I found an Altmer selling spells of a potency I had never seen in Orsinium. I did, however, soon find out that he also charged prices I would not have imagined to pay for mere spells back at home. Disappointed, I acquired the single spell my resources allowed and left again.
However, just on the other side of the road, I found a shop much more to my liking: here, I could buy spells at much lower prices! After acquiring several at low prices, I left again. A short glance confirmed that night was already falling.
I entered a nearby inn, a respectable looking building, both clean and exclusive looking.
Inside, I was suddenly hit by a sobering insight: glancing over the displayed beverages and vegetables, and inhaling the smell of cooked food, I realized that I had completely forgotten the more mundane resources required on such a journey, mainly food. And soon I faced an even greater problem:
In my desire to outfit myself with the greatest possible magical resources, I had completely lost track of my monetary reserves! A meager four drakes remained in my purse.
I stumbled out of the inn backwards, mumbling apologies and painfully aware that every eye in the tavern was on me. There was at least one person whispering: "Orcs!" in the back, of that I was sure.
Faced with the new problem of finding enough food and other tools for my expedition, I walked through the dark cyrodiil night, when I came upon a large stockpile of barrels and boxes, apparently unguarded. The decision was agonizing, for my conscience would not allow me to become a thief easily, but I soon realized that, for the advancement of all imperial knowledge, I must do this. I began opening barrels when I suddenly heard the heavy steps of a guardsman coming out of a nearby alley.
I ducked behind the barrels, not even daring to breathe until the guardsman had passed. I was lucky that night, for his mind was obviously not on the task, for he was whispering something about "Emperor" and "Assassinated", which made no sense to me at the time.
After finishing my search of these boxes and barrels, I found that I had more than enough provisions now to dare attempt my expeditions: several bags of rice, grain and potatoes, as well as various mushrooms and fruit, which would also provide interesting raw material for alchemical experiments. I had even found clothing more suitable to overland movement and several other useful tools: a quill, parchment, an inkwell, a pickaxe, a smith's hammer and a few others I gladly took with me.
Not willing to just take these objects, I carefully penned a letter on one of the parchments, explaining to the unlucky owner of these objects that they were not just stolen, but taken to provision an expedition in the name of the Arcane University, and that I hoped he would understand that it was an honour for him to take part in sponsoring such an endeavour.
Now I was left with only one problem: that of a fitting place for rest this night. Fully aware that I could not pay for a room, I finally settled down in the canals beneath the city. Even though the stench was horrible, at least it was warmer down here than in the cold Last Seed night above. It pains me to write these words, but in the span of a day, I, the Archmage of Orsinium, had become a mere homeless beggar.

2009-09-27, 09:03 AM
So, he's a 1st level character, right? Despite the character's grandiose claims to the contrary.

2009-09-27, 09:10 AM
Yes. Though I probably won't explain his actual backstory, he has one.

2009-09-27, 09:49 AM
So far, it's hilarious. Especially the bit about the argonian and the woman.

Just a tip: if you use the console command 'tm' it should toggle the HUD and crosshair on and off, so you can take screenshots without the health-bar etc.

2009-09-27, 10:04 AM
Oh, really. That's useful, thanks.

Miss Nobody
2009-09-27, 11:55 AM
I really like the orc. As it was said before, the Shivering Isles are the perfect place for him. He'll fit right in and Mania does sound like the most appropriate choice for him.

2009-10-03, 10:22 AM
So, after playing for a little over half an hour, I finally realize that I didn't turn on my screencap program and had been pressing that stupid button for nothing all the time. The next update will therefore be delayed to tomorrow while I try to get motivated to do it all again.

2009-10-03, 11:56 AM
135 screenshots made. Writing tomorrow.

This is a nice preview, though:


Sadly, the game still lacks teacups and monocles.

2009-10-04, 10:41 AM
This weeks update is cursed. Firefox crashed after an afternoon of picture-uploading and writing. Update is gone. See some other day for more information. :smallmad: